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1 open Format;;
3 type c =
4 { w : int
5 ; h : int
6 ; pitch : int
7 ; audio_bytes_per_frame : int
8 ; audio_bytes_processed : int
9 ; silence : string
10 ; audio_running : bool
11 ; depth : int
12 ; scaledsize : int
13 ; video : string
14 ; lastout : string
15 ; update_requested : bool
16 ; last_video_update : float
19 type encset =
20 { out_w : int
21 ; out_h : int
22 ; fps : int
23 ; freq : int
24 ; nchannels : int
25 ; audiofmt : int
26 ; useaudio : bool
29 module Scale = struct
30 type t = (int * int * int * int * int)
31 external reset : t -> int = "ml_scale_reset"
32 external scale : string -> string -> unit = "ml_scale"
34 let reset ~w ~h ~out_w ~out_h ~pitch =
35 reset (w, h, out_w, out_h, pitch)
36 end
38 let fail fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun s -> failwith s) fmt;;
39 let log = printf;;
40 let log fmt = Printf.kprintf ignore fmt;;
42 let r8 s o = Char.code s.[o];;
43 let r16 s o = let b1 = r8 s o and b2 = r8 s (o+1) in (b1 lsl 8) lor b2;;
44 let r16s s o = let i = r16 s 0 in i - ((i lor 0x8000) lsl 1);;
45 let r32 s o =
46 let w1 = r16 s o
47 and w2 = r16 s (o+2) in
48 Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int w1) 16) (Int32.of_int w2)
50 let rint s o = let l = r32 s o in Int32.to_int l;;
51 let w8 s o i = s.[o] <- Char.chr (i land 255);;
52 let w16 s o i = w8 s (o+1) i; w8 s o (i lsr 8);;
53 let wint s o i = w16 s (o+2) i; w16 s o (i asr 16);;
54 let w32 s o l =
55 w16 s (o+2) (Int32.to_int l);
56 w16 s o (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right l 16));
59 let encodings t =
60 let b = Buffer.create 20 in
61 Buffer.add_string b "\002xyy";
62 let c = "xxxx" in
63 let nencodings = List.fold_left
64 (fun n i -> w32 c 0 i; Buffer.add_string b c; succ n)
65 0 (0l :: -223l :: (if t.useaudio then [-259l] else []))
67 let s = Buffer.contents b in
68 w16 s 2 nencodings;
72 let setpixfmt =
73 let s = String.create 20 in
74 w8 s 0 0;
75 w8 s 4 16;
76 w8 s 5 2;
77 w8 s 6 1;
78 w8 s 7 1;
79 w16 s 8 31;
80 w16 s 10 63;
81 w16 s 12 31;
82 w8 s 14 11;
83 w8 s 15 5;
84 w8 s 16 0;
88 let setaudiofmt ~fmt ~nchannels ~freq =
89 let s = String.create 10 in
90 w8 s 0 255;
91 w8 s 1 001;
92 w16 s 2 002;
93 w8 s 4 fmt;
94 w8 s 5 nchannels;
95 w32 s 6 freq;
99 let useaudio =
100 let s = String.create 4 in
101 w8 s 0 255;
102 w8 s 1 001;
103 w16 s 2 000;
107 let resize t w h out_w out_h =
108 let pitch = w * t.depth in
109 let scaledsize = Scale.reset ~w ~h ~out_w ~out_h ~pitch in
110 let video = String.create (pitch * h) in
111 { t with video = video
112 ; w = w
113 ; h = h
114 ; pitch = pitch
115 ; scaledsize = scaledsize
116 ; lastout = ""
120 let create_context ~w ~h ~encset =
121 let bytes_per_frame =
122 let sample_size =
123 match encset.audiofmt with
124 | 0 | 1 -> 1
125 | 2 | 3 -> 2
126 | 4 | 5 -> 4
127 | _ -> fail "invalid audiofmt %d" encset.audiofmt
129 let frame_size = sample_size * encset.nchannels in
130 (encset.freq * frame_size) / encset.fps
132 resize
133 { video = ""; w = -1; h = -1; pitch = -1; depth = 2
134 ; audio_bytes_per_frame = bytes_per_frame
135 ; audio_bytes_processed = 0
136 ; scaledsize = -1
137 ; update_requested = false
138 ; audio_running = false
139 ; lastout = ""
140 ; last_video_update = 0.0
141 ; silence =
142 String.make bytes_per_frame '\000' (* wrong for unsigned *)
144 w h encset.out_w encset.out_h
147 let reason pump =
148 let n = rint (pump#get 4) 0 in
149 let s = pump#get n in
150 fail "Protocol failure, reason: `%S'" s;
153 let rec handshake encset pump =
154 let s = pump#get 12 in
155 let maj, min =
157 let dec a b c = a*100 + b*10 + c in
158 Scanf.sscanf s "RFB %1i%1i%1i.%1i%1i%1i\n"
159 (fun a b c d e f -> dec a b c, dec d e f)
160 with exn ->
161 fail "can't parse ProtocolVersion `%S'" s
164 if maj < 3 || (maj == 3 && min < 8)
