modinfo in the translate toolkit is now a 2-tuple containing the mtime and
[pootle.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 #
4 # Copyright 2004-2006 Zuza Software Foundation
5 #
6 # This file is part of translate.
8 # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with translate; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22 """manages a translation file and its associated files"""
24 from import base
25 from import po
26 from import tzstring
27 from import xliff
28 from import factory
29 from translate.filters import checks
30 from translate.misc.multistring import multistring
31 from Pootle import __version__
32 from Pootle import statistics
33 from jToolkit import timecache
34 from jToolkit import glock
35 import time
36 import os
38 _UNIT_CHECKER = checks.UnitChecker()
40 class LockedFile:
41 """locked interaction with a filesystem file"""
42 #Locking is disabled for now since it impacts performance negatively and was
43 #not complete yet anyway. Reverse svn revision 5271 to regain the locking
44 #code here.
45 def __init__(self, filename):
46 self.filename = filename
47 self.lock = None
49 def initlock(self):
50 self.lock = glock.GlobalLock(self.filename + os.extsep + "lock")
52 def dellock(self):
53 del self.lock
54 self.lock = None
56 def readmodtime(self):
57 """returns the modification time of the file (locked operation)"""
58 return statistics.getmodtime(self.filename)
60 def getcontents(self):
61 """returns modtime, contents tuple (locked operation)"""
62 pomtime = statistics.getmodtime(self.filename)
63 fp = open(self.filename, 'r')
64 filecontents =
65 fp.close()
66 return pomtime, filecontents
68 def writecontents(self, contents):
69 """writes contents to file, returning modification time (locked operation)"""
70 f = open(self.filename, 'w')
71 f.write(contents)
72 f.close()
73 pomtime = statistics.getmodtime(self.filename)
74 return pomtime
76 class pootleassigns:
77 """this represents the assignments for a file"""
78 def __init__(self, basefile):
79 """constructs assignments object for the given file"""
80 # TODO: try and remove circular references between basefile and this class
81 self.basefile = basefile
82 self.assignsfilename = self.basefile.filename + os.extsep + "assigns"
83 self.getassigns()
85 def getassigns(self):
86 """reads the assigns if neccessary or returns them from the cache"""
87 if os.path.exists(self.assignsfilename):
88 self.assigns = self.readassigns()
89 else:
90 self.assigns = {}
91 return self.assigns
93 def readassigns(self):
94 """reads the assigns from the associated assigns file, returning the assigns
95 the format is a number of lines consisting of
96 username: action: itemranges
97 where itemranges is a comma-separated list of item numbers or itemranges like 3-5
98 e.g. pootlewizz: review: 2-99,101"""
99 assignsmtime = statistics.getmodtime(self.assignsfilename)
100 if assignsmtime == getattr(self, "assignsmtime", None):
101 return
102 assignsfile = open(self.assignsfilename, "r")
103 assignsstring =
104 assignsfile.close()
105 poassigns = {}
106 itemcount = len(getattr(self, "stats", {}).get("total", []))
107 for line in assignsstring.split("\n"):
108 if not line.strip():
109 continue
110 if not line.count(":") == 2:
111 print "invalid assigns line in %s: %r" % (self.assignsfilename, line)
112 continue
113 username, action, itemranges = line.split(":", 2)
114 username, action = username.strip().decode('utf-8'), action.strip().decode('utf-8')
115 if not username in poassigns:
116 poassigns[username] = {}
117 userassigns = poassigns[username]
118 if not action in userassigns:
119 userassigns[action] = []
120 items = userassigns[action]
121 for itemrange in itemranges.split(","):
122 if "-" in itemrange:
123 if not itemrange.count("-") == 1:
124 print "invalid assigns range in %s: %r (from line %r)" % (self.assignsfilename, itemrange, line)
125 continue
126 itemstart, itemstop = [int(item.strip()) for item in itemrange.split("-", 1)]
127 items.extend(range(itemstart, itemstop+1))
128 else:
129 item = int(itemrange.strip())
130 items.append(item)
131 if itemcount:
132 items = [item for item in items if 0 <= item < itemcount]
133 userassigns[action] = items
134 return poassigns
136 def assignto(self, item, username, action):
137 """assigns the item to the given username for the given action"""
138 userassigns = self.assigns.setdefault(username, {})
139 items = userassigns.setdefault(action, [])
140 if item not in items:
141 items.append(item)
142 self.saveassigns()
144 def unassign(self, item, username=None, action=None):
145 """removes assignments of the item to the given username (or all users) for the given action (or all actions)"""
146 if username is None:
