initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / KOLadd.pas
1 //[START OF KOL.pas]
2 {****************************************************************
3 d d
9 KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL aaaaa dddddd dddddd
14 Key Objects Library (C) 2000 by Kladov Vladimir.
16 //[VERSION]
17 ****************************************************************
18 * VERSION 2.04
19 ****************************************************************
22 The only reason why this part of KOL separated into another unit is that
23 Delphi has a restriction to DCU size exceeding which it is failed to debug
24 it normally and in attempt to execute code step by step an internal error
25 is occur which stops Delphi from working at all.
27 Version indicated above is a version of KOL, having place when KOLadd.pas was
28 modified last time, this is not a version of KOLadd itself.
31 unit KOLadd;
33 interface
37 uses Windows, KOL;
39 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
40 | |
41 | T L i s t E x |
42 | |
43 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
44 type
47 {++}(*TListEx = class;*){--}
48 PListEx = {-}^{+}TListEx;
49 TListEx = object( TObj )
50 {* Extended list, with Objects[ ] property. Created calling NewListEx function. }
51 protected
52 fList: PList;
53 fObjects: PList;
54 function GetEx(Idx: Integer): Pointer;
55 procedure PutEx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Pointer);
56 function GetCount: Integer;
57 function GetAddBy: Integer;
58 procedure Set_AddBy(const Value: Integer);
59 public
60 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
61 {* }
62 property AddBy: Integer read GetAddBy write Set_AddBy;
63 {* }
64 property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: Pointer read GetEx write PutEx;
65 {* }
66 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
67 {* }
68 procedure Clear;
69 {* }
70 procedure Add( Value: Pointer );
71 {* }
72 procedure AddObj( Value, Obj: Pointer );
73 {* }
74 procedure Insert( Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer );
75 {* }
76 procedure InsertObj( Idx: Integer; Value, Obj: Pointer );
77 {* }
78 procedure Delete( Idx: Integer );
79 {* }
80 procedure DeleteRange( Idx, Len: Integer );
81 {* }
82 function IndexOf( Value: Pointer ): Integer;
83 {* }
84 function IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer;
85 {* }
86 procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer );
87 {* }
88 procedure MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer );
89 {* }
90 property ItemsList: PList read fList;
91 {* }
92 property ObjList: PList read fObjects;
93 {* }
94 function Last: Pointer;
95 {* }
96 function LastObj: Pointer;
97 {* }
98 end;
101 //[NewListEx DECLARATION]
102 function NewListEx: PListEx;
103 {* Creates extended list. }
105 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
107 | T B i t s |
109 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
110 type
111 //[TBits DEFINITION]
112 {++}(*TBits = class;*){--}
113 PBits = {-}^{+}TBits;
114 TBits = object( TObj )
115 {* Variable-length bits array object. Created using function NewBits. See also
116 |<a href="kol_pas.htm#Small bit arrays (max 32 bits in array)">
117 Small bit arrays (max 32 bits in array)
118 |</a>. }
119 protected
120 fList: PList;
121 fCount: Integer;
122 function GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean;
123 procedure SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
124 function GetCapacity: Integer;
125 function GetSize: Integer;
126 procedure SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
127 public
128 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
129 {* }
130 property Bits[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetBit write SetBit;
131 {* }
132 property Size: Integer read GetSize;
133 {* Size in bytes of the array. To get know number of bits, use property Count. }
134 property Count: Integer read fCount;
135 {* Number of bits an the array. }
136 property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
137 {* Number of bytes allocated. Can be set before assigning bit values
138 to improve performance (minimizing amount of memory allocation
139 operations). }
140 function Copy( From, BitsCount: Integer ): PBits;
141 {* Use this property to get a sub-range of bits starting from given bit
142 and of BitsCount bits count. }
143 function IndexOf( Value: Boolean ): Integer;
144 {* Returns index of first bit with given value (True or False). }
145 function OpenBit: Integer;
146 {* Returns index of the first bit not set to true. }
147 procedure Clear;
148 {* Clears bits array. Count, Size and Capacity become 0. }
149 function LoadFromStream( strm: PStream ): Integer;
150 {* Loads bits from the stream. Data should be stored in the stream
151 earlier using SaveToStream method. While loading, previous bits
152 data are discarded and replaced with new one totally. In part,
153 Count of bits also is changed. Count of bytes read from the stream
154 while loading data is returned. }
155 function SaveToStream( strm: PStream ): Integer;
156 {* Saves entire array of bits to the stream. First, Count of bits
157 in the array is saved, then all bytes containing bits data. }
158 function Range( Idx, N: Integer ): PBits;
159 {* Creates and returns new TBits object instance containing N bits
160 starting from index Idx. If you call this method, you are responsible
161 for destroying returned object when it become not neccessary. }
162 procedure AssignBits( ToIdx: Integer; FromBits: PBits; FromIdx, N: Integer );
163 {* Assigns bits from another bits array object. N bits are assigned
164 starting at index ToIdx. }
165 end;
168 //[NewBits DECLARATION]
169 function NewBits: PBits;
170 {* Creates variable-length bits array object. }
172 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
174 | T F a s t S t r L i s t |
176 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
177 type
178 PFastStrListEx = ^TFastStrListEx;
179 TFastStrListEx = object( TObj )
180 private
181 function GetItemLen(Idx: Integer): Integer;
182 function GetObject(Idx: Integer): DWORD;
183 procedure SetObject(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD);
184 function GetValues(AName: PChar): PChar;
185 protected
186 procedure Init; virtual;
187 protected
188 fList: PList;
189 fCount: Integer;
190 fCaseSensitiveSort: Boolean;
191 fTextBuf: PChar;
192 fTextSiz: DWORD;
193 fUsedSiz: DWORD;
194 protected
195 procedure ProvideSpace( AddSize: DWORD );
196 function Get(Idx: integer): string;
197 function GetTextStr: string;
198 procedure Put(Idx: integer; const Value: string);
199 procedure SetTextStr(const Value: string);
200 function GetPChars( Idx: Integer ): PChar;
201 {++}(*public*){--}
202 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
203 public
204 function AddAnsi( const S: String ): Integer;
205 {* Adds Ansi String to a list. }
206 function AddAnsiObject( const S: String; Obj: DWORD ): Integer;
207 {* Adds Ansi String and correspondent object to a list. }
208 function Add(S: PChar): integer;
209 {* Adds a string to list. }
210 function AddLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer): integer;
211 {* Adds a string to list. The string can contain #0 characters. }
212 public
213 FastClear: Boolean;
214 {* }
215 procedure Clear;
216 {* Makes string list empty. }
217 procedure Delete(Idx: integer);
218 {* Deletes string with given index (it *must* exist). }
219 function IndexOf(const S: string): integer;
220 {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one. }
221 function IndexOf_NoCase(const S: string): integer;
222 {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it
223 without case sensitivity). }
224 function IndexOfStrL_NoCase( Str: PChar; L: Integer ): integer;
225 {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it
226 without case sensitivity). }
227 function Find(const S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
228 {* Returns Index of the first string, equal or greater to given pattern, but
229 works only for sorted TFastStrListEx object. Returns TRUE if exact string found,
230 otherwise nearest (greater then a pattern) string index is returned,
231 and the result is FALSE. }
232 procedure InsertAnsi(Idx: integer; const S: String);
233 {* Inserts ANSI string before one with given index. }
234 procedure InsertAnsiObject(Idx: integer; const S: String; Obj: DWORD);
235 {* Inserts ANSI string before one with given index. }
236 procedure Insert(Idx: integer; S: PChar);
237 {* Inserts string before one with given index. }
238 procedure InsertLen( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer );
239 {* Inserts string from given PChar. It can contain #0 characters. }
240 function LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
241 {* Loads string list from a file. (If file does not exist, nothing
242 happens). Very fast even for huge text files. }
243 procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: boolean);
244 {* Loads string list from a stream (from current position to the end of
245 a stream). Very fast even for huge text. }
246 procedure MergeFromFile(const FileName: string);
247 {* Merges string list with strings in a file. Fast. }
248 procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer);
249 {* Moves string to another location. }
250 procedure SetText(const S: string; Append2List: boolean);
251 {* Allows to set strings of string list from given string (in which
252 strings are separated by $0D,$0A or $0D characters). Text can
253 contain #0 characters. Works very fast. This method is used in
254 all others, working with text arrays (LoadFromFile, MergeFromFile,
255 Assign, AddStrings). }
256 function SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
257 {* Stores string list to a file. }
258 procedure SaveToStream(Stream: PStream);
259 {* Saves string list to a stream (from current position). }
260 function AppendToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
261 {* Appends strings of string list to the end of a file. }
262 property Count: integer read fCount;
263 {* Number of strings in a string list. }
264 property Items[Idx: integer]: string read Get write Put; default;
265 {* Strings array items. If item does not exist, empty string is returned.
266 But for assign to property, string with given index *must* exist. }
267 property ItemPtrs[ Idx: Integer ]: PChar read GetPChars;
268 {* Fast access to item strings as PChars. }
269 property ItemLen[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read GetItemLen;
270 {* Length of string item. }
271 function Last: String;
272 {* Last item (or '', if string list is empty). }
273 property Text: string read GetTextStr write SetTextStr;
274 {* Content of string list as a single string (where strings are separated
275 by characters $0D,$0A). }
276 procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2 : Integer );
277 {* Swaps to strings with given indeces. }
278 procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean );
279 {* Call it to sort string list. }
280 public
281 function AddObject( S: PChar; Obj: DWORD ): Integer;
282 {* Adds string S (null-terminated) with associated object Obj. }
283 function AddObjectLen( S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD ): Integer;
284 {* Adds string S of length Len with associated object Obj. }
285 procedure InsertObject( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Obj: DWORD );
286 {* Inserts string S (null-terminated) at position Idx in the list,
287 associating it with object Obj. }
288 procedure InsertObjectLen( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD );
289 {* Inserts string S of length Len at position Idx in the list,
290 associating it with object Obj. }
291 property Objects[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetObject write SetObject;
292 {* Access to objects associated with strings in the list. }
293 public
294 procedure Append( S: PChar );
295 {* Appends S (null-terminated) to the last string in FastStrListEx object, very fast. }
296 procedure AppendLen( S: PChar; Len: Integer );
297 {* Appends S of length Len to the last string in FastStrListEx object, very fast. }
298 procedure AppendInt2Hex( N: DWORD; MinDigits: Integer );
299 {* Converts N to hexadecimal and appends resulting string to the last
300 string, very fast. }
301 public
302 property Values[ Name: PChar ]: PChar read GetValues;
303 {* Returns a value correspondent to the Name an ini-file-like string list
304 (having Name1=Value1 Name2=Value2 etc. in each string). }
305 function IndexOfName( AName: PChar ): Integer;
306 {* Searches string starting from 'AName=' in string list like ini-file. }
307 end;
309 function NewFastStrListEx: PFastStrListEx;
310 {* Creates FastStrListEx object. }
312 var Upper: array[ Char ] of Char;
313 {* An table to convert char to uppercase very fast. First call InitUpper. }
315 Upper_Initialized: Boolean;
316 procedure InitUpper;
317 {* Call this fuction ones to fill Upper[ ] table before using it. }
319 //[TWStrList]
322 {$IFNDEF _FPC}
323 procedure WStrCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar );
324 {* Copies null-terminated Unicode string (terminated null also copied). }
325 function WStrCmp( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer;
326 {* Compares two null-terminated Unicode strings. }
327 {$ENDIF _FPC}
329 {$IFNDEF _D2} //------------------ WideString is not supported in D2 -----------
331 type
332 PWStrList = ^TWstrList;
333 {* }
334 //[TWstrList DEFINITION]
335 TWStrList = object( TObj )
336 {* String list to store Unicode (null-terminated) strings. }
337 protected
338 function GetCount: Integer;
339 function GetItems(Idx: Integer): WideString;
340 procedure SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: WideString);
341 function GetPtrs(Idx: Integer): PWideChar;
342 function GetText: WideString;
343 protected
344 fList: PList;
345 fText: PWideChar;
346 fTextBufSz: Integer;
347 fTmp1, fTmp2: WideString;
348 procedure Init; virtual;
349 public
350 procedure SetText(const Value: WideString);
351 {* See also TStrList.SetText }
352 destructor Destroy; virtual;
353 {* }
354 procedure Clear;
355 {* See also TStrList.Clear }
356 property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: WideString read GetItems write SetItems;
357 {* See also TStrList.Items }
358 property ItemPtrs[ Idx: Integer ]: PWideChar read GetPtrs;
359 {* See also TStrList.ItemPtrs }
360 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
361 {* See also TStrList.Count }
362 function Add( const W: WideString ): Integer;
363 {* See also TStrList.Add }
364 procedure Insert( Idx: Integer; const W: WideString );
365 {* See also TStrList.Insert }
366 procedure Delete( Idx: Integer );
367 {* See also TStrList.Delete }
368 property Text: WideString read GetText write SetText;
369 {* See also TStrList.Text }
370 procedure AddWStrings( WL: PWStrList );
371 {* See also TStrList.AddStrings }
372 procedure Assign( WL: PWStrList );
373 {* See also TStrList.Assign }
374 function LoadFromFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean;
375 {* See also TStrList.LoadFromFile }
376 procedure LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream );
377 {* See also TStrList.LoadFromStream }
378 function MergeFromFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean;
379 {* See also TStrList.MergeFromFile }
380 procedure MergeFromStream( Strm: PStream );
381 {* See also TStrList.MergeFromStream }
382 function SaveToFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean;
383 {* See also TStrList.SaveToFile }
384 procedure SaveToStream( Strm: PStream );
385 {* See also TStrList.SaveToStream }
386 function AppendToFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean;
387 {* See also TStrList.AppendToFile }
388 procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer );
389 {* See also TStrList.Swap }
390 procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean );
391 {* See also TStrList.Sort }
392 procedure Move( IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer );
393 {* See also TStrList.Move }
394 end;
397 //[TWStrListEx]
398 PWStrListEx = ^TWStrListEx;
400 //[TWStrListEx DEFINITION]
401 TWStrListEx = object( TWStrList )
402 {* Extended Unicode string list (with Objects). }
403 protected
404 function GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD;
405 procedure SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD);
406 procedure ProvideObjectsCapacity( NewCap: Integer );
407 protected
408 fObjects: PList;
409 procedure Init; virtual;
410 public
411 destructor Destroy; virtual;
412 {* }
413 property Objects[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetObjects write SetObjects;
414 {* }
415 procedure AddWStrings( WL: PWStrListEx );
416 {* }
417 procedure Assign( WL: PWStrListEx );
418 {* }
419 procedure Clear;
420 {* }
421 procedure Delete( Idx: Integer );
422 {* }
423 procedure Move( IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer );
424 {* }
425 function AddObject( const S: WideString; Obj: DWORD ): Integer;
426 {* Adds a string and associates given number with it. Index of the item added
427 is returned. }
428 procedure InsertObject( Before: Integer; const S: WideString; Obj: DWORD );
429 {* Inserts a string together with object associated. }
430 function IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer;
431 {* Returns an index of a string associated with the object passed as a
432 parameter. If there are no such strings, -1 is returned. }
433 end;
436 //[NewWStrList DECLARATION]
437 function NewWStrList: PWStrList;
438 {* Creates new TWStrList object and returns a pointer to it. }
440 //[NewWStrListEx DECLARATION]
441 function NewWStrListEx: PWStrListEx;
442 {* Creates new TWStrListEx objects and returns a pointer to it. }
444 {$ENDIF}
447 type
448 {++}(*TCabFile = class;*){--}
449 PCABFile = {-}^{+}TCABFile;
451 TOnNextCAB = function( Sender: PCABFile ): String of object;
452 TOnCABFile = function( Sender: PCABFile; var FileName: String ): Boolean of object;
454 { ----------------------------------------------------------------------
456 TCabFile - windows cabinet files
458 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
459 //[TCabFile DEFINITION]
460 TCABFile = object( TObj )
461 {* An object to simplify extracting files from a cabinet (.CAB) files.
