Port some fixes from upstream
[Orgmuse.git] /
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
2 # Copyright (C) 2001-2013
3 # Alex Schroeder <>
4 # Copyleft 2008 Brian Curry <>
5 # ... including lots of patches from the UseModWiki site
6 # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 various authors
7 # ... which was based on UseModWiki version 0.92 (April 21, 2001)
8 # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Clifford A. Adams
9 # <> or <>
10 # ... which was based on the GPLed AtisWiki 0.3
11 # Copyright (C) 1998 Markus Denker <>
12 # ... which was based on the LGPLed CVWiki CVS-patches
13 # Copyright (C) 1997 Peter Merel
14 # ... and The Original WikiWikiWeb
15 # Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Ward Cunningham <>
16 # (code reused with permission)
18 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
19 # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
20 # Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
21 # version.
23 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
24 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
25 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
27 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
28 # this program. If not, see <>.
30 package OddMuse;
31 use strict;
32 use utf8; # in case anybody ever addes UTF8 characters to the source
33 use CGI qw/-utf8/;
34 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
35 use File::Glob ':glob';
36 local $| = 1; # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl)
38 # Options:
39 use vars qw($RssLicense $RssCacheHours @RcDays $TempDir $LockDir $DataDir
40 $KeepDir $PageDir $RcOldFile $IndexFile $BannedContent $NoEditFile $BannedHosts
41 $ConfigFile $FullUrl $SiteName $HomePage $LogoUrl $RcDefault $RssDir
42 $IndentLimit $RecentTop $RecentLink $EditAllowed $UseDiff $KeepDays $KeepMajor
43 $EmbedWiki $BracketText $UseConfig $UseLookup $AdminPass $EditPass $NetworkFile
44 $BracketWiki $FreeLinks $WikiLinks $SummaryHours $FreeLinkPattern $RCName
45 $RunCGI $ShowEdits $LinkPattern $RssExclude $InterLinkPattern $MaxPost $UseGrep
46 $UrlPattern $UrlProtocols $ImageExtensions $InterSitePattern $FS $CookieName
47 $SiteBase $StyleSheet $NotFoundPg $FooterNote $NewText $EditNote $UserGotoBar
48 $VisitorFile $RcFile %Smilies %SpecialDays $InterWikiMoniker $SiteDescription
49 $RssImageUrl $ReadMe $RssRights $BannedCanRead $SurgeProtection $TopLinkBar
50 $LanguageLimit $SurgeProtectionTime $SurgeProtectionViews $DeletedPage
51 %Languages $InterMap $ValidatorLink %LockOnCreation $RssStyleSheet
52 %CookieParameters @UserGotoBarPages $NewComment $HtmlHeaders $StyleSheetPage
53 $ConfigPage $ScriptName $CommentsPrefix @UploadTypes $AllNetworkFiles
54 $UsePathInfo $UploadAllowed $LastUpdate $PageCluster %PlainTextPages
55 $RssInterwikiTranslate $UseCache $Counter $ModuleDir $FullUrlPattern
56 $SummaryDefaultLength $FreeInterLinkPattern %InvisibleCookieParameters
57 %AdminPages $UseQuestionmark $JournalLimit $LockExpiration $RssStrip
58 %LockExpires @IndexOptions @Debugging $DocumentHeader %HtmlEnvironmentContainers
59 @MyAdminCode @MyFooters @MyInitVariables @MyMacros @MyMaintenance @MyRules
60 $Favicon @EditorGotoBarPages $EditorGotoBar @ExploreGotoBarPages $ExploreGotoBar);
62 # Internal variables:
63 use vars qw(%Page %InterSite %IndexHash %Translate %OldCookie $FootnoteNumber
64 $OpenPageName @IndexList $Message $q $Now %RecentVisitors @HtmlStack
65 @HtmlAttrStack $ReplaceForm %MyInc $CollectingJournal $bol $WikiDescription
66 $PrintedHeader %Locks $Fragment @Blocks @Flags $Today @KnownLocks
67 $ModulesDescription %Action %RuleOrder %Includes %RssInterwikiTranslate);
69 # Can be set outside the script: $DataDir, $UseConfig, $ConfigFile, $ModuleDir,
70 # $ConfigPage, $AdminPass, $EditPass, $ScriptName, $FullUrl, $RunCGI.
72 # 1 = load config file in the data directory
73 $UseConfig = 1 unless defined $UseConfig;
75 # Main wiki directory
76 $DataDir = $ENV{WikiDataDir} if $UseConfig and not $DataDir;
77 $DataDir = '/tmp/oddmuse' unless $DataDir; # FIXME: /var/opt/oddmuse/wiki ?
78 $ConfigPage = '' unless $ConfigPage; # config page
80 # 1 = Run script as CGI instead of loading as module
81 $RunCGI = 1 unless defined $RunCGI;
83 # 1 = allow page views using
84 $UsePathInfo = 1;
86 # -1 = disabled, 0 = 10s; 1 = partial HTML cache; 2 = HTTP/1.1 caching
87 $UseCache = 2;
89 $SiteName = 'Wiki'; # Name of site (used for titles)
90 $HomePage = 'HomePage'; # Home page
91 $CookieName = 'Wiki'; # Name for this wiki (for multi-wiki sites)
93 $SiteBase = ''; # Full URL for <BASE> header
94 $MaxPost = 1024 * 210; # Maximum 210K posts (about 200K for pages)
95 $StyleSheet = ''; # URL for CSS stylesheet (like '/wiki.css')
96 $StyleSheetPage = 'css'; # Page for CSS sheet
97 $LogoUrl = ''; # URL for site logo ('' for no logo)
98 $Favicon = ''; # URL for favicon ('' for no icon)
99 $NotFoundPg = ''; # Page for not-found links ('' for blank pg)
101 $NewText = "This page is empty.\n"; # New page text
102 $NewComment = "Add your comment here.\n"; # New comment text
104 $EditAllowed = 1; # 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = comments pages only, 3 = comments only
105 $AdminPass = '' unless defined $AdminPass; # Whitespace separated passwords.
106 $EditPass = '' unless defined $EditPass; # Whitespace separated passwords.
108 $BannedHosts = 'BannedHosts'; # Page for banned hosts
109 $BannedCanRead = 1; # 1 = banned cannot edit, 0 = banned cannot read
110 $BannedContent = 'BannedContent'; # Page for banned content (usually for link-ban)
111 $WikiLinks = 1; # 1 = LinkPattern is a link
112 $FreeLinks = 1; # 1 = [[some text]] is a link
113 $UseQuestionmark = 1; # 1 = append questionmark to links to nonexisting pages
114 $BracketText = 1; # 1 = [URL desc] uses a description for the URL
115 $BracketWiki = 1; # 1 = [WikiLink desc] uses a desc for the local link
116 $NetworkFile = 1; # 1 = file: is a valid protocol for URLs
117 $AllNetworkFiles = 0; # 1 = file:///foo is allowed -- the default allows only file://foo
118 $InterMap = 'InterMap'; # name of the intermap page, '' = disable
119 $RssInterwikiTranslate = 'RssInterwikiTranslate'; # name of RSS interwiki translation page, '' = disable
120 $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # Path used to find 'diff' and 'grep'
121 $UseDiff = 1; # 1 = use diff
122 $UseGrep = 1; # 1 = use grep to speed up searches
123 $SurgeProtection = 1; # 1 = protect against leeches
124 $SurgeProtectionTime = 20; # Size of the protected window in seconds
125 $SurgeProtectionViews = 10; # How many page views to allow in this window
126 $DeletedPage = 'DeletedPage'; # Pages starting with this can be deleted
127 $RCName = 'RecentChanges'; # Name of changes page
128 @RcDays = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
129 $RcDefault = 30; # Default number of RecentChanges days
130 $KeepDays = 14; # Days to keep old revisions
131 $KeepMajor = 1; # 1 = keep at least one major rev when expiring pages
132 $SummaryHours = 4; # Hours to offer the old subject when editing a page
133 $SummaryDefaultLength = 150; # Length of default text for summary (0 to disable)
134 $ShowEdits = 0; # 1 = major and show minor edits in recent changes
135 $UseLookup = 1; # 1 = lookup host names instead of using only IP numbers
136 $RecentTop = 1; # 1 = most recent entries at the top of the list
137 $RecentLink = 1; # 1 = link to usernames
138 $PageCluster = ''; # name of cluster page, eg. 'Cluster' to enable
139 $InterWikiMoniker = ''; # InterWiki prefix for this wiki for RSS
140 $SiteDescription = ''; # RSS Description of this wiki
141 $RssStrip = '^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_'; # Regexp to strip from feed item titles
142 $RssImageUrl = $LogoUrl; # URL to image to associate with your RSS feed
143 $RssRights = ''; # Copyright notice for RSS, usually an URL to the appropriate text
144 $RssExclude = 'RssExclude'; # name of the page that lists pages to be excluded from the feed
145 $RssCacheHours = 1; # How many hours to cache remote RSS files
146 $RssStyleSheet = ''; # External style sheet for RSS files
147 $UploadAllowed = 0; # 1 = yes, 0 = administrators only
148 @UploadTypes = ('image/jpeg', # MIME types allowed, all allowed if empty list
149 'image/png',
150 'image/');
151 $EmbedWiki = 0; # 1 = no headers/footers
152 $FooterNote = ''; # HTML for bottom of every page
153 $EditNote = ''; # HTML notice above buttons on edit page
154 $TopLinkBar = 1; # Pick and choose what gets displayed on top
155 # Summary of useful values.
156 # +-------+---------+---------+------+
157 # | Value | EditBar | GotoBar | Motd |
158 # |-------+---------+---------+------|
159 # | 0 | No | No | No |
160 # | 1 | No | Yes | Yes |
161 # | 2 | Yes | No | Yes |
162 # | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
163 # +-------+---------+---------+------+
164 @UserGotoBarPages = (); # List of pagenames
165 $UserGotoBar = ''; # HTML added to end of goto bar
166 @EditorGotoBarPages = (); # List of pagenames available only to editors
167 $EditorGotoBar = ''; # HTML added to end of editor goto bar
168 @ExploreGotoBarPages = (); # List of pagenames available only to editors
169 $ExploreGotoBar = ''; # HTML added to end of editor goto bar
170 $ValidatorLink = 0; # 1 = Link to the W3C HTML validator service
171 $CommentsPrefix = ''; # prefix for comment pages, eg. 'Comments_on_' to enable
172 $HtmlHeaders = ''; # Additional stuff to put in the HTML <head> section
173 $IndentLimit = 20; # Maximum depth of nested lists
174 $LanguageLimit = 3; # Number of matches req. for each language
175 $JournalLimit = 200; # how many pages can be collected in one go?
176 $DocumentHeader = qq(<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN")
177 . qq( "">\n)
178 . qq(<html xmlns="">);
179 # Checkboxes at the end of the index.
180 @IndexOptions = (['pages', T('Include normal pages'), 1, \&AllPagesList]);
181 # Display short comments below the GotoBar for special days
182 # Example: %SpecialDays = ('1-1' => 'New Year', '1-2' => 'Next Day');
183 %SpecialDays = ();
184 # Replace regular expressions with inlined images
185 # Example: %Smilies = (":-?D(?=\\W)" => '/pics/grin.png');
186 %Smilies = ();
187 # Detect page languages when saving edits
188 # Example: %Languages = ('de' => '\b(der|die|das|und|oder)\b');
189 %Languages = ();
190 @KnownLocks = qw(main diff index merge visitors); # locks to remove
191 $LockExpiration = 60; # How long before expirable locks are expired
192 %LockExpires = (diff=>1, index=>1, merge=>1, visitors=>1); # locks to expire after some time
193 %CookieParameters = (username=>'', pwd=>'', homepage=>'', theme=>'', css=>'', msg=>'',
194 lang=>'', toplinkbar=>$TopLinkBar, embed=>$EmbedWiki, );
195 %InvisibleCookieParameters = (msg=>1, pwd=>1,);
196 %Action = (rc => \&BrowseRc, rollback => \&DoRollback,
197 browse => \&BrowseResolvedPage, maintain => \&DoMaintain,
198 random => \&DoRandom, pagelock => \&DoPageLock,
199 history => \&DoHistory, editlock => \&DoEditLock,
200 edit => \&DoEdit, version => \&DoShowVersion,
201 download => \&DoDownload, rss => \&DoRss,
202 unlock => \&DoUnlock, password => \&DoPassword,
203 index => \&DoIndex, admin => \&DoAdminPage,
204 clear => \&DoClearCache, debug => \&DoDebug,
205 contrib => \&DoContributors, more => \&DoJournal);
206 @MyRules = (\&LinkRules, \&ListRule); # don't set this variable, add to it!
207 %RuleOrder = (\&LinkRules => 0, \&ListRule => 0);
209 # The 'main' program, called at the end of this script file (aka. as handler)
210 sub DoWikiRequest {
211 Init();
212 DoSurgeProtection();
213 if (not $BannedCanRead and UserIsBanned() and not UserIsEditor()) {
214 ReportError(T('Reading not allowed: user, ip, or network is blocked.'), '403 FORBIDDEN',
215 0, $q->p(ScriptLink('action=password', T('Login'), 'password')));
217 DoBrowseRequest();
220 sub ReportError { # fatal!
221 my ($errmsg, $status, $log, @html) = @_;
222 InitRequest(); # make sure we can report errors before InitRequest
223 print GetHttpHeader('text/html', 'nocache', $status), GetHtmlHeader(T('Error')),
224 $q->start_div({class=>"error"}), $q->h1(QuoteHtml($errmsg)), @html, $q->end_div,
225 $q->end_html, "\n\n"; # newlines for FCGI because of exit()
226 WriteStringToFile("$TempDir/error", '<body>' . $q->h1("$status $errmsg") . $q->Dump) if $log;
227 map { ReleaseLockDir($_); } keys %Locks;
228 exit (2);
231 sub Init {
232 binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); # this is where the HTML gets printed
233 binmode(STDERR, ':utf8'); # just in case somebody prints debug info to stderr
234 InitDirConfig();
235 $FS = "\x1e"; # The FS character is the RECORD SEPARATOR control char in ASCII
236 $Message = ''; # Warnings and non-fatal errors.
237 InitLinkPatterns(); # Link pattern can be changed in config files
238 InitModules(); # Modules come first so that users can change module variables in config
239 InitConfig(); # Config comes as early as possible; remember $q is not available here
240 InitRequest(); # get $q with $MaxPost; set these in the config file
241 InitCookie(); # After InitRequest, because $q is used
242 InitVariables(); # After config, to change variables, after InitCookie for GetParam
245 sub InitModules {
246 if ($UseConfig and $ModuleDir and -d $ModuleDir) {
247 foreach my $lib (bsd_glob("$ModuleDir/*.p[ml]")) {
248 do $lib unless $MyInc{$lib};
249 $MyInc{$lib} = 1; # Cannot use %INC in mod_perl settings
250 $Message .= CGI::p("$lib: $@") if $@; # no $q exists, yet
255 sub InitConfig {
256 if ($UseConfig and $ConfigFile and not $INC{$ConfigFile} and -f $ConfigFile) {
257 do $ConfigFile; # these options must be set in a wrapper script or via the environment
258 $Message .= CGI::p("$ConfigFile: $@") if $@; # remember, no $q exists, yet
260 if ($ConfigPage) { # $FS and $MaxPost must be set in config file!
261 my ($status, $data) = ReadFile(GetPageFile(FreeToNormal($ConfigPage)));
262 my %data = ParseData($data); # before InitVariables so GetPageContent won't work
263 eval $data{text} if $data{text};
264 $Message .= CGI::p("$ConfigPage: $@") if $@;
268 sub InitDirConfig {
269 utf8::decode($DataDir); # just in case, eg. "WikiDataDir=/tmp/Zürich♥ perl"
270 $PageDir = "$DataDir/page"; # Stores page data
271 $KeepDir = "$DataDir/keep"; # Stores kept (old) page data
272 $TempDir = "$DataDir/temp"; # Temporary files and locks
273 $LockDir = "$TempDir/lock"; # DB is locked if this exists
274 $NoEditFile = "$DataDir/noedit"; # Indicates that the site is read-only
275 $RcFile = "$DataDir/rc.log"; # New RecentChanges logfile
276 $RcOldFile = "$DataDir/oldrc.log"; # Old RecentChanges logfile
277 $IndexFile = "$DataDir/pageidx"; # List of all pages
278 $VisitorFile = "$DataDir/visitors.log"; # List of recent visitors
279 $RssDir = "$DataDir/rss"; # For rss feed cache
280 $ReadMe = "$DataDir/README"; # file with default content for the HomePage
281 # Config file with Perl code to execute
282 $ConfigFile = "$DataDir/config" unless $ConfigFile;
283 # For extensions (ending in .pm or .pl)
284 $ModuleDir = "$DataDir/modules" unless $ModuleDir;
287 sub InitRequest { # set up $q
288 $CGI::POST_MAX = $MaxPost;
289 $q = new CGI unless $q;
292 sub InitVariables { # Init global session variables for mod_perl!
293 $WikiDescription = $q->p($q->a({-href=>''}, 'Oddmuse'),
294 $Counter++ > 0 ? Ts('%s calls', $Counter) : '');
295 $WikiDescription .= $ModulesDescription if $ModulesDescription;
296 $PrintedHeader = 0; # Error messages don't print headers unless necessary
297 $ReplaceForm = 0; # Only admins may search and replace
298 $ScriptName = $q->url() unless defined $ScriptName; # URL used in links
299 $FullUrl = $ScriptName unless $FullUrl; # URL used in forms
300 %Locks = ();
301 @Blocks = ();
302 @Flags = ();
303 $Fragment = '';
304 %RecentVisitors = ();
305 $OpenPageName = ''; # Currently open page
306 my $add_space = $CommentsPrefix =~ /[ \t_]$/;
307 map { $$_ = FreeToNormal($$_); } # convert spaces to underscores on all configurable pagenames
308 (\$HomePage, \$RCName, \$BannedHosts, \$InterMap, \$StyleSheetPage, \$CommentsPrefix,
309 \$ConfigPage, \$NotFoundPg, \$RssInterwikiTranslate, \$BannedContent, \$RssExclude, );
310 $CommentsPrefix .= '_' if $add_space;
311 @UserGotoBarPages = ($HomePage) unless @UserGotoBarPages;
312 @ExploreGotoBarPages = ($RCName) unless @ExploreGotoBarPages;
313 my @pages = sort($BannedHosts, $StyleSheetPage, $ConfigPage, $InterMap,
314 $RssInterwikiTranslate, $BannedContent);
315 %AdminPages = map { $_ => 1} @pages, $RssExclude unless %AdminPages;
316 %LockOnCreation = map { $_ => 1} @pages unless %LockOnCreation;
317 %PlainTextPages = ($BannedHosts => 1, $BannedContent => 1,
318 $StyleSheetPage => 1, $ConfigPage => 1) unless %PlainTextPages;
319 delete $PlainTextPages{''}; # $ConfigPage and others might be empty.
320 CreateDir($DataDir); # Create directory if it doesn't exist
321 $Now = time; # Reset in case script is persistent
322 my $ts = (stat($IndexFile))[9]; # always stat for multiple server processes
323 ReInit() if not $ts or $LastUpdate != $ts; # reinit if another process changed files (requires $DataDir)
324 $LastUpdate = $ts;
325 unshift(@MyRules, \&MyRules) if defined(&MyRules) && (not @MyRules or $MyRules[0] != \&MyRules);
326 @MyRules = sort {$RuleOrder{$a} <=> $RuleOrder{$b}} @MyRules; # default is 0
327 ReportError(Ts('Cannot create %s', $DataDir) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR')
328 unless -d $DataDir;
329 foreach my $sub (@MyInitVariables) {
330 my $result = &$sub;
331 $Message .= $q->p($@) if $@;
335 sub ReInit { # init everything we need if we want to link to stuff
336 my $id = shift; # when saving a page, what to do depends on the page being saved
337 AllPagesList() if not $id;
338 InterInit() if $InterMap and (not $id or $id eq $InterMap);
339 %RssInterwikiTranslate = () if not $id or $id eq $RssInterwikiTranslate; # special since rarely used
342 sub InitCookie {
343 undef $q->{'.cookies'}; # Clear cache if it exists (for SpeedyCGI)
344 my $cookie = $q->cookie($CookieName);
345 %OldCookie = split(/$FS/o, UrlDecode($cookie));
346 my %provided = map { $_ => 1 } $q->param;
347 for my $key (keys %OldCookie) {
348 SetParam($key, $OldCookie{$key}) unless $provided{$key};
350 CookieUsernameFix();
351 CookieRollbackFix();
354 sub CookieUsernameFix {
355 # Only valid usernames get stored in the new cookie.
356 my $name = GetParam('username', '');
357 $q->delete('username');
358 if (!$name) {
359 # do nothing
360 } elsif ($WikiLinks && !$FreeLinks && !($name =~ /^$LinkPattern$/o)) {
361 $Message .= $q->p(Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $name));
362 } elsif ($FreeLinks && (!($name =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/o))) {
363 $Message .= $q->p(Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $name));
364 } elsif (length($name) > 50) { # Too long
365 $Message .= $q->p(T('UserName must be 50 characters or less: not saved'));
366 } else {
367 SetParam('username', $name);
371 sub CookieRollbackFix {
372 my @rollback = grep(/rollback-(\d+)/, $q->param);
373 if (@rollback and $rollback[0] =~ /(\d+)/) {
374 SetParam('to', $1);
375 $q->delete('action');
376 SetParam('action', 'rollback');
380 sub GetParam {
381 my ($name, $default) = @_;
382 utf8::encode($name); # turn to byte string
383 my $result = $q->param($name);
384 $result = $default unless defined($result);
385 return QuoteHtml($result); # you need to unquote anything that can have <tags>
388 sub SetParam {
389 my ($name, $val) = @_;
390 $q->param($name, $val);
393 sub InitLinkPatterns {
394 my ($WikiWord, $QDelim);
395 $QDelim = '(?:"")?'; # Optional quote delimiter (removed from the output)
396 $WikiWord = '[A-Z]+[a-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+[A-Z][A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]*'; # exclude noncharacters FFFE and FFFF
397 $LinkPattern = "($WikiWord)$QDelim";
398 $FreeLinkPattern = "([-,.()'%&?;<> _1-9A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]|[-,.()'%&?;<> _0-9A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}][-,.()'%&?;<> _0-9A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+)"; # disallow "0" and must match HTML and plain text (ie. > and &gt;)
399 # Intersites must start with uppercase letter to avoid confusion with URLs.