147 usernames = self.assigns.keys()
148 else:
149 usernames = [username]
150 for username in usernames:
151 userassigns = self.assigns.setdefault(username, {})
152 if action is None:
153 itemlist = [userassigns.get(action, []) for action in userassigns]
154 else:
155 itemlist = [userassigns.get(action, [])]
156 for items in itemlist:
157 if item in items:
158 items.remove(item)
159 self.saveassigns()
161 def saveassigns(self):
162 """saves the current assigns to file"""
163 # assumes self.assigns is up to date
164 assignstrings = []
165 usernames = self.assigns.keys()
166 usernames.sort()
167 for username in usernames:
168 actions = self.assigns[username].keys()
169 actions.sort()
170 for action in actions:
171 items = self.assigns[username][action]
172 items.sort()
173 if items:
174 lastitem = None
175 rangestart = None
176 assignstring = "%s: %s: " % (username.encode('utf-8'), action.encode('utf-8'))
177 for item in items:
178 if item - 1 == lastitem:
179 if rangestart is None:
180 rangestart = lastitem
181 else:
182 if rangestart is not None:
183 assignstring += "-%d" % lastitem
184 rangestart = None
185 if lastitem is None:
186 assignstring += "%d" % item
187 else:
188 assignstring += ",%d" % item
189 lastitem = item
190 if rangestart is not None:
191 assignstring += "-%d" % lastitem
192 assignstrings.append(assignstring + "\n")
193 assignsfile = open(self.assignsfilename, "w")
194 assignsfile.writelines(assignstrings)
195 assignsfile.close()
197 def getunassigned(self, action=None):
198 """gets all strings that are unassigned (for the given action if given)"""
199 unassigneditems = range(0, self.basefile.statistics.getitemslen())
200 self.assigns = self.getassigns()
201 for username in self.assigns:
202 if action is not None:
203 assigneditems = self.assigns[username].get(action, [])
204 else:
205 assigneditems = []
206 for action, actionitems in self.assigns[username].iteritems():
207 assigneditems += actionitems
208 unassigneditems = [item for item in unassigneditems if item not in assigneditems]
209 return unassigneditems
211 def finditems(self, search):
212 """returns items that match the .assignedto and/or .assignedaction criteria in the searchobject"""
213 # search.assignedto == [None] means assigned to nobody
214 if search.assignedto == [None]:
215 assignitems = self.getunassigned(search.assignedaction)
216 else:
217 # filter based on assign criteria
218 assigns = self.getassigns()
219 if search.assignedto:
220 usernames = [search.assignedto]
221 else:
222 usernames = assigns.iterkeys()
223 assignitems = []
224 for username in usernames:
225 if search.assignedaction:
226 actionitems = assigns[username].get(search.assignedaction, [])
227 assignitems.extend(actionitems)
228 else:
229 for actionitems in assigns[username].itervalues():
230 assignitems.extend(actionitems)
231 return assignitems
233 class pootlebase(object):
234 pass
236 class pootlefile(pootlebase):
237 """this represents a pootle-managed file and its associated files"""
238 x_generator = "Pootle %s" % __version__.ver
239 def __init__(self, project=None, pofilename=None):
240 if pofilename:
241 self.__class__.__bases__ = (factory.getclass(pofilename),)
242 super(pootlefile, self).__init__()
243 self.pofilename = pofilename
244 if project is None:
245 from Pootle import projects
246 self.project = projects.DummyProject(None)
247 self.checker = None
248 self.filename = self.pofilename
249 else:
250 self.project = project
251 self.checker = self.project.checker
252 self.filename = os.path.join(self.project.podir, self.pofilename)
254 self.lockedfile = LockedFile(self.filename)
255 # we delay parsing until it is required
256 self.pomtime = None
257 self.assigns = None
259 self.pendingfilename = self.filename + os.extsep + "pending"
260 self.pendingfile = None
261 self.statistics = statistics.pootlestatistics(self)
262 self.tmfilename = self.filename + os.extsep + "tm"
263 # we delay parsing until it is required
264 self.pomtime = None
265 self.tracker = timecache.timecache(20*60)
267 def parsestring(cls, storestring):
268 newstore = cls()
269 newstore.parse(storestring)
270 return newstore
271 parsestring = classmethod(parsestring)
273 def parsefile(cls, storefile):
274 """Reads the given file (or opens the given filename) and parses back to an object"""
275 if isinstance(storefile, basestring):
276 storefile = open(storefile, "r")
277 if "r" in getattr(storefile, "mode", "r"):
278 storestring =
279 else:
280 storestring = ""
281 return cls.parsestring(storestring)
282 parsefile = classmethod(parsefile)
284 def getheaderplural(self):
285 """returns values for nplural and plural values. It tries to see if the
286 file has it specified (in a po header or similar)."""
