Updated LICENSE and info comments
[SA_Dice.git] / SA_DiceParser.h
1 //
2 // SA_DiceParser.h
3 //
4 // Copyright 2016-2021 Said Achmiz.
5 // See LICENSE and README.md for more info.
7 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
9 #import "SA_DiceExpression.h"
11 /*********************/
12 #pragma mark Constants
13 /*********************/
15 These constants describe one of several behavior modes for roll string parsing.
17 Each behavior mode defines a set of capabilities - what sorts of expressions,
18 operators, roll commands, etc. the parser recognizes in that mode, and the
19 syntax for using those capabilities.
21 The structure and content of the expression tree generated by the parser from
22 a given die roll string also depends on the behavior mode that the parser is
23 set to.
25 NOTE: While SA_DiceEvaluator is modeless (it correctly evaluates all
26 expressions generated by the parser in any supported mode),
27 SA_DiceFormatter is modal. SA_DiceFormatter provides several
28 formatter behaviors, each of which supports one or more parser modes. Using the
29 wrong formatter behavior mode for an expression tree (that is, passing an
30 SA_DiceFormatter instance an expression tree that was was generated
31 by a parser mode that is not supported by the formatter’s currently set
32 formatter behavior mode) results in undefined behavior.
34 See SA_DiceFormatter.h for a list of which formatter behavior modes are
35 appropriate for use with which parser modes. See also SA_DiceBot.h for a
36 discussion of how the currently set parser mode affects what die-roll-related
37 bot commands are available. (Together, the parser behavior mode and the results
38 formatter behavior mode define the behavior and capabilities of an SA_DiceBot.)
40 Each mode is described below.
42 ======================
43 ==== DEFAULT mode ====
44 ======================
46 “Default” mode is an alias for whatever default behavior is currently set for
47 new SA_DiceParser instances. (The “default default” behavior for the current
48 implementation is “legacy”.)
50 =====================
51 ==== LEGACY mode ====
52 =====================
54 Legacy mode (mostly) emulates DiceBot by Sabin (and Dawn by xthemage before
55 it). It replicates the parsing and evaluation functions of those venerable
56 bots, providing the following capabilities:
58 1. Arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication. Syntax is as
59 normal for such operations, e.g.:
61 2+3
62 25*10
63 5-3*2
65 Normal operator precedence and behavior (commutativity, associativity) apply.
67 2. Simple roll-and-sum. Roll X dice, each with Y sides, and take the sum of
68 the rolled values, by inputting ‘XdY’ where X is a nonnegative integer and Y
69 is a positive integer, e.g.:
71 1d20
72 5d6
73 8d27
75 3. Left-associative recursive roll-and-sum. Roll X dice, each with Y sides,
76 and take the sum of the rolled values, by inputting ‘XdY’, where Y is a
77 positive integer and X may be a nonnegative integer or a recursive roll-and-sum
78 expression, e.g.:
80 5d6d10
81 1d20d6
82 4d4d4d4d4d4d4
84 The above capabilities may be used indiscriminately in a single roll string:
86 1d20-5
87 5d6*10
88 1d20+2d4*10
89 5d6d10-2*3
90 5+3-2*4d6+2d10d3-20+5d4*2
92 NOTE: The ‘d’ operator takes precedence over arithmetic operators. (Legacy
93 mode does not support parentheses.)
95 NOTE 2: Legacy mode does not support whitespace within roll strings.
97 TODO: Document exploding dice, Fudge dice, and ‘k’ and ‘l’ operators.
99 =====================
100 ==== MODERN mode ====
101 =====================
105 Modern mode provides a comprehensive range of commands and capabilities.
107 ======================
108 ==== FEEPBOT mode ====
109 ======================
113 Feepbot mode emulates feepbot by feep.
115 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SA_DiceParserBehavior) {
116 SA_DiceParserBehaviorDefault = 0,
117 SA_DiceParserBehaviorLegacy = 1337,
118 SA_DiceParserBehaviorModern = 2001,
119 SA_DiceParserBehaviorFeepbot = 65536
122 /*********************************************/
123 #pragma mark - SA_DiceParser class declaration
124 /*********************************************/
126 @interface SA_DiceParser : NSObject
128 /************************/
129 #pragma mark - Properties
130 /************************/
132 @property SA_DiceParserBehavior parserBehavior;
134 /******************************/
135 #pragma mark - Class properties
136 /******************************/
138 @property (class) SA_DiceParserBehavior defaultParserBehavior;
140 /********************************************/
141 #pragma mark - Initializers & factory methods
142 /********************************************/
144 -(instancetype) init;
145 -(instancetype) initWithBehavior:(SA_DiceParserBehavior)parserBehavior NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
146 +(instancetype) defaultParser;
147 +(instancetype) parserWithBehavior:(SA_DiceParserBehavior)parserBehavior;
149 /****************************/
150 #pragma mark - Public methods
151 /****************************/
153 -(SA_DiceExpression *) expressionForString:(NSString *)dieRollString;
155 @end