update lift to 29.11.2007 version
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / dev / lift.lisp
1 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Package: lift -*-
3 (in-package #:lift)
5 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
6 (export '(test-mixin
7 testsuite-p
8 *test-result*
9 *current-test*
10 last-test-status
11 suite-tested-p
12 failures
13 errors
14 ensure-cases
15 ensure-random-cases
16 deftestsuite
17 addtest
18 remove-test
19 run-test
20 run-tests
22 measure-time
23 measure-conses
24 with-profile-report
26 ;; Variables
27 *test-ignore-warnings?*
28 *test-break-on-errors?*
29 *test-print-length*
30 *test-print-level*
31 *test-print-when-defined?*
32 *test-evaluate-when-defined?*
33 *test-describe-if-not-successful?*
34 *test-maximum-time*
35 *test-print-testsuite-names*
36 *test-print-test-case-names*
38 *test-scratchpad*
39 *test-notepad*
40 *lift-equality-test*
41 *lift-debug-output*
43 ;; Other
44 ensure
45 ensure-null
46 ensure-same
47 ensure-different
48 ensure-condition
49 ensure-warning
50 ensure-error
52 ;;?? Not yet
53 ;; with-test
55 list-tests
56 print-tests
57 map-testsuites
58 testsuites
59 testsuite-tests
61 suite
62 find-testsuite
63 find-test-case
64 ensure-random-cases-failure
65 random-instance-for-suite
66 defrandom-instance
67 ensure-random-cases
68 ensure-random-cases+
69 random-element
70 random-number
71 an-integer
72 a-double-float
73 a-single-float
74 a-symbol
76 lift-result
77 lift-property)))
79 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 ;;; shared stuff
81 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 (defgeneric get-class (thing &key error?)
84 (:documentation "Returns the class of thing or nil if the class cannot be found. Thing can be a class, an object representing a class or a symbol naming a class. Get-class is like find-class only not as particular.")
85 (:method ((thing symbol) &key error?)
86 (find-class thing error?))
87 (:method ((thing standard-object) &key error?)
88 (declare (ignore error?))
89 (class-of thing))
90 (:method ((thing t) &key error?)
91 (declare (ignore error?))
92 (class-of thing))
93 (:method ((thing class) &key error?)
94 (declare (ignore error?))
95 thing))
97 (defun direct-subclasses (thing)
98 "Returns the immediate subclasses of thing. Thing can be a class, object or symbol naming a class."
99 (class-direct-subclasses (get-class thing)))
101 (defun map-subclasses (class fn &key proper?)
102 "Applies fn to each subclass of class. If proper? is true, then
103 the class itself is not included in the mapping. Proper? defaults to nil."
104 (let ((mapped (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
105 (labels ((mapped-p (class)
106 (gethash class mapped))
107 (do-it (class root)
108 (unless (mapped-p class)
109 (setf (gethash class mapped) t)
110 (unless (and proper? root)
111 (funcall fn class))
112 (mapc (lambda (class)
113 (do-it class nil))
114 (direct-subclasses class)))))
115 (do-it (get-class class) t))))
117 (defun subclasses (class &key (proper? t))
118 "Returns all of the subclasses of the class including the class itself."
119 (let ((result nil))
120 (map-subclasses class (lambda (class)
121 (push class result))
122 :proper? proper?)
123 (nreverse result)))
125 (defun superclasses (thing &key (proper? t))
126 "Returns a list of superclasses of thing. Thing can be a class, object or symbol naming a class. The list of classes returned is 'proper'; it does not include the class itself."
127 (let ((result (class-precedence-list (get-class thing))))
128 (if proper? (rest result) result)))
130 (defun direct-superclasses (thing)
131 "Returns the immediate superclasses of thing. Thing can be a class, object or symbol naming a class."
132 (class-direct-superclasses (get-class thing)))
134 (declaim (inline length-1-list-p))
135 (defun length-1-list-p (x)
136 "Is x a list of length 1?"
137 (and (consp x) (null (cdr x))))
139 (defmacro defclass-property (property &optional (default nil default-supplied?))
140 "Create getter and setter methods for 'property' on symbol's property lists."
141 (let ((real-name (intern (format nil "~:@(~A~)" property) :keyword)))
142 `(progn
143 (defgeneric ,property (symbol))
144 (defgeneric (setf ,property) (value symbol))
145 (defmethod ,property ((class-name symbol))
146 (get class-name ,real-name ,@(when default-supplied? (list default))))
147 (defmethod (setf ,property) (value (class-name symbol))
148 (setf (get class-name ,real-name) value)))))
150 (defvar *automatic-slot-accessors?* nil)
151 (defvar *automatic-slot-initargs?* nil)
152 (defvar *clos-slot-options*
153 '(:initform :initarg :reader :writer
154 :accessor :documentation :type
155 :allocation))
157 (defun parse-brief-slot
158 (slot &optional
159 (automatic-accessors? *automatic-slot-accessors?*)
160 (automatic-initargs? *automatic-slot-initargs?*)
161 conc-name
162 (conc-separator "-"))
163 "Returns a verbose-style slot specification given a brief style, consisting of
164 a single symbol, the name of the slot, or a list of the slot name, optional
165 initform, optional symbol specifying whether there is an initarg, reader, or
166 accessor, and optional documentation string. The specification of initarg,
167 reader and accessor is done by the letters I, R and A, respectively; to specify
168 none of those, give a symbol containing none of those letters, such as the
169 symbol *. This function is used in the macro `defclass-brief,' but has been
170 broken out as a function in its own right for those writing variants on the
171 `defclass' macro. If a verbose-style slot specification is given, it is
172 returned unchanged.
174 If `automatic-accessors? is true, an accessor is defined, whether A is
175 specified or not _unless_ R is specified. If `automatic-initargs? is true,
176 an initarg is defined whether I is specified or not. If `conc-name' is
177 specified, the accessor name has that prepended, with conc-separator, and then
178 the slot name.
180 All other CLOS slot options are processed normally."
182 ;; check types
183 (etypecase slot
184 (symbol (setf slot (list slot)))
185 (list nil))
187 (let* ((name (pop slot))
188 (new-slot (list name))
189 (done-initform? nil)
190 (done-spec? nil)
191 (done-documentation? nil)
192 (reader-added? nil)
193 (accessor-added? nil)
194 (initargs-added? nil))
195 (flet ((make-conc-name ()
196 (if conc-name
197 (intern (format nil "~@:(~A~A~A~)"
198 conc-name conc-separator name))
199 name))
201 (add-option (option argument)
202 (push option new-slot)
203 (push argument new-slot))
205 ;; Remove duplicate options before returning the slot spec.
206 (finish-new-slot (slot)
207 ;; XXX This code is overly loopy and opaque ---L
208 (destructuring-bind (slot-name &rest options) slot
209 (let ((opts (make-hash-table)))
210 (loop for (key val . d) = options then d
211 while key
212 doing (pushnew val (gethash key opts nil) :test #'equal))
213 (loop for key being each hash-key of opts using (hash-value vals)
214 nconc (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (list key x)) vals) into spec
215 finally (return (cons slot-name spec)))))))
217 (do* ((items slot (rest items))
218 (item (first items) (first items))
219 (process-item? t t)
220 (clos-item? (member item *clos-slot-options*)
221 (member item *clos-slot-options*)))
222 ((null items) nil)
224 (unless done-initform?
225 (setf done-initform? t)
226 (unless clos-item?
227 (setf process-item? nil)
228 (unless (eq item :UNBOUND)
229 (push :initform new-slot)
230 (push item new-slot))))
232 (when process-item?
233 (unless (or done-spec? (not (symbolp item)) clos-item?)
234 (setf done-spec? t)
235 (setf process-item? nil)
236 ;; If you've got an A, who cares about R
237 (when (find #\A (string item))
238 (setf accessor-added? t)
239 (add-option :accessor (make-conc-name)))
240 (when (and (not accessor-added?) (find #\R (string item)))
241 (setf reader-added? t)
242 (add-option :reader (make-conc-name)))
243 (when (find #\I (string item))
244 (setf initargs-added? t)
245 (add-option :initarg (intern (string name)
246 (find-package :keyword))))))
248 (when process-item?
249 (unless (or done-documentation? (not (stringp item)))
250 (setf done-documentation? t)
251 (push :documentation new-slot)
252 (push item new-slot)
255 (when process-item?
256 (when clos-item?
257 (push item new-slot)
258 (pop items)
259 (push (first items) new-slot))))
261 (when (and automatic-initargs? (not initargs-added?))
262 (add-option :initarg (intern (string name) (find-package :keyword))))
264 (when (and automatic-accessors?
265 (and (not accessor-added?) (not reader-added?)))
266 (add-option :accessor (make-conc-name)))
268 ;; finish-new-slot cleans up duplicates
269 (finish-new-slot (nreverse new-slot)))))
271 (defun convert-clauses-into-lists (clauses-and-options clauses-to-convert)
272 ;; This is useful (for me at least!) for writing macros
273 (let ((parsed-clauses nil))
274 (do* ((clauses clauses-and-options (rest clauses))
275 (clause (first clauses) (first clauses)))
276 ((null clauses))
277 (if (and (keywordp clause)
278 (or (null clauses-to-convert) (member clause clauses-to-convert))
279 (not (length-1-list-p clauses)))
280 (progn
281 (setf clauses (rest clauses))
282 (push (list clause (first clauses)) parsed-clauses))
283 (push clause parsed-clauses)))
284 (nreverse parsed-clauses)))
286 (defun remove-leading-quote (list)
287 "Removes the first quote from a list if one is there."
288 (if (and (consp list) (eql (first list) 'quote))
289 (first (rest list))
290 list))
292 (defun cleanup-parsed-parameter (parameter)
293 (if (length-1-list-p parameter)
294 (first parameter)
295 parameter))
297 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 ;;; global environment thingies
299 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 (defparameter *make-testsuite-arguments*
302 '(:run-setup :test-slot-names :equality-test :log-file :timeout))
304 (defvar *current-suite-class-name* nil)
305 (defvar *current-case-method-name* nil)
307 (defvar *test-is-being-defined?* nil)
308 (defvar *test-is-being-compiled?* nil)
309 (defvar *test-is-being-loaded?* nil)
310 (defvar *test-is-being-executed?* nil)
312 (defvar *testsuite-test-count* nil
313 "Temporary variable used to 'communicate' between deftestsuite and addtest.")
314 (defvar *lift-debug-output* *debug-io*
315 "Messages from LIFT will be sent to this stream. It can set to nil or
316 to an output stream. It defaults to *debug-io*.")
318 (defvar *test-break-on-errors?* nil)
319 (defvar *test-do-children?* t)
320 (defparameter *test-ignore-warnings?* nil
321 "If true, LIFT will not cause a test to fail if a warning occurs while
322 the test is running. Note that this may interact oddly with ensure-warning.")
323 (defparameter *test-print-when-defined?* nil)
324 (defparameter *test-evaluate-when-defined?* t)
325 (defparameter *test-scratchpad* nil
326 "A place to put things. This is set to nil before every test.")
