object system cleanup, continuing
[CommonLispStat.git] / compound.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2007, by A.J. Rossini <blindglobe@gmail.com>
3 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
4 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI was finally finished. Edited for ANSI Common Lisp.
6 ;;;; compound -- Compound data and element-wise mapping functions
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991, by Luke Tierney. Permission is granted for
9 ;;;; unrestricted use.
10 ;;;;
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; Package Setup
14 ;;;;
16 (defpackage :lisp-stat-compound-data
17 (:use :common-lisp
18 :lisp-stat-object-system)
19 (:import-from :lisp-stat-fastmap
20 fastmap)
21 (:shadowing-import-from :lisp-stat-object-system
22 slot-value
23 call-next-method
24 call-method))
26 (in-package :lisp-stat-compound-data)
28 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
29 ;;;
30 ;;; Internal Support Functions
31 ;;;
32 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
34 (defun cmpndp (x)
35 "Predicate to determine if argument is compound. Most common
36 non-compound types are checked first."
37 (declare (inline numberp symbolp stringp consp arrayp array-total-size))
38 (cond ((or (numberp x) (symbolp x) (stringp x)) nil)
39 ((or (consp x) (and (arrayp x) (< 0 (array-total-size x)))) t)
40 (t (compound-object-p x))))
42 (defun find-compound-data (list)
43 "Returns first compound data item in LIST or NIL if there is none."
44 (dolist (x list) (if (cmpndp x) (return x))))
46 (defun any-compound-elements (seq)
47 "Checks for a compound element."
48 (cond ((consp seq) (dolist (x seq) (if (cmpndp x) (return x))))
49 ((vectorp seq)
50 (let ((n (length seq)))
51 (declare (fixnum n))
52 (dotimes (i n)
53 (declare (fixnum i))
54 (let ((x (aref seq i)))
55 (if (cmpndp x) (return x))))))
56 (t (error "argument must be a list or vector"))))
58 (defun compound-data-sequence (x)
59 "Returns sequence of data values for X."
60 (declare (inline consp vectorp arrayp make-array array-total-size))
61 (cond
62 ((or (consp x) (vectorp x)) x)
63 ((arrayp x) (make-array (array-total-size x) :displaced-to x))
64 (t (send x :data-seq))))
66 (defmacro sequence-type (x) `(if (consp ,x) 'list 'vector))
68 (defun make-compound-data (shape sequence)
69 "Construct a compound data item to match the shape of the first
70 argument."
71 (let ((n (length (compound-data-sequence shape))))
72 (if (/= n (length sequence)) (error "compound data not the same shape"))
73 (cond
74 ((consp shape) (if (consp sequence) sequence (coerce sequence 'list)))
75 ((vectorp shape)
76 (if (vectorp sequence) sequence (coerce sequence 'vector)))
77 ((arrayp shape)
78 (make-array (array-dimensions shape)
79 :displaced-to (coerce sequence 'vector)))
80 (t (send shape :make-data sequence)))))
82 (defun make-circle (x)
83 "Make a circular list of one element."
84 (declare (inline cons rplacd))
85 (let ((x (cons x nil)))
86 (rplacd x x)
87 x))
89 (defun check-compound (x)
90 "Signals an error if X is not compound."
91 (if (not (cmpndp x)) (error "not a compound data item - ~a" x)))
93 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
94 ;;;
95 ;;; MAP-ELEMENTS function
96 ;;; Applies a function to arguments. If all arguments are simple (i. e.
97 ;;; not compound) then MAP-ELEMENTS acts like funcall. Otherwise all
98 ;;; compound arguments must be of the same shape and simple arguments
99 ;;; are treated as if they were compound arguments of the appropriate
100 ;;; shape. This is implemented by replacin all simple arguments by
101 ;;; circular lists of one element.
103 ;;; This implementation uses FASTMAP, a version of MAP that is assumed
104 ;;; to
106 ;;; a) work reasonable fast on any combination of lists and vectors
107 ;;; as its arguments
109 ;;; b) not hang if at least one of its arguments is not a circular
110 ;;; list.
112 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
114 (defun fixup-map-elements-arglist (args)
115 (do* ((args args (rest args))
116 (x (car args) (car args)))
117 ((null args))
118 (declare (inline car))
119 (setf (car args)
120 (if (cmpndp x) (compound-data-sequence x) (make-circle x)))))
122 (defun map-elements (fcn &rest args)
123 "Args: (fcn &rest args)
124 Applies FCN elementwise. If no arguments are compound MAP-ELEMENTS
125 acts like FUNCALL. Compound arguments must all be the same shape. Non
126 compound arguments, in the presence of compound ones, are treated as
127 if they were of the same shape as the compound items with constant data
128 values."
129 (let ((first-compound (find-compound-data args)))
130 (cond ((null first-compound) (apply fcn args))
131 (t (fixup-map-elements-arglist args)
132 (let* ((seq (compound-data-sequence first-compound))
133 (type (sequence-type seq)))
134 (make-compound-data first-compound
135 (apply #'fastmap type fcn args)))))))
137 (defun recursive-map-elements (base-fcn fcn &rest args)
138 "Args: (base-fcn fcn &rest args)
139 The same idea as MAP-ELEMENTS, except arguments are in a list and the
140 base and recursive cases can use different functions. Modified to check
141 for second level of compounding and use base-fcn if there is none."
142 (let ((first-compound (find-compound-data args)))
143 (cond ((null first-compound) (apply base-fcn args))
144 (t (fixup-map-elements-arglist args)
145 (let* ((seq (compound-data-sequence first-compound))
146 (type (sequence-type seq))
147 (f (if (any-compound-elements seq) fcn base-fcn)))
148 (make-compound-data first-compound
149 (apply #'fastmap type f args)))))))
152 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
153 ;;;;
154 ;;;; Public Predicate and Accessor Functions
155 ;;;;
156 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
158 (defun compound-data-p (x)
159 "Args: (x)
160 Returns T if X is a compound data item, NIL otherwise."
161 (cmpndp x))
163 (defun compound-data-seq (x)
164 "Args (x)
165 Returns data sequence in X."
166 (check-compound x)
167 (compound-data-sequence x))
169 (defun compound-data-length (x)
170 "Args (x)
171 Returns length of data sequence in X."
172 (check-compound x)
173 (length (compound-data-sequence x)))
175 (defun element-list (x)
176 (cond
177 ((compound-data-p x)
178 (let ((x (concatenate 'list (compound-data-seq x)))) ; copies sequence
179 (cond
180 ((any-compound-elements x)
181 (do ((next x (rest next)))
182 ((not (consp next)))
183 (setf (first next) (element-list (first next))))
184 (do ((result (first x))
185 (last (last (first x)))
186 (next (rest x) (rest next)))
187 ((not (consp next)) result)
188 (setf (rest last) (first next))
189 (setf last (last (first next)))))
190 (t x))))
191 (t (list x))))
193 (defun element-seq (x)
194 "Args: (x)
195 Returns sequence of the elements of compound item X."
196 (check-compound x)
197 (let ((seq (compound-data-seq x)))
198 (if (any-compound-elements seq) (element-list seq) seq)))
200 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
201 ;;;;
202 ;;;; Compound Data Objects
203 ;;;;
204 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
206 (defproto compound-data-proto)
208 (defmeth compound-data-proto :data-length (&rest args) nil)
209 (defmeth compound-data-proto :data-seq (&rest args) nil)
210 (defmeth compound-data-proto :make-data (&rest args) nil)
211 (defmeth compound-data-proto :select-data (&rest args) nil)
213 (defun compound-object-p (x) (kind-of-p x compound-data-proto))