165 then fail "Too old of a protocol %d.%d" maj min;
167 pump#put"RFB 003.008\n";
168 let s = let nsectypes = r8 (pump#get 1) 0 in pump#get nsectypes in
169 (try ignore (String.index s '\001')
170 with Not_found -> fail "None auth not found");
171 pump#put "\001";
172 if r32 (pump#get 4) 0 <> 0l then reason pump;
173 pump#put "\001";
174 serverinit encset pump
176 and serverinit encset pump =
177 let s = pump#get 24 in
178 let w = r16 s 0
179 and h = r16 s 2
180 and namelen = rint s 20 in
181 let name = pump#get namelen in
182 let () =
183 printf "server is `%S'@." name;
184 pump#put (encodings encset);
185 pump#put setpixfmt;
187 let context = create_context ~w ~h ~encset in
188 boot encset context pump
190 and boot encset t pump =
191 let request_update t =
192 if not t.update_requested then (
193 let s = "\003\001\000\000\000\000wwhh" in
194 w16 s 6 t.w;
195 w16 s 8 t.h;
196 pump#put s;
198 { t with update_requested = true }
201 let rec srv1 t =
202 pump#run;
203 match r8 (pump#get 1) 0 with
204 | 000 -> framebuffer_update t
205 | 255 -> aliguori t
206 | msg -> fail "unexpected server message %x" msg
208 and drain t =
209 let t =
210 if t.audio_running
211 then
212 if t.audio_bytes_processed > t.audio_bytes_per_frame
213 then request_update t else t
214 else
215 let fdur = 1.0 /. float encset.fps in
216 let deadline = t.last_video_update +. fdur in
217 let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
218 let rec loop t delta =
219 pump#run;
220 let got_input = if delta > 0.0 then pump#wait delta else false in
221 if got_input
222 then t
223 else (
224 let t =
225 if t.update_requested
226 then (pump#add_audio t.silence; pump#add_video t.lastout; t)
227 else request_update t
229 loop t fdur
232 loop t (deadline -. now)
234 srv1 t
236 and audio_ack t =
237 let fmt = encset.audiofmt
238 and nchannels = encset.nchannels
239 and freq = Int32.of_int encset.freq in
240 pump#put (setaudiofmt ~fmt ~nchannels ~freq);
241 pump#put useaudio;
244 and aliguori t =
245 match r8 (pump#get 1) 0 with
246 | 001 -> audio t
247 | msg -> fail "unexpected aliguori message %x" msg
249 and framebuffer_update t =
250 let nrects = r16 (pump#get 3) 1 in
251 let rec loop t i = if i = nrects then t else
252 let s = pump#get 12 in
253 let x = r16 s 0
254 and y = r16 s 2
255 and w = r16 s 4
256 and h = r16 s 6
257 and e = r32 s 8 in
258 match e with
259 | 0l -> raw_rect t x y w h; loop t (i+1)
260 | -223l -> loop (resize t w h encset.out_w encset.out_h) (i+1)
261 | -259l -> loop (audio_ack t) (i+1)
262 | _ -> fail "rect with unhandled encoding %lx, %S" e s
264 let t = loop t 0 in
265 let out = String.create t.scaledsize in
266 Scale.scale out;
267 pump#add_video out;
268 if not t.audio_running then pump#add_audio t.silence;
269 drain { t with
270 last_video_update = Unix.gettimeofday ();
271 lastout = out;
272 update_requested = false;
273 audio_bytes_processed = t.audio_bytes_processed - t.audio_bytes_per_frame }
275 and raw_rect t x y w h =
276 let src = pump#get (w*h*t.depth) in
277 let dst = in
278 let len = w*t.depth in
279 let pitch = t.pitch in
280 let rec loop row src_pos dst_pos =
281 if row = h then () else (
282 StringLabels.blit ~src ~dst ~src_pos ~dst_pos ~len;
283 loop (row+1) (src_pos+len) (dst_pos+pitch)
286 loop 0 0 (x*t.depth + y*t.pitch)
288 and audio t =
289 match r16 (pump#get 2) 0 with
290 | 000 -> drain { t with audio_running = false }
291 | 001 -> drain { t with audio_running = true }
292 | 002 -> audio_data t
293 | msg -> fail "unexpected audio message %x" msg
295 and audio_data t =
296 let nbytes = rint (pump#get 4) 0 in
297 let audio = pump#get nbytes in
298 pump#add_audio audio;
299 let t =
300 { t with audio_bytes_processed = t.audio_bytes_processed + nbytes }
302 drain t
305 srv1 (request_update t);
308 let vncopen addr =
309 let sock, addr =
310 if String.length addr > 5 && String.sub addr 0 5 = "unix:"
311 then
