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2 <TITLE>Monkey + PHP : English Version</TITLE>
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8 <H2>Monkey + PHP</H2>
10 Before we begin with the intructions of configuring and installing PHP,
11 we assume you already have Monkey installed on your system.<BR><BR>
12 It doesnt matter if you already have PHP installed running with Apache or another httpd,
13 because you can install PHP in another directory it will be perfectly compatible.
14 <br>
15 <br>
16 <li><b>Download the Lastest version of PHP: </b><br>
17 <ol>
18 In the official site <a href="http://www.php.net">http://www-php.net</a> you can find the latest version of this great
19 hypertext preprocesor.
20 </ol>
22 <li><b>Installing PHP for Monkey :</b><br>
23 <ol>
24 From the command line :<br><br>
25 <ol>
26 # tar zxfv php-4.x.x.tar.gz<br>
27 # cd php-4.x.x<br>
28 # ./configure --prefix=/home/my_home/php/<br>
29 # make<br>
30 # make install<br>
31 </ol>
32 <br>
33 That will install PHP in your home directory. If you wish to add <a href="www.mysql.com">MySQL</a> support,<br>
34 you have to add the option --with-mysql to the configure command, or any other option that you may might want
35 to enable.
36 <BR>
37 </ol>
38 <li><b> Adding the PHP libraries to the system :</b><br>
39 <ol>
40 Now we must copy the PHP configuration file (php.ini-dist) located in the same directory
41 where the source code for Monkey is located to the direcotiry where we have just installed PHP and with the
42 destination file name of "php.ini":<br>
43 <br>
44 <ol># cp php.ini-dist /home/my_home/php/lib/php.ini</ol>
45 </ol>
47 <ol>
48 The following steps must be executed has <b>root</b>.
49 Add this line at the end of "/etc/ld.so.conf" :<BR>
50 <br>
51 <ol>/home/my_home/php/lib</ol>
52 <br>
53 Afterwards run the following command:<BR><BR>
54 <ol># ldconfig</ol>
55 </ol>
57 <li><b>Reconfiguring monkey.conf :</b><br>
58 <ol>
59 Having installed PHP correctly, we must edit and reconfigure the monkey.conf file (conf/monkey.conf)<BR>
60 <br>
61 In the file, we must define the mime type and the interpreter to process the PHP files, so you must add the following line:
62 <br>
63 <br>
64 <ol>AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php</ol>
65 <br>
66 With this defined, you can now process files with .php extentions. If
67 you wish to add more extentions so they can be looked at the PHP, you must add
68 the same line we wrote above with more extentions.
69 </ol>
71 Any problems or questions :
72 <a href="mailto:edsiper@users.sf.net">
73 edsiper@users.sf.net
74 </a>. ;-)
75 <BR><BR>
76 Translated by <a href="mailto:unixoz@tux.cl"> Davidlohr Bueso</a>
77 and <a href="mailto:phumphreys@rm.com"> Pablo Humphreys</a>
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