added worldarea -> will be responsible for world map rendering
[dboe.git] / graphics.c
1 #include <Windows.h>
3 #include "string.h"
4 #include "stdio.h"
5 #include "global.h"
6 #include "graphics.h"
7 #include "newgraph.h"
8 #include "gutils.h"
9 #include "monster.h"
10 #include "dlogtool.h"
11 #include "locutils.h"
12 #include "fields.h"
13 #include "text.h"
14 #include "exlsound.h"
15 #include "graphutl.h"
17 extern HWND mainPtr;
18 extern RECT windRect;
19 extern short stat_window,give_delays,overall_mode;
20 extern short current_spell_range,town_type,store_anim_type;
21 extern Boolean in_startup_mode,anim_onscreen,play_sounds,frills_on,startup_loaded,party_in_memory;
22 extern short town_size[3];
23 extern short anim_step;
24 extern party_record_type far party;
25 extern piles_of_stuff_dumping_type *data_store;
26 extern piles_of_stuff_dumping_type2 *data_store2;
27 extern talking_record_type far talking;
28 extern scenario_data_type far scenario;
30 extern pc_record_type far adven[6];
31 extern big_tr_type far t_d;
32 extern outdoor_record_type far outdoors[2][2];
33 extern current_town_type far c_town;
34 extern town_item_list far t_i;
35 extern unsigned char far out[96][96];
36 extern unsigned char far out_e[96][96];
37 extern unsigned char far combat_terrain[64][64];
38 extern effect_pat_type current_pat;
39 extern Boolean web,crate,barrel,fire_barrier,force_barrier,quickfire,force_wall,fire_wall,antimagic,scloud,ice_wall,blade_wall;
40 extern short ulx,uly;
41 extern location pc_pos[6],pc_dir[6],center;
42 extern short which_combat_type,current_pc;
43 extern Boolean monsters_going,boom_anim_active,cartoon_happening;
44 extern short current_ground;
45 extern short terrain_pic[256];
46 extern short pc_moves[6];
47 extern short num_targets_left;
48 extern location spell_targets[8];
49 extern short display_mode;
50 extern HWND text_sbar,item_sbar,shop_sbar;
51 extern RECT sbar_rect,item_sbar_rect,shop_sbar_rect;
52 extern RECT talk_area_rect, word_place_rect,startup_top;
53 extern HBRUSH map_brush[25];
54 extern HBITMAP map_bitmap[25];
55 extern POINT store_anim_ul;
56 extern long register_flag,last_redraw_time;
57 extern long ed_flag,ed_key;
58 extern Boolean registered,ed_reg;
59 extern Boolean fast_bang;
61 extern HPALETTE hpal;
62 extern far PALETTEENTRY ape[256];
63 extern HDC main_dc,main_dc2,main_dc3;
65 extern HFONT fantasy_font,font,small_bold_font,italic_font,underline_font,bold_font;
66 extern HCURSOR arrow_curs[3][3], sword_curs, key_curs, target_curs,talk_curs,look_curs;
68 extern HANDLE store_hInstance;
69 extern Boolean modeless_exists[18],diff_depth_ok;
70 extern short modeless_key[18];
71 extern HWND modeless_dialogs[18];
72 extern piles_of_stuff_dumping_type3 *data_store3;
73 extern piles_of_stuff_dumping_type4 *data_store4;
75 extern unsigned char m_pic_index[200];
77 extern HBRUSH bg[14];
78 HBITMAP bg_bitmap[14];
79 HBRUSH checker_brush = NULL;
80 HBITMAP checker_bitmap = NULL,bw_bitmap;
81 HBITMAP startup_button_orig,startup_button_g,anim_mess ;
83 Boolean done_fancy_startup_once = FALSE;
85 extern Boolean fry_startup;
87 //HRGN clip_region;
89 //PaletteHandle new_palette,old_palette,wank_palette;
91 short terrain_there[9][9]; // this is an optimization variabel. Keeps track of what terrain
92 // is in the terrain spot, so things don't get redrawn.
93 // 0 - 299 just terrain graphic in place
94 // 300 - blackness
95 // -1 - nothign worth saving
97 extern long anim_ticks;
99 // 0 - terrain 1 - buttons 2 - pc stats
100 // 3 - item stats 4 - text bar 5 - text area (not right)
101 RECT win_from_rects[6] = {{0,0,279,351},{0,0,258,37},{0,0,288,115},{0,0,288,143},{0,0,279,21},{0,0,288,0}};
102 RECT win_to_rects[6] = {{5,5,284,356},{5,383,263,420},{0,0,271,116},{0,0,271,144},{5,358,284,379},{0,0,256,138}};
104 // 0 - title 1 - button 2 - credits 3 - base button
105 RECT startup_from[4] = {{0,0,602,274},{0,274,301,322},{301,0,579,67},{301,274,341,314}}; ////
106 extern RECT startup_button[6];
108 RECT trim_rects[8] = {{0,0,28,5},{0,31,28,36},{0,0,5,36},{24,0,28,36},
109 {0,0,5,5},{24,0,28,5},{24,31,28,36},{0,31,5,36}}; /**/
111 RECT top_left_rec = {0,0,28,36};
112 short which_graphic_index[6] = {50,50,50,50,50,50};
114 char combat_graphics[5] = {28,29,36,79,2};
115 short debug_nums[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
116 short remember_tiny_text = 300; // Remembers what's in the tiny text-bar, to prevent redrawing.
117 // 50 indicates area name, other number indicates which-rect.
118 // Add 200 if last mess. was in town
120 char light_area[13][13];
121 char unexplored_area[13][13];
123 // Declare the graphics
124 HBITMAP mixed_gworld, pc_stats_gworld, item_stats_gworld, text_area_gworld;
125 HBITMAP storage_gworld,terrain_screen_gworld,text_bar_gworld,orig_text_bar_gworld,buttons_gworld;
126 HBITMAP party_template_gworld,items_gworld,tiny_obj_gworld,fields_gworld;
127 extern HBITMAP map_gworld;
128 HBITMAP dlg_buttons_gworld,missiles_gworld,dlogpics_gworld,small_temp_gworld;
130 HBITMAP dialog_pattern_gworld,pattern_gworld,status_pattern_gworld;
132 // Startup graphics, will die when play starts
133 HBITMAP startup_gworld;
134 HPALETTE opening_palette;
136 HRGN clip_region;
137 HBRUSH gbrush;
138 HPEN gpen;
140 // Graphics storage vals
141 short far which_g_stored[STORED_GRAPHICS];
142 // 0 - 299 terrain graphic 300 + i monster graphic i, face right 600 + i face left
143 // 1000 + 100 * j + i anim i pos j 2300 + i combat monster graphic i, face right 2600 + i face left
144 short far wish_list[STORED_GRAPHICS];
145 short far storage_status[STORED_GRAPHICS]; // 0 - empty 1 - in use 2 - there, not in use
147 Boolean has_run_anim = FALSE,currently_loading_graphics = FALSE;
148 //short anim_step = 0;
149 //short overall_anim_step = 0;
151 RECT main_win_rect = {0,0,250,410};
152 RECT main_win2_source_rect = {0,0,265,410};
153 RECT main_win2_rect = {250,0,515,410};
155 RECT tiny_world_1_source_rect = {0,0,145,190},
156 tiny_world_1_rect = {242,195,475,385};
158 RECT share_mess_source_rect = {0,0,120,59},
159 share_mess_rect = {384,120,504,179};
160 RECT start_buttons_source_rect = {0,0,190,186},
161 start_buttons_rect = {30,214,220,400}; /**/
163 // Variables to store trim. Makes game faster, but wastes 15K. We'll see how it works...
164 char far out_trim[96][96];
165 char far town_trim[64][64];
167 // Array to store which spots have been seen. Time-saver for drawing fields
168 char spot_seen[9][9];
170 char anim_str[256];
171 location anim_str_loc;
172 short startup_anim_pos = 43;
174 extern short combat_posing_monster , current_working_monster ; // 0-5 PC 100 + x - monster x
175 Boolean supressing_some_spaces = FALSE;
176 location ok_space[4] = {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}};
177 char combat_string[100];
180 void adjust_window_mode()
182 RECT windRECT;
184 create_clip_region();
185 undo_clip();
186 if (overall_mode != 45) {
187 if (in_startup_mode == TRUE)
188 draw_startup(0);
189 if (in_startup_mode == FALSE)
190 refresh_screen(0);
192 MoveWindow(text_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 283,15,138,TRUE);
193 MoveWindow(item_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 147,15,107,TRUE);
194 MoveWindow(shop_sbar,ulx + 258,uly + 67,16,290,TRUE);
198 void plop_fancy_startup()
200 HBITMAP pict_to_draw = NULL;
201 long dummy;
202 short i,j,sx,sy;
204 RECT screen_rect = {0,0,613,448},from_rect = {0,0,350,350},to_rect,whole_window;
205 POINT graphic_ul;
206 HBRUSH old_brush;
207 long cur_time;
208 RECT big_pic_from = {2,48,641,434};
210 GetClientRect(mainPtr,&whole_window);
212 //from_rect = screen_rect;
213 //if (whole_window.right > 613)
214 // OffsetRect(&screen_rect,(whole_window.right - 613) / 2 - 4,0);
215 //if (whole_window.bottom > 448)
216 // OffsetRect(&screen_rect,0,(whole_window.bottom - 448) / 2 - 15);
218 if (done_fancy_startup_once == FALSE) {
219 // initialize buffers and rects
220 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++) {
221 which_g_stored[i] = (i < 50) ? i : 0;
222 wish_list[i] = 0;
223 storage_status[i] = (i < 50) ? 1 : 0;
225 for (i = 0;i < 8; i++)
226 OffsetRect(&trim_rects[i],61,37);
227 for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
228 for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
229 terrain_there[i][j] = -1;
231 OffsetRect(&win_to_rects[5],TEXT_WIN_UL_X,TEXT_WIN_UL_Y);
232 OffsetRect(&win_to_rects[2],PC_WIN_UL_X,PC_WIN_UL_Y);
233 OffsetRect(&win_to_rects[3],ITEM_WIN_UL_X,ITEM_WIN_UL_Y);
235 main_dc = GetDC(mainPtr);
237 pict_to_draw = ReadDib("blscened/SPIDLOGO.BMP",main_dc);
239 SelectPalette(main_dc,hpal,0);
240 SelectObject(main_dc,font);
241 SetBkMode(main_dc,TRANSPARENT);
242 main_dc2 = CreateCompatibleDC(main_dc);
243 SetMapMode(main_dc2,GetMapMode(mainPtr));
244 SelectPalette(main_dc2,hpal,0);
245 main_dc3 = CreateCompatibleDC(main_dc);
246 SetMapMode(main_dc3,GetMapMode(mainPtr));
247 SelectPalette(main_dc3,hpal,0);
248 SetStretchBltMode(main_dc,STRETCH_DELETESCANS);
249 SetStretchBltMode(main_dc2,STRETCH_DELETESCANS);
250 SetStretchBltMode(main_dc3,STRETCH_DELETESCANS);
252 else pict_to_draw = ReadDib("blscened/SPIDLOGO.BMP",main_dc);
254 cur_time = GetCurrentTime();
255 //gray_out_window(0);
256 old_brush = SelectObject(main_dc,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
257 Rectangle(main_dc, whole_window.left,,
258 whole_window.right,whole_window.bottom);
259 SelectObject(main_dc,old_brush);
260 //sx = ulx;
261 //sy = uly;
263 graphic_ul.x = (whole_window.right - 350) / 2 - ulx;
264 graphic_ul.y = (whole_window.bottom - 350) / 2 - uly - 10;
265 to_rect = from_rect;
266 OffsetRect(&to_rect,graphic_ul.x,graphic_ul.y);
267 rect_draw_some_item(pict_to_draw,from_rect,pict_to_draw,to_rect,0,1);
268 play_sound(95);
269 //ulx = sx;
270 //uly = sy;
271 DeleteObject(pict_to_draw);
272 if (done_fancy_startup_once == FALSE) {
273 done_fancy_startup_once = TRUE;
275 Set_up_win();
276 init_startup();
279 while (GetCurrentTime() - cur_time < 3000) ;
281 old_brush = SelectObject(main_dc,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
282 Rectangle(main_dc, whole_window.left,,
283 whole_window.right,whole_window.bottom);
