clean up, suggestion in docs.
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / smarkup / src /
2 (in-package :smarkup)
4 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
5 #.(enable-quote-reader-macro))
7 (defparameter *xhtml-header*
8 #q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9 <!DOCTYPE html
10 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
11 "">})
13 (defparameter *html-element-transformation*
14 `((:bibcite . html-citation)
15 (:bibliography . html-bibliography)
16 (:image . htmlize-image)
17 (:url . htmlize-url)
18 (:href . htmlize-href)
19 (:h1 . htmlize-header)
20 (:h2 . htmlize-header)
21 (:h3 . htmlize-header)
22 (:h4 . htmlize-header)
23 (:example . :pre)
24 (:sidebarhead . (:div :class "sidebarhead"))
25 (:sidebar . (:div :class "sidebar"))
26 (:note . (:div :class "note"))
27 (:note-ref . :sup)
28 (:bullets . :ul)
29 (:list . :ul)
30 (:item . :li)
31 (:results . (:code :class "results"))
32 (:figure . (:table :class "figure"))
33 (:figure* . (:table :class "figure"))
34 (:subfigure . (:div :class "subfigure"))))
37 ;;; TODO! Fix html-citation and add the other html tag filter functions!
40 (defun html-citation (tag body)
41 (declare (ignore tag))
42 `(:span
43 ,@(loop for ref in body
44 collect
45 (let ((refnum (get-bib-order ref)))
46 `((:a :href
47 ,(format nil "#ref~A" refnum))
48 ,(format nil "[~A]" refnum))))))
50 (defun cite-text (cite)
51 (let ((cite-hash (gethash cite *bibtex-database*)))
52 (format nil "~@[~A. ~]~@[~A ~]~@[~A ~]~@[~A ~]~@[~A ~]~@[(~A).~]"
53 (gethash "author" cite-hash)
54 (gethash "title" cite-hash)
55 (gethash "journal" cite-hash)
56 (gethash "volume" cite-hash)
57 (gethash "number" cite-hash)
58 (gethash "year" cite-hash))))
60 (defun citation-string (cite)
61 (let ((refnum (get-bib-order cite)))
62 `((:a :name
63 ,(format nil "ref~A" refnum))
64 ,(format nil "~A. ~A"
65 refnum
66 (cite-text cite)))))
68 (defun html-bibliography (tag body)
69 (declare (ignore tag body))
70 `(:div
71 (:h1 "References")
72 ,@(loop for cite in (reverse *cite-keys*)
73 collect `(:p ,(citation-string cite)))))
75 (defun htmlize-image (tag body)
76 (declare (ignore tag))
77 (destructuring-bind (src &key width types) body
78 (declare (ignore width))
79 (when types
80 (let ((src2 (find-file-for-types src types)))
81 (when src2 (setf src (enough-namestring src2)))))
82 `((:img :src ,src))))
84 (defun htmlize-url (tag body)
85 (declare (ignore tag))
86 `(:a :href ,@body ,@body))
88 (defun htmlize-href (tag body)
89 (declare (ignore tag))
90 (destructuring-bind ((hreftag href) (texttag text)) body
91 (declare (ignore hreftag texttag))
92 `(:a :href ,href ,text)))
94 (defun htmlize-header (tag body)
95 (destructuring-bind (heading &rest rest &key clearpage no-number &allow-other-keys) body
96 (declare (ignore clearpage no-number))
97 `(,tag ,@(cons heading (remove-from-plist rest :clearpage :no-number)))))
99 (defun transform-sexp (sexp)
100 (if (and (listp sexp) (car sexp))
101 (let ((xfrm (cdr (assoc (car sexp) *html-element-transformation*))))
102 (cond ((null xfrm) sexp)
103 ((and (symbolp xfrm) (fboundp xfrm))
104 (funcall (symbol-function xfrm) (car sexp) (cdr sexp)))
105 (t (setf (car sexp) xfrm)
106 sexp)))
107 sexp))
111 ;;; * input is a list of S-expressions, of the form:
112 ;;; (tag &rest content)
113 ;;; * tag can be either a keyword (like :p)
114 ;;; or a list (like (:a :href ""))
116 (defun keyword-to-string (keyword)
117 (string-downcase (symbol-name keyword)))
119 (defun attributes-to-list (attr)
120 (loop for (attr val) on attr by #'cddr
121 collect (list (if (keywordp attr)
122 (keyword-to-string attr)
123 attr)
124 val)))
126 ;;; return multiple-values tag, list of attrs
127 (defun parse-tag (tag)