462 The only what need to use this object, setupapi.dll. It is provided
463 with all latest versions of Windows. }
464 protected
465 FPaths: PStrList;
466 FNames: PStrList;
467 FOnNextCAB: TOnNextCAB;
468 FOnFile: TOnCABFile;
469 FTargetPath: String;
470 FSetupapi: THandle;
471 function GetNames(Idx: Integer): String;
472 function GetCount: Integer;
473 function GetPaths(Idx: Integer): String;
474 function GetTargetPath: String;
475 protected
476 FGettingNames: Boolean;
477 FCurCAB: Integer;
478 public
479 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
480 {* }
481 property Paths[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetPaths;
482 {* A list of CAB-files. It is stored, when constructing function
483 OpenCABFile called. }
484 property Names[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetNames;
485 {* A list of file names, stored in a sequence of CAB files. To get know,
486 how many files are there, check Count property. }
487 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
488 {* Number of files stored in a sequence of CAB files. }
489 function Execute: Boolean;
490 {* Call this method to extract or enumerate files in CAB. For every
491 file, found during executing, event OnFile is alled (if assigned).
492 If the event handler (if any) does not provide full target path for
493 a file to extract to, property TargetPath is applyed (also if it
494 is assigned), or file is extracted to the default directory (usually
495 the same directory there CAB file is located, or current directory
496 - by a decision of the system).
497 |<br>
498 If a sequence of CAB files is used, and not all names for CAB files
499 are provided (absent or represented by a string '?' ), an event
500 OnNextCAB is called to obtain the name of the next CAB file.}
501 property CurCAB: Integer read FCurCAB;
502 {* Index of current CAB file in a sequence of CAB files. When OnNextCAB
503 event is called (if any), CurCAB property is already set to the
504 index of path, what should be provided. }
505 property OnNextCAB: TOnNextCAB read FOnNextCAB write FOnNextCAB;
506 {* This event is called, when a series of CAB files is needed and not
507 all CAB file names are provided (absent or represented by '?' string).
508 If this event is not assigned, the user is prompted to browse file. }
509 property OnFile: TOnCABFile read FOnFile write FOnFile;
510 {* This event is called for every file found during Execute method.
511 In an event handler (if any assigned), it is possible to return
512 False to skip file, or to provide another full target path for
513 file to extract it to, then default. If the event is not assigned,
514 all files are extracted either to default directory, or to the
515 directory TargetPath, if it is provided. }
516 property TargetPath: String read GetTargetPath write FTargetPath;
517 {* Optional target directory to place there extracted files. }
518 end;
522 function OpenCABFile( const APaths: array of String ): PCABFile;
523 {* This function creates TCABFile object, passing a sequence of CAB file names
524 (fully qualified). It is possible not to provide all names here, or pass '?'
525 string in place of some of those. For such files, either an event OnNextCAB
526 will be called, or (and) user will be prompted to browse file during
527 executing (i.e. Extracting). }
530 type
531 {++}(*TDirChange = class;*){--}
532 PDirChange = {-}^{+}TDirChange;
533 {* }
535 TOnDirChange = procedure (Sender: PDirChange; const Path: string) of object;
536 {* Event type to define OnChange event for folder monitoring objects. }
538 TFileChangeFilters = (fncFileName, fncDirName, fncAttributes, fncSize,
539 fncLastWrite, fncLastAccess, fncCreation, fncSecurity);
540 {* Possible change monitor filters. }
541 TFileChangeFilter = set of TFileChangeFilters;
542 {* Set of filters to pass to a constructor of TDirChange object. }
544 { ----------------------------------------------------------------------
546 TDirChange object
548 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
549 //[TDirChange DEFINITION]
550 TDirChange = object(TObj)
551 {* Object type to monitor changes in certain folder. }
552 protected
553 FOnChange: TOnDirChange;
554 FHandle: THandle;
555 FPath: string;
556 FMonitor: PThread;
557 function Execute( Sender: PThread ): Integer;
558 procedure Changed;
559 protected
560 {++}(*public*){--}
561 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
563 public
564 property Handle: THandle read FHandle;
565 {* Handle of file change notification object. *}
566 property Path: String read FPath; //write SetPath;
567 {* Path to monitored folder (to a root, if tree of folders
568 is under monitoring). }
569 end;
570 //[END OF TDirChange DEFINITION]
572 //[NewDirChangeNotifier DECLARATION]
573 function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: String; Filter: TFileChangeFilter;
574 WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange ): PDirChange;
575 {* Creates notification object TDirChangeNotifier. If something wrong (e.g.,
576 passed directory does not exist), nil is returned as a result. When change
577 is notified, ChangeProc is called always in main thread context.
578 (Please note, that ChangeProc can not be nil).
579 If empty filter is passed, default filter is used:
580 [fncFileName..fncLastWrite]. }
584 type
585 {++}(*TMetafile = class;*){--}
586 PMetafile = {-}^{+}TMetafile;
587 { ----------------------------------------------------------------------
589 TMetafile - Windows metafile and Enchanced Metafile image
591 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
592 //[TMetafile DEFINITION]
593 TMetafile = object( TObj )
594 {* Object type to incapsulate metafile image. }
595 protected
596 function GetHeight: Integer;
597 function GetWidth: Integer;
598 procedure SetHandle(const Value: THandle);
599 protected
600 fHandle: THandle;
601 fHeader: PEnhMetaHeader;
602 procedure RetrieveHeader;
603 public
604 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
605 {* }
606 procedure Clear;
607 {* }
608 function Empty: Boolean;
609 {* Returns TRUE if empty}
610 property Handle: THandle read fHandle write SetHandle;
611 {* Returns handle of enchanced metafile. }
612 function LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream ): Boolean;
613 {* Loads emf or wmf file format from stream. }
614 function LoadFromFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean;
615 {* Loads emf or wmf from stream. }
616 procedure Draw( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer );
617 {* Draws enchanced metafile on DC. }
618 procedure StretchDraw( DC: HDC; const R: TRect );
619 {* Draws enchanced metafile stretched. }
620 property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
621 {* Native width of the metafile. }
622 property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
623 {* Native height of the metafile. }
624 end;
625 //[END OF TMetafile DEFINITION]
627 //[NewMetafile DECLARATION]
628 function NewMetafile: PMetafile;
629 {* Creates metafile object. }
632 const
633 WMFKey = Integer($9AC6CDD7);
634 WMFWord = $CDD7;
635 type
636 TMetafileHeader = packed record
637 Key: Longint;
638 Handle: SmallInt;
639 Box: TSmallRect;
640 Inch: Word;
641 Reserved: Longint;
642 CheckSum: Word;
643 end;
645 function ComputeAldusChecksum(var WMF: TMetafileHeader): Word;
647 {++}(*
648 function SetEnhMetaFileBits(p1: UINT; p2: PChar): HENHMETAFILE; stdcall;
649 function PlayEnhMetaFile(DC: HDC; p2: HENHMETAFILE; const p3: TRect): BOOL; stdcall;
650 *){--}
652 // NewActionList, TAction - by Yury Sidorov
654 { ----------------------------------------------------------------------
656 TAction and TActionList
658 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
659 type
660 PControlRec = ^TControlRec;
661 TOnUpdateCtrlEvent = procedure(Sender: PControlRec) of object;
663 TCtrlKind = (ckControl, ckMenu, ckToolbar);
664 TControlRec = record
665 Ctrl: PObj;
666 CtrlKind: TCtrlKind;
667 ItemID: integer;
668 UpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent;
669 end;
671 {++}(* TAction = class;*){--}
672 PAction = {-}^{+}TAction;
674 {++}(* TActionList = class;*){--}
675 PActionList = {-}^{+}TActionList;
677 //[TAction DEFINITION]
678 TAction = {-} object( TObj ) {+}{++}(*class*){--}
679 {*! Use action objects, in conjunction with action lists, to centralize the response
680 to user commands (actions).
681 Use AddControl, AddMenuItem, AddToolbarButton methods to link controls to an action.
682 See also TActionList.
684 protected
685 FControls: PList;
686 FCaption: string;
687 FChecked: boolean;
688 FVisible: boolean;
689 FEnabled: boolean;
690 FHelpContext: integer;
691 FHint: string;
692 FOnExecute: TOnEvent;
693 FAccelerator: TMenuAccelerator;
694 FShortCut: string;
695 procedure DoOnMenuItem(Sender: PMenu; Item: Integer);
696 procedure DoOnToolbarButtonClick(Sender: PControl; BtnID: Integer);
697 procedure DoOnControlClick(Sender: PObj);
699 procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
700 procedure SetChecked(const Value: boolean);
701 procedure SetEnabled(const Value: boolean);
702 procedure SetHelpContext(const Value: integer);
703 procedure SetHint(const Value: string);
704 procedure SetVisible(const Value: boolean);
705 procedure SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator);
706 procedure UpdateControls;
708 procedure LinkCtrl(ACtrl: PObj; ACtrlKind: TCtrlKind; AItemID: integer; AUpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent);
709 procedure SetOnExecute(const Value: TOnEvent);
711 procedure UpdateCtrl(Sender: PControlRec);
712 procedure UpdateMenu(Sender: PControlRec);
713 procedure UpdateToolbar(Sender: PControlRec);
715 public
716 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
717 procedure LinkControl(Ctrl: PControl);
718 {* Add a link to a TControl or descendant control. }
719 procedure LinkMenuItem(Menu: PMenu; MenuItemIdx: integer);
720 {* Add a link to a menu item. }
721 procedure LinkToolbarButton(Toolbar: PControl; ButtonIdx: integer);
722 {* Add a link to a toolbar button. }
723 procedure Execute;
724 {* Executes a OnExecute event handler. }
725 property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption;
726 {* Text caption. }
727 property Hint: string read FHint write SetHint;
728 {* Hint (tooltip). Currently used for toolbar buttons only. }
729 property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
730 {* Checked state. }
731 property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled;
732 {* Enabled state. }
733 property Visible: boolean read FVisible write SetVisible;
734 {* Visible state. }
735 property HelpContext: integer read FHelpContext write SetHelpContext;
736 {* Help context. }
737 property Accelerator: TMenuAccelerator read FAccelerator write SetAccelerator;
738 {* Accelerator for menu items. }
739 property OnExecute: TOnEvent read FOnExecute write SetOnExecute;
740 {* This event is executed when user clicks on a linked object or Execute method was called. }
741 end;
744 //[TActionList DEFINITION]
745 TActionList = {-} object( TObj ) {+}{++}(*class*){--}
746 {*! TActionList maintains a list of actions used with components and controls,
747 such as menu items and buttons.
748 Action lists are used, in conjunction with actions, to centralize the response
749 to user commands (actions).
