testsupport unit tests work and verify numerical equality approach.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / oct / qd-methods.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Toy
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
6 ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
7 ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
8 ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
9 ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
10 ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
11 ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
12 ;;;; conditions:
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
15 ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
16 ;;;;
26 (in-package #:qd)
28 (defconstant +pi+
29 (make-instance 'qd-real :value qdi:+qd-pi+))
31 #+cmu
32 (defconstant +quad-double-float-positive-infinity+
33 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d ext:double-float-positive-infinity))
34 "Positive infinity for qd-real")
36 #+cmu
37 (defconstant +quad-double-float-negative-infinity+
38 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d ext:double-float-negative-infinity))
39 "Negative infinity for qd-real")
41 (defconstant +most-positive-quad-double-float+
42 (make-instance 'qd-real
43 :value (qdi::%make-qd-d most-positive-double-float
44 (cl:scale-float most-positive-double-float (cl:* 1 -53))
45 (cl:scale-float most-positive-double-float (cl:* 2 -53))
46 (cl:scale-float most-positive-double-float (cl:* 3 -53)))))
48 (defconstant +least-positive-quad-double-float+
49 (make-instance 'qd-real
50 :value (make-qd-d least-positive-double-float)))
52 ;; Not sure this is 100% correct, but I think if the first component
53 ;; is any smaller than this, the last component would no longer be a
54 ;; normalized double-float.
55 (defconstant +least-positive-normalized-quad-double-float+
56 (make-instance 'qd-real
57 :value (make-qd-d (cl:scale-float least-positive-normalized-double-float (cl:* 3 53)))))
59 (defconstant +qd-real-one+
60 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d 1d0)))
62 (defmethod add1 ((a number))
63 (cl::1+ a))
65 (defmethod add1 ((a qd-real))
66 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd-d (qd-value a) 1d0)))
68 (defmethod sub1 ((a number))
69 (cl::1- a))
71 (defmethod sub1 ((a qd-real))
72 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd-d (qd-value a) 1d0)))
74 (declaim (inline 1+ 1-))
76 (defun 1+ (x)
77 (add1 x))
79 (defun 1- (x)
80 (sub1 x))
82 (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
83 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value b))))
85 (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b cl:float))
86 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd-d (qd-value a) (cl:float b 1d0))))
88 #+cmu
89 (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b ext:double-double-float))
90 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd-dd (qd-value a) b)))
92 (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a real) (b qd-real))
93 (+ b a))
95 (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a number) (b number))
96 (cl:+ a b))
98 (defun + (&rest args)
99 (if (null args)
101 (do ((args (cdr args) (cdr args))
102 (res (car args)
103 (two-arg-+ res (car args))))
104 ((null args) res))))
106 (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
107 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value b))))
109 (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b cl:float))
110 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd-d (qd-value a) (cl:float b 1d0))))
112 #+cmu
113 (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b ext:double-double-float))
114 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd-dd (qd-value a) b)))
116 (defmethod two-arg-- ((a cl:float) (b qd-real))
117 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-d-qd (cl:float a 1d0) (qd-value b))))
119 (defmethod two-arg-- ((a number) (b number))
120 (cl:- a b))
122 (defmethod unary-minus ((a number))
123 (cl:- a))
125 (defmethod unary-minus ((a qd-real))
126 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (neg-qd (qd-value a))))
128 (defun - (number &rest more-numbers)
129 (if more-numbers
130 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
131 (result number))
132 ((atom nlist) result)
133 (declare (list nlist))
134 (setq result (two-arg-- result (car nlist))))
135 (unary-minus number)))
138 (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
139 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (mul-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value b))))
141 (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b cl:float))
142 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (mul-qd-d (qd-value a) (cl:float b 1d0))))
144 #+cmu
145 (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b ext:double-double-float))
146 ;; We'd normally want to use mul-qd-dd, but mul-qd-dd is broken.
