don't load clem yet, no integration at this stage.
[CommonLispStat.git] / matrices.lsp
1 ;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005--2007, by A.J. Rossini <>
4 ;;; See COPYRIGHT file for any additional restrictions (BSD license).
5 ;;; Since 1991, ANSI was finally finished. Modified to match ANSI
6 ;;; Common Lisp.
8 ;;;; matrices -- Basic matrix operations
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991, by Luke Tierney. Permission is granted for
11 ;;;; unrestricted use.
14 ;;; Need to extend to use CLEM
18 ;;;;
19 ;;;; Package Setup
20 ;;;;
22 (defpackage :lisp-stat-matrix
23 (:use :common-lisp
24 :lisp-stat-compound-data
25 :lisp-stat-sequence)
26 (:export matrixp num-rows num-cols matmult identity-matrix diagonal
27 row-list column-list inner-product outer-product
28 cross-product transpose bind-columns bind-rows
29 array-data-vector vector-to-array
31 check-matrix check-square-matrix))
33 (in-package :lisp-stat-matrix)
35 (deftype matrix () 'array) ;; temp fix
37 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
38 ;;;;
39 ;;;; Array to Row-Major Data Vector Conversion Functions
40 ;;;;
41 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
43 (defun array-data-vector (a)
44 "Args: (a)
45 Displaces array A to a vector"
46 (make-array (array-total-size a)
47 :displaced-to a
48 :element-type (array-element-type a)))
50 (defun vector-to-array (v dims)
51 "Args: (v dims)
52 Displaces vector V to array with dimensions DIMS"
53 (make-array dims
54 :displaced-to v
55 :element-type (array-element-type v)))
57 ;;;;
59 (defun check-matrix (a)
60 (if (not (and (arrayp a) (= (array-rank a) 2)))
61 (error "not a matrix - ~s" a)
62 t))
64 (defun check-square-matrix (a)
65 (if (and (check-matrix a)
66 (/= (array-dimension a 0) (array-dimension a 1))
67 (error "matrix not square - ~s" a))
68 t))
70 (defun matrixp (x)
71 "Args: (x)
72 Returns T if X is a matrix, NIL otherwise."
73 (and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 2)))
75 (defun num-rows (x)
76 "Args: (x)
77 Returns number of rows in X."
78 (array-dimension x 0))
80 (defun num-cols (x)
81 "Args: (x)
82 Returns number of columns in X."
83 (array-dimension x 1))
85 (defun matmult (a b &rest args)
86 "Args: (a b &rest args)
87 Returns the matrix product of matrices a, b, etc. If a is a vector it is
88 treated as a row vector; if b is a vector it is treated as a column vector."
89 ;; fixme: why does SBCL claim this is unreachable?
90 (let ((rtype (cond ((and (matrixp a) (matrixp b)) 'matrix)
91 ((and (sequencep a) (sequencep b)) 'number)
92 ((sequencep a) (if (consp a) 'list 'vector))
93 ((sequencep b) (if (consp b) 'list 'vector)))))
95 (if (sequencep a)
96 (setf a (vector-to-array (coerce a 'vector) (list 1 (length a)))))
97 (if (sequencep b)
98 (setf b (vector-to-array (coerce b 'vector) (list (length b) 1))))
99 (if (not (= (array-dimension a 1) (array-dimension b 0)))
100 (error "dimensions do not match"))
101 (if args
102 (reduce #'matmult args :initial-value (matmult a b))
103 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
104 (m (array-dimension b 1))
105 (p (array-dimension a 1))
106 (c (make-array (list n m)))
108 (declare (fixnum n m p))
109 (dotimes (i n)
110 (declare (fixnum i))
111 (dotimes (j m)
112 (declare (fixnum j))
113 (setq x 0)
114 (dotimes (k p)
115 (declare (fixnum k))
116 (setq x (+ x
117 (* (aref a i k) (aref b k j)))))
118 (setf (aref c i j) x)))
119 (case rtype
120 (matrix c)
121 (number (aref c 0 0))
122 (t (coerce (compound-data-seq c) rtype)))))))
124 (defun identity-matrix (n)
125 "Args: (n)
126 Returns the identity matrix of rank N."
127 (let ((result (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
128 (dotimes (i n result)
129 (declare (fixnum i))
130 (setf (aref result i i) 1))))
132 ;; this thing is not very efficient at this point - too much coercing
133 (defun diagonal (x)
134 "Args: (x)
135 If X is a matrix, returns the diagonal of X. If X is a sequence, returns a
136 diagonal matrix of rank (length X) with diagonal elements eq to the elements
137 of X."
