descriptionGeany documentation plugin
homepage URL
last changeTue, 20 May 2008 22:00:09 +0000 (21 01:00 +0300)
content tags
Geany documentation plugin.
2008-05-20 Yura SiamashkaSources are deleted. Source control is moved to geany... master
2008-04-20 Yura SiamashkaFixed crash when documentation is called cursor is...
2008-04-20 Yura SiamashkaAdd compression to NSIS
2008-04-19 Yura Siamashkareadme update, inc version, fix install scripst
2008-04-19 Yura SiamashkaFix windows makefilev0.2
2008-04-19 Yura SiamashkaAdded windows installer script
2008-04-18 Yura SiamashkaUpdated Belarusian translation
2008-04-18 Yura SiamashkaVersion inc
2008-04-18 Yura SiamashkaFix description in pkgbuild
2008-04-18 Yura SiamashkaCall documentation on current selection.
2008-04-18 Yura SiamashkaAdded ebuild generation script, added missing ChangeLog...
2008-04-17 Yura SiamashkaNew source structure, added PKGBUILD generator script
2008-04-16 Yura Siamashkamake go back button works for internal documentation
2008-04-04 Yura SiamashkaVERSION_CHECK is replaced with PLUGIN_VERSION_CHECK
2008-03-24 Yura SiamashkaAdded -DGEANY_DISABLE_DEPRECATED to CFLAGS
2008-03-20 Yura SiamashkaUNUSED macros is replaced with G_GNUC_UNUSED
16 years ago v0.2
16 years ago v0.1
16 years ago master