initial commit
[COMP345---Clone.git] / RunApp.cpp
1 //! @file
2 //! @brief Driver file to create and execute the test suite and to launch the Map and Campaign Editor
3 //!
4 //! Brief instruction on how to set CppUnit:
5 //! from: http ://
6 //!
7 //! First, to install cppUnit :
8 //!
9 //! 1. Unpack the CppUnit archive ( to a directory of your choice, in this example I assume it is D:\.
10 //! 2. Go to D:/cppunit-1.12.1/src and open the CppUnitLibraries.dsw in Visual Studio.
11 //! 3. Select the cppunit project in the Solution Explorer and go to 'Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Librarian > General. Put "Debug\cppunit.lib" in the ‘Output File’ textbox.
12 //! 4. Right-click on the cppunit project in the Solution Explorer pane and choose Build.
13 //! 5. After successful compilation, D:/cppunit-1.12.1/lib/cppunit.lib is produced which you then need to setup the Visual Studio Linker with (see below).
15 //!
16 //! To setup a project from scratch for Compilation / Linking:
17 //!
18 //! 1. Activate 'Project > Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library > Multi - threaded Debug DLL'
19 //! 2. Go to 'Project > Properties > C/C++ > General'. Put "D:\cppunit-1.12.1\include" in the 'Additional Include Directories' text box.
20 //! 3. Go to 'Project > Properties > Linker > Input'. Put "D:\cppunit-1.12.1\lib\cppunit.lib" in the 'Additional Dependences' text box.
21 //! 4. Go to 'Project > Properties > Build Events > Post-Build Event'. Put '"$(TargetPath)"' in the 'Command Line' textbox.Put 'Unit Tests...' in the 'Description' textbox.
23 #include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
24 #include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
25 #include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <string>
29 #include "Map.h"
30 #include "Campaign.h"
31 using namespace std;
33 //! Runs the driver to launch the map and campaign editor.
34 void runDriver();
36 //! Shows the main menu for the map and campaign editor.
37 void showMainMenuForMapAndCampaign();
39 //! Allows the user to select which map to edit.
40 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps.
41 vector<Map*>* selectMapToEdit(vector<Map*>* maps);
43 //! Allows the user to select which campaign to edit
44 //!
45 //! @param campaigns Vector of all current existing campaigns
46 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps.
47 void selectCampaignToEdit(vector<Campaign*>* campaigns, vector<Map*>* maps);
48 //Map* editMap(Map* map, int mapNumber, string mapName);
50 //! Allows the user to edit a map.
51 //!
52 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps
53 //! @param mapNumber The map's position in the vector.
54 //! @param mapName The map's name.
55 void editMap(Map* map, int mapNumber, string mapName);
57 //! Allows the user to select how to edit a campaign.
58 //!
59 //! @param campaigns Vector of all existing campaigns
60 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps
61 void editCampaign(Campaign* campaign, vector<Map*>* maps);
63 //! Allows the user to add maps to a campaign.
64 //!
65 //! @param campaigns Vector of all existing campaigns
66 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps
67 void addMapToCampaign(Campaign* campaign, vector<Map*>* maps);
69 //! Allows the user to remove maps from a campaign.
70 //!
71 //! @param campaigns Vector of all existing campaigns
72 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps
73 void removeMapFromCampaign(Campaign* campaign);
75 //! Allows the user to save a new map
76 //!
77 //! @param maps Vector of all current existing maps
78 void saveMaps(vector<Map*>* maps);
80 //! Allows the user to save a new campaign.
81 //!
82 //! @param campaigns Vector of all existing campaigns
83 void saveCampaigns(vector<Campaign*>* campaigns);
85 // Methods that accept in out from thr user
87 //! Accepts user to input the number of columns a new map will have.
88 //! @return The number of columns for a new map.
89 int inputColumnsForNewMap();
91 //! Accepts user to input the number of rows a new map will have.
92 //! @return The number of rows for a new map.
93 int inputRowsForNewMap();
95 //! Accepts user to input the row index to edit for a map
96 //! @param rowsInMap The number of rows in the map.
