Updated unit-tests
[0compile.git] / autocompile.py
1 # Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
2 # See http://0install.net/0compile.html
4 import sys, os, __main__, tempfile, subprocess, signal, shutil
5 from xml.dom import minidom
6 from optparse import OptionParser
7 from logging import warn
9 from zeroinstall import SafeException
10 from zeroinstall.injector import arch, handler, driver, requirements, model, iface_cache, namespaces, writer, reader, qdom
11 from zeroinstall.injector.config import load_config
12 from zeroinstall.zerostore import manifest, NotStored
13 from zeroinstall.support import tasks, basedir, ro_rmtree
15 from support import BuildEnv, uname, XMLNS_0COMPILE
17 # This is a bit hacky...
19 # We invent a new CPU type which is compatible with the host but worse than
20 # every existing type, and we use * for the OS type so that we don't beat 'Any'
21 # binaries either. This means that we always prefer an existing binary of the
22 # desired version to compiling a new one, but we'll compile a new version from source
23 # rather than use an older binary.
24 arch.machine_groups['newbuild'] = arch.machine_groups.get(uname[4], 0)
25 arch.machine_ranks['newbuild'] = max(arch.machine_ranks.values()) + 1
26 host_arch = '*-newbuild'
28 class NewBuildImplementation(model.ZeroInstallImplementation):
29 # Assume that this (potential) binary is available so that we can select it as a
30 # dependency.
31 def is_available(self, stores):
32 return True
34 def get_commands(src_impl):
35 """Estimate the commands that the generated binary would have."""
36 cmd = src_impl.commands.get('compile', None)
37 if cmd is None:
38 warn("Source has no compile command! %s", src_impl)
39 return []
41 for elem in cmd.qdom.childNodes:
42 if elem.uri == XMLNS_0COMPILE and elem.name == 'implementation':
43 # Assume there's always a run command. Doesn't do any harm to have extra ones,
44 # and there are various ways this might get created.
45 commands = ['run']
46 for e in elem.childNodes:
47 if e.uri == namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE and e.name == 'command':
48 commands.append(e.getAttribute('name'))
49 return commands
50 return []
52 class AutocompileCache(iface_cache.IfaceCache):
53 def __init__(self):
54 iface_cache.IfaceCache.__init__(self)
55 self.done = set()
57 def get_feed(self, url, force = False):
58 feed = iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_feed(self, url, force)
59 if not feed: return None
61 if feed not in self.done:
62 self.done.add(feed)
64 # For each source impl, add a corresponding binary
65 # (the binary has no dependencies as we can't predict them here,
66 # but they're not the same as the source's dependencies)
68 srcs = [x for x in feed.implementations.itervalues() if x.arch and x.arch.endswith('-src')]
69 for x in srcs:
70 new_id = '0compile=' + x.id
71 if not new_id in feed.implementations:
72 new = NewBuildImplementation(feed, new_id, None)
73 feed.implementations[new_id] = new
74 new.set_arch(host_arch)
75 new.version = x.version
77 # Give it some dummy commands in case we're using it as a <runner>, etc (otherwise it can't be selected)
78 for cmd_name in get_commands(x):
79 cmd = qdom.Element(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, 'command', {'path': 'new-build', 'name': cmd_name})
80 new.commands[cmd_name] = model.Command(cmd, None)
82 return feed
84 class AutoCompiler:
85 def __init__(self, config, iface_uri, options):
86 self.iface_uri = iface_uri
87 self.options = options
88 self.config = config
90 def pretty_print_plan(self, solver, root, indent = '- '):
91 """Display a tree showing the selected implementations."""
92 iface = self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(root)
93 impl = solver.selections[iface]
94 if impl is None:
95 msg = 'Failed to select any suitable version (source or binary)'
96 elif impl.id.startswith('0compile='):
97 real_impl_id = impl.id.split('=', 1)[1]
98 real_impl = impl.feed.implementations[real_impl_id]
99 msg = 'Compile %s (%s)' % (real_impl.get_version(), real_impl.id)
100 elif impl.arch and impl.arch.endswith('-src'):
101 msg = 'Compile %s (%s)' % (impl.get_version(), impl.id)
102 else:
103 if impl.arch:
104 msg = 'Use existing binary %s (%s)' % (impl.get_version(), impl.arch)
105 else:
106 msg = 'Use existing architecture-independent package %s' % impl.get_version()
107 self.note("%s%s: %s" % (indent, iface.get_name(), msg))
109 if impl:
110 indent = ' ' + indent
111 for x in impl.requires:
112 self.pretty_print_plan(solver, x.interface, indent)
114 def print_details(self, solver):
115 """Dump debugging details."""
