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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright 2011-2020, Damian Johnson and The Tor Project
3 # See LICENSE for licensing information
5 """
6 Runs unit and integration tests. For usage information run this with '--help'.
7 """
9 import errno
10 import io
11 import importlib
12 import logging
13 import logging.handlers
14 import multiprocessing
15 import os
16 import queue
17 import signal
18 import sys
19 import threading
20 import time
21 import traceback
22 import unittest
24 import stem.util.conf
25 import stem.util.log
26 import stem.util.system
27 import stem.util.test_tools
28 import stem.version
30 import test
31 import test.arguments
32 import test.output
33 import test.runner
34 import test.task
36 from test.output import STATUS, SUCCESS, ERROR, NO_NL, STDERR, println
38 CONFIG = stem.util.conf.config_dict('test', {
39 'integ.test_directory': './test/data',
40 'test.unit_tests': '',
41 'test.integ_tests': '',
45 To run stem's tests you'll need mock...
48 """
51 To run stem's tests you'll need mock. You have version %s, but you need
52 version 0.8.0 or later...
55 """
58 Your version of Tor has capabilities stem currently isn't taking advantage of.
59 If you're running the latest version of stem then please file a ticket on:
63 New capabilities are:
64 """
67 def log_traceback(sig, frame):
68 """
69 Dump the stacktraces of all threads on stderr.
70 """
72 # Attempt to get the name of our signal. Unfortunately the signal module
73 # doesn't provide a reverse mapping, so we need to get this ourselves
74 # from the attributes.
76 signal_name = str(sig)
78 for attr_name, value in signal.__dict__.items():
79 if attr_name.startswith('SIG') and value == sig:
80 signal_name = attr_name
81 break
83 lines = [
84 '', # initial NL so we start on our own line
85 '=' * 80,
86 'Signal %s received by thread %s in process %i' % (signal_name, threading.current_thread().name, os.getpid()),
89 for thread_name, stacktrace in test.output.thread_stacktraces().items():
90 lines.append('-' * 80)
91 lines.append('%s thread stacktrace' % thread_name)
92 lines.append('')
93 lines.append(stacktrace)
95 lines.append('=' * 80)
96 println('\n'.join(lines), STDERR)
98 # propagate the signal to any multiprocessing children
100 for p in multiprocessing.active_children():
101 try:
102 os.kill(, sig)
103 except OSError as exc:
104 if exc.errno == errno.ESRCH:
105 pass # already exited, no such process
106 else:
107 raise exc
109 if sig == signal.SIGABRT:
110 # we need to use os._exit() to abort every thread in the interpreter,
111 # rather than raise a SystemExit exception that can be caught
112 os._exit(-1)
115 def get_unit_tests(module_prefixes, exclude):
117 Provides the classes for our unit tests.
119 :param list module_prefixes: only provide the test if the module starts with
120 any of these substrings
121 :param list exclude: test modules explicitly excluded
123 :returns: an **iterator** for our unit tests
126 return _get_tests(CONFIG['test.unit_tests'].splitlines(), module_prefixes, exclude)
129 def get_integ_tests(module_prefixes, exclude):
131 Provides the classes for our integration tests.
133 :param list module_prefixes: only provide the test if the module starts with
134 any of these substrings
135 :param list exclude: test modules explicitly excluded
137 :returns: an **iterator** for our integration tests
140 return _get_tests(CONFIG['test.integ_tests'].splitlines(), module_prefixes, exclude)
143 def _get_tests(modules, module_prefixes, exclude):
144 for import_name in modules:
145 cropped_name = test.arguments.crop_module_name(import_name)
146 cropped_name = cropped_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] # exclude the class name
148 if exclude:
149 # Check if '--exclude-test' says we should skip this whole module. The
150 # argument can also skip individual tests, but that must be handled
151 # elsewhere.