147 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (mul-qd (qd-value a)
148 (make-qd-dd b 0w0))))
150 (defmethod two-arg-* ((a real) (b qd-real))
151 (* b a))
153 (defmethod two-arg-* ((a number) (b number))
154 (cl:* a b))
156 (defun * (&rest args)
157 (if (null args)
159 (do ((args (cdr args) (cdr args))
160 (res (car args)
161 (two-arg-* res (car args))))
162 ((null args) res))))
164 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
165 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value b))))
167 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b cl:float))
168 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd-d (qd-value a) (cl:float b 1d0))))
170 #+cmu
171 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b ext:double-double-float))
172 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd-dd (qd-value a)
173 b)))
175 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a cl:float) (b qd-real))
176 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd (make-qd-d (cl:float a 1d0))
177 (qd-value b))))
179 #+cmu
180 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a ext:double-double-float) (b qd-real))
181 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd (make-qd-dd a 0w0)
182 (qd-value b))))
184 (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a number) (b number))
185 (cl:/ a b))
187 (defmethod unary-divide ((a number))
188 (cl:/ a))
190 (defmethod unary-divide ((a qd-real))
191 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd +qd-one+ (qd-value a))))
193 (defun / (number &rest more-numbers)
194 (if more-numbers
195 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
196 (result number))
197 ((atom nlist) result)
198 (declare (list nlist))
199 (setq result (two-arg-/ result (car nlist))))
200 (unary-divide number)))
202 (macrolet ((frob (name &optional (type 'real))
203 (let ((method-name (intern (concatenate 'string "Q" (symbol-name name))))
204 (cl-name (intern (symbol-name name) :cl))
205 (qd-name (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-QD"))))
206 `(progn
207 (defmethod ,method-name ((x ,type))
208 (,cl-name x))
209 (defmethod ,method-name ((x qd-real))
210 (,qd-name (qd-value x)))
211 (declaim (inline ,name))
212 (defun ,name (x)
213 (,method-name x))))))
214 (frob zerop number)
215 (frob plusp)
216 (frob minusp))
218 (defun bignum-to-qd (bignum)
219 (make-instance 'qd-real
220 :value (qdi::make-float (if (minusp bignum) -1 1)
221 (abs bignum)
224 0)))
226 (defmethod qfloat ((x real) (num-type cl:float))
227 (cl:float x num-type))
229 (defmethod qfloat ((x cl:float) (num-type qd-real))
230 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d (cl:float x 1d0))))
232 (defmethod qfloat ((x integer) (num-type qd-real))
233 (cond ((typep x 'fixnum)
234 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d (cl:float x 1d0))))
236 ;; A bignum
237 (bignum-to-qd x))))
239 #+nil
240 (defmethod qfloat ((x ratio) (num-type qd-real))
241 ;; This probably has some issues with roundoff
242 (two-arg-/ (qfloat (numerator x) num-type)
243 (qfloat (denominator x) num-type)))
245 (defmethod qfloat ((x ratio) (num-type qd-real))
246 ;; This probably has some issues with roundoff
247 (let ((top (qd-value (qfloat (numerator x) num-type)))
248 (bot (qd-value (qfloat (denominator x) num-type))))
249 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd top bot))))
251 #+cmu
252 (defmethod qfloat ((x ext:double-double-float) (num-type qd-real))
253 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-dd x 0w0)))
255 (defmethod qfloat ((x qd-real) (num-type cl:float))
256 (multiple-value-bind (q0 q1 q2 q3)
257 (qd-parts (qd-value x))
258 (cl:float (cl:+ q0 q1 q2 q3) num-type)))
260 #+cmu
