initial commit for version 1.5.x patch release
[OpenFOAM-1.5.x.git] / src / conversion / meshWriter / starcd / STARCDMeshWriter.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "STARCDMeshWriter.H"
29 #include "Time.H"
30 #include "SortableList.H"
31 #include "OFstream.H"
33 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
35 const char* Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::defaultBoundaryName =
36     "Default_Boundary_Region";
38 const Foam::label Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::foamToStarFaceAddr[4][6] =
40     { 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1 },     // 11 = pro-STAR hex
41     { 0, 1, 4, 5, 2, -1 },    // 12 = pro-STAR prism
42     { 5, 4, 2, 0, -1, -1 },   // 13 = pro-STAR tetra
43     { 0, 4, 3, 5, 2, -1 }     // 14 = pro-STAR pyramid
47 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
49 Foam::label Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::findDefaultBoundary() const
51     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
53     label id = -1;
55     // find Default_Boundary_Region if it exists
56     forAll(patches, patchI)
57     {
58         if (defaultBoundaryName == patches[patchI].name())
59         {
60             id = patchI;
61             break;
62         }
63     }
64     return id;
68 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::getCellTable()
70     // read constant/polyMesh/propertyName
71     IOList<label> ioList
72     (
73         IOobject
74         (
75             "cellTableId",
76             "constant",
77             polyMesh::meshSubDir,
78             mesh_,
79             IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
80             IOobject::NO_WRITE,
81             false
82         )
83     );
85     bool useCellZones = false;
86     cellTableId_.setSize(mesh_.nCells(), -1);
88     // get information from constant/polyMesh/cellTableId if possible
89     if (ioList.headerOk())
90     {
91         if (ioList.size() == mesh_.nCells())
92         {
93             cellTableId_.transfer(ioList);
95             if (!cellTable_.size())
96             {
97                 Info<< "no cellTable information available" << endl;
98             }
99         }
100         else
101         {
102             WarningIn("STARCD::getCellTable()")
103                 << ioList.objectPath() << " has incorrect number of cells "
104                 << " - use cellZone information"
105                 << endl;
107             ioList.clear();
108             useCellZones = true;
109         }
110     }
111     else
112     {
113         useCellZones = true;
114     }
117     if (useCellZones)
118     {
119         if (!cellTable_.size())
120         {
121             Info<< "created cellTable from cellZones" << endl;
122             cellTable_ = mesh_;
123         }
125         // track if there are unzoned cells
126         label nUnzoned = mesh_.nCells();
128         // get the cellZone <-> cellTable correspondence
129         Info<< "matching cellZones to cellTable" << endl;
131         forAll (mesh_.cellZones(), zoneI)
132         {
133             const cellZone& cZone = mesh_.cellZones()[zoneI];
134             if (cZone.size())
135             {
136                 nUnzoned -= cZone.size();
138                 label tableId = cellTable_.findIndex(;
139                 if (tableId < 0)
140                 {
141                     dictionary dict;
143                     dict.add("Label",;
144                     dict.add("MaterialType", "fluid");
145                     tableId = cellTable_.append(dict);
146                 }
148                 forAll (cZone, i)
149                 {
150                     cellTableId_[cZone[i]] = tableId;
151                 }
152             }
153         }
155         if (nUnzoned)
156         {
157             dictionary dict;
159             dict.add("Label", "__unZonedCells__");
160             dict.add("MaterialType", "fluid");
161             label tableId = cellTable_.append(dict);
163             forAll (cellTableId_, i)
164             {
165                 if (cellTableId_[i] < 0)
166                 {
167                     cellTableId_[i] = tableId;
168                 }
169             }
170         }
171     }
175 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::writeHeader(Ostream& os, const char* filetype)
177     os  << "PROSTAR_" << filetype << nl
178         << 4000
179         << " " << 0
180         << " " << 0
181         << " " << 0
182         << " " << 0
183         << " " << 0
184         << " " << 0
185         << " " << 0
186         << endl;
190 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::writePoints(const fileName& prefix) const
192     OFstream os(prefix + ".vrt");
193     writeHeader(os, "VERTEX");
195     // Set the precision of the points data to 10
196     os.precision(10);
198     // force decimal point for Fortran input
199     os.setf(std::ios::showpoint);
201     const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
203     Info<< "Writing " << << " : "
204         << points.size() << " points" << endl;
206     forAll(points, ptI)
207     {
208         // convert [m] -> [mm]
209         os
210             << ptI + 1 << " "
211             << scaleFactor_ * points[ptI].x() << " "