97 //!
98 //! @return The row index to edit.
99 int inputRowIndexToEdit(int rowsInMap);
101 //! Accepts user to input the column index to edit for a map
102 //! @param rcolumnsInMap The number of columns in the map.
104 //! @return The row index to edit.
105 int inputColumnIndexToEdit(int columnsInMap);
107 //! Accepts user to input a char to insert into a map.
108 //! @param row The row index where the char will be inputed.
109 //! @param columns The column index where the char will be inputed.
111 //! @return The char inputed
112 char inputCharObject(int row, int column);
114 //! Allows the user to input the name for a map or a campaign.
115 //! @return The name for a map or campaign.
116 string inputName();
118 //! main() function. Entry point of the program
119 //! It does the following:
120 //! 1. Create a test suite object from the registry as populated by the code in the Test Classes
121 //! 2. Create a test runner that will execute all the tests in the registry
122 //! 3. (optionally) sets an outputter that will output the results
123 //! 4. Run the test cases.
124 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
126 // Get the top level suite from the registry
127 CppUnit::Test *suite = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest();
129 // Adds the test to the list of test to run
130 CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
131 runner.addTest( suite );
133 // Change the default outputter to a compiler error format outputter
134 runner.setOutputter( new CppUnit::CompilerOutputter( &runner.result(),
135 std::cerr ) );
136 // Run the tests.
137 bool wasSucessful =;
138 getchar();
140 // Return error code 1 if the one of test failed.
141 return wasSucessful ? 0 : 1;
143 //runDriver();
144 //return 0;
147 //! Shows a TUI (Text User Interface) to the user to allow them to select different options.
148 void showMainMenuForMapAndCampaign() {
150 vector<Map*>* maps = new vector<Map*>();
151 vector<Campaign*>* campaigns = new vector<Campaign*>();
152 bool exitMenu;
153 string input;
155 // Variable that will hold the option for the text based menu
156 int option;
158 // Variables that will hold input
159 int rows;
160 int columns;
161 string name;
163 // Menu loop
164 do {
165 // Initialize values
166 name = "";
167 rows = -1;
168 columns = -1;
169 option = -1;
170 input = "";
171 exitMenu = false;
173 // Print options
174 cout << "****** Map and Campaign Editor Main Menu ******\n";
175 cout << "Please select an option.\n\n";
176 cout << "Enter 0 to exit.\n";
177 cout << "Enter 1 to create a map.\n";
178 cout << "Enter 2 to edit a map.\n";
179 cout << "Enter 3 to create a campaign.\n";
180 cout << "Enter 4 to edit a campaign.\n";
181 cout << "Enter 5 to save the created maps\n";
182 cout << "Enter 6 to save the created campaigns\n";
183 getline(cin, input);
184 stringstream myStream(input);
185 if (myStream >> option) {
186 switch (option) {
187 case 0:
188 exitMenu = true;
189 break;
191 case 1:
192 rows = inputRowsForNewMap();
193 columns = inputColumnsForNewMap();
194 name = inputName();
195 maps->push_back(new Map(rows, columns, name));
196 cout << "Created the following map: " << name << "\n";
197 maps->back()->printMap();
198 break;
200 case 2:
201 maps = selectMapToEdit(maps);
202 break;
204 case 3:
205 name = inputName();
206 campaigns->push_back(new Campaign(name));
207 break;
209 case 4:
210 selectCampaignToEdit(campaigns, maps);
211 break;
213 case 5:
214 saveMaps(maps);
215 break;
217 case 6:
218 saveCampaigns(campaigns);
219 break;
221 default:
222 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
223 break;
226 else {
227 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
230 } while (!exitMenu);
232 // Delete all maps in vector
233 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
234 delete( maps->at(i));
235 maps->at(i) = 0;
237 delete maps;
239 // Delete all campaigns
240 for (std::vector<Campaign*>::size_type i = 0; i != campaigns->size(); i++) {
241 delete(campaigns->at(i));
242 campaigns->at(i) = 0;
244 delete campaigns;
247 vector<Map*>* selectMapToEdit(vector<Map*>* maps)
249 int mapCounter = -1;
250 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
251 mapCounter++;
252 cout << "Map number " << i << " : \n" << endl;
253 maps->at(i)->printMap();
254 cout << "\n";
257 // Exit option if there are no maps to edit.