327 (defparameter *test-notepad* nil
328 "Another place to put things (set {ref *test-scratchpad*}.")
330 (defparameter *lift-equality-test* 'equal
331 "The function used in ensure-same to test if two things are equal. If metatilities is loaded, then you might want to use samep.")
333 (defvar *test-describe-if-not-successful?* nil
334 ;; Was t, but this behavior was extremely annoying since each
335 ;; time a test-restul appears in a stack backtrace it is printed
336 ;; over many unstructured lines.
337 "If true, then a complete test description is printed when there are any test warnings or failures. Otherwise, one would need to explicity call describe.")
339 (defvar *test-print-length* :follow-print
340 "The print-length in effect when LIFT prints test results. It works exactly like `*print-length*` except that it can also take on the value :follow-print. In this case, it will be set to the value of `*print-length*`.")
341 (defvar *test-print-level* :follow-print
342 "The print-level in effect when LIFT prints test results. It works exactly like `*print-level*` except that it can also take on the value :follow-print. In this case, it will be set to whatever `*print-level*` is.")
344 (defvar *test-print-testsuite-names* t
345 "If true, LIFT will print the name of each test suite to *debug-io* before it begins to run the suite. See also: *test-print-test-case-names*.")
347 (defvar *test-print-test-case-names* nil
348 "If true, LIFT will print the name of each test-case before it runs. See also: *test-print-testsuite-names*.")
350 (defvar *test-result* nil
351 "Set to the most recent test result by calls to run-test or run-tests.")
353 (defvar *test-environment* nil)
355 (defvar *test-metadata* (list)
356 "A place for LIFT to put stuff.")
358 (defvar *current-test* nil
359 "The current testsuite.")
361 (defvar *lift-dribble-pathname* nil
362 "If bound, then test output from run-tests will be sent to this file in
363 in addition to *lift-standard-output*. It can be set to nil or to a pathname.")
365 (defvar *lift-standard-output* *standard-output*
366 "Output from tests will be sent to this stream. If can set to nil or
367 to an output stream. It defaults to *standard-output*.")
369 (defvar *lift-if-dribble-exists* :append
370 "Specifies what to do to any existing file at *lift-dribble-pathname*. It
371 can be :supersede, :append, or :error.")
373 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 ;;; Error messages and warnings
375 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 (defparameter +lift-test-name-not-supplied-with-test-class+
378 "if you specify a test-class, you must also specify a test-name.")
380 (defparameter +lift-test-class-not-found+
381 "test class '~S' not found.")
383 (defparameter +lift-confused-about-arguments+
384 "I'm confused about what you said?!")
386 (defparameter +lift-no-current-test-class+
387 "There is no current-test-class to use as a default.")
389 (defparameter +lift-could-not-find-test+
390 "Could not find test: ~S.~S")
392 (defparameter +run-tests-null-test-case+
393 "There is no current testsuite (possibly because
394 none have been defined yet?). You can specify the
395 testsuite to test by evaluating (run-tests :suite <suitename>).")
397 (defparameter +lift-unable-to-parse-test-name-and-class+
401 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 ;;; test conditions
403 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 (define-condition lift-compile-error (error)
406 ((msg :initform ""
407 :reader msg
408 :initarg :lift-message))
409 (:report (lambda (c s)
410 (format s "Compile error: '~S'" (msg c)))))
412 (define-condition test-class-not-defined (lift-compile-error)
413 ((test-class-name :reader test-class-name
414 :initarg :test-class-name))
415 (:report (lambda (c s)
416 (format s "Test class ~A not defined before it was used."
417 (test-class-name c)))))
419 (defun build-lift-error-message (context message &rest arguments)
420 (format nil "~A: ~A"
421 context
422 (apply #'format nil message arguments)))
424 (defun signal-lift-error (context message &rest arguments)
425 (let ((c (make-condition
426 'lift-compile-error
427 :lift-message (apply #'build-lift-error-message context message arguments))))
428 (unless (signal c)
429 (error c))))
431 (defun report-lift-error (context message &rest arguments)
432 (format *debug-io* "~&~A."
433 (apply #'build-lift-error-message context message arguments))
434 (values))
436 (defun lift-report-condition (c)
437 (format *debug-io* "~&~A." c))
439 (define-condition test-condition (warning)
440 ((message :initform ""
441 :initarg :message
442 :accessor message))
443 (:report (lambda (c s)
444 (when (message c)
445 (format s "~%~A" (message c))))))
447 (define-condition ensure-failed-error (test-condition)
448 ((assertion :initform ""
449 :accessor assertion
450 :initarg :assertion))
451 (:report (lambda (c s)
452 (format s "Ensure failed: ~S ~@[(~a)~]"
453 (assertion c) (message c)))))
455 (define-condition ensure-null-failed-error (ensure-failed-error)
456 ((value :initform ""
457 :accessor value
458 :initarg :value)
459 (assertion :initform ""
460 :accessor assertion
461 :initarg :assertion))
462 (:report (lambda (c s)
463 (format s "Ensure null failed: ~s evaluates to ~s ~@[(~a)~]"
464 (assertion c) (value c) (message c)))))
466 (define-condition ensure-expected-condition (test-condition)
467 ((expected-condition-type
468 :initform nil
469 :accessor expected-condition-type
470 :initarg :expected-condition-type)
471 (the-condition
472 :initform nil
473 :accessor the-condition
474 :initarg :the-condition))
475 (:report (lambda (c s)
476 (format s "Expected ~A but got ~S"
477 (expected-condition-type c)
478 (the-condition c)))))
480 (define-condition ensure-not-same (test-condition)
481 ((first-value :accessor first-value
482 :initarg :first-value)
483 (second-value :accessor second-value
484 :initarg :second-value)
485 (test :accessor test
486 :initarg :test))
487 (:report (lambda (c s)
488 (format s "Ensure-same: ~S is not ~S to ~S~@[ (~a)~]"
489 (first-value c) (test c) (second-value c)
490 (message c)))))
492 (defmacro ensure (predicate &key report arguments)
493 "If ensure's `predicate` evaluates to false, then it will generate a
494 test failure. You can use the `report` and `arguments` keyword parameters
495 to customize the report generated in test results. For example:
497 (ensure (= 23 12)
498 :report \"I hope ~a does not = ~a\"
499 :arguments (12 23))
501 will generate a message like
503 Warning: Ensure failed: (= 23 12) (I hope 12 does not = 23)
505 (let ((gpredicate (gensym)))
506 `(let ((,gpredicate ,predicate))
507 (if ,gpredicate
508 (values ,gpredicate)
509 (let ((condition (make-condition
510 'ensure-failed-error
511 :assertion ',predicate
512 ,@(when report
513 `(:message
514 (format nil ,report ,@arguments))))))
515 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
516 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
517 (warn condition)))))))
519 (defmacro ensure-null (predicate &key report arguments)
520 "If ensure-null's `predicate` evaluates to true, then it will generate a
521 test failure. You can use the `report` and `arguments` keyword parameters
522 to customize the report generated in test results. See [ensure][] for more
523 details."
524 (let ((g (gensym)))
525 `(let ((,g ,predicate))
526 (if (null ,g)
528 (let ((condition (make-condition 'ensure-null-failed-error
529 :value ,g
530 :assertion ',predicate
531 ,@(when report
532 `(:message (format nil ,report ,@arguments))))))
533 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
534 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
535 (warn condition)))))))
537 (defmacro ensure-condition (condition &body body)
538 "This macro is used to make sure that body really does produce condition."
539 (setf condition (remove-leading-quote condition))
540 (destructuring-bind (condition &key report arguments)
541 (if (consp condition) condition (list condition))
542 (let ((g (gensym)))
543 `(let ((,g nil))
544 (unwind-protect
545 (handler-case
546 (progn ,@body)
547 (,condition (cond)
548 (declare (ignore cond)) (setf ,g t))
549 (condition (cond)
550 (setf ,g t)
551 (let ((c (make-condition
552 'ensure-expected-condition
553 :expected-condition-type ',condition
554 :the-condition cond
555 ,@(when report
556 `(:message (format nil ,report ,arguments))))))
557 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
558 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed c)
559 (warn c)))))
560 (when (not ,g)
561 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
562 (invoke-restart
563 'ensure-failed
564 (make-condition
565 'ensure-expected-condition
566 :expected-condition-type ',condition
567 :the-condition nil
568 ,@(when report
569 `(:message (format nil ,report ,arguments)))))
570 (warn "Ensure-condition didn't get the condition it expected."))))))))
572 (defmacro ensure-warning (&body body)
573 "Ensure-warning evaluates its body. If the body does *not* signal a
574 warning, then ensure-warning will generate a test failure."
575 `(ensure-condition warning ,@body))
577 (defmacro ensure-error (&body body)
578 "Ensure-error evaluates its body. If the body does *not* signal an
579 error, then ensure-error will generate a test failure."
580 `(ensure-condition error ,@body))
582 (defmacro ensure-same
583 (form values &key (test nil test-specified-p)
584 (report nil) (arguments nil))
585 "Ensure same compares value-or-values-1 value-or-values-2 or each value of value-or-values-1 value-or-values-2 (if they are multiple values) using test. If a problem is encountered ensure-same raises a warning which uses report as a format string and arguments as arguments to that string (if report and arguments are supplied). If ensure-same is used within a test, a test failure is generated instead of a warning"
586 (setf test (remove-leading-quote test))
587 (when (and (consp test)
588 (eq (first test) 'function))
589 (setf test (second test)))
590 (let ((block (gensym)))
591 `(block ,block
592 (loop for value in (multiple-value-list ,form)
593 for other-value in (multiple-value-list ,values) do
594 (unless (funcall ,(if test-specified-p (list 'quote test) '*lift-equality-test*)
595 value other-value)
596 (maybe-raise-not-same-condition
597 value other-value
598 ,(if test-specified-p (list 'quote test) '*lift-equality-test*)
599 ,report ,@arguments)
600 (return-from ,block nil)))
601 (values t))))
603 (defmacro ensure-different
604 (form values &key (test nil test-specified-p)
605 (report nil) (arguments nil))
606 "Ensure-different compares value-or-values-1 value-or-values-2 or each value of value-or-values-1 and value-or-values-2 (if they are multiple values) using test. If any comparison returns true, then ensure-different raises a warning which uses report as a format string and `arguments` as arguments to that string (if report and `arguments` are supplied). If ensure-different is used within a test, a test failure is generated instead of a warning"
607 ;; FIXME -- share code with ensure-same
608 (setf test (remove-leading-quote test))
609 (when (and (consp test)
610 (eq (first test) 'function))
611 (setf test (second test)))
612 `(progn
613 (loop for value in (multiple-value-list ,form)
614 for other-value in (multiple-value-list ,values) do
615 ;; WHEN instead of UNLESS
616 (when (funcall ,(if test-specified-p
617 (list 'quote test)
618 '*lift-equality-test*)
619 value other-value)
620 (maybe-raise-not-same-condition
621 value other-value
622 ,(if test-specified-p
623 (list 'quote test)
624 '*lift-equality-test*) ,report ,@arguments)))
625 (values t)))
627 (defun maybe-raise-not-same-condition (value-1 value-2 test
628 report &rest arguments)
629 (let ((condition (make-condition 'ensure-not-same
630 :first-value value-1
631 :second-value value-2
632 :test test
633 :message (when report
634 (apply #'format nil
635 report arguments)))))
636 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
637 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
638 (warn condition))))
640 (define-condition ensure-cases-failure (test-condition)
641 ((total :initarg :total :initform 0)
642 (problems :initarg :problems :initform nil))
643 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
644 (format stream "Ensure-cases: ~d out of ~d cases failed. Failing cases are: ~{~% ~{~s (~a)~}~^, ~}"
645 (length (slot-value condition 'problems))
646 (slot-value condition 'total)
647 (slot-value condition 'problems)))))
649 (defmacro ensure-cases ((&rest vars) (&rest cases) &body body)
650 (let ((case (gensym))
651 (total (gensym))
652 (problems (gensym)))
653 `(let ((,problems nil) (,total 0))
654 (loop for ,case in ,cases do
655 (incf ,total)
656 (destructuring-bind ,vars ,case
657 (restart-case
658 (progn ,@body)
659 (ensure-failed (cond)
660 (push (list ,case cond) ,problems)))))
661 (when ,problems
662 (let ((condition (make-condition
663 'ensure-cases-failure
664 :total ,total
665 :problems ,problems)))
666 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
667 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
668 (warn condition)))))))
671 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
672 ;;; test-mixin
673 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
675 (defclass test-mixin ()
676 ((name :initform nil :initarg :name :accessor name :reader testsuite-name)
677 (run-setup :reader run-setup :initarg :run-setup)
678 (done-setup? :initform nil :reader done-setup?)
