Update newsletter.html
[awesomeBible-website.git] / config.toml
1 baseURL = "https://en.awesomebible.de"
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12 [outputs]
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15 [outputFormats.Algolia]
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21 [params]
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30   [params.app]
31     # optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
32     title = "awesomeBible"
33     # whether to omit favicon resource links
34     noFavicon = false
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43 [params.search]
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59   [params.search.algolia]
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65   [params.home]
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69     [params.home.profile]
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72       gravatarEmail = "hi@awesomebible.de"
73       # URL of avatar shown in home page
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76       title = ""
77       # subtitle shown in home page
78       subtitle = "We want to inspire people with God's ingenious plan, so we explain the Bible in a simple, understandable and accessible way for everyone!"
79       # whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
80       typeit = true
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82       social = true
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84       disclaimer = ""
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86     [params.home.posts]
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94   [params.page]
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106     fraction = true
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114     [params.page.toc]
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118       keepStatic = false
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135     [params.page.code]
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149       navigation = true
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153       scale = true
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155       fullscreen = true
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157     [params.page.share]
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187     [params.page.comment]
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190       [params.page.comment.disqus]
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196       [params.page.comment.gitalk]
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221         # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
222         # "assets/data/emoji/"
223         emoji = "twitter.yml"
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225       [params.page.comment.facebook]
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242       [params.page.comment.commento]
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245       [params.page.comment.utterances]
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266     [params.page.seo]
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286   [[menu.main]]
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296 [markup]
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298   [markup.highlight]
299     # false is a necessary configuration (https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/issues/158)
300     noClasses = false