258 if (mapCounter == -1) {
259 cout << "There are no existing maps to edit. Returning to the main menu\n";
260 return maps;
263 string input = "";
264 int option = 0;
265 bool valid = false;
266 do {
267 cout << "*** Select map to edit ***\n";
268 cout << "Enter the number associated with the map to edit: \n";
269 getline(cin, input);
270 stringstream myStream(input);
271 if (myStream >> option) {
272 if (option <= mapCounter) {
273 valid = true;
275 // Get map
276 //Map* map = maps->at(option);
277 // Edit map
278 //map = editMap(map, option);
279 editMap(maps->at(option), option, maps->at(option)->getMapName());
281 // No need to delete map since the new keyword was not used.
283 else {
284 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
287 else {
288 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
290 } while (!valid);
291 return maps; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// redundant?
294 void selectCampaignToEdit(vector<Campaign*>* campaigns, vector<Map*>* maps)
296 int campaignCounter = -1;
297 for (std::vector<Campaign*>::size_type i = 0; i != campaigns->size(); i++) {
298 campaignCounter++;
299 cout << "Campaign number " << i << " : " << campaigns->at(i)->getCampaignName() << "\n" << endl;
300 cout << "\n";
303 // Exit option if there are no maps to edit.
304 if (campaignCounter == -1) {
305 cout << "There are no existing campaigns to edit. Returning to the previous menu\n";
306 return;
309 string input = "";
310 int option = 0;
311 bool valid = false;
312 do {
313 cout << "*** Select campaign to edit ***\n";
314 cout << "Enter the number associated with the campaign to edit: \n";
315 getline(cin, input);
316 stringstream myStream(input);
317 if (myStream >> option) {
318 if (option <= campaignCounter) {
319 valid = true;
321 editCampaign(campaigns->at(option), maps);
323 // No need to delete map since the new keyword was not used.
325 else {
326 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
329 else {
330 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
332 } while (!valid);
335 void editMap(Map * map, int mapNumber, string mapName)
337 int inputValue = 0;
338 bool isInputValid = false;
340 // String of inputValue
341 string input = "";
343 map->printMap();
345 bool stopEditingMap = false;
347 // Outer loop to continue allowing the user to edit the selected map.
348 do {
349 cout << "*** Editing map" << mapNumber << "\\" << mapName << " ***\n";
350 // Input for the row
351 int rowsInMap = map->getRows();
352 int row = inputRowIndexToEdit(rowsInMap);
354 // Input for column
355 int columnsInMap = map->getColumns();
356 int column = inputColumnIndexToEdit(columnsInMap);
358 // Input for char
359 char inputObject = inputCharObject(row, column);
361 // Edit the cell if it is not empty
362 if (!map->isOccupied(row, column)) {
363 map->fillCell(row, column, inputObject);
365 cout << "Result: \n";
366 map->printMap();
368 else {
369 cout << "An object already exists at that position.\n";
372 // Ask the user if they want to continue editing the map
373 do {
374 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel and return to the main menu \n";
375 cout << "Enter 1 to continue editing the map \n";
376 getline(cin, input);
377 int option = -1;
379 // Convert from string to number
380 stringstream myStream(input);
381 if (myStream >> option) {
382 switch (option) {
383 case 0:
384 return;
385 //stopEditingMap = true;
386 //isInputValid = true;
387 //break;
389 case 1:
390 isInputValid = true;
391 break;
392 default:
393 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
394 break;
397 else {
398 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
400 } while (!isInputValid);
402 } while (!stopEditingMap);
406 void editCampaign(Campaign* campaign, vector<Map*>* maps)
408 bool stopEditingCampaign = false;
409 bool isInputValid = false;
410 string input;
412 // Outer loop to continue allowing the user to edit the selected campaign.
