remove softlink
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / lift.darcs / dev / config.lisp
1 (in-package #:lift)
3 (defvar *current-configuration-stream* nil)
5 (defvar *current-asdf-system-name* nil)
7 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
8 (when (find-package :asdf)
9 (defmethod asdf:perform :around ((operation asdf:test-op) (c asdf:system))
10 (let ((*current-asdf-system-name* (asdf:component-name c)))
11 (call-next-method)))))
13 (defun find-generic-test-configuration ()
14 (let ((srp (and *current-asdf-system-name*
15 (find-package :asdf)
16 (intern (symbol-name 'system-relative-pathname) :asdf))))
17 (cond (srp
18 (or (probe-file (funcall srp
19 *current-asdf-system-name*
20 "lift-local.config"))
21 (probe-file (funcall srp
22 *current-asdf-system-name*
23 "lift-standard.config"))
24 (error "Unable to find lift-local.config or lift-standard.config relative to the current system (~s)" *current-asdf-system-name*)))
26 (error "Unable to use :generic configuration option either because ASDF is not loaded or because asdf:system-relative-pathname is not bound (maybe try updating?) or because the current system cannot be determined.")))))
28 (defun run-tests-from-file (path)
29 (let ((real-path (cond ((eq path :generic)
30 (setf path (find-generic-test-configuration)))
32 (probe-file path)))))
33 (unless real-path
34 (error "Unable to find configuration file ~s" path))
35 (setf *test-result*
36 (let* ((*package* *package*)
37 (*read-eval* nil)
38 (result (make-test-result path :multiple))
39 (*lift-dribble-pathname* nil)
40 (*lift-debug-output* *debug-io*)
41 (*lift-standard-output* *standard-output*)
42 (*test-break-on-errors?* nil)
43 (*test-do-children?* t)
44 (*lift-equality-test* 'equal)
45 (*test-print-length* :follow-print)
46 (*test-print-level* :follow-print)
47 (*lift-if-dribble-exists* :append)
48 (*test-result* result))
49 (%run-tests-from-file path)))))
51 (defun %run-tests-from-file (path)
52 (with-open-file (*current-configuration-stream* path
53 :direction :input
54 :if-does-not-exist :error)
55 (let ((form nil))
56 (loop while (not (eq (setf form (read *current-configuration-stream*
57 nil :eof nil)) :eof))
58 collect
59 (handler-bind
60 ((error (lambda (c) (format
61 *error-output*
62 "Error while running ~a from ~a: ~a"
63 form path c)
64 (invoke-debugger c))))
65 (destructuring-bind
66 (name &rest args)
67 form
68 (assert (typep name 'symbol) nil
69 "Each command must be a symbol and ~s is not." name)
70 (setf args (massage-arguments args))
71 (cond
72 ;; check for preferences first (i.e., keywords)
73 ((eq (symbol-package name)
74 (symbol-package :keyword))
75 ;; must be a preference
76 (handle-config-preference name args))
77 ((subtypep (find-testsuite name)
78 'lift:test-mixin)
79 (apply #'run-tests :suite name
80 :result *test-result* args))
82 (error "Don't understand '~s' while reading from ~s"
83 form path))))))))
84 (values *test-result*))
86 (defun massage-arguments (args)
87 (loop for arg in args collect
88 (cond ((and (symbolp arg)
89 (string= (symbol-name arg) (symbol-name '*standard-output*)))
90 *standard-output*)
91 (t arg))))
93 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name t) args)
94 (error "Unknown preference ~s (with arguments ~s)"
95 name args))
97 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :include)) args)
98 (%run-tests-from-file (merge-pathnames (first args)
99 *current-configuration-stream*)))
101 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :dribble)) args)
102 (setf *lift-dribble-pathname* (first args)))
104 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :debug-output)) args)
105 (setf *lift-debug-output* (first args)))
107 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :standard-output)) args)
108 (setf *lift-standard-output* (first args)))
110 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :break-on-errors?)) args)
111 (setf *test-break-on-errors?* (first args)))
113 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :do-children?)) args)
114 (setf *test-do-children?* (first args)))
116 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :equality-test)) args)
117 (setf *lift-equality-test* (first args)))
119 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :print-length)) args)
120 (setf *test-print-length* (first args)))
122 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :print-level)) args)
123 (setf *test-print-level* (first args)))
125 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :print-suite-names)) args)
126 (setf *test-print-testsuite-names* (first args)))
128 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :print-test-case-names)) args)
129 (setf *test-print-test-case-names* (first args)))
131 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :if-dribble-exists))
132 args)
133 (setf *lift-if-dribble-exists* (first args)))
135 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :report-property))
136 args)
137 (setf (test-result-property *test-result* (first args)) (second args)))
139 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :profiling-threshold))
140 args)
141 (setf *profiling-threshold* (first args)))
143 (defmethod handle-config-preference ((name (eql :build-report))
144 args)
145 (declare (ignore args))
146 (let* ((dest (or (test-result-property *test-result* :full-pathname)
147 (asdf:system-relative-pathname
148 (or (test-result-property *test-result* :relative-to)
149 'lift)
150 (or (test-result-property *test-result* :name)
151 "report.html"))))
152 (format (or (test-result-property *test-result* :format)
153 :html))
154 (unique-name (test-result-property *test-result* :unique-name)))
155 (when (and unique-name (not (streamp dest)))
156 (setf dest (unique-filename dest)))
157 (with-standard-io-syntax
158 (let ((*print-readably* nil))
159 (handler-case
160 (cond
161 ((or (streamp dest) (writable-directory-p dest))
162 (format *debug-io* "~&Sending report (format ~s) to ~a"
163 format dest)
164 (test-result-report
165 *test-result*
166 dest
167 format))
169 (format *debug-io* "~&Unable to write report (format ~s) to ~a"
170 format dest)))
171 (error (c)
172 (format *debug-io*
173 "Error ~a while generating report (format ~s) to ~a"
174 c format dest)))))))