284 SelectObject(main_dc,old_brush);
285 pict_to_draw = ReadDib("blscened/START.BMP",main_dc);
287 cur_time = GetCurrentTime();
289 graphic_ul.x = (whole_window.right - 639) / 2 - ulx;
290 graphic_ul.y = (whole_window.bottom - 486) / 2 - uly + 46;
291 from_rect = big_pic_from;
292 to_rect = from_rect;
294 OffsetRect(&to_rect,-1 * to_rect.left + graphic_ul.x,-1 * + graphic_ul.y);
295 rect_draw_some_item(pict_to_draw,from_rect,pict_to_draw,to_rect,0,1);
296 DeleteObject(pict_to_draw);
298 play_sound(-22);
299 while (GetCurrentTime() - cur_time < 5000) ;
300 old_brush = SelectObject(main_dc,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
301 Rectangle(main_dc, whole_window.left,,
302 whole_window.right,whole_window.bottom);
303 SelectObject(main_dc,old_brush);
304 inflict_palette();
307 void fancy_startup_delay()
309 long dummy;
310 RECT region_rect,old_rect = {0,0,0,0};
311 short i;
313 //play_sound(-9);
314 // insert gray out window here
316 FlushEvents(2);
319 void init_startup()
321 COLORREF x = RGB(204,204,204);
322 UINT c;
324 startup_loaded = TRUE;
326 c = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,x);
327 gbrush = CreateSolidBrush(PALETTEINDEX(c));
328 gpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,PALETTEINDEX(c));
330 startup_gworld = load_pict(830,main_dc);
331 startup_button_orig = load_pict(832,main_dc);
332 startup_button_g = load_pict(832,main_dc);
333 anim_mess = load_pict(831,main_dc);
336 void draw_startup(short but_type)
338 RECT to_rect,write_rect;
339 RECT r1 = {-1000,-1000,1000,5},r2 = {-1000,-1000,5,1000},r3 = {-1000,418,1000,2000},
340 r4 = {579,-1000,2500,1000};
341 short i;
342 char str[256];
344 if (startup_loaded == FALSE)
345 return;
347 r1.bottom = uly + 5;
348 paint_pattern(NULL,1,r1,0);
349 r2.right = ulx + 5;
350 paint_pattern(NULL,1,r2,0);
351 += uly + 5;
352 paint_pattern(NULL,1,r3,0);
353 r4.left += ulx + 5;
354 paint_pattern(NULL,1,r4,0);
355 to_rect = startup_from[0];
356 OffsetRect(&to_rect,5,5);
357 rect_draw_some_item(startup_gworld,startup_from[0],startup_gworld,to_rect,0,1);
359 // to_rect = startup_from[2];
360 // OffsetRect(&to_rect,306,(-1 * + 356);
361 // rect_draw_some_item(startup_gworld,startup_from[2],startup_gworld,to_rect,0,1);
363 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
364 rect_draw_some_item(startup_gworld,startup_from[1],startup_gworld,startup_button[i],0,1);
365 draw_start_button(i,but_type);
367 draw_startup_anim();
369 draw_startup_stats();
372 void draw_startup_stats()
374 RECT from_rect,to_rect,party_from = {0,0,28,36},pc_rect,frame_rect;
375 short i;
376 char str[256];
377 COLORREF colors[5] = {RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,204,255),RGB(0,160,0),RGB(0,0,255)};
378 UINT c[5];
379 HBRUSH hbrush;
381 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
382 c[i] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,colors[i]);
383 to_rect = startup_top;
384 OffsetRect(&to_rect, 20, 35);
385 hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(PALETTEINDEX(c[2]));
387 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[1]));
389 if (party_in_memory == FALSE) {
390 //TextSize(20);
391 SelectObject(main_dc,fantasy_font);
392 OffsetRect(&to_rect,175,40);
393 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
394 "No Party in Memory",0,18);
396 if (party_in_memory == TRUE) {
397 frame_rect = startup_top;
398 InflateRect(&frame_rect,-50,-50);
399 += 30;
400 OffsetRect(&frame_rect,ulx ,uly + 10);
401 FrameRect(main_dc,&frame_rect,hbrush);
403 SelectObject(main_dc,fantasy_font);
404 OffsetRect(&to_rect,213,25);
405 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
406 "Your party:",0,18);
407 SelectObject(main_dc,small_bold_font);
408 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
409 pc_rect = startup_top;
410 pc_rect.right = pc_rect.left + 300;
411 pc_rect.bottom = + 79;
412 OffsetRect(&pc_rect,60 + 232 * (i / 3) + 25,95 + 45 * (i % 3));
414 if (adven[i].main_status > 0) {
415 from_rect = party_from;
416 OffsetRect(&from_rect,56 * (i / 3),36 * (i % 3));
417 to_rect = party_from,
418 OffsetRect(&to_rect,pc_rect.left, + 2);
419 rect_draw_some_item(party_template_gworld,from_rect,
420 party_template_gworld,to_rect,0,1);
421 InflateRect(&to_rect,1,1);
422 OffsetRect(&to_rect,ulx,uly);
423 FrameRect(main_dc,&to_rect,hbrush);
425 SelectObject(main_dc,bold_font);
426 OffsetRect(&pc_rect,35,0);
427 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,
428 adven[i].name,0,18);
429 OffsetRect(&to_rect,pc_rect.left + 8, + 8);
432 //TextSize(12);
433 OffsetRect(&pc_rect,12,16);
434 SelectObject(main_dc,small_bold_font);
435 switch (adven[i].main_status) {
436 case 1:
437 switch (adven[i].race) {
438 case 0: sprintf((char *) str,"Level %d Human",adven[i].level); break;
439 case 1: sprintf((char *) str,"Level %d Nephilim",adven[i].level); break;
440 case 2: sprintf((char *) str,"Level %d Slithzerikai",adven[i].level); break;
442 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,(char *) str,0,18);
443 OffsetRect(&pc_rect,0,13);
444 sprintf((char *) str,"Health %d, Spell pts. %d",
445 adven[i].max_health,adven[i].max_sp);
446 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,(char *) str,0,18);
447 break;
448 case 2:
449 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,"Dead",0,18);
450 break;
451 case 3:
452 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,"Dust",0,18);
453 break;
454 case 4:
455 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,"Stone",0,18);
456 break;
461 SelectObject(main_dc,small_bold_font);
462 pc_rect = startup_from[0];
463 OffsetRect(&pc_rect,5,5);
464 = pc_rect.bottom - 28;
465 pc_rect.left = pc_rect.right - 275;
466 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,"Copyright 1997-8, All Rights Reserved, v1.0.1",0,18);
467 if (registered == FALSE) {
468 pc_rect.left = startup_from[0].left + 22;
469 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,pc_rect,"Unregistered copy. To order, select How To Order.",0,18);
472 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[0]));
473 DeleteObject(hbrush);
476 void draw_startup_anim()
478 RECT anim_to = {1,4,276,44},anim_from;
479 RECT anim_size = {0,0,301,48};
481 anim_from = anim_to;
482 OffsetRect(&anim_from,-1,-4 + startup_anim_pos);
483 startup_anim_pos = (startup_anim_pos + 1) % 542;
484 rect_draw_some_item(startup_button_orig,anim_size,startup_button_g,anim_size,0,0);
485 rect_draw_some_item(anim_mess,anim_from,startup_button_g,anim_to,1,0);
486 rect_draw_some_item(startup_button_g,anim_size,startup_button_g,startup_button[5],0,1);
489 void draw_start_button(short which_position,short which_button)
491 RECT from_rect,to_rect;
492 char *button_labels[] = {"Load Game","Make New Party","How To Order",
493 "Start Scenario","Custom Scenario","Quit"};
494 RECT button_from = {172,0,202,30};
495 COLORREF colors[5] = {RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,0,0),RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,255,255),RGB(0,0,255)};
496 UINT c[5];
498 short i;
500 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
501 c[i] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,colors[i]);
503 from_rect = startup_from[3];
504 OffsetRect(&from_rect, (which_button > 0) ? 40 : 0,0);
505 to_rect = startup_button[which_position];
506 to_rect.left += 4; += 4;
507 to_rect.right = to_rect.left + 40;
508 to_rect.bottom = + 40;
509 += 4; += 4;
510 rect_draw_some_item(startup_gworld,from_rect,startup_gworld,to_rect,0,1);
512 //TextFont(dungeon_font_num);
513 //TextFace(0);
514 //TextSize(24);
515 to_rect = startup_button[which_position];
516 //to_rect.left += 80;
517 OffsetRect(&to_rect, 10, 0);
518 if (which_button == 5)
519 which_button = 4;
520 if (which_button == 0)
521 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[2]));
522 else SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[2]));
523 SelectObject(main_dc,fantasy_font);
524 if (which_position == 3)
525 OffsetRect(&to_rect,-7,0);
526 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[0]));
527 OffsetRect(&to_rect,0,1);
528 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
529 (char *) button_labels[which_position],1,18);
530 OffsetRect(&to_rect,0,-2);
531 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
532 (char *) button_labels[which_position],1,18);
533 OffsetRect(&to_rect,1,1);
534 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
535 (char *) button_labels[which_position],1,18);
536 OffsetRect(&to_rect,-2,0);
537 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
538 (char *) button_labels[which_position],1,18);
539 OffsetRect(&to_rect,1,0);
540 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[2]));
541 char_win_draw_string(main_dc,to_rect,
542 (char *) button_labels[which_position],1,18);
543 SelectObject(main_dc,font);
544 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[0]));
545 //ForeColor(blackColor);
546 //TextFont(geneva_font_num);
547 //TextFace(bold);
548 //TextSize(10);
552 void main_button_click(short mode,RECT button_rect)
554 long dummy;
557 ClipRect(&button_rect);
559 draw_buttons(1);
560 if (play_sounds == TRUE)
561 play_sound(37);
562 else Delay(5,&dummy);
563 draw_buttons(0);
564 undo_clip();
567 void arrow_button_click(RECT button_rect)
569 long dummy;
571 ClipRect(&button_rect);
573 refresh_stat_areas(1);
574 if (play_sounds == TRUE)
575 play_sound(37);
576 else Delay(5,&dummy);
577 refresh_stat_areas(0);
578 undo_clip();
581 void reload_startup()////
583 if (startup_loaded == TRUE)
584 return;
586 DestroyWindow(modeless_dialogs[5]);
587 modeless_exists[5] = FALSE;
588 if (text_sbar != NULL) {
589 ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,FALSE);
590 ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,FALSE);
592 // SelectWindow(mainPtr);
593 // SetPort(mainPtr);
594 init_startup();
596 startup_loaded = TRUE;
597 //load_main_screen();
600 void end_startup()
602 if (startup_loaded == FALSE)
603 return;
605 DeleteObject(startup_gworld);
606 DeleteObject(startup_button_orig);
607 DeleteObject(startup_button_g);
608 DeleteObject(anim_mess);
610 startup_loaded = FALSE;
611 load_main_screen();
614 // This loads the graphics at the top of the game.