413 do {
414 cout << "*** Edit campaign ***\n";
415 int option = -1;
417 // Show menu to allow the user to edit the campaign.
418 do {
419 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel and return to the main menu \n";
420 cout << "Enter 1 to add a map to the campaign \n";
421 cout << "Enter 2 to remove a map from the campaign \n";
422 getline(cin, input);
423 option = -1;
425 // Convert from string to number.
426 stringstream myStream(input);
427 if (myStream >> option) {
428 switch (option) {
429 case 0:
430 return;
432 case 1:
433 addMapToCampaign(campaign, maps);
434 isInputValid = true;
435 break;
437 case 2:
438 removeMapFromCampaign(campaign);
439 isInputValid = true;
440 break;
441 default:
442 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
443 break;
446 else {
447 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
449 } while (!isInputValid);
451 isInputValid = false;
452 // Ask the user if they want to continue editing the campaign
453 do {
454 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel and return to the main menu \n";
455 cout << "Enter 1 to continue editing the campaign \n";
456 getline(cin, input);
457 option = -1;
458 // This code converts from string to number safely.
459 stringstream myStream(input);
460 if (myStream >> option) {
461 switch (option) {
462 case 0:
463 stopEditingCampaign = true;
464 isInputValid = true;
465 break;
467 case 1:
468 isInputValid = true;
469 break;
470 default:
471 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
472 break;
475 else {
476 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
478 } while (!isInputValid);
480 } while (!stopEditingCampaign);
483 void addMapToCampaign(Campaign * campaign, vector<Map*>* maps)
485 int mapCounter = -1;
487 if (maps->size() == 0) {
488 cout << "There are no available maps\n";
489 return;
492 string input = "";
493 int option;
494 bool valid = false;
495 bool stopAddingMaps = false;
497 // Outer loop to continue allowing the user to add maps to the campaign
498 do {
499 cout << "*** Add maps to campaign ***\n";
500 campaign->printMaps();
502 cout << "***\n\n";
503 cout << "Available maps\n";
505 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
506 cout << "Map " << i << " : ";
507 maps->at(i)->printMap();
508 mapCounter++;
511 option = -1;
512 do {
513 cout << "Enter the number associated with the map to add it to the campaign: \n";
514 getline(cin, input);
515 stringstream myStream(input);
516 if (myStream >> option) {
517 if (option <= mapCounter) {
518 valid = true;
520 campaign->addMap(maps->at(option));
523 else {
524 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
527 else {
528 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
530 } while (!valid);
532 valid = false;
533 // Ask the user if they want to continue editing the campaign
534 do {
535 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel and return to the previous menu \n";
536 cout << "Enter 1 to continue adding maps to the campaign \n";
537 getline(cin, input);
538 option = -1;
540 // This code converts from string to number safely.
541 stringstream myStream(input);
542 if (myStream >> option) {
543 switch (option) {
544 case 0:
545 return;
547 case 1:
548 valid = true;
549 break;
550 default:
551 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
552 break;
555 else {
556 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
558 } while (!valid);
560 } while (!stopAddingMaps);
563 void removeMapFromCampaign(Campaign * campaign)
565 string input = "";
566 int option;
567 bool valid = false;
568 int mapCounter = -1;
569 vector<Map*>* maps = campaign->getMaps();
571 // Outer loop to continue allowing the user to add maps to the campaign
572 do {
573 cout << "*** Remove maps from campaign ***\n";
574 if (campaign->getMapsInCampaign() == 0) {
575 cout << "The campaign does not contain any maps. Going back to the previous menu\n";
576 return;
578 option = -1;
579 do {
581 cout << "***\n\n";
582 cout << "Current maps in campaign " << campaign->getCampaignName() << "\n";
584 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
585 cout << "Map " << i << " : ";
586 maps->at(i)->printMap();
587 mapCounter++;
590 cout << "Enter the number associated with the map to remove it to the campaign: \n";
591 getline(cin, input);
592 stringstream myStream(input);
593 if (myStream >> option) {
594 if (option <= mapCounter) {
595 valid = true;
597 campaign->removeMap(maps->at(option));
600 else {
601 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
604 else {
605 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
607 } while (!valid);
609 valid = false;
610 // Ask the user if they want to continue editing the campaign
611 do {
612 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel and return to the previous menu \n";
613 cout << "Enter 1 to continue removing maps from the campaign \n";
614 getline(cin, input);
615 option = -1;
617 // This code converts from string to number safely.