400 $InterSitePattern = '[A-Z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+[A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+';
401 $InterLinkPattern = "($InterSitePattern:[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=!?#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/:;.,]*[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/])$QDelim";
402 $FreeInterLinkPattern = "($InterSitePattern:[-a-zA-Z0-9\x{0080}-\x{fffd}_=!?#\$\@~`\%&*+\\/:;.,()' ]+)"; # plus space and other characters, and no restrictions on the end of the pattern
403 $UrlProtocols = 'http|https|ftp|afs|news|nntp|mid|cid|mailto|wais|prospero|telnet|gopher|irc|feed';
404 $UrlProtocols .= '|file' if $NetworkFile;
405 my $UrlChars = '[-a-zA-Z0-9/@=+$_~*.,;:?!\'"()&#%]'; # see RFC 2396
406 my $EndChars = '[-a-zA-Z0-9/@=+$_~*]'; # no punctuation at the end of the url.
407 $UrlPattern = "((?:$UrlProtocols):$UrlChars+$EndChars)";
408 $FullUrlPattern="((?:$UrlProtocols):$UrlChars+)"; # when used in square brackets
409 $ImageExtensions = '(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg|svg)';
412 sub Clean {
413 my $block = shift;
414 return 0 unless defined($block); # "0" must print
415 return 1 if $block eq ''; # '' is the result of a dirty rule
416 $Fragment .= $block;
417 return 1;
420 sub Dirty { # arg 1 is the raw text; the real output must be printed instead
421 if ($Fragment ne '') {
422 $Fragment =~ s|<p>\s*</p>||g; # clean up extra paragraphs (see end of ApplyRules)
423 print $Fragment;
424 push(@Blocks, $Fragment);
425 push(@Flags, 0);
427 push(@Blocks, (shift));
428 push(@Flags, 1);
429 $Fragment = '';
432 sub ApplyRules {
433 # locallinks: apply rules that create links depending on local config (incl. interlink!)
434 my ($text, $locallinks, $withanchors, $revision, @tags) = @_; # $revision is used for images
435 $text =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # DOS to Unix
436 $text =~ s/\n+$//g; # No trailing paragraphs
437 $text =~ s/^\n+//g; # No leading paragraphs
438 return unless $text ne ''; # allow the text '0'
439 local $Fragment = ''; # the clean HTML fragment not yet on @Blocks
440 local @Blocks=(); # the list of cached HTML blocks
441 local @Flags=(); # a list for each block, 1 = dirty, 0 = clean
442 Clean(join('', map { AddHtmlEnvironment($_) } @tags));
443 if ($OpenPageName and $PlainTextPages{$OpenPageName}) { # there should be no $PlainTextPages{''}
444 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments() . $q->pre($text));
445 } elsif (my ($type) = TextIsFile($text)) {
446 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments() . $q->p(T('This page contains an uploaded file:'))
447 . $q->p(GetDownloadLink($OpenPageName, (substr($type, 0, 6) eq 'image/'), $revision)));
448 } else {
449 my $smileyregex = join "|", keys %Smilies;
450 $smileyregex = qr/(?=$smileyregex)/;
451 local $_ = $text;
452 local $bol = 1;
453 while (1) {
454 # Block level elements should eat trailing empty lines to prevent empty p elements.
455 if ($bol && m/\G(\s*\n)+/cg) {
456 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments() . AddHtmlEnvironment('p'));
457 } elsif ($bol && m/\G(\&lt;include(\s+(text|with-anchors))?\s+"(.*)"\&gt;[ \t]*\n?)/cgi) {
458 # <include "uri..."> includes the text of the given URI verbatim
459 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
460 Dirty($1);
461 my ($oldpos, $old_, $type, $uri) = ((pos), $_, $3, UnquoteHtml($4)); # remember, page content is quoted!
462 if ($uri =~ /^($UrlProtocols):/o) {
463 if ($type eq 'text') {
464 print $q->pre({class=>"include $uri"}, QuoteHtml(GetRaw($uri)));
465 } else { # never use local links for remote pages, with a starting tag
466 print $q->start_div({class=>"include $uri"});
467 ApplyRules(QuoteHtml(GetRaw($uri)), 0, ($type eq 'with-anchors'), undef, 'p');
468 print $q->end_div();
470 } else {
471 $Includes{$OpenPageName} = 1;
472 local $OpenPageName = FreeToNormal($uri);
473 if ($type eq 'text') {
474 print $q->pre({class=>"include $OpenPageName"}, QuoteHtml(GetPageContent($OpenPageName)));
475 } elsif (not $Includes{$OpenPageName}) { # with a starting tag, watch out for recursion
476 print $q->start_div({class=>"include $OpenPageName"});
477 ApplyRules(QuoteHtml(GetPageContent($OpenPageName)), $locallinks, $withanchors, undef, 'p');
478 print $q->end_div();
479 delete $Includes{$OpenPageName};
480 } else {
481 print $q->p({-class=>'error'}, $q->strong(Ts('Recursive include of %s!', $OpenPageName)));
484 Clean(AddHtmlEnvironment('p')); # if dirty block is looked at later, this will disappear
485 ($_, pos) = ($old_, $oldpos); # restore \G (assignment order matters!)
486 } elsif ($bol && m/\G(\&lt;journal(\s+(\d*))?(\s+"(.*?)")?(\s+(reverse|past|future))?(\s+search\s+(.*))?\&gt;[ \t]*\n?)/cgi) {
487 # <journal 10 "regexp"> includes 10 pages matching regexp
488 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
489 Dirty($1);
490 my ($oldpos, $old_) = (pos, $_); # remember these because of the call to PrintJournal()
491 PrintJournal($3, $5, $7, 0, $9); # no offset
492 Clean(AddHtmlEnvironment('p')); # if dirty block is looked at later, this will disappear
493 ($_, pos) = ($old_, $oldpos); # restore \G (assignment order matters!)
494 } elsif ($bol && m/\G(\&lt;rss(\s+(\d*))?\s+(.*?)\&gt;[ \t]*\n?)/cgis) {
495 # <rss "uri..."> stores the parsed RSS of the given URI
496 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
497 Dirty($1);
498 my ($oldpos, $old_) = (pos, $_); # remember these because of the call to RSS()
499 print RSS($3 ? $3 : 15, split(/\s+/, UnquoteHtml($4)));
500 Clean(AddHtmlEnvironment('p')); # if dirty block is looked at later, this will disappear
501 ($_, pos) = ($old_, $oldpos); # restore \G (assignment order matters!)
502 } elsif (/\G(&lt;search (.*?)&gt;)/cgis) {
503 # <search regexp>
504 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments());
505 Dirty($1);
506 my ($oldpos, $old_) = (pos, $_);
507 print $q->start_div({-class=>'search'});
508 SearchTitleAndBody($2, \&PrintSearchResult, SearchRegexp($2));
509 print $q->end_div;
510 Clean(AddHtmlEnvironment('p')); # if dirty block is looked at later, this will disappear
511 ($_, pos) = ($old_, $oldpos); # restore \G (assignment order matters!)
512 } elsif ($bol && m/\G(&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; )/cg) {
513 my ($str, $count, $limit, $oldpos) = ($1, 0, 100, pos);
514 while (m/\G(.*\n)/cg and $count++ < $limit) {
515 $str .= $1;
516 last if (substr($1, 0, 29) eq '&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; ');
518 if ($count >= $limit) {
519 pos = $oldpos; # reset because we did not find a match
520 Clean('&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; ');
521 } else {
522 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments() . $q->pre({-class=>'conflict'}, $str) . AddHtmlEnvironment('p'));
524 } elsif ($bol and m/\G#REDIRECT/cg) {
525 Clean('#REDIRECT');
526 } elsif (%Smilies && m/\G$smileyregex/cog && Clean(SmileyReplace())) {
527 } elsif (Clean(RunMyRules($locallinks, $withanchors))) {
528 } elsif (m/\G\s*\n(\s*\n)+/cg) { # paragraphs: at least two newlines
529 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments() . AddHtmlEnvironment('p')); # another one like this further up
530 } elsif (m/\G&amp;([A-Za-z]+|#[0-9]+|#x[A-Za-f0-9]+);/cg) { # entity references
531 Clean("&$1;");
532 } elsif (m/\G\s+/cg) {
533 Clean(' ');
534 } elsif (m/\G([A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+([ \t]+[a-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+)*[ \t]+)/cg
535 or m/\G([A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+)/cg or m/\G(\S)/cg) {
536 Clean($1); # multiple words but do not match http://foo
537 } else {
538 last;
540 $bol = (substr($_,pos()-1,1) eq "\n");
543 pos = length $_; # notify module functions we've completed rule handling
544 Clean(CloseHtmlEnvironments()); # last block -- close it, cache it
545 if ($Fragment ne '') {
546 $Fragment =~ s|<p>\s*</p>||g; # clean up extra paragraphs (see end Dirty())
547 print $Fragment;
548 push(@Blocks, $Fragment);
549 push(@Flags, 0);
551 # this can be stored in the page cache -- see PrintCache
552 return (join($FS, @Blocks), join($FS, @Flags));
555 sub ListRule {
556 if ($bol && m/\G(\s*\n)*(\*+)[ \t]+/cg
557 or InElement('li') && m/\G(\s*\n)+(\*+)[ \t]+/cg) {
558 return CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('li')
559 . OpenHtmlEnvironment('ul',length($2)) . AddHtmlEnvironment('li');
561 return undef;
564 sub LinkRules {
565 my ($locallinks, $withanchors) = @_;
566 if ($locallinks
567 and ($BracketText && m/\G(\[$InterLinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/cog
568 or $BracketText && m/\G(\[\[$FreeInterLinkPattern\|([^\]]+?)\]\])/cog
569 or m/\G(\[$InterLinkPattern\])/cog or m/\G(\[\[\[$FreeInterLinkPattern\]\]\])/cog
570 or m/\G($InterLinkPattern)/cog or m/\G(\[\[$FreeInterLinkPattern\]\])/cog)) {
571 # [InterWiki:FooBar text] or [InterWiki:FooBar] or
572 # InterWiki:FooBar or [[InterWiki:foo bar|text]] or
573 # [[InterWiki:foo bar]] or [[[InterWiki:foo bar]]]-- Interlinks
574 # can change when the intermap changes (local config, therefore
575 # depend on $locallinks). The intermap is only read if
576 # necessary, so if this not an interlink, we have to backtrack a
577 # bit.
578 my $bracket = (substr($1, 0, 1) eq '[') # but \[\[$FreeInterLinkPattern\]\] it not bracket!
579 && !((substr($1, 0, 2) eq '[[') && (substr($1, 2, 1) ne '[') && index($1, '|') < 0);
580 my $quote = (substr($1, 0, 2) eq '[[');
581 my ($oldmatch, $output) = ($1, GetInterLink($2, $3, $bracket, $quote)); # $3 may be empty
582 if ($oldmatch eq $output) { # no interlink
583 my ($site, $rest) = split(/:/, $oldmatch, 2);
584 Clean($site);
585 pos = (pos) - length($rest) - 1; # skip site, but reparse rest
586 } else {
587 Dirty($oldmatch);
588 print $output; # this is an interlink
590 } elsif ($BracketText && m/\G(\[$FullUrlPattern[|[:space:]]([^\]]+?)\])/cog
591 or $BracketText && m/\G(\[\[$FullUrlPattern[|[:space:]]([^\]]+?)\]\])/cog
592 or m/\G(\[$FullUrlPattern\])/cog or m/\G($UrlPattern)/cog) {
593 # [URL text] makes [text] link to URL, [URL] makes footnotes [1]
594 my ($str, $url, $text, $bracket, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3, (substr($1, 0, 1) eq '['), '');
595 if ($url =~ /(&lt|&gt|&amp)$/) { # remove trailing partial named entitites and add them as
596 $rest = $1; # back again at the end as trailing text.
597 $url =~ s/&(lt|gt|amp)$//;
599 if ($bracket and not defined $text) { # [URL] is dirty because the number may change
600 Dirty($str);
601 print GetUrl($url, $text, $bracket), $rest;
602 } else {
603 Clean(GetUrl($url, $text, $bracket, not $bracket) . $rest); # $text may be empty, no images in brackets
605 } elsif ($WikiLinks && m/\G!$LinkPattern/cog) {
606 Clean($1); # ! gets eaten
607 } elsif ($WikiLinks && $locallinks
608 && ($BracketWiki && m/\G(\[$LinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/cog
609 or m/\G(\[$LinkPattern\])/cog or m/\G($LinkPattern)/cog)) {
610 # [LocalPage text], [LocalPage], LocalPage
611 Dirty($1);
612 my $bracket = (substr($1, 0, 1) eq '[' and not $3);
613 print GetPageOrEditLink($2, $3, $bracket);
614 } elsif ($locallinks && $FreeLinks && (m/\G(\[\[image:$FreeLinkPattern\]\])/cog
615 or m/\G(\[\[image:$FreeLinkPattern\|([^]|]+)\]\])/cog)) {
616 # [[image:Free Link]], [[image:Free Link|alt text]]
617 Dirty($1);
618 print GetDownloadLink(FreeToNormal($2), 1, undef, UnquoteHtml($3));
619 } elsif ($FreeLinks && $locallinks
620 && ($BracketWiki && m/\G(\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\])/cog
621 or m/\G(\[\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]\])/cog
622 or m/\G(\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\])/cog)) {
623 # [[Free Link|text]], [[[Free Link]]], [[Free Link]]
624 Dirty($1);
625 my $bracket = (substr($1, 0, 3) eq '[[[');
626 print GetPageOrEditLink($2, $3, $bracket, 1); # $3 may be empty
627 } else {
628 return undef; # nothing matched
630 return ''; # one of the dirty rules matched (and they all are)
633 sub SetHtmlEnvironmentContainer {
634 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
635 $HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$html_tag} = defined $html_tag_attr ? (
636 $HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$html_tag} ? '|'.$HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$html_tag} : '').
637 $html_tag_attr : '';
640 # A stashed attribute is an attribute that is meant for internal use
641 # by the Wiki engine i.e., they don't make their way in to final HTML.
642 # You can use stashed attributes for storing additional paramaters
643 # along with a HTML tag.
645 # As of this writing, only the Org markup engine uses stashed
646 # attributes. The value that is stashed is the leading indentation of
647 # an list item. (NOTE: in case of Emacs Org-mode markup the *relative*
648 # indentation between the list items signifies the depth of a list
649 # item i.e., an item that (i) begins at the same column as an earlier
650 # item is a sibling (ii) is more indented starts a sub-list (iii) that
651 # is less indented continues a super-list.)
653 # IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: To distinguish stashed attributes from regular
654 # user-provided attributes, they are enclosed between `%%' markers.
656 sub StashAttributeValue { # See note above
657 my ($html_tag_attr, $attr, $value) = @_;
658 return $html_tag_attr unless ($attr and $value);
659 return "$html_tag_attr %$attr% = \"$value\"";
662 sub GetStashedAttributeValue { # See note above
663 my ($html_tag_attr, $attr) = @_;
664 if ($html_tag_attr =~ /(^|\s+)%$attr%\s*=\s*"(.*?)"(\s+|$)/) {
665 return $2;
667 return undef;
670 sub ClearStashedAttributes { # See note above
671 my ($html_tag_attr) = @_;
672 $html_tag_attr =~ s/(^|\s+)%.*?%\s*=\s*".*?"(?=($|\s))//g;
673 return $html_tag_attr;
676 sub OpenHtmlTag {
677 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
678 if ($html_tag eq 'list') {
679 $html_tag = GetStashedAttributeValue($html_tag_attr, 'type') eq
680 'numbered' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
682 $html_tag_attr = ClearStashedAttributes($html_tag_attr);
683 return $html_tag_attr ? "<$html_tag $html_tag_attr>" : "<$html_tag>";
686 sub CloseHtmlTag {
687 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
688 if ($html_tag eq 'list') {
689 $html_tag = GetStashedAttributeValue($html_tag_attr, 'type') eq
690 'numbered' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
692 return "</$html_tag>";
695 sub InElement { # is $html_tag in @HtmlStack?
696 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
697 my $i = 0;
698 foreach my $html_tag_current (@HtmlStack) {
699 return 1 if $html_tag_current eq $html_tag and
700 ($html_tag_attr ? $HtmlAttrStack[$i] =~ m/$html_tag_attr/ : 1);
701 $i++;
702 } return '';
705 sub AddOrCloseHtmlEnvironment { # add $html_tag, if not already added; close, otherwise
706 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
707 return InElement ($html_tag, '^'.$html_tag_attr.'$')
708 ? CloseHtmlEnvironment($html_tag, '^'.$html_tag_attr.'$')
709 : AddHtmlEnvironment ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr);
712 sub AddHtmlEnvironment { # add a new $html_tag
713 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
714 $html_tag_attr = '' if not defined $html_tag_attr;
715 if ($html_tag and not (@HtmlStack and $HtmlStack[0] eq $html_tag and
716 ($html_tag_attr ? $HtmlAttrStack[0] =~ m/$html_tag_attr/ : 1))) {
717 unshift(@HtmlStack, $html_tag);
718 unshift(@HtmlAttrStack, $html_tag_attr);
719 return OpenHtmlTag($html_tag, $html_tag_attr);
720 } return ''; # always return something
723 sub OpenHtmlEnvironment { # close the previous $html_tag and open a new one
724 my ($html_tag, $depth, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
725 my ($html, $found, @stack) = ('', 0); # always return something
726 while (@HtmlStack and $found < $depth) { # determine new stack
727 my $tag = pop(@HtmlStack);
728 $found++ if $tag eq $html_tag; # this ignores that ul and ol can be equivalent for nesting purposes
729 unshift(@stack, $tag);
731 unshift(@stack, pop(@HtmlStack)) if @HtmlStack and $found < $depth; # nested sublist coming up, keep list item
732 @HtmlStack = @stack if not $found; # if starting a new list
733 $html .= CloseHtmlEnvironments(); # close remaining elements (or all elements if a new list)
734 @HtmlStack = @stack if $found; # if not starting a new list
735 $depth = $IndentLimit if $depth > $IndentLimit; # requested depth 0 makes no sense
736 $html_tag_attr = qq/class="$html_tag_attr"/ # backwards-compatibility hack: classically, the third argument to this function was a single CSS class, rather than string of HTML tag attributes as in the second argument to the "AddHtmlEnvironment" function. To allow both sorts, we conditionally change this string to 'class="$html_tag_attr"' when this string is a single CSS class.
737 if $html_tag_attr && $html_tag_attr !~ m/^\s*.+?\s*=\s*('|").+\1/;
738 splice(@HtmlAttrStack, 0, @HtmlAttrStack - @HtmlStack); # truncate to size of @HtmlStack
739 foreach ($found..$depth-1) {
740 unshift(@HtmlStack, $html_tag);
741 unshift(@HtmlAttrStack, $html_tag_attr);
742 $html .= OpenHtmlTag($html_tag, $html_tag_attr);
744 return $html;
747 sub CloseHtmlEnvironments { # close all -- remember to use AddHtmlEnvironment('p') if required!
748 return CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil() if pos($_) == length($_); # close all HTML environments if we're are at the end of this page
749 my $html = '';
750 while (@HtmlStack) {
751 defined $HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$HtmlStack[0]} and # avoid closing block level elements
752 ($HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$HtmlStack[0]} ? $HtmlAttrStack[0] =~
753 m/$HtmlEnvironmentContainers{$HtmlStack[0]}/ : 1) and return $html;
754 $html .= CloseHtmlTag(shift(@HtmlStack), shift(@HtmlAttrStack));
755 } return $html;
758 sub CloseHtmlEnvironment { # close environments up to and including $html_tag
759 my $html = CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil(@_) if @_ and InElement(@_);
760 if (@HtmlStack and (not(@_) or defined $html)) {
761 return $html.CloseHtmlTag(shift(@HtmlStack), shift(@HtmlAttrStack));
762 } return $html or ''; # always return something
765 sub CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil { # close environments up to but not including $html_tag
766 my ($html_tag, $html_tag_attr) = @_;
767 my $html = '';
768 while (@HtmlStack && (pos($_) == length($_) || # while there is an HTML tag-stack and we are at the end of this page or...
769 !($html_tag ? $HtmlStack[0] eq $html_tag && # the top tag is not the desired tag and...
770 ($html_tag_attr ? $HtmlAttrStack[0] =~ # its attributes do not match,
771 m/$html_tag_attr/ : 1) : ''))) { # then...
772 # shift off the top tag and append it to our HTML string.
773 $html .= CloseHtmlTag(shift(@HtmlStack), shift(@HtmlAttrStack));
774 } return $html;
777 sub SmileyReplace {
778 foreach my $regexp (keys %Smilies) {
779 if (m/\G($regexp)/cg) {
780 return $q->img({-src=>$Smilies{$regexp}, -alt=>UnquoteHtml($1), -class=>'smiley'});
785 sub RunMyRules {
786 my ($locallinks, $withanchors) = @_;
787 foreach my $sub (@MyRules) {
788 my $result = &$sub($locallinks, $withanchors);
789 SetParam('msg', $@) if $@;
790 return $result if defined($result);
792 return undef;
795 sub RunMyMacros {
796 $_ = shift;
797 foreach my $macro (@MyMacros) { &$macro };
798 return $_;
801 sub PrintWikiToHTML {
802 my ($markup, $is_saving_cache, $revision, $is_locked) = @_;
803 my ($blocks, $flags);
804 $FootnoteNumber = 0;
805 $markup =~ s/$FS//go if $markup; # Remove separators (paranoia)
806 $markup = QuoteHtml($markup);
807 ($blocks, $flags) = ApplyRules($markup, 1, $is_saving_cache, $revision, 'p');
808 if ($is_saving_cache and not $revision and $Page{revision} # don't save revision 0 pages
809 and $Page{blocks} ne $blocks and $Page{flags} ne $flags) {
810 $Page{blocks} = $blocks;
811 $Page{flags} = $flags;
812 if ($is_locked or RequestLockDir('main')) { # not fatal!