750 Write an OnUpdateActions handler to update actions state.
751 Created using function NewActionList.
752 See also TAction.
754 protected
755 FOwner: PControl;
756 FActions: PList;
757 FOnUpdateActions: TOnEvent;
758 function GetActions(Idx: integer): PAction;
759 function GetCount: integer;
760 protected
761 procedure DoUpdateActions(Sender: PObj);
762 public
763 destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--}
764 function Add(const ACaption, AHint: string; OnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction;
765 {* Add a new action to the list. Returns pointer to action object. }
766 procedure Delete(Idx: integer);
767 {* Delete action by index from list. }
768 procedure Clear;
769 {* Clear all actions in the list. }
770 property Actions[Idx: integer]: PAction read GetActions;
771 {* Access to actions in the list. }
772 property Count: integer read GetCount;
773 {* Number of actions in the list.. }
774 property OnUpdateActions: TOnEvent read FOnUpdateActions write FOnUpdateActions;
775 {* Event handler to update actions state. This event is called each time when application
776 goes in the idle state (no messages in the queue). }
777 end;
778 //[END OF TActionList DEFINITION]
780 //[NewActionList DECLARATION]
781 function NewActionList(AOwner: PControl): PActionList;
782 {* Action list constructor. AOwner - owner form. }
785 implementation
787 type
788 PCrackList = ^TCrackList;
789 TCrackList = object( TList )
790 end;
792 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
794 | T L i s t E x |
796 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
797 { TListEx }
799 //[function NewListEx]
800 function NewListEx: PListEx;
801 begin
803 new( Result, Create );
804 {+}{++}(*Result := PListEx.Create;*){--}
805 Result.fList := NewList;
806 Result.fObjects := NewList;
807 end;
808 //[END NewListEx]
810 //[procedure TListEx.Add]
811 procedure TListEx.Add(Value: Pointer);
812 begin
813 AddObj( Value, nil );
814 end;
816 //[procedure TListEx.AddObj]
817 procedure TListEx.AddObj(Value, Obj: Pointer);
818 var C: Integer;
819 begin
820 C := Count;
821 fList.Add( Value );
822 fObjects.Insert( C, Obj );
823 end;
825 //[procedure TListEx.Clear]
826 procedure TListEx.Clear;
827 begin
828 fList.Clear;
829 fObjects.Clear;
830 end;
832 //[procedure TListEx.Delete]
833 procedure TListEx.Delete(Idx: Integer);
834 begin
835 DeleteRange( Idx, 1 );
836 end;
838 //[procedure TListEx.DeleteRange]
839 procedure TListEx.DeleteRange(Idx, Len: Integer);
840 begin
841 fList.DeleteRange( Idx, Len );
842 fObjects.DeleteRange( Idx, Len );
843 end;
845 //[destructor TListEx.Destroy]
846 destructor TListEx.Destroy;
847 begin
848 fList.Free;
849 fObjects.Free;
850 inherited;
851 end;
853 //[function TListEx.GetAddBy]
854 function TListEx.GetAddBy: Integer;
855 begin
856 Result := fList.AddBy;
857 end;
859 //[function TListEx.GetCount]
860 function TListEx.GetCount: Integer;
861 begin
862 Result := fList.Count;
863 end;
865 //[function TListEx.GetEx]
866 function TListEx.GetEx(Idx: Integer): Pointer;
867 begin
868 Result := fList.Items[ Idx ];
869 end;
871 //[function TListEx.IndexOf]
872 function TListEx.IndexOf(Value: Pointer): Integer;
873 begin
874 Result := fList.IndexOf( Value );
875 end;
877 //[function TListEx.IndexOfObj]
878 function TListEx.IndexOfObj(Obj: Pointer): Integer;
879 begin
880 Result := fObjects.IndexOf( Obj );
881 end;
883 //[procedure TListEx.Insert]
884 procedure TListEx.Insert(Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer);
885 begin
886 InsertObj( Idx, Value, nil );
887 end;
889 //[procedure TListEx.InsertObj]
890 procedure TListEx.InsertObj(Idx: Integer; Value, Obj: Pointer);
891 begin
892 fList.Insert( Idx, Value );
893 fObjects.Insert( Idx, Obj );
894 end;
896 //[function TListEx.Last]
897 function TListEx.Last: Pointer;
898 begin
899 Result := fList.Last;
900 end;
902 //[function TListEx.LastObj]
903 function TListEx.LastObj: Pointer;
904 begin
905 Result := fObjects.Last;
906 end;
908 //[procedure TListEx.MoveItem]
909 procedure TListEx.MoveItem(OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer);
910 begin
911 fList.MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx );
912 fObjects.MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx );
913 end;
915 //[procedure TListEx.PutEx]
916 procedure TListEx.PutEx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Pointer);
917 begin
918 fList.Items[ Idx ] := Value;
919 end;
921 //[procedure TListEx.Set_AddBy]
922 procedure TListEx.Set_AddBy(const Value: Integer);
923 begin
924 fList.AddBy := Value;
925 fObjects.AddBy := Value;
926 end;
928 //[procedure TListEx.Swap]
929 procedure TListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer);
930 begin
931 fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 );
932 fObjects.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 );
933 end;
935 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
937 | T B i t s |
939 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
940 { TBits }
942 //[function NewBits]
943 function NewBits: PBits;
944 begin
946 new( Result, Create );
947 {+}{++}(*Result := PBits.Create;*){--}
948 Result.fList := NewList;
949 //Result.fList.fAddBy := 1;
950 end;
952 //[procedure TBits.AssignBits]
953 procedure TBits.AssignBits(ToIdx: Integer; FromBits: PBits; FromIdx,
954 N: Integer);
955 var i: Integer;
956 NewCount: Integer;
957 begin
958 if FromIdx >= FromBits.Count then Exit;
959 if FromIdx + N > FromBits.Count then
960 N := FromBits.Count - FromIdx;
961 Capacity := (ToIdx + N + 8) div 8;
962 NewCount := Max( Count, ToIdx + N - 1 );
963 fCount := Max( NewCount, fCount );
964 PCrackList( fList ).fCount := (Capacity + 3) div 4;
965 while ToIdx and $1F <> 0 do
966 begin
967 Bits[ ToIdx ] := FromBits.Bits[ FromIdx ];
968 Inc( ToIdx );
969 Inc( FromIdx );
970 Dec( N );
971 if N = 0 then Exit;
972 end;
973 Move( PByte( Integer( PCrackList( FromBits.fList ).fItems ) + (FromIdx + 31) div 32 )^,
974 PByte( Integer( PCrackList( fList ).fItems ) + ToIdx div 32 )^, (N + 31) div 32 );
975 FromIdx := FromIdx and $1F;
976 if FromIdx <> 0 then
977 begin // shift data by (Idx and $1F) bits right
978 for i := ToIdx div 32 to fList.Count-2 do
979 fList.Items[ i ] := Pointer(
980 (DWORD( fList.Items[ i ] ) shr FromIdx) or
981 (DWORD( fList.Items[ i+1 ] ) shl (32 - FromIdx))
983 fList.Items[ fList.Count-1 ] := Pointer(
984 DWORD( fList.Items[ fList.Count-1 ] ) shr FromIdx
986 end;
987 end;
989 //[function TBits.Copy]
990 procedure TBits.Clear;
991 begin
992 fCount := 0;
993 fList.Clear;
994 end;
996 function TBits.Copy(From, BitsCount: Integer): PBits;
997 var Shift, N: Integer;
998 FirstItemPtr: Pointer;
999 begin
1000 Result := NewBits;
1001 if BitsCount = 0 then Exit;
1002 Result.Capacity := BitsCount + 32;
1003 Result.fCount := BitsCount;
1004 Move( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ From shr 5 ],
1005 PCrackList( Result.fList ).fItems[ 0 ], (Count + 31) div 32 );
1006 Shift := From and $1F;
1007 if Shift <> 1 then
1008 begin
1009 N := (BitsCount + 31) div 32;
1010 FirstItemPtr := @ PCrackList( Result.fList ).fItems[ N - 1 ];
1014 MOV ESI, FirstItemPtr
1017 MOV ECX, N
1020 @@1:
1022 LODSD
1023 MOV ECX, Shift
1025 STOSD
1026 SUB ECX, 32
1027 NEG ECX
1028 SHR EDX, CL
1029 POP ECX
1031 LOOP @@1
1034 POP EDI
1035 POP ESI
1036 end {$IFDEF F_P} ['EAX','EDX','ECX'] {$ENDIF};
1037 end;
1038 end;
1040 //[destructor TBits.Destroy]
1041 destructor TBits.Destroy;
1042 begin
1043 fList.Free;
1044 inherited;
1045 end;
1047 //[function TBits.GetBit]
1049 function TBits.GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean;
1051 CMP EDX, [EAX].FCount
1052 JL @@1
1055 @@1:
1056 MOV EAX, [EAX].fList
1058 JZ @@exit}
1059 MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems
1060 BT [EAX], EDX
1061 SETC AL
1062 @@exit:
1063 end;
1064 {$ELSE}
1065 function TBits.GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean;
1066 begin
1067 if (Idx >= Count) {or (PCrackList( fList ).fItems = nil)} then Result := FALSE else
1068 Result := ( ( DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] ) shr (Idx and $1F)) and 1 ) <> 0;
1069 end;
1070 {$ENDIF}
1072 //[function TBits.GetCapacity]
1073 function TBits.GetCapacity: Integer;
1074 begin
1075 Result := fList.Capacity * 32;
1076 end;
1078 //[function TBits.GetSize]
1079 function TBits.GetSize: Integer;
1080 begin
1081 Result := ( PCrackList( fList ).fCount + 3) div 4;
1082 end;
1085 //[function TBits.IndexOf]
1086 function TBits.IndexOf(Value: Boolean): Integer;
1087 asm //cmd //opd
1089 MOV EDI, [EAX].fList
1090 MOV ECX, [EDI].TList.fCount
1091 @@ret_1:
1092 OR EAX, -1
1093 JECXZ @@ret_EAX
1094 MOV EDI, [EDI].TList.fItems
1095 TEST DL, DL
1097 JE @@of_false
1098 INC EAX
1100 JE @@ret_1
1101 MOV EAX, [EDI-4]
1102 NOT EAX
1103 JMP @@calc_offset
1106 SHR EDI, 2
1108 JMP @@ret_EAX
1109 @@of_false:
1111 JE @@ret_1
1112 MOV EAX, [EDI-4]
1113 @@calc_offset:
1115 DEC EAX
1116 SUB EDI, 4
1118 SHL EDI, 3
1120 @@ret_EAX:
1121 POP EDI
1122 end;
1123 {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal
1124 function TBits.IndexOf(Value: Boolean): Integer;
1125 var I: Integer;
1126 D: DWORD;
1127 begin
1128 Result := -1;
1129 if Value then
1130 begin
1131 for I := 0 to fList.Count-1 do
1132 begin
1133 D := DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ I ] );
1134 if D <> 0 then
1135 begin
1137 MOV EAX, D
1139 MOV D, EAX
1140 end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF};
1141 Result := I * 32 + Integer( D );
1142 break;
1143 end;
1144 end;
1146 else
1147 begin
1148 for I := 0 to PCrackList( fList ).fCount-1 do
1149 begin
1150 D := DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ I ] );
1151 if D <> $FFFFFFFF then
1152 begin
1154 MOV EAX, D
1155 NOT EAX
1157 MOV D, EAX
1158 end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF};
1159 Result := I * 32 + Integer( D );
1160 break;
1161 end;
1162 end;
1163 end;
1164 end;
1167 //[function TBits.LoadFromStream]
1168 function TBits.LoadFromStream(strm: PStream): Integer;
1170 i: Integer;
1171 begin
1172 Result := strm.Read( i, 4 );
1173 if Result < 4 then Exit;
1175 bits[ i]:= false; //by miek
1176 fcount:= i;
1178 i := (i + 7) div 8;
1179 Inc( Result, strm.Read( PCrackList( fList ).fItems^, i ) );
1180 end;
1182 //[function TBits.OpenBit]
1183 function TBits.OpenBit: Integer;
1184 begin
1185 Result := IndexOf( FALSE );
1186 if Result < 0 then Result := Count;
1187 end;
1189 //[function TBits.Range]
1190 function TBits.Range(Idx, N: Integer): PBits;
1191 begin
1192 Result := NewBits;
1193 Result.AssignBits( 0, @ Self, Idx, N );
1194 end;
1196 //[function TBits.SaveToStream]
1197 function TBits.SaveToStream(strm: PStream): Integer;
1198 begin
1199 Result := strm.Write( fCount, 4 );
1200 if fCount = 0 then Exit;
1201 Inc( Result, strm.Write( PCrackList( fList ).fItems^, (fCount + 7) div 8 ) );
1202 end;
1204 //[procedure TBits.SetBit]
1206 procedure TBits.SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
1209 MOV ECX, [EAX].fList
1210 MOV ECX, [ECX].TList.fCapacity
1211 SHL ECX, 5
1213 JLE @@1
1216 INC EDX
1218 CALL SetCapacity
1219 POP EAX
1220 POP EDX
1222 @@1:
1223 CMP EDX, [EAX].FCount
1224 JL @@2
1225 INC EDX
1226 MOV [EAX].fCount, EDX
1227 DEC EDX
1228 @@2:
1229 POP ECX
1230 MOV EAX, [EAX].fList
1231 MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems
1232 SHR ECX, 1
1233 JC @@2set
1234 BTR [EAX], EDX
1235 JMP @@exit
1236 @@2set:
1237 BTS [EAX], EDX
1238 @@exit:
1239 end;
1240 {$ELSE}
1241 procedure TBits.SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
1242 var Msk: DWORD;
1243 begin