679 (done-dynamics? :initform nil :reader done-dynamics?)
680 (prototypes :initform (list (list)) :accessor prototypes)
681 (prototypes-initialized? :initform nil :reader prototypes-initialized?)
682 (current-values :initform nil :accessor current-values)
683 (test-slot-names :initform nil :initarg :test-slot-names
684 :reader test-slot-names)
685 (current-step :initform :created :accessor current-step)
686 (current-method :initform nil :accessor current-method)
687 (save-equality-test :initform nil :reader save-equality-test)
688 (equality-test :initform 'equal :initarg :equality-test
689 :reader equality-test)
690 (log-file :initform nil :initarg :log-file :reader log-file)
691 (test-data :initform nil :accessor test-data)
692 (expected-failure-p :initform nil :initarg :expected-failure-p
693 :reader expected-failure-p)
694 (expected-error-p :initform nil :initarg :expected-error-p
695 :reader expected-error-p)
696 (expected-problem-p :initform nil :initarg :expected-problem-p
697 :reader expected-problem-p))
698 (:documentation "A test suite")
699 (:default-initargs
700 :run-setup :once-per-test-case))
702 (defclass test-result ()
703 ((results-for :initform nil
704 :initarg :results-for
705 :accessor results-for)
706 (tests-run :initform nil :accessor tests-run)
707 (suites-run :initform nil :accessor suites-run)
708 (failures :initform nil :accessor failures)
709 (expected-failures :initform nil :accessor expected-failures)
710 (errors :initform nil :accessor errors)
711 (expected-errors :initform nil :accessor expected-errors)
712 (test-mode :initform :single :initarg :test-mode :accessor test-mode)
713 (test-interactive? :initform nil
714 :initarg :test-interactive? :accessor test-interactive?)
715 (real-start-time :initarg :real-start-time :reader real-start-time)
716 (start-time :accessor start-time :initform nil)
717 (end-time :accessor end-time)
718 (real-end-time :accessor real-end-time)
719 (real-start-time-universal
720 :initarg :real-start-time-universal :reader real-start-time-universal)
721 (start-time-universal :accessor start-time-universal :initform nil)
722 (end-time-universal :accessor end-time-universal)
723 (real-end-time-universal :accessor real-end-time-universal)
724 (properties :initform nil :accessor test-result-properties))
725 (:default-initargs
726 :test-interactive? *test-is-being-defined?*
727 :real-start-time (get-internal-real-time)
728 :real-start-time-universal (get-universal-time)))
730 (defun test-result-property (result property)
731 (getf (test-result-properties result) property))
733 (defun (setf test-result-property) (value result property)
734 (setf (getf (test-result-properties result) property) value))
736 (defun print-lift-message (message &rest args)
737 (apply #'format *lift-debug-output* message args)
738 (force-output *lift-debug-output*))
740 (defgeneric testsuite-setup (testsuite result)
741 (:documentation "Setup at the testsuite-level")
742 (:method ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
743 (values))
744 (:method :before ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
745 (when (and *test-print-testsuite-names*
746 (eq (test-mode result) :multiple))
747 (print-lift-message "~&Start: ~a" (type-of testsuite)))
748 (push (type-of testsuite) (suites-run result))
749 (setf (current-step testsuite) :testsuite-setup)))
751 (defgeneric testsuite-run (testsuite result)
752 (:documentation "Run the cases in this suite and it's children."))
754 (defgeneric testsuite-teardown (testsuite result)
755 (:documentation "Cleanup at the testsuite level.")
756 (:method ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
757 ;; no-op
759 (:method :after ((testsuite test-mixin) (result test-result))
760 (setf (current-step testsuite) :testsuite-teardown
761 (real-end-time result) (get-internal-real-time)
762 (real-end-time-universal result) (get-universal-time))))
764 (defgeneric more-prototypes-p (testsuite)
765 (:documentation "Returns true if another prototype set exists for the case."))
767 (defgeneric initialize-prototypes (testsuite)
768 (:documentation "Creates lists of all prototype sets."))
770 (defgeneric next-prototype (testsuite)
771 (:documentation "Ensures that the test environment has the values of the next prototype set."))
773 (defgeneric make-single-prototype (testsuite))
775 (defgeneric setup-test (testsuite)
776 (:documentation "Setup for a test-case. By default it does nothing."))
778 (defgeneric teardown-test (testsuite)
779 (:documentation "Tear-down a test-case. By default it does nothing.")
780 (:method-combination progn :most-specific-first))
782 (defgeneric testsuite-methods (testsuite)
783 (:documentation "Returns a list of the test methods defined for test. I.e.,
784 the methods that should be run to do the tests for this test."))
786 (defgeneric lift-test (suite name)
787 (:documentation ""))
789 (defgeneric do-testing (testsuite result fn)
790 (:documentation ""))
792 (defgeneric end-test (result case method-name)
793 (:documentation ""))
795 (defgeneric initialize-test (test)
796 (:documentation ""))
798 (defgeneric run-test-internal (suite name result)
799 (:documentation ""))
801 (defgeneric run-tests-internal (suite &key result)
802 (:documentation ""))
804 (defgeneric start-test (result case method-name)
805 (:documentation ""))
807 (defgeneric test-report-code (testsuite method)
808 (:documentation ""))
810 (defgeneric testsuite-p (thing)
811 (:documentation "Determine whether or not `thing` is a testsuite. Thing can be a symbol naming a suite, a subclass of `test-mixin` or an instance of a test suite. Returns nil if `thing` is not a testsuite and the symbol naming the suite if it is."))
813 (defgeneric testsuite-name->gf (case name)
814 (:documentation ""))
816 (defgeneric testsuite-name->method (class name)
817 (:documentation ""))
819 (defmethod setup-test :before ((test test-mixin))
820 (setf *test-scratchpad* nil
821 (current-step test) :test-setup))
823 (defmethod setup-test ((test test-mixin))
824 (values))
826 (defmethod teardown-test progn ((test test-mixin))
827 (values))
829 (defmethod teardown-test :around ((test test-mixin))
830 (setf (current-step test) :test-teardown)
831 (call-next-method))
833 (defmethod initialize-test ((test test-mixin))
834 (values))
836 (defmethod initialize-test :before ((test test-mixin))
837 ;; only happens once
838 (initialize-prototypes test)
839 (next-prototype test))
841 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((testsuite test-mixin) &key)
842 (when (null (testsuite-name testsuite))
843 (setf (slot-value testsuite 'name)
844 (symbol-name (type-of testsuite)))))
846 (defmethod print-object ((tc test-mixin) stream)
847 (print-unreadable-object (tc stream :identity t :type t)
848 (format stream "~a" (testsuite-name tc))))
850 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
851 ;;; macros
852 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
854 (defvar *current-definition* nil
855 "An associative-container which saves interesting information about
856 the thing being defined.")
858 (defun initialize-current-definition ()
859 (setf *current-definition* nil))
861 (defun set-definition (name value)
862 (let ((current (assoc name *current-definition*)))
863 (if current
864 (setf (cdr current) value)
865 (push (cons name value) *current-definition*)))
867 (values value))
869 (defun def (name &optional (definition *current-definition*))
870 (when definition (cdr (assoc name definition))))
872 (defun (setf def) (value name)
873 (set-definition name value))
875 (defvar *code-blocks* nil)
877 (defstruct (code-block (:type list) (:conc-name nil))
878 block-name (priority 0) filter code operate-when)
880 (defgeneric block-handler (name value)
881 (:documentation "")
882 (:method ((name t) (value t))
883 (error "Unknown clause: ~A" name)))
885 (defun add-code-block (name priority operate-when filter handler code)
886 (let ((current (assoc name *code-blocks*))
887 (value (make-code-block
888 :operate-when operate-when
889 :block-name name
890 :priority priority
891 :filter filter
892 :code code)))
893 (if current
894 (setf (cdr current) value)
895 (push (cons name value) *code-blocks*))
896 (eval
897 `(defmethod block-handler ((name (eql ',name)) value)
898 (declare (ignorable value))
899 ,@handler)))
900 (setf *code-blocks* (sort *code-blocks* #'<
901 :key (lambda (name.cb)
902 (priority (cdr name.cb))))))
904 (defmacro with-test-slots (&body body)
905 `(symbol-macrolet ((lift-result (getf (test-data *current-test*) :result)))
906 (symbol-macrolet
907 ,(mapcar #'(lambda (local)
908 `(,local (test-environment-value ',local)))
909 (def :slot-names))
910 (macrolet
911 ,(mapcar (lambda (spec)
912 (destructuring-bind (name arglist) spec
913 `(,name ,arglist
914 `(flet-test-function
915 *current-test* ',',name ,,@arglist))))
916 (def :function-specs))
917 (progn ,@body)))))
919 (defvar *deftest-clauses*
920 '(:setup :teardown :test :documentation :tests :export-p :export-slots
921 :run-setup :dynamic-variables :equality-test :categories :function))
923 (defmacro deftest (testsuite-name superclasses slots &rest
924 clauses-and-options)
925 "The `deftest` form is obsolete, see [deftestsuite][]."
927 (warn "Deftest is obsolete, use deftestsuite instead.")