618 stringstream myStream(input);
619 if (myStream >> option) {
620 switch (option) {
621 case 0:
622 return;
624 case 1:
625 valid = true;
626 break;
627 default:
628 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
629 break;
632 else {
633 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
635 } while (!valid);
637 } while (true);
640 void saveMaps(vector<Map*>* maps)
642 cout << "*** Save maps ***\n";
643 if (maps->empty()) {
644 cout << "There are no maps to save\n";
645 return;
648 string const folderName = "./maps/";
650 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
651 // Make sure the map is valid before saving
652 if (maps->at(i)->validatePath()) {
653 string pathName = folderName + maps->at(i)->getMapName() + ".txt";
654 //string pathName = "./maps/maptest.txt"; //works if folder exists
655 ofstream mapFile(pathName);
656 for (int row = 0; row < maps->at(i)->getRows(); row++)
658 for (int column = 0; column < maps->at(i)->getColumns(); column++)
660 if (mapFile.is_open())
662 mapFile << maps->at(i)->getCharObject(row, column) << ",";
664 else cout << "Unable to open file\n";
666 mapFile << "\n";
668 mapFile.close();
670 else {
671 cout << "Unable to save map " << maps->at(i)->getMapName() << " because it is invalid.\n";
675 cout << "Completed saving maps into the maps folder\n";
678 void saveCampaigns(vector<Campaign*>* campaigns)
680 // Campaigns are only saved if all the maps within them are valid
681 cout << "*** Save campaigns ***\n";
682 if (campaigns->empty()) {
683 cout << "There are no campaigns to save\n";
684 return;
687 string const folderName = "./campaigns/";
688 bool isCampaignValid = true;
689 string campaignName = "";
690 // Make sure all the maps belonging to a campaign are valid before saving the campaign.
691 for (std::vector<Campaign*>::size_type c = 0; c != campaigns->size(); c++) {
693 isCampaignValid = true;
694 campaignName = campaigns->at(c)->getCampaignName();
695 // Get vector of maps for campaign
696 vector<Map*>* maps = campaigns->at(c)->getMaps();
698 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
700 // Make sure the map is valid before saving
701 if (!(maps->at(i)->validatePath())) {
702 isCampaignValid = false;
706 if (isCampaignValid) {
707 string pathName = folderName + campaigns->at(c)->getCampaignName() + ".txt";
708 ofstream mapFile(pathName);
710 for (std::vector<Map*>::size_type i = 0; i != maps->size(); i++) {
711 for (int row = 0; row < maps->at(i)->getRows(); row++)
713 for (int column = 0; column < maps->at(i)->getColumns(); column++)
715 if (mapFile.is_open())
717 mapFile << maps->at(i)->getCharObject(row,column) << ",";
719 else cout << "Unable to open file\n";
721 mapFile << "\n";
723 mapFile << "\n*****\n";
725 mapFile.close();
726 cout << "Saved campaign " << campaignName << endl;
728 else {
729 cout << "Unable to save campaign " << campaignName << " because it contains maps which are invalid.\n";
735 //! Accepts user input for the number of columns to use in the new map.
736 int inputColumnsForNewMap() {
737 int columns = 0;
738 bool isInputValid = false;
739 string input = "";
741 do {
742 cout << "Please enter the number of columns in the map (minimum 1):\n";
743 getline(cin, input);
745 // This code converts from string to number safely.
746 stringstream myStream(input);
747 if (myStream >> columns && columns > 0) {
748 isInputValid = true;
750 else {
751 cout << "Invalid number, please try again.\n" << endl;
753 } while (!isInputValid);
754 return columns;
757 //! Accepts user input for the number of rows to use in the new map.