1244 if Idx >= Capacity then
1245 Capacity := Idx + 1;
1246 Msk := 1 shl (Idx and $1F);
1247 if Value then
1248 PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] := Pointer(
1249 DWORD(PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ]) or Msk)
1250 else
1251 PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] := Pointer(
1252 DWORD(PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ]) and not Msk);
1253 if Idx >= fCount then
1254 fCount := Idx + 1;
1255 end;
1256 {$ENDIF}
1258 //[procedure TBits.SetCapacity]
1259 procedure TBits.SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
1260 var OldCap: Integer;
1261 begin
1262 OldCap := fList.Capacity;
1263 fList.Capacity := (Value + 31) div 32;
1264 if OldCap < fList.Capacity then
1265 FillChar( PChar( Integer( PCrackList( fList ).fItems ) + OldCap * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^,
1266 (fList.Capacity - OldCap) * sizeof( Pointer ), 0 );
1267 end;
1269 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
1271 | T F a s t S t r L i s t |
1273 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1275 function NewFastStrListEx: PFastStrListEx;
1276 begin
1277 new( Result, Create );
1278 end;
1280 procedure InitUpper;
1281 var c: Char;
1282 begin
1283 for c := #0 to #255 do
1284 Upper[ c ] := AnsiUpperCase( c + #0 )[ 1 ];
1285 Upper_Initialized := TRUE;
1286 end;
1288 { TFastStrListEx }
1290 function TFastStrListEx.AddAnsi(const S: String): Integer;
1291 begin
1292 Result := AddObjectLen( PChar( S ), Length( S ), 0 );
1293 end;
1295 function TFastStrListEx.AddAnsiObject(const S: String; Obj: DWORD): Integer;
1296 begin
1297 Result := AddObjectLen( PChar( S ), Length( S ), Obj );
1298 end;
1300 function TFastStrListEx.Add(S: PChar): integer;
1301 begin
1302 Result := AddObjectLen( S, StrLen( S ), 0 )
1303 end;
1305 function TFastStrListEx.AddLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer): integer;
1306 begin
1307 Result := AddObjectLen( S, Len, 0 )
1308 end;
1310 function TFastStrListEx.AddObject(S: PChar; Obj: DWORD): Integer;
1311 begin
1312 Result := AddObjectLen( S, StrLen( S ), Obj )
1313 end;
1315 function TFastStrListEx.AddObjectLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD): Integer;
1316 var Dest: PChar;
1317 begin
1318 ProvideSpace( Len + 9 );
1319 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz );
1320 Result := fCount;
1321 Inc( fCount );
1322 fList.Add( Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) ) );
1323 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Obj;
1324 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1325 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Len;
1326 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1327 if S <> nil then
1328 System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len );
1329 Inc( Dest, Len );
1330 Dest^ := #0;
1331 Inc( fUsedSiz, Len+9 );
1332 end;
1334 function TFastStrListEx.AppendToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
1335 var F: HFile;
1336 Txt: String;
1337 begin
1338 Txt := Text;
1339 F := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenAlways or ofOpenReadWrite or ofShareDenyWrite );
1340 if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Result := FALSE
1341 else begin
1342 FileSeek( F, 0, spEnd );
1343 Result := FileWrite( F, PChar( Txt )^, Length( Txt ) ) = DWORD( Length( Txt ) );
1344 FileClose( F );
1345 end;
1346 end;
1348 procedure TFastStrListEx.Clear;
1349 begin
1350 if FastClear then
1351 begin
1352 if fList.Count > 0 then
1353 PCrackList(fList).FCount := 0;
1355 else
1356 begin
1357 fList.Clear;
1358 if fTextBuf <> nil then
1359 FreeMem( fTextBuf );
1360 fTextBuf := nil;
1361 end;
1362 fTextSiz := 0;
1363 fUsedSiz := 0;
1364 fCount := 0;
1365 end;
1367 procedure TFastStrListEx.Delete(Idx: integer);
1368 begin
1369 if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= Count) then Exit;
1370 if Idx = Count-1 then
1371 Dec( fUsedSiz, ItemLen[ Idx ]+9 );
1372 fList.Delete( Idx );
1373 Dec( fCount );
1374 end;
1376 destructor TFastStrListEx.Destroy;
1377 begin
1378 FastClear := FALSE;
1379 Clear;
1380 fList.Free;
1381 inherited;
1382 end;
1384 function TFastStrListEx.Find(const S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean;
1385 var i: Integer;
1386 begin
1387 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1388 if (ItemLen[ i ] = Length( S )) and
1389 ((S = '') or CompareMem( ItemPtrs[ i ], @ S[ 1 ], Length( S ) )) then
1390 begin
1391 Index := i;
1392 Result := TRUE;
1393 Exit;
1394 end;
1395 Result := FALSE;
1396 end;
1398 function TFastStrListEx.Get(Idx: integer): string;
1399 begin
1400 if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then
1401 SetString( Result, PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 8 ),
1402 ItemLen[ Idx ] )
1403 else
1404 Result := '';
1405 end;
1407 function TFastStrListEx.GetItemLen(Idx: Integer): Integer;
1408 var Src: PDWORD;
1409 begin
1410 if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then
1411 begin
1412 Src := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 4 );
1413 Result := Src^
1415 else Result := 0;
1416 end;
1418 function TFastStrListEx.GetObject(Idx: Integer): DWORD;
1419 var Src: PDWORD;
1420 begin
1421 if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then
1422 begin
1423 Src := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) );
1424 Result := Src^
1426 else Result := 0;
1427 end;
1429 function TFastStrListEx.GetPChars(Idx: Integer): PChar;
1430 begin
1431 if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then
1432 Result := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 8 )
1433 else Result := nil;
1434 end;
1436 function TFastStrListEx.GetTextStr: string;
1437 var L, i: Integer;
1438 p: PChar;
1439 begin
1440 L := 0;
1441 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1442 Inc( L, ItemLen[ i ] + 2 );
1443 SetLength( Result, L );
1444 p := PChar( Result );
1445 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1446 begin
1447 L := ItemLen[ i ];
1448 if L > 0 then
1449 begin
1450 System.Move( ItemPtrs[ i ]^, p^, L );
1451 Inc( p, L );
1452 end;
1453 p^ := #13; Inc( p );
1454 p^ := #10; Inc( p );
1455 end;
1456 end;
1458 function TFastStrListEx.IndexOf(const S: string): integer;
1459 begin
1460 if not Find( S, Result ) then Result := -1;
1461 end;
1463 function TFastStrListEx.IndexOf_NoCase(const S: string): integer;
1464 begin
1465 Result := IndexOfStrL_NoCase( PChar( S ), Length( S ) );
1466 end;
1468 function TFastStrListEx.IndexOfStrL_NoCase(Str: PChar;
1469 L: Integer): integer;
1470 var i: Integer;
1471 begin
1472 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1473 if (ItemLen[ i ] = L) and
1474 ((L = 0) or (StrLComp_NoCase( ItemPtrs[ i ], Str, L ) = 0)) then
1475 begin
1476 Result := i;
1477 Exit;
1478 end;
1479 Result := -1;
1480 end;
1482 procedure TFastStrListEx.Init;
1483 begin
1484 fList := NewList;
1485 FastClear := TRUE;
1486 end;
1488 procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertAnsi(Idx: integer; const S: String);
1489 begin
1490 InsertObjectLen( Idx, PChar( S ), Length( S ), 0 );
1491 end;
1493 procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertAnsiObject(Idx: integer; const S: String;
1494 Obj: DWORD);
1495 begin
1496 InsertObjectLen( Idx, PChar( S ), Length( S ), Obj );
1497 end;
1499 procedure TFastStrListEx.Insert(Idx: integer; S: PChar);
1500 begin
1501 InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, StrLen( S ), 0 )
1502 end;
1504 procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertLen(Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer);
1505 begin
1506 InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, Len, 0 )
1507 end;
1509 procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertObject(Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Obj: DWORD);
1510 begin
1511 InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, StrLen( S ), Obj );
1512 end;
1514 procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertObjectLen(Idx: Integer; S: PChar;
1515 Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD);
1516 var Dest: PChar;
1517 begin
1518 ProvideSpace( Len+9 );
1519 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz );
1520 fList.Insert( Idx, Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) ) );
1521 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Obj;
1522 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1523 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Len;
1524 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1525 if S <> nil then
1526 System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len );
1527 Inc( Dest, Len );
1528 Dest^ := #0;
1529 Inc( fUsedSiz, Len+9 );
1530 Inc( fCount );
1531 end;
1533 function TFastStrListEx.Last: String;
1534 begin
1535 if Count > 0 then
1536 Result := Items[ Count-1 ]
1537 else
1538 Result := '';
1539 end;
1541 function TFastStrListEx.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
1542 var Strm: PStream;
1543 begin
1544 Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName );
1546 Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
1547 if Result then
1548 LoadFromStream( Strm, FALSE )
1549 else
1550 Clear;
1552 Strm.Free;
1553 END;
1554 end;
1556 procedure TFastStrListEx.LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream;
1557 Append2List: boolean);
1558 var Txt: String;
1559 begin
1560 SetLength( Txt, Stream.Size - Stream.Position );
1561 Stream.Read( Txt[ 1 ], Stream.Size - Stream.Position );
1562 SetText( Txt, Append2List );
1563 end;
1565 procedure TFastStrListEx.MergeFromFile(const FileName: string);
1566 var Strm: PStream;
1567 begin
1568 Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName );
1570 LoadFromStream( Strm, TRUE );
1572 Strm.Free;
1573 END;
1574 end;
1576 procedure TFastStrListEx.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer);
1577 begin
1578 Assert( (CurIndex >= 0) and (CurIndex < Count) and (NewIndex >= 0) and
1579 (NewIndex < Count), 'Item indexes violates TFastStrListEx range' );
1580 fList.MoveItem( CurIndex, NewIndex );
1581 end;
1583 procedure TFastStrListEx.ProvideSpace(AddSize: DWORD);
1584 var OldTextBuf: PChar;
1585 begin
1586 Inc( AddSize, 9 );
1587 if AddSize > fTextSiz - fUsedSiz then
1588 begin // óâåëè÷åíèå ðàçìåðà áóôåðà
1589 fTextSiz := Max( 1024, (fUsedSiz + AddSize) * 2 );
1590 OldTextBuf := fTextBuf;
1591 GetMem( fTextBuf, fTextSiz );
1592 if OldTextBuf <> nil then
1593 begin
1594 System.Move( OldTextBuf^, fTextBuf^, fUsedSiz );
1595 FreeMem( OldTextBuf );
1596 end;
1597 end;
1598 if fList.Count >= fList.Capacity then
1599 fList.Capacity := Max( 100, fList.Count * 2 );
1600 end;
1602 procedure TFastStrListEx.Put(Idx: integer; const Value: string);
1603 var Dest: PChar;
1604 OldLen: Integer;
1605 OldObj: DWORD;
1606 begin
1607 OldLen := ItemLen[ Idx ];
1608 if Length( Value ) <= OldLen then
1609 begin
1610 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 4 );
1611 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Length( Value );
1612 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1613 if Value <> '' then
1614 System.Move( Value[ 1 ], Dest^, Length( Value ) );
1615 Inc( Dest, Length( Value ) );
1616 Dest^ := #0;
1617 if Idx = Count-1 then
1618 Dec( fUsedSiz, OldLen - Length( Value ) );
1620 else
1621 begin
1622 OldObj := 0;
1623 while Idx > Count do
1624 AddObjectLen( nil, 0, 0 );
1625 if Idx = Count-1 then
1626 begin
1627 OldObj := Objects[ Idx ];
1628 Delete( Idx );
1629 end;
1630 if Idx = Count then
1631 AddObjectLen( PChar( Value ), Length( Value ), OldObj )
1632 else
1633 begin