813 SavePage();
814 ReleaseLock() unless $is_locked;
819 sub DoClearCache {
820 return unless UserIsAdminOrError();
821 RequestLockOrError();
822 print GetHeader('', T('Clear Cache')), $q->start_div({-class=>'content clear'}),
823 $q->p(T('Main lock obtained.')), '<p>';
824 foreach my $id (AllPagesList()) {
825 OpenPage($id);
826 delete $Page{blocks};
827 delete $Page{flags};
828 delete $Page{languages};
829 $Page{languages} = GetLanguages($Page{blocks}) unless TextIsFile($Page{blocks});
830 SavePage();
831 print $q->br(), GetPageLink($id);
833 print '</p>', $q->p(T('Main lock released.')), $q->end_div();
834 utime time, time, $IndexFile; # touch index file
835 ReleaseLock();
836 PrintFooter();
839 sub QuoteHtml {
840 my $html = shift;
841 $html =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
842 $html =~ s/</&lt;/g;
843 $html =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
844 $html =~ s/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/ /g; # legal xml: #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
845 return $html;
848 sub UnquoteHtml {
849 my $html = shift;
850 $html =~ s/&lt;/</g;
851 $html =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
852 $html =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
853 $html =~ s/%26/&/g;
854 return $html;
857 sub UrlEncode {
858 my $str = shift;
859 return '' unless $str;
860 utf8::encode($str); # turn to byte string
861 my @letters = split(//, $str);
862 my %safe = map {$_ => 1} ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '-', '_', '.', '!', '~', '*', "'", '(', ')', '#');
863 foreach my $letter (@letters) {
864 $letter = sprintf("%%%02x", ord($letter)) unless $safe{$letter};
866 return join('', @letters);
869 sub UrlDecode {
870 my $str = shift;
871 $str =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/chr(hex($1))/ge;
872 utf8::decode($str); # make internal string
873 return $str;
876 sub QuoteRegexp {
877 my $re = shift;
878 $re =~ s/([\\\[\]\$()^.])/\\$1/g;
879 return $re;
882 sub GetRaw {
883 my $uri = shift;
884 return unless eval { require LWP::UserAgent; };
885 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
886 my $response = $ua->get($uri);
887 return $response->decoded_content if $response->is_success;
890 sub DoJournal {
891 print GetHeader(undef, T('Journal'));
892 print $q->start_div({-class=>'content'});
893 PrintJournal(map { GetParam($_, ''); } qw(num regexp mode offset search));
894 print $q->end_div();
895 PrintFooter();
898 sub JournalSort { $b cmp $a }
900 sub PrintJournal {
901 return if $CollectingJournal; # avoid infinite loops
902 local $CollectingJournal = 1;
903 my ($num, $regexp, $mode, $offset, $search) = @_;
904 $regexp = '^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d' unless $regexp;
905 $num = 10 unless $num;
906 $offset = 0 unless $offset;
907 # FIXME: Should pass filtered list of pages to SearchTitleAndBody to save time?
908 my @pages = sort JournalSort (grep(/$regexp/, $search ? SearchTitleAndBody($search) : AllPagesList()));
909 if ($mode eq 'reverse' or $mode eq 'future') {
910 @pages = reverse @pages;
912 $b = defined($Today) ? $Today : CalcDay($Now);
913 if ($mode eq 'future') {
914 for (my $i = 0; $i < @pages; $i++) {
915 $a = $pages[$i];
916 if (JournalSort() == -1) {
917 @pages = @pages[$i..$#pages];
918 last;
921 } elsif ($mode eq 'past') {
922 for (my $i = 0; $i < @pages; $i++) {
923 $a = $pages[$i];
924 if (JournalSort() == 1) {
925 @pages = @pages[$i..$#pages];
926 last;
930 return unless $pages[$offset];
931 print $q->start_div({-class=>'journal'});
932 my $next = $offset + PrintAllPages(1, 1, $num, @pages[$offset .. $#pages]);
933 print $q->end_div();
934 print $q->p({-class=>'more'}, ScriptLink("action=more;num=$num;regexp=$regexp;search=$search;mode=$mode;offset=$next", T('More...'), 'more')) if $pages[$next];
937 sub PrintAllPages {
938 my ($links, $comments, $num, @pages) = @_;
939 my $lang = GetParam('lang', 0);
940 my ($i, $n) = 0;
941 for my $id (@pages) {
942 last if $n >= $JournalLimit and not UserIsAdmin() or $num and $n >= $num;
943 $i++; # pages looked at
944 local ($OpenPageName, %Page); # this is local!
945 OpenPage($id);
946 my @languages = split(/,/, $Page{languages});
947 next if $lang and @languages and not grep(/$lang/, @languages);
948 next if PageMarkedForDeletion();
949 next if substr($Page{text}, 0, 10) eq '#REDIRECT ';
950 print $q->start_div({-class=>'page'}),
951 $q->h1($links ? GetPageLink($id)
952 : $q->a({-name=>$id}, UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($id))));
953 PrintPageHtml();
954 if ($comments and $id !~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o) {
955 print $q->p({-class=>'comment'},
956 GetPageLink($CommentsPrefix . $id,
957 T('Comments on this page')));
959 print $q->end_div();
960 $n++; # pages actually printed
962 return $i;
965 sub RSS {
966 return if $CollectingJournal; # avoid infinite loops when using full=1
967 local $CollectingJournal = 1;
968 my $maxitems = shift;
969 my @uris = @_;
970 my %lines;
971 if (not eval { require XML::RSS; }) {
972 my $err = $@;
973 return $q->div({-class=>'rss'}, $q->p({-class=>'error'}, $q->strong(T('XML::RSS is not available on this system.')), $err));
975 # All strings that are concatenated with strings returned by the RSS
976 # feed must be decoded. Without this decoding, 'diff' and 'history'
977 # translations will be double encoded when printing the result.
978 my $tDiff = T('diff');
979 my $tHistory = T('history');
980 my $wikins = '';
981 my $rdfns = '';
982 @uris = map { s/^"?(.*?)"?$/$1/; $_; } @uris; # strip quotes of uris
983 my ($str, %data) = GetRss(@uris);
984 foreach my $uri (keys %data) {
985 my $data = $data{$uri};
986 if (not $data) {
987 $str .= $q->p({-class=>'error'}, $q->strong(Ts('%s returned no data, or LWP::UserAgent is not available.',
988 $q->a({-href=>$uri}, $uri))));
989 } else {
990 my $rss = new XML::RSS;
991 eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $rss->parse($data); };
992 if ($@) {
993 $str .= $q->p({-class=>'error'}, $q->strong(Ts('RSS parsing failed for %s', $q->a({-href=>$uri}, $uri)) . ': ' . $@));
994 } else {
995 my $interwiki;
996 if (@uris > 1) {
997 RssInterwikiTranslateInit(); # not needed anywhere else thus init only now and not in ReInit
998 $interwiki = $rss->{channel}->{$wikins}->{interwiki};
999 $interwiki =~ s/^\s+//; # when RDF is used, sometimes whitespace remains,
1000 $interwiki =~ s/\s+$//; # which breaks the test for an existing $interwiki below
1001 if (!$interwiki) {
1002 $interwiki = $rss->{channel}->{$rdfns}->{value};
1004 $interwiki = $RssInterwikiTranslate{$interwiki} if $RssInterwikiTranslate{$interwiki};
1005 $interwiki = $RssInterwikiTranslate{$uri} unless $interwiki;
1007 my $num = 999;
1008 $str .= $q->p({-class=>'error'}, $q->strong(Ts('No items found in %s.', $q->a({-href=>$uri}, $uri))))
1009 unless @{$rss->{items}};
1010 foreach my $i (@{$rss->{items}}) {
1011 my $line;
1012 my $date = $i->{dc}->{date};
1013 if (not $date and $i->{pubDate}) {
1014 $date = $i->{pubDate};
1015 my %mon = (Jan=>1, Feb=>2, Mar=>3, Apr=>4, May=>5, Jun=>6,
1016 Jul=>7, Aug=>8, Sep=>9, Oct=>10, Nov=>11, Dec=>12);
1017 $date =~ s/^(?:[A-Z][a-z][a-z], )?(\d\d?) ([A-Z][a-z][a-z]) (\d\d(?:\d\d)?)/ # pubDate uses RFC 822
1018 sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', ($3 < 100 ? 1900 + $3 : $3), $mon{$2}, $1)/e;
1020 $date = sprintf("%03d", $num--) unless $date; # for RSS 0.91 feeds without date, descending
1021 my $title = $i->{title};
1022 my $description = $i->{description};
1023 if (not $title and $description) { # title may be missing in RSS 2.00
1024 $title = $description;
1025 $description = '';
1027 $title = $i->{link} if not $title and $i->{link}; # if description and title are missing
1028 $line .= ' (' . $q->a({-href=>$i->{$wikins}->{diff}}, $tDiff) . ')'
1029 if $i->{$wikins}->{diff};
1030 $line .= ' (' . $q->a({-href=>$i->{$wikins}->{history}}, $tHistory) . ')'
1031 if $i->{$wikins}->{history};
1032 if ($title) {
1033 if ($i->{link}) {
1034 $line .= ' ' . $q->a({-href=>$i->{link}, -title=>$date},
1035 ($interwiki ? $interwiki . ':' : '') . $title);
1036 } else {
1037 $line .= ' ' . $title;
1040 my $contributor = $i->{dc}->{contributor};
1041 $contributor = $i->{$wikins}->{username} unless $contributor;
1042 $contributor =~ s/^\s+//;
1043 $contributor =~ s/\s+$//;
1044 $contributor = $i->{$rdfns}->{value} unless $contributor;
1045 $line .= $q->span({-class=>'contributor'}, $q->span(T(' . . . . ')) . $contributor) if $contributor;
1046 if ($description) {
1047 if ($description =~ /</) {
1048 $line .= $q->div({-class=>'description'}, $description);
1049 } else {
1050 $line .= $q->span({class=>'dash'}, ' &#8211; ') . $q->strong({-class=>'description'}, $description);
1053 while ($lines{$date}) {
1054 $date .= ' ';
1055 } # make sure this is unique
1056 $lines{$date} = $line;
1061 my @lines = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %lines;
1062 @lines = @lines[0..$maxitems-1] if $maxitems and $#lines > $maxitems;
1063 my $date = '';
1064 foreach my $key (@lines) {
1065 my $line = $lines{$key};
1066 if ($key =~ /(\d\d\d\d(?:-\d?\d)?(?:-\d?\d)?)(?:[T ](\d?\d:\d\d))?/) {
1067 my ($day, $time) = ($1, $2);
1068 if ($day ne $date) {
1069 $str .= '</ul>' if $date; # close ul except for the first time where no open ul exists
1070 $date = $day;
1071 $str .= $q->p($q->strong($day)) . '<ul>';
1073 $line = $q->span({-class=>'time'}, $time . ' UTC ') . $line if $time;
1074 } elsif (not $date) {
1075 $str .= '<ul>'; # if the feed doesn't have any dates we need to start the list anyhow
1076 $date = $Now; # to ensure the list starts only once
1078 $str .= $q->li($line);
1080 $str .= '</ul>' if $date;
1081 return $q->div({-class=>'rss'}, $str);
1084 sub GetRss {
1085 my %todo = map {$_, GetRssFile($_)} @_;
1086 my %data = ();
1087 my $str = '';
1088 if (GetParam('cache', $UseCache) > 0) {
1089 foreach my $uri (keys %todo) { # read cached rss files if possible
1090 if ($Now - (stat($todo{$uri}))[9] < $RssCacheHours * 3600) {
1091 $data{$uri} = ReadFile($todo{$uri});
1092 delete($todo{$uri}); # no need to fetch them below
1096 my @need_cache = keys %todo;
1097 if (keys %todo > 1) { # try parallel access if available
1098 eval { # see code example in LWP::Parallel, not LWP::Parallel::UserAgent (no callbacks here)
1099 require LWP::Parallel::UserAgent;
1100 my $pua = LWP::Parallel::UserAgent->new();
1101 foreach my $uri (keys %todo) {
1102 if (my $res = $pua->register(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $uri))) {
1103 $str .= $res->error_as_HTML;
1106 %todo = (); # because the uris in the response may have changed due to redirects
1107 my $entries = $pua->wait();
1108 foreach (keys %$entries) {
1109 my $uri = $entries->{$_}->request->uri;
1110 $data{$uri} = $entries->{$_}->response->decoded_content;
1114 foreach my $uri (keys %todo) { # default operation: synchronous fetching
1115 $data{$uri} = GetRaw($uri);
1117 if (GetParam('cache', $UseCache) > 0) {
1118 CreateDir($RssDir);
1119 foreach my $uri (@need_cache) {
1120 my $data = $data{$uri};
1121 # possibly a Latin-1 file without encoding attribute will cause a problem?
1122 $data =~ s/encoding="[^"]*"/encoding="UTF-8"/; # content was converted
1123 WriteStringToFile(GetRssFile($uri), $data) if $data;
1126 return $str, %data;
1129 sub GetRssFile {
1130 return $RssDir . '/' . UrlEncode(shift);
1133 sub RssInterwikiTranslateInit {
1134 return unless $RssInterwikiTranslate;
1135 %RssInterwikiTranslate = ();
1136 foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($RssInterwikiTranslate))) {
1137 if (/^ ([^ ]+)[ \t]+([^ ]+)$/) {
1138 $RssInterwikiTranslate{$1} = $2;
1143 sub GetInterSiteUrl {
1144 my ($site, $page, $quote) = @_;
1145 return unless $page;
1146 $page = join('/', map { UrlEncode($_) } split(/\//, $page)) if $quote; # Foo:bar+baz is not quoted, [[Foo:bar baz]] is.
1147 my $url = $InterSite{$site} or return;
1148 $url =~ s/\%s/$page/g or $url .= $page;
1149 return $url;
1152 sub BracketLink { # brackets can be removed via CSS
1153 return $q->span($q->span({class=>'bracket'}, '[') . (shift) . $q->span({class=>'bracket'}, ']'));
1156 sub GetInterLink {
1157 my ($id, $text, $bracket, $quote) = @_;
1158 my ($site, $page) = split(/:/, $id, 2);
1159 $page =~ s/&amp;/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML
1160 my $url = GetInterSiteUrl($site, $page, $quote);
1161 my $class = 'inter ' . $site;
1162 if ($text && $bracket && !$url) {
1163 return "[$id $text]";
1164 } elsif ($bracket && !$url) {
1165 return "[$id]";
1166 } elsif (!$url) {
1167 return $id;
1168 } elsif ($bracket && !$text) {
1169 $text = BracketLink(++$FootnoteNumber);
1170 $class .= ' number';
1171 } elsif (!$text) {
1172 $text = $q->span({-class=>'site'}, $site)
1173 . $q->span({-class=>'separator'}, ':')
1174 . $q->span({-class=>'page'}, $page);
1175 } elsif ($bracket) { # and $text is set
1176 $class .= ' outside';
1178 return $q->a({-href=>$url, -class=>$class}, $text);
1181 sub InterInit {
1182 %InterSite = ();
1183 foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($InterMap))) {
1184 if (/^ ($InterSitePattern)[ \t]+([^ ]+)$/) {
1185 $InterSite{$1} = $2;
1190 sub GetUrl {
1191 my ($url, $text, $bracket, $images) = @_;
1192 $url =~ /^($UrlProtocols)/;
1193 my $class = "url $1";
1194 if ($NetworkFile && $url =~ m|^file:///| && !$AllNetworkFiles
1195 or !$NetworkFile && $url =~ m|^file:|) {
1196 # Only do remote file:// links. No file:///c|/windows.
1197 return $url;
1198 } elsif ($bracket and not defined $text) {
1199 $text = BracketLink(++$FootnoteNumber);
1200 $class .= ' number';
1201 } elsif (not defined $text) {
1202 $text = $url;
1203 } elsif ($bracket) { # and $text is set
1204 $class .= ' outside';
1206 $url = UnquoteHtml($url); # links should be unquoted again
1207 if ($images && $url =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:).+\.$ImageExtensions$/i) {
1208 return $q->img({-src=>$url, -alt=>$url, -class=>$class});
1209 } else {
1210 return $q->a({-href=>$url, -class=>$class}, $text);
1214 sub GetPageOrEditLink { # use GetPageLink and GetEditLink if you know the result!
1215 my ($id, $text, $bracket, $free) = @_;
1216 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
1217 my ($class, $resolved, $title, $exists) = ResolveId($id);
1218 if (!$text && $resolved && $bracket) {
1219 $text = BracketLink(++$FootnoteNumber);
1220 $class .= ' number';
1221 $title = NormalToFree($id);
1223 my $link = $text||NormalToFree($id);
1224 if ($resolved) { # anchors don't exist as pages, therefore do not use $exists
1225 return ScriptLink(UrlEncode($resolved), $link, $class, undef, $title);
1226 } else { # reproduce markup if $UseQuestionmark
1227 return GetEditLink($id, UnquoteHtml($bracket ? "[$link]" : $link)) if not $UseQuestionmark;
1228 $link = QuoteHtml($id) . GetEditLink($id, '?');
1229 $link .= ($free ? '|' : ' ') . $text if $text and $text ne $id;
1230 $link = "[[$link]]" if $free;
1231 $link = "[$link]" if $bracket or not $free and $text;
1232 return $link;
1236 sub GetPageLink { # use if you want to force a link to local pages, whether it exists or not
1237 my ($id, $name, $class, $accesskey) = @_;
1238 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
1239 $name = $id unless $name;
1240 $class .= ' ' if $class;
1241 return ScriptLink(UrlEncode($id), NormalToFree($name), $class . 'local',
1242 undef, undef, $accesskey);
1245 sub GetEditLink { # shortcut
1246 my ($id, $name, $upload, $accesskey) = @_;
1247 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
1248 my $action = 'action=edit;id=' . UrlEncode($id);
1249 $action .= ';upload=1' if $upload;
1250 return ScriptLink($action, NormalToFree($name), 'edit', undef, T('Click to edit this page'), $accesskey);
1253 sub GetRawLink { # shortcut
1254 my ($id, $name, $accesskey) = @_;
1255 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
1256 my $action = 'raw=1;id=' . UrlEncode($id);
1257 return ScriptLink($action, NormalToFree($name), 'raw', undef, T('View raw text of this page'), $accesskey);
1260 sub ScriptUrl {
1261 my $action = shift;
1262 if ($action =~ /^($UrlProtocols)\%3a/ or $action =~ /^\%2f/) { # nearlinks and other URLs
1263 $action =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/chr(hex($1))/ge; # undo urlencode
1264 # do nothing
1265 } elsif ($UsePathInfo and index($action, '=') == -1) {
1266 $action = $ScriptName . '/' . $action;
1267 } else {
1268 $action = $ScriptName . '?' . $action;
1270 return $action unless wantarray;
1271 return ($action, index($action, '=') != -1);
1274 sub ScriptLink {
1275 my ($action, $text, $class, $name, $title, $accesskey) = @_;
1276 my ($url, $nofollow) = ScriptUrl($action);
1277 my %params;
1278 $params{-href} = $url;
1279 $params{'-rel'} = 'nofollow' if $nofollow;
1280 $params{'-class'} = $class if $class;
1281 $params{'-name'} = $name if $name;
1282 $params{'-title'} = $title if $title;
1283 $params{'-accesskey'} = $accesskey if $accesskey;
1284 return $q->a(\%params, $text);
1287 sub GetDownloadLink {
1288 my ($id, $image, $revision, $alt) = @_;
1289 $alt = NormalToFree($id) unless $alt;
1290 # if the page does not exist
1291 return '[[' . ($image ? 'image' : 'download') . ':'
1292 . ($UseQuestionmark ? QuoteHtml($id) . GetEditLink($id, '?', 1)
1293 : GetEditLink($id, $id, 1)) . ']]'
1294 unless $IndexHash{$id};
1295 my $action;
1296 if ($revision) {
1297 $action = "action=download;id=" . UrlEncode($id) . ";revision=$revision";
1298 } elsif ($UsePathInfo) {
1299 $action = "download/" . UrlEncode($id);
1300 } else {
1301 $action = "action=download;id=" . UrlEncode($id);
1303 if ($image) {
1304 if ($UsePathInfo and not $revision) {
1305 $action = $ScriptName . '/' . $action;
1306 } else {
1307 $action = $ScriptName . '?' . $action;
1309 return $action if $image == 2;
1310 my $result = $q->img({-src=>$action, -alt=>UnquoteHtml($alt), -class=>'upload'});
1311 $result = ScriptLink(UrlEncode($id), $result, 'image')
1312 unless $id eq $OpenPageName;
1313 return $result;
1314 } else {
1315 return ScriptLink($action, $alt, 'upload');
1319 sub PrintCache { # Use after OpenPage!
1320 my @blocks = split($FS,$Page{blocks});
1321 my @flags = split($FS,$Page{flags});
1322 $FootnoteNumber = 0;
1323 foreach my $block (@blocks) {
1324 if (shift(@flags)) {
1325 ApplyRules($block, 1, 1); # local links, anchors, current revision, no start tag
1326 } else {
1327 print $block;
1332 sub PrintPageHtml { # print an open page
1333 return unless GetParam('page', 1);
1334 if ($Page{blocks} && $Page{flags} && GetParam('cache', $UseCache) > 0) {
1335 PrintCache();
1336 } else {
1337 PrintWikiToHTML($Page{text}, 1); # save cache, current revision, no main lock
1341 sub PrintPageDiff { # print diff for open page
1342 my $diff = GetParam('diff', 0);
1343 if ($UseDiff && $diff) {
1344 PrintHtmlDiff($diff);
1345 print $q->hr() if GetParam('page', 1);
1349 sub PageHtml {
1350 my ($id, $limit, $error) = @_;
1351 my ($diff, $page);
1352 local *STDOUT;
1353 OpenPage($id);
1354 open(STDOUT, '>', \$diff) or die "Can't open memory file: $!";
1355 binmode(STDOUT); # works whether STDOUT already has the UTF8 layer or not
1356 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
1357 PrintPageDiff();
1358 utf8::decode($diff);
1359 return $error if $limit and length($diff) > $limit;
1360 open(STDOUT, '>', \$page) or die "Can't open memory file: $!";
1361 binmode(STDOUT); # works whether STDOUT already has the UTF8 layer or not
1362 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
1363 PrintPageHtml();
1364 utf8::decode($page);
1365 return $diff . $q->p($error) if $limit and length($diff . $page) > $limit;
1366 return $diff . $page;
1369 sub T {
1370 my $text = shift;
1371 return $Translate{$text} if $Translate{$text};
1372 return $text;
1375 sub Ts {
1376 my ($text, $string) = @_;
1377 $text = T($text);
1378 $text =~ s/\%s/$string/ if defined($string);
1379 return $text;
1382 sub Tss {
1383 my $text = $_[0];
1384 $text = T($text);
1385 $text =~ s/\%([1-9])/$_[$1]/ge;
1386 return $text;
1389 sub GetId {
1390 my $id = UnquoteHtml(GetParam('id', GetParam('title', ''))); # id=x or title=x -> x
1391 if (not $id) {
1392 my @keywords = $q->keywords;
1393 foreach my $keyword (@keywords) {
1394 utf8::decode($keyword);
1396 $id = join('_', @keywords) unless $id; # script?p+q -> p_q
1398 if ($UsePathInfo) {
1399 my $path = $q->path_info;
1400 utf8::decode($path);
1401 my @path = split(/\//, $path);
1402 $id = pop(@path) unless $id; # script/p/q -> q
1403 foreach my $p (@path) {
1404 SetParam($p, 1); # script/p/q -> p=1
1407 return $id;
1410 sub DoBrowseRequest {
1411 # We can use the error message as the HTTP error code
1412 ReportError(Ts('CGI Internal error: %s',$q->cgi_error), $q->cgi_error) if $q->cgi_error;
1413 print $q->header(-status=>'304 NOT MODIFIED') and return if PageFresh(); # return value is ignored
1414 my $id = GetId();
1415 my $action = lc(GetParam('action', '')); # script?action=foo;id=bar
1416 $action = 'download' if GetParam('download', '') and not $action; # script/download/id
1417 my $search = GetParam('search', '');
1418 if ($Action{$action}) {
1419 &{$Action{$action}}($id);
1420 } elsif ($action and defined &MyActions) {
1421 eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; MyActions(); };
1422 } elsif ($action) {
1423 ReportError(Ts('Invalid action parameter %s', $action), '501 NOT IMPLEMENTED');
1424 } elsif ($search ne '') { # allow search for "0"
1425 SetParam('action', 'search'); # fake it
1426 DoSearch($search);
1427 } elsif (GetParam('title', '') and not GetParam('Cancel', '')) {
1428 DoPost(GetParam('title', ''));
1429 } else {
1430 BrowseResolvedPage($id||$HomePage); # default action!
1434 sub ValidId { # hack alert: returns error message if invalid, and unfortunately the empty string if valid!