615 void Set_up_win ()
617 RECT temp_rect = {0,0,280,0},map_world_rect;
618 RECT map_rect = {0,0,384,384};
619 RECT pc_rect = {0,0,113,216};
620 HBITMAP temp_gworld;
621 short i,j;
622 RECT mask_rect = {0,0,308,396},r = {0,0,280,180}; /**/
623 RECT bg_from[9] = {{0,168,8,176},{23,206,31,214},{32,168,40,176},{102,174,110,182},
624 {173,191,181,199},{203,190,211,198},{273,183,281,191},{373,0,381,8},
625 {380,17,388,25}};
626 RECT map_from_orig = {372,0,380,8},map_from,brush_to = {0,0,8,8};
627 WORD patbits[] = {0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55};
629 RECT pat_from = {96,168,160,232}, pat_to_orig = {0,0,64,64},pat_to;
631 checker_bitmap = CreateBitmap(8,8,1,1,(LPSTR) patbits);
632 checker_brush = CreatePatternBrush(checker_bitmap);
633 bw_bitmap = CreateBitmap(72,72,1,1,NULL);
635 temp_rect.bottom = (STORED_GRAPHICS / 10) * 36;
636 storage_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,temp_rect.right,temp_rect.bottom);
638 temp_gworld = load_pict(800,main_dc);
639 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,r,storage_gworld,r,0,0);
640 DeleteObject(temp_gworld);
642 terrain_screen_gworld = load_pict(705,main_dc);
644 party_template_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,pc_rect.right,pc_rect.bottom);
645 small_temp_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,28,36);
647 items_gworld = load_pict(901,main_dc);
648 tiny_obj_gworld = load_pict(900,main_dc);
649 fields_gworld = load_pict(821,main_dc);
650 missiles_gworld = load_pict(880,main_dc);
651 dlogpics_gworld = load_pict(850,main_dc);
652 mixed_gworld = load_pict(903,main_dc);
654 dialog_pattern_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,192,256);
655 pattern_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,192,256);
656 status_pattern_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,256,128);
657 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
658 for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
659 pat_to = pat_to_orig;
660 OffsetRect(&pat_to,64 * i, 64 * j);
661 rect_draw_some_item(mixed_gworld,pat_from,status_pattern_gworld,
662 pat_to,0,0);
666 dlg_buttons_gworld = load_pict(2000,main_dc);
668 map_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,map_rect.right,map_rect.bottom);
670 // Create and initialize map gworld
671 //err = NewGWorld(&map_gworld, 0,&map_rect, NIL, NIL, 0);
673 for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
674 bg_bitmap[i] = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,8,8);
675 rect_draw_some_item(mixed_gworld,bg_from[i],bg_bitmap[i],brush_to,0,0);
676 bg[i] = CreatePatternBrush(bg_bitmap[i]);
678 for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
679 map_from = map_from_orig;
680 OffsetRect(&map_from,8 * (i / 10),8 * (i % 10));
681 map_bitmap[i] = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,8,8);
682 rect_draw_some_item(mixed_gworld,map_from,map_bitmap[i],brush_to,0,0);
683 map_brush[i] = CreatePatternBrush(map_bitmap[i]);
686 GetPort(&old_port);
687 SetPort((GrafPtr) map_gworld);
688 map_world_rect = map_gworld->portRect;
689 ForeColor(whiteColor);
690 PaintRect(&map_world_rect);
691 ForeColor(blackColor);
692 SetPort(old_port);
697 void lose_graphics() {
698 short i,j;
700 if (startup_loaded == TRUE) {
701 DeleteObject(startup_gworld);
703 else {
704 DeleteObject(pc_stats_gworld);
705 DeleteObject(item_stats_gworld);
706 DeleteObject(text_area_gworld);
707 DeleteObject(text_bar_gworld);
708 DeleteObject(orig_text_bar_gworld);
709 DeleteObject(buttons_gworld);
711 DeleteObject(bw_bitmap);
712 DeleteObject(dialog_pattern_gworld);
713 DeleteObject(pattern_gworld);
714 DeleteObject(status_pattern_gworld);
716 DeleteObject(checker_bitmap);
717 DeleteObject(checker_brush);
718 DeleteObject(storage_gworld);
719 DeleteObject(terrain_screen_gworld);
720 DeleteObject(party_template_gworld);
721 DeleteObject(items_gworld);
722 DeleteObject(tiny_obj_gworld);
723 DeleteObject(fields_gworld);
724 DeleteObject(missiles_gworld);
725 DeleteObject(dlogpics_gworld);
726 DeleteObject(mixed_gworld);
727 DeleteObject(dlg_buttons_gworld);
728 DeleteObject(map_gworld);
729 DeleteObject(small_temp_gworld);
731 reset_palette();
732 DeleteObject(hpal);
733 DeleteObject(opening_palette);
734 DeleteDC(main_dc);
735 DeleteDC(main_dc2);
736 DeleteDC(main_dc3);
737 DeleteObject(font);
738 DeleteObject(fantasy_font);
739 // DeleteObject(small_bold_font);
740 DeleteObject(underline_font);
741 DeleteObject(italic_font);
742 DeleteObject(bold_font);
743 for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
744 DeleteObject(bg_bitmap[i]);
745 DeleteObject(bg[i]);
747 for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
748 DeleteObject(map_bitmap[i]);
749 DeleteObject(map_brush[i]);
751 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
752 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
753 DeleteObject(arrow_curs[i][j]);
754 DeleteObject(talk_curs);
755 DeleteObject(sword_curs);
756 DeleteObject( key_curs);
757 DeleteObject( target_curs);
758 DeleteObject( look_curs);
759 DeleteObject(gbrush);
760 DeleteObject(gpen);
762 kill_sound();
766 void load_main_screen()
769 // tiny_map_graphics = load_pict(904);
770 HBITMAP temp_gworld;
771 RECT from_rect = {0,0,271,116},to_rect = {0,0,0,0};
773 // load in graphic with 3 right side status areas, and copy each of them into
774 // its own private HBITMAP
775 temp_gworld = load_pict(700,main_dc);
777 pc_stats_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,271,116);
778 to_rect.right = 271; to_rect.bottom = 116;
779 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,pc_stats_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
781 item_stats_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,271,144);
782 to_rect.bottom = 144;
783 = 116; from_rect.bottom = 260;
784 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,item_stats_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
786 text_area_gworld = CreateCompatibleBitmap(main_dc,256,138);
787 to_rect.right = 256; to_rect.bottom = 138;
788 = 260; from_rect.bottom = 398; from_rect.right = 256;
789 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,text_area_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
791 DeleteObject(temp_gworld);
793 text_bar_gworld = load_pict(703,main_dc);
794 orig_text_bar_gworld = load_pict(703,main_dc);
795 buttons_gworld = load_pict(704,main_dc);
799 void create_clip_region()
801 short i;
802 RECT store_rect = {0,0,2000,2000};
803 RECT scrollbar_rect;
804 HRGN temp_rgn;
806 DeleteObject(clip_region);
807 GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(),&store_rect);
808 clip_region = CreateRectRgn(0,0,store_rect.right * 2,store_rect.bottom * 2);
811 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
812 store_rect = win_to_rects[i];
813 OffsetRect(&store_rect,ulx,uly);
814 if ((is_out()) || (is_town()) || (is_combat()) ||
815 (i == 2) || (i == 3) || (i == 5)) {
816 temp_rgn = CreateRectRgn(store_rect.left,,store_rect.right,store_rect.bottom);
817 CombineRgn(clip_region,clip_region,temp_rgn,RGN_DIFF);
818 DeleteObject(temp_rgn);
821 if ((overall_mode == 20) || (overall_mode == 21) ){
822 scrollbar_rect = talk_area_rect;
823 OffsetRect(&scrollbar_rect,ulx,uly);
824 temp_rgn = CreateRectRgn(scrollbar_rect.left,,scrollbar_rect.right,scrollbar_rect.bottom);
825 CombineRgn(clip_region,clip_region,temp_rgn,RGN_DIFF);
826 DeleteObject(temp_rgn);
828 scrollbar_rect = sbar_rect;
829 OffsetRect(&scrollbar_rect,ulx,uly);
830 temp_rgn = CreateRectRgn(scrollbar_rect.left,,scrollbar_rect.right,scrollbar_rect.bottom);
831 CombineRgn(clip_region,clip_region,temp_rgn,RGN_DIFF);
832 DeleteObject(temp_rgn);
833 scrollbar_rect = item_sbar_rect;
834 OffsetRect(&scrollbar_rect,ulx,uly);
835 temp_rgn = CreateRectRgn(scrollbar_rect.left,,scrollbar_rect.right,scrollbar_rect.bottom);
836 CombineRgn(clip_region,clip_region,temp_rgn,RGN_DIFF);
837 DeleteObject(temp_rgn);
841 // redraw_screen does the very first redraw, and any full redraw
842 void redraw_screen(short mode)
844 if (text_sbar == NULL) {
845 text_sbar = CreateWindow("scrollbar",NULL,
846 WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | SBS_VERT | WS_VISIBLE, sbar_rect.left,,sbar_rect.right,sbar_rect.bottom,
847 mainPtr,1,store_hInstance,NULL);
848 SetScrollRange(text_sbar,SB_CTL,0,58,FALSE);
849 item_sbar = CreateWindow("scrollbar",NULL,
850 WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | SBS_VERT | WS_VISIBLE, item_sbar_rect.left,,item_sbar_rect.right,item_sbar_rect.bottom,
851 mainPtr,2,store_hInstance,NULL);
852 SetScrollRange(item_sbar,SB_CTL,0,16,FALSE);
853 ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
854 ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
855 MoveWindow(text_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 283,15,138,TRUE);
856 MoveWindow(item_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 147,15,107,TRUE);
858 else {
859 ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
860 ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
862 //if (overall_mode == 21) {
863 // ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
864 // }
865 // else ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,FALSE);
866 switch (overall_mode) {
867 case 20: case 21:
868 put_background();
869 break;
870 default:
871 //draw_main_screen();
872 draw_terrain(0);
874 draw_buttons(0);
875 draw_text_bar(1);
876 if ((overall_mode == 10) && (current_pc < 6))
877 draw_pcs(pc_pos[current_pc],1);
878 if (overall_mode == 14)
879 draw_targets(center);
881 break;
884 put_pc_screen();
886 if (current_pc < 6)
887 put_item_screen(current_pc,0);
889 print_buf();
894 void draw_main_screen()
896 if (overall_mode == 20) {
897 put_background();
899 else {
900 draw_buttons(0);
901 rect_draw_some_item (terrain_screen_gworld, win_from_rects[0], terrain_screen_gworld, win_to_rects[0], 0, 1);
904 if ((current_pc < 6) && (overall_mode == 10))
905 draw_pcs(pc_pos[current_pc],1);
906 if (overall_mode == 14)
907 draw_targets(center);
909 draw_text_area(0);
910 //ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
911 //ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
912 if (text_sbar == NULL) {
913 text_sbar = CreateWindow("scrollbar",NULL,