261 (defmethod qfloat ((x qd-real) (num-type ext:double-double-float))
262 (multiple-value-bind (q0 q1 q2 q3)
263 (qd-parts (qd-value x))
264 (cl:+ (cl:float q0 1w0)
265 (cl:float q1 1w0)
266 (cl:float q2 1w0)
267 (cl:float q3 1w0))))
269 (defmethod qfloat ((x qd-real) (num-type qd-real))
272 (declaim (inline float))
273 (defun float (x num-type)
274 (qfloat x num-type))
276 (defmethod qrealpart ((x number))
277 (cl:realpart x))
278 (defmethod qrealpart ((x qd-real))
280 (defmethod qrealpart ((x qd-complex))
281 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (qd-real x)))
282 (defun realpart (x)
283 (qrealpart x))
285 (defmethod qimagpart ((x number))
286 (cl:imagpart x))
287 (defmethod qimagpart ((x qd-real))
288 (make-qd 0d0))
289 (defmethod qimagpart ((x qd-complex))
290 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (qd-imag x)))
292 (defun imagpart (x)
293 (qimagpart x))
295 (defmethod qconjugate ((a number))
296 (cl:conjugate a))
298 (defmethod qconjugate ((a qd-real))
299 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (qd-value a)))
301 (defmethod qconjugate ((a qd-complex))
302 (make-instance 'qd-complex
303 :real (qd-real a)
304 :imag (neg-qd (qd-imag a))))
306 (defun conjugate (z)
307 (qconjugate z))
309 (defmethod qscale-float ((f cl:float) (n integer))
310 (cl:scale-float f n))
312 (defmethod qscale-float ((f qd-real) (n integer))
313 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (scale-float-qd (qd-value f) n)))
315 (declaim (inline scale-float))
316 (defun scale-float (f n)
317 (qscale-float f n))
319 (macrolet
320 ((frob (op)
321 (let ((method (intern (concatenate 'string "TWO-ARG-" (symbol-name op))))
322 (cl-fun (find-symbol (symbol-name op) :cl))
323 (qd-fun (intern (concatenate 'string "QD-" (symbol-name op))
324 (find-package :qdi))))
325 `(progn
326 (defmethod ,method ((a real) (b real))
327 (,cl-fun a b))
328 (defmethod ,method ((a qd-real) (b real))
329 (,qd-fun (qd-value a) (make-qd-d (cl:float b 1d0))))
330 (defmethod ,method ((a real) (b qd-real))
331 (,qd-fun (make-qd-d (cl:float a 1d0)) (qd-value b)))
332 (defmethod ,method ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
333 (,qd-fun (qd-value a) (qd-value b)))
334 (defun ,op (number &rest more-numbers)
335 "Returns T if its arguments are in strictly increasing order, NIL otherwise."
336 (declare (optimize (safety 2))
337 (dynamic-extent more-numbers))
338 (do* ((n number (car nlist))
339 (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist)))
340 ((atom nlist) t)
341 (declare (list nlist))
342 (if (not (,method n (car nlist))) (return nil))))))))
343 (frob <)
344 (frob >)
345 (frob <=)
346 (frob >=))
348 (macrolet ((frob (name)
349 (let ((method-name (intern (concatenate 'string "Q" (symbol-name name))))
350 (cl-name (intern (symbol-name name) :cl))
351 (qd-name (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-QD"))))
352 `(progn
353 (defmethod ,method-name ((x number))
354 (,cl-name x))
355 (defmethod ,method-name ((x qd-real))
356 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (,qd-name (qd-value x))))
357 (declaim (inline ,name))
358 (defun ,name (x)
359 (,method-name x))))))
360 (frob abs)
361 (frob exp)
362 (frob sin)
363 (frob cos)
364 (frob tan)
365 ;;(frob asin)
366 ;;(frob acos)
367 (frob sinh)
368 (frob cosh)
369 (frob tanh)
370 (frob asinh)
371 ;;(frob acosh)
372 ;;(frob atanh)
375 (defmethod qsqrt ((x number))
376 (cl:sqrt x))
378 (defmethod qsqrt ((x qd-real))
379 (if (minusp x)
380 (make-instance 'qd-complex
381 :real +qd-zero+
382 :imag (sqrt-qd (neg-qd (qd-value x))))
383 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sqrt-qd (qd-value x)))))
385 (defun sqrt (x)
386 (qsqrt x))
388 (defun scalb (x n)
389 "Compute 2^N * X without compute 2^N first (use properties of the
