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1 <HTML>
2 <HEAD>
3 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
4 <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Ulrich Luckas">
5 <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.6 sun4m) [Netscape]">
7 </HEAD>
8 <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000">
9 &nbsp;
11 <TR>
12 <TD><IMG SRC="Title.gif" HEIGHT=120 WIDTH=150 ALIGN=CENTER>&nbsp;</TD>
14 <TD>
15 </CENTER>
16 <H1>
17 MUMail version %VERSION_MAJOR%</H1></CENTER>
18 </TD>
19 </TR>
21 &nbsp;
23 <H2>Table of Contents</H2>
24 <UL>
25 <LI><a href="#What">What is it</a>
26 <LI><a href="#New">What's new</a>
27 <LI><a href="#Features">Features</a>
28 <LI><a href="#Limitations">Konwn limitations</a>
29 <LI><a href="#Future">Future plans</a>
30 <LI><a href="#Parameter">Parameter</a>
31 <LI><a href="#Try">How to try it</a>
32 <LI><a href="#Security">Security restrictions</a>
33 <LI><a href="#Demo">Online demo</a>
34 <LI><a href="#Download">Download</a>
35 <LI><a href="#Copyright">Copyright</a>
36 <LI><a href="#Licensing">Licensing</a>
37 <LI><a href="#Authors">The designers</a>
38 </UL>
40 <H2><a name="What"></a>
41 What is it</H2>
42 MUMail is a Java applet designed to let you read your mail from your home
43 page. So you can read your mail when there is no mail reader available,
44 or if you don't want to change the configuration of someone else's mail
45 reader. All you need is a Java 1.1 compliant Web browser.
47 <H2><a name="New"></a>
48 What's new</H2>
50 <UL>
51 <LI>Online/Offline mode
52 </LI>
54 <LI>Caching of downloaded mail's
55 </LI>
57 <LI>Threaded and hence interruptable network I/O
58 </LI>
60 <LI>New StatusPanel with ProgressBar and LED
61 </LI>
63 <LI>New <A HREF="#Parameter">Parameter</A> <TT>MailDomain</TT>
64 </LI>
66 <LI>Over <font color="#ff0000">10.000</font> downloads and still counting!
67 </LI>
68 </UL>
70 <H2><a name="Features"></a>
71 Features</H2>
73 <UL>
74 <LI>
75 <A HREF="#Licensing">Free software</A> under the terms of the GNU General Public License</LI>
77 <LI>
78 Platform independent</LI>
80 <LI>
81 Only %JAR_SIZE% K <A HREF="#Download">JAR file</A></LI>
83 <LI>
84 Easy to use GUI</LI>
86 <LI>
87 Nice art work</LI>
89 <LI>
90 POP3 protocol support</LI>
92 <LI>
93 SMTP protocol support</LI>
95 <LI>
96 MIME compliant</LI>
98 <LI>
99 Support for most common body part types: text, multipart, image, audio,
100 application-octetstream</LI>
102 <LI>
103 Extendable through user supplied MIME classes</LI>
104 </UL>
106 <H2><a name="Limitations"></a>
107 Konwn limitations</H2>
109 <UL>
110 <LI>Maleformed MIME messages can cause Java exceptions.</LI></UL>
112 <H2><a name="Future"></a>
113 Future plans</H2>
115 <UL>
116 <LI>
117 Improve GUI with JFC/Swing</LI>
119 <LI>
120 IMAP4 (folder) support</LI>
122 </UL>
124 <H2><a name="Parameter"></a>
125 Parameter</H2>
127 <H4>
128 Applet:</H4>
130 Here is a list of all applet parameters MUMail knows:
132 <TABLE border="1">
133 <TR>
134 <TH>
135 Name
136 </TH>
137 <TH>
139 </TH>
140 <TH>
141 Description
142 </TH>
143 </TR>
144 <TR>
145 <TD>PopHost</TD>
146 <TD>String</TD>
147 <TD>name of POP3 server</TD>
148 </TR>
149 <TR>
150 <TD>SmtpHost</TD>
151 <TD>String</TD>
152 <TD>name of SMTP server</TD>
153 </TR>
154 <TR>
155 <TD>PopPort</TD>
156 <TD>Integer</TD>
157 <TD>portnumber of POP3 server (usually 110)</TD>
158 </TR>
159 <TR>
160 <TD>SmtpPort</TD>
161 <TD>Integer</TD>
162 <TD>portnumber of SMTP server (usually 25)</TD>
163 </TR>
164 <TR>
165 <TD>User</TD>
166 <TD>String</TD>
167 <TD>login name for POP3 authentication</TD>
168 </TR>
169 <TR>
170 <TD>Password</TD>
171 <TD>String</TD>
172 <TD>password for POP3 authentication (<font color="#FF0000">Warning: Do not use on public webpages!</font>)</TD>
173 </TR>
174 <TR>
175 <TD>showFontChoice</TD>
176 <TD>boolean</TD>
177 <TD>true enables changing of fonts of mail bodys view</TD>
178 </TR>
179 <TR>
180 <TD>novice</TD>
181 <TD>boolean</TD>
182 <TD>true disables possibility to configure server names und ports at runtime -
183 useful for novice users at preconfigured sites.</TD>
184 </TR>
185 <TR>
186 <TD>authorizedSend</TD>
187 <TD>boolean</TD>
188 <TD>true disables possibility to send mail without authorizing on POP3 server.
