clem 0.4.1, ch-asdf 0.2.8, ch-util 0.2.2, lift 1.3.1, darcs ignored, smarkup 0.3.3
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / clem / src / typed-ops / defmatrix-convolve.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; file:
3 ;;; author: cyrus harmon
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :clem)
8 (defmacro def-matrix-convolve (type-1 type-2 accumulator-element-type dest-type)
9 (let ((element-type-1 (element-type (find-class `,type-1)))
10 (element-type-2 (element-type (find-class `,type-2)))
11 (dest-element-type (element-type (find-class `,dest-type))))
12 (let ((one (coerce 1 accumulator-element-type))
13 (zero (coerce 0 accumulator-element-type)))
14 `(progn
15 (defmethod %discrete-convolve ((u ,type-1)
16 (v ,type-2)
17 (z ,dest-type)
18 &key
19 (norm-v t))
20 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))
21 ;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
22 (let ((ur (rows u)) (uc (cols u)) (vr (rows v)) (vc (cols v)))
23 (declare (type fixnum ur uc vr vc))
24 ;; need a new matrix z to hold the values of the convolved matrix
25 ;; dim z should be dim u + dim v - 1
26 (let ((zr (+ ur vr (- 1)))
27 (zc (+ uc vc (- 1))))
28 ;; now that we really have z we should get the dimensions and check
29 ;; instead!
30 (declare (type fixnum zr zc))
31 (let ((uval (matrix-vals u))
32 (vval (matrix-vals v))
33 (zval (matrix-vals z))
34 (vsum (sum v)))
35 (declare (type (simple-array ,element-type-1 *) uval)
36 (type (simple-array ,element-type-2 *) vval)
37 (type (simple-array ,dest-element-type *) zval)
38 (type ,accumulator-element-type vsum))
39 (dotimes (i zr)
40 (declare (type fixnum i))
41 (let ((ustartr (max 0 (the fixnum (- i vr -1))))
42 (uendr (min (- ur 1) i))
43 (vstartr (- vr (max (the fixnum (- vr i)) 1)))
44 (vendr (- vr (min (- zr i) vr))))
45 (declare (type fixnum ustartr uendr vstartr vendr))
46 (dotimes (j zc)
47 (declare (type fixnum j))
48 (let ((ustartc (max 0 (the fixnum (- j vc -1))))
49 (uendc (min (- uc 1) j))
50 (vstartc (- vc (max (the fixnum (- vc j)) 1)))
51 (vendc (- vc (min (- zc j) vc)))
52 (acc ,zero))
53 (declare (type fixnum ustartr uendr vstartr vendr)
54 (type ,accumulator-element-type acc))
55 (let ((normval
56 (if (and norm-v
57 (or (not (= vendr vendc 0))
58 (< vstartr (the fixnum (1- vr)))
59 (< vstartc (the fixnum (1- vc)))))
60 (let ((rsum
61 (%%sum-range v vendr vstartr vendc vstartc
62 ,element-type-2
63 ,(car (slot-value
64 `,(find-class `,type-2)
65 'clem::accumulator-type)))))
66 (declare (type ,accumulator-element-type rsum))
67 (if (not (= rsum ,zero))
68 (/ vsum rsum)
69 ,zero))
70 ,one)))
71 (declare (type ,accumulator-element-type normval))
72 (do ((urow ustartr (the fixnum (1+ urow)))
73 (vrow vstartr (the fixnum (1- vrow))))
74 ((> urow uendr))
75 (declare (type fixnum urow vrow))
76 (do ((ucol ustartc (the fixnum (1+ ucol)))
77 (vcol vstartc (the fixnum (1- vcol))))
78 ((> ucol uendc))
79 (declare (type fixnum ucol vcol))
80 (let ((uv (aref uval urow ucol))
81 (vv (aref vval vrow vcol)))
82 (declare (type ,element-type-1 uv)
83 (type ,element-type-2 vv))
84 (incf acc (* uv vv))
85 )))
87 (setf (aref zval i j)
88 (maybe-truncate
89 (* acc normval)
90 ,accumulator-element-type
91 ,dest-element-type)))))))
92 z))))
94 (defmethod discrete-convolve ((u ,type-1) (v ,type-2)
95 &key (truncate nil) (norm-v t)
96 (matrix-class ',dest-type))
97 (declare (ignore truncate))
98 ;; ur, uc, vr, vc are the number of rows and columns in u and v
99 (let ((ur (rows u)) (uc (cols u)) (vr (rows v)) (vc (cols v)))
100 (let ((zr (+ ur vr (- 1)))
101 (zc (+ uc vc (- 1))))
102 (unless matrix-class
103 (setf matrix-class (type-of u)))
104 (let ((z (make-instance matrix-class :rows zr :cols zc)))
105 (%discrete-convolve u v z :norm-v norm-v)))))
107 (defmethod %separable-discrete-convolve ((m ,type-1) (h1 ,type-2) (h2 ,type-2)
108 (z1 matrix) (z2 matrix)
109 &key (truncate nil) (norm-v nil)
110 (matrix-class (class-of m)))
111 (declare (ignore truncate matrix-class))
112 (let ((mr (rows m)) (mc (cols m)) (hr (rows h1)) (hc (cols h2)))
113 (declare (ignore mr mc hr hc))
114 (%discrete-convolve m h2 z1 :norm-v norm-v)
115 (%discrete-convolve z1 h1 z2 :norm-v norm-v)))
118 (defmethod separable-discrete-convolve ((m ,type-1) (h1 ,type-2) (h2 ,type-2)
119 &key (truncate nil) (norm-v nil)
120 (matrix-class (class-of m)))
121 (declare (ignore truncate))
122 (let ((mr (rows m)) (mc (cols m)) (hr (rows h1)) (hc (cols h2)))
123 (let ((z1r mr) (z1c (+ mc hc -1))
124 (z2r (+ mr hr -1)) (z2c (+ mc hc -1)))
125 (let ((z1 (make-instance matrix-class :rows z1r :cols z1c))
126 (z2 (make-instance matrix-class :rows z2r :cols z2c)))
127 (%separable-discrete-convolve m h1 h2 z1 z2 :norm-v norm-v)))))))))
129 (macrolet ((frob (type-1 type-2 type-3 type-4)
130 `(progn
131 (def-matrix-convolve ,type-1 ,type-2 ,type-3 ,type-4))))
132 (frob double-float-matrix double-float-matrix double-float double-float-matrix)
133 (frob single-float-matrix single-float-matrix single-float single-float-matrix)
134 (frob ub8-matrix ub8-matrix (unsigned-byte 8) ub8-matrix)
135 (frob ub8-matrix double-float-matrix double-float ub8-matrix)
136 (frob ub8-matrix single-float-matrix single-float ub8-matrix))