390 underlying floating-point format"
391 (declare (type qd-real x))
392 (scale-float x n))
394 (declaim (inline qd-cssqs))
395 (defun qd-cssqs (z)
396 (multiple-value-bind (rho k)
397 (qdi::hypot-aux-qd (qd-value (realpart z))
398 (qd-value (imagpart z)))
399 (values (make-instance 'qd-real :value rho)
400 k)))
402 #+nil
403 (defmethod qabs ((z qd-complex))
404 ;; sqrt(x^2+y^2)
405 ;; If |x| > |y| then sqrt(x^2+y^2) = |x|*sqrt(1+(y/x)^2)
406 (multiple-value-bind (abs^2 rho)
407 (hypot-qd (qd-value (realpart z))
408 (qd-value (imagpart z)))
409 (scale-float (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sqrt abs^2))
410 rho)))
412 (defmethod qabs ((z qd-complex))
413 ;; sqrt(x^2+y^2)
414 ;; If |x| > |y| then sqrt(x^2+y^2) = |x|*sqrt(1+(y/x)^2)
415 (make-instance 'qd-real
416 :value (hypot-qd (qd-value (realpart z))
417 (qd-value (imagpart z)))))
419 (defmethod qlog ((a number) &optional b)
420 (if b
421 (cl:log a b)
422 (cl:log a)))
424 (defmethod qlog ((a qd-real) &optional b)
425 (if b
426 (/ (qlog a) (qlog b))
427 (if (minusp (float-sign a))
428 (make-instance 'qd-complex
429 :real (log-qd (abs-qd (qd-value a)))
430 :imag +qd-pi+)
431 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (log-qd (qd-value a))))))
433 (declaim (inline log))
434 (defun log (a &optional b)
435 (qlog a b))
438 (defmethod log1p ((a qd-real))
439 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (log1p-qd (qd-value a))))
441 (defmethod qatan ((y real) &optional x)
442 (cond (x
443 (cond ((typep x 'qd-real)
444 (make-instance 'qd-real
445 :value (atan2-qd (qd-value y) (qd-value x))))
447 (cl:atan y x))))
449 (cl:atan y))))
451 (defmethod qatan ((y qd-real) &optional x)
452 (make-instance 'qd-real
453 :value
454 (if x
455 (atan2-qd (qd-value y) (qd-value x))
456 (atan-qd (qd-value y)))))
458 (defun atan (y &optional x)
459 (qatan y x))
462 (defmethod qexpt ((x number) (y number))
463 (cl:expt x y))
465 (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-real) (y real))
466 (exp (* y (log x))))
468 (defmethod qexpt ((x real) (y qd-real))
469 (exp (* y (log x))))
471 (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-real) (y cl:complex))
472 (exp (* (make-instance 'qd-complex
473 :real (qd-value (realpart y))
474 :imag (qd-value (imagpart y)))
475 (log x))))
477 (defmethod qexpt ((x cl:complex) (y qd-real))
478 (exp (* y
479 (log (make-instance 'qd-complex
480 :real (qd-value (realpart x))
481 :imag (qd-value (imagpart x)))))))
483 (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-real) (y qd-real))
484 ;; x^y = exp(y*log(x))
485 (exp (* y (log x))))
487 (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-real) (y integer))
488 (make-instance 'qd-real
489 :value (npow (qd-value x) y)))
491 (declaim (inline expt))
492 (defun expt (x y)
493 (qexpt x y))
497 (defmethod two-arg-= ((a number) (b number))
498 (cl:= a b))
499 (defmethod two-arg-= ((a qd-real) (b number))
500 (if (realp b)
501 (qd-= (qd-value a) (make-qd-d (cl:float b 1d0)))
502 nil))
503 (defmethod two-arg-= ((a number) (b qd-real))
504 (if (realp a)
505 (qd-= (make-qd-d (cl:float a 1d0)) (qd-value b))
506 nil))
508 (defmethod two-arg-= ((a qd-real) (b qd-real))
509 (qd-= (qd-value a) (qd-value b)))
511 (defun = (number &rest more-numbers)
512 "Returns T if all of its arguments are numerically equal, NIL otherwise."
513 (declare (optimize (safety 2))
514 (dynamic-extent more-numbers))
515 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist)))
516 ((atom nlist) T)
517 (declare (list nlist))
518 (if (not (two-arg-= (car nlist) number))
519 (return nil))))
521 (defun /= (number &rest more-numbers)
522 "Returns T if no two of its arguments are numerically equal, NIL otherwise."