212             << scaleFactor_ * points[ptI].y() << " "
213             << scaleFactor_ * points[ptI].z() << nl;
214     }
215     os.flush();
220 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::writeCells(const fileName& prefix) const
222     OFstream os(prefix + ".cel");
223     writeHeader(os, "CELL");
225     // this is what we seem to need
226     // map foam cellModeller index -> star shape
227     Map<label> shapeLookupIndex;
228     shapeLookupIndex.insert(hexModel->index(), 11);
229     shapeLookupIndex.insert(prismModel->index(), 12);
230     shapeLookupIndex.insert(tetModel->index(), 13);
231     shapeLookupIndex.insert(pyrModel->index(), 14);
233     const cellShapeList& shapes = mesh_.cellShapes();
234     const cellList& cells  = mesh_.cells();
235     const faceList& faces  = mesh_.faces();
236     const labelList& owner = mesh_.faceOwner();
238     Info<< "Writing " << << " : "
239         << cells.size() << " cells" << endl;
241     forAll(cells, cellId)
242     {
243         label tableId = cellTableId_[cellId];
244         label materialType  = 1;        // 1(fluid)
245         if (cellTable_.found(tableId))
246         {
247             const dictionary& dict = cellTable_[tableId];
248             if (dict.found("MaterialType"))
249             {
250                 word matType;
251                 dict.lookup("MaterialType") >> matType;
252                 if (matType == "solid")
253                 {
254                     materialType = 2;
255                 }
257             }
258         }
260         const cellShape& shape = shapes[cellId];
261         label mapIndex = shape.model().index();
263         // a registered primitive type
264         if (shapeLookupIndex.found(mapIndex))
265         {
266             label shapeId = shapeLookupIndex[mapIndex];
267             const labelList& vrtList = shapes[cellId];
269             os  << cellId + 1
270                 << " " << shapeId
271                 << " " << vrtList.size()
272                 << " " << tableId
273                 << " " << materialType;
275             // primitives have <= 8 vertices, but prevent overrun anyhow
276             // indent following lines for ease of reading
277             label count = 0;
278             forAll(vrtList, i)
279             {
280                 if ((count % 8) == 0)
281                 {
282                     os  << nl
283                         << "  " << cellId + 1;
284                 }
285                 os << " " << vrtList[i] + 1;
286                 count++;
287             }
288             os << endl;
290         }
291         else
292         {
293             label shapeId = 255;        // treat as general polyhedral
294             const labelList& cFaces  = cells[cellId];
296             // create (beg,end) indices
297             List<label> indices(cFaces.size() + 1);
298             indices[0] = indices.size();
300             label count = indices.size();
301             // determine the total number of vertices
302             forAll(cFaces, faceI)
303             {
304                 count += faces[cFaces[faceI]].size();
305                 indices[faceI+1] = count;
306             }
308             os  << cellId + 1
309                 << " " << shapeId
310                 << " " << count
311                 << " " << tableId
312                 << " " << materialType;
314             // write indices - max 8 per line
315             // indent following lines for ease of reading
316             count = 0;
317             forAll(indices, i)
318             {
319                 if ((count % 8) == 0)
320                 {
321                     os  << nl
322                         << "  " << cellId + 1;
323                 }
324                 os << " " << indices[i];
325                 count++;
326             }
328             // write faces - max 8 per line
329             forAll(cFaces, faceI)
330             {
331                 label meshFace = cFaces[faceI];
332                 face f;
334                 if (owner[meshFace] == cellId)
335                 {
336                     f = faces[meshFace];
337                 }
338                 else
339                 {
340                     f = faces[meshFace].reverseFace();
341                 }
343                 forAll(f, i)
344                 {
345                     if ((count % 8) == 0)
346                     {
347                         os  << nl
348                             << "  " << cellId + 1;
349                     }
351                     os << " " << f[i] + 1;
352                     count++;
353                 }
354             }
356             os << endl;
357         }
358     }
362 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::writeBoundary(const fileName& prefix) const
364     OFstream os(prefix + ".bnd");
365     writeHeader(os, "BOUNDARY");
367     const cellShapeList& shapes = mesh_.cellShapes();
368     const cellList& cells  = mesh_.cells();
369     const faceList& faces  = mesh_.faces();
370     const labelList& owner = mesh_.faceOwner();
371     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
373     // this is what we seem to need
374     // these MUST correspond to foamToStarFaceAddr
375     //
376     Map<label> faceLookupIndex;
377     faceLookupIndex.insert(hexModel->index(), 0);
