Passed test again
[tuple-trace.git] / primitive.lisp
2 (in-package :tuple-trace)
4 (defclass primitive ()
5 ((name :accessor name-of :initarg :name)
6 (material :accessor material-of :initform (make-instance 'material))
7 (shape :accessor shape-of :initarg :shape)
8 (geometry :accessor geometry-of :initarg :geometry)))
10 (def-tuple-class sphere
11 (:tuples
12 ((centre :type vertex3d))
13 :slots
14 ((radius :initform 1.0 :initarg :radius :type single-float :accessor radius-of))))
16 ;; ;; sphere --
17 (def-tuple-op vector-square
18 ((v vector3d (x y z)))
19 (:return single-float
20 (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z))))
23 (def-tuple-op sphere-intersect
24 ((centre vertex3d (cx cy cz cw))
25 (radius single-float)
26 (ray-origin vector3d (xro yro zro))
27 (ray-direction vector3d (xr yr zr)))
28 "Compute the intersection of a sphere and a ray."
29 (:return (or single-float null)
30 ;; we could speed this up by assuming a == 1 & direction is unit
31 ;; (format t "Ray-direction ~A ~A ~A " xr yr zr)
32 ;; (format t "origin -> centre ~A " (multiple-value-list (vector3d-difference ray-origin centre)))
33 (let* ((a (vector3d-dot ray-direction ray-direction))
34 (b (* 2.0 (vector3d-dot ray-direction (vector3d-difference ray-origin centre))))
35 (c (- (vector3d-dot (vector3d-difference ray-origin centre) (vector3d-difference ray-origin centre)) (* radius radius)))
36 (d (- (* b b) (* 4.0 a c))))
37 ;; (format t "A ~A B ~A C ~A D ~A ~%" a b c d)
38 (when (> d 0)
39 (/ (- (- b) (sqrt d)) (* 2.0 a))))))
42 (defun make-sphere (name x y z r)
43 (let* ((sphere (make-instance 'sphere
44 :centre (make-vertex3d* x y z 1.0)
45 :radius r))
46 (result (make-instance 'primitive
47 :name name
48 :shape :sphere
49 :geometry sphere)))
50 result))
53 (def-tuple-op sphere-normal
54 ((centre vertex3d (cx cy cz cw))
55 (point vertex3d (px py pz pw)))
56 (:return vector3d
57 (vector3d-normal (vector3d* ( - cx px) (- cy py) (- cz pz)))))
59 (def-tuple-class plane
60 (:tuples
61 ((normal :type vector3d))
62 :slots
63 ((displacement :initform 0.0 :initarg :displacement :accessor displacement-of))))
65 (def-tuple-class light
66 (:tuples
67 ((centre :type vertex3d))
68 :slots
69 ((radius :initform 1.0 :initarg :radius :type single-float :accessor radius-of))))
73 (defun intersect (primitive ray)
74 "Test primitive for intersection with ray and return array of
75 intersection distances or NIL if no intersection."
76 (let ((geometry (geometry-of primitive)))
77 (ccase (shape-of primitive)
78 (:sphere (sphere-intersect (centre-of geometry) (radius-of geometry) (origin-of ray) (direction-of ray))))))
80 (defun normal (primitive point)
81 "Given a point on the surface of a primtive, return the normal"
82 (let ((geometry (geometry-of primitive)))
83 (ccase (shape-of primitive)
84 (:sphere (sphere-normal (centre-of geometry) (vertex3d point))))))
87 ;; (defmethod normal ((sphere sphere) point)
88 ;; (sphere-normal (vertex3d (centre-of sphere))
89 ;; (vertex3d point)))
91 ;; (defmethod intersect ((plane plane) point distance))
93 ;; (defmethod normal ((plane plane) point))