928 `(deftestsuite ,testsuite-name ,superclasses ,slots ,@clauses-and-options))
930 (setf *code-blocks* nil)
932 (add-code-block
933 :setup 1 :methods
934 (lambda () (or (def :setup) (def :direct-slot-names)))
935 '((setf (def :setup) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
936 'build-setup-test-method)
938 (add-code-block
939 :teardown 100 :methods
940 (lambda () (or (def :teardown) (def :direct-slot-names)))
941 '((setf (def :teardown) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
942 'build-test-teardown-method)
944 (add-code-block
945 :function 0 :methods
946 (lambda () (def :functions))
947 '((push value (def :functions)))
948 'build-test-local-functions)
950 (add-code-block
951 :documentation 0 :class-def
952 nil
953 '((setf (def :documentation) (first value)))
954 nil)
956 (add-code-block
957 :export-p 0 :class-def
958 nil
959 '((setf (def :export-p) (first value)))
960 nil)
962 (add-code-block
963 :export-slots 0 :class-def
964 nil
965 '((setf (def :export-slots) (first value)))
966 nil)
968 (add-code-block
969 :run-setup 0 :class-def
970 nil
971 '((push (first value) (def :default-initargs))
972 (push :run-setup (def :default-initargs))
973 (setf (def :run-setup) (first value)))
974 nil)
976 (add-code-block
977 :equality-test 0 :class-def
978 nil
979 '((push (first value) (def :default-initargs))
980 (push :equality-test (def :default-initargs)))
981 nil)
983 (add-code-block
984 :log-file 0 :class-def
985 nil
986 '((push (first value) (def :default-initargs))
987 (push :log-file (def :default-initargs)))
988 nil)
990 (add-code-block
991 :dynamic-variables 0 :class-def
992 nil
993 '((setf (def :direct-dynamic-variables) value))
994 nil)
996 (add-code-block
997 :categories 0 :class-def
998 nil
999 '((push value (def :categories)))
1000 nil)
1002 (defmacro deftestsuite (testsuite-name superclasses slots &rest
1003 clauses-and-options)
1005 Creates a testsuite named `testsuite-name` and, optionally, the code required for test setup, test tear-down and the actual test-cases. A testsuite is a collection of test-cases and other testsuites.
1007 Test suites can have multiple superclasses (just like the classes that they are). Usually, these will be other test classes and the class hierarchy becomes the test case hierarchy. If necessary, however, non-testsuite classes can also be used as superclasses.
1009 Slots are specified as in defclass with the following additions:
1011 * Initargs and accessors are automatically defined. If a slot is named`my-slot`, then the initarg will be `:my-slot` and the accessors will be `my-slot` and `(setf my-slot)`.
1012 * If the second argument is not a CLOS slot option keyword, then it will be used as the `:initform` for the slot. I.e., if you have
1014 (deftestsuite my-test ()
1015 ((my-slot 23)))
1017 then `my-slot` will be initialized to 23 during test setup.
1019 Test options are one of :setup, :teardown, :test, :tests, :documentation, :export-p, :dynamic-variables, :export-slots, :function, :categories, :run-setup, or :equality-test.
1021 * :categories - a list of symbols. Categories allow you to groups tests into clusters outside of the basic hierarchy. This provides finer grained control on selecting which tests to run. May be specified multiple times.
1023 * :documentation - a string specifying any documentation for the test. Should only be specified once.
1025 * :dynamic-variables - a list of atoms or pairs of the form (name value). These specify any special variables that should be bound in a let around the body of the test. The name should be symbol designating a special variable. The value (if supplied) will be bound to the variable. If the value is not supplied, the variable will be bound to nil. Should only be specified once.
1027 * :equality-test - the name of the function to be used by default in calls to ensure-same and ensure-different. Should only be supplied once.
1029 * :export-p - If true, the testsuite name will be exported from the current package. Should only be specified once.
1031 * :export-slots - if true, any slots specified in the test suite will be exported from the current package. Should only be specified once.
1033 * :function - creates a locally accessible function for this test suite. May be specified multiple times.
1035 * :run-setup - specify when to run the setup code for this test suite. Allowed values are
1037 * :once-per-test-case or t (the default)
1038 * :once-per-session
1039 * :once-per-suite
1040 * :never or nil
1042 :run-setup is handy when a testsuite has a time consuming setup phase that you do not want to repeat for every test.
1044 * :setup - a list of forms to be evaluated before each test case is run. Should only be specified once.
1046 * :teardown - a list of forms to be evaluated after each test case is run. Should only be specified once.
1048 * :test - Define a single test case. Can be specified multiple times.
1050 * :tests - Define multiple test cases for this test suite. Can be specified multiple times.
1052 #+no-lift-tests
1053 `(values)
1054 #-no-lift-tests
1055 (let ((test-list nil)
1056 (options nil)
1057 (return (gensym)))
1058 ;; convert any clause like :setup foo into (:setup foo)
1059 (setf clauses-and-options
1060 (convert-clauses-into-lists clauses-and-options *deftest-clauses*))
1061 (initialize-current-definition)
1062 (setf (def :testsuite-name) testsuite-name)
1063 (setf (def :superclasses) (mapcar #'find-testsuite superclasses))
1064 (setf (def :deftestsuite) t)
1065 ;; parse clauses into defs
1066 (loop for clause in clauses-and-options do
1067 (typecase clause
1068 (symbol (pushnew clause options))
1069 (cons (destructuring-bind (kind &rest spec) clause
1070 (case kind
1071 (:test (push (first spec) test-list))
1072 (:tests
1073 (loop for test in spec do
1074 (push test test-list)))
1075 (t (block-handler kind spec)))))
1076 (t (error "When parsing ~S" clause))))
1077 (let ((slot-names nil) (slot-specs nil))
1078 (loop for slot in (if (listp slots) slots (list slots)) do
1079 (push (if (consp slot) (first slot) slot) slot-names)
1080 (push (parse-brief-slot slot nil nil nil nil) slot-specs))
1081 (setf (def :slot-specs) (nreverse slot-specs)
1082 (def :direct-slot-names) (nreverse slot-names)
1083 (def :slots-parsed) t))
1084 ;;?? issue 27: breaks 'encapsulation' of code-block mechanism
1085 (setf (def :function-specs)
1086 (loop for spec in (def :functions) collect
1087 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body) (first spec)
1088 (declare (ignore body))
1089 `(,name ,arglist))))
1090 ;;?? needed
1091 (empty-test-tables testsuite-name)
1092 (compute-superclass-inheritence)
1093 (prog2
1094 (setf *testsuite-test-count* 0)
1095 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
1096 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
1097 (push ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
1098 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
1099 (push ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
1100 (eval-when (:execute)
1101 (push ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))
1102 ;; remove previous methods (do this _before_ we define the class)
1103 (remove-previous-definitions ',(def :testsuite-name))
1104 ,(build-test-class)
1105 (unwind-protect
1106 (let ((*test-is-being-defined?* t))
1107 (setf *current-case-method-name* nil)
1108 (setf *current-suite-class-name* ',(def :testsuite-name)
1109 (test-slots ',(def :testsuite-name))
1110 ',(def :slot-names)
1111 (testsuite-dynamic-variables ',(def :testsuite-name))
1112 ',(def :dynamic-variables)
1113 ;;?? issue 27: breaks 'encapsulation' of code-block mechanism
1114 (testsuite-function-specs ',(def :testsuite-name))
1115 ',(def :function-specs))
1116 ,@(when (def :export-p)
1117 `((export '(,(def :testsuite-name)))))
1118 ,@(when (def :export-slots?)
1119 `((export ',(def :direct-slot-names))))
1120 ;; make a place to save test-case information
1121 (empty-test-tables ',(def :testsuite-name))
1122 ;; create methods
1123 ;; setup :before
1124 ,@(build-initialize-test-method)
1125 ,@(loop for (nil . block) in *code-blocks*
1126 when (and block
1127 (code block)
1128 (eq (operate-when block) :methods)
1129 (or (not (filter block))
1130 (funcall (filter block)))) collect
1131 (funcall (code block)))
1132 ,@(when (def :dynamic-variables)
1133 `((defmethod do-testing :around
1134 ((suite ,(def :testsuite-name)) result fn)
1135 (declare (ignore result fn))
1136 (cond ((done-dynamics? suite)
1137 (call-next-method))
1139 (setf (slot-value suite 'done-dynamics?) t)
1140 (let* (,@(build-dynamics))
1141 (call-next-method)))))))
1142 ;; tests
1143 ,@(when test-list
1144 `((let ((*test-evaluate-when-defined?* nil))
1145 ,@(loop for test in (nreverse test-list) collect
1146 `(addtest (,(def :testsuite-name))
1147 ,@test))
1148 (setf *testsuite-test-count* nil))))
1149 ,(if *test-evaluate-when-defined?*
1150 `(unless (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
1151 *test-is-being-loaded?*)
1152 (let ((*test-break-on-errors?* *test-break-on-errors?*))
1153 (run-tests :suite ',testsuite-name)))
1154 `(find-class ',testsuite-name)))
1155 ;; cleanup
1156 (setf *test-is-being-compiled?*
1157 (remove ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
1158 (setf *test-is-being-loaded?*
1159 (remove ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
1160 (setf *test-is-being-executed?*
1161 (remove ',return *test-is-being-executed?*)))))))
1163 (defun compute-superclass-inheritence ()
1164 ;;?? issue 27: break encapsulation of code blocks
1165 ;;?? we assume that we won't have too deep a hierarchy or too many
1166 ;; dv's or functions so that having lots of duplicate names is OK
1167 (let ((slots nil)
1168 (dynamic-variables nil)
1169 (function-specs nil))
1170 (dolist (super (def :superclasses))
1171 (cond ((find-testsuite super)
1172 (setf slots (append slots (test-slots super))
1173 dynamic-variables
1174 (append dynamic-variables
1175 (testsuite-dynamic-variables super))
1176 function-specs
1177 (append function-specs
1178 (testsuite-function-specs super))))
1180 (error 'test-class-not-defined :test-class-name super))))
1181 (setf (def :slot-names)
1182 (remove-duplicates (append (def :direct-slot-names) slots))
1183 (def :dynamic-variables)
1184 (remove-duplicates
1185 (append (def :direct-dynamic-variables) dynamic-variables))
1186 (def :function-specs)
1187 (remove-duplicates
1188 (append (def :function-specs) function-specs)))
1189 (setf (def :superclasses)
1190 (loop for class in (def :superclasses)
1191 unless (some (lambda (oter)
1192 (and (not (eq class oter))
1193 (member class (superclasses oter))))
1194 (def :superclasses)) collect
1195 class))))
1197 (defmacro addtest (name &body test)
1198 "Adds a single new test-case to the most recently defined testsuite."
1199 #+no-lift-tests
1200 `nil
1201 #-no-lift-tests
1202 (let ((body nil)
1203 (return (gensym))
1204 (options nil)
1205 (looks-like-suite-name (looks-like-suite-name-p name))
1206 (looks-like-code (looks-like-code-p name)))
1207 (cond ((and looks-like-suite-name looks-like-code)
1208 (error "Can't disambiguate suite name from possible code."))