1435 my $id = FreeToNormal(shift);
1436 return T('Page name is missing') unless $id;
1437 return Ts('Page name is too long: %s', $id) if length($id) > 120;
1438 return Ts('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .db)', $id) if $id =~ m|\.db$|;
1439 return Ts('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .lck)', $id) if $id =~ m|\.lck$|;
1440 return Ts('Invalid Page %s', $id) if $FreeLinks ? $id !~ m|^$FreeLinkPattern$| : $id !~ m|^$LinkPattern$|;
1443 sub ValidIdOrDie {
1444 my $id = shift;
1445 my $error = ValidId($id);
1446 ReportError($error, '400 BAD REQUEST') if $error;
1447 return 1;
1450 sub ResolveId { # return css class, resolved id, title (eg. for popups), exist-or-not
1451 my $id = shift;
1452 return ('local', $id, '', 1) if $IndexHash{$id};
1453 return ('', '', '', '');
1456 sub BrowseResolvedPage {
1457 my $id = FreeToNormal(shift);
1458 my ($class, $resolved, $title, $exists) = ResolveId($id);
1459 if ($class && $class eq 'near' && not GetParam('rcclusteronly', 0)) { # nearlink (is url)
1460 print $q->redirect({-uri=>$resolved});
1461 } elsif ($class && $class eq 'alias') { # an anchor was found instead of a page
1462 ReBrowsePage($resolved);
1463 } elsif (not $resolved and $NotFoundPg and $id !~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o) { # custom page-not-found message
1464 BrowsePage($NotFoundPg);
1465 } elsif ($resolved) { # an existing page was found
1466 BrowsePage($resolved, GetParam('raw', 0));
1467 } else { # new page!
1468 BrowsePage($id, GetParam('raw', 0), undef, '404 NOT FOUND') if ValidIdOrDie($id);
1472 sub BrowsePage {
1473 my ($id, $raw, $comment, $status) = @_;
1474 OpenPage($id);
1475 my ($text, $revision, $summary) = GetTextRevision(GetParam('revision', ''));
1476 $text = $NewText unless $revision or $Page{revision}; # new text for new pages
1477 # handle a single-level redirect
1478 my $oldId = GetParam('oldid', '');
1479 if ((substr($text, 0, 10) eq '#REDIRECT ')) {
1480 if ($oldId) {
1481 $Message .= $q->p(T('Too many redirections'));
1482 } elsif ($revision) {
1483 $Message .= $q->p(T('No redirection for old revisions'));
1484 } elsif (($FreeLinks and $text =~ /^\#REDIRECT\s+\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/)
1485 or ($WikiLinks and $text =~ /^\#REDIRECT\s+$LinkPattern/)) {
1486 return ReBrowsePage(FreeToNormal($1), $id);
1487 } else {
1488 $Message .= $q->p(T('Invalid link pattern for #REDIRECT'));
1491 # shortcut if we only need the raw text: no caching, no diffs, no html.
1492 if ($raw) {
1493 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain', $Page{ts}, $IndexHash{$id} ? undef : '404 NOT FOUND');
1494 if ($raw == 2) {
1495 print $Page{ts} . " # Do not delete this line when editing!\n";
1497 print $text;
1498 return;
1500 # normal page view
1501 my $msg = GetParam('msg', '');
1502 $Message .= $q->p($msg) if $msg; # show message if the page is shown
1503 SetParam('msg', '');
1504 print GetHeader($id, NormalToFree($id), $oldId, undef, $status,
1505 GetFooterLinks($id, $revision));
1506 my $showDiff = GetParam('diff', 0);
1507 if ($UseDiff && $showDiff) {
1508 PrintHtmlDiff($showDiff, GetParam('diffrevision', $revision), $revision, $text, $summary);
1509 print $q->hr();
1511 PrintPageContent($text, $revision, $comment);
1512 SetParam('rcclusteronly', $id) if FreeToNormal(GetCluster($text)) eq $id; # automatically filter by cluster
1513 PrintRcHtml($id);
1514 PrintFooter($id, $revision, $comment);
1517 sub ReBrowsePage {
1518 my ($id, $oldId) = map { UrlEncode($_); } @_; # encode before printing URL
1519 if ($oldId) { # Target of #REDIRECT (loop breaking)
1520 print GetRedirectPage("action=browse;oldid=$oldId;id=$id", $id);
1521 } else {
1522 print GetRedirectPage($id, $id);
1526 sub GetRedirectPage {
1527 my ($action, $name) = @_;
1528 my ($url, $html);
1529 if (GetParam('raw', 0)) {
1530 $html = GetHttpHeader('text/plain');
1531 $html .= Ts('Please go on to %s.', $action); # no redirect
1532 return $html;
1534 if ($UsePathInfo and $action !~ /=/) {
1535 $url = $ScriptName . '/' . $action;
1536 } else {
1537 $url = $ScriptName . '?' . $action;
1539 my $nameLink = $q->a({-href=>$url}, $name);
1540 my %headers = (-uri=>$url);
1541 my $cookie = Cookie();
1542 if ($cookie) {
1543 $headers{-cookie} = $cookie;
1545 return $q->redirect(%headers);
1548 sub DoRandom {
1549 my @pages = AllPagesList();
1550 ReBrowsePage($pages[int(rand($#pages + 1))]);
1553 sub PageFresh { # pages can depend on other pages (ie. last update), admin status, and css
1554 return 1 if $q->http('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') and GetParam('cache', $UseCache) >= 2
1555 and $q->http('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') eq PageEtag();
1558 sub PageEtag {
1559 my ($changed, $visible, %params) = CookieData();
1560 return UrlEncode(join($FS, $LastUpdate||$Now, sort(values %params))); # no CTL in field values
1563 sub FileFresh { # old files are never stale, current files are stale when the page was modified
1564 return 1 if $q->http('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') and GetParam('cache', $UseCache) >= 2
1565 and (GetParam('revision', 0) or $q->http('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') eq $Page{ts});
1568 sub BrowseRc {
1569 my $id = shift;
1570 if (GetParam('raw', 0)) {
1571 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain');
1572 PrintRcText();
1573 } else {
1574 PrintRcHtml($id || $RCName, 1);
1578 sub GetRcLines { # starttime, hash of seen pages to use as a second return value
1579 my $starttime = shift || GetParam('from', 0) ||
1580 $Now - GetParam('days', $RcDefault) * 86400; # 24*60*60
1581 my $filterOnly = GetParam('rcfilteronly', '');
1582 # these variables apply accross logfiles
1583 my %match = $filterOnly ? map { $_ => 1 } SearchTitleAndBody($filterOnly) : ();
1584 my %following = ();
1585 my @result = ();
1586 # check the first timestamp in the default file, maybe read old log file
1587 open(F, '<:utf8', $RcFile);
1588 my $line = <F>;
1589 my ($ts) = split(/$FS/o, $line); # the first timestamp in the regular rc file
1590 if (not $ts or $ts > $starttime) { # we need to read the old rc file, too
1591 push(@result, GetRcLinesFor($RcOldFile, $starttime,\%match, \%following));
1593 push(@result, GetRcLinesFor($RcFile, $starttime, \%match, \%following));
1594 # GetRcLinesFor is trying to save memory space, but some operations
1595 # can only happen once we have all the data.
1596 return LatestChanges(StripRollbacks(@result));
1599 sub LatestChanges {
1600 my $all = GetParam('all', 0);
1601 my @result = @_;
1602 my %seen = ();
1603 for (my $i = $#result; $i >= 0; $i--) {
1604 my $id = $result[$i][1];
1605 if ($all) {
1606 $result[$i][9] = 1 unless $seen{$id}; # mark latest edit
1607 } else {
1608 splice(@result, $i, 1) if $seen{$id}; # remove older edits
1610 $seen{$id} = 1;
1612 my $to = GetParam('upto', 0);
1613 if ($to) {
1614 for (my $i = 0; $i < $#result; $i++) {
1615 if ($result[$i][0] > $to) {
1616 splice(@result, $i);
1617 last;
1621 return reverse @result;
1624 sub StripRollbacks {
1625 my @result = @_;
1626 if (not (GetParam('all', 0) or GetParam('rollback', 0))) { # strip rollbacks
1627 my (%rollback);
1628 for (my $i = $#result; $i >= 0; $i--) {
1629 # some fields have a different meaning if looking at rollbacks
1630 my $ts = $result[$i][0];
1631 my $id = $result[$i][1];
1632 my $target_ts = $result[$i][2];
1633 my $target_id = $result[$i][3];
1634 if ($id eq '[[rollback]]') {
1635 if ($target_id) {
1636 $rollback{$target_id} = $target_ts; # single page rollback
1637 splice(@result, $i, 1); # strip marker
1638 } else {
1639 my $end = $i;
1640 while ($ts > $target_ts and $i > 0) {
1641 $i--; # quickly skip all these lines
1642 $ts = $result[$i][0];
1644 splice(@result, $i + 1, $end - $i);
1645 $i++; # compensate $i-- in for loop
1647 } elsif ($rollback{$id} and $ts > $rollback{$id}) {
1648 splice(@result, $i, 1); # strip rolled back single pages
1651 } else { # just strip the marker left by DoRollback()
1652 for (my $i = $#result; $i >= 0; $i--) {
1653 splice(@result, $i, 1) if $result[$i][1] eq '[[rollback]]'; # id
1656 return @result;
1659 sub GetRcLinesFor {
1660 my $file = shift;
1661 my $starttime = shift;
1662 my %match = %{$_[0]}; # deref
1663 my %following = %{$_[1]}; # deref
1664 # parameters
1665 my $showminoredit = GetParam('showedit', $ShowEdits); # show minor edits
1666 my $all = GetParam('all', 0);
1667 my ($idOnly, $userOnly, $hostOnly, $clusterOnly, $filterOnly, $match, $lang,
1668 $followup) = map { UnquoteHtml(GetParam($_, '')); }
1669 qw(rcidonly rcuseronly rchostonly
1670 rcclusteronly rcfilteronly match lang followup);
1671 # parsing and filtering
1672 my @result = ();
1673 open(F, '<:utf8', $file) or return ();
1674 while (my $line = <F>) {
1675 chomp($line);
1676 my ($ts, $id, $minor, $summary, $host, $username, $revision,
1677 $languages, $cluster) = split(/$FS/o, $line);
1678 next if $ts < $starttime;
1679 $following{$id} = $ts if $followup and $followup eq $username;
1680 next if $followup and (not $following{$id} or $ts <= $following{$id});
1681 next if $idOnly and $idOnly ne $id;
1682 next if $filterOnly and not $match{$id};
1683 next if ($userOnly and $userOnly ne $username);
1684 next if $minor == 1 and !$showminoredit; # skip minor edits (if [[rollback]] this is bogus)
1685 next if !$minor and $showminoredit == 2; # skip major edits
1686 next if $match and $id !~ /$match/i;
1687 next if $hostOnly and $host !~ /$hostOnly/i;
1688 my @languages = split(/,/, $languages);
1689 next if $lang and @languages and not grep(/$lang/, @languages);
1690 if ($PageCluster) {
1691 ($cluster, $summary) = ($1, $2) if $summary =~ /^\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\] ?: *(.*)/
1692 or $summary =~ /^$LinkPattern ?: *(.*)/o;
1693 next if ($clusterOnly and $clusterOnly ne $cluster);
1694 $cluster = '' if $clusterOnly; # don't show cluster if $clusterOnly eq $cluster
1695 if ($all < 2 and not $clusterOnly and $cluster) {
1696 $summary = "$id: $summary"; # print the cluster instead of the page
1697 $id = $cluster;
1698 $revision = '';
1700 } else {
1701 $cluster = '';
1703 $following{$id} = $ts if $followup and $followup eq $username;
1704 push(@result, [$ts, $id, $minor, $summary, $host, $username, $revision,
1705 \@languages, $cluster]);
1707 return @result;
1710 sub ProcessRcLines {
1711 my ($printDailyTear, $printRCLine) = @_; # code references
1712 # needed for output
1713 my $date = '';
1714 for my $line (GetRcLines()) {
1715 my ($ts, $id, $minor, $summary, $host, $username, $revision, $languageref,
1716 $cluster, $last) = @$line;
1717 if ($date ne CalcDay($ts)) {
1718 $date = CalcDay($ts);
1719 &$printDailyTear($date);
1721 &$printRCLine($id, $ts, $host, $username, $summary, $minor, $revision,
1722 $languageref, $cluster, $last);
1726 sub RcHeader {
1727 my ($from, $upto, $html) = (GetParam('from', 0), GetParam('upto', 0), '');
1728 if ($from) {
1729 $html .= $q->h2(Ts('Updates since %s', TimeToText(GetParam('from', 0))) . ' '
1730 . ($upto ? Ts('up to %s', TimeToText($upto)) : ''));
1731 } else {
1732 $html .= $q->h2((GetParam('days', $RcDefault) != 1)
1733 ? Ts('Updates in the last %s days',
1734 GetParam('days', $RcDefault))
1735 : Ts('Updates in the last %s day',
1736 GetParam('days', $RcDefault)))
1738 my $days = GetParam('days', $RcDefault);
1739 my $all = GetParam('all', 0);
1740 my $edits = GetParam('showedit', 0);
1741 my $rollback = GetParam('rollback', 0);
1742 my $action = '';
1743 my ($idOnly, $userOnly, $hostOnly, $clusterOnly, $filterOnly,
1744 $match, $lang, $followup) =
1745 map {
1746 my $val = GetParam($_, '');
1747 $html .= $q->p($q->b('(' . Ts('for %s only', $val) . ')')) if $val;
1748 $action .= ";$_=$val" if $val; # remember these parameters later!
1749 $val;
1750 } qw(rcidonly rcuseronly rchostonly rcclusteronly rcfilteronly
1751 match lang followup);
1752 my $rss = "action=rss$action;days=$days;all=$all;showedit=$edits";
1753 if ($clusterOnly) {
1754 $action = GetPageParameters('browse', $clusterOnly) . $action;
1755 } else {
1756 $action = "action=rc$action";
1758 my @menu;
1759 if ($all) {
1760 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=0;showedit=$edits",
1761 T('List latest change per page only')));
1762 } else {
1763 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=1;showedit=$edits",
1764 T('List all changes')));
1765 if ($rollback) {
1766 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=0;rollback=0;"
1767 . "showedit=$edits", T('Skip rollbacks')));
1768 } else {
1769 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=0;rollback=1;"
1770 . "showedit=$edits", T('Include rollbacks')));
1773 if ($edits) {
1774 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=$all;showedit=0",
1775 T('List only major changes')));
1776 } else {
1777 push(@menu, ScriptLink("$action;days=$days;all=$all;showedit=1",
1778 T('Include minor changes')));
1780 return $html .
1781 $q->p((map { ScriptLink("$action;days=$_;all=$all;showedit=$edits",
1782 ($_ != 1) ? Ts('%s days', $_) : Ts('%s days', $_));
1783 } @RcDays), $q->br(), @menu, $q->br(),
1784 ScriptLink($action . ';from=' . ($LastUpdate + 1)
1785 . ";all=$all;showedit=$edits", T('List later changes')),
1786 ScriptLink($rss, T('RSS'), 'rss nopages nodiff'),
1787 ScriptLink("$rss;full=1", T('RSS with pages'), 'rss pages nodiff'),
1788 ScriptLink("$rss;full=1;diff=1", T('RSS with pages and diff'),
1789 'rss pages diff'));
1792 sub GetScriptUrlWithRcParameters {
1793 my $url = "$ScriptName?action=rss";
1794 foreach my $param (qw(from upto days all showedit rollback rcidonly rcuseronly
1795 rchostonly rcclusteronly rcfilteronly match lang
1796 followup page diff full)) {
1797 my $val = GetParam($param, undef);
1798 $url .= ";$param=$val" if defined $val;
1800 return $url;
1803 sub GetFilterForm {
1804 my $form = $q->strong(T('Filters'));
1805 $form .= $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'action', -value=>'rc'});
1806 $form .= $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'all', -value=>1})
1807 if (GetParam('all', 0));
1808 $form .= $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'showedit', -value=>1})
1809 if (GetParam('showedit', 0));
1810 $form .= $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'days',
1811 -value=>GetParam('days', $RcDefault)})
1812 if (GetParam('days', $RcDefault) != $RcDefault);
1813 my $table = '';
1814 foreach my $h (['match' => T('Title:')],
1815 ['rcfilteronly' => T('Title and Body:')],
1816 ['rcuseronly' => T('Username:')], ['rchostonly' => T('Host:')],
1817 ['followup' => T('Follow up to:')]) {
1818 $table .= $q->Tr($q->td($q->label({-for=>$h->[0]}, $h->[1])),
1819 $q->td($q->textfield(-name=>$h->[0], -id=>$h->[0],
1820 -size=>20)));
1822 $table .= $q->Tr($q->td($q->label({-for=>'rclang'}, T('Language:')))
1823 . $q->td($q->textfield(-name=>'lang', -id=>'rclang',
1824 -size=>10,
1825 -default=>GetParam('lang', ''))))
1826 if %Languages;
1827 return GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'filter') . $q->p($form) . $q->table($table)
1828 . $q->p($q->submit('dofilter', T('Go!'))) . $q->endform;
1831 sub RcHtml {
1832 my ($html, $inlist) = ('', 0);
1833 # Optimize param fetches and translations out of main loop
1834 my $all = GetParam('all', 0);
1835 my $admin = UserIsAdmin();
1836 my $rollback_was_possible = 0;
1837 my $printDailyTear = sub {
1838 my $date = shift;
1839 if ($inlist) {
1840 $html .= '</ul>';
1841 $inlist = 0;
1843 $html .= $q->p($q->strong($date));
1844 if (!$inlist) {
1845 $html .= '<ul>';
1846 $inlist = 1;
1849 my $printRCLine = sub {
1850 my($id, $ts, $host, $username, $summary, $minor, $revision,
1851 $languages, $cluster, $last) = @_;
1852 my $all_revision = $last ? undef : $revision; # no revision for the last one
1853 $host = QuoteHtml($host);
1854 my $author = GetAuthorLink($host, $username);
1855 my $sum = $summary ? $q->span({class=>'dash'}, ' &#8211; ')
1856 . $q->strong(QuoteHtml($summary)) : '';
1857 my $edit = $minor ? $q->em({class=>'type'}, T('(minor)')) : '';
1858 my $lang = @{$languages}
1859 ? $q->span({class=>'lang'}, '[' . join(', ', @{$languages}) . ']') : '';
1860 my ($pagelink, $history, $diff, $rollback) = ('', '', '', '');
1861 if ($all) {
1862 $pagelink = GetOldPageLink('browse', $id, $all_revision, $id, $cluster);
1863 my $rollback_is_possible = RollbackPossible($ts);
1864 if ($admin and ($rollback_is_possible or $rollback_was_possible)) {
1865 $rollback = $q->submit("rollback-$ts", T('rollback'));
1866 $rollback_was_possible = $rollback_is_possible;
1867 } else {
1868 $rollback_was_possible = 0;
1870 } elsif ($cluster) {
1871 $pagelink = GetOldPageLink('browse', $id, $revision, $id, $cluster);
1872 } else {
1873 $pagelink = GetPageLink($id, $cluster);
1874 $history = '(' . GetHistoryLink($id, T('history')) . ')';
1876 if ($cluster and $PageCluster) {
1877 $diff .= GetPageLink($PageCluster) . ':';
1878 } elsif ($UseDiff and GetParam('diffrclink', 1)) {
1879 if ($revision == 1) {
1880 $diff .= '(' . $q->span({-class=>'new'}, T('new')) . ')';
1881 } elsif ($all) {
1882 $diff .= '(' . ScriptLinkDiff(2, $id, T('diff'), '', $all_revision) .')';
1883 } else {
1884 $diff .= '(' . ScriptLinkDiff($minor ? 2 : 1, $id, T('diff'), '') . ')';
1887 $html .= $q->li($q->span({-class=>'time'}, CalcTime($ts)), $diff, $history,
1888 $rollback, $pagelink, T(' . . . . '), $author, $sum, $lang,
1889 $edit);
1891 ProcessRcLines($printDailyTear, $printRCLine);
1892 $html .= '</ul>' if $inlist;
1893 my $to = GetParam('from', $Now - GetParam('days', $RcDefault) * 86400);
1894 my $from = $to - GetParam('days', $RcDefault) * 86400;
1895 my $more = "action=rc;from=$from;upto=$to";
1896 foreach (qw(all showedit rollback rcidonly rcuseronly rchostonly
1897 rcclusteronly rcfilteronly match lang followup)) {
1898 my $val = GetParam($_, '');
1899 $more .= ";$_=$val" if $val;
1901 $html .= $q->p({-class=>'more'}, ScriptLink($more, T('More...'), 'more'));
1902 return GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'rc') . $html . $q->endform;
1905 sub PrintRcHtml { # to append RC to existing page, or action=rc directly
1906 my ($id, $standalone) = @_;
1907 my $rc = ($id eq $RCName or $id eq T($RCName) or T($id) eq $RCName);
1908 print GetHeader('', $rc ? NormalToFree($id) : Ts('All changes for %s', NormalToFree($id)), undef, undef, undef, GetFooterLinks($id))
1909 if $standalone;
1910 if ($standalone or $rc or GetParam('rcclusteronly', '')) {
1911 print $q->start_div({-class=>'rc'});
1912 print $q->hr() unless $standalone or GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki);
1913 print RcHeader() . RcHtml() . GetFilterForm() . $q->end_div();
1915 PrintFooter($id) if $standalone;
1918 sub RcTextItem {
1919 my ($name, $value) = @_;
1920 $value =~ s/\n+$//;
1921 $value =~ s/\n+/\n /;
1922 return $value ? $name . ': ' . $value . "\n" : '';
1925 sub RcTextRevision {
1926 my($id, $ts, $host, $username, $summary, $minor, $revision,
1927 $languages, $cluster, $last) = @_;
1928 my $link = $ScriptName
1929 . (GetParam('all', 0) && ! $last
1930 ? '?' . GetPageParameters('browse', $id, $revision, $cluster, $last)
1931 : ($UsePathInfo ? '/' : '?') . UrlEncode($id));
1932 print "\n", RcTextItem('title', NormalToFree($id)),
1933 RcTextItem('description', $summary),
1934 RcTextItem('generator', $username
1935 ? $username . ' ' . Ts('from %s', $host) : $host),
1936 RcTextItem('language', join(', ', @{$languages})), RcTextItem('link', $link),
1937 RcTextItem('last-modified', TimeToW3($ts)),
1938 RcTextItem('revision', $revision);
1941 sub PrintRcText { # print text rss header and call ProcessRcLines
1942 local $RecentLink = 0;
1943 print RcTextItem('title', $SiteName),
1944 RcTextItem('description', $SiteDescription), RcTextItem('link', $ScriptName),
1945 RcTextItem('generator', 'Oddmuse'), RcTextItem('rights', $RssRights);
1946 ProcessRcLines(sub {}, \&RcTextRevision);
1949 sub GetRcRss {
1950 my $date = TimeToRFC822($LastUpdate);
1951 my %excluded = ();
1952 if (GetParam("exclude", 1)) {
1953 foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($RssExclude))) {
1954 if (/^ ([^ ]+)[ \t]*$/) { # only read lines with one word after one space
1955 $excluded{$1} = 1;
1959 my $rss = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n};
1960 if ($RssStyleSheet =~ /\.(xslt?|xml)$/) {
1961 $rss .= qq{<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="$RssStyleSheet" ?>\n};
1962 } elsif ($RssStyleSheet) {
1963 $rss .= qq{<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="$RssStyleSheet" ?>\n};
1965 $rss .= qq{<rss version="2.0"
1966 xmlns:wiki=""
1967 xmlns:dc=""
1968 xmlns:cc=""
1969 xmlns:atom="">
1970 <channel>
1971 <docs></docs>
1973 my $title = QuoteHtml($SiteName) . ': '
1974 . GetParam('title', QuoteHtml(NormalToFree($HomePage)));
1975 $rss .= "<title>$title</title>\n";
1976 $rss .= "<link>" . ScriptUrl($HomePage) . "</link>\n";
1977 $rss .= qq{<atom:link href="} . GetScriptUrlWithRcParameters()
1978 . qq{" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />\n};
1979 $rss .= "<description>" . QuoteHtml($SiteDescription) . "</description>\n"
1980 if $SiteDescription;
1981 $rss .= "<pubDate>$date</pubDate>\n";
1982 $rss .= "<lastBuildDate>$date</lastBuildDate>\n";
1983 $rss .= "<generator>Oddmuse</generator>\n";
1984 $rss .= "<copyright>$RssRights</copyright>\n" if $RssRights;
1985 $rss .= join('', map {"<cc:license>" . QuoteHtml($_) . "</cc:license>\n"}
1986 (ref $RssLicense eq 'ARRAY' ? @$RssLicense : $RssLicense))
1987 if $RssLicense;
1988 $rss .= "<wiki:interwiki>$InterWikiMoniker</wiki:interwiki>\n"
1989 if $InterWikiMoniker;
1990 if ($RssImageUrl) {
1991 $rss .= "<image>\n";
1992 $rss .= "<url>$RssImageUrl</url>\n";
1993 $rss .= "<title>$title</title>\n"; # the same as the channel
1994 $rss .= "<link>$ScriptName</link>\n"; # the same as the channel
1995 $rss .= "</image>\n";
1997 my $limit = GetParam("rsslimit", 15); # Only take the first 15 entries
1998 my $count = 0;
1999 ProcessRcLines(sub {}, sub {
2000 my $id = shift;
2001 return if $excluded{$id}
2002 or ($limit ne 'all' and $count++ >= $limit);
2003 $rss .= "\n" . RssItem($id, @_);
2005 $rss .= "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
2006 return $rss;
2009 sub RssItem {
2010 my ($id, $ts, $host, $username, $summary, $minor, $revision,
2011 $languages, $cluster, $last) = @_;
2012 my $name = ItemName($id);
2013 $summary = PageHtml($id, 50*1024, T('This page is too big to send over RSS.'))