914 WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | SBS_VERT | WS_VISIBLE, sbar_rect.left,,sbar_rect.right,sbar_rect.bottom,
915 mainPtr,1,store_hInstance,NULL);
916 SetScrollRange(text_sbar,SB_CTL,0,58,FALSE);
917 item_sbar = CreateWindow("scrollbar",NULL,
918 WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | SBS_VERT | WS_VISIBLE, item_sbar_rect.left,,item_sbar_rect.right,item_sbar_rect.bottom,
919 mainPtr,2,store_hInstance,NULL);
920 SetScrollRange(item_sbar,SB_CTL,0,16,FALSE);
921 ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
922 ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
923 MoveWindow(text_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 283,15,138,TRUE);
924 MoveWindow(item_sbar,ulx + 547,uly + 147,15,107,TRUE);
926 //if (overall_mode == 21) {
927 // ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
928 // }
929 // else ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,FALSE);
933 void refresh_screen(short mode)
935 if (overall_mode == 20) {
936 put_background();
937 refresh_talking();
939 else if (overall_mode == 21) {
940 put_background();
941 refresh_shopping();
943 else {
944 draw_buttons(0);
945 redraw_terrain();
946 if ((current_pc < 6) && (overall_mode == 10))
947 draw_pcs(pc_pos[current_pc],1);
948 if (overall_mode == 14)
949 draw_targets(center);
950 draw_text_bar(1);
953 draw_text_area(0);
954 //ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
955 //ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
956 //if (overall_mode == 21) {
957 // ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
958 // }
959 // else ShowScrollBar(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,FALSE);
963 void put_background()
965 HBRUSH bg_pict,old_b;
966 HDC hdc;
967 short wp;
968 RECT r;
970 if (is_out()) {
971 if (party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7)
972 wp = 0;
973 else wp = 7;
975 else if (is_combat()) {
976 if (party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7)
977 wp = 9;
978 else wp = 6;
980 else {
981 if (party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7)
982 wp = 5;
983 else wp = 8;
986 SelectClipRgn(main_dc,clip_region);
987 GetClientRect(mainPtr,&r);
988 paint_pattern(mainPtr, 1,r,wp);
989 undo_clip();
991 //ShowScrollBar(text_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
992 //ShowScrollBar(item_sbar,SB_CTL,TRUE);
996 void flood_bg()
998 short wp;
999 RECT r;
1001 if (is_out()) {
1002 if (party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7)
1003 wp = 0;
1004 else wp = 7;
1006 else if (is_combat()) {
1007 if (party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7)
1008 wp = 9;
1009 else wp = 6;
1011 else {
1012 if ((party.outdoor_corner.x >= 7) && (c_town.town_num != 21))
1013 wp = 5;
1014 else wp = 4;
1017 GetWindowRect(mainPtr,&r);
1018 paint_pattern(NULL, 1,r,wp);
1021 void draw_buttons(short mode)
1022 //mode; // 0 - regular 1 - button action
1024 RECT source_rect = {0,0,258,37}, dest_rec; /**/
1025 HBITMAP buttons_to_draw;
1026 Boolean spec_draw = FALSE;
1027 RECT bg_rect,base_rect = {0,0,40,40};
1028 short i = 0,j = 0;
1030 if (mode == 1) {
1031 spec_draw = TRUE;
1032 mode -= 100;
1035 buttons_to_draw = buttons_gworld;
1037 source_rect = win_to_rects[1];
1038 OffsetRect(&source_rect,-1 * source_rect.left, -1 *;
1039 if (is_combat()) {
1040 += 37;
1041 source_rect.bottom += 37;
1043 if (is_town()) {
1044 += 74;
1045 source_rect.bottom += 74;
1048 dest_rec = win_to_rects[1];
1049 rect_draw_some_item(buttons_gworld,source_rect,buttons_gworld,dest_rec,(spec_draw == TRUE) ? 2 : 0,1);
1051 put_background();
1055 // In general, refreshes any area that has text in it, the stat areas, the text bar
1056 void draw_text_area(short mode)
1057 //short mode unused
1059 refresh_stat_areas(0);
1061 draw_text_bar(0);
1064 void reset_text_bar()
1066 remember_tiny_text = 300;
1070 void draw_text_bar(short mode)
1071 //short mode; // 0 - no redraw 1 - forced
1073 short i,num_rect[3] = {12,10,4};
1074 location loc;
1076 loc = (is_out()) ? global_to_local(party.p_loc) : c_town.p_loc;
1078 if (mode == 1)
1079 remember_tiny_text = 500;
1080 if ((PSD[305][0] > 0) || (PSD[305][1] > 0) ||(PSD[305][2] > 0) ||(PSD[305][3] > 0) )
1081 remember_tiny_text = 500;
1082 if (is_out()) {
1083 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
1084 if (pt_in_rect(loc,outdoors[party.i_w_c.x][party.i_w_c.y].info_rect[i]))
1085 if ((remember_tiny_text == i) && (mode == 0))
1086 return;
1087 else {
1088 put_text_bar(data_store4->outdoor_text[party.i_w_c.x][party.i_w_c.y].out_strs[i + 1]);
1089 remember_tiny_text = i;
1090 return;
1092 if (remember_tiny_text != 50 + party.i_w_c.x + party.i_w_c.y) {
1093 put_text_bar((char *) data_store4->outdoor_text[party.i_w_c.x][party.i_w_c.y].out_strs[0]);
1094 remember_tiny_text = 50 + party.i_w_c.x + party.i_w_c.y;
1097 if (is_town()) {
1098 for (i = 0; i < num_rect[town_type]; i++)
1099 if (pt_in_rect(loc,t_d.room_rect[i]))
1100 if ((remember_tiny_text == 200 + i) && (mode == 0))
1101 return;
1102 else {
1103 put_text_bar(data_store->town_strs[i + 1]);
1104 remember_tiny_text = 200 + i;
1105 return;
1107 if (remember_tiny_text != 250) {
1108 put_text_bar((char *) data_store->town_strs[0]); ////
1109 remember_tiny_text = 250;
1113 if ((is_combat()) && (current_pc < 6) && (monsters_going == FALSE)) {
1114 sprintf((char *) combat_string,"%s (ap: %d)",
1115 adven[current_pc].name,pc_moves[current_pc]);
1116 put_text_bar((char *) combat_string);
1117 remember_tiny_text = 500;
1119 if ((is_combat()) && (monsters_going == TRUE)) // Print bar for 1st monster with >0 ap -
1120 // that is monster that is going
1121 for (i = 0; i < T_M; i++)
1122 if ((c_town.monst.dudes[i].active > 0) && (c_town.monst.dudes[i].m_d.ap > 0)) {
1123 print_monster_going((char *) combat_string,c_town.monst.dudes[i].number,c_town.monst.dudes[i].m_d.ap);
1124 put_text_bar((char *) combat_string);
1125 remember_tiny_text = 500;
1126 i = 400;
1130 void put_text_bar(char *str)
1132 char status_str[256];
1133 short xpos = 205;
1134 HDC hdc;
1135 HBITMAP store_bmp;
1136 RECT text_rect = {5,3,279,21};
1137 COLORREF x = RGB(0,0,0),y = RGB(255,255,255);
1138 UINT c;
1140 rect_draw_some_item (orig_text_bar_gworld, win_from_rects[4], text_bar_gworld, win_from_rects[4], 0, 0);
1142 hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(main_dc);
1143 SelectPalette(hdc,hpal,0);
1144 SetBkMode(hdc,TRANSPARENT);
1145 SelectObject(hdc,small_bold_font);
1146 store_bmp = SelectObject(hdc,text_bar_gworld);
1147 sprintf(status_str,"%s",str);
1148 c = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,y);
1149 SetTextColor(hdc,PALETTEINDEX(c));
1150 win_draw_string(hdc,text_rect,status_str,2,9);
1151 c = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,x);
1152 SetTextColor(hdc,PALETTEINDEX(c));
1154 if (monsters_going == FALSE) {
1155 if (PSD[305][0] > 0) {
1156 text_rect.left = xpos;
1157 sprintf((char *) status_str,"Stealth");
1158 win_draw_string(hdc,text_rect,status_str,2,9);
1159 xpos -= 60;
1161 if (PSD[305][1] > 0) {
1162 text_rect.left = xpos;
1163 sprintf((char *) status_str,"Flying");
1164 win_draw_string(hdc,text_rect,status_str,2,9);
1165 xpos -= 60;
1167 if (PSD[305][2] > 0) {
1168 text_rect.left = xpos;
1169 sprintf((char *) status_str,"Detect Life");
1170 win_draw_string(hdc,text_rect,status_str,2,9);
1171 xpos -= 60;
1173 if (PSD[305][3] > 0) {
1174 text_rect.left = xpos;
1175 sprintf((char *) status_str,"Firewalk");
1176 win_draw_string(hdc,text_rect,status_str,2,9);
1177 xpos -= 60;
1181 SelectObject(hdc,store_bmp);
1182 DeleteObject(hdc);
1183 rect_draw_some_item (text_bar_gworld, win_from_rects[4], text_bar_gworld, win_to_rects[4], 0, 1);
1186 // This is called when a new situation is entered. It figures out what graphics are needed,
1187 // sets up which_g_stored, and loads them.
1188 void load_area_graphics()
1190 short i;
1192 currently_loading_graphics = TRUE;
1194 // Set all graphics as loseable
1195 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1196 if (storage_status[i] == 1)
1197 storage_status[i] = 2;
1198 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1199 wish_list[i] = 0;
1201 // Build wish list
1202 if (is_out())
1203 load_outdoor_graphics();
1204 if ((is_town()) || (is_combat()))
1205 load_town_graphics();
1207 // Reserve all in wish list not taken
1208 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1209 if (wish_list[i] > 49)
1210 if (reserve_graphic_num_in_array(wish_list[i]) == TRUE)
1211 wish_list[i] = 0;
1213 // Place all graphics not found in array.
1214 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1215 if (wish_list[i] > 49) {
1216 place_graphic_num_in_array(wish_list[i]);
1217 wish_list[i] = 0;
1220 // Finally, load graphics.
1221 put_graphics_in_template();
1223 currently_loading_graphics = FALSE;
1226 void add_to_wish_list(short which_g)
1228 short i;
1231 if (which_g < 50)
1232 return;
1233 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++) {
1234 if (wish_list[i] == which_g)
1235 return;
1236 if (wish_list[i] == 0) {
1237 wish_list[i] = which_g;
1238 return;
1241 add_string_to_buf("No room for graphic.");
1244 // Used to set up array. If graphic there, sets it to be saved, otherwise leaves.
1245 // Returns TRUE is already there
1246 Boolean reserve_graphic_num_in_array(short which_g)
1248 short i;
1250 if (which_g < 50)
1251 return TRUE;
1252 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1253 if (which_g_stored[i] == which_g) {
1254 storage_status[i] = 1;
1255 return TRUE;
1257 return FALSE;
1260 // Otherwise, puts in array. Note ... if graphic is alreayd here and locked (i.e.
1261 // storage status is 1, this will add a new copy.
1262 void place_graphic_num_in_array(short which_g)
1264 short i;
1266 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1267 if ((storage_status[i] == 2) || (storage_status[i] == 0)) {
1268 which_g_stored[i] = which_g;
1269 storage_status[i] = 3;
1270 return;
1272 // if we get here, couldn't find a space. Time to flush excess crap.
1274 if (currently_loading_graphics == FALSE)
1275 load_area_graphics(); // calling this is nice and fast, because game won't try to reload
1276 // graphics already there. It'll only purge the trash.