378     faceLookupIndex.insert(prismModel->index(), 1);
379     faceLookupIndex.insert(tetModel->index(), 2);
380     faceLookupIndex.insert(pyrModel->index(), 3);
382     Info<< "Writing " << << " : "
383         << (mesh_.nFaces() - patches[0].start()) << " boundaries" << endl;
386     label defaultId = findDefaultBoundary();
388     //
389     // write boundary faces - skip Default_Boundary_Region entirely
390     //
391     label boundId = 0;
392     forAll(patches, patchI)
393     {
394         label regionId = patchI;
395         if (regionId == defaultId)
396         {
397             continue;   // skip - already written
398         }
399         else if (defaultId == -1 || regionId < defaultId)
400         {
401             regionId++;
402         }
404         label patchStart = patches[patchI].start();
405         label patchSize  = patches[patchI].size();
406         word  bndType = boundaryRegion_.boundaryType(patches[patchI].name());
408         for
409         (
410             label faceI = patchStart;
411             faceI < (patchStart + patchSize);
412             ++faceI
413         )
414         {
415             label cellId = owner[faceI];
416             const labelList& cFaces  = cells[cellId];
417             const cellShape& shape = shapes[cellId];
418             label cellFaceId = findIndex(cFaces, faceI);
420             //      Info<< "cell " << cellId + 1 << " face " << faceI
421             //          << " == " << faces[faceI]
422             //          << " is index " << cellFaceId << " from " << cFaces;
424             // Unfortunately, the order of faces returned by
425             //   primitiveMesh::cells() is not necessarily the same
426             //   as defined by primitiveMesh::cellShapes()
427             // Thus, for registered primitive types, do the lookup ourselves.
428             // Finally, the cellModel face number is re-mapped to the
429             // STAR-CD local face number
431             label mapIndex = shape.model().index();
433             // a registered primitive type
434             if (faceLookupIndex.found(mapIndex))
435             {
436                 const faceList sFaces = shape.faces();
437                 forAll(sFaces, sFaceI)
438                 {
439                     if (faces[faceI] == sFaces[sFaceI])
440                     {
441                         cellFaceId = sFaceI;
442                         break;
443                     }
444                 }
446                 mapIndex = faceLookupIndex[mapIndex];
447                 cellFaceId = foamToStarFaceAddr[mapIndex][cellFaceId];
448             }
449             // Info<< endl;
451             boundId++;
453             os
454                 << boundId
455                 << " " << cellId + 1
456                 << " " << cellFaceId + 1
457                 << " " << regionId
458                 << " " << 0
459                 << " " << bndType.c_str()
460                 << endl;
461         }
462     }
466 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
468 Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::STARCD
470     const polyMesh& mesh,
471     const scalar scaleFactor
474     meshWriter(mesh, scaleFactor)
476     boundaryRegion_.readDict(mesh_);
477     cellTable_.readDict(mesh_);
478     getCellTable();
482 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
484 Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::~STARCD()
488 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
490 void Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::rmFiles(const fileName& baseName) const
492     rm(baseName + ".vrt");
493     rm(baseName + ".cel");
494     rm(baseName + ".bnd");
495     rm(baseName + ".inp");
499 bool Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::write(const fileName& meshName) const
501     fileName baseName(meshName);
503     if (!baseName.size())
504     {
505         baseName = meshWriter::defaultMeshName;
507         if
508         (
509             mesh_.time().timeName() != "0"
510          && mesh_.time().timeName() != "constant"
511         )
512         {
513             baseName += "_" + mesh_.time().timeName();
514         }
515     }
517     rmFiles(baseName);
518     writePoints(baseName);
519     writeCells(baseName);
521     if (writeBoundary_)
522     {
523         writeBoundary(baseName);
524     }
526     return true;
530 bool Foam::meshWriters::STARCD::writeSurface
532     const fileName& meshName,
533     const bool& triangulate
534 ) const
536     fileName baseName(meshName);
538     if (!baseName.size())
539     {
540         baseName = meshWriter::defaultSurfaceName;
542         if
543         (
544             mesh_.time().timeName() != "0"
545          && mesh_.time().timeName() != "constant"
546         )
547         {
548             baseName += "_" + mesh_.time().timeName();
549         }
550     }
552     rmFiles(baseName);
554     OFstream celFile(baseName + ".cel");
555     writeHeader(celFile, "CELL");
557     Info << "Writing " << << endl;
559     // mesh and patch info
560     const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
561     const labelList& owner = mesh_.faceOwner();
562     const faceList& meshFaces = mesh_.faces();
563     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