189 After succesful login, sending is allowed; but not to change
190 the <em>From:</em> field.</TD>
191 </TR>
192 <TR>
193 <TD>headerListRows</TD>
194 <TD>Integer</TD>
195 <TD>changes the number of rows displayed in list of mail headers (1<<em>x</em><20)</TD>
196 </TR>
197 <TR>
198 <TD>MailDomain</TD>
199 <TD>String</TD>
200 <TD>domain name part of this sites email adresses</TD>
201 </TR>
202 </TABLE>
204 <H4>
205 Application:</H4>
207 To get a list of parameters simply run MUMail as:
209 <TT>java&nbsp;mumail.MUMail&nbsp;-h</TT>
211 <H2><a name="Try"></a>
212 How to try it</H2>
214 <H4>
215 Applet:</H4>
216 Make sure your browser supports Java 1.1 applets. Browsers known to support
217 Java 1.1:
218 <UL>
219 <LI>
220 Sun's HotJava 1.1/3.0</LI>
222 <LI>
223 Netscape Navigator 4.07 and later</LI>
225 <LI>
226 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 and later</LI>
228 <LI>
229 Sun JDK 1.1 and later Appletviewer</LI>
231 <LI>
232 Also notice Sun's <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/products/activator/">Java Plug-In project</A></LI>
233 </UL>
234 Next you need a Web server and a POP3 server. Due to java's applet security
235 feature both
236 servers need to be on the same host. This restriction can be worked around
237 on the Sun products by disabling the corresponding security settings (see&nbsp;
238 <A HREF="#Security">Security Restrictions</A>).
240 <P>Download <TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.zip">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.zip</A></TT>&nbsp;
241 (~ %ZIP_SIZE%K), <TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.gz">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.gz</A></TT> (~ %TAR_SIZE%K) or <TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.bz2">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.bz2</A></TT>
242 (~ %BZIP_SIZE%K) and unpack it in a directory that is published by your
243 Web server. This creates a directory called MUMail containing these files:
244 <UL>
245 <LI>
246 <TT>MUMail.html</TT></LI>
248 <LI>
249 <TT>MUMail.jar</TT></LI>
251 <LI>
252 <TT>MUMail.gif</TT></LI>
254 <LI>
255 <TT>Title.gif</TT></LI>
257 <LI>
258 <TT>Screenshot.gif</TT></LI>
260 <LI>
263 <LI>
264 <TT>gpl.html</TT></LI>
266 <LI>
267 <TT>philosophical-gnu-sm.jpg</TT></LI>
268 </UL>
269 Now load <EM>http://xxx.xxx.xxx/xxx/MUMail/MUMail.html</EM>
270 into your browser and start reading Mail.
271 <BR>&nbsp;
272 <H4>
273 <A NAME="Application"></A>Application:</H4>
274 You can also run MUMail as a java application if you have Sun's JRE or
275 JDK available.
277 <P>To start MUMail you need to copy MUMail.jar and MUMail.gif into one
278 directory. Change to that directory and start the class <TT>mumail.MUMail</TT>.
279 <BR>On a UNIX machine for example you can use a script just like the one
280 below. Enter the MUMail directory name, your POP3 and your SMTP server
281 name into the script below. Make it executable and start it.<TT></TT>
283 <P><TT>#!/bin/sh</TT><TT></TT>
285 <P><TT>MUDIR="enter your installation directory here"</TT>
286 <BR><TT>POPSRV="your POP3 server"</TT>
287 <BR><TT>SMTPSRV="your SMTP server"</TT><TT></TT>
289 <P><TT>cd "$MUDIR"</TT><TT></TT>
291 <P><TT>if [ -z "$CLASSPATH" ]; then</TT>
292 <BR><TT>&nbsp; if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then</TT>
293 <BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CLASSPATH="$JAVA_HOME"/lib/classes.zip</TT>
294 <BR><TT>&nbsp; elif [ -n "$JDK_HOME" ]; then</TT>
295 <BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CLASSPATH="$JDK_HOME"/lib/classes.zip</TT>
296 <BR><TT>&nbsp; elif [ -n "$JRE_HOME" ]; then</TT>
297 <BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CLASSPATH="$JRE_HOME"/lib/classes.zip</TT>
298 <BR><TT>&nbsp; fi</TT>
299 <BR><TT>fi</TT><TT></TT>
301 <P><TT>java -classpath "$MUDIR"/MUMail.jar:"$CLASSPATH" mumail.MUMail \</TT>
302 <BR><TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -pophost "$POPSRV" -smtphost "$SMTPSRV"</TT>
303 <BR><TT>&nbsp;</TT>
304 <H2>
305 <A NAME="Security"></A>Security restrictions</H2>
306 Java security restriction prevent an applet from connecting to any host
307 on the network except where the applet was loaded from. This means to MUMail
308 when run as an applet that it can only connect to a POP3 server on the
309 same host where your Web server is running.
