This project is a fork of the girocco.git project. If you have that one already cloned locally, you can use
git clone --reference /path/to/your/girocco.git/incarnation mirror_URL
to save bandwidth during cloning.
descriptioncleanup, watchpoints, and more
homepage URL
last changeWed, 28 Oct 2009 06:00:47 +0000 (27 23:00 -0700)
content tags
One patch. I just wanted to create one patch.
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchwatch: add 'watch' supportmaster
2009-10-28 Zachary T WelchREADME: catch up with reality
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welch*.cgi: replace site-specific constansts
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchapache.conf: generate using
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchgitweb_config: configure gitweb_config.perl
2009-10-28 Zachary T WelchRepoCGI: move site params to Git::RepoCGI::Config
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welch*.sh: remove hard-coded bits with
2009-10-28 Zachary T WelchTODO: embrace and extend
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchabout.html: improve site description
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchdelproj: simplify code and messages
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: improve registration page
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: support 'fork' mode
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: improve push creation success output
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: improve captcha display and handling
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: enforce fork origin path
2009-10-28 Zachary T Welchregproj: strip off .git from projects names.
14 years ago master
15 years ago mob