523 (declare (optimize (safety 2))
524 (dynamic-extent more-numbers))
525 (do* ((head number (car nlist))
526 (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist)))
527 ((atom nlist) t)
528 (declare (list nlist))
529 (unless (do* ((nl nlist (cdr nl)))
530 ((atom nl) T)
531 (declare (list nl))
532 (if (two-arg-= head (car nl))
533 (return nil)))
534 (return nil))))
536 (defmethod qcomplex ((x real) &optional y)
537 (cl:complex x (if y y 0)))
539 (defmethod qcomplex ((x qd-real) &optional y)
540 (make-instance 'qd-complex
541 :real (qd-value x)
542 :imag (if y (qd-value y) +qd-zero+)))
544 (defun complex (x &optional (y 0))
545 (qcomplex x y))
547 (defmethod qinteger-decode-float ((f cl:float))
548 (cl:integer-decode-float f))
550 (defmethod qinteger-decode-float ((f qd-real))
551 (integer-decode-qd (qd-value f)))
553 (declaim (inline integer-decode-float))
554 (defun integer-decode-float (f)
555 (qinteger-decode-float f))
557 (defmethod qdecode-float ((f cl:float))
558 (cl:decode-float f))
560 (defmethod qdecode-float ((f qd-real))
561 (multiple-value-bind (frac exp s)
562 (decode-float-qd (qd-value f))
563 (values (make-instance 'qd-real :value frac)
565 (make-instance 'qd-real :value s))))
567 (declaim (inline decode-float))
568 (defun decode-float (f)
569 (qdecode-float f))
571 (defmethod qfloor ((x real) &optional y)
572 (if y
573 (cl:floor x y)
574 (cl:floor x)))
576 (defmethod qfloor ((x qd-real) &optional y)
577 (if (and y (/= y 1))
578 (let ((f (qfloor (/ x y))))
579 (values f
580 (- x (* f y))))
581 (let ((f (ffloor-qd (qd-value x))))
582 (multiple-value-bind (int exp sign)
583 (integer-decode-qd f)
584 (values (ash (* sign int) exp)
585 (make-instance 'qd-real
586 :value (qd-value
587 (- x (make-instance 'qd-real
588 :value f)))))))))
590 (defun floor (x &optional y)
591 (qfloor x y))
593 (defmethod qffloor ((x real) &optional y)
594 (if y
595 (cl:ffloor x y)
596 (cl:ffloor x)))
598 (defmethod qffloor ((x qd-real) &optional y)
599 (if (and y (/= y 1))
600 (let ((f (qffloor (/ x y))))
601 (values f
602 (- x (* f y))))
603 (let ((f (make-instance 'qd-real :value (ffloor-qd (qd-value x)))))
604 (values f
605 (- x f)))))
607 (defun ffloor (x &optional y)
608 (qffloor x y))
610 (defun ceiling (x &optional y)
611 (multiple-value-bind (f rem)
612 (floor x y)
613 (if (zerop rem)
614 (values (+ f 1)
615 rem)
616 (values (+ f 1)
617 (- rem 1)))))
619 (defun fceiling (x &optional y)
620 (multiple-value-bind (f rem)
621 (ffloor x y)
622 (if (zerop rem)
623 (values (+ f 1)
624 rem)
625 (values (+ f 1)
626 (- rem 1)))))
628 (defun truncate (x &optional (y 1))
629 (if (minusp x)
630 (ceiling x y)
631 (floor x y)))
633 (defun ftruncate (x &optional (y 1))
634 (if (minusp x)
635 (fceiling x y)
636 (ffloor x y)))
638 (defmethod %unary-round ((x real))
639 (cl::round x))
641 (defmethod %unary-round ((number qd-real))
642 (multiple-value-bind (bits exp)
643 (integer-decode-float number)
644 (let* ((shifted (ash bits exp))
645 (rounded (if (and (minusp exp)
646 (oddp shifted)
647 (not (zerop (logand bits
648 (ash 1 (- -1 exp))))))
649 (1+ shifted)
650 shifted)))
651 (if (minusp number)
652 (- rounded)
653 rounded))))
655 (defun round (number &optional (divisor 1))
656 (if (eql divisor 1)
657 (let ((r (%unary-round number)))
658 (values r
659 (- number r)))
660 (multiple-value-bind (tru rem)
661 (truncate number divisor)
662 (if (zerop rem)
663 (values tru rem)
664 (let ((thresh (/ (abs divisor) 2)))
665 (cond ((or (> rem thresh)
666 (and (= rem thresh) (oddp tru)))
667 (if (minusp divisor)
668 (values (- tru 1) (+ rem divisor))
669 (values (+ tru 1) (- rem divisor))))
670 ((let ((-thresh (- thresh)))
671 (or (< rem -thresh)
672 (and (= rem -thresh) (oddp tru))))
673 (if (minusp divisor)
674 (values (+ tru 1) (- rem divisor))
675 (values (- tru 1) (+ rem divisor))))
676 (t (values tru rem))))))))
678 (defun fround (number &optional (divisor 1))
679 "Same as ROUND, but returns first value as a float."