1634 ProvideSpace( Length( Value ) + 9 );
1635 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz );
1636 fList.Items[ Idx ] := Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) );
1637 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1638 PDWORD( Dest )^ := Length( Value );
1639 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1640 if Value <> '' then
1641 System.Move( Value[ 1 ], Dest^, Length( Value ) );
1642 Inc( Dest, Length( Value ) );
1643 Dest^ := #0;
1644 Inc( fUsedSiz, Length( Value )+9 );
1645 end;
1646 end;
1647 end;
1649 function TFastStrListEx.SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;
1650 var Strm: PStream;
1651 begin
1652 Strm := NewWriteFileStream( FileName );
1654 if Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
1655 SaveToStream( Strm );
1656 Result := TRUE;
1658 Strm.Free;
1659 END;
1660 end;
1662 procedure TFastStrListEx.SaveToStream(Stream: PStream);
1663 var Txt: String;
1664 begin
1665 Txt := Text;
1666 Stream.Write( PChar( Txt )^, Length( Txt ) );
1667 end;
1669 procedure TFastStrListEx.SetObject(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD);
1670 var Dest: PDWORD;
1671 begin
1672 if Idx < 0 then Exit;
1673 while Idx >= Count do
1674 AddObjectLen( nil, 0, 0 );
1675 Dest := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) );
1676 Dest^ := Value;
1677 end;
1679 procedure TFastStrListEx.SetText(const S: string; Append2List: boolean);
1680 var Len2Add, NLines, L: Integer;
1681 p0, p: PChar;
1682 begin
1683 if not Append2List then Clear;
1684 // ïîäñ÷åò òðåáóåìîãî ïðîñòðàíñòâà
1685 Len2Add := 0;
1686 NLines := 0;
1687 p := Pchar( S );
1688 p0 := p;
1689 L := Length( S );
1690 while L > 0 do
1691 begin
1692 if p^ = #13 then
1693 begin
1694 Inc( NLines );
1695 Inc( Len2Add, 9 + DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0) );
1696 REPEAT Inc( p ); Dec( L );
1697 UNTIL (p^ <> #10) or (L = 0);
1698 p0 := p;
1700 else
1701 begin
1702 Inc( p ); Dec( L );
1703 end;
1704 end;
1705 if DWORD(p) > DWORD(p0) then
1706 begin
1707 Inc( NLines );
1708 Inc( Len2Add, 9 + DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0) );
1709 end;
1710 if Len2Add = 0 then Exit;
1711 // äîáàâëåíèå
1712 ProvideSpace( Len2Add - 9 );
1713 if fList.Capacity <= fList.Count + NLines then
1714 fList.Capacity := Max( (fList.Count + NLines) * 2, 100 );
1715 p := PChar( S );
1716 p0 := p;
1717 L := Length( S );
1718 while L > 0 do
1719 begin
1720 if p^ = #13 then
1721 begin
1722 AddObjectLen( p0, DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0), 0 );
1723 REPEAT Inc( p ); Dec( L );
1724 UNTIL (p^ <> #10) or (L = 0);
1725 p0 := p;
1727 else
1728 begin
1729 Inc( p ); Dec( L );
1730 end;
1731 end;
1732 if DWORD(p) > DWORD(p0) then
1733 AddObjectLen( p0, DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0), 0 );
1734 end;
1736 procedure TFastStrListEx.SetTextStr(const Value: string);
1737 begin
1738 SetText( Value, FALSE );
1739 end;
1741 function CompareFast(const Data: Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword) : Integer;
1742 var FSL: PFastStrListEx;
1743 L1, L2: Integer;
1744 S1, S2: PChar;
1745 begin
1746 FSL := Data;
1747 S1 := FSL.ItemPtrs[ e1 ];
1748 S2 := FSL.ItemPtrs[ e2 ];
1749 L1 := FSL.ItemLen[ e1 ];
1750 L2 := FSL.ItemLen[ e2 ];
1751 if FSL.fCaseSensitiveSort then
1752 Result := StrLComp( S1, S2, Min( L1, L2 ) )
1753 else
1754 Result := StrLComp_NoCase( S1, S2, Min( L1, L2 ) );
1755 if Result = 0 then
1756 Result := L1 - L2;
1757 if Result = 0 then
1758 Result := e1 - e2;
1759 end;
1761 procedure SwapFast(const Data : Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword);
1762 var FSL: PFastStrListEx;
1763 begin
1764 FSL := Data;
1765 FSL.Swap( e1, e2 );
1766 end;
1768 procedure TFastStrListEx.Sort(CaseSensitive: Boolean);
1769 begin
1770 fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive;
1771 SortData( @ Self, Count, CompareFast, SwapFast );
1772 end;
1774 procedure TFastStrListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer);
1775 begin
1776 Assert( (Idx1 >= 0) and (Idx1 <= Count-1) and (Idx2 >= 0) and (Idx2 <= Count-1),
1777 'Item indexes violates TFastStrListEx range' );
1778 fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 );
1779 end;
1781 function TFastStrListEx.GetValues(AName: PChar): PChar;
1782 var i: Integer;
1783 s, n: PChar;
1784 begin
1785 if not Upper_Initialized then
1786 InitUpper;
1787 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1788 begin
1789 s := ItemPtrs[ i ];
1790 n := AName;
1791 while (Upper[ s^ ] = Upper[ n^ ]) and (s^ <> '=') and (s^ <> #0) and (n^ <> #0) do
1792 begin
1793 Inc( s );
1794 Inc( n );
1795 end;
1796 if (s^ = '=') and (n^ = #0) then
1797 begin
1798 Result := s;
1799 Inc( Result );
1800 Exit;
1801 end;
1802 end;
1803 Result := nil;
1804 end;
1806 function TFastStrListEx.IndexOfName(AName: PChar): Integer;
1807 var i: Integer;
1808 s, n: PChar;
1809 begin
1810 if not Upper_Initialized then
1811 InitUpper;
1812 for i := 0 to Count-1 do
1813 begin
1814 s := ItemPtrs[ i ];
1815 n := AName;
1816 while (Upper[ s^ ] = Upper[ n^ ]) and (s^ <> '=') and (s^ <> #0) and (n^ <> #0) do
1817 begin
1818 Inc( s );
1819 Inc( n );
1820 end;
1821 if (s^ = '=') and (n^ = #0) then
1822 begin
1823 Result := i;
1824 Exit;
1825 end;
1826 end;
1827 Result := -1;
1828 end;
1830 procedure TFastStrListEx.Append(S: PChar);
1831 begin
1832 AppendLen( S, StrLen( S ) );
1833 end;
1835 procedure TFastStrListEx.AppendInt2Hex(N: DWORD; MinDigits: Integer);
1836 var Buffer: array[ 0..9 ] of Char;
1837 Mask: DWORD;
1838 i, Len: Integer;
1839 B: Byte;
1840 begin
1841 if MinDigits > 8 then
1842 MinDigits := 8;
1843 if MinDigits <= 0 then
1844 MinDigits := 1;
1845 Mask := $F0000000;
1846 for i := 8 downto MinDigits do
1847 begin
1848 if Mask and N <> 0 then
1849 begin
1850 MinDigits := i;
1851 break;
1852 end;
1853 Mask := Mask shr 4;
1854 end;
1855 i := 0;
1856 Len := MinDigits;
1857 Mask := $F shl ((Len - 1)*4);
1858 while MinDigits > 0 do
1859 begin
1860 Dec( MinDigits );
1861 B := (N and Mask) shr (MinDigits * 4);
1862 Mask := Mask shr 4;
1863 if B <= 9 then
1864 Buffer[ i ] := Char( B + Ord( '0' ) )
1865 else
1866 Buffer[ i ] := Char( B + Ord( 'A' ) - 10 );
1867 Inc( i );
1868 end;
1869 Buffer[ i ] := #0;
1870 AppendLen( @ Buffer[ 0 ], Len );
1871 end;
1873 procedure TFastStrListEx.AppendLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer);
1874 var Dest: PChar;
1875 begin
1876 if Count = 0 then
1877 AddLen( S, Len )
1878 else
1879 begin
1880 ProvideSpace( Len );
1881 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz - 1 );
1882 System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len );
1883 Inc( Dest, Len );
1884 Dest^ := #0;
1885 Inc( fUsedSiz, Len );
1886 Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Count-1 ] ) );
1887 Inc( Dest, 4 );
1888 PDWORD( Dest )^ := PDWORD( Dest )^ + DWORD( Len );
1889 end;
1890 end;
1893 //[procedure WStrCopy]
1894 procedure WStrCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar );
1900 OR ECX, -1
1903 NOT ECX
1907 POP ESI
1908 POP EDI
1909 end;
1911 //[function WStrCmp]
1912 function WStrCmp( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer;
1919 CWDE
1920 @@loop: LODSW
1921 MOV DX, [EDI]
1922 INC EDI
1923 INC EDI
1925 JNE @@exit
1927 JNZ @@loop
1928 @@exit: SUB EAX, EDX
1929 POP EDI
1930 POP ESI
1931 end;
1933 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------)
1935 | T W S t r L i s t |
1937 (------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1939 {$IFNDEF _D2}
1941 //[function NewWStrList]
1942 function NewWStrList: PWStrList;
1943 begin
1944 new( Result, Create );
1945 end;
1947 { TWStrList }
1949 //[function TWStrList.Add]
1950 function TWStrList.Add(const W: WideString): Integer;
1951 begin
1952 Result := Count;
1953 Insert( Result, W );
1954 end;
1956 //[procedure TWStrList.AddWStrings]
1957 procedure TWStrList.AddWStrings(WL: PWStrList);
1958 begin
1959 Text := Text + WL.Text;
1960 end;
1962 //[function TWStrList.AppendToFile]
1963 function TWStrList.AppendToFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
1964 var Strm: PStream;
1965 begin
1966 Strm := NewReadWriteFileStream( Filename );
1967 Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
1968 if Result then
1969 begin
1970 Strm.Position := Strm.Size;
1971 SaveToStream( Strm );
1972 end;
1973 Strm.Free;
1974 end;
1976 //[procedure TWStrList.Assign]
1977 procedure TWStrList.Assign(WL: PWStrList);
1978 begin
1979 Text := WL.Text;
1980 end;
1982 //[procedure TWStrList.Clear]
1983 procedure TWStrList.Clear;
1984 var I: Integer;
1985 P: Pointer;
1986 begin
1987 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
1988 begin
1989 P := fList.Items[ I ];
1990 if P <> nil then
1991 if not( (P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz) ) then
1992 FreeMem( P );
1993 end;
1994 if fText <> nil then
1995 FreeMem( fText );
1996 fText := nil;
1997 fTextBufSz := 0;
1998 fList.Clear;
1999 end;
2001 //[procedure TWStrList.Delete]
2002 procedure TWStrList.Delete(Idx: Integer);
2003 var P: Pointer;
2004 begin
2005 P := fList.Items[ Idx ];
2006 if P <> nil then
2007 if not( (P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz) ) then
2008 FreeMem( P );
2009 fList.Delete( Idx );
2010 end;
2012 //[destructor TWStrList.Destroy]
2013 destructor TWStrList.Destroy;
2014 begin
2015 Clear;
2016 fList.Free;
2017 inherited;
2018 end;
2020 //[function TWStrList.GetCount]
2021 function TWStrList.GetCount: Integer;
2022 begin
2023 Result := fList.Count;
2024 end;
2026 //[function TWStrList.GetItems]
2027 function TWStrList.GetItems(Idx: Integer): WideString;
2028 begin
2029 Result := PWideChar( fList.Items[ Idx ] );
2030 end;
2032 //[function TWStrList.GetPtrs]
2033 function TWStrList.GetPtrs(Idx: Integer): PWideChar;
2034 begin
2035 Result := fList.Items[ Idx ];
2036 end;
2038 //[function TWStrList.GetText]
2039 function TWStrList.GetText: WideString;
2040 const
2041 EoL: array[ 0..5 ] of Char = ( #13, #0, #10, #0, #0, #0 );
2042 var L, I: Integer;
2043 P, Dest: Pointer;
2044 begin
2045 L := 0;
2046 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
2047 begin
2048 P := fList.Items[ I ];
2049 if P <> nil then
2050 L := L + WStrLen( P ) + 2
2051 else
2052 L := L + 2;
2053 end;
2054 SetLength( Result, L );
2055 Dest := PWideChar( Result );
2056 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
2057 begin
2058 P := fList.Items[ I ];
2059 if P <> nil then
2060 begin
2061 WStrCopy( Dest, P );
2062 Dest := Pointer( Integer( Dest ) + WStrLen( P ) * 2 );
2063 end;
2064 WStrCopy( Dest, Pointer( @ EoL[ 0 ] ) );
2065 Dest := Pointer( Integer( Dest ) + 4 );
2066 end;
2067 end;
2069 //[procedure TWStrList.Init]
2070 procedure TWStrList.Init;
2071 begin
2072 fList := NewList;
2073 end;
2075 //[procedure TWStrList.Insert]
2076 procedure TWStrList.Insert(Idx: Integer; const W: WideString);
2077 var P: Pointer;
2078 begin
2079 while Idx < Count-2 do
2080 fList.Add( nil );
2081 GetMem( P, (Length( W ) + 1) * 2 );
2082 fList.Insert( Idx, P );
2083 WStrCopy( P, PWideChar( W ) );
2084 end;
2086 //[function TWStrList.LoadFromFile]
2087 function TWStrList.LoadFromFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
2088 begin
2089 Clear;
2090 Result := MergeFromFile( Filename );
2091 end;
2093 //[procedure TWStrList.LoadFromStream]
2094 procedure TWStrList.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream);
2095 begin
2096 Clear;
2097 MergeFromStream( Strm );
2098 end;
2100 //[function TWStrList.MergeFromFile]
2101 function TWStrList.MergeFromFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
2102 var Strm: PStream;