138 (cond ((matrixp x)
139 (let* ((n (min (num-rows x) (num-cols x)))
140 (result (make-array n)))
141 (dotimes (i n (coerce result 'list))
142 (setf (aref result i) (aref x i i)))))
143 ((sequencep x)
144 (let* ((x (coerce x 'vector))
145 (n (length x))
146 (result (make-array (list n n) :initial-element 0)))
147 (dotimes (i n result)
148 (setf (aref result i i) (aref x i)))))
149 (t (error "argument must be a matrix or a sequence"))))
151 (defun row-list (x)
152 "Args: (m)
153 Returns a list of the rows of M as vectors"
154 (check-matrix x)
155 (let ((m (num-rows x))
156 (n (num-cols x))
157 (result nil))
158 (declare (fixnum m n))
159 (flet ((get-row (k)
160 (declare (fixnum k))
161 (let ((row (make-array n)))
162 (dotimes (i n row)
163 (declare (fixnum i))
164 (setf (aref row i) (aref x k i))))))
165 (dotimes (i m result)
166 (declare (fixnum i))
167 (setf result (cons (get-row (- m i 1)) result))))))
169 (defun column-list (x)
170 "Args: (m)
171 Returns a list of the columns of M as vectors"
172 (check-matrix x)
173 (let ((m (num-rows x))
174 (n (num-cols x))
175 (result nil))
176 (declare (fixnum m n))
177 (flet ((get-col (k)
178 (declare (fixnum k))
179 (let ((col (make-array m)))
180 (dotimes (i m col)
181 (declare (fixnum i))
182 (setf (aref col i) (aref x i k))))))
183 (dotimes (i n result)
184 (declare (fixnum i))
185 (setf result (cons (get-col (- n i 1)) result))))))
187 (defun inner-product (x y)
188 "Args: (x y)
189 Returns inner product of sequences X and Y."
190 (check-sequence x)
191 (check-sequence y)
192 (let ((n (length x))
193 (cx (make-next-element x))
194 (cy (make-next-element y))
195 (result 0))
196 (declare (fixnum n))
197 (if (/= n (length y)) (error "sequence lengths do not match"))
198 (dotimes (i n result)
199 (declare (fixnum i))
200 (setf result
201 (+ result (* (get-next-element cx i) (get-next-element cy i)))))))
203 (defun outer-product (x y &optional (f #'*))
204 "Args: (x y &optional (fcn #'*))
205 Returns the generalized outer product of x and y, using fcn. Tat is, the result
206 is a matrix of dimension ((length x) (length y)) and the (i j) element of the
207 result is computed as (apply fcn (aref x i) (aref y j))."
208 (let* ((x (coerce x 'vector))
209 (y (coerce y 'vector))
210 (m (length x))
211 (n (length y))
212 (a (make-array (list m n))))
213 (declare (fixnum m n))
214 (dotimes (i m a)
215 (declare (fixnum i))
216 (dotimes (j n)
217 (declare (fixnum j))
218 (setf (aref a i j) (funcall f (aref x i) (aref y j)))))))
220 (defun cross-product (x)
221 "Args: (x)
222 If X is a matrix returns (matmult (transpose X) X). If X is a vector returns
223 (inner-product X X)."