680 (multiple-value-bind (res rem)
681 (round number divisor)
682 (values (float res (if (floatp rem) rem 1.0)) rem)))
684 (defmethod qfloat-sign ((a real) &optional (f (float 1 a)))
685 (cl:float-sign a f))
687 (defmethod qfloat-sign ((a qd-real) &optional f)
688 (if f
689 (make-instance 'qd-real
690 :value (mul-qd-d (abs-qd (qd-value f))
691 (cl:float-sign (qd-0 (qd-value a)))))
692 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d (cl:float-sign (qd-0 (qd-value a)))))))
694 (declaim (inline float-sign))
695 (defun float-sign (n &optional float2)
696 (qfloat-sign n float2))
698 (defun max (number &rest more-numbers)
699 "Returns the greatest of its arguments."
700 (declare (optimize (safety 2)) (type (or real qd-real) number)
701 (dynamic-extent more-numbers))
702 (dolist (real more-numbers)
703 (when (> real number)
704 (setq number real)))
705 number)
707 (defun min (number &rest more-numbers)
708 "Returns the least of its arguments."
709 (declare (optimize (safety 2)) (type (or real qd-real) number)
710 (dynamic-extent more-numbers))
711 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
712 (result (the (or real qd-real) number)))
713 ((null nlist) (return result))
714 (declare (list nlist))
715 (if (< (car nlist) result)
716 (setq result (car nlist)))))
718 (defmethod qasin ((x number))
719 (cl:asin x))
721 (defmethod qasin ((x qd-real))
722 (if (<= -1 x 1)
723 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (asin-qd (qd-value x)))
724 (qd-complex-asin x)))
726 (declaim (inline asin))
727 (defun asin (x)
728 (qasin x))
730 (defmethod qacos ((x number))
731 (cl:acos x))
733 (defmethod qacos ((x qd-real))
734 (cond ((> (abs x) 1)
735 (qd-complex-acos x))
737 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (acos-qd (qd-value x))))))
739 (declaim (inline acos))
740 (defun acos (x)
741 (qacos x))
743 (defmethod qacosh ((x number))
744 (cl:acosh x))
746 (defmethod qacosh ((x qd-real))
747 (if (< x 1)
748 (qd-complex-acosh x)
749 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (acosh-qd (qd-value x)))))
752 (declaim (inline acosh))
753 (defun acosh (x)
754 (qacosh x))
756 (defmethod qatanh ((x number))
757 (cl:atanh x))
759 (defmethod qatanh ((x qd-real))
760 (if (> (abs x) 1)
761 (qd-complex-atanh x)
762 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (atanh-qd (qd-value x)))))
765 (declaim (inline atanh))
766 (defun atanh (x)
767 (qatanh x))
769 (defmethod qcis ((x real))
770 (cl:cis x))
772 (defmethod qcis ((x qd-real))
773 (multiple-value-bind (s c)
774 (sincos-qd (qd-value x))
775 (make-instance 'qd-complex
776 :real c
777 :imag s)))
779 (declaim (inline cis))
780 (defun cis (x)
781 (qcis x))
783 (defmethod qphase ((x number))
784 (cl:phase x))
786 (defmethod qphase ((x qd-real))
787 (if (minusp x)
788 (- +pi+)
789 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (make-qd-d 0d0))))
791 (declaim (inline phase))
792 (defun phase (x)
793 (qphase x))
795 (defun signum (number)
796 "If NUMBER is zero, return NUMBER, else return (/ NUMBER (ABS NUMBER))."