2103 begin
2104 Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename );
2105 Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
2106 if Result then
2107 MergeFromStream( Strm );
2108 Strm.Free;
2109 end;
2111 //[procedure TWStrList.MergeFromStream]
2112 procedure TWStrList.MergeFromStream(Strm: PStream);
2113 var Buf: WideString;
2114 L: Integer;
2115 begin
2116 L := Strm.Size - Strm.Position;
2117 Assert( L mod 1 = 0, 'Wide strings streams must be of even length in bytes.' );
2118 if L = 0 then Exit;
2119 SetLength( Buf, L div 2 );
2120 Strm.Read( Buf[ 1 ], L );
2121 Text := Text + Buf;
2122 end;
2124 //[procedure TWStrList.Move]
2125 procedure TWStrList.Move(IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer);
2126 begin
2127 fList.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew );
2128 end;
2130 //[function TWStrList.SaveToFile]
2131 function TWStrList.SaveToFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
2132 var Strm: PStream;
2133 begin
2134 Strm := NewWriteFileStream( Filename );
2135 Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
2136 if Result then
2137 SaveToStream( Strm );
2138 Strm.Free;
2139 end;
2141 //[procedure TWStrList.SaveToStream]
2142 procedure TWStrList.SaveToStream(Strm: PStream);
2143 var Buf, Dest: PWideChar;
2144 I, L, Sz: Integer;
2145 P: Pointer;
2146 begin
2147 Sz := 0;
2148 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
2149 begin
2150 P := fList.Items[ I ];
2151 if P <> nil then
2152 Sz := Sz + WStrLen( P ) * 2 + 4
2153 else
2154 Sz := Sz + 4;
2155 end;
2156 GetMem( Buf, Sz );
2157 Dest := Buf;
2158 for I := 0 to Count-1 do
2159 begin
2160 P := fList.Items[ I ];
2161 if P <> nil then
2162 begin
2163 L := WStrLen( P );
2164 System.Move( P^, Dest^, L * 2 );
2165 Inc( Dest, L );
2166 end;
2167 Dest^ := #13;
2168 Inc( Dest );
2169 Dest^ := #10;
2170 Inc( Dest );
2171 end;
2172 Strm.Write( Buf^, Sz );
2173 FreeMem( Buf );
2174 end;
2176 //[procedure TWStrList.SetItems]
2177 procedure TWStrList.SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: WideString);
2178 var P: Pointer;
2179 begin
2180 while Idx > Count-1 do
2181 fList.Add( nil );
2182 if WStrLen( ItemPtrs[ Idx ] ) <= Length( Value ) then
2183 WStrCopy( ItemPtrs[ Idx ], PWideChar( Value ) )
2184 else
2185 begin
2186 P := fList.Items[ Idx ];
2187 if P <> nil then
2188 if not ((P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz)) then
2189 FreeMem( P );
2190 GetMem( P, (Length( Value ) + 1) * 2 );
2191 fList.Items[ Idx ] := P;
2192 WStrCopy( P, PWideChar( Value ) );
2193 end;
2194 end;
2196 //[procedure TWStrList.SetText]
2197 procedure TWStrList.SetText(const Value: WideString);
2198 var L, N: Integer;
2199 P: PWideChar;
2200 begin
2201 Clear;
2202 if Value = '' then Exit;
2203 L := (Length( Value ) + 1) * 2;
2204 GetMem( fText, L );
2205 System.Move( Value[ 1 ], fText^, L );
2206 fTextBufSz := Length( Value );
2207 N := 0;
2208 P := fText;
2209 while Word( P^ ) <> 0 do
2210 begin
2211 if (Word( P^ ) = 13) then
2212 begin
2213 Inc( N );
2214 PWord( P )^ := 0;
2215 if Word( P[ 1 ] ) = 10 then
2216 Inc( P );
2218 else
2219 if (Word( P^ ) = 10) and ((P = fText) or (Word( P[ -1 ] ) <> 0)) then
2220 begin
2221 Inc( N );
2222 PWord( P )^ := 0;
2223 end;
2224 Inc( P );
2225 end;
2226 fList.Capacity := N;
2227 P := fText;
2228 while P < fText + fTextBufSz do
2229 begin
2230 fList.Add( P );
2231 while Word( P^ ) <> 0 do Inc( P );
2232 Inc( P );
2233 if Word( P^ ) = 10 then Inc( P );
2234 end;
2235 end;
2237 //[function CompareWStrListItems]
2238 function CompareWStrListItems( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ): Integer;
2239 var WL: PWStrList;
2240 begin
2241 WL := Sender;
2242 Result := WStrCmp( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ], WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ] );
2243 end;
2245 //[function CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase]
2246 function CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ): Integer;
2247 var WL: PWStrList;
2248 L1, L2: Integer;
2249 begin
2250 WL := Sender;
2251 L1 := WStrLen( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ] );
2252 L2 := WStrLen( WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ] );
2253 if Length( WL.fTmp1 ) < L1 then
2254 SetLength( WL.fTmp1, L1 + 1 );
2255 if Length( WL.fTmp2 ) < L2 then
2256 SetLength( WL.fTmp2, L2 + 1 );
2257 if L1 > 0 then
2258 Move( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ]^, WL.fTmp1[ 1 ], (L1 + 1) * 2 )
2259 else
2260 WL.fTmp1[ 1 ] := #0;
2261 if L2 > 0 then
2262 Move( WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ]^, WL.fTmp2[ 1 ], (L2 + 1) * 2 )
2263 else
2264 WL.fTmp2[ 1 ] := #0;
2265 CharUpperBuffW( PWideChar( WL.fTmp1 ), L1 );
2266 CharUpperBuffW( PWideChar( WL.fTmp2 ), L2 );
2267 Result := WStrCmp( PWideChar( WL.fTmp1 ), PWideChar( WL.fTmp2 ) );
2268 end;
2270 //[procedure SwapWStrListItems]
2271 procedure SwapWStrListItems( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD );
2272 var WL: PWStrList;
2273 begin
2274 WL := Sender;
2275 WL.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 );
2276 end;
2278 //[procedure TWStrList.Sort]
2279 procedure TWStrList.Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean );
2280 begin
2281 if CaseSensitive then
2282 SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems, @SwapWStrListItems )
2283 else
2284 begin
2285 SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase, @SwapWStrListItems );
2286 fTmp1 := '';
2287 fTmp2 := '';
2288 end;
2289 end;
2291 //[procedure TWStrList.Swap]
2292 procedure TWStrList.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer);
2293 begin
2294 fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 );
2295 end;
2297 //[function NewWStrListEx]
2298 function NewWStrListEx: PWStrListEx;
2299 begin
2300 new( Result, Create );
2301 end;
2303 { TWStrListEx }
2305 //[function TWStrListEx.AddObject]
2306 function TWStrListEx.AddObject(const S: WideString; Obj: DWORD): Integer;
2307 begin
2308 Result := Count;
2309 InsertObject( Count, S, Obj );
2310 end;
2312 //[procedure TWStrListEx.AddWStrings]
2313 procedure TWStrListEx.AddWStrings(WL: PWStrListEx);
2314 var I: Integer;
2315 begin
2316 I := Count;
2317 if WL.FObjects.Count > 0 then
2318 ProvideObjectsCapacity( Count );
2319 inherited AddWStrings( WL );
2320 if WL.FObjects.Count > 0 then
2321 begin
2322 ProvideObjectsCapacity( I + WL.FObjects.Count );
2323 System.Move( PCrackList( WL.FObjects ).FItems[ 0 ],
2324 PCrackList( FObjects ).FItems[ I ],
2325 Sizeof( Pointer ) * WL.FObjects.Count );
2326 end;
2327 end;
2329 //[procedure TWStrListEx.Assign]
2330 procedure TWStrListEx.Assign(WL: PWStrListEx);
2331 begin
2332 inherited Assign( WL );
2333 FObjects.Assign( WL.FObjects );
2334 end;
2336 //[procedure TWStrListEx.Clear]
2337 procedure TWStrListEx.Clear;
2338 begin
2339 inherited Clear;
2340 FObjects.Clear;
2341 end;
2343 //[procedure TWStrListEx.Delete]
2344 procedure TWStrListEx.Delete(Idx: Integer);
2345 begin
2346 inherited Delete( Idx );
2347 if PCrackList( FObjects ).FCount >= Idx then
2348 FObjects.Delete( Idx );
2349 end;
2351 //[destructor TWStrListEx.Destroy]
2352 destructor TWStrListEx.Destroy;
2353 begin
2354 fObjects.Free;
2355 inherited;
2356 end;
2358 //[function TWStrListEx.GetObjects]
2359 function TWStrListEx.GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD;
2360 begin
2361 Result := DWORD( fObjects.Items[ Idx ] );
2362 end;
2364 //[function TWStrListEx.IndexOfObj]
2365 function TWStrListEx.IndexOfObj(Obj: Pointer): Integer;
2366 begin
2367 Result := FObjects.IndexOf( Obj );
2368 end;
2370 //[procedure TWStrListEx.Init]
2371 procedure TWStrListEx.Init;
2372 begin
2373 inherited;
2374 fObjects := NewList;
2375 end;
2377 //[procedure TWStrListEx.InsertObject]
2378 procedure TWStrListEx.InsertObject(Before: Integer; const S: WideString;
2379 Obj: DWORD);
2380 begin
2381 Insert( Before, S );
2382 FObjects.Insert( Before, Pointer( Obj ) );
2383 end;
2385 //[procedure TWStrListEx.Move]
2386 procedure TWStrListEx.Move(IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer);
2387 begin
2388 fList.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew );
2389 if PCrackList( FObjects ).FCount >= Min( IdxOld, IdxNew ) then
2390 begin
2391 ProvideObjectsCapacity( Max( IdxOld, IdxNew ) + 1 );
2392 FObjects.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew );
2393 end;
2394 end;
2396 //[procedure TWStrListEx.ProvideObjectsCapacity]
2397 procedure TWStrListEx.ProvideObjectsCapacity(NewCap: Integer);
2398 begin
2399 if fObjects.Capacity >= NewCap then Exit;
2400 fObjects.Capacity := NewCap;
2401 FillChar( PCrackList( FObjects ).FItems[ FObjects.Count ],
2402 (FObjects.Capacity - FObjects.Count) * Sizeof( Pointer ), 0 );
2403 PCrackList( FObjects ).FCount := NewCap;
2404 end;
2406 //[procedure TWStrListEx.SetObjects]
2407 procedure TWStrListEx.SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD);
2408 begin
2409 ProvideObjectsCapacity( Idx + 1 );
2410 fObjects.Items[ Idx ] := Pointer( Value );
2411 end;
2413 {$ENDIF}
2416 { TCABFile }
2418 //[function OpenCABFile]
2419 function OpenCABFile( const APaths: array of String ): PCABFile;
2420 var I: Integer;
2421 begin
2423 New( Result, Create );
2424 {+}{++}(*Result := PCABFile.Create;*){--}
2425 Result.FSetupapi := LoadLibrary( 'setupapi.dll' );
2426 Result.FNames := NewStrList;
2427 Result.FPaths := NewStrList;
2428 for I := 0 to High( APaths ) do
2429 Result.FPaths.Add( APaths[ I ] );
2430 end;
2432 //[destructor TCABFile.Destroy]
2433 destructor TCABFile.Destroy;
2434 begin
2435 FNames.Free;
2436 FPaths.Free;
2437 FTargetPath := '';
2438 if FSetupapi <> 0 then
2439 FreeLibrary( FSetupapi );
2440 inherited;
2441 end;
2443 const
2447 type
2448 PSP_FILE_CALLBACK = function( Context: Pointer; Notification, Param1, Param2: DWORD ): DWORD;
2449 stdcall;
2451 TSetupIterateCabinet = function ( CabinetFile: PChar; Reserved: DWORD;
2452 MsgHandler: PSP_FILE_CALLBACK; Context: Pointer ): Boolean; stdcall;
2453 //external 'setupapi.dll' name 'SetupIterateCabinetA';
2455 TSetupPromptDisk = function (
2456 hwndParent: HWND; // parent window of the dialog box
2457 DialogTitle: PChar; // optional, title of the dialog box
2458 DiskName: PChar; // optional, name of disk to insert
2459 PathToSource: PChar;// optional, expected source path
2460 FileSought: PChar; // name of file needed
2461 TagFile: PChar; // optional, source media tag file
2462 DiskPromptStyle: DWORD; // specifies dialog box behavior
2463 PathBuffer: PChar; // receives the source location
2464 PathBufferSize: DWORD; // size of the supplied buffer
2465 PathRequiredSize: PDWORD // optional, buffer size needed
2466 ): DWORD; stdcall;
2467 //external 'setupapi.dll' name 'SetupPromptForDiskA';
2469 type
2470 TCabinetInfo = packed record
2471 CabinetPath: PChar;
2472 CabinetFile: PChar;
2473 DiskName: PChar;
2474 SetId: WORD;
2475 CabinetNumber: WORD;
2476 end;
2477 PCabinetInfo = ^TCabinetInfo;
2479 TFileInCabinetInfo = packed record
2480 NameInCabinet: PChar;
2481 FileSize: DWORD;
2482 Win32Error: DWORD;
2483 DosDate: WORD;
2484 DosTime: WORD;
2485 DosAttribs: WORD;
2486 FullTargetName: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char;
2487 end;
2488 PFileInCabinetInfo = ^TFileInCabinetInfo;
2490 //[function CABCallback]
2491 function CABCallback( Context: Pointer; Notification, Param1, Param2: DWORD ): DWORD;
2492 stdcall;
2493 var CAB: PCABFile;
2494 CABPath, OldPath: String;
2495 CABInfo: PCabinetInfo;
2496 CABFileInfo: PFileInCabinetInfo;
2497 hr: Integer;
2498 SetupPromptProc: TSetupPromptDisk;
2499 begin
2500 Result := 0;