287 try:
288 return super(pootlefile, self).getheaderplural()
289 except AttributeError:
290 return None, None
292 def updateheaderplural(self, *args, **kwargs):
293 """updates the file header. If there is an updateheader function in the
294 underlying store it will be delegated there."""
295 try:
296 super(pootlefile, self).updateheaderplural(*args, **kwargs)
297 except AttributeError:
298 pass
300 def updateheader(self, **kwargs):
301 """updates the file header. If there is an updateheader function in the
302 underlying store it will be delegated there."""
303 try:
304 super(pootlefile, self).updateheader(**kwargs)
305 except AttributeError:
306 pass
308 def readpendingfile(self):
309 """reads and parses the pending file corresponding to this file"""
310 if os.path.exists(self.pendingfilename):
311 inputfile = open(self.pendingfilename, "r")
312 self.pendingfile = factory.getobject(inputfile, ignore=".pending")
313 else:
314 self.pendingfile = po.pofile()
316 def savependingfile(self):
317 """saves changes to disk..."""
318 output = str(self.pendingfile)
319 outputfile = open(self.pendingfilename, "w")
320 outputfile.write(output)
321 outputfile.close()
323 def readtmfile(self):
324 """reads and parses the tm file corresponding to this file"""
325 if os.path.exists(self.tmfilename):
326 tmmtime = statistics.getmodtime(self.tmfilename)
327 if tmmtime == getattr(self, "tmmtime", None):
328 return
329 inputfile = open(self.tmfilename, "r")
330 self.tmmtime, self.tmfile = tmmtime, factory.getobject(inputfile, ignore=".tm")
331 else:
332 self.tmfile = po.pofile()
334 def getsuggestions(self, item):
335 """find all the suggestion items submitted for the given item"""
336 unit = self.getitem(item)
337 if isinstance(unit, xliff.xliffunit):
338 return unit.getalttrans()
340 locations = unit.getlocations()
341 self.readpendingfile()
342 # TODO: review the matching method
343 suggestpos = [suggestpo for suggestpo in self.pendingfile.units if suggestpo.getlocations() == locations]
344 return suggestpos
346 def addsuggestion(self, item, suggtarget, username):
347 """adds a new suggestion for the given item"""
348 unit = self.getitem(item)
349 if isinstance(unit, xliff.xliffunit):
350 if isinstance(suggtarget, list) and (len(suggtarget) > 0):
351 suggtarget = suggtarget[0]
352 unit.addalttrans(suggtarget, origin=username)
353 self.statistics.reclassifyunit(item)
354 self.savepofile()
355 return
357 self.readpendingfile()
358 newpo = unit.copy()
359 if username is not None:
360 newpo.msgidcomments.append('"_: suggested by %s\\n"' % username)
361 = suggtarget
362 newpo.markfuzzy(False)
363 self.pendingfile.addunit(newpo)
364 self.savependingfile()
365 self.statistics.reclassifyunit(item)
367 def deletesuggestion(self, item, suggitem):
368 """removes the suggestion from the pending file"""
369 unit = self.getitem(item)
370 if hasattr(unit, "xmlelement"):
371 suggestions = self.getsuggestions(item)
372 unit.delalttrans(suggestions[suggitem])
373 self.savepofile()
374 else:
375 self.readpendingfile()
376 locations = unit.getlocations()
377 # TODO: remove the suggestion in a less brutal manner
378 pendingitems = [pendingitem for pendingitem, suggestpo in enumerate(self.pendingfile.units) if suggestpo.getlocations() == locations]
379 pendingitem = pendingitems[suggitem]
380 del self.pendingfile.units[pendingitem]
381 self.savependingfile()
382 self.statistics.reclassifyunit(item)
384 def getsuggester(self, item, suggitem):
385 """returns who suggested the given item's suggitem if recorded, else None"""
386 unit = self.getsuggestions(item)[suggitem]
387 if hasattr(unit, "xmlelement"):
388 return unit.xmlelement.getAttribute("origin")
390 for msgidcomment in unit.msgidcomments:
391 if msgidcomment.find("suggested by ") != -1:
392 suggestedby = po.unquotefrompo([msgidcomment]).replace("_:", "", 1).replace("suggested by ", "", 1).strip()
393 return suggestedby
394 return None
396 def gettmsuggestions(self, item):
397 """find all the tmsuggestion items submitted for the given item"""
398 self.readtmfile()
399 unit = self.getitem(item)
400 locations = unit.getlocations()
401 # TODO: review the matching method
402 # Can't simply use the location index, because we want multiple matches
403 suggestpos = [suggestpo for suggestpo in self.tmfile.units if suggestpo.getlocations() == locations]
404 return suggestpos
406 def track(self, item, message):
407 """sets the tracker message for the given item"""
408 self.tracker[item] = message
410 def readpofile(self):
411 """reads and parses the main file"""
412 # make sure encoding is reset so it is read from the file
413 self.encoding = None
414 self.units = []
415 pomtime, filecontents = self.lockedfile.getcontents()
416 # note: we rely on this not resetting the filename, which we set earlier, when given a string
417 self.parse(filecontents)
418 self.pomtime = pomtime
420 def savepofile(self):
421 """saves changes to the main file to disk..."""
