cvs import
[celtk.git] / Celtk.lisp
1 ;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: cells; -*-
2 #|
4 Celtk -- Cells, Tcl, and Tk
6 Copyright (C) 2006 by Kenneth Tilton
8 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
10 (, known as the LLGPL.
12 This library is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
15 See the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License for more details.
19 ;;; $Header: /project/cells/cvsroot/Celtk/Celtk.lisp,v 1.42 2008/01/03 20:23:30 ktilton Exp $
21 ;(pushnew :tile *features*) ;; frgo, 2007-09-21: Need to do this only when tile actually loaded
23 (defpackage :celtk
24 (:nicknames "CTK")
25 (:use :common-lisp :utils-kt :cells :cffi)
26 (:export
27 #:right #:left
28 #:<1> #:tk-event-type #:xsv #:name #:x #:y #:x-root #:y-root
29 #:title$ #:pop-up #:path #:parent-path #:^keyboard-modifiers
30 #:window #:panedwindow #:mk-row #:c?pack-self #:mk-stack #:mk-text-widget #:text-widget
31 #:mk-panedwindow
32 #:mk-stack #:mk-radiobutton #:mk-radiobutton-ex #:mk-radiobutton #:mk-label
33 #:^selection #:selection #:tk-selector
34 #:mk-checkbutton #:button #:mk-button #:mk-button-ex #:entry #:mk-entry #:text
35 #:frame-stack #:mk-frame-stack #:path #:^path
36 #:mk-menu-entry-radiobutton #:mk-menu-entry-checkbutton
37 #:mk-menu-radio-group #:mk-menu-entry-separator
38 #:mk-menu-entry-command #:mk-menu-entry-command-ex
39 #:menu #:mk-menu #:^menus #:mk-menu-entry-cascade #:mk-menubar
40 #:^entry-values #:tk-eval #:tk-eval-list #:scale #:mk-scale #:mk-popup-menubutton
41 #:item #:polygon #:mk-polygon #:oval #:mk-oval #:line #:mk-line #:arc #:mk-arc
42 #:text-item #:mk-text-item #:item-geometer
43 #:rectangle #:mk-rectangle #:bitmap #:mk-bitmap #:canvas #:mk-canvas #:mk-frame-row
44 #:mk-scrolled-list #:listbox-item #:mk-spinbox
45 #:mk-scroller #:mk-menu-entry-cascade-ex
46 #:with-ltk #:tk-format #:send-wish #:value #:.tkw
47 #:tk-user-queue-handler #:user-errors #:^user-errors
48 #:timer #:timers #:repeat #:executions #:state #:timer-reset #:make-timer-steps
49 #:^widget-menu #:widget-menu #:tk-format-now
50 #:coords #:^coords #:tk-translate-keysym
51 #:*tkw*))
53 (defpackage :celtk-user
54 (:use :common-lisp :utils-kt :cells :celtk))
56 (in-package :Celtk)
59 #+(and allegrocl ide (not runtime-system))
60 (ide::defdefiner defcallback defun)
62 (defvar *tki* nil)
63 (defparameter *windows-being-destroyed* nil)
64 (defparameter *windows-destroyed* nil)
66 (defparameter *tk-last* nil "Debug aid. Last recorded command send to Tk")
68 (defparameter *tkw* nil)
70 (define-symbol-macro .tkw (nearest self window))
72 ; --- tk-format --- talking to wish/Tk -----------------------------------------------------
74 (defparameter +tk-client-task-priority+
75 '(:delete :forget :destroy
76 :pre-make-tk :make-tk :make-tk-menubutton :post-make-tk
77 :variable :bind :selection :trace :configure :grid :pack :fini))
79 (defun tk-user-queue-sort (task1 task2)
80 "Intended for use as user queue sorter, to make Tk happy by giving it stuff in the order it needs to work properly."