2014 if (GetParam('full', 0)); # full page means summary is not shown
2015 my $date = TimeToRFC822($ts);
2016 $username = QuoteHtml($username);
2017 $username = $host unless $username;
2018 my $rss = "<item>\n";
2019 $rss .= "<title>$name</title>\n";
2020 my $link = ScriptUrl(GetParam('all', $cluster)
2021 ? GetPageParameters('browse', $id, $revision, $cluster, $last)
2022 : UrlEncode($id));
2023 $rss .= "<link>$link</link>\n<guid>$link</guid>\n";
2024 $rss .= "<description>" . QuoteHtml($summary) . "</description>\n" if $summary;
2025 $rss .= "<pubDate>" . $date . "</pubDate>\n";
2026 $rss .= "<comments>" . ScriptUrl($CommentsPrefix . UrlEncode($id))
2027 . "</comments>\n" if $CommentsPrefix and $id !~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o;
2028 $rss .= "<dc:contributor>" . $username . "</dc:contributor>\n" if $username;
2029 $rss .= "<wiki:status>" . (1 == $revision ? 'new' : 'updated')
2030 . "</wiki:status>\n";
2031 $rss .= "<wiki:importance>" . ($minor ? 'minor' : 'major')
2032 . "</wiki:importance>\n";
2033 $rss .= "<wiki:version>" . $revision . "</wiki:version>\n";
2034 $rss .= "<wiki:history>" . ScriptUrl("action=history;id=" . UrlEncode($id))
2035 . "</wiki:history>\n";
2036 $rss .= "<wiki:diff>" . ScriptUrl("action=browse;diff=1;id=" . UrlEncode($id))
2037 . "</wiki:diff>\n" if $UseDiff and GetParam('diffrclink', 1);
2038 return $rss . "</item>\n";
2041 sub DoRss {
2042 print GetHttpHeader('application/xml');
2043 print GetRcRss();
2046 sub DoHistory {
2047 my $id = shift;
2048 ValidIdOrDie($id);
2049 OpenPage($id);
2050 if (GetParam('raw', 0)) {
2051 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain'),
2052 RcTextItem('title', Ts('History of %s', NormalToFree($OpenPageName))),
2053 RcTextItem('date', TimeToText($Now)),
2054 RcTextItem('link', ScriptUrl("action=history;id=$OpenPageName;raw=1")),
2055 RcTextItem('generator', 'Oddmuse');
2056 SetParam('all', 1);
2057 my @languages = split(/,/, $Page{languages});
2058 RcTextRevision($id, $Page{ts}, $Page{host}, $Page{username}, $Page{summary},
2059 $Page{minor}, $Page{revision}, \@languages, undef, 1);
2060 foreach my $revision (GetKeepRevisions($OpenPageName)) {
2061 my %keep = GetKeptRevision($revision);
2062 @languages = split(/,/, $keep{languages});
2063 RcTextRevision($id, $keep{ts}, $keep{host}, $keep{username},
2064 $keep{summary}, $keep{minor}, $keep{revision}, \@languages);
2066 } else {
2067 print GetHeader('', Ts('History of %s', NormalToFree($id)),
2068 undef, undef, undef, GetFooterLinks($id, 'history'));
2069 my $row = 0;
2070 my $rollback = UserCanEdit($id, 0) && (GetParam('username', '')
2071 or UserIsEditor());
2072 my $date = CalcDay($Page{ts});
2073 my @html = (GetHistoryLine($id, \%Page, $row++, $rollback, $date, 1));
2074 foreach my $revision (GetKeepRevisions($OpenPageName)) {
2075 my %keep = GetKeptRevision($revision);
2076 my $new = CalcDay($keep{ts});
2077 push(@html, GetHistoryLine($id, \%keep, $row++, $rollback,
2078 $new, $new ne $date));
2079 $date = $new;
2081 @html = (GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'history'),
2082 $q->p($q->submit({-name=>T('Compare')}),
2083 # don't use $q->hidden here!
2084 $q->input({-type=>'hidden',-name=>'action',-value=>'browse'}),
2085 $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'diff', -value=>'1'}),
2086 $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>'id', -value=>$id})),
2087 $q->table({-class=>'history'}, @html),
2088 $q->p($q->submit({-name=>T('Compare')})),
2089 $q->end_form()) if $UseDiff;
2090 push(@html, $q->p(ScriptLink('title=' . UrlEncode($id) . ';text='
2091 . UrlEncode($DeletedPage) . ';summary='
2092 . UrlEncode(T('Deleted')),
2093 T('Mark this page for deletion'))))
2094 if $KeepDays and $rollback and $Page{revision};
2095 print $q->div({-class=>'content history'}, @html);
2096 PrintFooter($id, 'history');
2100 sub GetHistoryLine {
2101 my ($id, $dataref, $row, $rollback, $date, $newday) = @_;
2102 my %data = %$dataref;
2103 my $revision = $data{revision};
2104 return $q->p(T('No other revisions available')) unless $revision;
2105 my $html = CalcTime($data{ts});
2106 if (0 == $row) { # current revision
2107 $html .= ' (' . T('current') . ')' if $rollback;
2108 $html .= ' ' . GetPageLink($id, Ts('Revision %s', $revision));
2109 } else {
2110 $html .= ' ' . $q->submit("rollback-$data{ts}", T('rollback')) if $rollback;
2111 $html .= ' ' . GetOldPageLink('browse', $id, $revision,
2112 Ts('Revision %s', $revision));
2114 my $host = $data{host};
2115 $host = $data{ip} unless $host;
2116 $html .= T(' . . . . ') . GetAuthorLink($host, $data{username});
2117 $html .= $q->span({class=>'dash'}, ' &#8211; ')
2118 . $q->strong(QuoteHtml($data{summary})) if $data{summary};
2119 $html .= ' ' . $q->em({class=>'type'}, T('(minor)')) . ' ' if $data{minor};
2120 if ($UseDiff) {
2121 my %attr1 = (-type=>'radio', -name=>'diffrevision', -value=>$revision);
2122 $attr1{-checked} = 'checked' if 1==$row;
2123 my %attr2 = (-type=>'radio', -name=>'revision', -value=> $row ? $revision : '');
2124 $attr2{-checked} = 'checked' if 0==$row; # first row is special
2125 $html = $q->Tr($q->td($q->input(\%attr1)), $q->td($q->input(\%attr2)),
2126 $q->td($html));
2127 $html = $q->Tr($q->td({-colspan=>3}, $q->strong($date))) . $html if $newday;
2128 } else {
2129 $html .= $q->br();
2130 $html = $q->strong($date) . $q->br() . $html if $newday;
2132 return $html;
2135 sub DoContributors {
2136 my $id = shift;
2137 SetParam('rcidonly', $id);
2138 SetParam('all', 1);
2139 print GetHeader('', Ts('Contributors to %s', NormalToFree($id || $SiteName)));
2140 my %contrib = ();
2141 for my $line (GetRcLines(1)) {
2142 my ($ts, $pagename, $minor, $summary, $host, $username) = @$line;
2143 $contrib{$username}++ if $username;
2145 print $q->div({-class=>'content contrib'},
2146 $q->p(map { GetPageLink($_) } sort(keys %contrib)));
2147 PrintFooter();
2150 sub RollbackPossible {
2151 my $ts = shift; # there can be no rollback to the most recent change(s) made (1s resolution!)
2152 return $ts != $LastUpdate && ($Now - $ts) < $KeepDays * 86400; # 24*60*60
2155 sub DoRollback {
2156 my $page = shift;
2157 my $to = GetParam('to', 0);
2158 ReportError(T('Missing target for rollback.'), '400 BAD REQUEST') unless $to;
2159 ReportError(T('Target for rollback is too far back.'), '400 BAD REQUEST') unless $page or RollbackPossible($to);
2160 ReportError(T('A username is required for ordinary users.'), '403 FORBIDDEN') unless GetParam('username', '') or UserIsEditor();
2161 my @ids = ();
2162 if (not $page) { # cannot just use list length because of ('')
2163 return unless UserIsAdminOrError(); # only admins can do mass changes
2164 SetParam('showedit', 1); # make GetRcLines return minor edits as well
2165 SetParam('all', 1); # prevent LatestChanges from interfering
2166 SetParam('rollback', 1); # prevent StripRollbacks from interfering
2167 my %ids = map { my ($ts, $id) = @$_; $id => 1; } # make unique via hash
2168 GetRcLines($Now - $KeepDays * 86400); # 24*60*60
2169 @ids = keys %ids;
2170 } else {
2171 @ids = ($page);
2173 RequestLockOrError();
2174 print GetHeader('', T('Rolling back changes'),
2175 undef, undef, undef, GetFooterLinks($page)),
2176 $q->start_div({-class=>'content rollback'}), $q->start_p();
2177 foreach my $id (@ids) {
2178 OpenPage($id);
2179 my ($text, $minor, $ts) = GetTextAtTime($to);
2180 if ($Page{text} eq $text) {
2181 print T("The two revisions are the same."), $q->br() if $page; # no message when doing mass revert
2182 } elsif (!UserCanEdit($id, 1)) {
2183 print Ts('Editing not allowed for %s.', $id), $q->br();
2184 } elsif (not UserIsEditor() and my $rule = BannedContent($text)) {
2185 print Ts('Rollback of %s would restore banned content.', $id), $rule, $q->br();
2186 } else {
2187 Save($id, $text, Ts('Rollback to %s', TimeToText($to)), $minor, ($Page{ip} ne $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}));
2188 print Ts('%s rolled back', GetPageLink($id)), ($ts ? ' ' . Ts('to %s', TimeToText($to)) : ''), $q->br();
2191 WriteRcLog('[[rollback]]', $page, $to); # leave marker
2192 print $q->end_p() . $q->end_div();
2193 ReleaseLock();
2194 PrintFooter($page);
2197 sub DoAdminPage {
2198 my ($id, @rest) = @_;
2199 my @menu = ();
2200 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=index',
2201 T('Index of all pages'), 'index'))
2202 if $Action{index};
2203 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=version',
2204 T('Wiki Version'), 'version'))
2205 if $Action{version};
2206 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=unlock',
2207 T('Unlock Wiki'), 'unlock'))
2208 if $Action{unlock};
2209 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=password',
2210 T('Password'), 'password'))
2211 if $Action{password};
2212 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=maintain',
2213 T('Run maintenance'), 'maintain'))
2214 if $Action{maintain};
2215 if (UserIsAdmin()) {
2216 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=clear',
2217 T('Clear Cache'), 'clear'))
2218 if $Action{clear};
2219 if ($Action{editlock}) {
2220 if (-f "$DataDir/noedit") {
2221 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=editlock;set=0',
2222 T('Unlock site'), 'editlock 0'));
2223 } else {
2224 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=editlock;set=1',
2225 T('Lock site'), 'editlock 1'));
2228 if ($id and $Action{pagelock}) {
2229 my $title = NormalToFree($id);
2230 if (-f GetLockedPageFile($id)) {
2231 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=pagelock;set=0;id='
2232 . UrlEncode($id),
2233 Ts('Unlock %s', $title),
2234 'pagelock 0'));
2235 } else {
2236 push(@menu, ScriptLink('action=pagelock;set=1;id='
2237 . UrlEncode($id),
2238 Ts('Lock %s', $title),
2239 'pagelock 1'));
2243 foreach my $sub (@MyAdminCode) {
2244 &$sub($id, \@menu, \@rest);
2245 $Message .= $q->p($@) if $@; # since this happens before GetHeader is called, the message will be shown
2247 print GetHeader('', T('Administration')),
2248 $q->div({-class=>'content admin'}, $q->p(T('Actions:')), $q->ul($q->li(\@menu)),
2249 $q->p(T('Important pages:')) . $q->ul(map { $q->li(GetPageOrEditLink($_, NormalToFree($_))) if $_;
2250 } sort keys %AdminPages),
2251 $q->p(Ts('To mark a page for deletion, put <strong>%s</strong> on the first line.',
2252 $DeletedPage)), @rest);
2253 PrintFooter();
2256 sub GetPageParameters {
2257 my ($action, $id, $revision, $cluster, $last) = @_;
2258 $id = FreeToNormal($id);
2259 my $link = "action=$action;id=" . UrlEncode($id);
2260 $link .= ";revision=$revision" if $revision and not $last;
2261 $link .= ';rcclusteronly=' . UrlEncode($cluster) if $cluster;
2262 return $link;
2265 sub GetOldPageLink {
2266 my ($action, $id, $revision, $name, $cluster, $last) = @_;
2267 return ScriptLink(GetPageParameters($action, $id, $revision, $cluster, $last),
2268 NormalToFree($name), 'revision');
2271 sub GetSearchLink {
2272 my ($text, $class, $name, $title) = @_;
2273 my $id = UrlEncode(QuoteRegexp('"' . $text . '"'));
2274 $name = UrlEncode($name);
2275 $text = NormalToFree($text);
2276 $id =~ s/_/+/g; # Search for url-escaped spaces
2277 return ScriptLink('search=' . $id, $text, $class, $name, $title);
2280 sub ScriptLinkDiff {
2281 my ($diff, $id, $text, $new, $old) = @_;
2282 my $action = 'action=browse;diff=' . $diff . ';id=' . UrlEncode($id);
2283 $action .= ";diffrevision=$old" if ($old and $old ne '');
2284 $action .= ";revision=$new" if ($new and $new ne '');
2285 return ScriptLink($action, $text, 'diff');
2288 sub GetAuthorLink {
2289 my ($host, $username) = @_;
2290 $username = FreeToNormal($username);
2291 my $name = NormalToFree($username);
2292 if (ValidId($username) ne '') { # ValidId() returns error string
2293 $username = ''; # Just pretend it isn't there.
2295 if ($username and $RecentLink) {
2296 return ScriptLink(UrlEncode($username), $name, 'author', undef, Ts('from %s', $host));
2297 } elsif ($username) {
2298 return $q->span({-class=>'author'}, $name) . ' ' . Ts('from %s', $host);
2300 return $host;
2303 sub GetHistoryLink {
2304 my ($id, $text) = @_;
2305 my $action = 'action=history;id=' . UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($id));
2306 return ScriptLink($action, $text, 'history');
2309 sub GetRCLink {
2310 my ($id, $text) = @_;
2311 return ScriptLink('action=rc;all=1;from=1;showedit=1;rcidonly=' . UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($id)), $text, 'rc');
2314 sub GetTitle {
2315 my ($id, $title) = @_;
2316 return $q->h1(GetSearchLink($id, '', '', T('Click to search for references to this page')))
2317 if ($id ne '');
2319 return $q->h1($title);
2322 sub GetLogoUrl {
2323 return if (!$LogoUrl);
2324 my $alt = T('[Home]');
2325 my $url = $IndexHash{$LogoUrl} ? GetDownloadLink($LogoUrl, 2) : $LogoUrl;
2326 return ScriptLink(UrlEncode($HomePage),
2327 $q->img({-src=>$url, -alt=>$alt, -class=>'logo'}), 'logo');
2330 sub GetMotd {
2331 my $day = CalcDay($Now);
2332 my $month_and_day = substr($day, 5);
2333 my $message = $SpecialDays{$month_and_day};
2335 return '' unless $message;
2336 return $q->div({-class=>'motd'},
2337 $q->span({-class=>'specialdays'}, $message))
2340 sub GetHeader {
2341 my ($id, $title, $oldId, $nocache, $status, $editLinks) = @_;
2342 my $embed = GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki);
2343 my $result = GetHttpHeader('text/html', $nocache, $status);
2344 if ($oldId) {
2345 $Message .= $q->p('(' . Ts('redirected from %s', GetEditLink($oldId, $oldId)) . ')');
2347 $result .= GetHtmlHeader(Ts('%s: ', $SiteName) . UnWiki($title), $id);
2348 if ($embed) {
2349 $result .= $q->div({-class=>'header'}, $q->div({-class=>'message'}, $Message)) if $Message;
2350 return $result;
2352 $result .= $q->start_div({-class=>'header'});
2353 $result .= GetLogoUrl();
2355 $result .= GetLoginLinks($id);
2357 my $topLinkBar = GetParam('toplinkbar', $TopLinkBar);
2358 my $gotoBar = $topLinkBar & 1; # bit0
2359 my $editBar = $topLinkBar & 2; # bit1
2361 $result .= GetGotoBar($id) if $gotoBar;
2362 $result .= GetExploreGotoBar() if $gotoBar;
2363 $result .= GetEditorGotoBar() if $gotoBar;
2364 $result .= GetMotd() if $topLinkBar;
2365 $result .= $editLinks if $editBar && UserIsEditor();
2367 $result .= $q->div({-class=>'message'}, $Message) if $Message;
2368 $result .= GetTitle($id, $title);
2369 return $result . $q->end_div() . $q->start_div({-class=>'wrapper'});
2372 sub GetHttpHeader {
2373 return if $PrintedHeader;
2374 $PrintedHeader = 1;
2375 my ($type, $ts, $status, $encoding) = @_; # $ts is undef, a ts, or 'nocache'
2376 $q->charset($type =~ m!^(text/|application/xml)! ? 'utf-8' : ''); # text/plain, text/html, application/xml: UTF-8
2377 my %headers = (-cache_control=>($UseCache < 0 ? 'no-cache' : 'max-age=10'));
2378 $headers{-etag} = $ts || PageEtag() if GetParam('cache', $UseCache) >= 2;
2379 $headers{'-last-modified'} = TimeToRFC822($ts) if $ts and $ts ne 'nocache'; # RFC 2616 section 13.3.4
2380 $headers{-type} = GetParam('mime-type', $type);
2381 $headers{-status} = $status if $status;
2382 $headers{-Content_Encoding} = $encoding if $encoding;
2383 my $cookie = Cookie();
2384 $headers{-cookie} = $cookie if $cookie;
2385 if ($q->request_method() eq 'HEAD') {
2386 print $q->header(%headers), "\n\n"; # add newlines for FCGI because of exit()
2387 exit; # total shortcut -- HEAD never expects anything other than the header!