1209 (looks-like-suite-name
1210 ;; testsuite given
1211 (setf (def :testsuite-name) (first name)
1212 options (rest name)
1213 name nil body test))
1215 ;; the 'name' is really part of the test...
1216 (setf body (cons name test))))
1217 (unless (def :testsuite-name)
1218 (when *current-suite-class-name*
1219 (setf (def :testsuite-name) *current-suite-class-name*)))
1220 (unless (def :testsuite-name)
1221 (signal-lift-error 'add-test +lift-no-current-test-class+))
1222 (unless (or (def :deftestsuite)
1223 (find-testsuite (def :testsuite-name)))
1224 (signal-lift-error 'add-test +lift-test-class-not-found+
1225 (def :testsuite-name)))
1226 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
1227 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
1228 (push ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*))
1229 (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
1230 (push ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*))
1231 (eval-when (:execute)
1232 (push ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))
1233 (unwind-protect
1234 (let ((*test-is-being-defined?* t))
1235 ,(build-test-test-method (def :testsuite-name) body options)
1236 (setf *current-suite-class-name* ',(def :testsuite-name))
1237 (if *test-evaluate-when-defined?*
1238 (unless (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
1239 *test-is-being-loaded?*)
1240 (let ((*test-break-on-errors?* (testing-interactively-p)))
1241 (run-test)))
1242 (values)))
1243 ;; cleanup
1244 (setf *test-is-being-compiled?*
1245 (remove ',return *test-is-being-compiled?*)
1246 *test-is-being-loaded?*
1247 (remove ',return *test-is-being-loaded?*)
1248 *test-is-being-executed?*
1249 (remove ',return *test-is-being-executed?*))))))
1251 (defun looks-like-suite-name-p (form)
1252 (and (consp form)
1253 (atom (first form))
1254 (find-testsuite (first form))
1255 (property-list-p (rest form))))
1257 (defun property-list-p (form)
1258 (and (listp form)
1259 (block check-it
1260 (let ((even? t))
1261 (loop for x in form
1262 for want-keyword? = t then (not want-keyword?) do
1263 (when (and want-keyword? (not (keywordp x)))
1264 (return-from check-it nil))
1265 (setf even? (not even?)))
1266 (return-from check-it even?)))))
1269 (property-list-p '(:a :b))
1270 (property-list-p '(:a 2 :b 3 :c 5 :d 8))
1271 (property-list-p nil)
1273 (property-list-p 3)
1274 (property-list-p '(3))
1275 (property-list-p '(3 :a))
1276 (property-list-p '(:a 3 :b))
1279 (defun looks-like-code-p (name)
1280 (declare (ignore name))
1281 ;; FIXME - stub
1282 nil)
1284 (defun remove-test (&key (name *current-case-method-name*)
1285 (suite *current-suite-class-name*))
1286 (assert suite nil "Test suite could not be determined.")
1287 (assert name nil "Test name could not be determined.")
1288 (setf (testsuite-tests suite)
1289 (remove name (testsuite-tests suite))))
1291 (defun run-test (&rest args
1292 &key (name *current-case-method-name*)
1293 (suite *current-suite-class-name*)
1294 (break-on-errors? *test-break-on-errors?*)
1295 (do-children? *test-do-children?*)
1296 (result nil))
1297 (assert suite nil "Test suite could not be determined.")
1298 (assert name nil "Test name could not be determined.")
1299 (let* ((*test-break-on-errors?* break-on-errors?)
1300 (*test-do-children?* do-children?)
1301 (*current-test* (make-testsuite suite args)))
1302 (unless result
1303 (setf result (make-test-result suite :single)))
1304 (setf *current-case-method-name* (find-test-case suite name)
1305 *current-suite-class-name* suite)
1306 (do-testing *current-test* result
1307 (lambda ()
1308 (run-test-internal
1309 *current-test* *current-case-method-name* result)))))
1311 (defun make-testsuite (suite args)
1312 (let ((make-instance-args nil))
1313 (loop for keyword in *make-testsuite-arguments* do
1314 (when (member keyword args)
1315 (push keyword make-instance-args)
1316 (push (getf args keyword) make-instance-args)))
1317 (apply #'make-instance (find-testsuite suite) make-instance-args)))
1319 (defmethod do-testing ((testsuite test-mixin) result fn)
1320 (unwind-protect
1321 (progn
1322 (testsuite-setup testsuite result)
1323 (let ((*lift-equality-test* (equality-test testsuite)))
1324 (do ()
1325 ((not (more-prototypes-p testsuite)) result)
1326 (initialize-test testsuite)
1327 (funcall fn))))
1328 ;; cleanup
1329 (testsuite-teardown testsuite result))
1330 (values result))
1332 (defmethod run-tests-internal ((suite symbol) &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
1333 (let ((*current-test* (make-testsuite suite args)))
1334 (apply #'run-tests-internal
1335 *current-test*
1336 args)))
1338 (defmethod run-tests-internal
1339 ((case test-mixin) &key
1340 (result (make-test-result (class-of case) :multiple))
1341 (do-children? *test-do-children?*))
1342 (let ((*test-do-children?* do-children?))
1343 (do-testing case result
1344 (lambda ()
1345 (testsuite-run case result)))
1346 (setf *test-result* result)))
1348 #+Later
1349 (defmacro with-test (&body forms)
1350 "Execute forms in the context of the current test class."
1351 (let* ((test-class-name *current-suite-class-name*)
1352 (test-case (make-instance test-class)))
1353 `(eval-when (:execute)
1354 (prog2
1355 (setup-test ,test-case)
1356 (progn
1357 (with-test-slots ,@forms))
1358 (teardown-test ,test-case)))))
1360 (defun map-testsuites (fn start-at)
1361 (let ((visited (make-hash-table)))
1362 (labels ((do-it (suite level)
1363 (unless (gethash suite visited)
1364 (setf (gethash suite visited) t)
1365 (funcall fn suite level)
1366 (loop for subclass in (subclasses suite :proper? t) do
1367 (do-it subclass (1+ level))))))
1368 (do-it (find-class (find-testsuite start-at) nil) 0))))
1370 (defun testsuites (&optional (start-at 'test-mixin))
1371 "Returns a list of testsuite classes. The optional parameter provides
1372 control over where in the test hierarchy the search begins."
1373 (let ((result nil))
1374 (map-testsuites (lambda (suite level)
1375 (declare (ignore level))
1376 (push suite result))
1377 start-at)
1378 (nreverse result)))
1380 (defun print-tests (&key (include-cases? t) (start-at 'test-mixin) (stream t))
1381 "Prints all of the defined test classes from :start-at on down."
1382 (map-testsuites
1383 (lambda (suite level)
1384 (let ((indent (coerce (make-list (* level 3) :initial-element #\Space)
1385 'string))
1386 (name (class-name suite)))
1387 (format stream "~&~a~s (~:d)"
1388 indent
1389 name
1390 (length (testsuite-methods name)))
1391 (when include-cases?
1392 (loop for method-name in (testsuite-tests name) do
1393 (format stream "~&~a ~a" indent method-name)))))
1394 start-at))
1396 (defun list-tests (&key (include-cases? t) (start-at 'test-mixin) (stream t))
1397 "Lists all of the defined test classes from :start-at on down."
1398 (mapc (lambda (subclass-name)
1399 (format stream "~&~s (~:d)"
1400 subclass-name
1401 (length (testsuite-methods subclass-name)))
1402 (when include-cases?
1403 (loop for method-name in (testsuite-tests subclass-name) do
1404 (format stream "~& ~a" method-name))))
1405 (testsuites start-at))
1406 (values))
1408 (defun testsuite-test-count (testsuite)
1409 (or (and *testsuite-test-count*
1410 (prog1 *testsuite-test-count* (incf *testsuite-test-count*)))
1411 (length (testsuite-methods testsuite))))
1413 (defun run-tests (&rest args &key
1414 (suite nil)
1415 (break-on-errors? *test-break-on-errors?*)
1416 (config nil)
1417 (dribble *lift-dribble-pathname*)
1418 (result (make-test-result (or suite config) :multiple))
1419 ;run-setup
1420 &allow-other-keys)
1421 "Run all of the tests in a suite. Arguments are :suite, :result, ~
1422 :do-children? and :break-on-errors?"
1423 (remf args :suite)
1424 (remf args :break-on-errors?)
1425 (remf args :run-setup)
1426 (remf args :dribble)
1427 (cond ((and suite config)
1428 (error "Specify either configuration file or test suite
1429 but not both."))
1430 (config
1431 (run-tests-from-file config))
1432 ((or suite (setf suite *current-suite-class-name*))
1433 (let* ((*test-break-on-errors?* break-on-errors?)
1434 (dribble-stream
1435 (when dribble
1436 (open dribble
1437 :direction :output
1438 :if-does-not-exist :create
1439 :if-exists *lift-if-dribble-exists*)))
1440 (*standard-output* (maybe-add-dribble
1441 *lift-standard-output* dribble-stream))
1442 (*error-output* (maybe-add-dribble
1443 *error-output* dribble-stream))
1444 (*debug-io* (maybe-add-dribble
1445 *debug-io* dribble-stream)))
1446 (unwind-protect
1447 (dolist (name (if (consp suite) suite (list suite)))
1448 (setf *current-suite-class-name* name)
1449 (apply #'run-tests-internal name :result result args))
1450 ;; cleanup
1451 (when dribble-stream
1452 (close dribble-stream)))
1453 ;; FIXME -- ugh!
1454 (setf (tests-run result) (reverse (tests-run result)))
1455 (values result)))
1457 (error "There is not a current test suite and neither suite
1458 nor configuration file options were specified."))))
1460 (defun maybe-add-dribble (stream dribble-stream)
1461 (if dribble-stream
1462 (values (make-broadcast-stream stream dribble-stream) t)
1463 (values stream nil)))
1465 (defmethod testsuite-run ((case test-mixin) (result test-result))
1466 (unless (start-time result)
1467 (setf (start-time result) (get-internal-real-time)
1468 (start-time-universal result) (get-universal-time)))
1469 (unwind-protect
1470 (let ((methods (testsuite-methods case)))
1471 (loop for method in methods do
1472 (run-test-internal case method result))
1473 (when *test-do-children?*
1474 (loop for subclass in (direct-subclasses (class-of case))
1475 when (and (testsuite-p subclass)
1476 (not (member (class-name subclass)
1477 (suites-run result)))) do
1478 (run-tests-internal (class-name subclass)
1479 :result result))))
1480 (setf (end-time result) (get-universal-time))))
1482 (defmethod more-prototypes-p ((testsuite test-mixin))
1483 (not (null (prototypes testsuite))))
1485 (defmethod initialize-prototypes ((testsuite test-mixin))
1486 (setf (prototypes testsuite)
1487 (list (make-single-prototype testsuite))))
1489 (defmethod make-single-prototype ((testsuite test-mixin))
1490 nil)
1492 (defmethod initialize-prototypes :around ((suite test-mixin))
1493 (unless (prototypes-initialized? suite)
1494 (setf (slot-value suite 'prototypes-initialized?) t)
1495 (call-next-method)))
1497 (defmethod next-prototype ((testsuite test-mixin))
1498 (setf (current-values testsuite) (first (prototypes testsuite))
1499 (prototypes testsuite) (rest (prototypes testsuite)))
1500 (dolist (key.value (current-values testsuite))
1501 (setf (test-environment-value (car key.value)) (cdr key.value))))
1503 (defmethod run-test-internal ((suite test-mixin) (name symbol) result)
1504 (when (and *test-print-test-case-names*
1505 (eq (test-mode result) :multiple))
1506 (print-lift-message "~& run: ~a" name))
1507 (let ((problem nil))
1508 ;;??
