Merge pull request #6287 from mruby/dependabot/github_actions/super-linter/super...
[mruby.git] / .pre-commit-config.yaml
1 ---
2 #
3 default_stages: [commit, push]
4 default_language_version:
5   # force all unspecified Python hooks to run python3
6   python: python3
7 minimum_pre_commit_version: "2.18.1"
8 repos:
9   - repo: meta
10     hooks:
11       - id: identity
12       - id: check-hooks-apply
13   - repo:
14     rev: v4.6.0
15     hooks:
16       - id: check-added-large-files
17       - id: check-case-conflict
18       - id: check-executables-have-shebangs
19         exclude: ^test/t/lang\.rb$
20       - id: check-merge-conflict
21       - id: check-shebang-scripts-are-executable
22       - id: check-vcs-permalinks
23       - id: check-yaml
24       - id: destroyed-symlinks
25       - id: detect-aws-credentials
26         args: [--allow-missing-credentials]
27       - id: detect-private-key
28       - id: end-of-file-fixer
29       - id: file-contents-sorter
30         args: [--unique]
31         files: ^\.github/linters/codespell\.txt$
32       - id: fix-byte-order-marker
33       - id: forbid-submodules
34       - id: mixed-line-ending
35       - id: trailing-whitespace
36   - repo:
37     rev: v1.5.5
38     hooks:
39       - id: forbid-tabs
40         exclude: Makefile$
41       - id: remove-tabs
42         args: [--whitespaces-count, "2"]
43         exclude: Makefile$
44   - repo:
45     rev: v2.2.6
46     hooks:
47       - id: codespell
48         name: Run codespell
49         description: Check spelling with codespell
50         args: [--ignore-words=.github/linters/codespell.txt]
51   - repo:
52     rev: 3.0.0
53     hooks:
54       - id: script-must-not-have-extension
55         name: Local policy is to exclude extension from all shell files
56         types: [shell]
57   - repo:
58     rev: v4.0.0-alpha.8
59     hooks:
60       - id: prettier
61         exclude: ^doc/internal/opcode\.md$
62   - repo:
63     rev: v0.39.0
64     hooks:
65       - id: markdownlint
66         name: Run markdownlint
67         description: Checks the style of Markdown files
68         args: [--config=.github/linters/.markdown-lint.yml]
69         types: [markdown]
70         files: \.md$
71   - repo:
72     rev: v3.12.1
73     hooks:
74       - id: markdown-link-check
75         name: Run markdown-link-check
76         description: Checks hyperlinks in Markdown files
77         args: [--config=.github/linters/mlc_config.json, -q]
78         types: [markdown]
79         files: \.md$
80   - repo:
81     rev: v1.35.1
82     hooks:
83       - id: yamllint
84         name: Run yamllint
85         description: Check YAML files with yamllint
86         args: [--strict, -c=.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml]
87         types: [yaml]
88         files: \.ya?ml$