311 <P>Sun's HotJava, the Appletviewer from most (SUN-based) JDK's and also
312 MS InternetExplorer 4/5 have ways to relax
313 security settings though. If you relax the security settings you will be
314 able to read mail from any POP3 server on the Internet.
316 <P>For Appletviewer you select <B><I>Properties...</I></B> from the <B><I>Applet</I></B>
317 menu and change <B><I>Network access:</I></B> to <B><I>Unrestricted</I></B>.
319 <P>For HotJava1.x select <B><I>Preferences -> Applet security... </I></B>from
320 the <B><I>Edit</I></B> menu and select <B><I>Medium Security</I></B> for
321 <B><I>Unsigned Applets</I></B>. Hit the <B><I>Apply</I></B> button and
322 you are all set. With medium permission set HotJava will ask permission
323 for all restricted actions. Just <I>allow this action</I> when you are
324 asked for permission to connect to your POP server.
326 <P>For HotJava3.0 select <B><I>Edit -> Security Preferences...</I></B>. In
327 the upcoming dialog switch to <B><I>Advandced</I></B> Security Administration
328 Mode. Select the listentry <B><I>Applet and JavaScript</I></B> and switch
329 to the <B><I>Ask first</I></B> choice.
331 <P>Microsoft InternetExplorer allows in the <B><I>Internet Option</I></B>
332 Dialog under tab <B><I>Security</I></B> to change also Java security
333 restrictions.
335 <P>So if you relaxed your security settings you can try the applet right
336 <A HREF="#Demo">here</A>.
337 <H2>
338 <A NAME="Demo"></A>Online demo</H2>
340 <CENTER><APPLET codebase="." code="mumail.MUMail" align="baseline" width="600" height="440" archive="MUMail.jar"><PARAM name="User" value="enter_your_name"><I>your
341 browser isn't Java-enabled, so you can only see a screenshot of the applet!</I>&nbsp;<IMG SRC="Screenshot.gif" BORDER=1 >&nbsp;</APPLET></CENTER>
343 <H2><A NAME="Download"></A>Download</H2></H2>
345 <UL>
346 <LI><TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.zip">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.zip</A></TT>&nbsp;(~ %ZIP_SIZE%K)
347 <LI><TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.gz">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.gz</A></TT>(~ %TAR_SIZE%K)
348 <LI><TT><A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.bz2">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.tar.bz2</A></TT>(~ %BZIP_SIZE%K)
349 <LI><TT>Source: <A HREF="MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.src.tar.gz">MUMail.%VERSION_MINOR%.src.tar.gz</A></TT>(~ %SRC_SIZE%K)
350 <LI><TT>Old Source: <A HREF="MUMail.1.2.10.src.tar.gz">MUMail.1.2.10.src.tar.gz</A></TT>(~ 20K)
351 </UL>
353 <H2><a name="Copyright"></a>
354 Copyright</H2>
355 All copyrights by Mark T&uuml;mpfel, Uli Luckas and Steffi Schneider.
356 <H2>
357 <A NAME="Licensing"></A>Licensing</H2>
360 This program is free software;
361 you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
362 as published by the Free Software Foundation;
363 either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
366 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
367 without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
370 See the
371 <A HREF="gpl.html">GNU General Public License</A>
372 for more details.
374 <P>The authors kindly request a picture postcard to
375 <UL><TT>Uli Luckas</TT>
376 <BR><TT>Derfflingerstr. 29</TT>
377 <BR><TT>D-10785 Berlin</TT>
378 <BR><TT>Germany</TT></UL>
379 from anyone who likes the product.
380 <H2>
381 <A NAME="Authors"></A>The designers</H2>
383 <UL>
384 <LI>
385 GUI design and implementation: <A HREF="mailto:marktop@cs.tu-berlin.de">Mark
386 T&uuml;mpfel</A>.</LI>
388 <LI>
389 Networking code and mail management: <A HREF="mailto:Uli%20Luckas%20%3cluckas@cs.tu-berlin.de%3e">Uli
390 Luckas</A></LI>
392 <LI>
393 Art work: <A HREF="mailto:Steffi%20Schneider%20%3cSchneider.Steffi@web.de%3e">Steffi
394 Schneider</A></LI>
395 </UL>
397 <CENTER>
398 <HR WIDTH="100%"><FONT SIZE=-2>This page has been accessed&nbsp;<accessed>
399 times.</FONT></CENTER>
401 </BODY>
402 </HTML>