clem 0.4.1, ch-asdf 0.2.8, ch-util 0.2.2, lift 1.3.1, darcs ignored, smarkup 0.3.3
[CommonLispStat.git] / external / ch-util / src /
1 ;;;
2 ;;; -- various lisp utilities that make my life easier
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Author: Cyrus Harmon <>
5 ;;;
7 (in-package :ch-util)
9 ;;; Miscellaneous list utilities
11 (flet ((cca (l1 l2)
12 (dolist (x l1)
13 (let ((y (member x l2)))
14 (if y (return y))))))
15 (defun closest-common-ancestor (itm &rest lis)
16 (if (null lis)
17 itm
18 (cca itm (apply #'closest-common-ancestor lis)))))
20 ;;; Miscellaneous class utilities
22 (defun subclassp (c1 c2)
23 (subtypep (class-name c1) (class-name c2)))
25 ;;; Miscellaneous string utilities
27 (defun strcat (&rest strs)
28 (apply #'concatenate 'string strs))
30 (defun trim (seq suffix)
31 (subseq seq 0 (search suffix seq)))
33 ;;; This is a hack so that one day we might run under a case-sensitive lisp
34 ;;; like Allegro mlisp (modern lisp). For now we encapsulate the uppercasing
35 ;;; here so we can do the right thing later.
36 (defun interncase (x)
37 (string-upcase x))
39 ;;; simple wrapper for intern to allow us
40 (defun make-intern (x &optional (package *package*))
41 (intern (interncase x) package))
43 (defun make-keyword (x)
44 (make-intern x 'keyword))
46 (defun keywordicate (x)
47 (cond ((keywordp x) x)
48 (t (make-keyword x))))
50 (defun keyword-list-names (k)
51 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
52 (symbol-name x))
53 k))
55 (defun double-float-divide (&rest args)
56 (apply #'/ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'double-float)) args)))
58 (defun single-float-divide (&rest args)
59 (apply #'/ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x 'single-float)) args)))
61 (defmacro mapv (function &rest vals)
62 `(values-list (mapcar ,function (multiple-value-list ,@vals))))
65 ;; Silly little macro to do a postincrement, that is
66 ;; return the value of the place prior to incrementing
67 ;; it. Like incf, this only works on valid places.
69 (defmacro postincf (x &optional (step 1))
70 (let ((pre (gensym)))
71 `(let ((,pre ,x))
72 (incf ,x ,step)
73 ,pre)))
75 ;; another silly little function.
76 ;; this one to sum a 2d array.
77 ;; undoubtedly a better way to do this.
78 (defun array-sum (a)
79 (destructuring-bind (height width) (array-dimensions a)
80 (let ((acc 0))
81 (dotimes (h height)
82 (dotimes (w width)
83 (incf acc (aref a h w))))
84 acc)))
86 (defun array-from-string (str)
87 (let ((a (make-array (length str) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
88 (dotimes (i (length str))
89 (setf (aref a i) (char-code (elt str i))))
90 a))
92 (defun str-to-int (str)
93 (let ((intval 0))
94 (map nil #'(lambda (c) (setf intval (+ (ash intval 8) (char-code c)))) str)
95 intval))
97 (defun int-to-str (i &optional s)
98 (if (> i 0)
99 (let ((r (mod i 256)))
100 (int-to-str (ash i -8) (cons (code-char r) s)))
101 (coerce s 'string)))
104 (defparameter *months*
105 '((1 . "January")
106 (2 . "February")
107 (3 . "March")
108 (4 . "April")
109 (5 . "May")
110 (6 . "June")
111 (7 . "July")
112 (8 . "August")
113 (9 . "September")
114 (10 . "October")
115 (11 . "November")
116 (12 . "December")))
118 (defun get-current-date ()
119 (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour date mon year dow dst tz)
120 (get-decoded-time)
121 (declare (ignore sec min hour dow dst tz))
122 (format nil
123 "~A ~A, ~A"
124 (cdr (assoc mon *months*))
125 date
126 year)))
128 (defun find-nth-zero (vector n)
129 "finds the nth zero in a vector."