1509 (declare (ignorable problem))
1510 (tagbody
1511 :test-start
1512 (restart-case
1513 (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning)
1514 ; ignore warnings...
1515 (error
1516 (lambda (cond)
1517 (setf problem
1518 (report-test-problem
1519 'test-error result suite name cond
1520 :backtrace (get-backtrace cond)))
1521 (if *test-break-on-errors?*
1522 (invoke-debugger cond)
1523 (go :test-end))))
1524 #+(or)
1525 ;; FIXME - too much! should we catch serious-conditions?
1526 (t (lambda (cond)
1527 (setf problem
1528 (report-test-problem
1529 'test-error result suite name cond
1530 :backtrace (get-backtrace cond))))))
1531 (setf problem nil
1532 (current-method suite) name)
1533 (start-test result suite name)
1534 (setup-test suite)
1535 (unwind-protect
1536 (let ((result nil))
1537 (declare (ignorable result))
1538 (setf (current-step suite) :testing
1539 result
1540 (measure
1541 (getf (test-data suite) :seconds)
1542 (getf (test-data suite) :conses)
1543 (lift-test suite name)))
1544 (check-for-surprises result suite name))
1545 (teardown-test suite)
1546 (end-test result suite name)))
1547 (ensure-failed (cond)
1548 (setf problem
1549 (report-test-problem
1550 'test-failure result suite name cond)))
1551 (retry-test () :report "Retry the test."
1552 (go :test-start)))
1553 :test-end))
1554 (setf (third (first (tests-run result))) (test-data suite))
1555 (setf *test-result* result))
1557 (define-condition unexpected-success-failure (test-condition)
1558 ((expected :reader expected :initarg :expected)
1559 (expected-more :reader expected-more :initarg :expected-more))
1560 (:report (lambda (c s)
1561 (format s "Test succeeded but we expected ~s (~s)"
1562 (expected c)
1563 (expected-more c)))))
1565 (defun check-for-surprises (results testsuite name)
1566 (declare (ignore results name))
1567 (let* ((options (getf (test-data testsuite) :options))
1568 (expected-failure-p (second (member :expected-failure options)))
1569 (expected-error-p (second (member :expected-error options)))
1570 (expected-problem-p (second (member :expected-problem options)))
1571 (condition nil))
1572 (cond
1573 (expected-failure-p
1574 (setf (slot-value testsuite 'expected-failure-p) expected-failure-p))
1575 (expected-error-p
1576 (setf (slot-value testsuite 'expected-error-p) expected-error-p))
1577 (expected-problem-p
1578 (setf (slot-value testsuite 'expected-problem-p) expected-problem-p)))
1579 (cond
1580 ((expected-failure-p testsuite)
1581 (setf condition
1582 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
1583 :expected :failure
1584 :expected-more (expected-failure-p testsuite))))
1585 ((expected-error-p testsuite)
1586 (setf condition
1587 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
1588 :expected :error
1589 :expected-more (expected-error-p testsuite))))
1590 ((expected-problem-p testsuite)
1591 (setf condition
1592 (make-condition 'unexpected-success-failure
1593 :expected :problem
1594 :expected-more (expected-problem-p testsuite)))))
1595 (when condition
1596 (if (find-restart 'ensure-failed)
1597 (invoke-restart 'ensure-failed condition)
1598 (warn condition)))))
1600 (defun report-test-problem (problem-type result suite method condition
1601 &rest args)
1602 ;; ick
1603 (let ((docs nil)
1604 (options (getf (test-data suite) :options))
1605 (option nil))
1606 (declare (ignore docs option))
1607 (cond ((and (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
1608 (not (typep condition 'unexpected-success-failure))
1609 (member :expected-failure options))
1610 (setf problem-type 'test-expected-failure
1611 option :expected-failure))
1612 ((and (eq problem-type 'test-error)
1613 (member :expected-error (getf (test-data suite) :options)))
1614 (setf problem-type 'test-expected-error
1615 option :expected-error))
1616 ((and (or (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
1617 (eq problem-type 'test-error))
1618 (member :expected-problem (getf (test-data suite) :options)))
1619 (setf problem-type (or (and (eq problem-type 'test-failure)
1620 'test-expected-failure)
1621 (and (eq problem-type 'test-error)
1622 'test-expected-error))
1623 option :expected-problem)))
1624 (let ((problem (apply #'make-instance problem-type
1625 :testsuite suite
1626 :test-method method
1627 :test-condition condition
1628 :test-step (current-step suite) args)))
1629 (setf (getf (test-data suite) :problem) problem)
1630 (etypecase problem
1631 (test-failure (push problem (failures result)))
1632 (test-expected-failure (push problem (expected-failures result)))
1633 (test-error (push problem (errors result)))
1634 (test-expected-error (push problem (expected-errors result))))
1635 problem)))
1637 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1638 ;;; test-result and printing
1639 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1641 (defun get-test-print-length ()
1642 (let ((foo *test-print-length*))
1643 (if (eq foo :follow-print) *print-length* foo)))
1645 (defun get-test-print-level ()
1646 (let ((foo *test-print-level*))
1647 (if (eq foo :follow-print) *print-level* foo)))
1649 (defmethod start-test ((result test-result) (case test-mixin) name)
1650 (push (list (type-of case) name nil) (tests-run result))
1651 (setf (current-step case) :start-test
1652 (test-data case)
1653 `(:start-time ,(get-internal-real-time)
1654 :start-time-universal ,(get-universal-time))))
1656 (defmethod end-test ((result test-result) (testsuite test-mixin) name)
1657 (declare (ignore name))
1658 (setf (current-step testsuite) :end-test
1659 (getf (test-data testsuite) :end-time) (get-internal-real-time)
1660 (end-time result) (get-internal-real-time)
1661 (getf (test-data testsuite) :end-time-universal) (get-universal-time)
1662 (end-time-universal result) (get-universal-time)))
1664 (defun make-test-result (for test-mode)
1665 (make-instance 'test-result
1666 :results-for for
1667 :test-mode test-mode))
1669 (defun testing-interactively-p ()
1670 (values nil))
1672 (defmethod print-object ((tr test-result) stream)
1673 (let ((complete-success? (and (null (errors tr))
1674 (null (failures tr))
1675 (null (expected-failures tr))
1676 (null (expected-errors tr)))))
1677 (let* ((*print-level* (get-test-print-level))
1678 (*print-length* (get-test-print-length)))
1679 (print-unreadable-object (tr stream)
1680 (cond ((null (tests-run tr))
1681 (format stream "~A: no tests defined" (results-for tr)))
1682 ((eq (test-mode tr) :single)
1683 (cond ((test-interactive? tr)
1684 ;; interactive
1685 (cond (complete-success?
1686 (format stream "Test passed"))
1687 ((errors tr)
1688 (format stream "Error during testing"))
1689 ((expected-errors tr)
1690 (format stream "Expected error during testing"))
1691 ((failures tr)
1692 (format stream "Test failed"))
1694 (format stream "Test failed expectedly"))))
1696 ;; from run-test
1697 (format stream "~A.~A ~A"
1698 (results-for tr)
1699 (first (first (tests-run tr)))
1700 (cond (complete-success?
1701 "passed")
1702 ((errors tr)
1703 "Error")
1705 "failed")))
1706 (when (or (expected-errors tr) (expected-failures tr))
1707 (format stream "(~[~:;, ~:*~A expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A expected error~:P~])"
1708 (expected-failures tr) (expected-errors tr))))))
1710 ;; multiple tests run
1711 (format stream "Results for ~A " (results-for tr))
1712 (if complete-success?
1713 (format stream "[~A Successful test~:P]"
1714 (length (tests-run tr)))
1715 (format stream "~A Test~:P~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~]"
1716 (length (tests-run tr))
1717 (length (failures tr))
1718 (length (errors tr))
1719 (length (expected-failures tr))
1720 (length (expected-errors tr))))))
1721 ;; note that suites with no tests think that they are completely
1722 ;; successful. Optimistic little buggers, huh?
1723 (when (and (not complete-success?) *test-describe-if-not-successful?*)
1724 (format stream "~%")
1725 (print-test-result-details stream tr))))))
1727 (defmethod describe-object ((result test-result) stream)
1728 (let ((number-of-failures (length (failures result)))
1729 (number-of-expected-failures (length (expected-failures result)))
1730 (number-of-errors (length (errors result)))
1731 (number-of-expected-errors (length (expected-errors result))))
1732 (unless *test-is-being-defined?*
1733 (format stream "~&Test Report for ~A: ~D test~:P run"
1734 (results-for result) (length (tests-run result))))
1735 (let* ((*print-level* (get-test-print-level))
1736 (*print-length* (get-test-print-length)))
1737 (cond ((or (failures result) (errors result)
1738 (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result))
1739 (format stream "~[~:;, ~:*~A Failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Error~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~]."
1740 number-of-failures
1741 number-of-expected-failures
1742 number-of-errors
1743 number-of-expected-errors)
1744 (format stream "~%~%")
1745 (print-test-result-details stream result))
1746 ((or (expected-failures result) (expected-errors result))
1747 (format stream ", all passed *~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected failure~:P~]~[~:;, ~:*~A Expected error~:P~])."
1748 number-of-expected-failures
1749 number-of-expected-errors)
1750 (format stream "~%~%")
1751 (print-test-result-details stream result))
1753 (unless *test-is-being-defined?*
1754 (format stream ", all passed!")))))