565     label shapeId = 3;  // shell/baffle element
566     label typeId  = 4;  // 4(shell)
568     // remember which points need to be written
569     labelHashSet pointHash;
571     // write boundary faces as normal STAR-CD mesh
572     if (triangulate)
573     {
574         // cell Id has no particular meaning - just increment
575         // use the cellTable id from the patch Number
576         label cellId = 0;
578         forAll(patches, patchI)
579         {
580             label patchStart = patches[patchI].start();
581             label patchSize  = patches[patchI].size();
583             label ctableId = patchI + 1;
585             for
586             (
587                 label faceI = patchStart;
588                 faceI < (patchStart + patchSize);
589                 ++faceI
590             )
591             {
592                 const face& f = meshFaces[faceI];
594                 label nTri = f.nTriangles(points);
595                 faceList triFaces;
597                 // triangulate polygons, but not quads
598                 if (nTri <= 2)
599                 {
600                     triFaces.setSize(1);
601                     triFaces[0] = f;
602                 }
603                 else
604                 {
605                     triFaces.setSize(nTri);
606                     nTri = 0;
607                     f.triangles(points, nTri, triFaces);
608                 }
610                 forAll(triFaces, faceI)
611                 {
612                     const labelList& vrtList = triFaces[faceI];
614                     celFile
615                         << cellId + 1 << " "
616                         << shapeId << " "
617                         << vrtList.size() << " "
618                         << ctableId << " "
619                         << typeId;
621                     // must be 3 (triangle) but could be quad
622                     label count = 0;
623                     forAll(vrtList, i)
624                     {
625                         if ((count % 8) == 0)
626                         {
627                             celFile
628                                 << nl
629                                 << "  " << cellId + 1;
630                         }
631                         // remember which points we'll need to write
632                         pointHash.insert(vrtList[i]);
633                         celFile << " " << vrtList[i] + 1;
634                         count++;
635                     }
636                     celFile << endl;
638                     cellId++;
639                 }
640             }
641         }
642     }
643     else
644     {
645         // cell Id is the OpenFOAM face Id
646         // use the cellTable id from the face owner
647         // - allows separation of parts
648         forAll(patches, patchI)
649         {
650             label patchStart = patches[patchI].start();
651             label patchSize  = patches[patchI].size();
653             for
654             (
655                 label faceI = patchStart;
656                 faceI < (patchStart + patchSize);
657                 ++faceI
658             )
659             {
660                 const labelList& vrtList = meshFaces[faceI];
661                 label cellId = faceI;
663                 celFile
664                     << cellId + 1 << " "
665                     << shapeId << " "
666                     << vrtList.size() << " "
667                     << cellTableId_[owner[faceI]] << " "
668                     << typeId;
670                 // likely <= 8 vertices, but prevent overrun anyhow
671                 label count = 0;
672                 forAll(vrtList, i)
673                 {
674                     if ((count % 8) == 0)
675                     {
676                         celFile
677                             << nl
678                             << "  " << cellId + 1;
679                     }
680                     // remember which points we'll need to write
681                     pointHash.insert(vrtList[i]);
682                     celFile << " " << vrtList[i] + 1;
683                     count++;
684                 }
685                 celFile << endl;
686             }
687         }
688     }
690     OFstream vrtFile(baseName + ".vrt");
691     writeHeader(vrtFile, "VERTEX");
693     vrtFile.precision(10);
694     vrtFile.setf(std::ios::showpoint);  // force decimal point for Fortran
696     Info << "Writing " << << endl;
698     // build sorted table of contents
699     SortableList<label> toc(pointHash.size());
700     {
701         label i = 0;
702         forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, pointHash, iter)
703         {
704             toc[i++] = iter.key();
705         }
706     }
707     toc.sort();
708     pointHash.clear();
710     // write points in sorted order
711     forAll(toc, i)
712     {
713         label vrtId = toc[i];
714         vrtFile
715             << vrtId + 1
716             << " " << scaleFactor_ * points[vrtId].x()
717             << " " << scaleFactor_ * points[vrtId].y()
718             << " " << scaleFactor_ * points[vrtId].z()
719             << endl;
720     }
722     return true;
726 // ************************************************************************* //