130 (loop for i below (length vector)
131 with count = 0
132 with rem = n
133 while (<= count n)
134 do (when (zerop (aref vector i))
135 (incf count)
136 (decf rem))
137 finally (return (when (minusp rem)
138 (1- i)))))
140 (defun generate-random-permutation (n &key (length n))
141 "returns a random permutation of length length of the
142 integers from 0 to n-1."
143 (let ((a (make-array n)))
144 (let ((randlist
145 (loop for i from n downto (1+ (- n length))
146 collect
147 (let ((k (random i)))
148 (let ((n (find-nth-zero a k)))
149 (setf (aref a n) 1)
150 n)))))
151 randlist)))
153 ;;; this doesn't work yet!
154 #+nil
155 (defun robust-mean (vector-or-list)
156 (flet ((square (a) (* a a)))
157 (let ((v (cond ((vectorp vector-or-list) vector-or-list)
158 ((listp vector-or-list (coerce vector-or-list 'vector))))))
159 (when v
160 (let ((n (length v))
161 (b 1)
162 (s1 (elt v 0))
163 (s2 (square (elt v 0))))
164 (loop for a below n
165 do ))))))
167 (defun median (seq)
168 (let ((v (cond ((vectorp seq) (copy-seq seq))
169 ((listp seq) (coerce seq 'vector)))))
170 (when (and v (plusp (length v)))
171 (sort v #'<)
172 (let ((f (floor (length v) 2)))
173 (cond ((oddp (length v))
174 (elt v f))
176 (/ (+ (elt v (1- f))
177 (elt v f))
178 2)))))))
180 (defun mean (seq)
181 (let ((v (cond ((vectorp seq) (copy-seq seq))
182 ((listp seq) (coerce seq 'vector)))))
183 (when (and v (plusp (length v)))
184 (/ (reduce #'+ v)
185 (length v)))))
187 (defun variance (seq)
188 (flet ((square (x)
189 (* x x)))
190 (let* ((v (cond ((vectorp seq) (copy-seq seq))
191 ((listp seq) (coerce seq 'vector))))
192 (n (length v)))
193 (when (and v (plusp n))
194 (let ((msq (square (mean seq))))
195 (/ (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
196 (- (square x) msq))
197 seq))
198 (1- n)))))))
200 (defun square-seq (seq)
201 (flet ((square (x)
202 (* x x)))
203 (let ((v (cond ((vectorp seq) (copy-seq seq))
204 ((listp seq) (coerce seq 'vector)))))
205 (when (and v (plusp (length v)))
206 (mapcar #'square seq)))))
208 (defun remove-keywordish-args (keywords &rest args)
209 (let ((keys))
210 (let ((non-keys
211 (loop for (x y) on args
212 with skip = nil
213 append (if skip
214 (setf skip nil)
215 (if (member x keywords)
216 (progn
217 (setf skip t)
218 (pushnew (cons x y) keys)
219 nil)
220 (list x))))))
221 (list (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
222 (list (car x) (cdr x)))
223 (nreverse keys))
224 non-keys))))
226 (defun keyword-arg-name (key)
227 (cond ((atom key) key)
228 ((listp key) (car key))))
230 (defmacro with-keyword-args (((&rest args) rest) list &body body)
231 `(destructuring-bind ((&key ,@args) (&rest ,rest))
232 (apply #'remove-keywordish-args
233 (mapcar #'keywordicate
234 (mapcar #'keyword-arg-name
235 ',args))
236 ,list)
237 ,@body))
239 (defun sort-copy (seq pred &key key)
240 (apply #'sort (copy-seq seq) pred
241 (when key `(:key ,key))))
243 (defun iota (n)
244 (labels ((%iota (n)
245 (when (plusp n)
246 (cons n (%iota (1- n))))))
247 (nreverse (%iota n))))