initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / Objects.pas
1 unit objects;
3 interface
4 uses KOL, Windows, Messages;
6 type
7 TWndMethod = procedure(var Message: TMessage) of object;
9 function MakeObjectInstance(Method: TWndMethod): Pointer;
10 procedure FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance: Pointer);
11 function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
12 procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
13 function IncColor(C: TColor; D: integer): TColor;
14 procedure AjustBitmap(const M: KOL.PBitmap; S, C: TColor);
16 implementation
18 type
19 PObjectInstance = ^TObjectInstance;
20 TObjectInstance = packed record
21 Code: Byte;
22 Offset: Integer;
23 case Integer of
24 0: (Next: PObjectInstance);
25 1: (Method: TWndMethod);
26 end;
28 type
29 PInstanceBlock = ^TInstanceBlock;
30 TInstanceBlock = packed record
31 Next: PInstanceBlock;
32 Code: array[1..2] of Byte;
33 WndProcPtr: Pointer;
34 Instances: array[0..100] of TObjectInstance;
35 end;
37 var
38 InstBlockList: PInstanceBlock;
39 InstBlockCount: integer;
40 InstFreeList: PObjectInstance;
42 { Standard window procedure }
43 { In ECX = Address of method pointer }
44 { Out EAX = Result }
46 function StdWndProc(Window: HWND; Message, WParam: Longint;
47 LParam: Longint): Longint; stdcall; assembler;
48 asm
51 PUSH LParam
52 PUSH WParam
53 PUSH Message
55 MOV EAX,[ECX].Longint[4]
56 CALL [ECX].Pointer
57 ADD ESP,12
59 end;
61 { Allocate an object instance }
63 function CalcJmpOffset(Src, Dest: Pointer): Longint;
64 begin
65 Result := Longint(Dest) - (Longint(Src) + 5);
66 end;
68 function MakeObjectInstance(Method: TWndMethod): Pointer;
69 const
70 BlockCode: array[1..2] of Byte = (
71 $59, { POP ECX }
72 $E9); { JMP StdWndProc }
73 PageSize = 4096;
74 var
75 Block: PInstanceBlock;
76 Instance: PObjectInstance;
77 begin
78 if InstFreeList = nil then
79 begin
80 Block := VirtualAlloc(nil, PageSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
81 Block^.Next := InstBlockList;
82 Move(BlockCode, Block^.Code, SizeOf(BlockCode));
83 Block^.WndProcPtr := Pointer(CalcJmpOffset(@Block^.Code[2], @StdWndProc));
84 Instance := @Block^.Instances;
85 repeat
86 Instance^.Code := $E8; { CALL NEAR PTR Offset }
87 Instance^.Offset := CalcJmpOffset(Instance, @Block^.Code);
88 Instance^.Next := InstFreeList;
89 InstFreeList := Instance;
90 Inc(Longint(Instance), SizeOf(TObjectInstance));
91 until Longint(Instance) - Longint(Block) >= SizeOf(TInstanceBlock);
92 InstBlockList := Block;
93 end;
94 Result := InstFreeList;
95 Instance := InstFreeList;
96 InstFreeList := Instance^.Next;
97 Instance^.Method := Method;
98 inc(InstBlockCount);
99 end;
101 { Free an object instance }
103 procedure FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance: Pointer);
104 begin
105 if (ObjectInstance <> nil) and (InstBlockCount > 0) then
106 begin
107 PObjectInstance(ObjectInstance)^.Next := InstFreeList;
108 InstFreeList := ObjectInstance;
109 Dec(InstBlockCount);
110 if InstBlockCount = 0 then begin
111 VirtualFree(InstBlockList, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
112 InstBlockList := nil;
113 ObjectInstance := nil;
114 end;
115 end;
116 end;
119 UtilWindowClass: TWndClass = (
120 style: 0;
121 lpfnWndProc: @DefWindowProc;
122 cbClsExtra: 0;
123 cbWndExtra: 0;
124 hInstance: 0;
125 hIcon: 0;
126 hCursor: 0;
127 hbrBackground: 0;
128 lpszMenuName: nil;
129 lpszClassName: 'KOLFakeUtilWindow');
131 function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
133 TempClass: TWndClass;