128 (let ((tag (transform-sexp tag)))
129 (cond ((atom tag)
130 (when (keywordp tag)
131 (keyword-to-string tag)))
132 ;;; need to check if (car tag) is a list. Handle three cases, atom, (list ...), ((list) list)
133 ((and (listp tag) (atom (car tag)))
134 (values (parse-tag (car tag))
135 (attributes-to-list (cdr tag))))
136 (t (values (parse-tag (car tag))
137 (attributes-to-list (cdr tag)))))))
141 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
143 (defparameter *xml-char-map*
144 (ch-util::make-hash-table-from-alist
145 '((#\< . "&lt;")
146 (#\> . "&gt;")
147 (#\& . "&amp;")
148 (#\No-Break_Space . "&#xa0;")
149 (#\LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK . "&#8220;")
151 (#\EM_DASH . "&#8212;")
152 (:eol . #\Space))))
154 (defun get-xml-char (c)
155 (let ((xc (gethash c *xml-char-map*)))
156 (if xc xc c))))
158 (defun render-text (out text)
159 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
160 (macrolet ((match-second-char (c1 c2 out-char)
161 `(let ((n (peek-char nil in nil nil)))
162 (if (eql n ,c2)
163 (progn
164 (read-char in)
165 (princ ,(get-xml-char out-char) out))
166 (princ ,(get-xml-char c1) out)))))
167 (cond ((stringp text)
168 (with-input-from-string (in text)
169 (loop for c = (read-char in nil nil) while c
171 (cond ((eql c #\~)
172 (princ (get-xml-char #\No-Break_Space) out))
173 ((eql c #\.)
174 (match-second-char #\. #\\ #\Space))
175 ((eql c #\`)
176 (match-second-char #\` #\` #\LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK))
177 ((eql c #\')
178 (match-second-char #\' #\' #\RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK))
179 ((eql c #\-)
180 (match-second-char #\- #\- #\EM_DASH))
181 (t (princ (get-xml-char c) out))))))
182 (t (princ (get-xml-char text) out)))))
184 (defun render-content (stream content)
185 (loop for s in content
186 do (render-sexp stream s)))
188 (defparameter *indent-level* 0)
190 (defun render-element-tag (stream tag attributes)
191 (format stream "<~A~{~^ ~{~A=~S~^ ~}~}/>" tag attributes))
193 (defun render-element-open-tag (stream tag attributes)
194 (format stream "<~A~{~^ ~{~A=~S~^ ~}~}>" tag attributes)
195 (incf *indent-level*))
197 (defun render-element-close-tag (stream tag)
198 (format stream "</~a>~&" tag)
199 (decf *indent-level*))
201 (defun render-element (stream element content)
202 (when element
203 (multiple-value-bind (parsed-tag attributes)
204 (parse-tag element)
205 (if parsed-tag
206 (progn
207 (if content
208 (progn
209 (render-element-open-tag stream parsed-tag attributes)
210 (render-content stream content)
211 (render-element-close-tag stream parsed-tag))
212 (render-element-tag stream parsed-tag attributes)))
213 (progn
214 (render-text stream element)
215 (when content
216 (render-sexp stream content)))))))
218 (defun render-sexp (stream sexp)
219 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
220 (cond ((null sexp) nil)
221 ((atom sexp)
222 (render-text stream sexp))
224 (let ((xfrm-sexp (transform-sexp sexp)))
225 (render-element stream (car xfrm-sexp) (cdr xfrm-sexp))))))
227 (defun render-sexp-to-string (sexp)
228 (with-output-to-string (string)
229 (render-sexp string sexp)))
231 (defmethod render-as ((type (eql :xhtml)) sexp file)
232 (let ((*document-render-type* :xhtml))
233 (setf *indent-level* 0)
234 (with-open-file (out file
235 :direction :output
236 :if-does-not-exist :create
237 :if-exists :supersede)
238 (write-sequence *xhtml-header* out)
239 (render-content out
240 `(((:html :xmlns "" "xml:lang" "en" :lang "en")
241 (:head
242 ,(when *document-title*
243 `(:title ,*document-title*))
244 ,(when *html-css-stylesheet-url*
245 `((:link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"
246 :href ,*html-css-stylesheet-url*))))
247 (:body ,@sexp)))))))