153 skip = False
155 for exclude_prefix in exclude:
156 if cropped_name.startswith(exclude_prefix):
157 skip = True
158 break
160 if skip:
161 continue
163 if not module_prefixes:
164 yield import_name
165 else:
166 for prefix in module_prefixes:
167 if cropped_name.startswith(prefix):
168 yield import_name
169 break
170 elif prefix.startswith(cropped_name):
171 # single test for this module
173 test_name = prefix.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
174 yield '%s.%s' % (import_name, test_name)
175 break
178 def main():
179 start_time = time.time()
181 major_version, minor_version = sys.version_info[0:2]
183 if major_version < 3 or (major_version == 3 and minor_version < 6):
184 println('stem requires python version 3.6 or greater\n')
185 sys.exit(1)
187 signal.signal(signal.SIGABRT, log_traceback)
188 signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, log_traceback)
190 test_config = stem.util.conf.get_config('test')
191 test_config.load(os.path.join(test.STEM_BASE, 'test', 'settings.cfg'))
193 if 'STEM_TEST_CONFIG' in os.environ:
194 test_config.load(os.environ['STEM_TEST_CONFIG'])
196 try:
197 args = test.arguments.Arguments.parse(sys.argv[1:])
198 test.task.TOR_VERSION.args = (args.tor_path,)
199 test.output.SUPPRESS_STDOUT = args.quiet
200 except ValueError as exc:
201 println(str(exc))
202 sys.exit(1)
204 if args.print_help:
205 println(test.arguments.Arguments.get_help())
206 sys.exit()
207 elif not args.run_unit and not args.run_integ:
208 println('Nothing to run (for usage provide --help)\n')
209 sys.exit()
213 test.task.STEM_VERSION,
214 test.task.TOR_VERSION if args.run_integ else None,
215 test.task.PYTHON_VERSION,
216 test.task.PLATFORM_VERSION,
217 test.task.CRYPTO_VERSION,
218 test.task.PYFLAKES_VERSION,
220 test.task.MYPY_VERSION,
221 test.task.CLEAN_PYC,
222 test.task.UNUSED_TESTS,
223 test.task.IMPORT_TESTS,
224 test.task.REMOVE_TOR_DATA_DIR if args.run_integ else None,
225 test.task.PYFLAKES_TASK if not args.specific_test else None,
226 test.task.PYCODESTYLE_TASK if not args.specific_test else None,
227 test.task.MYPY_TASK if not args.specific_test else None,
230 # Test logging. If '--log-file' is provided we log to that location,
231 # otherwise we buffer messages and log to stdout after its test completes.
233 logging_buffer = queue.Queue()
235 if args.logging_runlevel:
236 if args.logging_path:
237 handler = logging.FileHandler(args.logging_path, mode = 'w')
238 handler.setLevel(stem.util.log.logging_level(args.logging_runlevel))
239 handler.setFormatter(stem.util.log.FORMATTER)
240 else:
241 handler = logging.handlers.QueueHandler(logging_buffer)
242 handler.setLevel(stem.util.log.logging_level(args.logging_runlevel))
244 stem.util.log.get_logger().addHandler(handler)
246 # filters for how testing output is displayed
248 error_tracker = test.output.ErrorTracker()
250 output_filters = (
251 error_tracker.get_filter(),
252 test.output.runtimes,
253 test.output.strip_module,
254 test.output.align_results,
255 test.output.colorize,
258 # Number of tests that we have skipped. This is only available with python
259 # 2.7 or later because before that test results didn't have a 'skipped'
260 # attribute.
262 # TODO: handling of earlier python versions is no longer necessary here
263 # TODO: this invokes all asynchronous tests, even if we have a --test or
264 # --exclude-test argument
266 skipped_tests = 0
268 if args.run_integ:
269 default_test_dir = stem.util.system.expand_path(CONFIG['integ.test_directory'], test.STEM_BASE)
270 async_args = test.AsyncTestArgs(default_test_dir, args.tor_path)
272 for module_str in stem.util.test_tools.ASYNC_TESTS:
273 module = importlib.import_module(module_str.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
274 test_classes = [v for k, v in module.__dict__.items() if k.startswith('Test')]
276 if len(test_classes) != 1:
277 print('BUG: Detected multiple tests for %s: %s' % (module_str, ', '.join(test_classes)))
278 sys.exit(1)
280 test_classes[0].run_tests(async_args)
282 if args.run_unit:
283 test.output.print_divider('UNIT TESTS', True)
284 error_tracker.set_category('UNIT TEST')
286 for test_class in get_unit_tests(args.specific_test, args.exclude_test):
287 run_result = _run_test(args, test_class, args.exclude_test, output_filters)
288 test.output.print_logging(logging_buffer)
289 skipped_tests += len(getattr(run_result, 'skipped', []))
291 println()
293 if args.run_integ:
294 test.output.print_divider('INTEGRATION TESTS', True)
295 integ_runner = test.runner.get_runner()
297 for target in args.run_targets:
298 error_tracker.set_category(target)
300 try:
301 integ_runner.start(target, args.attribute_targets, args.tor_path)
303 println('Running tests...\n', STATUS)
305 for test_class in get_integ_tests(args.specific_test, args.exclude_test):
306 run_result = _run_test(args, test_class, args.exclude_test, output_filters)
307 test.output.print_logging(logging_buffer)
308 skipped_tests += len(getattr(run_result, 'skipped', []))
310 if not integ_runner.assert_tor_is_running():
311 # our tor process died
313 error_tracker.register_error()
314 break
315 except KeyboardInterrupt:
316 println(' aborted starting tor: keyboard interrupt\n', ERROR)
317 break
318 except ValueError as exc:
319 println(str(exc), ERROR) # can arise if there's bad settings.cfg data
