Update docs with information about how to use thread-unsafe code in
[salmon.git] / tox.ini
1 [tox]
2 envlist =
3 docs
4 lint
5 isort
6 py{37,38,39,310,py3}
8 [testenv]
9 commands =
10 python --version
11 coverage run --branch -m unittest {posargs}
12 coverage report
13 coverage xml
14 coverage html
15 deps =
16 coverage
17 jinja2
19 [testenv:docs]
20 whitelist_externals = make
21 changedir = docs
22 commands = make html
23 extras = docs
25 [testenv:lint]
26 commands = flake8 salmon tests setup.py
27 deps =
28 flake8
29 mccabe
30 skip_install = true
32 [testenv:isort]
33 commands = isort --check-only --diff salmon tests setup.py
34 deps = isort
35 skip_install = true
37 [flake8]
38 max-line-length = 120
39 max-complexity = 10
40 exclude =
41 .eggs
42 .git
43 .tox
44 __pycache__
45 build
46 docs
47 env
49 [isort]
50 line_length = 120
51 from_first = true
52 use_parentheses = true
53 skip_glob =
54 salmon/_version.py
55 versioneer.py
56 .eggs
57 .git
58 .tox
59 __pycache__
60 build
61 docs
62 env
64 [gh-actions]
65 python =
66 3.7: py37
67 3.8: py38
68 3.9: py39
69 3.10: py310
70 pypy-3.6: pypy3
71 pypy-3.7: pypy3