422 output = str(self)
423 self.pomtime = self.lockedfile.writecontents(output)
425 def pofreshen(self):
426 """makes sure we have a freshly parsed pofile"""
427 try:
428 if self.pomtime != self.lockedfile.readmodtime():
429 self.readpofile()
430 except OSError, e:
431 # If this exception is not triggered by a bad
432 # symlink, then we have a missing file on our hands...
433 if not os.path.islink(self.filename):
434 # ...and thus we rescan our files to get rid of the missing filename
435 self.project.scanpofiles()
436 else:
437 print "%s is a broken symlink" % (self.filename,)
439 def getoutput(self):
440 """returns pofile output"""
441 self.pofreshen()
442 return super(pootlefile, self).getoutput()
444 def updateunit(self, item, newvalues, userprefs, languageprefs):
445 """updates a translation with a new target value"""
446 self.pofreshen()
447 unit = self.getitem(item)
449 if newvalues.has_key("target"):
450 = newvalues["target"]
451 if newvalues.has_key("fuzzy"):
452 unit.markfuzzy(newvalues["fuzzy"])
453 if newvalues.has_key("translator_comments"):
454 unit.removenotes()
455 if newvalues["translator_comments"]:
456 unit.addnote(newvalues["translator_comments"])
458 po_revision_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + tzstring()
459 headerupdates = {"PO_Revision_Date": po_revision_date, "X_Generator": self.x_generator}
460 if userprefs:
461 if getattr(userprefs, "name", None) and getattr(userprefs, "email", None):
462 headerupdates["Last_Translator"] = "%s <%s>" % (,
463 # XXX: If we needed to add a header, the index value in item will be one out after
464 # adding the header.
465 # TODO: remove once we force the PO class to always output headers
466 force_recache = False
467 if not self.header():
468 force_recache = True
469 self.updateheader(add=True, **headerupdates)
470 if languageprefs:
471 nplurals = getattr(languageprefs, "nplurals", None)
472 pluralequation = getattr(languageprefs, "pluralequation", None)
473 if nplurals and pluralequation:
474 self.updateheaderplural(nplurals, pluralequation)
475 self.savepofile()
476 if force_recache:
477 self.statistics.purge_totals()
478 self.statistics.reclassifyunit(item)
480 def getitem(self, item):
481 """Returns a single unit based on the item number."""
482 return self.units[self.statistics.getstats()["total"][item]]
484 def iteritems(self, search, lastitem=None):
485 """iterates through the items in this pofile starting after the given lastitem, using the given search"""
486 # update stats if required
487 translatables = self.statistics.getstats()["total"]
488 if lastitem is None:
489 minitem = 0
490 else:
491 minitem = lastitem + 1
492 maxitem = len(translatables)
493 validitems = range(minitem, maxitem)
494 if search.assignedto or search.assignedaction:
495 assignitems = self.getassigns().finditems(search)
496 validitems = [item for item in validitems if item in assignitems]
497 # loop through, filtering on matchnames if required
498 for item in validitems:
499 if not search.matchnames:
500 yield item
501 for name in search.matchnames:
502 if translatables[item] in self.statistics.getstats()[name]:
503 yield item
505 def matchitems(self, newfile, uselocations=False):
506 """matches up corresponding items in this pofile with the given newfile, and returns tuples of matching poitems (None if no match found)"""
507 if not hasattr(self, "sourceindex"):
508 self.makeindex()
509 if not hasattr(newfile, "sourceindex"):
510 newfile.makeindex()
511 matches = []
512 for newpo in newfile.units:
513 if newpo.isheader():
514 continue
515 foundid = False
516 if uselocations:
517 newlocations = newpo.getlocations()
518 mergedlocations = []
519 for location in newlocations:
520 if location in mergedlocations:
521 continue
522 if location in self.locationindex:
523 oldpo = self.locationindex[location]
524 if oldpo is not None:
525 foundid = True
526 matches.append((oldpo, newpo))
527 mergedlocations.append(location)
528 continue
529 if not foundid:
530 # We can't use the multistring, because it might contain more than two
531 # entries in a PO xliff file. Rather use the singular.
