Seems to work
[rops.git] /
1 (*********************************************************************
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5 let (|>) (p : 'a) (f : 'a -> 'b) = f p;;
7 let is_some = function
8 Some x -> true
9 | None -> false
11 let is_none x = not (is_some x);;
13 let get_some = function
14 Some x -> x
15 | None -> raise Not_found
17 exception Scheme_cast_error;;
19 exception Scheme_eval_error of string;;
20 let eval_error s = raise (Scheme_eval_error s);;
22 type symbol = string ;;
24 (*
25 A scheme object is anything that can be considered a value in Scheme. Notice that:
27 - Any symbolic expression can be an object (through the use of quote).
28 - Some objects have a literal representation in the program (can be read), but others don't: Closures and Continuations are created through evaluation of some other expressions.
31 type scheme_object =
32 Int of int
33 | String of string
34 | Symbol of symbol
35 | Null
36 | True
37 | False
38 | Quotation of scheme_object
39 | ProperList of scheme_object list
40 | ImproperList of (scheme_object list) * scheme_object
41 | Closure of scheme_object * scheme_environment * (symbol list)
42 | Continuation of scheme_environment * (scheme_object -> scheme_object)
43 and
44 environment_frame = (string, scheme_object) Hashtbl.t
45 and
46 scheme_environment = environment_frame list
49 let get_int = function
50 Int i -> i
51 | _ -> raise Scheme_cast_error;;
53 (**********************************************************************
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56 let env_from_alist alist =
57 let h = Hashtbl.create 1 in
58 List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add h k v) alist;
62 let push_env_frame env formals actuals =
63 let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length formals) in
64 List.iter
65 (function (name, obj) -> Hashtbl.add h name obj )
66 (List.combine formals actuals);
67 h::env
70 let lookup env k =
71 Hashtbl.find (List.find (fun x -> Hashtbl.mem x k) env) k ;;
73 let current_env_frame = function
74 (e::rest) -> e
75 | [] -> assert false
78 (**********************************************************************
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81 let make_arith_op_builtin_func (base:int) (f:int -> int -> int) =
82 List.fold_left (fun x -> fun y -> Int (f (get_int x) (get_int y))) (Int base) ;;
84 let builtin_begin params = List.hd (List.rev params)
86 let builtin_option = function
87 "+" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 0 ( + ))
88 | "-" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 0 ( - ))
89 | "*" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 1 ( * ))
90 | "/" -> Some (make_arith_op_builtin_func 1 ( / ))
91 | "begin" -> Some builtin_begin
92 | _ -> None
95 (**********************************************************************
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98 let rec eval (e:scheme_environment) (exp:scheme_object) =
99 let exp_eval = (eval e) in
100 match exp with
101 | ProperList (Symbol "define"::Symbol var::cdr) ->
102 let f = current_env_frame e in
103 Hashtbl.add f var (exp_eval (ProperList ((Symbol "begin")::cdr)));
104 Null
105 | ProperList (Symbol "lambda"::formals::body) ->
106 let proper_body = ProperList (Symbol "begin"::body) in
107 let syms = match formals with
108 ProperList l -> ( (function
109 (Symbol s) -> s
110 | _ -> eval_error "Invalid formal parameter list") l)
111 | _ -> eval_error "Bad lambda syntax"
113 Closure (proper_body, e, syms)
114 | ProperList (Symbol "if"::test::true_case::[false_case]) ->
115 (match (exp_eval test) with
116 False -> exp_eval false_case
117 | _ -> exp_eval true_case)
118 | ProperList (f::params) ->
119 let evaluated_params = ( exp_eval params) in
120 (match f with