224 (check-matrix x)
225 (let* ((n (num-rows x))
226 (p (num-cols x))
227 (c (make-array (list p p))))
228 (declare (fixnum n p))
229 (dotimes (i p c)
230 (declare (fixnum i))
231 (dotimes (j (+ i 1))
232 (declare (fixnum j))
233 (let ((val 0))
234 (dotimes (k n)
235 (declare (fixnum k))
236 (incf val (* (aref x k i) (aref x k j))))
237 (setf (aref c i j) val)
238 (setf (aref c j i) val))))))
240 (defun transpose-list (x)
241 (let ((m (length (first x))))
242 (dolist (next x)
243 (if (not (consp next)) (error "not a list - ~a" x))
244 (if (/= m (length next)) (error "sublists not the same length")))
245 (do* ((cx (copy-list x))
246 (result (make-list m))
247 (next result (cdr next)))
248 ((null next) result)
249 (setf (first next) (mapcar #'first cx))
250 (do ((next cx (cdr next)))
251 ((null next))
252 (setf (first next) (rest (first next)))))))
254 (defun transpose (x)
255 "Args: (m)
256 Returns the transpose of the matrix M."
257 (cond
258 ((consp x) (transpose-list x))
260 (check-matrix x)
261 (let* ((m (num-rows x))
262 (n (num-cols x))
263 (tx (make-array (list n m))))
264 (declare (fixnum m n))
265 (dotimes (i m tx)
266 (declare (fixnum i))
267 (dotimes (j n)
268 (declare (fixnum j))
269 (setf (aref tx j i) (aref x i j))))))))
271 (defun bind-columns (&rest args)
272 "Args (&rest args)
273 The ARGS can be matrices, vectors, or lists. Arguments are bound into a matrix
274 along their columns.
275 Example: (bind-columns #2a((1 2)(3 4)) #(5 6)) returns #2a((1 2 5)(3 4 6))"
276 (flet ((check-arg (x)
277 (if (not (or (sequencep x) (matrixp x)))
278 (error "bad argument type")))
279 (arg-cols (x) (if (sequencep x) 1 (num-cols x)))
280 (arg-rows (x) (if (sequencep x) (length x) (num-rows x))))
281 (dolist (x args) (check-arg x))
282 (let ((m (arg-rows (first args)))
283 (n (arg-cols (first args))))
284 (declare (fixnum m n))
285 (dolist (x (rest args))
286 (if (/= m (arg-rows x)) (error "column lengths do not match"))
287 (incf n (arg-cols x)))
288 (do* ((result (make-array (list m n)))
289 (args args (rest args))
290 (firstcol 0)
291 (x (first args) (first args)))
292 ((null args) result)
293 (cond
294 ((sequencep x)
295 (let ((cx (make-next-element x)))
296 (dotimes (i m)
297 (setf (aref result i firstcol) (get-next-element cx i)))))
299 (let ((k (arg-cols x)))
300 (dotimes (i m)
301 (dotimes (j k)
302 (setf (aref result i (+ firstcol j)) (aref x i j)))))))
303 (incf firstcol (arg-cols x))))))
305 (defun bind-rows (&rest args)
306 "Args (&rest args)
307 The ARGS can be matrices, vectors, or lists. Arguments are bound into a matrix
308 along their rows.
309 Example: (bind-rows #2a((1 2)(3 4)) #(5 6)) returns #2a((1 2)(3 4)(5 6))"
310 (flet ((check-arg (x)
311 (if (not (or (sequencep x) (matrixp x)))
312 (error "bad argument type")))
313 (arg-cols (x) (if (sequencep x) (length x) (num-cols x)))
314 (arg-rows (x) (if (sequencep x) 1 (num-rows x))))
315 (dolist (x args) (check-arg x))
316 (let ((m (arg-rows (first args)))
317 (n (arg-cols (first args))))
318 (declare (fixnum m n))
319 (dolist (x (rest args))
320 (if (/= n (arg-cols x)) (error "row lengths do not match"))
321 (incf m (arg-rows x)))
322 (do* ((result (make-array (list m n)))
323 (args args (rest args))
324 (firstrow 0)
325 (x (first args) (first args)))
326 ((null args) result)
327 (cond
328 ((sequencep x)
329 (let ((cx (make-next-element x)))
330 (dotimes (i n)
331 (setf (aref result firstrow i) (get-next-element cx i)))))
333 (let ((k (arg-rows x)))
334 (dotimes (i n)
335 (dotimes (j k)
336 (setf (aref result (+ firstrow j) i) (aref x j i)))))))
337 (incf firstrow (arg-rows x))))))