fix texture loading
[cltracer.git] / textures.c
1 /*
2 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
5 * (at your option) any later version.
7 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 * GNU General Public License for more details.
12 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
15 * Copyright (C) 2010 Pavel Herrmann (
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <math.h>
23 #include "types.h"
24 #include "textures.h"
25 #include <IL/il.h>
27 #define L(cstbuf) sizeof(cstbuf)-1
28 #define scpy(target,source) strncpy(target+target##idx,source, L(source));target##idx+=L(source)
31 char* createShadeKernel(int mtlnum, struct mtl_def_s * materials, char** mtllist)
33 const char types[]="#include \"types.h\"\n#include \"cl/algs.h\"\n#include \"mat/\"\n";
34 const char inc[]="#include \"mat/";
35 const char sep[]=".cl\"\n";
36 const char shade_head[]="__kernel void shade_kernel(__global struct hit_s * hits, __const int raycount,\n"
37 "__global const int * rayindex, __global struct ray_s * rays, __global struct pixel_s * image,\n"
38 "__global const struct light_sample_s * light_samples, __global const struct light_s * lights, __const int lightcount,\n"
39 "__global const struct triangle_s * triangles, __global const struct accel_s * accel";
40 const char count_head[]="__kernel void shade_count_kernel(__global struct hit_s * hits, __const int raycount, __global int * rayindex,\n"
41 "__global int * newcount, __global const struct triangle_s * triangles";
42 const char prepare[]="__private int hitnum = get_global_id(0)+get_global_id(1)*get_global_size(0);\n"
43 "if (hitnum >= raycount) return;\n"
44 "__private struct hit_s hit = hits[hitnum];\n";
45 const char shade_bkgnd[]="if (islive(&(hit.reconstructInfo))==0) return;\nif(hit.triIndex<0){\n"
46 "background(&hit, image);\n}else{\n";
47 const char count_bkgnd[]="if (islive(&(hit.reconstructInfo))==0) hit.triIndex=-1;\nif(hit.triIndex>=0){\n";
48 const char prepare_valid[]="__global const struct triangle_s * triangle = &(triangles[hit.triIndex]);\n"
49 "__private int materialindex = triangle->objectIndex;\n";
50 const char count_begin[]="__private int cnt=0;\n";
51 const char begin[]="switch(materialindex) {\n";
52 const char params[]="(&hit, triangle";
53 const char shade_params[]=", &(rays[rayindex[hitnum]]), image, &(light_samples[hitnum*lightcount]), lights, lightcount";
54 const char count_work[]="cnt=";
55 const char ret[]="return;\n";
56 const char brk[]="break;\n";
57 const char block_begin[]=")\n{\n";
58 const char shade_end[]="}}\n}\n";
59 const char count_postfix[]="_count";
60 const char count_end[]="}}\n__local volatile int lcnt;\n__local int base;\n__private int offset=0;\nlcnt=0;\n"
61 "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\noffset=atomic_add(&lcnt,cnt);\nbarrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
62 "if ((get_local_id(0)==0)&&(get_local_id(1)==0))\n base=atomic_add(newcount,lcnt);\nbarrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
63 "rayindex[hitnum]=base+offset;\n}\n";
64 const char work_end[]=");\n";
66 const char csf[]="case %3d:\n"; //10 chars
67 const char txf[]=", __read_only image%dd_t t%03d"; //28 chars
68 const char tf[]=", t%03d"; //6 chars
70 char * retval;
71 char * head;
72 int headlen;
73 int headidx;
74 char * shade;
75 int shadelen;
76 int shadeidx;
77 char * count;
78 int countlen;
79 int countidx;
81 int t;
82 int texcount=-1;
84 headlen = L(types);
85 shadelen = L(shade_head) + L(block_begin) + L(prepare) + L(shade_bkgnd) + L(prepare_valid) + L(begin) + L(shade_end);
86 countlen = L(count_head) + L(block_begin) + L(prepare) + L(count_bkgnd) + L(prepare_valid) + L(count_begin) + L(begin) + L(count_end);
87 for (int i=0;i<mtlnum;i++)
89 t=strlen(mtllist[i]);
90 headlen+=L(inc) + t + L(sep);
91 countlen+=10/*L(csf)*/ + L(count_work) + t + L(count_postfix) + L(params) + L(work_end) + L(brk);