320 break
321 except OSError:
322 error_tracker.register_error()
323 finally:
324 println()
325 integ_runner.stop()
326 println()
328 # ensure that we join all our threads
330 active_threads = threading.enumerate()
332 if len(active_threads) > 1:
333 println('Threads lingering after test run:', ERROR)
335 for lingering_thread in active_threads:
336 println(' %s' % lingering_thread, ERROR)
338 static_check_issues = {}
340 for task in (test.task.PYFLAKES_TASK, test.task.PYCODESTYLE_TASK, test.task.MYPY_TASK):
341 if not task.is_available and task.unavailable_msg:
342 println(task.unavailable_msg, ERROR)
343 else:
344 task.join() # no-op if these haven't been run
346 if task.result:
347 for path, issues in task.result.items():
348 for issue in issues:
349 static_check_issues.setdefault(path, []).append(issue)
351 _print_static_issues(static_check_issues)
353 if error_tracker.has_errors_occured():
354 println('TESTING FAILED (%i seconds)' % (time.time() - start_time), ERROR, STDERR)
356 for line in error_tracker:
357 println(' %s' % line, ERROR, STDERR)
359 error_modules = error_tracker.get_modules()
361 if len(error_modules) < 10 and not args.specific_test:
362 println('\nYou can re-run just these tests with:\n', ERROR, STDERR)
364 for module in error_modules:
365 println(' %s --test %s' % (' '.join(sys.argv), test.arguments.crop_module_name(module)), ERROR, STDERR)
366 else:
367 if skipped_tests > 0:
368 println('%i TESTS WERE SKIPPED' % skipped_tests, STATUS)
370 println('TESTING PASSED (%i seconds)\n' % (time.time() - start_time), SUCCESS)
372 new_capabilities = test.get_new_capabilities()
374 if new_capabilities:
377 for capability_type, msg in sorted(new_capabilities, key = lambda x: x[1]):
378 println(' [%s] %s' % (capability_type, msg), ERROR)
380 sys.exit(1 if error_tracker.has_errors_occured() else 0)
383 def _print_static_issues(static_check_issues):
384 if static_check_issues:
385 println('STATIC CHECKS', STATUS)
387 for file_path in sorted(static_check_issues):
388 println('* %s' % file_path, STATUS)
390 # Make a dict of line numbers to its issues. This is so we can both sort
391 # by the line number and clear any duplicate messages.
393 line_to_issues = {}
395 for issue in static_check_issues[file_path]:
396 line_to_issues.setdefault(issue.line_number, set()).add((issue.message, issue.line))
398 for line_number in sorted(line_to_issues.keys()):
399 for msg, line in line_to_issues[line_number]:
400 line_count = '%-4s' % line_number
401 content = ' | %s' % line.strip() if line.strip() else ''
402 println(' line %s - %-40s%s' % (line_count, msg, content))
404 println()
407 def _run_test(args, test_class, exclude, output_filters):
408 # When logging to a file we don't have stdout's test delimiters to correlate
409 # logs with the test that generated them.
411 if args.logging_path:
412 stem.util.log.notice('Beginning test %s' % test_class)
414 start_time = time.time()
416 # Test classes look like...
418 # test.unit.util.conf.TestConf.test_parse_enum_csv
420 # We want to strip the 'test.unit.' or 'test.integ.' prefix since it's
421 # redundant. We also want to drop the test class name. The individual test
422 # name at the end it optional (only present if we used the '--test'
423 # argument).
425 label_comp = test_class.split('.')[2:]
426 del label_comp[-1 if label_comp[-1][0].isupper() else -2]
427 test_label = ' %-52s' % ('.'.join(label_comp) + '...')
429 if args.verbose:
430 test.output.print_divider(test_class)
431 else:
432 println(test_label, STATUS, NO_NL)
434 try:
435 suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(test_class)
436 except AttributeError:
437 if args.specific_test:
438 # should only come up if user provided '--test' for something that doesn't exist
439 println(' no such test', ERROR)
440 return None
441 else:
442 raise
443 except Exception as exc:
444 println(' failed', ERROR)
445 traceback.print_exc(exc)
446 return None
448 # check if we should skip any individual tests within this module
450 if exclude:
451 cropped_name = test.arguments.crop_module_name(test_class)
452 cropped_name = cropped_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] # exclude the class name
454 for prefix in exclude:
455 if prefix.startswith(cropped_name):
456 test_name = prefix.split('.')[-1]
458 suite._tests = list(filter(lambda test:'.')[-1] != test_name, suite._tests))
460 test_results = io.StringIO()
461 run_result = stem.util.test_tools.TimedTestRunner(test_results, verbosity = 2).run(suite)
463 if args.verbose:
464 println(test.output.apply_filters(test_results.getvalue(), *output_filters))
465 elif not run_result.failures and not run_result.errors:
466 println(' success (%0.2fs)' % (time.time() - start_time), SUCCESS)
467 else:
468 if args.quiet:
469 println(test_label, STATUS, NO_NL, STDERR)
470 println(' failed (%0.2fs)' % (time.time() - start_time), ERROR, STDERR)
471 println(test.output.apply_filters(test_results.getvalue(), *output_filters), STDERR)
472 else:
473 println(' failed (%0.2fs)' % (time.time() - start_time), ERROR)
474 println(test.output.apply_filters(test_results.getvalue(), *output_filters), NO_NL)
476 if args.logging_path:
477 stem.util.log.notice('Finished test %s' % test_class)
479 return run_result
482 if __name__ == '__main__':
483 main()