312 let path = String.sub addr 5 (String.length addr - 5) in
313 let sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
314 sock, Unix.ADDR_UNIX path
315 else
316 let sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
317 let addr, port =
319 let p = String.index addr ':' in
320 let s = String.sub addr (p + 1) (String.length addr - p - 1) in
321 let port =
322 try int_of_string s with exn ->
323 fail "can't parse port in `%S': %s"
324 addr (Printexc.to_string exn)
326 let addr = String.sub addr 0 p in
327 addr, port
328 with Not_found ->
329 addr, 5900
331 let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname addr).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
332 sock, Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port)
334 Unix.connect sock addr;
335 sock
338 let pump encset sock =
339 let null = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [] 0 in
340 let rapipe, wapipe = Unix.pipe () in
341 let rvpipe, wvpipe = Unix.pipe () in
342 let () =
343 Unix.set_close_on_exec wapipe;
344 Unix.set_close_on_exec wvpipe;
345 Unix.set_close_on_exec sock;
346 Unix.set_nonblock wapipe;
347 Unix.set_nonblock wvpipe;
349 let _pid = Unix.create_process
350 "/bin/sh"
351 [| "/bin/sh"; "./"
352 ; string_of_int encset.out_w
353 ; string_of_int encset.out_h
354 ; string_of_int (Obj.magic rvpipe)
355 ; string_of_int (Obj.magic rapipe)
356 ; string_of_int encset.fps
358 null
359 null
360 Unix.stderr
362 let rw c f s =
363 let rec loop p l =
364 let n = f s p l in
365 if n = 0 then fail "%s: end of file" c;
366 if n = l then () else loop (p + n) (l - n)
367 in loop 0 (String.length s)
369 let rec write s fd buf pos len () =
370 let n =
372 let n = Unix.write fd buf pos len in
373 if n = 0 then fail "EOF while writing %s" s;
375 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _) -> 0
377 if n = 0 then `again else
378 if n = len
379 then `completed
380 else `more (write s fd buf (pos+n) (len-n))
381 in object (self)
382 val al = ref []
383 val vl = ref []
385 method run =
386 let l =
387 match !al, !vl with
388 | [], [] -> []
389 | [], _ -> [wvpipe]
390 | _, [] -> [wapipe]
391 | _ -> [wvpipe; wapipe]
393 if l = [] then () else
394 let _, l, _ = [] l [] 0.0 in
395 let rec loop = function
396 | fd :: tl ->
397 let lr = if fd = wapipe then al else vl in
398 let rec wrall accu = function
399 | [] -> accu
400 | f :: tl ->
401 match f () with
402 | `completed -> wrall accu tl
403 | `again -> f :: accu
404 | `more f -> f :: accu
406 lr := List.rev (wrall [] !lr);
407 loop tl
408 | [] -> ()
410 loop l
412 method add_video data =
413 if String.length data = 0 then fail "empty data passed to add_video";
414 vl := !vl @ [write "video" wvpipe data 0 (String.length data)]
416 method add_audio data =
417 al := !al @ [write "audio" wapipe data 0 (String.length data)]
419 method wait dur =
420 let r, _, _ = [sock] [] [] dur in
421 r != []
423 method get n = let s = String.create n in rw "get" ( sock) s; s
424 method put s = rw "put" (Unix.write sock) s
428 let main =
429 let out_w = ref 640
430 and out_h = ref 400
431 and fps = ref 25
432 and noaudio = ref false
433 and host = ref "localhost:5900" in
434 let setdim s = Scanf.sscanf s "%dx%d" (fun w h -> out_w := w; out_h := h) in
435 Arg.parse (Arg.align
436 ["-s", Arg.String setdim , "<int>x<int> output dimensions"
437 ;"-fps", Arg.Set_int fps, "<int> desired fps"
438 ;"-noaudio", Arg.Set noaudio, "<bool> do not capture audio"])
439 (fun s -> host := s)
440 "Usage: vcap [options] [host]\nOptions are:";
441 let encset =
442 { out_w = !out_w
443 ; out_h = !out_h
444 ; nchannels = 2
445 ; audiofmt = 3
446 ; freq = 44100
447 ; fps = !fps
448 ; useaudio = not !noaudio
452 let sock = vncopen !host in
453 let pump = pump encset sock in
454 handshake encset pump;
455 with Unix.Unix_error (e, s1, s2) ->
456 eprintf "%s(%s): %s@." s1 s2 (Unix.error_message e)