descriptionMirror of the BennuGD SVN repository.
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last changeMon, 1 Aug 2022 04:04:16 +0000 (1 01:04 -0300)
last refreshFri, 20 Sep 2024 23:37:45 +0000 (21 01:37 +0200)
content tags
2022-08-01 SplinterGUMerge pull request #2 from danielt3/mastermaster
2022-08-01 Daniel Rosa... Merge pull request #1 from danielt3/feature/fix-autotoo...
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniReverted configure to original state (try #3).
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniReverted core/ to original state.
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniReverted configure to original state (try #2).
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniReverted configure to original state.
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniAdded build script.
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniAdded .gitignore.
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniAdded modules/
2022-08-01 Daniel R. FranziniRemoved GNU build system generated files from modules...
2022-07-31 Daniel R. FranziniRemoved
2022-07-31 Daniel R. FranziniRemoved GNU build system generated files (Autotools).
2022-07-31 Daniel R. FranziniAdded
2022-07-31 Daniel R. FranziniRemoved files generated by GNU build system (Autotools).
2021-11-22 splintergu- fix release sound resources bug (sdl_mixer)
2021-11-20 splintergu- workarround to fix sdl_mixer 1.2 bug on release resources
2 years ago master