121 Symbol op when is_some (builtin_option op) ->
122 let fbuiltin = op |> builtin_option |> get_some in
123 (fbuiltin evaluated_params)
124 | Closure (body, closure_env, formals) ->
125 eval (push_env_frame closure_env formals evaluated_params) body
126 | _ -> eval_error "Cannot apply non-object" )
127 | Symbol s ->
128 lookup e s
129 | whatever -> whatever (* Int, String, Quotation, Null *)
132 (**********************************************************************
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135 let rec eval_cps (e:scheme_environment) (exp:scheme_object) (return:scheme_object -> scheme_object) =
136 let exp_eval = eval_cps e in
137 match exp with
138 | ProperList (Symbol "define"::Symbol var::[expression]) ->
139 exp_eval expression (fun expression_value ->
140 let f = current_env_frame e in
141 Hashtbl.add f var expression_value;
142 return Null)
143 | ProperList (Symbol "lambda"::formals::body) ->
144 let proper_body = ProperList (Symbol "begin"::body) in
145 let syms = match formals with
146 ProperList l -> ( (function
147 (Symbol s) -> s
148 | _ -> eval_error "Invalid formal parameter list") l)
149 | _ -> eval_error "Bad lambda syntax"
151 return (Closure (proper_body, e, syms))
152 | ProperList (Symbol "call/cc"::[callee]) ->
153 let continuation = Continuation (e, return) in
154 eval_application e callee [continuation] return
155 | ProperList (Symbol "if"::test::true_case::[false_case]) ->
156 exp_eval test (function
157 False -> exp_eval false_case return
158 | _ -> exp_eval true_case return)
159 | ProperList (f::params) ->
160 eval_list_cps e (ProperList params)
161 (function
162 ProperList evaluated_params ->
163 (eval_application e f evaluated_params return)
164 | _ -> invalid_arg "eval_list_cps did not return a proper list object")
165 | Symbol s ->
166 return (lookup e s)
167 | whatever ->
168 return whatever (* Int, String, Quotation, Null *)
169 and eval_list_cps (env:scheme_environment) (exp:scheme_object) (return: scheme_object -> scheme_object) =
170 match exp with
171 ProperList [] as base -> return base
172 | ProperList (car::cdr) ->
173 eval_cps env car
174 (fun (car_result:scheme_object) ->
175 (eval_list_cps env (ProperList cdr)
176 (function
177 ProperList (cdr_result) -> return (ProperList (car_result::cdr_result))
178 |_ -> assert false)))
179 | _ -> invalid_arg "eval_list_cps called with a non-list scheme object"
181 and eval_application e f evaluated_params return =
182 match f with
183 Symbol op when is_some (builtin_option op) ->
184 let fbuiltin = op |> builtin_option |> get_some in
185 return (fbuiltin evaluated_params)
186 | _ -> eval_cps e f (function
187 | Closure (body, closure_env, formals) ->
188 eval_cps (push_env_frame closure_env formals evaluated_params) body return
189 | Continuation (e, escape_proc) ->
190 (escape_proc (List.hd evaluated_params))
191 | _ -> eval_error "Trying to apply something that is not a closure")
195 (**********************************************************************)
196 let e = env_from_alist [("a", (Int 1));
197 ("b", (Int 2));
198 ("true-val", True);
202 let print_res = function
203 Int i -> (Printf.printf "Res: %d\n" i); Int i
204 | _ -> assert false ;;
206 let eval0 = eval [e];;
207 let eval1 obj = eval_cps [e] obj print_res;;
209 assert ((eval1 (ProperList [Symbol "+";Int 2; Symbol "a"])) = Int 3);;
210 assert ((eval1 (ProperList [Symbol "begin"; Int 1; Int 2])) = Int 2);;
212 (***********************************************************************)
213 eval1 (Int 1);;
215 (eval1 (ProperList [ Symbol "if";
216 Quotation (Symbol "true-val");
217 Int 1;
218 Int 0; ]));;
220 ((eval1 (ProperList [Symbol "+";Int 2; Symbol "a"])) = Int 3);;
221 (eval1 (ProperList [ Symbol "begin";
222 ProperList [Symbol "define"; Symbol "x"; Int 3];
223 Symbol "x"]))