532 source = unicode(newpo.source)
533 if source in self.sourceindex:
534 oldpo = self.sourceindex[source]
535 matches.append((oldpo, newpo))
536 else:
537 matches.append((None, newpo))
538 # find items that have been removed
539 matcheditems = [oldpo for oldpo, newpo in matches if oldpo]
540 for oldpo in self.units:
541 if not oldpo in matcheditems:
542 matches.append((oldpo, None))
543 return matches
545 def getassigns(self):
546 if self.assigns is None:
547 self.assigns = pootleassigns(self)
548 return self.assigns
550 def mergeitem(self, oldpo, newpo, username, suggest=False):
551 """merges any changes from newpo into oldpo"""
552 unchanged = ==
553 if not suggest and (not or not or oldpo.isheader() or newpo.isheader() or unchanged):
554 oldpo.merge(newpo)
555 else:
556 for item in self.statistics.getstats()["total"]:
557 matchpo = self.units[item]
558 if matchpo == oldpo:
559 strings = getattr(, "strings", [])
560 self.addsuggestion(item, strings, username)
561 return
562 raise KeyError("Could not find item for merge")
564 def mergefile(self, newfile, username, allownewstrings=True, suggestions=False):
565 """make sure each msgid is unique ; merge comments etc from duplicates into original"""
566 self.makeindex()
567 matches = self.matchitems(newfile)
568 for oldpo, newpo in matches:
569 if suggestions:
570 if oldpo and newpo:
571 self.mergeitem(oldpo, newpo, username, suggest=True)
572 continue
574 if oldpo is None:
575 if allownewstrings:
576 if isinstance(newpo, po.pounit):
577 self.addunit(newpo)
578 else:
579 self.addunit(self.UnitClass.buildfromunit(newpo))
580 elif newpo is None:
581 # TODO: mark the old one as obsolete
582 pass
583 else:
584 self.mergeitem(oldpo, newpo, username)
585 # we invariably want to get the ids (source locations) from the newpo
586 if hasattr(newpo, "sourcecomments"):
587 oldpo.sourcecomments = newpo.sourcecomments
589 if not isinstance(newfile, po.pofile) or suggestions:
590 #TODO: We don't support updating the header yet.
591 self.savepofile()
592 # the easiest way to recalculate everything
593 self.readpofile()
594 return
596 #Let's update selected header entries. Only the ones listed below, and ones
597 #that are empty in self can be updated. The check in header_order is just
598 #a basic sanity check so that people don't insert garbage.
599 updatekeys = ['Content-Type',
600 'POT-Creation-Date',
601 'Last-Translator',
602 'Project-Id-Version',
603 'PO-Revision-Date',
604 'Language-Team']
605 headerstoaccept = {}
606 ownheader = self.parseheader()
607 for (key, value) in newfile.parseheader().items():
608 if key in updatekeys or (not key in ownheader or not ownheader[key]) and key in po.pofile.header_order:
609 headerstoaccept[key] = value
610 self.updateheader(add=True, **headerstoaccept)
612 #Now update the comments above the header:
613 header = self.header()
614 newheader = newfile.header()
615 if header is None and not newheader is None:
616 header = self.UnitClass("", encoding=self.encoding)
617 = ""
618 if header:
619 header._initallcomments(blankall=True)
620 if newheader:
621 for i in range(len(header.allcomments)):
622 header.allcomments[i].extend(newheader.allcomments[i])
624 self.savepofile()
625 # the easiest way to recalculate everything
626 self.readpofile()
628 class Search:
629 """an object containing all the searching information"""
630 def __init__(self, dirfilter=None, matchnames=[], assignedto=None, assignedaction=None, searchtext=None):
631 self.dirfilter = dirfilter
632 self.matchnames = matchnames
633 self.assignedto = assignedto
634 self.assignedaction = assignedaction
635 self.searchtext = searchtext
637 def copy(self):
638 """returns a copy of this search"""
639 return Search(self.dirfilter, self.matchnames, self.assignedto, self.assignedaction, self.searchtext)