2389 return $q->header(%headers);
2392 sub CookieData {
2393 my ($changed, $visible, %params);
2394 foreach my $key (keys %CookieParameters) {
2395 my $default = $CookieParameters{$key};
2396 my $value = GetParam($key, $default);
2397 $params{$key} = $value if $value ne $default;
2398 # The cookie is considered to have changed under the following
2399 # condition: If the value was already set, and the new value is
2400 # not the same as the old value, or if there was no old value, and
2401 # the new value is not the default.
2402 my $change = (defined $OldCookie{$key} ? ($value ne $OldCookie{$key}) : ($value ne $default));
2403 $visible = 1 if $change and not $InvisibleCookieParameters{$key};
2404 $changed = 1 if $change; # note if any parameter changed and needs storing
2406 return $changed, $visible, %params;
2409 sub Cookie {
2410 my ($changed, $visible, %params) = CookieData(); # params are URL encoded
2411 if ($changed) {
2412 my $cookie = join(UrlEncode($FS), %params); # no CTL in field values
2413 my $result = $q->cookie(-name=>$CookieName, -value=>$cookie,
2414 -expires=>'+2y');
2415 $Message .= $q->p(T('Cookie: ') . $CookieName . ', '
2416 . join(', ', map {$_ . '=' . $params{$_}}
2417 keys(%params))) if $visible;
2418 return $result;
2420 return '';
2423 sub GetHtmlHeader { # always HTML!
2424 my ($title, $id) = @_;
2425 my $base = $SiteBase ? $q->base({-href=>$SiteBase}) : '';
2426 $base .= '<link rel="alternate" type="application/wiki" title="'
2427 . T('Edit this page') . '" href="'
2428 . ScriptUrl('action=edit;id=' . UrlEncode(GetId())) . '" />' if $id;
2429 return $DocumentHeader
2430 . $q->head($q->title($title) . $base
2431 . GetCss() . GetRobots() . GetFeeds() . GetFavicon() . $HtmlHeaders
2432 . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />')
2433 . '<body class="' . GetParam('theme', $ScriptName) . '">';
2436 sub GetRobots { # NOINDEX for non-browse pages.
2437 if (GetParam('action', 'browse') eq 'browse'
2438 and not GetParam('revision', '')) {
2439 return '<meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW" />';
2440 } else {
2441 return '<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX,FOLLOW" />';
2445 sub GetFeeds { # default for $HtmlHeaders
2446 my $html = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'
2447 . QuoteHtml($SiteName) . '" href="' . $ScriptName . '?action=rss" />';
2448 my $id = GetId(); # runs during Init, not during DoBrowseRequest
2449 $html .= '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'
2450 . QuoteHtml("$SiteName: $id") . '" href="' . $ScriptName
2451 . '?action=rss;rcidonly=' . UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($id)) . '" />' if $id;
2452 my $username = GetParam('username', '');
2453 $html .= '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" '
2454 . 'title="Follow-ups for ' . NormalToFree($username) . '" '
2455 . 'href="' . ScriptUrl('action=rss;followup=' . UrlEncode($username))
2456 . '" />' if $username;
2457 return $html;
2460 sub GetCss { # prevent javascript injection
2461 my @css = map { s/\".*//; $_; } split(/\s+/, GetParam('css', ''));
2462 push (@css, $StyleSheet) if $StyleSheet and not @css;
2463 push (@css, "$ScriptName?action=browse;id=" . UrlEncode($StyleSheetPage) . ";raw=1;mime-type=text/css")
2464 if $IndexHash{$StyleSheetPage} and not @css;
2465 push (@css, '') unless @css;
2466 return join('', map { qq(<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="$_" />) } @css);
2469 sub GetFavicon {
2470 if ($Favicon) {
2471 my $url = $IndexHash{$Favicon} ? GetDownloadLink($Favicon, 2) : $Favicon;
2472 return qq(<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$url" />);
2475 return '';
2478 sub PrintPageContent {
2479 my ($text, $revision, $comment) = @_;
2480 print $q->start_div({-class=>'content browse'});
2481 if ($revision eq '' and $Page{blocks} and GetParam('cache', $UseCache) > 0) {
2482 PrintCache();
2483 } else {
2484 my $savecache = ($Page{revision} > 0 and $revision eq ''); # new page not cached
2485 PrintWikiToHTML($text, $savecache, $revision); # unlocked, with anchors, unlocked
2487 if ($comment) {
2488 print $q->start_div({-class=>'preview'}), $q->hr();
2489 print $q->h2(T('Preview:'));
2490 # no caching, current revision, unlocked
2491 PrintWikiToHTML(AddComment('', $comment));
2492 print $q->hr(), $q->h2(T('Preview only, not yet saved')), $q->end_div();
2493 } print $q->end_div();
2496 sub PrintFooter {
2497 my ($id, $rev, $comment) = @_;
2498 if (GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)) {
2499 print $q->end_html, "\n";
2500 return;
2502 print GetCommentForm($id, $rev, $comment),
2503 $q->start_div({-class=>'wrapper close'}), $q->end_div(), $q->end_div(),
2504 $q->start_div({-class=>'footer'}), $q->hr(), GetGotoBar($id),
2505 GetFooterLinks($id, $rev), GetFooterTimestamp($id, $rev);
2506 if ($DataDir =~ m|/tmp/|) {
2507 print $q->p($q->strong(T('Warning') . ': ')
2508 . Ts('Database is stored in temporary directory %s', $DataDir));
2510 print T($FooterNote) if $FooterNote;
2511 print $q->p(GetValidatorLink()) if GetParam('validate', $ValidatorLink);
2512 print $q->p(Ts('%s seconds', (time - $Now))) if GetParam('timing',0);
2513 print $q->end_div();
2514 PrintMyContent($id) if defined(&PrintMyContent);
2515 foreach my $sub (@MyFooters) {
2516 print &$sub(@_);
2518 print $q->end_html, "\n";
2521 sub GetFooterTimestamp {
2522 my ($id, $rev) = @_;
2523 if ($id and $rev ne 'history' and $rev ne 'edit' and $Page{revision}) {
2524 my @elements = ($q->br(), ($rev eq '' ? T('Last edited') : T('Edited')), TimeToText($Page{ts}),
2525 Ts('by %s', GetAuthorLink($Page{host}, $Page{username})));
2526 push(@elements, ScriptLinkDiff(2, $id, T('(diff)'), $rev)) if $UseDiff and $Page{revision} > 1;
2527 return $q->span({-class=>'time'}, @elements);
2529 return '';
2532 sub GetAdminLink {
2533 my ($id) = @_;
2534 return '' unless ($Action{admin} and GetParam('action', '') ne 'admin');
2536 my $action = 'action=admin';
2537 $action .= ';id=' . UrlEncode($id) if $id;
2538 return ScriptLink($action, T('Administration'), 'admin');
2541 sub GetLoginLinks {
2542 my ($id) = @_;
2543 my @elements;
2545 my $adminLink = GetAdminLink($id) if UserIsAdmin();
2546 push(@elements, $adminLink) if $adminLink;
2548 push(@elements, ScriptLink('action=password', T('Password'), 'password'))
2549 if $Action{password};
2551 return @elements ? $q->span({-class=>'login bar'}, $q->br(), @elements) : '';
2554 sub GetFooterLinks {
2555 my ($id, $rev) = @_;
2556 my @elements;
2557 if ($id and $rev ne 'history' and $rev ne 'edit') {
2558 if ($CommentsPrefix) {
2559 if ($id =~ /^$CommentsPrefix(.*)/o) {
2560 push(@elements, GetPageLink($1, undef, 'original', T('a')));
2561 } else {
2562 push(@elements, GetPageLink($CommentsPrefix . $id, undef, 'comment', T('c')));
2565 if (UserCanEdit($id, 0)) {
2566 if ($rev) { # showing old revision
2567 push(@elements, GetOldPageLink('edit', $id, $rev, Ts('Edit revision %s of this page', $rev)));
2568 } else { # showing current revision
2569 push(@elements, GetEditLink($id, T('Edit this page'), undef, T('e')));
2571 } else { # no permission or generated page
2572 push(@elements, ScriptLink('action=password', T('This page is read-only'), 'password'));
2575 push(@elements, GetHistoryLink($id, T('View other revisions'))) if $Action{history} and $id and $rev ne 'history';
2576 push(@elements, GetPageLink($id, T('View current revision')),
2577 GetRCLink($id, T('View all changes'))) if $Action{history} and $rev ne '';
2578 push(@elements, ScriptLink("action=contrib;id=" . UrlEncode($id), T('View contributors'), 'contrib'))
2579 if $Action{contrib} and $id and $rev eq 'history';
2581 push(@elements, GetRawLink($id, T('Raw'), T('r')));
2583 return @elements ? $q->span({-class=>'edit bar'}, $q->br(), @elements) : '';
2586 sub GetCommentForm {
2587 my ($id, $rev, $comment) = @_;
2588 if ($CommentsPrefix ne '' and $id and $rev ne 'history' and $rev ne 'edit'
2589 and $id =~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o and UserCanEdit($id, 0, 1)) {
2590 return $q->div({-class=>'comment'}, GetFormStart(undef, undef, 'comment'), # protected by questionasker
2591 $q->p(GetHiddenValue('title', $id),
2592 GetTextArea('aftertext', $comment ? $comment : $NewComment, 10)), $EditNote,
2593 $q->p($q->span({-class=>'username'},
2594 $q->label({-for=>'username'}, T('Username:')), ' ',
2595 $q->textfield(-name=>'username', -id=>'username',
2596 -default=>GetParam('username', ''),
2597 -override=>1, -size=>20, -maxlength=>50)),
2598 $q->span({-class=>'homepage'},
2599 $q->label({-for=>'homepage'}, T('Homepage URL:')), ' ',
2600 $q->textfield(-name=>'homepage', -id=>'homepage',
2601 -default=>GetParam('homepage', ''),
2602 -override=>1, -size=>40, -maxlength=>100))),
2603 $q->p($q->submit(-name=>'Save', -accesskey=>T('s'), -value=>T('Save')), ' ',
2604 $q->submit(-name=>'Preview', -accesskey=>T('p'), -value=>T('Preview'))),
2605 $q->endform());
2607 return '';
2610 sub GetFormStart {
2611 my ($ignore, $method, $class) = @_;
2612 $method ||= 'post';
2613 $class ||= 'form';
2614 return $q->start_multipart_form(-method=>$method, -action=>$FullUrl,
2615 -accept_charset=>'utf-8', -class=>$class);
2618 sub GetSearchForm {
2619 my $form = # $q->label({-for=>'search'}, T('Search:')) . ' '
2621 . $q->textfield(-name=>'search', -id=>'search', -size=>15, -placeholder=>"Search",
2622 -accesskey=>T('f')) . ' ';
2623 if ($ReplaceForm) {
2624 $form .= $q->label({-for=>'replace'}, T('Replace:')) . ' '
2625 . $q->textfield(-name=>'replace', -id=>'replace', -size=>20) . ' '
2626 . $q->checkbox(-name=>'delete', -label=>T('Delete')) . ' ';
2628 if (%Languages) {
2629 $form .= $q->label({-for=>'searchlang'}, T('Language:')) . ' '
2630 . $q->textfield(-name=>'lang', -id=>'searchlang', -size=>10,
2631 -default=>GetParam('lang', '')) . ' ';
2633 return GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'search')
2634 . $q->p($form . $q->submit('dosearch', T('Go!'))) . $q->endform;
2637 sub GetValidatorLink {
2638 return $q->a({-href => ''}, T('Validate HTML'))
2639 . ' ' . $q->a({-href=>''}, T('Validate CSS'));
2642 sub GetGotoBar { # ignore $id parameter
2643 return $q->span({-class=>'gotobar bar'}, $q->br(), (map { GetPageLink($_) }
2644 @UserGotoBarPages), $UserGotoBar);
2647 sub GetEditorGotoBar {
2648 return !UserIsEditor() ? '' :
2649 $q->span({-class=>'editorgotobar bar'}, $q->br(),
2650 (map { GetPageLink($_) } @EditorGotoBarPages), $EditorGotoBar);
2653 sub GetExploreGotoBar {
2654 return $q->span({-class=>'explorebar bar'}, $q->br(), (map { GetPageLink($_) }
2655 @ExploreGotoBarPages), GetSearchForm());
2658 sub PrintHtmlDiff {
2659 my ($type, $old, $new, $text, $summary) = @_;
2660 my $intro = T('Last edit');
2661 my $diff = GetCacheDiff($type == 1 ? 'major' : 'minor');
2662 # compute old revision if cache is disabled or no cached diff is available
2663 if (not $old and (not $diff or GetParam('cache', $UseCache) < 1)) {
2664 if ($type == 1) {
2665 $old = $Page{lastmajor} - 1;
2666 ($text, $new, $summary) = GetTextRevision($Page{lastmajor}, 1)
2667 unless $new or $Page{lastmajor} == $Page{revision};
2668 } elsif ($new) {
2669 $old = $new - 1;
2670 } else {
2671 $old = $Page{revision} - 1;
2674 $summary = $Page{summary} if not $summary and not $new;
2675 $summary = $q->p({-class=>'summary'}, T('Summary:') . ' ' . $summary) if $summary;
2676 if ($old > 0) { # generate diff if the computed old revision makes sense
2677 $diff = GetKeptDiff($text, $old);
2678 $intro = Tss('Difference between revision %1 and %2', $old,
2679 $new ? Ts('revision %s', $new) : T('current revision'));
2680 } elsif ($type == 1 and $Page{lastmajor} != $Page{revision}) {
2681 $intro = Ts('Last major edit (%s)', ScriptLinkDiff(1, $OpenPageName, T('later minor edits'),
2682 undef, $Page{lastmajor}||1));
2684 $diff =~ s!<p><strong>(.*?)</strong></p>!'<p><strong>' . T($1) . '</strong></p>'!ge;
2685 $diff = T('No diff available.') unless $diff;
2686 print $q->div({-class=>'diff'}, $q->p($q->b($intro)), $summary, $diff);
2689 sub GetCacheDiff {
2690 my $type = shift;
2691 my $diff = $Page{"diff-$type"};
2692 $diff = $Page{"diff-minor"} if ($diff eq '1'); # if major eq minor diff
2693 return $diff;
2696 sub GetKeptDiff {
2697 my ($new, $revision) = @_;
2698 $revision = 1 unless $revision;
2699 my ($old, $rev) = GetTextRevision($revision, 1);
2700 return '' unless $rev;
2701 return T("The two revisions are the same.") if $old eq $new;
2702 return GetDiff($old, $new, $rev);
2705 sub DoDiff { # Actualy call the diff program
2706 CreateDir($TempDir);
2707 my $oldName = "$TempDir/old";
2708 my $newName = "$TempDir/new";
2709 RequestLockDir('diff') or return '';
2710 WriteStringToFile($oldName, $_[0]);
2711 WriteStringToFile($newName, $_[1]);
2712 my $diff_out = `diff $oldName $newName`;
2713 utf8::decode($diff_out); # needs decoding
2714 $diff_out =~ s/\\ No newline.*\n//g; # Get rid of common complaint.
2715 ReleaseLockDir('diff');
2716 # No need to unlink temp files--next diff will just overwrite.
2717 return $diff_out;
2720 sub GetDiff {
2721 my ($old, $new, $revision) = @_;
2722 my $old_is_file = (TextIsFile($old))[0] || '';
2723 my $old_is_image = ($old_is_file =~ /^image\//);
2724 my $new_is_file = TextIsFile($new);
2725 if ($old_is_file or $new_is_file) {
2726 return $q->p($q->strong(T('Old revision:')))
2727 . $q->div({-class=>'old'}, # don't pring new revision, because that's the one that gets shown!
2728 $q->p($old_is_file ? GetDownloadLink($OpenPageName, $old_is_image, $revision) : $old))
2730 $old =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
2731 $new =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
2732 return ImproveDiff(DoDiff($old, $new));
2735 sub ImproveDiff { # NO NEED TO BE called within a diff lock
2736 my $diff = QuoteHtml(shift);
2737 $diff =~ tr/\r//d;
2738 my @hunks = split (/^(\d+,?\d*[adc]\d+,?\d*\n)/m, $diff);
2739 my $result = shift (@hunks); # intro
2740 while ($#hunks > 0) # at least one header and a real hunk
2742 my $header = shift (@hunks);
2743 $header =~ s|^(\d+.*c.*)|<p><strong>Changed:</strong></p>| # T('Changed:')
2744 or $header =~ s|^(\d+.*d.*)|<p><strong>Deleted:</strong></p>| # T('Deleted:')
2745 or $header =~ s|^(\d+.*a.*)|<p><strong>Added:</strong></p>|; # T('Added:')
2746 $result .= $header;
2747 my $chunk = shift (@hunks);
2748 my ($old, $new) = split (/\n---\n/, $chunk, 2);
2749 if ($old and $new) {
2750 ($old, $new) = DiffMarkWords($old, $new);
2751 $result .= "$old<p><strong>to</strong></p>\n$new"; # T('to')
2752 } else {
2753 if (substr($chunk,0,2) eq '&g') {
2754 $result .= DiffAddPrefix(DiffStripPrefix($chunk), '&gt; ', 'new');
2755 } else {
2756 $result .= DiffAddPrefix(DiffStripPrefix($chunk), '&lt; ', 'old');
2760 return $result;
2763 sub DiffMarkWords {
2764 my ($old, $new) = map { DiffStripPrefix($_) } @_;
2765 my @diffs = grep(/^\d/, split(/\n/, DoDiff(join("\n",split(/\s+|\b/,$old)) . "\n",
2766 join("\n",split(/\s+|\b/,$new)) . "\n")));
2767 foreach my $diff (reverse @diffs) { # so that new html tags don't confuse word counts
2768 my ($start1,$end1,$type,$start2,$end2) = $diff =~ /^(\d+),?(\d*)([adc])(\d+),?(\d*)$/mg;
2769 if ($type eq 'd' or $type eq 'c') {
2770 $end1 = $start1 unless $end1;
2771 $old = DiffHtmlMarkWords($old,$start1,$end1);
2773 if ($type eq 'a' or $type eq 'c') {
2774 $end2 = $start2 unless $end2;
2775 $new = DiffHtmlMarkWords($new,$start2,$end2);
2778 return (DiffAddPrefix($old, '&lt; ', 'old'),
2779 DiffAddPrefix($new, '&gt; ', 'new'));
2782 sub DiffHtmlMarkWords {
2783 my ($text,$start,$end) = @_;
2784 my @fragments = split(/(\s+|\b)/, $text);
2785 splice(@fragments, 2 * ($start - 1), 0, '<strong class="changes">');
2786 splice(@fragments, 2 * $end, 0, '</strong>');
2787 my $result = join('', @fragments);
2788 $result =~ s!&<(/?)strong([^>]*)>(amp|[gl]t);!<$1strong$2>&$3;!g;
2789 $result =~ s!&(amp|[gl]t)<(/?)strong([^>]*)>;!&$1;<$2strong$3>!g;
2790 return $result;
2793 sub DiffStripPrefix {
2794 my $str = shift;
2795 $str =~ s/^&[lg]t; //gm;
2796 return $str;
2799 sub DiffAddPrefix {
2800 my ($str, $prefix, $class) = @_;
2801 my @lines = split(/\n/,$str);
2802 for my $line (@lines) {
2803 $line = $prefix . $line;
2805 return $q->div({-class=>$class},$q->p(join($q->br(), @lines)));
2808 sub ParseData { # called a lot during search, so it was optimized
2809 my $data = shift; # by eliminating non-trivial regular expressions
2810 my %result;
2811 my $end = index($data, ': ');
2812 my $key = substr($data, 0, $end);
2813 my $start = $end += 2; # skip ': '
2814 while ($end = index($data, "\n", $end) + 1) { # include \n
2815 next if substr($data, $end, 1) eq "\t"; # continue after \n\t
2816 $result{$key} = substr($data, $start, $end - $start - 1); # strip last \n
2817 $start = index($data, ': ', $end); # starting at $end begins the new key
2818 last if $start == -1;
2819 $key = substr($data, $end, $start - $end);
2820 $end = $start += 2; # skip ': '
2822 $result{$key} .= substr($data, $end, -1); # strip last \n
2823 foreach (keys %result) {
2824 $result{$_} =~ s/\n\t/\n/g;
2826 return %result;
2829 sub OpenPage { # Sets global variables
2830 my $id = shift;
2831 if ($OpenPageName eq $id) {
2832 return;
2834 if ($IndexHash{$id}) {
2835 %Page = ParseData(ReadFileOrDie(GetPageFile($id)));
2836 } else {
2837 %Page = ();
2838 $Page{ts} = $Now;
2839 $Page{revision} = 0;
2840 if ($id eq $HomePage
2841 and (open(F, '<:utf8', $ReadMe)
2842 or open(F, '<:utf8', 'README'))) {
2843 local $/ = undef;
2844 $Page{text} = <F>;
2845 close F;
2846 } elsif ($CommentsPrefix and $id =~ /^$CommentsPrefix(.*)/o) { # do nothing
2849 $OpenPageName = $id;
2852 sub GetTextAtTime { # call with opened page, return $minor if all pages between now and $ts are minor!
2853 my $ts = shift;
2854 my $minor = $Page{minor};
2855 return ($Page{text}, $minor, 0) if $Page{ts} <= $ts; # current page is old enough
2856 return ($DeletedPage, $minor, 0) if $Page{revision} == 1 and $Page{ts} > $ts; # created after $ts
2857 my %keep = (); # info may be needed after the loop
2858 foreach my $revision (GetKeepRevisions($OpenPageName)) {
2859 %keep = GetKeptRevision($revision);
2860 $minor = 0 if not $keep{minor} and $keep{ts} >= $ts; # ignore keep{minor} if keep{ts} is too old
2861 return ($keep{text}, $minor, 0) if $keep{ts} <= $ts;
2863 return ($DeletedPage, $minor, 0) if $keep{revision} == 1; # then the page was created after $ts!