134 ClassRegistered: Boolean;
135 begin
136 UtilWindowClass.hInstance := HInstance;
137 ClassRegistered := GetClassInfo(HInstance, UtilWindowClass.lpszClassName,
138 TempClass);
139 if not ClassRegistered or (TempClass.lpfnWndProc <> @DefWindowProc) then
140 begin
141 if ClassRegistered then
142 Windows.UnregisterClass(UtilWindowClass.lpszClassName, HInstance);
143 Windows.RegisterClass(UtilWindowClass);
144 end;
145 Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, UtilWindowClass.lpszClassName,
146 '', WS_POPUP {!0}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
147 if Assigned(Method) then
148 SetWindowLong(Result, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(MakeObjectInstance(Method)));
149 end;
151 procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
153 Instance: Pointer;
154 begin
155 Instance := Pointer(GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_WNDPROC));
156 DestroyWindow(Wnd);
157 if Instance <> @DefWindowProc then FreeObjectInstance(Instance);
158 end;
160 procedure SplitColor(C: TColor; var r, g, b: integer);
161 begin
162 b := (c and $FF0000) shr 16;
163 g := (c and $00FF00) shr 08;
164 r := (c and $0000FF) shr 00;
165 end;
167 procedure AjustBitmap;
168 var i, j: integer;
169 t: KOL.PBitmap;
175 b2: integer;
176 p: PRGBTriple;
178 function CalcColor(c1, c2, c3: integer): integer;
179 begin
180 if c1 = c3 then begin
181 Result := c2;
182 exit;
183 end;
185 if c1 = 0 then begin
186 Result := 0;
187 exit;
188 end;
190 { Result := 255 * c1 div c3 - c1 * (255 - c1) * (255 - c2) div c3 div (255 - c3);
191 exit;}
193 Result := c1 * c2 div c3;
194 if c2 = 0 then Result := c1 * 150 div 255;
195 if Result > 255 then Result := 255;
196 if Result < 50 then Result := Result + 50;
197 { exit;
198 a := trunc(x1 * 3);
199 a := c1 * (255 - c1) * c2 * (255 - c2) div c3 div (255 - c3);
200 a := 255 * 255 - 4 * a;
202 x1 := Trunc((255 - sqrt(a)) / 2);
203 x2 := Trunc((255 + sqrt(a)) / 2);
204 if x1 > x2 then Result := Trunc(x1)
205 else Result := Trunc(x2);
206 except
207 Result := 0;
208 end;}
209 end;
211 begin
212 if s = c then exit;
213 if m.Width = 0 then exit;
214 if m.Height = 0 then exit;
215 t := NewBitmap(m.Width, m.Height);
216 m.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
217 t.Assign(m);
218 SplitColor(Color2RGB(s), r, g, b);
219 if r = 0 then r := 1;
220 if g = 0 then g := 1;
221 if b = 0 then b := 1;
222 SplitColor(Color2RGB(c), r2, g2, b2);
223 for j := 0 to t.Height - 1 do begin
224 p := t.scanline[j];
225 for i := 0 to t.Width - 1 do begin
226 p.rgbtRed := CalcColor(p.rgbtRed, r2, r);
227 p.rgbtGreen := CalcColor(p.rgbtGreen, g2, g);
228 p.rgbtBlue := CalcColor(p.rgbtBlue, b2, b);
229 inc(p);
230 end;
231 end;
232 m.Assign(t);
233 t.Free;
234 end;
236 function IncColor;
237 var T: TColor;
238 P: PRGBTriple;
239 begin
240 T := Color2RGB(C);
241 p := @T;
242 if D > 0 then begin
243 if p.rgbtBlue < 255 - D then p.rgbtBlue := p.rgbtBlue + D else p.rgbtBlue := 255;
244 if p.rgbtRed < 255 - D then p.rgbtRed := p.rgbtRed + D else p.rgbtRed := 255;
245 if p.rgbtGreen < 255 - D then p.rgbtGreen := p.rgbtGreen + D else p.rgbtGreen := 255;
246 end else begin
247 if p.rgbtBlue > D then p.rgbtBlue := p.rgbtBlue - D else p.rgbtBlue := 000;
248 if p.rgbtRed > D then p.rgbtRed := p.rgbtRed - D else p.rgbtRed := 000;
249 if p.rgbtGreen > D then p.rgbtGreen := p.rgbtGreen - D else p.rgbtGreen := 000;
250 end;
251 Result := T;
252 end;
254 begin
255 InstBlockList := nil;
256 InstBlockCount := 0;
257 InstFreeList := nil;
258 end.