81 (destructuring-bind (type1 self1 &rest dbg) task1
82 (declare (ignorable dbg))
83 (destructuring-bind (type2 self2 &rest dbg) task2
84 (declare (ignorable dbg))
85 (let ((p1 (position type1 +tk-client-task-priority+))
86 (p2 (position type2 +tk-client-task-priority+)))
87 (cond
88 ((< p1 p2) t)
89 ((< p2 p1) nil)
90 (t (case type1 ;; they are the same if we are here
91 (:make-tk
92 (fm-ordered-p self1 self2))
93 (:pack
94 (fm-ascendant-p self2 self1)))))))))
97 (defun tk-user-queue-handler (user-q)
98 (loop for (defer-info . nil) in (fifo-data user-q)
99 unless (find (car defer-info) +tk-client-task-priority+)
100 do (error "unknown tk client task type ~a in task: ~a " (car defer-info) defer-info))
102 (loop for (defer-info . task) in (prog1
103 (stable-sort (fifo-data user-q) 'tk-user-queue-sort :key 'car)
104 (fifo-clear user-q))
106 (trc nil "!!! --- tk-user-queue-handler dispatching" defer-info)
107 (funcall task :user-q defer-info)))
109 #+save
110 (defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
111 (unless (find *tkw* *windows-destroyed*)
112 (let* ((*print-circle* nil)
113 (tk$ (apply 'format nil fmt$ fmt-args)))
115 ; --- debug stuff ---------------------------------
118 (let ((yes '(#+shhh "play-me"))
119 (no '("font")))
120 (declare (ignorable yes no))
121 (when (and (or ;; (null yes)
122 (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes))
123 #+hunh? (not (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) no)))
124 (format t "~&tk> ~a~%" tk$)))
125 (assert *tki*)
127 ; --- end debug stuff ------------------------------
129 ; --- serious stuff ---
131 (setf *tk-last* tk$)
132 (tcl-eval-ex *tki* tk$))))
134 (defun tk-format-now (fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
135 (unless (find *tkw* *windows-destroyed*)
136 (let* ((*print-circle* nil)
137 (tk$ (apply 'format nil fmt$ fmt-args)))
138 (let ((yes ) ; '("menubar" "cd"))
139 (no '()))
140 (declare (ignorable yes no))
141 (when (find-if (lambda (s) (search s tk$)) yes)
142 (format t "~&tk> ~a~%" tk$)))
143 (assert *tki*)
144 (setf *tk-last* tk$)
145 (tcl-eval-ex *tki* tk$))))
147 (defun tk-format (defer-info fmt$ &rest fmt-args)
148 "Format then send to wish (via user queue)"
149 (assert (or (eq defer-info :grouped)
150 (consp defer-info)) () "need defer-info to sort command ~a. Specify :grouped if caller is managing user-queue"
151 (apply 'format nil fmt$ fmt-args))
153 (when (eq defer-info :grouped)
154 (setf defer-info nil))
155 (flet ((do-it ()
156 (apply 'tk-format-now fmt$ fmt-args)))
157 (if defer-info
158 (with-integrity (:client defer-info)
159 (do-it))
160 (do-it))))
162 (defmethod tk-send-value ((s string))
163 #+whoa (if nil #+not (find #\\ s) ;; welllll, we cannot send: -text "[" to Tk because t misinterprets it, so we have to send the octal
164 ; which begins with \. There is probably a better way ///
165 (format nil "\"~a\"" s) ;; no good if \ is in file path as opposed to escaping
166 (format nil "~s" s) ; this fails where I want to send a /Tk/ escape sequence "\065"
167 ; because the ~s directive adds its own escaping
168 ;;(format nil "{~a}" s) ;this fails, too, not sure why
170 (if (find #\space s)
171 (format nil "{~a}" s)
172 (format nil "~s" s)))
174 (defmethod tk-send-value ((c character))
176 ; all this just to display "[". Unsolved is how we will
177 ; send a text label with a string /containing/ the character #\[
179 (trc nil "tk-send-value" c (char-code c) (format nil "\"\\~3,'0o\"" (char-code c)))
180 (format nil "\"\\~3,'0o\"" (char-code c)))
182 (defmethod tk-send-value (other)
183 (format nil "~a" other))
185 (defmethod tk-send-value ((s symbol))
186 (down$ s))
188 (defmethod tk-send-value ((p package))
189 (package-name p))
191 (defmethod tk-send-value ((values list))
192 (format nil "{~{~a~^ ~}}" (mapcar 'tk-send-value values)))
194 (defmethod parent-path ((nada null)) "")
195 (defmethod parent-path ((other t)) "")
198 ; --- tk eval ----------------------------------------------------
200 (defmethod path-index (self) (path self))
202 (defun tk-eval (tk-form$ &rest fmt-args
203 &aux (tk$ (apply 'format nil tk-form$ fmt-args)))
204 (assert *tki* () "Global *tki* is not bound to anything, let alone a Tcl interpreter")
205 (tk-format :grouped tk$)
206 (tcl-get-string-result *tki*)
209 (defun tk-eval-var (var)
210 (tk-eval "set ~a" var))
212 (defun tk-eval-list (tk-form$ &rest fmt-args)
213 (tk-format :grouped (apply 'format nil tk-form$ fmt-args))
214 (parse-tcl-list-result (tcl-get-string-result *tki*)))
216 #+test
217 (parse-tcl-list-result "-ascent 58 -descent 15 -linespace 73 -fixed 0")
219 (defun parse-tcl-list-result (result &aux item items)
220 (when (plusp (length result))
221 (trc nil "parse-tcl-list-result" result)
222 (labels ((is-spaces (s)
223 (every (lambda (c) (eql c #\space)) s))
224 (gather-item ()
225 (unless (is-spaces item)
226 ;(trc "item chars" (reverse item))
227 ;(trc "item string" (coerce (reverse item) 'string))
228 (push (coerce (nreverse item) 'string) items)
229 (setf item nil))))
230 (loop with inside-braces
231 for ch across result
232 if (eql ch #\{)
233 do (if inside-braces
234 (break "whoa, nested braces: ~a" result)
235 (setf inside-braces t))
236 else if (eql ch #\})
237 do (setf inside-braces nil)
238 (gather-item)
239 (setf item nil)
240 else if (eql ch #\space)
241 if inside-braces do (push ch item)
242 else do (gather-item)
243 (setf item nil)
244 else do (push ch item)
245 finally (gather-item)
246 (return (nreverse items))))))