2864 return ($keep{text}, $minor, $keep{ts}); # the oldest revision available is not old enough
2867 sub GetTextRevision {
2868 my ($revision, $quiet) = @_;
2869 $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars
2870 return ($Page{text}, $revision, $Page{summary}) unless $revision and $revision ne $Page{revision};
2871 my %keep = GetKeptRevision($revision);
2872 if (not %keep) {
2873 $Message .= $q->p(Ts('Revision %s not available', $revision)
2874 . ' (' . T('showing current revision instead') . ')') unless $quiet;
2875 return ($Page{text}, '', '');
2877 $Message .= $q->p(Ts('Showing revision %s', $revision)) unless $quiet;
2878 return ($keep{text}, $revision, $keep{summary});
2881 sub GetPageContent {
2882 my $id = shift;
2883 if ($IndexHash{$id}) {
2884 my %data = ParseData(ReadFileOrDie(GetPageFile($id)));
2885 return $data{text};
2887 return '';
2890 sub GetKeptRevision { # Call after OpenPage
2891 my ($status, $data) = ReadFile(GetKeepFile($OpenPageName, (shift)));
2892 return () unless $status;
2893 return ParseData($data);
2896 sub GetPageFile {
2897 my ($id) = @_;
2898 return $PageDir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$";
2901 sub GetKeepFile {
2902 my ($id, $revision) = @_; die "No revision for $id" unless $revision; #FIXME
2903 return $KeepDir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id/$";
2906 sub GetKeepDir {
2907 my $id = shift; die 'No id' unless $id; #FIXME
2908 return $KeepDir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id) . '/' . $id;
2911 sub GetKeepFiles {
2912 return bsd_glob(GetKeepDir(shift) . '/*.kp'); # files such as,, etc.
2915 sub GetKeepRevisions {
2916 return sort {$b <=> $a} map { m/([0-9]+)\.kp$/; $1; } GetKeepFiles(shift);
2919 sub GetPageDirectory {
2920 my $id = shift;
2921 if ($id =~ /^([a-zA-Z])/) {
2922 return uc($1);
2924 return 'other';
2927 # Always call SavePage within a lock.
2928 sub SavePage { # updating the cache will not change timestamp and revision!
2929 ReportError(T('Cannot save a nameless page.'), '400 BAD REQUEST', 1) unless $OpenPageName;
2930 ReportError(T('Cannot save a page without revision.'), '400 BAD REQUEST', 1) unless $Page{revision};
2931 CreatePageDir($PageDir, $OpenPageName);
2932 WriteStringToFile(GetPageFile($OpenPageName), EncodePage(%Page));
2935 sub SaveKeepFile {
2936 return if ($Page{revision} < 1); # Don't keep 'empty' revision
2937 delete $Page{blocks}; # delete some info from the page
2938 delete $Page{flags};
2939 delete $Page{'diff-major'};
2940 delete $Page{'diff-minor'};
2941 $Page{'keep-ts'} = $Now; # expire only $KeepDays from $Now!
2942 CreateKeepDir($KeepDir, $OpenPageName);
2943 WriteStringToFile(GetKeepFile($OpenPageName, $Page{revision}), EncodePage(%Page));
2946 sub EncodePage {
2947 my @data = @_;
2948 my $result = '';
2949 $result .= (shift @data) . ': ' . EscapeNewlines(shift @data) . "\n" while (@data);
2950 return $result;
2953 sub EscapeNewlines {
2954 $_[0] =~ s/\n/\n\t/g; # modify original instead of copying
2955 return $_[0];
2958 sub ExpireKeepFiles { # call with opened page
2959 return unless $KeepDays;
2960 my $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 86400); # 24*60*60
2961 foreach my $revision (GetKeepRevisions($OpenPageName)) {
2962 my %keep = GetKeptRevision($revision);
2963 next if $keep{'keep-ts'} >= $expirets;
2964 next if $KeepMajor and $keep{revision} == $Page{lastmajor};
2965 unlink GetKeepFile($OpenPageName, $revision);
2969 sub ReadFile {
2970 my $file = shift;
2971 utf8::encode($file); # filenames are bytes!
2972 if (open(IN, '<:utf8', $file)) {
2973 local $/ = undef; # Read complete files
2974 my $data=<IN>;
2975 close IN;
2976 return (1, $data);
2978 return (0, '');
2981 sub ReadFileOrDie {
2982 my ($file) = @_;
2983 my ($status, $data);
2984 ($status, $data) = ReadFile($file);
2985 if (!$status) {
2986 ReportError(Ts('Cannot open %s', $file) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
2988 return $data;
2991 sub WriteStringToFile {
2992 my ($file, $string) = @_;
2993 utf8::encode($file);
2994 open(OUT, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file)
2995 or ReportError(Ts('Cannot write %s', $file) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
2996 print OUT $string;
2997 close(OUT);
3000 sub AppendStringToFile {
3001 my ($file, $string) = @_;
3002 utf8::encode($file);
3003 open(OUT, '>>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file)
3004 or ReportError(Ts('Cannot write %s', $file) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
3005 print OUT $string;
3006 close(OUT);
3009 sub CreateDir {
3010 my ($newdir) = @_;
3011 utf8::encode($newdir);
3012 return if -d $newdir;
3013 mkdir($newdir, 0775)
3014 or ReportError(Ts('Cannot create %s', $newdir) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
3017 sub CreatePageDir {
3018 my ($dir, $id) = @_;
3019 CreateDir($dir);
3020 CreateDir($dir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id));
3023 sub CreateKeepDir {
3024 my ($dir, $id) = @_;
3025 CreatePageDir($dir, $id);
3026 CreateDir($dir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id) . '/' . $id);
3029 sub GetLockedPageFile {
3030 my $id = shift;
3031 return $PageDir . '/' . GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.lck";
3034 sub RequestLockDir {
3035 my ($name, $tries, $wait, $error, $retried) = @_;
3036 $tries = 4 unless $tries;
3037 $wait = 2 unless $wait;
3038 CreateDir($TempDir);
3039 my $lock = $LockDir . $name;
3040 my $n = 0;
3041 while (mkdir($lock, 0555) == 0) {
3042 if ($n++ >= $tries) {
3043 my $ts = (stat($lock))[9];
3044 if ($Now - $ts > $LockExpiration and $LockExpires{$name}
3045 and not $retried) {
3046 ReleaseLockDir($name); # try to expire lock (no checking)
3047 return 1 if RequestLockDir($name, undef, undef, undef, 1);
3049 return 0 unless $error;
3050 ReportError(Ts('Could not get %s lock', $name) . ": $!. "
3051 . Ts('The lock was created %s.', CalcTimeSince($Now - $ts))
3052 . ($retried ? ' ' . T('Maybe the user running this script is no longer allowed to remove the lock directory?') : ''),
3055 sleep($wait);
3057 $Locks{$name} = 1;
3058 return 1;
3061 sub ReleaseLockDir {
3062 my $name = shift; # We don't check whether we succeeded.
3063 rmdir($LockDir . $name); # Before fixing, make sure we only call this
3064 delete $Locks{$name}; # when we know the lock exists.
3067 sub RequestLockOrError {
3068 # 10 tries, 3 second wait, die on error
3069 return RequestLockDir('main', 10, 3, 1);
3072 sub ReleaseLock {
3073 ReleaseLockDir('main');
3076 sub ForceReleaseLock {
3077 my $pattern = shift;
3078 my $forced;
3079 foreach my $name (bsd_glob $pattern) {
3080 # First try to obtain lock (in case of normal edit lock)
3081 $forced = 1 if !RequestLockDir($name, 5, 3, 0);
3082 ReleaseLockDir($name); # Release the lock, even if we didn't get it.
3084 return $forced;
3087 sub DoUnlock {
3088 my $message = '';
3089 print GetHeader('', T('Unlock Wiki'), undef, 'nocache');
3090 print $q->p(T('This operation may take several seconds...'));
3091 for my $lock (@KnownLocks) {
3092 if (ForceReleaseLock($lock)) {
3093 $message .= $q->p(Ts('Forced unlock of %s lock.', $lock));
3096 if ($message) {
3097 print $message;
3098 } else {
3099 print $q->p(T('No unlock required.'));
3101 PrintFooter();
3104 sub CalcDay {
3105 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime(shift);
3106 return sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02d', $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday);
3109 sub CalcTime {
3110 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime(shift);
3111 return sprintf('%02d:%02d UTC', $hour, $min);
3114 sub CalcTimeSince {
3115 my $total = shift;
3116 if ($total >= 7200) {
3117 return Ts('%s hours ago',int($total/3600));
3118 } elsif ($total >= 3600) {
3119 return T('1 hour ago');
3120 } elsif ($total >= 120) {
3121 return Ts('%s minutes ago',int($total/60));
3122 } elsif ($total >= 60) {
3123 return T('1 minute ago');
3124 } elsif ($total >= 2) {
3125 return Ts('%s seconds ago',int($total));
3126 } elsif ($total == 1) {
3127 return T('1 second ago');
3128 } else {
3129 return T('just now');
3133 sub TimeToText {
3134 my $t = shift;
3135 return CalcDay($t) . ' ' . CalcTime($t);
3138 sub TimeToW3 { # Complete date plus hours and minutes: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
3139 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = gmtime(shift); # use special UTC designator ("Z")
3140 return sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02dZ', $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min);
3143 sub TimeToRFC822 {
3144 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = gmtime(shift); # Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:00:01 GMT
3145 return sprintf("%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$wday], $mday,
3146 qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)[$mon], $year+1900, $hour, $min, $sec);
3149 sub GetHiddenValue {
3150 my ($name, $value) = @_;
3151 $q->param($name, $value);
3152 return $q->input({-type=>"hidden", -name=>$name, -value=>$value});
3155 sub GetRemoteHost { # when testing, these variables are undefined.
3156 my $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}; # tests are written to avoid -w warnings.
3157 if (not $rhost and $UseLookup and $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) {
3158 # Catch errors (including bad input) without aborting the script
3159 eval 'use Socket; my $iaddr = inet_aton($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});'
3160 . '$rhost = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET) if $iaddr;';
3162 if (not $rhost) {
3163 $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
3165 return $rhost;
3168 sub FreeToNormal { # trim all spaces and convert them to underlines
3169 my $id = shift;
3170 return '' unless $id;
3171 $id =~ s/ /_/g;
3172 if (index($id, '_') > -1) { # Quick check for any space/underscores
3173 $id =~ s/__+/_/g;
3174 $id =~ s/^_//;
3175 $id =~ s/_$//;
3177 return UnquoteHtml($id);
3180 sub ItemName {
3181 my $id = shift; # id
3182 return NormalToFree($id) unless GetParam('short', 1) and $RssStrip;
3183 my $comment = $id =~ s/^($CommentsPrefix)//o; # strip first so that ^ works
3184 $id =~ s/^$RssStrip//o;
3185 $id = $CommentsPrefix . $id if $comment;
3186 return NormalToFree($id);
3189 sub NormalToFree { # returns HTML quoted title with spaces
3190 my $title = shift;
3191 $title =~ s/_/ /g;
3192 return QuoteHtml($title);
3195 sub UnWiki {
3196 my $str = shift;
3197 return $str unless $WikiLinks and $str =~ /^$LinkPattern$/;
3198 $str =~ s/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/$1 $2/g;
3199 return $str;
3202 sub DoEdit {
3203 my ($id, $newText, $preview) = @_;
3204 ValidIdOrDie($id);
3205 my $upload = GetParam('upload', undef);
3206 if (!UserCanEdit($id, 1)) {
3207 my $rule = UserIsBanned();
3208 if ($rule) {
3209 ReportError(T('Edit Denied'), '403 FORBIDDEN', undef,
3210 $q->p(T('Editing not allowed: user, ip, or network is blocked.')),
3211 $q->p(T('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.')),
3212 $q->p(Ts('The rule %s matched for you.', $rule) . ' '
3213 . Ts('See %s for more information.', GetPageLink($BannedHosts))));
3214 } else {
3215 ReportError(T('Edit Denied'), '403 FORBIDDEN', undef,
3216 $q->p(Ts('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', NormalToFree($id))));
3218 } elsif ($upload and not $UploadAllowed and not UserIsAdmin()) {
3219 ReportError(T('Only administrators can upload files.'), '403 FORBIDDEN');
3221 OpenPage($id);
3222 my ($text, $revision) = GetTextRevision(GetParam('revision', ''), 1); # maybe revision reset!
3223 my $oldText = $preview ? $newText : $text;
3224 my $isFile = TextIsFile($oldText);
3225 $upload = $isFile if not defined $upload;
3226 if ($upload and not $UploadAllowed and not UserIsAdmin()) {
3227 ReportError(T('Only administrators can upload files.'), '403 FORBIDDEN');
3229 if ($upload) { # shortcut lots of code
3230 $revision = '';
3231 $preview = 0;
3232 } elsif ($isFile and not $upload) {
3233 $oldText = '';
3235 my $header;
3236 if ($revision and not $upload) {
3237 $header = Ts('Editing revision %s of', $revision) . ' ' . NormalToFree($id);
3238 } else {
3239 $header = Ts('Editing %s', NormalToFree($id));
3241 print GetHeader('', $header, undef, undef, undef, GetFooterLinks($id, 'edit')),
3242 $q->start_div({-class=>'content edit'});
3243 if ($preview and not $upload) {
3244 print $q->start_div({-class=>'preview'});
3245 print $q->h2(T('Preview:'));
3246 PrintWikiToHTML($oldText); # no caching, current revision, unlocked
3247 print $q->hr(), $q->h2(T('Preview only, not yet saved')), $q->end_div();
3249 if ($revision) {
3250 print $q->strong(Ts('Editing old revision %s.', $revision) . ' '
3251 . T('Saving this page will replace the latest revision with this text.'))
3253 print GetEditForm($id, $upload, $oldText, $revision), $q->end_div();
3254 PrintFooter($id, 'edit');
3257 sub GetEditForm {
3258 my ($page_name, $upload, $oldText, $revision) = @_;
3259 my $html = GetFormStart(undef, undef, $upload ? 'edit upload' : 'edit text') # protected by questionasker
3260 .$q->p(GetHiddenValue("title", $page_name), ($revision ? GetHiddenValue('revision', $revision) : ''),
3261 GetHiddenValue('oldtime', $Page{ts}), ($upload ? GetUpload() : GetTextArea('text', $oldText)));
3262 my $summary = UnquoteHtml(GetParam('summary', ''))
3263 || ($Now - $Page{ts} < ($SummaryHours * 3600) ? $Page{summary} : '');
3264 $html .= $q->p(T('Summary:').$q->br().GetTextArea('summary', $summary, 2))
3265 .$q->p($q->checkbox(-name=>'recent_edit', -checked=>(GetParam('recent_edit', '') eq 'on'),
3266 -label=>T('This change is a minor edit.')));
3267 $html .= T($EditNote) if $EditNote; # Allow translation
3268 my $username = GetParam('username', '');
3269 $html .= $q->p($q->label({-for=>'username'}, T('Username:')).' '
3270 .$q->textfield(-name=>'username', -id=>'username', -default=>$username,
3271 -override=>1, -size=>20, -maxlength=>50))
3272 .$q->p($q->submit(-name=>'Save', -accesskey=>T('s'), -value=>T('Save')),
3273 ($upload ? '' : ' ' . $q->submit(-name=>'Preview', -accesskey=>T('p'), -value=>T('Preview'))).
3274 ' '.$q->submit(-name=>'Cancel', -value=>T('Cancel')));
3275 if ($upload) {
3276 $html .= $q->p(ScriptLink('action=edit;upload=0;id='.UrlEncode($page_name), T('Replace this file with text'), 'upload'));
3278 elsif ($UploadAllowed or UserIsAdmin()) {
3279 $html .= $q->p(ScriptLink('action=edit;upload=1;id='.UrlEncode($page_name), T('Replace this text with a file'), 'upload'));
3281 $html .= $q->endform();
3282 return $html;
3285 sub GetTextArea {
3286 my ($name, $text, $rows) = @_;
3287 return $q->textarea(-id=>$name, -name=>$name, -default=>$text, -rows=>$rows||25, -columns=>78, -override=>1);
3290 sub GetUpload {
3291 return T('File to upload: ') . $q->filefield(-name=>'file', -size=>50, -maxlength=>100);
3294 sub DoDownload {
3295 my $id = shift;
3296 OpenPage($id) if ValidIdOrDie($id);
3297 print $q->header(-status=>'304 NOT MODIFIED') and return if FileFresh(); # FileFresh needs an OpenPage!
3298 my ($text, $revision) = GetTextRevision(GetParam('revision', '')); # maybe revision reset!
3299 my $ts = $Page{ts};
3300 if (my ($type, $encoding) = TextIsFile($text)) {
3301 my ($data) = $text =~ /^[^\n]*\n(.*)/s;
3302 my %allowed = map {$_ => 1} @UploadTypes;
3303 ReportError(Ts('Files of type %s are not allowed.', $type), '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE')
3304 if @UploadTypes and not $allowed{$type};
3305 print GetHttpHeader($type, $ts, undef, $encoding);
3306 require MIME::Base64;
3307 binmode(STDOUT, ":pop:raw"); # need to pop utf8 for Windows users!?
3308 print MIME::Base64::decode($data);
3309 } else {
3310 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain', $ts);
3311 print $text;
3315 sub DoPassword {
3316 print GetHeader('',T('Password')), $q->start_div({-class=>'content password'});
3317 print $q->p(T('Your password is saved in a cookie, if you have cookies enabled. Cookies may get lost if you connect from another machine, from another account, or using another software.'));
3318 if (UserIsAdmin()) {
3319 print $q->p(T('You are currently an administrator on this site.'));
3320 } elsif (UserIsEditor()) {
3321 print $q->p(T('You are currently an editor on this site.'));
3322 } else {
3323 print $q->p(T('You are a normal user on this site.'));
3324 if ($AdminPass or $EditPass) {
3325 print $q->p(T('Your password does not match any of the administrator or editor passwords.'));
3328 if ($AdminPass or $EditPass) {
3329 print GetFormStart(undef, undef, 'password'),
3330 $q->p(GetHiddenValue('action', 'password'), T('Password:'), ' ',
3331 $q->password_field(-name=>'pwd', -size=>20, -maxlength=>50),
3332 $q->submit(-name=>'Save', -accesskey=>T('s'), -value=>T('Save'))), $q->endform;
3333 } else {
3334 print $q->p(T('This site does not use admin or editor passwords.'));
3336 print $q->end_div();
3337 PrintFooter();
3340 sub UserIsEditorOrError {
3341 UserIsEditor()
3342 or ReportError(T('This operation is restricted to site editors only...'), '403 FORBIDDEN');
3343 return 1;
3346 sub UserIsAdminOrError {
3347 UserIsAdmin()
3348 or ReportError(T('This operation is restricted to administrators only...'), '403 FORBIDDEN');
3349 return 1;
3352 sub UserCanEdit {
3353 my ($id, $editing, $comment) = @_;
3354 return 0 if $id eq 'SampleUndefinedPage' or $id eq T('SampleUndefinedPage')
3355 or $id eq 'Sample_Undefined_Page' or $id eq T('Sample_Undefined_Page');
3356 return 1 if UserIsAdmin();
3357 return 0 if $id ne '' and -f GetLockedPageFile($id);
3358 return 0 if $LockOnCreation{$id} and not -f GetPageFile($id); # new page
3359 return 1 if UserIsEditor();
3360 return 0 if !$EditAllowed or -f $NoEditFile;
3361 return 0 if $editing and UserIsBanned(); # this call is more expensive
3362 return 0 if $EditAllowed >= 2 and (not $CommentsPrefix or $id !~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o);
3363 return 1 if $EditAllowed >= 3 and ($comment or (GetParam('aftertext', '') and not GetParam('text', '')));
3364 return 0 if $EditAllowed >= 3;
3365 return 1;
3368 sub UserIsBanned {
3369 return 0 if GetParam('action', '') eq 'password'; # login is always ok
3370 my ($host, $ip);
3371 $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
3372 $host = GetRemoteHost();
3373 foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($BannedHosts))) {
3374 if (/^\s*([^#]\S+)/) { # all lines except empty lines and comments, trim whitespace
3375 my $regexp = $1;
3376 return $regexp if ($ip =~ /$regexp/i);
3377 return $regexp if ($host =~ /$regexp/i);
3380 return 0;
3383 sub UserIsAdmin {
3384 return 0 if $AdminPass eq '';
3385 my $pwd = GetParam('pwd', '');
3386 foreach (split(/\s+/, $AdminPass)) {
3387 return 1 if $pwd eq $_;
3389 return 0;
3392 sub UserIsEditor {
3393 return 1 if UserIsAdmin(); # Admin includes editor
3394 return 0 if $EditPass eq '';
3395 my $pwd = GetParam('pwd', ''); # Used for both passwords
3396 foreach (split(/\s+/, $EditPass)) {
3397 return 1 if $pwd eq $_;
3399 return 0;
3402 sub BannedContent {
3403 my $str = shift;
3404 my @urls = $str =~ /$FullUrlPattern/go;
3405 foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($BannedContent))) {
3406 next unless m/^\s*([^#]+?)\s*(#\s*(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s*)?(.*))?$/;
3407 my ($regexp, $comment, $re) = ($1, $4, undef);
3408 foreach my $url (@urls) {
3409 eval { $re = qr/$regexp/i; };
3410 if (defined($re) && $url =~ $re) {
3411 return Tss('Rule "%1" matched "%2" on this page.', $regexp, $url) . ' '
3412 . ($comment ? Ts('Reason: %s.', $comment) : T('Reason unknown.')) . ' '
3413 . Ts('See %s for more information.', GetPageLink($BannedContent));
3417 return 0;
3420 sub DoIndex {
3421 my $raw = GetParam('raw', 0);
3422 my $match = GetParam('match', '');
3423 my @pages = ();
3424 my @menu = ($q->label({-for=>'indexmatch'}, T('Filter:')) . ' '
3425 . $q->textfield(-name=>'match', -id=>'indexmatch', -size=>20));
3426 foreach my $data (@IndexOptions) {
3427 my ($option, $text, $default, $sub) = @$data;
3428 my $value = GetParam($option, $default); # HTML checkbox warning!