1278 // try again
1279 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1280 if ((storage_status[i] == 2) || (storage_status[i] == 0)) {
1281 which_g_stored[i] = which_g;
1282 storage_status[i] = 3;
1283 return;
1285 add_string_to_buf("No room for graphic.");
1286 print_nums(0,0,which_g);
1289 void add_one_graphic(short which_g)
1291 short i;
1292 for (i = 0; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1293 if (which_g_stored[i] == which_g) {
1294 // Good. We got it. Now lock it and leave
1295 storage_status[i] = 1;
1296 return;
1299 // otherwise, load it in
1300 place_graphic_num_in_array(which_g);
1301 put_graphics_in_template();
1305 void add_terrain_to_wish_list(unsigned char ter)
1307 if (terrain_pic[ter] >= 1000)
1308 return;
1309 else if (terrain_pic[ter] >= 400) {
1310 add_to_wish_list(600 + terrain_pic[ter]);
1311 add_to_wish_list(700 + terrain_pic[ter]);
1312 add_to_wish_list(800 + terrain_pic[ter]);
1313 add_to_wish_list(900 + terrain_pic[ter]);
1315 else switch (terrain_pic[ter]) {
1317 case 143:
1318 add_to_wish_list(230);
1319 add_to_wish_list(143);
1320 break;
1321 case 213: case 214:
1322 add_to_wish_list(213);
1323 add_to_wish_list(214);
1324 break;
1326 case 215:
1327 add_to_wish_list(215);
1328 add_to_wish_list(218);
1329 add_to_wish_list(219);
1330 add_to_wish_list(220);
1331 add_to_wish_list(221);
1332 break;
1333 case 216:
1334 add_to_wish_list(216);
1335 add_to_wish_list(222);
1336 add_to_wish_list(223);
1337 add_to_wish_list(224);
1338 add_to_wish_list(225);
1339 break;
1340 case 68: case 69:
1341 add_to_wish_list(68);
1342 add_to_wish_list(69);
1343 break;
1344 case 86: case 87:
1345 add_to_wish_list(86);
1346 add_to_wish_list(87);
1347 break;
1349 default:
1350 add_to_wish_list((short) terrain_pic[ter]);
1351 break;
1355 void load_outdoor_graphics()
1357 short l,m,i,j;
1358 short pict;
1360 for (i = 0; i < 96; i++)
1361 for (j = 0; j < 96; j++)
1362 add_terrain_to_wish_list(out[i][j]);
1364 for (l = 0; l < 2; l++)
1365 for (m = 0; m < 2; m++)
1366 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1367 for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
1368 if (outdoors[l][m].wandering[i].monst[j] != 0) {
1369 pict = get_monst_picnum(outdoors[l][m].wandering[i].monst[j]);
1370 //add_monst_graphic(pict,0);
1371 add_monst_graphic(outdoors[l][m].wandering[i].monst[j],0);
1373 j = 8;
1375 for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
1376 if (outdoors[l][m].special_enc[i].monst[j] != 0) {
1377 pict = get_monst_picnum(outdoors[l][m].special_enc[i].monst[j]);
1378 //add_monst_graphic(pict,0);
1379 add_monst_graphic(outdoors[l][m].special_enc[i].monst[j],0);
1380 j = 8;
1384 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
1385 if (party.out_c[i].exists == TRUE)
1386 for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
1387 if (party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j] != 0) {
1388 pict = get_monst_picnum(party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j]);
1389 //add_monst_graphic(pict, 0);
1390 add_monst_graphic(party.out_c[i].what_monst.monst[j], 0);
1391 j = 8;
1395 // Returns TRUE if the picture given is unneeded, and can be discarded.
1396 /*Boolean monster_pict_not_needed(m_pict)
1397 short m_pict;
1399 short i,j;
1401 if (is_out())
1402 return FALSE;
1404 for (i = 0; i < T_M; i++)
1405 if ((c_town.monst.dudes[i].active > 0) && (c_town.monst.dudes[i].m_d.picture_num == m_pict))
1406 return FALSE;
1408 if ((is_town()) || ((is_combat()) && (which_combat_type == 1))) {
1409 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1410 for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
1411 if (get_monst_picnum([i].monst[j]) == m_pict)
1412 return FALSE;
1414 return TRUE;
1415 } */
1417 // returns 50 is no room, returns 60 is already there, OW returns spot to put in
1418 /*short add_monst_to_template(m_num)
1419 unsigned char m_num;
1421 short i,p_num;
1423 p_num = get_monst_picnum(m_num);
1424 if (m_num == 0)
1425 return 60;
1426 for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
1427 if (monster_index[i] == p_num)
1428 return 60;
1429 for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
1430 if ((monster_index[i] == 150) || (monster_pict_not_needed(monster_index[i]) == TRUE)) {
1431 monster_index[i] = p_num;
1432 return i;
1434 return 50;
1438 void add_monst_graphic(unsigned char m,short mode)
1439 // mode 0 - just put in list, 1 - actually add graphics
1441 short x,y,i,pict;
1442 get_monst_dims(m,&x,&y);
1443 for (i = 0; i < x * y; i++) {
1444 pict = get_monst_picnum(m);
1445 if (pict >= NUM_MONST_G)
1446 return;
1447 pict = m_pic_index[pict];
1448 if (mode == 0) {
1449 add_to_wish_list(300 + pict + i);
1450 add_to_wish_list(600 + pict + i);
1451 add_to_wish_list(2300 + pict + i);
1452 add_to_wish_list(2600 + pict + i);
1454 else {
1455 add_one_graphic(300 + pict + i);
1456 add_one_graphic(600 + pict + i);
1457 add_one_graphic(2300 + pict + i);
1458 add_one_graphic(2600 + pict + i);
1463 void load_town_graphics() // Setting up town monsters takes some finess, due to the flexibility
1464 // of the situation
1465 // This can be used for town or beginning out outdoor combat
1467 short i,j,pict;
1469 for (i = 0; i < town_size[town_type]; i++)
1470 for (j = 0; j < town_size[town_type]; j++)
1471 if (is_combat())
1472 add_terrain_to_wish_list(combat_terrain[i][j]);
1473 else add_terrain_to_wish_list(t_d.terrain[i][j]);
1475 for (i = 0; i < T_M; i++)
1476 if ((c_town.monst.dudes[i].number != 0) && (c_town.monst.dudes[i].active > 0))
1477 add_monst_graphic(c_town.monst.dudes[i].number,0);
1478 if (is_town())
1479 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1480 for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
1481 add_monst_graphic([i].monst[j],0);
1485 void update_pc_graphics()
1487 short i,j;
1488 HBITMAP temp_gworld;
1489 RECT template_rect = {0,0,28,36}; /**/
1490 RECT source_rect;
1492 if (party_in_memory == FALSE)
1493 return;
1495 temp_gworld = load_pict(902,main_dc);
1497 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
1498 if (adven[i].main_status > 0)
1499 if (adven[i].which_graphic != which_graphic_index[i]) {
1500 template_rect.left = (i / 3) * 56;
1501 template_rect.right = template_rect.left + 56;
1502 = (i % 3) * 36;
1503 template_rect.bottom = + 36;
1505 source_rect.left = (adven[i].which_graphic / 8) * 56;
1506 source_rect.right = source_rect.left + 56;
1507 = 36 * (adven[i].which_graphic % 8);
1508 source_rect.bottom = 36 * (adven[i].which_graphic % 8) + 36;
1510 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,source_rect,party_template_gworld,template_rect,0,0);
1512 OffsetRect(&source_rect,280,0);
1513 OffsetRect(&template_rect,0,108);
1514 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,source_rect,party_template_gworld,template_rect,0,0);
1516 which_graphic_index[i] = adven[i].which_graphic;
1518 DeleteObject (temp_gworld);
1523 // This one is complicated, but that's because it's optimized for efficiency.
1524 // Goes through, and loads graphics for anything with storage_status of 3
1525 void put_graphics_in_template()
1527 HBITMAP temp_gworld;
1528 short picture_number,i,j,which_position,offset;
1529 Boolean this_graphic_needed = FALSE;
1530 RECT from_rect,to_rect;
1532 // First, load all terrains
1533 for (j = 1; j < 6; j++) {
1534 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1535 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= j * 50) && (which_g_stored[i] < j * 50 + 50) &&
1536 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1537 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1539 if (this_graphic_needed == TRUE) {
1540 temp_gworld = load_pict(800 + j,main_dc);
1541 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1542 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= j * 50) && (which_g_stored[i] < j * 50 + 50) &&
1543 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1544 which_position = which_g_stored[i] - j * 50;
1545 from_rect = calc_rect(which_position % 10,which_position / 10);
1546 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1548 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1549 storage_status[i] = 1;
1551 DisposeGWorld (temp_gworld);
1553 this_graphic_needed = FALSE;
1556 // Now, load all monsters
1557 for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1558 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1559 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 300 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 300 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1560 (storage_status[i] == 3))
1561 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1562 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1563 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 600 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 600 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1564 (storage_status[i] == 3))
1565 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1567 if (this_graphic_needed == TRUE) {
1568 temp_gworld = load_pict(1100 + j,main_dc);
1569 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1570 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 300 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 300 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1571 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1572 which_position = which_g_stored[i] % 20;
1573 from_rect = calc_rect((which_position / 10) * 2,which_position % 10);
1574 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1576 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1578 storage_status[i] = 1;
1580 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1581 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 600 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 600 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1582 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1583 which_position = which_g_stored[i] % 20;
1584 from_rect = calc_rect((which_position / 10) * 2 + 1,which_position % 10);
1585 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1587 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1589 storage_status[i] = 1;
1591 DisposeGWorld (temp_gworld);
1593 this_graphic_needed = FALSE;
1596 // Now, load all monster combat poses
1597 for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1598 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1599 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 2300 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 2300 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1600 (storage_status[i] == 3))
1601 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1602 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1603 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 2600 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 2600 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1604 (storage_status[i] == 3))
1605 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1607 if (this_graphic_needed == TRUE) {
1608 temp_gworld = load_pict(1200 + j,main_dc);
1609 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1610 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 2300 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 2300 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1611 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1612 which_position = which_g_stored[i] % 20;
1613 from_rect = calc_rect((which_position / 10) * 2 + 4,which_position % 10);
1614 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1616 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1618 storage_status[i] = 1;
1620 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1621 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 2600 + j * 20) && (which_g_stored[i] < 2600 + j * 20 + 20) &&
1622 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1623 which_position = which_g_stored[i] % 20;
1624 from_rect = calc_rect((which_position / 10) * 2 + 5,which_position % 10);