758 int inputRowsForNewMap() {
759 int rows = 0;
760 bool isInputValid = false;
761 string input = "";
763 // Input for for rows
764 do {
765 cout << "Please enter the number of rows in the map (minimum 1):\n";
766 getline(cin, input);
768 stringstream myStream(input);
769 if (myStream >> rows && rows > 0) {
770 isInputValid = true;
772 else {
773 cout << "Invalid number, please try again.\n" << endl;
775 } while (!isInputValid);
776 return rows;
779 //! Accepts the row the index the user wishes to edit in an existing map.
780 int inputRowIndexToEdit(int rowsInMap)
782 int row = 0;
783 bool isInputValid = false;
785 // String of inputValue
786 string input = "";
788 // Input for the row
789 do {
790 cout << "Please enter the row you wish to edit: \n";
791 getline(cin, input);
793 stringstream myStream(input);
794 if (myStream >> row && row >= 0 && row < rowsInMap) {
795 isInputValid = true;
797 else {
798 cout << "Invalid number, please try again.\n" << endl;
800 } while (!isInputValid);
801 return row;
804 int inputColumnIndexToEdit(int columnsInMap)
806 int column = 0;
807 bool isInputValid = false;
809 // String of inputValue
810 string input = "";
812 // Input for the column
813 do {
814 cout << "Please enter the column you wish to edit: \n";
815 getline(cin, input);
817 // This code converts from string to number safely.
818 stringstream myStream(input);
819 if (myStream >> column && column >= 0 && column < columnsInMap) {
820 isInputValid = true;
822 else {
823 cout << "Invalid number, please try again.\n" << endl;
825 } while (!isInputValid);
826 return column;
829 //! Accepts the char object the user wishes to enter into a cell.
830 char inputCharObject(int row, int column)
832 bool isInputValid = false;
833 char inputObject;
834 string input = "";
835 do {
836 inputObject = { 0 };
837 cout << "What would you like to enter at position " << row << ", " << column << ": \n";
838 cout << "Enter a blank space to insert an empty cell \n";
839 cout << "Enter 's' to insert a starting cell \n";
840 cout << "Enter 'e' to insert an ending cell \n";
841 cout << "Enter 't' to insert a chest \n";
842 cout << "Enter 'm' to insert a monster \n";
843 cout << "Enter '|' (pipe/ shift + backslash) to insert a wall \n";
844 getline(cin, input);
846 if (input.length() == 1) {
847 inputObject = input[0];
848 // Use constants later on.
849 if (inputObject == ' ' || inputObject == 's' || inputObject == 'e' || inputObject == 't' || inputObject == 'm' || inputObject == '|') {
850 isInputValid = true;
852 else {
853 cout << "Invalid input, please try again.\n" << endl;
856 else {
857 cout << "Invalid input, please try again.\n" << endl;
859 } while (!isInputValid);
860 return inputObject;
863 //! Accepts input to use as the name for a map or campaign
864 string inputName()
866 bool isInputValid = false;
867 string input = "";
868 string name = "";
869 int option = -1;
871 do {
872 cout << "Enter the name for the map or campaign:\n";
873 getline(cin, input);
874 name = input;
876 if (!name.empty()) {
877 cout << "You entered: " << input << "\n";
878 cout << "Enter 0 to cancel\n";
879 cout << "Enter 1 to confirm\n";
881 getline(cin, input);
882 stringstream myStream(input);
883 if (myStream >> option) {
884 switch (option) {
885 case 0:
886 isInputValid = false;
887 break;
889 case 1:
890 isInputValid = true;
891 break;
893 default:
894 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
895 break;
898 else {
899 cout << "Invalid option, please try again.\n" << endl;
902 else {
903 cout << "Cannot enter an empty string. Please try again.\n";
905 } while (!isInputValid);
906 return name;
909 //! Driver that calls showMainMenuForMapAndCampaign to run the Map and Campaign editor
910 void runDriver()
912 showMainMenuForMapAndCampaign();