797 (if (zerop number)
798 number
799 (if (rationalp number)
800 (if (plusp number) 1 -1)
801 (/ number (abs number)))))
803 (defmethod random ((x cl:real) &optional (state *random-state*))
804 (cl:random x state))
806 (defmethod random ((x qd-real) &optional (state *random-state*))
807 (* x (make-instance 'qd-real
808 :value (qdi:random-qd state))))
810 (define-compiler-macro + (&whole form &rest args)
811 (if (null args)
813 (do ((args (cdr args) (cdr args))
814 (res (car args)
815 `(two-arg-+ ,res ,(car args))))
816 ((null args) res))))
818 (define-compiler-macro - (&whole form number &rest more-numbers)
819 (if more-numbers
820 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
821 (result number))
822 ((atom nlist) result)
823 (declare (list nlist))
824 (setq result `(two-arg-- ,result ,(car nlist))))
825 `(unary-minus ,number)))
827 (define-compiler-macro * (&whole form &rest args)
828 (if (null args)
830 (do ((args (cdr args) (cdr args))
831 (res (car args)
832 `(two-arg-* ,res ,(car args))))
833 ((null args) res))))
835 (define-compiler-macro / (number &rest more-numbers)
836 (if more-numbers
837 (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
838 (result number))
839 ((atom nlist) result)
840 (declare (list nlist))
841 (setq result `(two-arg-/ ,result ,(car nlist))))
842 `(unary-divide ,number)))
844 ;; Compiler macros to convert <, >, <=, and >= into multiple calls of
845 ;; the corresponding two-arg-<foo> function.
846 (macrolet
847 ((frob (op)
848 (let ((method (intern (concatenate 'string "TWO-ARG-" (symbol-name op)))))
849 `(define-compiler-macro ,op (number &rest more-numbers)
850 (do* ((n number (car nlist))
851 (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))
852 (res nil))
853 ((atom nlist)
854 `(and ,@(nreverse res)))
855 (push `(,',method ,n ,(car nlist)) res))))))
856 (frob <)
857 (frob >)
858 (frob <=)
859 (frob >=))
861 (define-compiler-macro /= (&whole form number &rest more-numbers)
862 ;; Convert (/= x y) to (not (two-arg-= x y)). Should we try to
863 ;; handle a few more cases?
864 (if (cdr more-numbers)
865 form
866 `(not (two-arg-= ,number ,(car more-numbers)))))
869 (defun read-qd-real-or-complex (stream)
870 (let ((c (peek-char t stream)))
871 (cond ((char= c #\()
872 ;; Read a QD complex
873 (read-char stream) ; Skip the paren
874 (let ((real (read stream t nil t))
875 (imag (read stream t nil t)))
876 (unless (char= (peek-char t stream) #\))
877 (error "Illegal QD-COMPLEX number format"))
878 ;; Read closing paren
879 (read-char stream)
880 (make-instance 'qd-complex
881 :real (qd-value (float real +qd-real-one+))
882 :imag (qd-value (float imag +qd-real-one+)))))
884 (make-instance 'qd-real :value (read-qd stream))))))
886 (defun qd-class-reader (stream subchar arg)
887 (declare (ignore subchar))
888 (when arg
889 (warn "Numeric argument ignored in #~DQ" arg))
890 (read-qd-real-or-complex stream))
892 ;; Yow! We redefine the #q reader that is in qd-io.lisp to read in
893 ;; and make a real qd-real float, instead of the hackish
894 ;; %qd-real.
895 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\Q #'qd-class-reader)