1625 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1627 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1629 storage_status[i] = 1;
1631 DisposeGWorld (temp_gworld);
1633 this_graphic_needed = FALSE;
1637 // Now, anim terrains
1638 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1639 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 1000) && (which_g_stored[i] < 1400) &&
1640 (storage_status[i] == 3))
1641 this_graphic_needed = TRUE;
1642 if (this_graphic_needed == TRUE) {
1643 temp_gworld = load_pict(820,main_dc);
1644 for (i = 50; i < STORED_GRAPHICS; i++)
1645 if ((which_g_stored[i] >= 1000) && (which_g_stored[i] < 1400) &&
1646 (storage_status[i] == 3)) {
1647 which_position = which_g_stored[i] % 100;
1648 offset = (which_g_stored[i] - 1000) / 100;
1649 from_rect = calc_rect(4 * (which_position / 5) + offset,which_position % 5);
1650 to_rect = calc_rect(i % 10,i / 10);
1652 rect_draw_some_item(temp_gworld,from_rect,storage_gworld,to_rect,0,0);
1654 storage_status[i] = 1;
1656 DisposeGWorld (temp_gworld);
1660 // this is used for determinign whether to round off walkway corners
1661 // right now, trying a restrictive rule (just cave floor and grass, mainly)
1662 Boolean is_nature(char x, char y)
1664 short pic;
1665 unsigned char ter_type;
1667 ter_type = coord_to_ter((short) x,(short) y);
1668 pic = scenario.ter_types[ter_type].picture;
1669 if ((pic >= 0) && (pic <= 45))
1670 return TRUE;
1671 if ((pic >= 67) && (pic <= 73))
1672 return TRUE;
1673 if ((pic >= 75) && (pic <= 87))
1674 return TRUE;
1675 if ((pic >= 121) && (pic <= 122))
1676 return TRUE;
1677 if ((pic >= 179) && (pic <= 208))
1678 return TRUE;
1679 if ((pic >= 211) && (pic <= 212))
1680 return TRUE;
1681 if ((pic >= 217) && (pic <= 246))
1682 return TRUE;
1684 return FALSE;
1689 void draw_terrain(short mode)
1690 //mode ... if 1, don't place on screen after redoing
1691 // if 2, only redraw over active monst
1693 char q,r;
1694 RECT target,str_rect;
1695 location where_draw;
1696 location sector_p_in,view_loc;
1697 char can_draw;
1698 unsigned char spec_terrain;
1699 Boolean off_terrain = FALSE,draw_trim = TRUE;
1700 short i,j,short_spec_terrain;
1701 HDC hdc;
1702 COLORREF colors[5] = {RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,0,0),RGB(128,0,0),RGB(0,160,0),RGB(255,255,255)};
1703 UINT c[5];
1704 HBITMAP store_bmp;
1705 long dummy;
1708 if (mode == 2) {
1709 if (current_working_monster < 0) return;
1710 supressing_some_spaces = TRUE;
1711 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) ok_space[i].x = -1;
1712 if (current_working_monster >= 100) {
1713 for (i = 0; i < c_town.monst.dudes[current_working_monster - 100].m_d.x_width; i++)
1714 for (j = 0; j < c_town.monst.dudes[current_working_monster - 100].m_d.y_width; j++) {
1715 ok_space[i + 2 * j].x = c_town.monst.dudes[current_working_monster - 100].m_loc.x + i;
1716 ok_space[i + 2 * j].y = c_town.monst.dudes[current_working_monster - 100].m_loc.y + j;
1717 ok_space[i + 2 * j].x = ok_space[i + 2 * j].x - center.x + 4;
1718 ok_space[i + 2 * j].y = ok_space[i + 2 * j].y - center.y + 4;
1721 if (current_working_monster < 6) {
1722 ok_space[0] = pc_pos[current_working_monster];
1723 ok_space[0].x = ok_space[0].x - center.x + 4;
1724 ok_space[0].y = ok_space[0].y - center.y + 4;
1726 mode = 0;
1729 for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
1730 for (j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
1731 light_area[i][j] = 0;unexplored_area[i][j] = 0;
1734 last_redraw_time = GetCurrentTime();
1735 sector_p_in.x = party.outdoor_corner.x + party.i_w_c.x;
1736 sector_p_in.y = party.outdoor_corner.y + party.i_w_c.y;
1738 anim_onscreen = FALSE;
1740 if (is_town())
1741 view_loc = c_town.p_loc;
1742 if (is_combat())
1743 view_loc = pc_pos[(current_pc < 6) ? current_pc : first_active_pc()];
1745 for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
1746 for (j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
1747 where_draw = (is_out()) ? party.p_loc : center;
1748 where_draw.x += i - 6;
1749 where_draw.y += j - 6;
1750 if (is_out() == FALSE)
1751 light_area[i][j] = (is_town()) ? pt_in_light(view_loc,where_draw) : combat_pt_in_light(where_draw);
1752 if ((is_out() == FALSE) && ((where_draw.x < 0) || (where_draw.x > town_size[town_type] - 1)
1753 || (where_draw.y < 0) || (where_draw.y > town_size[town_type] - 1)))
1754 unexplored_area[i][j] = 0;
1755 else unexplored_area[i][j] = 1 - is_explored(where_draw.x,where_draw.y);
1759 for (q = 0; q < 9; q++) {
1760 for (r = 0; r < 9; r++)
1762 where_draw = (is_out()) ? party.p_loc : center;
1763 where_draw.x += q - 4;
1764 where_draw.y += r - 4;
1765 off_terrain = FALSE;
1767 draw_trim = TRUE;
1768 if ((is_out() == FALSE) && ((where_draw.x < 0) || (where_draw.x > town_size[town_type] - 1)
1769 || (where_draw.y < 0) || (where_draw.y > town_size[town_type] - 1))) {
1770 draw_trim = FALSE;
1771 // Warning - this section changes where_draw
1772 if (where_draw.x < 0)
1773 where_draw.x = -1;
1774 if (where_draw.x > town_size[town_type] - 1)
1775 where_draw.x = town_size[town_type];
1776 if (where_draw.y < 0)
1777 where_draw.y = -1;
1778 if (where_draw.y > town_size[town_type] - 1)
1779 where_draw.y = town_size[town_type];
1780 if (can_see(view_loc,where_draw,0) < 5)
1781 can_draw = 1;
1782 else can_draw = 0;
1783 spec_terrain = 0;
1785 else if (is_out()) {
1786 if ((where_draw.x < 0) || (where_draw.x > 95)
1787 || (where_draw.y < 0) || (where_draw.y > 95))
1788 can_draw = 0;
1789 else {
1790 spec_terrain = out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y];
1791 can_draw = out_e[where_draw.x][where_draw.y];
1794 else if (is_combat()) {
1796 spec_terrain = combat_terrain[where_draw.x][where_draw.y];
1797 if (cartoon_happening == TRUE)
1798 can_draw = TRUE;
1799 else can_draw = (((is_explored(where_draw.x,where_draw.y)) ||
1800 (which_combat_type == 0) || (monsters_going == TRUE) || (overall_mode != 10))
1801 && (party_can_see(where_draw) < 6)) ? 1 : 0;
1804 else {
1805 spec_terrain = t_d.terrain[where_draw.x][where_draw.y];
1806 can_draw = is_explored(where_draw.x,where_draw.y);
1808 if (can_draw > 0) {
1809 if (pt_in_light(c_town.p_loc,where_draw) == FALSE)
1810 can_draw = 0;
1812 if ((overall_mode == 36) && (can_draw == 0))
1813 can_draw = (party_can_see(where_draw) < 6) ? 1 : 0;
1815 spot_seen[q][r] = can_draw;
1818 if ((can_draw != 0) && (overall_mode != 50)) { // if can see, not a pit, and not resting
1819 if ((is_combat()) && (cartoon_happening == FALSE)) {
1820 anim_ticks = 0;
1823 short_spec_terrain = spec_terrain;
1825 // Finally, draw this terrain spot
1827 switch (short_spec_terrain) {
1828 case 82: // cave wway
1829 if (loc_off_act_area(where_draw) == FALSE) {
1830 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x - 1,where_draw.y)) &&
1831 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y - 1) ))
1832 short_spec_terrain = 10219;
1833 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x + 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1834 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y - 1) ))
1835 short_spec_terrain = 10220;
1836 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x + 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1837 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y + 1) ))
1838 short_spec_terrain = 10221;
1839 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x - 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1840 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y + 1) ))
1841 short_spec_terrain = 10218;
1843 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,short_spec_terrain,0);
1844 break;
1845 case 83: // ground wway
1846 if (loc_off_act_area(where_draw) == FALSE) {
1847 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x - 1,where_draw.y)) &&
1848 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y - 1)) )
1849 short_spec_terrain = 10223;
1850 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x + 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1851 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y - 1) ))
1852 short_spec_terrain = 10224;
1853 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x + 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1854 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y + 1) ))
1855 short_spec_terrain = 10225;
1856 if ((is_nature(where_draw.x - 1,where_draw.y) ) &&
1857 (is_nature(where_draw.x,where_draw.y + 1) ))
1858 short_spec_terrain = 10222;
1860 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,short_spec_terrain,0);
1861 break;
1863 case 79: case 80: case 81:
1864 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1865 && ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] == 80) || (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] == 79)))
1866 short_spec_terrain = 42;
1867 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1868 && ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] == 80) || (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] == 79)))
1869 short_spec_terrain = 38;
1870 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1871 && ((out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] == 80) || (out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] == 79)))
1872 short_spec_terrain = 44;
1873 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1874 && ((out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y ] == 80) || (out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y] == 79)))
1875 short_spec_terrain = 40;
1876 /*if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1877 && ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] != 234) && (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] != 81) &&
1878 ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] < 36) || (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y - 1] > 49))))
1879 short_spec_terrain = 42;
1880 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1881 && ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] != 234) && (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] != 81) &&
1882 ((out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] < 36) || (out[where_draw.x][where_draw.y + 1] > 49))))
1883 short_spec_terrain = 38;
1884 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1885 && ((out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] != 234) &&(out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] != 81) &&
1886 ((out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] < 36) || (out[where_draw.x - 1][where_draw.y] > 49))))
1887 short_spec_terrain = 44;
1888 if ((short_spec_terrain == 81)
1889 && ((out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y] != 234) && (out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y] != 81) &&
1890 ((out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y] < 36) || (out[where_draw.x + 1][where_draw.y] > 49))))
1891 short_spec_terrain = 40;*/
1892 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,short_spec_terrain,0);
1893 place_road(q,r,where_draw);
1894 break;
1895 case 90:
1896 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,-1,0);
1897 break;
1898 default:
1899 if (short_spec_terrain < 2)
1900 current_ground = 0;
1901 if ((short_spec_terrain == 2) || (
1902 (short_spec_terrain >= 22) && (short_spec_terrain <= 49)))
1903 current_ground = 2;
1904 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,short_spec_terrain,0);
1905 break;
1909 else { // Can't see. Place darkness.
1910 draw_one_terrain_spot(q,r,-1,0);
1913 if ((can_draw != 0) && (overall_mode != 50) && (frills_on == TRUE)
1914 && (draw_trim == TRUE) && (cartoon_happening == FALSE)) { // Place the trim
1915 place_trim((short) q,(short) r,where_draw,spec_terrain);
1920 if ((overall_mode != 50) && (!is_out()))
1921 draw_sfx();
1923 // Now place items
1924 if ((overall_mode > 0) && (overall_mode != 35) && (overall_mode != 50))
1925 draw_items();
1927 // Now place fields
1928 if ((overall_mode != 50) && (!is_out())) {
1929 draw_fields();
1930 draw_spec_items();
1933 // Not camping. Place misc. shit.