116 self.note("\nFailed. Details of all components and versions considered:")
117 for iface in solver.details:
118 self.note('\n%s\n' % iface.get_name())
119 for impl, note in solver.details[iface]:
120 self.note('%s (%s) : %s' % (impl.get_version(), impl.arch or '*-*', note or 'OK'))
121 self.note("\nEnd details\n")
123 @tasks.async
124 def compile_and_register(self, sels, forced_iface_uri = None):
125 """If forced_iface_uri, register as an implementation of this interface,
126 ignoring the any <feed-for>, etc."""
128 buildenv = BuildEnv(need_config = False)
129 buildenv.config.set('compile', 'interface', sels.interface)
130 buildenv.config.set('compile', 'selections', 'selections.xml')
132 # Download any required packages now, so we can use the GUI to request confirmation, etc
133 download_missing = sels.download_missing(self.config, include_packages = True)
134 if download_missing:
135 yield download_missing
136 tasks.check(download_missing)
138 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '0compile-')
139 try:
140 os.chdir(tmpdir)
142 # Write configuration for build...
144 buildenv.save()
146 sel_file = open('selections.xml', 'w')
147 try:
148 doc = sels.toDOM()
149 doc.writexml(sel_file)
150 sel_file.write('\n')
151 finally:
152 sel_file.close()
154 # Do the build...
156 build = self.spawn_build(buildenv.iface_name)
157 if build:
158 yield build
159 tasks.check(build)
161 # Register the result...
162 dom = minidom.parse(buildenv.local_iface_file)
164 feed_for_elem, = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, 'feed-for')
165 claimed_iface = feed_for_elem.getAttribute('interface')
167 if forced_iface_uri is not None:
168 if forced_iface_uri != claimed_iface:
169 self.note("WARNING: registering as feed for {forced}, though feed claims to be for {claimed}".format(
170 forced = forced_iface_uri,
171 claimed = claimed_iface))
172 else:
173 forced_iface_uri = claimed_iface # (the top-level interface being built)
175 version = sels.selections[sels.interface].version
177 site_package_versions_dir = basedir.save_data_path('0install.net', 'site-packages',
178 model._pretty_escape(forced_iface_uri))
179 leaf = '%s-%s' % (version, uname[4])
180 site_package_dir = os.path.join(site_package_versions_dir, leaf)
181 self.note("Storing build in %s" % site_package_dir)
183 # 1. Copy new version in under a temporary name. Names starting with '.' are ignored by 0install.
184 tmp_distdir = os.path.join(site_package_versions_dir, '.new-' + leaf)
185 shutil.copytree(buildenv.distdir, tmp_distdir, symlinks = True)
187 # 2. Rename the previous build to .old-VERSION (deleting that if it already existed)
188 if os.path.exists(site_package_dir):
189 self.note("(moving previous build out of the way)")
190 previous_build_dir = os.path.join(site_package_versions_dir, '.old-' + leaf)
191 if os.path.exists(previous_build_dir):
192 shutil.rmtree(previous_build_dir)
193 os.rename(site_package_dir, previous_build_dir)
194 else:
195 previous_build_dir = None
197 # 3. Rename the new version immediately after renaming away the old one to minimise time when there's
198 # no version.
199 os.rename(tmp_distdir, site_package_dir)
201 # 4. Delete the old version.
202 if previous_build_dir:
203 self.note("(deleting previous build)")
204 shutil.rmtree(previous_build_dir)
206 local_feed = os.path.join(site_package_dir, '0install', 'feed.xml')
207 assert os.path.exists(local_feed), "Feed %s not found!" % local_feed
209 # Reload - our 0install will detect the new feed automatically
210 iface = self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(forced_iface_uri)
211 reader.update_from_cache(iface)
212 self.config.iface_cache.get_feed(local_feed, force = True)
214 # Write it out - 0install will add the feed so that older 0install versions can find it
215 writer.save_interface(iface)
216 except:
217 self.note("\nBuild failed: leaving build directory %s for inspection...\n" % tmpdir)
218 raise
219 else:
220 # Can't delete current directory on Windows, so move to parent first
221 os.chdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.pardir))
223 ro_rmtree(tmpdir)
225 @tasks.async
226 def recursive_build(self, iface_uri, version = None):
227 """Build an implementation of iface_uri and register it as a feed.
228 @param version: the version to build, or None to build any version
229 @type version: str
231 r = requirements.Requirements(iface_uri)
232 r.source = True
233 r.command = 'compile'
235 d = driver.Driver(self.config, r)
236 iface = self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(iface_uri)
237 d.solver.record_details = True
238 if version:
239 d.solver.extra_restrictions[iface] = [model.VersionRestriction(model.parse_version(version))]
241 # For testing...