2501 CAB := Context;
2502 case Notification of
2504 begin
2505 OldPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ];
2506 Inc( CAB.FCurCAB );
2507 if CAB.FCurCAB = CAB.FPaths.Count then
2508 CAB.FPaths.Add( '?' );
2509 CABPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ];
2510 if CABPath = '?' then
2511 begin
2512 if Assigned( CAB.FOnNextCAB ) then
2513 CAB.FPaths.Items[CAB.FCurCAB ] := CAB.FOnNextCAB( CAB );
2514 CABPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ];
2515 if CABPath = '?' then
2516 begin
2517 SetLength( CABPath, MAX_PATH );
2518 CABInfo := Pointer( Param1 );
2519 if CAB.FSetupapi <> 0 then
2520 SetupPromptProc := GetProcAddress( CAB.FSetupapi, 'SetupPromptForDiskA' )
2521 else
2522 SetupPromptProc := nil;
2523 if Assigned( SetupPromptProc ) then
2524 begin
2525 hr := SetupPromptProc( 0, nil, nil, PChar( ExtractFilePath( OldPath ) ),
2526 CABInfo.CabinetFile, nil, 2 {IDF_NOSKIP}, @CabPath[ 1 ], MAX_PATH, nil );
2527 case hr of
2528 0: // success
2529 begin
2530 StrCopy( PChar( Param2 ), PChar( CABPath ) );
2531 Result := 0;
2532 end;
2533 2: // skip file
2534 Result := 0;
2535 else // cancel
2536 Result := ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
2537 end;
2538 end;
2540 else
2541 begin
2542 StrCopy( PChar( Param2 ), PChar( CABPath ) );
2543 Result := 0;
2544 end;
2545 end;
2546 end;
2548 begin
2549 CABFileInfo := Pointer( Param1 );
2550 if CAB.FGettingNames then
2551 begin
2552 CAB.FNames.Add( CABFileInfo.NameInCabinet );
2553 Result := 2; // FILEOP_SKIP
2555 else
2556 begin
2557 CABPath := CABFileInfo.NameInCabinet;
2558 if Assigned( CAB.FOnFile ) then
2559 begin
2560 if CAB.FOnFile( CAB, CABPath ) then
2561 begin
2562 if ExtractFilePath( CABPath ) = '' then
2563 if CAB.FTargetPath <> '' then
2564 CABPath := CAB.TargetPath + CABPath;
2565 StrCopy( @CABFileInfo.FullTargetName[ 0 ], PChar( CABPath ) );
2566 Result := 1; // FILEOP_DOIT
2568 else
2569 Result := 2
2571 else
2572 begin
2573 if CAB.FTargetPath <> '' then
2574 StrCopy( @CABFileInfo.FullTargetName[ 0 ], PChar( CAB.TargetPath + CABPath ) );
2575 Result := 1;
2576 end;
2577 end;
2578 end;
2579 end;
2580 end;
2582 //[function TCABFile.Execute]
2583 function TCABFile.Execute: Boolean;
2584 var SetupIterateProc: TSetupIterateCabinet;
2585 begin
2586 FCurCAB := 0;
2587 Result := FALSE;
2588 if FSetupapi = 0 then Exit;
2589 SetupIterateProc := GetProcAddress( FSetupapi, 'SetupIterateCabinetA' );
2590 if not Assigned( SetupIterateProc ) then Exit;
2591 Result := SetupIterateProc( PChar( FPaths.Items[ 0 ] ), 0, CABCallback, @Self );
2592 end;
2594 //[function TCABFile.GetCount]
2595 function TCABFile.GetCount: Integer;
2596 begin
2597 GetNames( 0 );
2598 Result := FNames.Count;
2599 end;
2601 //[function TCABFile.GetNames]
2602 function TCABFile.GetNames(Idx: Integer): String;
2603 begin
2604 if FNames.Count = 0 then
2605 begin
2606 FGettingNames := TRUE;
2607 Execute;
2608 FGettingNames := FALSE;
2609 end;
2610 Result := '';
2611 if Idx < FNames.Count then
2612 Result := FNames.Items[ Idx ];
2613 end;
2615 //[function TCABFile.GetPaths]
2616 function TCABFile.GetPaths(Idx: Integer): String;
2617 begin
2618 Result := FPaths.Items[ Idx ];
2619 end;
2621 //[function TCABFile.GetTargetPath]
2622 function TCABFile.GetTargetPath: String;
2623 begin
2624 Result := FTargetPath;
2625 if Result <> '' then
2626 if Result[ Length( Result ) ] <> '\' then
2627 Result := Result + '\';
2628 end;
2630 { -- TDirChange -- }
2632 const FilterFlags: array[ TFileChangeFilters ] of Integer = (
2638 //[FUNCTION _NewDirChgNotifier]
2640 function _NewDirChgNotifier: PDirChange;
2641 begin
2642 New( Result, Create );
2643 end;
2644 //[function NewDirChangeNotifier]
2645 function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: String; Filter: TFileChangeFilter;
2646 WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange )
2647 : PDirChange;
2653 PUSH ECX // [EBP-8] = WatchSubtree
2654 PUSH EDX // [EBP-12] = Filter
2655 PUSH EAX // [EBP-16] = Path
2656 CALL _NewDirChgNotifier
2658 LEA EAX, [EBX].TDirChange.FPath
2659 POP EDX
2660 CALL System.@LStrAsg
2661 MOV EAX, [ChangeProc].TMethod.Code
2662 MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FOnChange.TMethod.Code, EAX
2663 MOV EAX, [ChangeProc].TMethod.Data
2664 MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FOnChange.TMethod.Data, EAX
2665 POP ECX
2666 MOV EAX, Dflt_Flags
2668 JECXZ @@flags_ready
2671 MOV EDX, offset[FilterFlags]
2673 MOV CL, 7
2674 CALL MakeFlags
2675 POP ECX
2676 @@flags_ready: // EAX = Flags
2677 POP EDX
2678 MOVZX EDX, DL // EDX = WatchSubtree
2681 PUSH [EBX].TDirChange.FPath
2682 CALL FindFirstChangeNotification
2683 MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FHandle, EAX
2684 INC EAX
2685 JZ @@fault
2687 PUSH offset[TDirChange.Execute]
2688 CALL NewThreadEx
2689 MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FMonitor, EAX
2690 JMP @@exit
2691 @@fault:
2693 CALL TObj.Free
2694 @@exit:
2696 POP EBX
2697 end;
2698 {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal
2699 function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: String; Filter: TFileChangeFilter;
2700 WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange )
2701 : PDirChange;
2702 var Flags: DWORD;
2703 begin
2705 New( Result, Create );
2706 {+}{++}(*Result := PDirChange.Create;*){--}
2708 Result.FPath := Path;
2709 Result.FOnChange := ChangeProc;
2710 if Filter = [ ] then
2714 else
2715 Flags := MakeFlags( @Filter, FilterFlags );
2716 Result.FHandle := FindFirstChangeNotification(PChar(Result.FPath),
2717 Bool( Integer( WatchSubtree ) ), Flags);
2718 if Result.FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
2719 Result.FMonitor := NewThreadEx( Result.Execute )
2720 else //MsgOK( 'Can not monitor ' + Result.FPath + #13'Error ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) );
2721 begin
2722 Result.Free;
2723 Result := nil;
2724 end;
2725 end;
2727 //[END _NewDirChgNotifier]
2729 { TDirChange }
2732 //[procedure TDirChange.Changed]
2733 procedure TDirChange.Changed;
2735 MOV ECX, [EAX].FPath
2737 MOV EAX, [EDX].FOnChange.TMethod.Data
2738 CALL [EDX].FOnChange.TMethod.Code
2739 end;
2740 {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal
2741 procedure TDirChange.Changed;
2742 begin
2743 FOnChange(@Self, FPath); // must be assigned always!!!
2744 end;
2748 //[destructor TDirChange.Destroy]
2749 destructor TDirChange.Destroy;
2753 MOV ECX, [EBX].FMonitor
2754 JECXZ @@no_monitor
2756 CALL TObj.Free
2757 @@no_monitor:
2758 MOV ECX, [EBX].FHandle
2759 JECXZ @@exit
2761 CALL FindCloseChangeNotification
2762 @@exit:
2763 LEA EAX, [EBX].FPath
2764 CALL System.@LStrClr
2766 CALL TObj.Destroy
2767 POP EBX
2768 end;
2769 {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal
2770 destructor TDirChange.Destroy;
2771 begin
2772 if FMonitor <> nil then
2773 FMonitor.Free;
2774 if FHandle > 0 then // FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE AND FHandle <> 0
2775 FindCloseChangeNotification(FHandle);
2776 FPath := '';
2777 inherited;
2778 end;
2782 //[function TDirChange.Execute]
2783 function TDirChange.Execute(Sender: PThread): Integer;
2789 @@loo:
2790 MOVZX ECX, [ESI].TThread.FTerminated
2791 INC ECX
2792 LOOP @@e_loop
2794 MOV ECX, [EBX].FHandle
2795 INC ECX
2796 JZ @@e_loop
2800 CALL WaitForSingleObject
2801 OR EAX, EAX
2802 JNZ @@loo
2804 PUSH [EBX].FHandle
2805 MOV EAX, [EBX].FMonitor
2807 PUSH offset[TDirChange.Changed]
2808 CALL TThread.Synchronize
2809 CALL FindNextChangeNotification
2810 JMP @@loo
2811 @@e_loop:
2813 POP ESI
2814 POP EBX
2816 end;
2817 {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal
2818 function TDirChange.Execute(Sender: PThread): Integer;
2819 begin
2820 while (not Sender.Terminated and (FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) do
2821 if (WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, INFINITE) = WAIT_OBJECT_0) then
2822 begin
2823 if AppletTerminated then break;
2824 Applet.GetWindowHandle;
2825 FMonitor.Synchronize( Changed );
2826 FindNextChangeNotification(FHandle);
2827 end;
2828 Result := 0;
2829 end;
2832 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2835 // M E T A F I L E
2838 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2840 {++}(*
2841 //[API SetEnhMetaFileBits]
2842 function SetEnhMetaFileBits; external gdi32 name 'SetEnhMetaFileBits';
2843 function PlayEnhMetaFile; external gdi32 name 'PlayEnhMetaFile';
2844 *){--}
2846 //[function NewMetafile]
2847 function NewMetafile: PMetafile;
2848 begin
2850 new( Result, Create );
2851 {+}{++}(*Result := PMetafile.Create;*){--}
2852 end;
2853 //[END NewMetafile]
2855 { TMetafile }
2857 //[procedure TMetafile.Clear]
2858 procedure TMetafile.Clear;
2859 begin
2860 if fHandle <> 0 then
2861 DeleteEnhMetaFile( fHandle );
2862 fHandle := 0;
2863 end;
2865 //[destructor TMetafile.Destroy]
2866 destructor TMetafile.Destroy;
2867 begin
2868 if fHeader <> nil then
2869 FreeMem( fHeader );
2870 Clear;
2871 inherited;
2872 end;
2874 //[procedure TMetafile.Draw]
2875 procedure TMetafile.Draw(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer);
2876 begin
2877 StretchDraw( DC, MakeRect( X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height ) );
2878 end;
2880 //[function TMetafile.Empty]
2881 function TMetafile.Empty: Boolean;
2882 begin
2883 Result := fHandle = 0;
2884 end;
2886 //[function TMetafile.GetHeight]
2887 function TMetafile.GetHeight: Integer;
2888 begin
2889 Result := 0;
2890 if Empty then Exit;
2891 RetrieveHeader;
2892 Result := fHeader.rclBounds.Bottom - fHeader.rclBounds.Top;
2893 end;
2895 //[function TMetafile.GetWidth]
2896 function TMetafile.GetWidth: Integer;
2897 begin
2898 Result := 0;
2899 if Empty then Exit;
2900 RetrieveHeader;
2901 Result := fHeader.rclBounds.Right - fHeader.rclBounds.Left;
2902 end;
2904 //[function TMetafile.LoadFromFile]
2905 function TMetafile.LoadFromFile(const Filename: String): Boolean;
2906 var Strm: PStream;
2907 begin
2908 Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName );
2909 Result := LoadFromStream( Strm );
2910 Strm.Free;
2911 end;
2913 //[function ComputeAldusChecksum]
2914 function ComputeAldusChecksum(var WMF: TMetafileHeader): Word;
2915 type
2916 PWord = ^Word;
2918 pW: PWord;
2919 pEnd: PWord;
2920 begin
2921 Result := 0;
2922 pW := @WMF;
2923 pEnd := @WMF.CheckSum;
2924 while Longint(pW) < Longint(pEnd) do
2925 begin
2926 Result := Result xor pW^;
2927 Inc(Longint(pW), SizeOf(Word));
2928 end;
2929 end;
2931 //[function TMetafile.LoadFromStream]
2932 function TMetafile.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream): Boolean;
2933 var WMF: TMetaFileHeader;
2934 WmfHdr: TMetaHeader;
2935 EnhHdr: TEnhMetaHeader;
2936 Pos, Pos1: Integer;
2937 Sz: Integer;
2938 MemStrm: PStream;
2939 MFP: TMetafilePict;
2940 begin
2941 Result := FALSE;
2942 Pos := Strm.Position;
2944 if Strm.Read( WMF, Sizeof( WMF ) ) <> Sizeof( WMF ) then
2945 begin
2946 Strm.Position := Pos;
2947 Exit;
2948 end;
2950 MemStrm := NewMemoryStream;
2952 if WMF.Key = WMFKey then
2953 begin // Windows metafile
2955 if WMF.CheckSum <> ComputeAldusChecksum( WMF ) then
2956 begin
2957 Strm.Position := Pos;
2958 Exit;
2959 end;
2961 Pos1 := Strm.Position;
2962 if Strm.Read( WmfHdr, Sizeof( WmfHdr ) ) <> Sizeof( WmfHdr ) then
2963 begin
2964 Strm.Position := Pos;
2965 Exit;
2966 end;
2968 Strm.Position := Pos1;
2969 Sz := WMFHdr.mtSize * 2;
2970 Stream2Stream( MemStrm, Strm, Sz );
2971 FillChar( MFP, Sizeof( MFP ), 0 );
2973 fHandle := SetWinMetafileBits( Sz, MemStrm.Memory, 0, MFP );
2976 else
2977 begin // may be enchanced?