1934 if (overall_mode != 50) {
1935 if (is_out())
1936 draw_outd_boats(party.p_loc);
1937 else if ((is_town()) || (which_combat_type == 1))
1938 draw_town_boat(center);
1939 draw_monsters();
1943 if ((overall_mode < 10) || (overall_mode == 35) || ((overall_mode == 36) && (point_onscreen(c_town.p_loc,center) == TRUE))
1944 || (overall_mode == 50))
1945 draw_party_symbol(mode,center);
1946 else if (overall_mode != 36)
1947 draw_pcs(center,0);
1950 apply_light_mask();
1951 apply_unseen_mask();
1952 // }
1953 if (mode == 0) {
1954 redraw_terrain();
1956 if (cartoon_happening == FALSE) {
1957 draw_text_bar(0);
1958 if ((overall_mode > 9) && (overall_mode != 35) && (overall_mode != 36) && (overall_mode != 50))
1959 draw_pcs(center,1);
1960 if (overall_mode == 14)
1961 draw_targets(center);
1968 supressing_some_spaces = FALSE;
1971 void place_trim(short q,short r,location where,unsigned char ter_type)
1973 Boolean at_top = FALSE,at_bot = FALSE,at_left = FALSE,at_right = FALSE;
1974 unsigned char store,store2,store3,store1;
1975 char to_return = 0;
1976 location targ;
1978 // FIrst quick check ... if a pit or barrier in outdoor combat, no trim
1979 if ((is_combat()) && (which_combat_type == 0) && (ter_type == 86))
1980 return;
1981 if (PSD[296][0] > 0)
1982 return;
1984 targ.x = q;
1985 targ.y = r;
1986 if ((supressing_some_spaces == TRUE) &&
1987 (same_point(targ,ok_space[0]) == FALSE) &&
1988 (same_point(targ,ok_space[1]) == FALSE) &&
1989 (same_point(targ,ok_space[2]) == FALSE) &&
1990 (same_point(targ,ok_space[3]) == FALSE))
1991 return;
1994 if (where.x == 0)
1995 at_left = TRUE;
1996 if (where.y == 0)
1997 at_top = TRUE;
1998 if ((overall_mode == 0) || (overall_mode == 35)) {
1999 if (where.x == 95)
2000 at_right = TRUE;
2001 if (where.y == 95)
2002 at_bot = TRUE;
2004 else {
2005 if (where.x == town_size[town_type])
2006 at_right = TRUE;
2007 if (where.y == town_size[town_type])
2008 at_bot = TRUE;
2011 // First, trim for fluids
2012 if (((is_town()) || (is_combat())) && (town_trim[where.x][where.y] != 0)) {
2014 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 1)
2015 draw_trim(q,r,1,0);
2016 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 2)
2017 draw_trim(q,r,2,5);
2018 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 4)
2019 draw_trim(q,r,0,3);
2020 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 8)
2021 draw_trim(q,r,2,6);
2022 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 16)
2023 draw_trim(q,r,1,1);
2024 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 32)
2025 draw_trim(q,r,2,7);
2026 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 64)
2027 draw_trim(q,r,0,2);
2028 if (town_trim[where.x][where.y] & 128)
2029 draw_trim(q,r,2,4);
2031 if ((is_out()) && (out_trim[where.x][where.y] != 0)) {
2032 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 1)
2033 draw_trim(q,r,1,0);
2034 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 2)
2035 draw_trim(q,r,2,5);
2036 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 4)
2037 draw_trim(q,r,0,3);
2038 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 8)
2039 draw_trim(q,r,2,6);
2040 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 16)
2041 draw_trim(q,r,1,1);
2042 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 32)
2043 draw_trim(q,r,2,7);
2044 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 64)
2045 draw_trim(q,r,0,2);
2046 if (out_trim[where.x][where.y] & 128)
2047 draw_trim(q,r,2,4);
2051 if (((ter_type >= 100) && (ter_type <= 137)) && (at_top == FALSE) &&
2052 (at_bot == FALSE) && (at_left == FALSE) && (at_right == FALSE)) {
2053 store = get_t_t(where.x - 1,where.y);
2054 store1 = get_t_t(where.x,where.y - 1);
2055 store2 = get_t_t(where.x + 1,where.y);
2056 store3 = get_t_t(where.x,where.y + 1);
2057 if ((is_wall(store) == TRUE)
2058 && (is_wall(store1) == TRUE) &&
2059 (is_ground(store2) == TRUE)
2060 && (is_ground(store3) == TRUE))
2061 draw_trim(q,r,3,6);
2063 if ((is_wall(store) == TRUE)
2064 && (is_wall(store3) == TRUE) &&
2065 (is_ground(store2) == TRUE)
2066 && (is_ground(store1) == TRUE))
2067 draw_trim(q,r,3,5);
2069 if ((is_wall(store2) == TRUE)
2070 && (is_wall(store1) == TRUE) &&
2071 (is_ground(store) == TRUE)
2072 && (is_ground(store3) == TRUE))
2073 draw_trim(q,r,3,7);
2075 if ((is_wall(store2) == TRUE)
2076 && (is_wall(store3) == TRUE) &&
2077 (is_ground(store) == TRUE)
2078 && (is_ground(store1) == TRUE))
2079 draw_trim(q,r,3,4);
2082 if ((is_ground(store) == TRUE)
2083 && (is_ground(store1) == TRUE) &&
2084 (is_ground(store2) == TRUE)
2085 && (is_wall(store3) == TRUE)) {
2086 draw_trim(q,r,3,4);
2087 draw_trim(q,r,3,5);
2090 if ((is_wall(store) == TRUE)
2091 && (is_ground(store3) == TRUE) &&
2092 (is_ground(store2) == TRUE)
2093 && (is_ground(store1) == TRUE)) {
2094 draw_trim(q,r,3,5);
2095 draw_trim(q,r,3,6);
2098 if ((is_ground(store2) == TRUE)
2099 && (is_wall(store1) == TRUE) &&
2100 (is_ground(store) == TRUE)
2101 && (is_ground(store3) == TRUE)) {
2102 draw_trim(q,r,3,6);
2103 draw_trim(q,r,3,7);
2106 if ((is_wall(store2) == TRUE)
2107 && (is_ground(store3) == TRUE) &&
2108 (is_ground(store) == TRUE)
2109 && (is_ground(store1) == TRUE)) {
2110 draw_trim(q,r,3,4);
2111 draw_trim(q,r,3,7);
2116 void draw_trim(short q,short r,short which_trim,short which_mode)
2117 //which_trim is 3 -> drawing wall trim -> might shift down if ground is grass
2118 //short which_mode; // 0 top 1 bottom 2 left 3 right 4 up left 5 up right 6 down right 7 down left
2120 RECT from_rect = {0,0,28,36},to_rect;
2123 if (frills_on == FALSE)
2124 return;
2126 // if current ground is grass, forget trim
2127 if ((current_ground == 2) && (which_trim < 3))
2128 return;
2130 terrain_there[q][r] = -1;
2132 from_rect.left = 28 * which_trim + trim_rects[which_mode].left;
2133 from_rect.right = 28 * which_trim + trim_rects[which_mode].right;
2134 = trim_rects[which_mode].top;
2135 from_rect.bottom = trim_rects[which_mode].bottom;
2137 if ((which_trim == 3) && (current_ground == 2)) // trim corner walls with grass instead of cave floor
2138 OffsetRect(&from_rect,0,36);
2139 to_rect = coord_to_rect(q,r);
2140 to_rect.right = to_rect.left + trim_rects[which_mode].right;
2141 to_rect.left = to_rect.left + trim_rects[which_mode].left;
2142 to_rect.bottom = + trim_rects[which_mode].bottom;
2143 = + trim_rects[which_mode].top;
2144 OffsetRect(&to_rect,-61,-37);
2146 rect_draw_some_item(mixed_gworld,from_rect,terrain_screen_gworld,to_rect,1,0);
2150 Boolean extend_road_terrain(unsigned char ter)
2152 short i;
2153 short extend_pics[39] = {61,62,63,64,65, 66,401,402,406,202,
2154 203,204,215,216,90, 91,92,93,102,103,
2155 104,105,112,113,114, 115,187,188,189,190,
2156 192,193,194,195,196, 197,191,200,201};
2158 for (i = 0; i < 39; i++)
2159 if (scenario.ter_types[ter].picture == extend_pics[i])
2160 return TRUE;
2161 return FALSE;
2164 void place_road(short q,short r,location where)
2166 location draw_loc;
2167 unsigned char ter;
2168 RECT to_rect;
2169 RECT road_rects[2] = {{112,76,125,80},{144,72,148,90}}; // 0 - rl partial 1 - ud partial
2170 RECT road_dest_rects[4] = {{12,0,16,18},{15,16,28,20},{12,18,16,36},{0,16,13,20}}; // top right bottom left
2171 /**/
2173 draw_loc.x = q; draw_loc.y = r;
2175 terrain_there[q][r] = -1;
2177 if (where.y > 0)
2178 ter = coord_to_ter(where.x,where.y - 1);
2179 if ((where.y == 0) || (extend_road_terrain(ter) == TRUE)) {
2180 to_rect = road_dest_rects[0];
2181 OffsetRect(&to_rect,13 + q * 28,13 + r * 36);
2182 rect_draw_some_item (fields_gworld, road_rects[1], terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, 0, 0);
2185 if (((is_out()) && (where.x < 96)) || (!(is_out()) && (where.x < town_size[town_type] - 1)))
2186 ter = coord_to_ter(where.x + 1,where.y);
2187 if (((is_out()) && (where.x == 96)) || (!(is_out()) && (where.x == town_size[town_type] - 1))
2188 || (extend_road_terrain(ter) == TRUE)) {
2189 to_rect = road_dest_rects[1];
2190 OffsetRect(&to_rect,13 + q * 28,13 + r * 36);
2191 rect_draw_some_item (fields_gworld, road_rects[0], terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, 0, 0);
2194 if (((is_out()) && (where.y < 96)) || (!(is_out()) && (where.y < town_size[town_type] - 1)))
2195 ter = coord_to_ter(where.x,where.y + 1);
2196 if (((is_out()) && (where.y == 96)) || (!(is_out()) && (where.y == town_size[town_type] - 1))
2197 || (extend_road_terrain(ter) == TRUE)) {
2198 to_rect = road_dest_rects[2];
2199 OffsetRect(&to_rect,13 + q * 28,13 + r * 36);
2200 rect_draw_some_item (fields_gworld, road_rects[1], terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, 0, 0);
2203 if (where.x > 0)
2204 ter = coord_to_ter(where.x - 1,where.y);
2205 if ((where.x == 0) || (extend_road_terrain(ter) == TRUE)) {
2206 to_rect = road_dest_rects[3];
2207 OffsetRect(&to_rect,13 + q * 28,13 + r * 36);
2208 rect_draw_some_item (fields_gworld, road_rects[0], terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, 0, 0);
2213 void draw_rest_screen()
2215 short store_mode;
2217 store_mode = overall_mode;
2218 overall_mode = 50;
2219 draw_terrain(0);
2220 overall_mode = store_mode ;
2223 void pre_boom_space(location where,short mode,short type,short damage,short sound)
2224 // if mode is 100, force
2225 //short type; // 0 - flame 1 - magic 2 - poison 3 - blood 4 - cold
2226 // 10s digit indicates sound 0 - normal ouch 1 - small sword 2 - loud sword
2227 // 3 - pole 4 - club 5 - fireball hit 6 - squish 7 - cold
2228 // 8 - acid 9 - claw 10 - bite 11 - slime 12 - zap 13 - missile hit
2230 location where_draw = {4,4};
2231 RECT source_rect = {0,0,28,36},text_rect,dest_rect = {13,13,41,49},big_to = {13,13,265,337},store_rect;
2232 /**/
2233 RECT terrain_from;
2234 long dummy;
2235 short del_len,r1,sound_key;
2236 char dam_str[20];
2237 short x_adj = 0,y_adj = 0,which_m;
2238 short sound_to_play[20] = {97,69,70,71,72, 73,55,75,42,86,
2239 87,88,89,98,0, 0,0,0,0,0};
2240 RECT mixed_square = {353,169,381,205};
2242 sound_key = type / 10;
2243 type = type % 10;
2245 // if ((cartoon_happening == TRUE) && (anim_step < 140))
2246 // return;
2247 if ((cartoon_happening == FALSE) && ((mode != 100) && (party_can_see(where) == 6)))
2248 return;
2249 if ((type < 0) || (type > 4))
2250 return;
2251 if ((boom_anim_active == TRUE) && (type != 3))
2252 return;
2253 if ((cartoon_happening == FALSE) && (PSD[306][2] > 0) && (fast_bang == TRUE))
2254 return;
2255 if (is_out())
2256 return;
2258 // Redraw terrain in proper position
2259 if ((((point_onscreen(center,where) == FALSE) && (overall_mode >= 10)) || (overall_mode == 0))
2261 play_sound(sound_to_play[sound]);
2263 return;
2265 else if (is_combat()) {
