clem 0.4.1, ch-asdf 0.2.8, ch-util 0.2.2, lift 1.3.1, darcs ignored, smarkup 0.3.3
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / smarkup / src /
1 ;;; -*- Mode: lisp; outline-regexp: ";;;;;*"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-;;;
2 ;;;
3 ;;; file:
4 ;;; author: cyrus harmon
5 ;;;
7 ;;; miscellaneous functions
9 (in-package #:smarkup)
11 (defgeneric render-as (type sexp file))
13 (defun remove-from-plist (plist &rest keys)
14 (cond ((eql (length keys) 1)
15 (loop for (x y) on plist by #'cddr
16 append (unless (eql x (car keys))
17 (list x y))))
18 ((> (length keys) 1)
19 (reduce (lambda (&optional plist x)
20 (when x (remove-from-plist plist x)))
21 (cons plist keys)))))
23 (defun remove-pair-from-list (list key)
24 (let ((pos (position key list)))
25 (if pos
26 (append (subseq list 0 pos)
27 (subseq list (+ pos 2))))))
29 (defun find-file-for-types (default-file types)
30 (loop for type in types
31 do (let ((path (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type type) default-file)))
32 (when (probe-file path)
33 (return path)))))
35 (defparameter *images-per-line* 5)
36 (defparameter *images-per-page* 30)
38 (defun multi-line-figure (image-sequence
39 caption
40 &key
41 label
42 (start 0)
43 (end)
44 (images-per-line *images-per-line*)
45 (width "1.1in"))
46 (let* ((image-sequence
47 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
48 (when x (list x)))
49 image-sequence))
50 (end (or end (1- (length image-sequence)))))
51 (when (some #'identity image-sequence)
52 `(:figure
53 ,@(when label `(:label ,label))
54 (:centering
55 ,@(loop for i from start to end by images-per-line
56 collect
57 `(:subfigure
58 ,@(loop
59 for j from i to (min (+ i images-per-line -1) end)
60 collect
61 (let ((img (elt image-sequence j)))
62 `(:image ,(namestring img)
63 :width ,width))))))
64 ,(when caption `(:caption ,@(if (listp caption) caption (list caption))))))))
67 (defun multi-multi-line-figure (image-sequence
68 &key
69 caption
70 (first-caption caption)
71 (start 0)
72 (end)
73 (images-per-line *images-per-line*)
74 (images-per-page *images-per-page*)
75 (width "1in"))
76 (let* ((image-sequence
77 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
78 (when x (list x)))
79 image-sequence))
80 (end (or end (1- (length image-sequence)))))
81 `(:span
82 ,@(loop for i from start to end by images-per-page
83 collect
84 (multi-line-figure image-sequence (if (= i start)
85 first-caption
86 caption)
87 :start i :end (min (+ i images-per-page -1) end)
88 :images-per-line images-per-line
89 :width width)))))
92 #+nil
93 (defun multi-line-subfigure (image-sequence
94 &key
95 caption
96 (start 0)
97 (end (1- (length image-sequence)))
98 (images-per-line *images-per-line*)
99 (width "1in"))
100 (when (some #'identity image-sequence)
101 `(:subfigure
102 ,@(loop for i from start to end by images-per-line
103 append
104 (append
105 (loop
106 for j from i to (min (+ i images-per-line -1) end)
107 collect
108 (let ((img (elt image-sequence j)))
109 `(:image ,(namestring img)
110 :width ,width)))
111 `((:p)
112 (:p))))
113 ,@(when caption `(:caption ,caption)))))
115 (defun multi-line-subfigure (image-sequence
116 &key
117 caption
118 (start 0)
119 (end (1- (length image-sequence)))
120 (images-per-line *images-per-line*)
121 increment-counter
122 (width "1in"))
123 (when (some #'identity image-sequence)
124 (append
125 (loop for i from start to end by images-per-line
126 collect
127 (cons
128 :subfigure
129 (append
130 (loop
131 for j from i to (min (+ i images-per-line -1) end)
132 collect
133 (let ((img (elt image-sequence j)))
134 `(:image ,(namestring img)
135 :width ,width)))
136 (if (and caption (> (+ i images-per-line) end))
137 `(:caption ,caption)
138 (unless increment-counter
139 `(:increment-counter nil)))))))))