2979 Strm.Position := Pos;
2980 if Strm.Read( EnhHdr, Sizeof( EnhHdr ) ) < 8 then
2981 begin
2982 Strm.Position := Pos;
2983 Exit;
2984 end;
2985 // yes, enchanced
2986 Strm.Position := Pos;
2987 Sz := EnhHdr.nBytes;
2988 Stream2Stream( MemStrm, Strm, Sz );
2989 fHandle := SetEnhMetaFileBits( Sz, MemStrm.Memory );
2991 end;
2993 MemStrm.Free;
2994 Result := fHandle <> 0;
2995 if not Result then
2996 Strm.Position := Pos;
2998 end;
3000 //[procedure TMetafile.RetrieveHeader]
3001 procedure TMetafile.RetrieveHeader;
3002 var SzHdr: Integer;
3003 begin
3004 if fHeader <> nil then
3005 FreeMem( fHeader );
3006 SzHdr := GetEnhMetaFileHeader( fHandle, 0, nil );
3007 GetMem( fHeader, SzHdr );
3008 GetEnhMetaFileHeader( fHandle, SzHdr, fHeader );
3009 end;
3011 //[procedure TMetafile.SetHandle]
3012 procedure TMetafile.SetHandle(const Value: THandle);
3013 begin
3014 Clear;
3015 fHandle := Value;
3016 end;
3018 //[procedure TMetafile.StretchDraw]
3019 procedure TMetafile.StretchDraw(DC: HDC; const R: TRect);
3020 begin
3021 if Empty then Exit;
3022 PlayEnhMetaFile( DC, fHandle, R );
3023 end;
3025 { ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3027 TAction and TActionList
3029 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
3030 //[function NewActionList]
3031 function NewActionList(AOwner: PControl): PActionList;
3032 begin
3034 New( Result, Create );
3035 {+} {++}(* Result := PActionList.Create; *){--}
3036 with Result{-}^{+} do begin
3037 FActions:=NewList;
3038 FOwner:=AOwner;
3039 RegisterIdleHandler(DoUpdateActions);
3040 end;
3041 end;
3042 //[END NewActionList]
3044 //[function NewAction]
3045 function NewAction(const ACaption, AHint: string; AOnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction;
3046 begin
3048 New( Result, Create );
3049 {+} {++}(* Result := PAction.Create; *){--}
3050 with Result{-}^{+} do begin
3051 FControls:=NewList;
3052 Enabled:=True;
3053 Visible:=True;
3054 Caption:=ACaption;
3055 Hint:=AHint;
3056 OnExecute:=AOnExecute;
3057 end;
3058 end;
3059 //[END NewAction]
3061 { TAction }
3063 //[procedure TAction.LinkCtrl]
3064 procedure TAction.LinkCtrl(ACtrl: PObj; ACtrlKind: TCtrlKind; AItemID: integer; AUpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent);
3066 cr: PControlRec;
3067 begin
3068 New(cr);
3069 with cr^ do begin
3070 Ctrl:=ACtrl;
3071 CtrlKind:=ACtrlKind;
3072 ItemID:=AItemID;
3073 UpdateProc:=AUpdateProc;
3074 end;
3075 FControls.Add(cr);
3076 AUpdateProc(cr);
3077 end;
3079 //[procedure TAction.LinkControl]
3080 procedure TAction.LinkControl(Ctrl: PControl);
3081 begin
3082 LinkCtrl(Ctrl, ckControl, 0, UpdateCtrl);
3083 Ctrl.OnClick:=DoOnControlClick;
3084 end;
3086 //[procedure TAction.LinkMenuItem]
3087 procedure TAction.LinkMenuItem(Menu: PMenu; MenuItemIdx: integer);
3088 {$IFDEF _FPC}
3090 arr1_DoOnMenuItem: array[ 0..0 ] of TOnMenuItem;
3091 {$ENDIF _FPC}
3092 begin
3093 LinkCtrl(Menu, ckMenu, MenuItemIdx, UpdateMenu);
3094 {$IFDEF _FPC}
3095 arr1_DoOnMenuItem[ 0 ] := DoOnMenuItem;
3096 Menu.AssignEvents(MenuItemIdx, arr1_DoOnMenuItem);
3097 {$ELSE}
3098 Menu.AssignEvents(MenuItemIdx, [ DoOnMenuItem ]);
3099 {$ENDIF}
3100 end;
3102 //[procedure TAction.LinkToolbarButton]
3103 procedure TAction.LinkToolbarButton(Toolbar: PControl; ButtonIdx: integer);
3104 {$IFDEF _FPC}
3106 arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick: array[ 0..0 ] of TOnToolbarButtonClick;
3107 {$ENDIF _FPC}
3108 begin
3109 LinkCtrl(Toolbar, ckToolbar, ButtonIdx, UpdateToolbar);
3110 {$IFDEF _FPC}
3111 arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick[ 0 ] := DoOnToolbarButtonClick;
3112 Toolbar.TBAssignEvents(ButtonIdx, arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick);
3113 {$ELSE}
3114 Toolbar.TBAssignEvents(ButtonIdx, [DoOnToolbarButtonClick]);
3115 {$ENDIF}
3116 end;
3118 //[destructor TAction.Destroy]
3119 destructor TAction.Destroy;
3120 begin
3121 FControls.Release;
3122 FCaption:='';
3123 FShortCut:='';
3124 FHint:='';
3125 inherited;
3126 end;
3128 //[procedure TAction.DoOnControlClick]
3129 procedure TAction.DoOnControlClick(Sender: PObj);
3130 begin
3131 Execute;
3132 end;
3134 //[procedure TAction.DoOnMenuItem]
3135 procedure TAction.DoOnMenuItem(Sender: PMenu; Item: Integer);
3136 begin
3137 Execute;
3138 end;
3140 //[procedure TAction.DoOnToolbarButtonClick]
3141 procedure TAction.DoOnToolbarButtonClick(Sender: PControl; BtnID: Integer);
3142 begin
3143 Execute;
3144 end;
3146 //[procedure TAction.Execute]
3147 procedure TAction.Execute;
3148 begin
3149 if Assigned(FOnExecute) and FEnabled then
3150 FOnExecute(PObj( @Self ));
3151 end;
3153 //[procedure TAction.SetCaption]
3154 procedure TAction.SetCaption(const Value: string);
3156 i: integer;
3157 c, ss: string;
3159 begin
3160 i:=Pos(#9, Value);
3161 if i <> 0 then begin
3162 c:=Copy(Value, 1, i - 1);
3163 ss:=Copy(Value, i + 1, MaxInt);
3165 else begin
3166 c:=Value;
3167 ss:='';
3168 end;
3169 if (FCaption = c) and (FShortCut = ss) then exit;
3170 FCaption:=c;
3171 FShortCut:=ss;
3172 UpdateControls;
3173 end;
3175 //[procedure TAction.SetChecked]
3176 procedure TAction.SetChecked(const Value: boolean);
3177 begin
3178 if FChecked = Value then exit;
3179 FChecked := Value;
3180 UpdateControls;
3181 end;
3183 //[procedure TAction.SetEnabled]
3184 procedure TAction.SetEnabled(const Value: boolean);
3185 begin
3186 if FEnabled = Value then exit;
3187 FEnabled := Value;
3188 UpdateControls;
3189 end;
3191 //[procedure TAction.SetHelpContext]
3192 procedure TAction.SetHelpContext(const Value: integer);
3193 begin
3194 if FHelpContext = Value then exit;
3195 FHelpContext := Value;
3196 UpdateControls;
3197 end;
3199 //[procedure TAction.SetHint]
3200 procedure TAction.SetHint(const Value: string);
3201 begin
3202 if FHint = Value then exit;
3203 FHint := Value;
3204 UpdateControls;
3205 end;
3207 //[procedure TAction.SetOnExecute]
3208 procedure TAction.SetOnExecute(const Value: TOnEvent);
3209 begin
3210 if @FOnExecute = @Value then exit;
3211 FOnExecute:=Value;
3212 UpdateControls;
3213 end;
3215 //[procedure TAction.SetVisible]
3216 procedure TAction.SetVisible(const Value: boolean);
3217 begin
3218 if FVisible = Value then exit;
3219 FVisible := Value;
3220 UpdateControls;
3221 end;
3223 //[procedure TAction.UpdateControls]
3224 procedure TAction.UpdateControls;
3226 i: integer;
3227 begin
3228 with FControls{-}^{+} do
3229 for i:=0 to Count - 1 do
3230 PControlRec(Items[i]).UpdateProc(Items[i]);
3231 end;
3233 //[procedure TAction.UpdateCtrl]
3234 procedure TAction.UpdateCtrl(Sender: PControlRec);
3235 begin
3236 with Sender^, PControl(Ctrl){-}^{+} do begin
3237 if Caption <> Self.FCaption then
3238 Caption:=Self.FCaption;
3239 if Enabled <> Self.FEnabled then
3240 Enabled:=Self.FEnabled;
3241 if Checked <> Self.FChecked then
3242 Checked:=Self.FChecked;
3243 if Visible <> Self.FVisible then
3244 Visible:=Self.FVisible;
3245 end;
3246 end;
3248 //[procedure TAction.UpdateMenu]
3249 procedure TAction.UpdateMenu(Sender: PControlRec);
3251 s: string;
3252 begin
3253 with Sender^, PMenu(Ctrl).Items[ItemID]{-}^{+} do begin
3254 s:=Self.FCaption;
3255 if Self.FShortCut <> '' then
3256 s:=s + #9 + Self.FShortCut;
3257 if Caption <> s then
3258 Caption:=s;
3259 if Enabled <> Self.FEnabled then
3260 Enabled:=Self.FEnabled;
3261 if Checked <> Self.FChecked then
3262 Checked:=Self.FChecked;
3263 if Visible <> Self.FVisible then
3264 Visible:=Self.FVisible;
3265 if HelpContext <> Self.FHelpContext then
3266 HelpContext:=Self.FHelpContext;
3267 if Self.FAccelerator.Key <> 0 then {YS} // Äîáàâèòü
3268 Accelerator:=Self.FAccelerator;
3269 end;
3270 end;
3272 //[procedure TAction.UpdateToolbar]
3273 procedure TAction.UpdateToolbar(Sender: PControlRec);
3275 i: integer;
3276 s: string;
3277 begin
3278 with Sender^, PControl(Ctrl){-}^{+} do begin
3279 i:=TBIndex2Item(ItemID);
3280 s:=TBButtonText[i];
3281 if (s <> '') and (s <> Self.FCaption) then
3282 TBButtonText[i]:=Self.FCaption;
3283 TBSetTooltips(i, [PChar(Self.FHint)]);
3284 if TBButtonEnabled[ItemID] <> Self.FEnabled then
3285 TBButtonEnabled[ItemID]:=Self.FEnabled;
3286 if TBButtonVisible[ItemID] <> Self.FVisible then
3287 TBButtonVisible[ItemID]:=Self.FVisible;
3288 if TBButtonChecked[ItemID] <> Self.FChecked then
3289 TBButtonChecked[ItemID]:=Self.FChecked;
3290 end;
3291 end;
3293 //[procedure TAction.SetAccelerator]
3294 procedure TAction.SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator);
3295 begin
3296 if (FAccelerator.fVirt = Value.fVirt) and (FAccelerator.Key = Value.Key) then exit;
3297 FAccelerator := Value;
3298 FShortCut:=GetAcceleratorText(FAccelerator); // {YS}
3299 UpdateControls;
3300 end;
3302 { TActionList }
3304 //[function TActionList.Add]
3305 function TActionList.Add(const ACaption, AHint: string; OnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction;
3306 begin
3307 Result:=NewAction(ACaption, AHint, OnExecute);
3308 FActions.Add(Result);
3309 end;
3311 //[procedure TActionList.Clear]
3312 procedure TActionList.Clear;
3313 begin
3314 while FActions.Count > 0 do
3315 Delete(0);
3316 FActions.Clear;
3317 end;
3319 //[procedure TActionList.Delete]
3320 procedure TActionList.Delete(Idx: integer);
3321 begin
3322 Actions[Idx].Free;
3323 FActions.Delete(Idx);
3324 end;
3326 //[destructor TActionList.Destroy]
3327 destructor TActionList.Destroy;
3328 begin
3329 UnRegisterIdleHandler(DoUpdateActions);
3330 Clear;
3331 FActions.Free;
3332 inherited;
3333 end;
3335 //[procedure TActionList.DoUpdateActions]
3336 procedure TActionList.DoUpdateActions(Sender: PObj);
3337 begin
3338 if Assigned(FOnUpdateActions) and (GetActiveWindow = FOwner.Handle) then
3339 FOnUpdateActions(PObj( @Self ));
3340 end;
3342 //[function TActionList.GetActions]
3343 function TActionList.GetActions(Idx: integer): PAction;
3344 begin
3345 Result:=FActions.Items[Idx];
3346 end;
3348 //[function TActionList.GetCount]
3349 function TActionList.GetCount: integer;
3350 begin
3351 Result:=FActions.Count;
3352 end;
3354 end.