2266 if (which_combat_type == 1)
2267 draw_terrain(0);
2268 else draw_terrain(0);
2270 else if (fast_bang < 2) {
2271 draw_terrain(0);
2272 if (fast_bang == 1)
2273 fast_bang = 2;
2276 boom_space(where,mode,type,damage,sound);
2279 void boom_space(location where,short mode,short type,short damage,short sound)
2280 // if mode is 100, force
2281 //short type; // 0 - flame 1 - magic 2 - poison 3 - blood 4 - cold
2282 // 10s digit indicates sound 0 - normal ouch 1 - small sword 2 - loud sword
2283 // 3 - pole 4 - club 5 - fireball hit 6 - squish 7 - cold
2284 // 8 - acid 9 - claw 10 - bite 11 - slime 12 - zap 13 - missile hit
2286 location where_draw = {4,4};
2287 RECT source_rect = {0,0,28,36},text_rect,dest_rect = {13,13,41,49},big_to = {13,13,265,337},store_rect;
2288 /**/
2289 RECT terrain_from;
2290 long dummy;
2291 short del_len,r1,sound_key;
2292 char dam_str[20];
2293 short x_adj = 0,y_adj = 0,which_m;
2294 RECT mixed_square = {353,169,381,205};
2295 short sound_to_play[20] = {97,69,70,71,72, 73,55,75,42,86,
2296 87,88,89,98,0, 0,0,0,0,0};
2298 sound_key = type / 10;
2299 type = type % 10;
2301 where_draw.x = where.x - center.x + 4;
2302 where_draw.y = where.y - center.y + 4;
2303 // source_rect.left += 28 * type;
2304 // source_rect.right += 28 * type;
2306 // adjust for possible big monster
2307 which_m = monst_there(where);
2308 if (which_m < 90) {
2309 x_adj += 14 * (c_town.monst.dudes[which_m].m_d.x_width - 1);
2310 y_adj += 18 * (c_town.monst.dudes[which_m].m_d.y_width - 1);
2312 OffsetRect(&dest_rect,where_draw.x * 28,where_draw.y * 36);
2313 terrain_from = dest_rect;
2314 source_rect = store_rect = dest_rect;
2315 OffsetRect(&dest_rect,x_adj,y_adj);
2316 SectRect(&dest_rect,&big_to,&dest_rect);
2318 if (cartoon_happening == FALSE)
2319 OffsetRect(&dest_rect,win_to_rects[0].left,win_to_rects[0].top);
2320 else if (store_anim_type == 0)
2321 OffsetRect(&dest_rect,306,5);
2322 else OffsetRect(&dest_rect,store_anim_ul.x,store_anim_ul.y);
2324 OffsetRect(&source_rect,-1 * store_rect.left + 28 * type,-1 *;
2325 // rect_draw_some_item(fields_gworld,source_rect,terrain_screen_gworld,dest_rect,1,1);
2326 // print_nums(0,source_rect.left,;
2327 // print_nums(1,dest_rect.left,;
2329 OffsetRect(&terrain_from,x_adj,y_adj);
2330 rect_draw_some_item(terrain_screen_gworld,terrain_from,mixed_gworld,mixed_square,0,0);
2331 rect_draw_some_item(fields_gworld,source_rect,mixed_gworld,mixed_square,1,0);
2332 rect_draw_some_item(mixed_gworld,mixed_square,mixed_gworld,dest_rect,0,1);
2334 if ((cartoon_happening == FALSE) && (dest_rect.right - dest_rect.left >= 28)
2335 && (dest_rect.bottom - >= 36)) {
2336 sprintf((char *) dam_str,"%d",damage);
2337 text_rect = dest_rect;
2338 += 10;
2339 if ((damage < 10) && (dest_rect.right - dest_rect.left > 19))
2340 text_rect.left += 2;
2341 OffsetRect(&text_rect,-4,-5);
2342 //char_win_draw_string(main_dc,text_rect,(char *) dam_str,1,10);
2343 if ((type == 1) || (type == 4))
2344 WinBlackDrawString(dam_str,text_rect.left + 12, + 6);
2345 else WinDrawString(dam_str,text_rect.left + 12, + 6);
2347 play_sound(sound_to_play[sound]);
2348 if ((sound == 6) && (fast_bang == 0))
2349 Delay(12, &dummy);
2351 Delay(10,&dummy);
2352 if (fast_bang == 0) {
2353 del_len = PSD[306][6] * 3 + 4;
2354 if (play_sounds == FALSE)
2355 Delay(del_len, &dummy);
2357 redraw_terrain();
2358 if ((cartoon_happening == FALSE) && (overall_mode > 9) && (overall_mode != 35) && (overall_mode != 36) && (overall_mode != 50))
2359 draw_pcs(center,1);
2363 void draw_pointing_arrows()
2365 RECT sources[4] = {{65,46,73,54},{56,46,64,54},{56,37,64,45},{65,37,73,45}};
2366 RECT dests[8] = {{7,100,15,108},{7,170,15,178},{140,7,148,15},{212,7,220,15},
2367 {346,100,354,108},{346,170,354,178},{140,274,148,282},{212,274,220,282}};
2368 // rects modified below
2369 short i;
2371 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
2372 alter_rect(&sources[i]);
2373 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
2374 alter_rect(&dests[i]);
2375 if ((monsters_going == TRUE) || (overall_mode <= 1) || (overall_mode <= 10)
2376 || (overall_mode == 35))
2377 return;
2378 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
2379 rect_draw_some_item (mixed_gworld,sources[i],mixed_gworld,dests[i * 2],1,1);
2380 rect_draw_some_item (mixed_gworld,sources[i],mixed_gworld,dests[i * 2 + 1],1,1);
2384 void redraw_terrain()
2386 RECT to_rect;
2387 RECT ter_scrn_rect = {0,0,279,351};
2389 if (cartoon_happening == FALSE)
2390 to_rect = win_to_rects[0];
2391 else {
2392 to_rect = ter_scrn_rect;
2393 if (store_anim_type == 0)
2394 OffsetRect(&to_rect,306,5);
2395 else OffsetRect(&to_rect,store_anim_ul.x,store_anim_ul.y);
2397 rect_draw_some_item (terrain_screen_gworld, win_from_rects[0], terrain_screen_gworld, to_rect, 0, 1);
2400 // Now place arrows
2401 draw_pointing_arrows();
2407 void draw_targets(location center)
2409 RECT source_rect = {36,74,47,85},dest_rect; /**/
2410 location target = {4,4};
2411 short i = 0;
2412 short dir_array[8] = {0,3,3,3,2,1,1,1};
2414 if (party_toast() == TRUE)
2415 return;
2417 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
2418 if ((spell_targets[i].x != 120) && (point_onscreen(center,spell_targets[i]) == TRUE)) {
2419 dest_rect = coord_to_rect(spell_targets[i].x - center.x + 4,spell_targets[i].y - center.y + 4);
2420 OffsetRect(&dest_rect,5,5);
2421 InflateRect(&dest_rect,-8,-12);
2422 rect_draw_some_item (mixed_gworld,source_rect,mixed_gworld,dest_rect,1,1);
2427 void draw_targeting_line(POINT where_curs)
2429 location which_space,store_loc;
2430 short i,j,k,l;
2431 long dummy;
2432 RECT redraw_rect,redraw_rect2,terrain_rect = {0,0,279,351},target_rect;
2433 location from_loc;
2434 RECT on_screen_terrain_area = {18, 18, 269,341};
2435 char dam_str[20];
2436 HPEN white_pen,store_pen;
2437 static LOGPEN white_pen_data = {PS_SOLID,2,2,RGB(255,255,255)};
2438 COLORREF colors[2] = {RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255)},storec;
2439 UINT c[2];
2441 if (party.stuff_done[305][6] > 0)
2442 return;
2444 c[0] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,colors[0]);
2445 c[1] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal,colors[1]);
2447 if (overall_mode >= 10)
2448 from_loc = pc_pos[current_pc];
2449 else from_loc = c_town.p_loc;
2450 if ((overall_mode == 11) || (overall_mode == 12) || (overall_mode == 13) || (overall_mode == 14)
2451 || ((overall_mode == 3) && (current_pat.pattern[4][4] != 0))) {
2453 OffsetRect(&on_screen_terrain_area,ulx,uly);
2454 OffsetRect(&terrain_rect,18,18);
2455 if (PtInRect (&on_screen_terrain_area,where_curs) == TRUE) {
2456 // && (point_onscreen(center,pc_pos[current_pc]) == TRUE)){
2457 i = (where_curs.x - 18 - ulx) / 28;
2458 j = (where_curs.y - 18 - uly) / 36;
2459 which_space.x = center.x + (short) i - 4;
2460 which_space.y = center.y + (short) j - 4;
2462 k = (short) (from_loc.x - center.x + 4);
2463 l = (short) (from_loc.y - center.y + 4);
2464 k = (k * 28) + 32 ;//+ ulx;
2465 l = (l * 36) + 36 ;
2467 if ((loc_off_act_area(which_space) == FALSE) &&
2468 (can_see(from_loc,which_space,0) < 5)
2469 && (dist(from_loc,which_space) <= current_spell_range)) {
2470 SetViewportOrg( main_dc,ulx,uly);
2471 white_pen = CreatePenIndirect(&white_pen_data);
2472 store_pen = SelectObject(main_dc,white_pen);
2474 //InsetRect(&terrain_rect,13,13);
2475 //OffsetRect(&terrain_rect,5 + ulx,5 + uly);
2476 OffsetRect(&on_screen_terrain_area,-1 * ulx,-1 * uly);
2477 ClipRect(&on_screen_terrain_area);
2478 MoveTo(main_dc,where_curs.x - ulx,where_curs.y - uly);
2479 LineTo(main_dc,k,l);
2481 redraw_rect.left = min(where_curs.x,k) - 4;
2482 redraw_rect.right = max(where_curs.x,k) + 4;
2483 = min(where_curs.y,l) - 4;
2484 redraw_rect.bottom = max(where_curs.y,l) + 4;
2485 //IntersectRect(&redraw_rect2,&redraw_rect,&terrain_rect);
2486 //OffsetRect(&on_screen_terrain_area,ulx,uly);
2487 IntersectRect(&redraw_rect2,&redraw_rect,&on_screen_terrain_area);
2489 // Now place targeting pattern
2490 for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
2491 for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
2492 store_loc.x = center.x + i - 4;
2493 store_loc.y = center.y + j - 4;
2494 if ((a_v(store_loc.x - which_space.x) <= 4) &&
2495 (a_v(store_loc.y - which_space.y) <= 4) &&
2496 (current_pat.pattern[store_loc.x - which_space.x + 4][store_loc.y - which_space.y + 4] != 0)) {
2497 target_rect.left = 13 + BITMAP_WIDTH * i + 5;// + ulx;
2498 target_rect.right = target_rect.left + BITMAP_WIDTH;
2499 = 13 + BITMAP_HEIGHT * j + 5;// + uly;
2500 target_rect.bottom = + BITMAP_HEIGHT;
2502 MoveTo(main_dc,target_rect.left,;
2503 LineTo(main_dc,target_rect.right,;
2504 LineTo(main_dc,target_rect.right,target_rect.bottom);
2505 LineTo(main_dc,target_rect.left,target_rect.bottom);
2506 LineTo(main_dc,target_rect.left,;
2508 InflateRect(&target_rect,5,5);
2509 UnionRect(&redraw_rect2,&target_rect,&redraw_rect2);
2511 // Now place number of shots left, if drawing center of target
2512 if ((overall_mode == 14) && (store_loc.x - which_space.x + 4 == 4)
2513 && (store_loc.y - which_space.y + 4 == 4)) {
2514 storec = GetTextColor(main_dc);
2515 SetTextColor(main_dc,PALETTEINDEX(c[1]));
2516 sprintf((char *) dam_str,"%d ",num_targets_left);
2517 DrawText(main_dc,dam_str,-1,&target_rect,DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER);
2518 //WinDrawString(dam_str,((target_rect.left + target_rect.right) / 2) - 3,
2519 // ( + target_rect.bottom) / 2);
2520 SetTextColor(main_dc,storec);
2525 SelectObject(main_dc,store_pen);
2526 DeleteObject(white_pen);
2528 Delay(4,&dummy);
2530 InflateRect(&redraw_rect2,5,5);
2531 redraw_partial_terrain(redraw_rect2);
2532 undo_clip();
2533 if (is_combat())
2534 draw_pcs(center,1);
2535 else draw_party_symbol(0,center);
2536 if (overall_mode == 14)
2537 draw_targets(center);
2544 Boolean party_toast()
2546 short i;
2548 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
2549 if (adven[i].main_status == 1)
2550 return FALSE;
2551 return TRUE;
2554 void redraw_partial_terrain(RECT redraw_rect)
2556 RECT from_rect;
2558 from_rect = redraw_rect;
2559 //OffsetRect(&from_rect,-1 * ulx,-1 * uly);
2561 OffsetRect(&redraw_rect,5, 5);
2563 rect_draw_some_item(terrain_screen_gworld,from_rect,terrain_screen_gworld,redraw_rect,0,1);
2568 // This tells the dialog engine to kill the dialog, and refreshes the screen
2569 // will probably need to be modified for windows
2570 void final_process_dialog(short which_dlog)
2573 cd_kill_dialog(which_dlog,0);
2575 if (in_startup_mode == FALSE)
2576 refresh_screen(0);
2577 else draw_startup(0);