1755 (values)))
1757 (defun print-test-result-details (stream result)
1758 (loop for report in (failures result) do
1759 (print-test-problem "Failure: " report stream))
1760 (loop for report in (errors result) do
1761 (print-test-problem "ERROR : " report stream))
1762 (loop for report in (expected-failures result) do
1763 (print-test-problem "Expected failure: " report stream))
1764 (loop for report in (expected-errors result) do
1765 (print-test-problem "Expected Error : " report stream)))
1767 (defun print-test-problem (prefix report stream)
1768 (let* ((suite (testsuite report))
1769 (method (test-method report))
1770 (condition (test-condition report))
1771 (code (test-report-code suite method))
1772 (testsuite-name method))
1773 (format stream "~&~A~(~A : ~A~)" prefix (type-of suite) testsuite-name)
1774 (let ((doc-string (gethash testsuite-name
1775 (test-case-documentation
1776 (class-name (class-of suite))))))
1777 (when doc-string
1778 (format stream "~&~A" doc-string)))
1779 (format stream "~&~< ~@;~
1780 ~@[Condition: ~<~@;~A~:>~]~
1781 ~@[~&Code : ~S~]~
1782 ~&~:>" (list (list condition) code))))
1785 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1786 ;;; test-reports
1787 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1789 (defclass test-problem-mixin ()
1790 ((testsuite :initform nil :initarg :testsuite :reader testsuite)
1791 (test-method :initform nil :initarg :test-method :reader test-method)
1792 (test-condition :initform nil
1793 :initarg :test-condition
1794 :reader test-condition)
1795 (test-problem-kind :reader test-problem-kind :allocation :class)
1796 (test-step :initform nil :initarg :test-step :reader test-step)))
1798 (defmethod print-object ((problem test-problem-mixin) stream)
1799 (print-unreadable-object (problem stream)
1800 (format stream "TEST-~@:(~A~): ~A in ~A"
1801 (test-problem-kind problem)
1802 (name (testsuite problem))
1803 (test-method problem))))
1805 (defclass generic-problem (test-problem-mixin)
1806 ((test-problem-kind :initarg :test-problem-kind
1807 :allocation :class)))
1809 (defclass expected-problem-mixin ()
1810 ((documentation :initform nil
1811 :initarg :documentation
1812 :accessor failure-documentation)))
1814 (defclass test-expected-failure (expected-problem-mixin generic-problem)
1816 (:default-initargs
1817 :test-problem-kind "Expected failure"))
1819 (defclass test-failure (generic-problem)
1821 (:default-initargs
1822 :test-problem-kind "failure"))
1824 (defclass test-error-mixin (generic-problem)
1825 ((backtrace :initform nil :initarg :backtrace :reader backtrace)))
1827 (defclass test-expected-error (expected-problem-mixin test-error-mixin)
1829 (:default-initargs
1830 :test-problem-kind "Expected error"))
1832 (defclass test-error (test-error-mixin)
1834 (:default-initargs
1835 :test-problem-kind "Error"))
1837 (defmethod test-report-code ((testsuite test-mixin) (method symbol))
1838 (let* ((class-name (class-name (class-of testsuite))))
1839 (gethash method
1840 (test-name->code-table class-name))))
1842 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1843 ;;; utilities
1844 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1846 (defun remove-test-methods (test-name)
1847 (prog1
1848 (length (testsuite-tests test-name))
1849 (setf (testsuite-tests test-name) nil)))
1851 (defun remove-previous-definitions (classname)
1852 "Remove the methods of this class and all its subclasses."
1853 (let ((classes-removed nil)
1854 (class (find-class classname nil))
1855 (removed-count 0))
1856 (when class
1857 (loop for subclass in (subclasses class :proper? nil) do
1858 (push subclass classes-removed)
1859 (incf removed-count
1860 (remove-test-methods (class-name subclass)))
1861 #+Ignore
1862 ;;?? causing more trouble than it solves...??
1863 (setf (find-class (class-name subclass)) nil))
1865 (unless (length-1-list-p classes-removed)
1866 (format *debug-io*
1867 "~&;;; Removed Test suite ~(~A~) and its subclasses (~{~<~s~>~^, ~})."
1868 classname (sort
1869 (delete classname
1870 (mapcar #'class-name classes-removed))
1871 #'string-lessp)))
1872 (unless (zerop removed-count)
1873 (format *debug-io*
1874 "~&;;; Removed ~D methods from test suite ~(~A~)~@[ and its subclasses~]."
1875 removed-count classname
1876 (not (length-1-list-p classes-removed)))))))
1878 (defun build-initialize-test-method ()
1879 (let ((initforms nil)
1880 (slot-names nil)
1881 (slot-specs (def :slot-specs)))
1882 (loop for slot in slot-specs do
1883 (when (and (member :initform (rest slot))
1884 (not (eq :unbound (getf (rest slot) :initform))))
1885 (push (getf (rest slot) :initform) initforms)
1886 (push (first slot) slot-names)))
1887 (setf slot-names (nreverse slot-names)
1888 initforms (nreverse initforms))
1889 (when initforms
1890 `((defmethod make-single-prototype ((testsuite ,(def :testsuite-name)))
1891 (with-test-slots
1892 (append
1893 (when (next-method-p)
1894 (call-next-method))
1895 (let* (,@(mapcar (lambda (slot-name initform)
1896 `(,slot-name ,initform))
1897 slot-names initforms))
1898 (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (slot-name)
1899 `(cons ',slot-name ,slot-name))
1900 slot-names))))))))))
1902 (defun (setf test-environment-value) (value name)
1903 (pushnew (cons name value) *test-environment* :test #'equal)
1904 (values value))
1906 (defun test-environment-value (name)
1907 (cdr (assoc name *test-environment*)))
1909 (defun remove-from-test-environment (name)
1910 (setf *test-environment*
1911 (remove name *test-environment* :key #'car)))
1913 (defun build-test-local-functions ()
1914 `(progn
1915 ,@(mapcar
1916 (lambda (function-spec)
1917 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body) (first function-spec)
1918 `(defmethod flet-test-function ((testsuite ,(def :testsuite-name))
1919 (function-name (eql ',name))
1920 &rest args)
1921 (with-test-slots
1922 ,(if arglist
1923 `(destructuring-bind ,arglist args
1924 ,@body)
1925 `(progn ,@body))))))
1926 (def :functions))))
1928 (defun build-test-teardown-method ()
1929 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1930 (slot-names (def :direct-slot-names))
1931 (teardown (def :teardown)))
1932 (when teardown
1933 (unless (consp teardown)
1934 (setf teardown (list teardown)))
1935 (when (length-1-list-p teardown)
1936 (setf teardown (list teardown)))
1937 (when (symbolp (first teardown))
1938 (setf teardown (list teardown))))
1939 (let* ((teardown-code `(,@(when teardown
1940 `((with-test-slots ,@teardown)))))
1941 (test-code `(,@teardown-code
1942 ,@(mapcar (lambda (slot)
1943 `(remove-from-test-environment ',slot))
1944 slot-names))))
1945 `(progn
1946 ,@(when teardown-code
1947 `((defmethod teardown-test progn ((testsuite ,test-name))
1948 (when (run-teardown-p testsuite :test-case)
1949 ,@test-code))))
1950 ,@(when teardown-code
1951 `((defmethod testsuite-teardown ((testsuite ,test-name)
1952 (result test-result))
1953 (when (run-teardown-p testsuite :testsuite)
1954 ,@test-code))))))))
1956 (defun build-setup-test-method ()
1957 (let ((test-name (def :testsuite-name))
1958 (setup (def :setup)))
1959 (when setup
1960 (unless (consp setup)
1961 (setf setup (list setup)))
1962 (when (length-1-list-p setup)
1963 (setf setup (list setup)))
1964 (when (symbolp (first setup))
1965 (setf setup (list setup)))
1966 (let ((code `((with-test-slots ,@setup))))
1967 `(progn
1968 (defmethod setup-test :after ((testsuite ,test-name))
1969 ,@code))))))
1971 (defmethod setup-test :around ((test test-mixin))
1972 (when (run-setup-p test)
1973 (call-next-method)
1974 (setf (slot-value test 'done-setup?) t)))
1976 (defun run-setup-p (testsuite)
1977 (case (run-setup testsuite)
1978 (:once-per-session (error "not implemented"))
1979 (:once-per-suite (not (done-setup? testsuite)))
1980 ((:once-per-test-case t) t)
1981 ((:never nil) nil)
1982 (t (error "Don't know about ~s for run-setup" (run-setup testsuite)))))
1984 (defun run-teardown-p (testsuite when)
1985 (ecase when
1986 (:test-case
1987 (ecase (run-setup testsuite)
1988 (:once-per-session nil)
1989 (:once-per-suite nil)
1990 ((:once-per-test-case t) t)
1991 ((:never nil) nil)))
1992 (:testsuite
1993 (ecase (run-setup testsuite)
1994 (:once-per-session nil)
1995 (:once-per-suite t)
1996 ((:once-per-test-case t) nil)
1997 ((:never nil) nil)))))
1999 (defun build-test-test-method (test-class test-body options)
2000 (multiple-value-bind (test-name body documentation name-supplied?)
2001 (parse-test-body test-body)
2002 (declare (ignorable name-supplied?))
2003 (unless (consp (first body))
2004 (setf body (list body)))
2005 `(progn
2006 (setf (gethash ',test-name (test-name->code-table ',test-class)) ',body
2007 (gethash ',body (test-code->name-table ',test-class)) ',test-name)
2008 ,(when documentation
2009 `(setf (gethash ',test-name (test-case-documentation ',test-class))
2010 ,documentation))
2011 #+MCL
2012 ,@(when name-supplied?
2013 `((ccl:record-source-file ',test-name 'test-case)))
2014 (unless (find ',test-name (testsuite-tests ',test-class))
2015 (setf (testsuite-tests ',test-class)
2016 (append (testsuite-tests ',test-class) (list ',test-name))))
2017 (defmethod lift-test ((testsuite ,test-class) (case (eql ',test-name)))
2018 ,@(when options
2019 `((setf (getf (test-data testsuite) :options) ',options)))
2020 (with-test-slots ,@body))
2021 (setf *current-case-method-name* ',test-name)
2022 (when (and *test-print-when-defined?*
2023 (not (or *test-is-being-compiled?*
2025 (format *debug-io* "~&;Test Created: ~(~S.~S~)."
2026 ',test-class ',test-name))
2027 *current-case-method-name*)))
2029 (defun build-dynamics ()
2030 (let ((result nil))
2031 (dolist (putative-pair (def :dynamic-variables))
2032 (if (atom putative-pair)
2033 (push (list putative-pair nil) result)
2034 (push putative-pair result)))
2035 (nreverse result)))
2037 (defun parse-test-body (test-body)
2038 (let ((test-name nil)
2039 (body nil)
2040 (parsed-body nil)
2041 (documentation nil)
2042 (test-number (1+ (testsuite-test-count *current-suite-class-name*)))
2043 (name-supplied? nil))
2044 ;; parse out any documentation
2045 (loop for form in test-body do
2046 (if (and (consp form)
2047 (keywordp (first form))
2048 (eq :documentation (first form)))
2049 (setf documentation (second form))
2050 (push form parsed-body)))
2051 (setf test-body (nreverse parsed-body))
2052 (setf test-name (first test-body))
2053 (cond ((symbolp test-name)
2054 (setf test-name
2055 (intern (format nil "~A" test-name))
2056 body (rest test-body)
2057 name-supplied? t))
2058 ((and (test-code->name-table *current-suite-class-name*)
2059 (setf test-name
2060 (gethash test-body
2061 (test-code->name-table *current-suite-class-name*))))
2062 (setf body test-body))
2064 (setf test-name
2065 (intern (format nil "TEST-~A"
2066 test-number))
2067 body test-body)))
2068 (values test-name body documentation name-supplied?)))