92 shadelen+=10/*L(csf)*/ + t + L(params) + L(shade_params) + L(work_end) + L(ret);
93 for (int j=0;j<materials[i].texcount;j++)
95 shadelen+=6/*L(tf)*/;
96 if(texcount<materials[i].texidx[j]) texcount=materials[i].texidx[j];
99 shadelen+=28/*L(txf)*/ * (texcount+1);
101 head = malloc(sizeof(char)* (headlen+1));
102 shade = malloc(sizeof(char)* (shadelen+1));
103 count = malloc(sizeof(char)* (countlen+1));
105 head[headlen]=0;
106 shade[shadelen]=0;
107 count[countlen]=0;
109 headidx=0;
110 countidx=0;
111 shadeidx=0;
113 scpy(head,types);
115 scpy(count,count_head);
116 scpy(count,block_begin);
117 scpy(count,count_begin);
118 scpy(count,prepare);
119 scpy(count,count_bkgnd);
120 scpy(count,prepare_valid);
121 scpy(count,begin);
123 scpy(shade,shade_head);
125 for (int i=0;i<texcount+1;i++)
127 sprintf(shade+shadeidx,txf,2,i);
128 shadeidx+=28;
130 scpy(shade,block_begin);
131 scpy(shade,prepare);
132 scpy(shade,shade_bkgnd);
133 scpy(shade,prepare_valid);
134 scpy(shade,begin);
137 for (int i=0;i<mtlnum;i++)
139 t=strlen(mtllist[i]);
140 scpy(head,inc);
141 strncpy(head+headidx,mtllist[i],t);
142 headidx+=t;
143 scpy(head,sep);
145 sprintf(count+countidx,csf,i);
146 countidx+=10;
147 scpy(count,count_work);
148 strncpy(count+countidx,mtllist[i],t);
149 countidx+=t;
150 scpy(count,count_postfix);
151 scpy(count,params);
152 scpy(count,work_end);
153 scpy(count,brk);
155 sprintf(shade+shadeidx,csf,i);
156 shadeidx+=10;
157 strncpy(shade+shadeidx,mtllist[i],t);
158 shadeidx+=t;
159 scpy(shade,params);
160 scpy(shade,shade_params);
162 for (int j=0;j<materials[i].texcount;j++)
164 sprintf(shade+shadeidx,tf,materials[i].texidx[j]);
165 shadeidx+=6;
167 scpy(shade,work_end);
168 scpy(shade,ret);
171 scpy(count,count_end);
172 scpy(shade,shade_end);
175 retval = malloc(sizeof(char)*(headlen+shadelen+countlen+1));
176 strncpy(retval,head,headlen);
177 strncpy(retval+headlen,shade,shadelen);
178 strncpy(retval+headlen+shadelen,count,countlen);
179 retval[headlen+shadelen+countlen]=0;
181 //printf("%s\n",retval);
182 return retval;
186 int loadTextures(int mtlnum, struct texinfo_s ** textures, struct mtl_def_s * materials)
188 int texnum=0;
189 ilInit();
190 ILuint img;
191 ILubyte * imgdata;
192 size_t imglength;
193 ilGenImages(1,&img);
194 ilBindImage(img);
195 for (int i=0;i<mtlnum;i++)
197 materials[i].texidx = malloc(sizeof(int)*materials[i].texcount);
198 for (int j=0;j<materials[i].texcount;j++)
199 materials[i].texidx[j]=texnum+j;
200 texnum+=materials[i].texcount;
202 *textures = malloc(sizeof(struct texinfo_s)*texnum);
203 texnum=0;
204 for (int i=0;i<mtlnum;i++)
205 for (int j=0;j<materials[i].texcount;j++)
207 ilLoadImage(materials[i].texnames[j]);
208 imgdata=ilGetData();
209 (*textures)[texnum].bpp=ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_BITS_PER_PIXEL);
210 (*textures)[texnum].dimensions.x=ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
211 (*textures)[texnum].dimensions.y=ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
212 (*textures)[texnum].dimensions.z=ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_DEPTH);
213 imglength=((*textures)[texnum].dimensions.x * (*textures)[texnum].dimensions.y * (*textures)[texnum].dimensions.z * 4);
214 (*textures)[texnum].data=malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*imglength);
216 switch (ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_BITS_PER_PIXEL))
218 case 24:
219 for (int k=0;k<(imglength/4);k++)
221 (*textures)[texnum].data[k*4+0] = imgdata[k*3+0];
222 (*textures)[texnum].data[k*4+1] = imgdata[k*3+1];
223 (*textures)[texnum].data[k*4+2] = imgdata[k*3+2];
224 (*textures)[texnum].data[k*4+3] = 255;
226 break;
227 case 32:
228 memcpy((*textures)[texnum].data,imgdata,imglength);
229 break;
230 default:
231 exit(2);
233 (*textures)[texnum].bpp=32;
234 texnum++;
236 return texnum;