242 #p.target_arch = arch.Architecture(os_ranks = {'FreeBSD': 0, None: 1}, machine_ranks = {'i386': 0, None: 1, 'newbuild': 2})
244 while True:
245 self.heading(iface_uri)
246 self.note("\nSelecting versions for %s..." % iface.get_name())
247 solved = d.solve_with_downloads()
248 if solved:
249 yield solved
250 tasks.check(solved)
252 if not d.solver.ready:
253 self.print_details(d.solver)
254 raise SafeException("Can't find all required implementations (source or binary):\n" +
255 '\n'.join(["- %s -> %s" % (iface, d.solver.selections[iface])
256 for iface in d.solver.selections]))
257 self.note("Selection done.")
259 self.note("\nPlan:\n")
260 self.pretty_print_plan(d.solver, r.interface_uri)
261 self.note('')
263 needed = []
264 for dep_iface, dep_impl in d.solver.selections.iteritems():
265 if dep_impl.id.startswith('0compile='):
266 if not needed:
267 self.note("Build dependencies that need to be compiled first:\n")
268 self.note("- {iface} {version}".format(iface = dep_iface.uri, version = model.format_version(dep_impl.version)))
269 needed.append((dep_iface, dep_impl))
271 if not needed:
272 self.note("No dependencies need compiling... compile %s itself..." % iface.get_name())
273 build = self.compile_and_register(d.solver.selections,
274 # force the interface in the recursive case
275 iface_uri if iface_uri != self.iface_uri else None)
276 yield build
277 tasks.check(build)
278 return
280 # Compile the first missing build dependency...
281 dep_iface, dep_impl = needed[0]
283 self.note("")
285 #details = d.solver.details[self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(dep_iface.uri)]
286 #for de in details:
287 # print de
289 build = self.recursive_build(dep_iface.uri, dep_impl.get_version())
290 yield build
291 tasks.check(build)
292 # Try again with that dependency built...
294 def spawn_build(self, iface_name):
295 subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, sys.argv[0], 'build'])
297 def build(self):
298 tasks.wait_for_blocker(self.recursive_build(self.iface_uri))
300 def heading(self, msg):
301 self.note((' %s ' % msg).center(76, '='))
303 def note(self, msg):
304 print msg
306 def note_error(self, msg):
307 self.overall.insert_at_cursor(msg + '\n')
309 class GUIHandler(handler.Handler):
310 def downloads_changed(self):
311 self.compiler.downloads_changed()
313 def confirm_import_feed(self, pending, valid_sigs):
314 return handler.Handler.confirm_import_feed(self, pending, valid_sigs)
316 @tasks.async
317 def confirm_install(self, message):
318 from zeroinstall.injector.download import DownloadAborted
319 from zeroinstall.gtkui import gtkutils
320 import gtk
321 box = gtk.MessageDialog(self.compiler.dialog,
324 message)
325 box.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
327 install = gtkutils.MixedButton('Install', gtk.STOCK_OK)
328 install.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT)
329 box.add_action_widget(install, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
330 install.show_all()
331 box.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
332 box.show()
334 response = gtkutils.DialogResponse(box)
335 yield response
336 box.destroy()
338 if response.response != gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
339 raise DownloadAborted()
341 class GTKAutoCompiler(AutoCompiler):
342 def __init__(self, config, iface_uri, options):
343 config.handler.compiler = self
345 AutoCompiler.__init__(self, config, iface_uri, options)
346 self.child = None
348 import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0')
349 import gtk
351 w = gtk.Dialog('Autocompile %s' % iface_uri, None, 0,
353 gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
354 self.dialog = w
356 w.set_default_size(int(gtk.gdk.screen_width() * 0.8),
357 int(gtk.gdk.screen_height() * 0.8))
359 vpaned = gtk.VPaned()
360 w.vbox.add(vpaned)
361 w.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_OK, False)
363 class AutoScroller:
364 def __init__(self):
365 tv = gtk.TextView()
366 tv.set_property('left-margin', 8)
367 tv.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD_CHAR)
368 tv.set_editable(False)
369 swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
370 swin.add(tv)
371 swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
372 buffer = tv.get_buffer()
374 heading = buffer.create_tag('heading')
375 heading.set_property('scale', 1.5)
377 error = buffer.create_tag('error')
378 error.set_property('background', 'white')
379 error.set_property('foreground', 'red')
381 self.tv = tv
382 self.widget = swin