2070 (defun build-test-class ()
2071 ;; for now, we don't generate code from :class-def code-blocks
2072 ;; they are executed only for effect.
2073 (loop for (nil . block) in *code-blocks*
2074 when (and block
2075 (code block)
2076 (eq (operate-when block) :class-def)
2077 (or (not (filter block))
2078 (funcall (filter block)))) collect
2079 (funcall (code block)))
2080 (unless (some (lambda (superclass)
2081 (testsuite-p superclass))
2082 (def :superclasses))
2083 (pushnew 'test-mixin (def :superclasses)))
2084 ;; build basic class and standard class
2085 `(defclass ,(def :testsuite-name) (,@(def :superclasses))
2087 ,@(when (def :documentation)
2088 `((:documentation ,(def :documentation))))
2089 (:default-initargs
2090 :test-slot-names ',(def :slot-names)
2091 ,@(def :default-initargs))))
2093 (defun parse-test-slots (slot-specs)
2094 (loop for spec in slot-specs collect
2095 (let ((parsed-spec spec))
2096 (if (member :initform parsed-spec)
2097 (let ((pos (position :initform parsed-spec)))
2098 (append (subseq parsed-spec 0 pos)
2099 (subseq parsed-spec (+ pos 2))))
2100 parsed-spec))))
2102 (defmethod testsuite-p ((classname symbol))
2103 (let ((class (find-class classname nil)))
2104 (handler-case
2105 (and class
2106 (typep (allocate-instance class) 'test-mixin)
2107 classname)
2108 (error (c) (declare (ignore c)) (values nil)))))
2110 (defmethod testsuite-p ((object standard-object))
2111 (testsuite-p (class-name (class-of object))))
2113 (defmethod testsuite-p ((class standard-class))
2114 (testsuite-p (class-name class)))
2116 (defmethod testsuite-methods ((classname symbol))
2117 (testsuite-tests classname))
2119 (defmethod testsuite-methods ((test test-mixin))
2120 (testsuite-methods (class-name (class-of test))))
2122 (defmethod testsuite-methods ((test standard-class))
2123 (testsuite-methods (class-name test)))
2126 ;; some handy properties
2127 (defclass-property test-slots)
2128 (defclass-property test-code->name-table)
2129 (defclass-property test-name->code-table)
2130 (defclass-property test-case-documentation)
2131 (defclass-property testsuite-prototype)
2132 (defclass-property testsuite-tests)
2133 (defclass-property testsuite-dynamic-variables)
2135 ;;?? issue 27: break encapsulation of code blocks
2136 (defclass-property testsuite-function-specs)
2138 (defun empty-test-tables (test-name)
2139 (when (find-class test-name nil)
2140 (setf (test-code->name-table test-name)
2141 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
2142 (test-name->code-table test-name)
2143 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
2144 (test-case-documentation test-name)
2145 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))
2148 (define-condition timeout-error (error)
2150 (:report (lambda (c s)
2151 (declare (ignore c))
2152 (format s "Process timeout"))))
2154 (defmacro with-timeout ((seconds) &body body)
2155 #+allegro
2156 `(mp:with-timeout (,seconds (error 'timeout-error))
2157 ,@body)
2158 #+cmu
2159 `(mp:with-timeout (,seconds) ,@body)
2160 #+sb-thread
2161 `(handler-case
2162 (sb-ext:with-timeout ,seconds ,@body)
2163 (sb-ext::timeout (c)
2164 (cerror "Timeout" 'timeout-error)))
2165 #+(or digitool openmcl)
2166 (let ((checker-process (format nil "Checker ~S" (gensym)))
2167 (waiting-process (format nil "Waiter ~S" (gensym)))
2168 (result (gensym))
2169 (process (gensym)))
2170 `(let* ((,result nil)
2171 (,process (ccl:process-run-function
2172 ,checker-process
2173 (lambda ()
2174 (setf ,result (progn ,@body))))))
2175 (ccl:process-wait-with-timeout
2176 ,waiting-process
2177 (* ,seconds #+openmcl ccl:*ticks-per-second* #+digitool 60)
2178 (lambda ()
2179 (not (ccl::process-active-p ,process))))
2180 (when (ccl::process-active-p ,process)
2181 (ccl:process-kill ,process)
2182 (cerror "Timeout" 'timeout-error))
2183 (values ,result)))
2184 #-(or allegro cmu sb-thread openmcl digitool)
2185 `(progn ,@body))
2187 (defvar *test-maximum-time* 2
2188 "Maximum number of seconds a process test is allowed to run before we give up.")
2190 (pushnew :timeout *deftest-clauses*)
2192 (add-code-block
2193 :timeout 1 :class-def
2194 (lambda () (def :timeout))
2195 '((setf (def :timeout) (cleanup-parsed-parameter value)))
2196 (lambda ()
2197 (unless (some (lambda (super)
2198 (member (find-class 'process-test-mixin)
2199 (superclasses super)))
2200 (def :superclasses))
2201 (pushnew 'process-test-mixin (def :superclasses)))
2202 (push (def :timeout) (def :default-initargs))
2203 (push :maximum-time (def :default-initargs))
2204 nil))
2206 (defclass process-test-mixin ()
2207 ((maximum-time :initform *test-maximum-time*
2208 :accessor maximum-time
2209 :initarg :maximum-time)))
2211 (defclass test-timeout-failure (test-failure)
2212 ((test-problem-kind :initform "Timeout" :allocation :class)))
2214 (define-condition test-timeout-condition (test-condition)
2215 ((maximum-time :initform *test-maximum-time*
2216 :accessor maximum-time
2217 :initarg :maximum-time))
2218 (:report (lambda (c s)
2219 (format s "Test ran out of time (longer than ~S-second~:P)"
2220 (maximum-time c)))))
2222 (defmethod do-testing :around ((testsuite process-test-mixin) result fn)
2223 (declare (ignore fn))
2224 (handler-case
2225 (with-timeout ((maximum-time testsuite))
2226 (call-next-method))
2227 (timeout-error
2229 (declare (ignore c))
2230 (report-test-problem
2231 'test-timeout-failure result testsuite (current-method testsuite)
2232 (make-instance 'test-timeout-condition
2233 :maximum-time (maximum-time testsuite))))))
2235 ;;;;;
2237 (defmethod find-testsuite ((suite symbol))
2238 (or (testsuite-p suite)
2239 (find-testsuite (symbol-name suite))))
2241 (defmethod find-testsuite ((suite-name string))
2242 (let* ((temp nil)
2243 (possibilities (remove-duplicates
2244 (loop for p in (list-all-packages)
2245 when (and (setf temp (find-symbol suite-name p))
2246 (find-class temp nil)
2247 (subtypep temp 'test-mixin)) collect
2248 temp))))
2249 (cond ((null possibilities)
2250 (error 'test-class-not-defined :test-class-name suite-name))
2251 ((= (length possibilities) 1)
2252 (first possibilities))
2254 (error "There are several test suites named ~s: they are ~{~s~^, ~}"
2255 suite-name possibilities)))))
2257 (defun test-case-p (suite-class name)
2258 (find-method #'lift-test nil `(,suite-class (eql ,name)) nil))
2260 #+(or)
2261 (test-case-p
2262 (find-class (find-testsuite 'test-cluster-indexing-locally) nil)
2263 'db.agraph.tests::index-them)
2265 #+(or)
2266 (find-test-case (find-class (find-testsuite 'test-cluster-indexing-locally))
2267 'index-themxx)
2269 (defmethod find-test-case ((suite symbol) name)
2270 (find-test-case (find-class (find-testsuite suite)) name))
2272 (defmethod find-test-case ((suite test-mixin) name)
2273 (find-test-case (class-of suite) name))
2275 (defmethod find-test-case ((suite-class standard-class) (name symbol))
2276 (or (and (test-case-p suite-class name) name)
2277 (find-test-case suite-class (symbol-name name))))
2279 (defmethod find-test-case ((suite test-mixin) (name string))
2280 (find-test-case (class-of suite) name))
2282 (defmethod find-test-case ((suite-class standard-class) (name string))
2283 (let* ((temp nil)
2284 (possibilities (remove-duplicates
2285 (loop for p in (list-all-packages)
2286 when (and (setf temp (find-symbol name p))
2287 (test-case-p suite-class temp)) collect
2288 temp))))
2289 (cond ((null possibilities)
2290 (error 'test-class-not-defined :test-class-name name))
2291 ((= (length possibilities) 1)
2292 (first possibilities))
2294 (error "There are several test cases of ~s named ~s: they are ~{~s~^, ~}"
2295 suite-class name possibilities)))))
2297 (defun last-test-status ()
2298 (cond ((typep *test-result* 'test-result)
2299 (cond ((and (null (errors *test-result*))
2300 (null (failures *test-result*)))
2301 :success)
2302 ((and (errors *test-result*)
2303 (failures *test-result*))
2304 :errors-and-failures)
2305 ((errors *test-result*)
2306 :errors)
2307 ((failures *test-result*)
2308 :failures)))
2310 nil)))
2312 (defun suite-tested-p (suite &key (result *test-result*))
2313 (and result
2314 (typep *test-result* 'test-result)
2315 (slot-exists-p result 'suites-run)
2316 (slot-boundp result 'suites-run)
2317 (consp (suites-run result))
2318 (find suite (suites-run result))))
2320 (defun unique-filename (pathname)
2321 (let ((date-part (date-stamp)))
2322 (loop repeat 100
2323 for index from 1
2324 for name =
2325 (merge-pathnames
2326 (make-pathname
2327 :name (format nil "~a-~a-~d"
2328 (pathname-name pathname)
2329 date-part index))
2330 pathname) do
2331 (unless (probe-file name)
2332 (return-from unique-filename name)))
2333 (error "Unable to find unique pathname for ~a" pathname)))
2335 (defun date-stamp (&key (datetime (get-universal-time)) (include-time? nil))
2336 (multiple-value-bind
2337 (second minute hour day month year day-of-the-week)
2338 (decode-universal-time datetime)
2339 (declare (ignore day-of-the-week))
2340 (let ((date-part (format nil "~d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" year month day))
2341 (time-part (and include-time?
2342 (list (format nil "-~2,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d"
2343 hour minute second)))))
2344 (apply 'concatenate 'string date-part time-part))))
2346 #+(or)
2347 (date-stamp :include-time? t)
2349 ;;?? might be "cleaner" with a macrolet (cf. lift-result)
2350 (defun lift-property (name)
2351 (when *current-test*
2352 (getf (getf (test-data *current-test*) :properties) name)))
2354 #+(or)
2355 (setf (getf (getf (third (first (tests-run *test-result*))) :properties) :foo)
2358 (defun (setf lift-property) (value name)
2359 (when *current-test*
2360 (setf (getf (getf (test-data *current-test*) :properties) name) value)))