383 self.buffer = buffer
385 def insert_at_end_and_scroll(self, data, *tags):
386 vscroll = self.widget.get_vadjustment()
387 if not vscroll:
388 # Widget has been destroyed
389 print data,
390 return
391 near_end = vscroll.upper - vscroll.page_size * 1.5 < vscroll.value
392 end = self.buffer.get_end_iter()
393 self.buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(end, data, *tags)
394 if near_end:
395 cursor = self.buffer.get_insert()
396 self.buffer.move_mark(cursor, end)
397 self.tv.scroll_to_mark(cursor, 0, False, 0, 0)
399 def set_text(self, text):
400 self.buffer.set_text(text)
402 self.overall = AutoScroller()
403 self.details = AutoScroller()
405 vpaned.pack1(self.overall.widget, True, False)
406 vpaned.pack2(self.details.widget, True, False)
408 self.closed = tasks.Blocker('Window closed')
410 w.show_all()
411 w.connect('destroy', lambda wd: self.closed.trigger())
413 def response(wd, resp):
414 if self.child is not None:
415 self.note_error('Sending TERM signal to build process group %d...' % self.child.pid)
416 os.kill(-self.child.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
417 else:
418 self.closed.trigger()
419 w.connect('response', response)
421 def downloads_changed(self):
422 if self.config.handler.monitored_downloads:
423 msg = 'Downloads in progress:\n'
424 for x in self.config.handler.monitored_downloads:
425 msg += '- {url}\n'.format(url = x.url)
426 else:
427 msg = ''
428 self.details.set_text(msg)
430 def heading(self, msg):
431 self.overall.insert_at_end_and_scroll(msg + '\n', 'heading')
433 def note(self, msg):
434 self.overall.insert_at_end_and_scroll(msg + '\n')
436 def note_error(self, msg):
437 self.overall.insert_at_end_and_scroll(msg + '\n', 'error')
439 def build(self):
440 import gtk
441 try:
442 tasks.wait_for_blocker(self.recursive_build(self.iface_uri))
443 except SafeException, ex:
444 self.note_error(str(ex))
445 else:
446 self.heading('All builds completed successfully!')
447 self.dialog.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, False)
448 self.dialog.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_OK, True)
450 tasks.wait_for_blocker(self.closed)
452 @tasks.async
453 def spawn_build(self, iface_name):
454 assert self.child is None
456 self.details.insert_at_end_and_scroll('Building %s\n' % iface_name, 'heading')
458 # Group all the child processes so we can kill them easily
459 def become_group_leader():
460 os.setpgid(0, 0)
461 devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDONLY)
462 try:
463 self.child = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-u', sys.argv[0], 'build'],
464 stdin = devnull,
465 stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
466 preexec_fn = become_group_leader)
467 finally:
468 os.close(devnull)
470 import codecs
471 decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf-8')(errors = 'replace')
473 while True:
474 yield tasks.InputBlocker(self.child.stdout, 'output from child')
475 got = os.read(self.child.stdout.fileno(), 100)
476 chars = decoder.decode(got, final = not got)
477 self.details.insert_at_end_and_scroll(chars)
478 if not got: break
480 self.child.wait()
481 code = self.child.returncode
482 self.child = None
483 if code:
484 self.details.insert_at_end_and_scroll('Build process exited with error status %d\n' % code, 'error')
485 raise SafeException('Build process exited with error status %d' % code)
486 self.details.insert_at_end_and_scroll('Build completed successfully\n', 'heading')
488 @tasks.async
489 def confirm_import_feed(self, pending, valid_sigs):
490 from zeroinstall.gtkui import trust_box
491 box = trust_box.TrustBox(pending, valid_sigs, parent = self.dialog)
492 box.show()
493 yield box.closed
495 def do_autocompile(args):
496 """autocompile [--gui] URI"""
498 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog autocompile [options]")
500 parser.add_option('', "--gui", help="graphical interface", action='store_true')
501 (options, args2) = parser.parse_args(args)
502 if len(args2) != 1:
503 raise __main__.UsageError()
505 if options.gui:
506 h = GUIHandler()
507 elif os.isatty(1):
508 h = handler.ConsoleHandler()
509 else:
510 h = handler.Handler()
511 config = load_config(handler = h)
512 config._iface_cache = AutocompileCache()
514 iface_uri = model.canonical_iface_uri(args2[0])
515 if options.gui:
516 compiler = GTKAutoCompiler(config, iface_uri, options)
517 else:
518 compiler = AutoCompiler(config, iface_uri, options)
520 compiler.build()
522 __main__.commands += [do_autocompile]