3429 $value = 0 if GetParam('manual', 0) and $value ne 'on';
3430 push(@pages, &$sub) if $value;
3431 push(@menu, $q->checkbox(-name=>$option, -checked=>$value, -label=>$text));
3433 @pages = grep /$match/i, @pages if $match;
3434 @pages = sort @pages;
3435 if ($raw) {
3436 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain'); # and ignore @menu
3437 } else {
3438 print GetHeader('', T('Index of all pages'));
3439 push(@menu, GetHiddenValue('manual', 1) . $q->submit(-value=>T('Go!')));
3440 push(@menu, $q->b(Ts('(for %s)', GetParam('lang', '')))) if GetParam('lang', '');
3441 print $q->start_div({-class=>'content index'}),
3442 GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'index'), GetHiddenValue('action', 'index'),
3443 $q->p(join($q->br(), @menu)), $q->end_form(),
3444 $q->h2(Ts('%s pages found.', ($#pages + 1))), $q->start_p();
3446 foreach (@pages) {
3447 PrintPage($_);
3449 print $q->end_p(), $q->end_div() unless $raw;
3450 PrintFooter() unless $raw;
3453 sub PrintPage {
3454 my $id = shift;
3455 my $lang = GetParam('lang', 0);
3456 if ($lang) {
3457 OpenPage($id);
3458 my @languages = split(/,/, $Page{languages});
3459 next if (@languages and not grep(/$lang/, @languages));
3461 if (GetParam('raw', 0)) {
3462 if (GetParam('search', '') and GetParam('context',1)) {
3463 print "title: $id\n\n"; # for near links without full search
3464 } else {
3465 print $id, "\n";
3467 } else {
3468 print GetPageOrEditLink($id, NormalToFree($id)), $q->br();
3472 sub AllPagesList {
3473 my $refresh = GetParam('refresh', 0);
3474 return @IndexList if @IndexList and not $refresh;
3475 SetParam('refresh', 0) if $refresh;
3476 if (not $refresh and -f $IndexFile) {
3477 my ($status, $rawIndex) = ReadFile($IndexFile); # not fatal
3478 if ($status) {
3479 %IndexHash = split(/\s+/, $rawIndex);
3480 @IndexList = sort(keys %IndexHash);
3481 return @IndexList;
3483 # If open fails just refresh the index
3485 @IndexList = ();
3486 %IndexHash = ();
3487 # If file exists and cannot be changed, error!
3488 my $locked = RequestLockDir('index', undef, undef, -f $IndexFile);
3489 foreach (bsd_glob("$PageDir/*/*.pg"), bsd_glob("$PageDir/*/.*.pg")) {
3490 next unless m|/.*/(.+)\.pg$|;
3491 my $id = $1;
3492 utf8::decode($id);
3493 push(@IndexList, $id);
3494 $IndexHash{$id} = 1;
3496 WriteStringToFile($IndexFile, join(' ', %IndexHash)) if $locked;
3497 ReleaseLockDir('index') if $locked;
3498 return @IndexList;
3501 sub DoSearch {
3502 my $string = shift;
3503 return DoIndex() if $string eq '';
3504 eval { qr/$string/ }
3505 or $@ and ReportError(Ts('Malformed regular expression in %s', $string),
3506 '400 BAD REQUEST');
3507 my $replacement = GetParam('replace',undef);
3508 my $raw = GetParam('raw','');
3509 my @results;
3510 if ($replacement or GetParam('delete', 0)) {
3511 return unless UserIsAdminOrError();
3512 print GetHeader('', Ts('Replaced: %s', $string . " &#x2192; " . $replacement)),
3513 $q->start_div({-class=>'content replacement'});
3514 @results = Replace($string,$replacement);
3515 foreach (@results) {
3516 PrintSearchResult($_, SearchRegexp($replacement||$string));
3518 } else {
3519 if ($raw) {
3520 print GetHttpHeader('text/plain');
3521 print RcTextItem('title', Ts('Search for: %s', $string)), RcTextItem('date', TimeToText($Now)),
3522 RcTextItem('link', $q->url(-path_info=>1, -query=>1)), "\n" if GetParam('context', 1);
3523 } else {
3524 print GetHeader('', Ts('Search for: %s', $string)), $q->start_div({-class=>'content search'});
3525 $ReplaceForm = UserIsAdmin();
3526 print $q->p({-class=>'links'}, SearchMenu($string));
3528 @results = SearchTitleAndBody($string, \&PrintSearchResult, SearchRegexp($string));
3530 print SearchResultCount($#results + 1), $q->end_div() unless $raw;
3531 PrintFooter() unless $raw;
3534 sub SearchMenu {
3535 return ScriptLink('action=rc;rcfilteronly=' . UrlEncode(shift),
3536 T('View changes for these pages'));
3539 sub SearchResultCount { $q->p({-class=>'result'}, Ts('%s pages found.', (shift))); }
3541 sub PageIsUploadedFile {
3542 my $id = shift;
3543 return undef if $OpenPageName eq $id;
3544 if ($IndexHash{$id}) {
3545 my $file = GetPageFile($id);
3546 utf8::encode($file); # filenames are bytes!
3547 open(FILE, '<:utf8', $file)
3548 or ReportError(Ts('Cannot open %s', $file) . ": $!", '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
3549 while (defined($_ = <FILE>) and $_ !~ /^text: /) {
3550 } # read lines until we get to the text key
3551 close FILE;
3552 return TextIsFile(substr($_,6)); # pass "#FILE image/png\n" to the test
3556 sub SearchTitleAndBody { # expects search string to be HTML quoted and will unquote it
3557 my ($string, $func, @args) = @_;
3558 $string = UnquoteHtml($string);
3559 my @found;
3560 my $lang = GetParam('lang', '');
3561 foreach my $id (GrepFiltered($string, AllPagesList())) {
3562 my $name = NormalToFree($id);
3563 my ($text) = PageIsUploadedFile($id); # set to mime-type if this is an uploaded file
3564 if (not $text) { # not uploaded file, therefore allow searching of page body
3565 local ($OpenPageName, %Page); # this is local!
3566 OpenPage($id); # this opens a page twice if it is not uploaded, but that's ok
3567 if ($lang) {
3568 my @languages = split(/,/, $Page{languages});
3569 next if (@languages and not grep(/$lang/, @languages));
3571 $text = $Page{text};
3573 if (SearchString($string, $name . "\n" . $text)) { # the real search code
3574 push(@found, $id);
3575 &$func($id, @args) if $func;
3578 return @found;
3581 sub GrepFiltered { # grep is so much faster!!
3582 my ($string, @pages) = @_;
3583 my $regexp = SearchRegexp($string);
3584 return @pages unless GetParam('grep', $UseGrep) and $regexp;
3585 my @result = grep(/$regexp/i, @pages);
3586 my %found = map {$_ => 1} @result;
3587 $regexp =~ s/\\n(\)*)$/\$$1/g; # sometimes \n can be replaced with $
3588 $regexp =~ s/([?+{|()])/\\$1/g; # basic regular expressions from man grep
3589 # if we know of any remaining grep incompatibilities we should
3590 # return @pages here!
3591 $regexp = quotemeta($regexp);
3592 open(F, '-|:encoding(UTF-8)', "grep -rli $regexp '$PageDir' 2>/dev/null");
3593 while (<F>) {
3594 push(@result, $1) if m/.*\/(.*)\.pg/ and not $found{$1};
3596 close(F);
3597 return sort @result;
3600 sub SearchString {
3601 my ($string, $data) = @_;
3602 my @strings = grep /./, $string =~ /\"([^\"]+)\"|(\S+)/g; # skip null entries
3603 foreach my $str (@strings) {
3604 return 0 unless ($data =~ /$str/i);
3606 return 1;
3609 sub SearchRegexp {
3610 my $regexp = join '|', map { index($_,'|') == -1 ? $_ : "($_)" }
3611 grep /./, shift =~ /\"([^\"]+)\"|(\S+)/g; # this acts as OR
3612 $regexp =~ s/\\s/[[:space:]]/g;
3613 return $regexp;
3616 sub PrintSearchResult {
3617 my ($name, $regex) = @_;
3618 return PrintPage($name) if not GetParam('context',1);
3619 my $raw = GetParam('raw', 0);
3620 OpenPage($name); # should be open already, just making sure!
3621 my $text = $Page{text};
3622 my ($type) = TextIsFile($text); # MIME type if an uploaded file
3623 my %entry;
3624 # get the page, filter it, remove all tags
3625 $text =~ s/$FS//go; # Remove separators (paranoia)
3626 $text =~ s/[\s]+/ /g; # Shrink whitespace
3627 $text =~ s/([-_=\\*\\.]){10,}/$1$1$1$1$1/g ; # e.g. shrink "----------"
3628 $entry{title} = $name;
3629 $entry{description} = $type || SearchExtract(QuoteHtml($text), $regex);
3630 $entry{size} = int((length($text)/1024)+1) . 'K';
3631 $entry{'last-modified'} = TimeToText($Page{ts});
3632 $entry{username} = $Page{username};
3633 $entry{host} = $Page{host};
3634 PrintSearchResultEntry(\%entry, $regex);
3637 sub PrintSearchResultEntry {
3638 my %entry = %{(shift)}; # get value from reference
3639 my $regex = shift;
3640 if (GetParam('raw', 0)) {
3641 $entry{generator} = $entry{username} . ' ' if $entry{username};
3642 $entry{generator} .= Ts('from %s', $entry{host}) if $entry{host};
3643 foreach my $key (qw(title description size last-modified generator username host)) {
3644 print RcTextItem($key, $entry{$key});
3646 print RcTextItem('link', "$ScriptName?$entry{title}"), "\n";
3647 } else {
3648 my $author = GetAuthorLink($entry{host}, $entry{username});
3649 $author = $entry{generator} unless $author;
3650 my $id = $entry{title};
3651 my ($class, $resolved, $title, $exists) = ResolveId($id);
3652 my $text = NormalToFree($id);
3653 my $result = $q->span({-class=>'result'}, ScriptLink(UrlEncode($resolved), $text, $class, undef, $title));
3654 my $description = $entry{description};
3655 $description = $q->br() . SearchHighlight($description, $regex) if $description;
3656 my $info = $entry{size};
3657 $info .= ' - ' if $info;
3658 $info .= T('last updated') . ' ' . $entry{'last-modified'} if $entry{'last-modified'};
3659 $info .= ' ' . T('by') . ' ' . $author if $author;
3660 $info = $q->br() . $q->span({-class=>'info'}, $info) if $info;
3661 print $q->p($result, $description, $info);
3665 sub SearchHighlight {
3666 my ($data, $regex) = @_;
3667 $data =~ s/($regex)/<strong>$1<\/strong>/gi;
3668 return $data;
3671 sub SearchExtract {
3672 my ($data, $string) = @_;
3673 my ($snippetlen, $maxsnippets) = (100, 4) ; # these seem nice.
3674 # show a snippet from the beginning of the document
3675 my $j = index($data, ' ', $snippetlen); # end on word boundary
3676 my $t = substr($data, 0, $j);
3677 my $result = $t . ' . . .';
3678 $data = substr($data, $j); # to avoid rematching
3679 my $jsnippet = 0 ;
3680 while ($jsnippet < $maxsnippets && $data =~ m/($string)/i) {
3681 $jsnippet++;
3682 if (($j = index($data, $1)) > -1 ) {
3683 # get substr containing (start of) match, ending on word boundaries
3684 my $start = index($data, ' ', $j-($snippetlen/2));
3685 $start = 0 if ($start == -1);
3686 my $end = index($data, ' ', $j+($snippetlen/2));
3687 $end = length($data ) if ($end == -1);
3688 $t = substr($data, $start, $end-$start);
3689 $result .= $t . ' . . .';
3690 # truncate text to avoid rematching the same string.
3691 $data = substr($data, $end);
3694 return $result;
3697 sub Replace {
3698 my ($from, $to) = @_;
3699 my $lang = GetParam('lang', '');
3700 my @result;
3701 RequestLockOrError(); # fatal
3702 foreach my $id (AllPagesList()) {
3703 OpenPage($id);
3704 if ($lang) {
3705 my @languages = split(/,/, $Page{languages});
3706 next if (@languages and not grep(/$lang/, @languages));
3708 $_ = $Page{text};
3709 if (eval "s{$from}{$to}gi") { # allows use of backreferences
3710 push (@result, $id);
3711 Save($id, $_, $from . ' -> ' . $to, 1,
3712 ($Page{ip} ne $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}));
3715 ReleaseLock();
3716 return @result;
3719 sub DoPost {
3720 my $id = FreeToNormal(shift);
3721 ValidIdOrDie($id);
3722 ReportError(Ts('Editing not allowed for %s.', $id), '403 FORBIDDEN') unless UserCanEdit($id, 1);
3723 # Lock before getting old page to prevent races
3724 RequestLockOrError(); # fatal
3725 OpenPage($id);
3726 my $old = $Page{text};
3727 my $string = UnquoteHtml(GetParam('text', undef));
3728 $string =~ s/(\r|$FS)//go;
3729 my ($type) = TextIsFile($string); # MIME type if an uploaded file
3730 my $filename = GetParam('file', undef);
3731 if (($filename or $type) and not $UploadAllowed and not UserIsAdmin()) {
3732 ReportError(T('Only administrators can upload files.'), '403 FORBIDDEN');
3734 my $comment = UnquoteHtml(GetParam('aftertext', undef));
3735 $comment =~ s/(\r|$FS)//go;
3736 if (defined($comment) and (not $comment or $comment eq $NewComment)) {
3737 ReleaseLock();
3738 ReBrowsePage($id);
3740 if ($filename) { # upload file
3741 my $file = $q->upload('file');
3742 if (not $file and $q->cgi_error) {
3743 ReportError(Ts('Transfer Error: %s', $q->cgi_error), '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR');
3745 ReportError(T('Browser reports no file info.'), '500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR')
3746 unless $q->uploadInfo($filename);
3747 $type = $q->uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'};
3748 ReportError(T('Browser reports no file type.'), '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE') unless $type;
3749 local $/ = undef; # Read complete files
3750 my $content = <$file>; # Apparently we cannot count on <$file> to always work within the eval!?
3751 my $encoding = 'gzip' if substr($content,0,2) eq "\x1f\x8b";
3752 eval { require MIME::Base64; $_ = MIME::Base64::encode($content) };
3753 $string = "#FILE $type $encoding\n" . $_;
3754 } else { # ordinary text edit
3755 $string = AddComment($old, $comment) if $comment;
3756 $string = substr($string, length($DeletedPage)) # undelete pages when adding a comment
3757 if $comment and substr($string, 0, length($DeletedPage)) eq $DeletedPage; # no regexp!
3758 $string .= "\n" if ($string !~ /\n$/); # add trailing newline
3759 $string = RunMyMacros($string); # run macros on text pages only
3761 my %allowed = map {$_ => 1} @UploadTypes;
3762 ReportError(Ts('Files of type %s are not allowed.', $type), '415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE')
3763 if @UploadTypes and $type and not $allowed{$type};
3764 # Banned Content
3765 my $summary = GetSummary();
3766 if (not UserIsEditor()) {
3767 my $rule = BannedContent($string) || BannedContent($summary);
3768 ReportError(T('Edit Denied'), '403 FORBIDDEN', undef, $q->p(T('The page contains banned text.')),
3769 $q->p(T('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.')), $q->p($rule)) if $rule;
3771 # rebrowse if no changes
3772 my $oldrev = $Page{revision};
3773 if (GetParam('Preview', '')) { # Preview button was used
3774 ReleaseLock();
3775 if ($comment) {
3776 BrowsePage($id, 0, RunMyMacros($comment)); # show macros in preview
3777 } else {
3778 DoEdit($id, $string, 1);
3780 return;
3781 } elsif ($old eq $string) {
3782 ReleaseLock(); # No changes -- just show the same page again
3783 return ReBrowsePage($id);
3784 } elsif ($oldrev == 0 and ($string eq $NewText or $string eq "\n")) {
3785 ReportError(T('No changes to be saved.'), '400 BAD REQUEST'); # don't fake page creation because of webdav
3787 my $newAuthor = 0;
3788 if ($oldrev) { # the first author (no old revision) is not considered to be "new"
3789 # prefer usernames for potential new author detection
3790 $newAuthor = 1 if not $Page{username} or $Page{username} ne GetParam('username', '');
3791 $newAuthor = 1 if not $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} or not $Page{ip} or $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} ne $Page{ip};
3793 my $oldtime = $Page{ts};
3794 my $myoldtime = GetParam('oldtime', ''); # maybe empty!
3795 # Handle raw edits with the meta info on the first line
3796 if (GetParam('raw', 0) == 2 and $string =~ /^([0-9]+).*\n((.*\n)*.*)/) {
3797 $myoldtime = $1;
3798 $string = $2;
3800 my $generalwarning = 0;
3801 if ($newAuthor and $oldtime ne $myoldtime and not $comment) {
3802 if ($myoldtime) {
3803 my ($ancestor) = GetTextAtTime($myoldtime);
3804 if ($ancestor and $old ne $ancestor) {
3805 my $new = MergeRevisions($string, $ancestor, $old);
3806 if ($new) {
3807 $string = $new;
3808 if ($new =~ /^<<<<<<</m and $new =~ /^>>>>>>>/m) {
3809 SetParam('msg', Ts('This page was changed by somebody else %s.',
3810 CalcTimeSince($Now - $Page{ts}))
3811 . ' ' . T('The changes conflict. Please check the page again.'));
3812 } # else no conflict
3813 } else {
3814 $generalwarning = 1;
3815 } # else merge revision didn't work
3816 } # else nobody changed the page in the mean time (same text)
3817 } else {
3818 $generalwarning = 1;
3819 } # no way to be sure since myoldtime is missing
3820 } # same author or nobody changed the page in the mean time (same timestamp)
3821 if ($generalwarning and ($Now - $Page{ts}) < 600) {
3822 SetParam('msg', Ts('This page was changed by somebody else %s.',
3823 CalcTimeSince($Now - $Page{ts}))
3824 . ' ' . T('Please check whether you overwrote those changes.'));
3826 Save($id, $string, $summary, (GetParam('recent_edit', '') eq 'on'), $filename);
3827 ReleaseLock();
3828 ReBrowsePage($id);
3831 sub GetSummary {
3832 my $text = GetParam('aftertext', '') || ($Page{revision} > 0 ? '' : GetParam('text', ''));
3833 if ($SummaryDefaultLength and length($text) > $SummaryDefaultLength) {
3834 $text = substr($text, 0, $SummaryDefaultLength);
3835 $text =~ s/\s*\S*$/ . . ./;
3837 my $summary = GetParam('summary', '') || $text; # not GetParam('summary', $text) work because '' is defined
3838 $summary =~ s/$FS|[\r\n]+/ /go; # remove linebreaks and separator characters
3839 $summary =~ s/\[$FullUrlPattern\s+(.*?)\]/$2/go; # fix common annoyance when copying text to summary
3840 $summary =~ s/\[$FullUrlPattern\]//go;
3841 $summary =~ s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/$1/go;
3842 return UnquoteHtml($summary);
3845 sub AddComment {
3846 my ($string, $comment) = @_;
3847 $comment =~ s/\r//g; # Remove "\r"-s (0x0d) from the string
3848 $comment =~ s/\s+$//g; # Remove whitespace at the end
3849 return $string unless $comment;
3850 my $isCommentPage = $CommentsPrefix and (GetParam('title') =~ /^$CommentsPrefix/o);
3851 return $string . $comment
3852 unless $isCommentPage; # Regular page.
3853 if ($comment ne $NewComment) {
3854 # Page is a comments page. Store username, homepage, timestamp
3855 # along with the comment.
3856 my $author = GetParam('username', T('Anonymous'));
3857 my $homepage = GetParam('homepage', '');
3858 $homepage = 'http://' . $homepage
3859 if $homepage and not substr($homepage,0,7) eq 'http://';
3860 $author = "[$homepage $author]" if $homepage;
3861 $string .= "\n----\n\n" if $string and $string ne "\n";
3862 $string .= $comment . "\n\n"
3863 . '-- ' . $author . ' ' . TimeToText($Now) . "\n\n";
3865 return $string;
3868 sub Save { # call within lock, with opened page
3869 my ($id, $new, $summary, $minor, $upload) = @_;
3870 my $user = GetParam('username', '');
3871 my $host = GetRemoteHost();
3872 my $revision = $Page{revision} + 1;
3873 my $old = $Page{text};
3874 my $olddiff = $Page{'diff-major'} == '1' ? $Page{'diff-minor'} : $Page{'diff-major'};
3875 if ($revision == 1 and -e $IndexFile and not unlink($IndexFile)) { # regenerate index on next request
3876 SetParam('msg', Ts('Cannot delete the index file %s.', $IndexFile)
3877 . ' ' . T('Please check the directory permissions.')
3878 . ' ' . T('Your changes were not saved.'));
3879 return 0;
3881 ReInit($id);
3882 TouchIndexFile();
3883 SaveKeepFile(); # deletes blocks, flags, diff-major, and diff-minor, and sets keep-ts
3884 ExpireKeepFiles();
3885 $Page{ts} = $Now;
3886 $Page{lastmajor} = $revision unless $minor;
3887 $Page{revision} = $revision;
3888 $Page{summary} = $summary;
3889 $Page{username} = $user;
3890 $Page{ip} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
3891 $Page{host} = $host;
3892 $Page{minor} = $minor;
3893 $Page{text} = $new;
3894 if ($UseDiff and $UseCache > 1 and $revision > 1 and not $upload and not TextIsFile($old)) {
3895 UpdateDiffs($old, $new, $olddiff); # sets diff-major and diff-minor
3897 my $languages;
3898 $languages = GetLanguages($new) unless $upload;
3899 $Page{languages} = $languages;
3900 SavePage();
3901 if ($revision == 1 and $LockOnCreation{$id}) {
3902 WriteStringToFile(GetLockedPageFile($id), 'LockOnCreation');
3904 WriteRcLog($id, $summary, $minor, $revision, $user, $host, $languages, GetCluster($new));
3905 if ($revision == 1) {
3906 $IndexHash{$id} = 1;
3907 @IndexList = sort(keys %IndexHash);
3908 WriteStringToFile($IndexFile, join(' ', %IndexHash));
3912 sub TouchIndexFile {
3913 my $ts = time;
3914 utime $ts, $ts, $IndexFile;
3915 $LastUpdate = $Now = $ts;
3918 sub GetLanguages {
3919 my $text = shift;
3920 my @result;
3921 for my $lang (sort keys %Languages) {
3922 my @matches = $text =~ /$Languages{$lang}/ig;
3923 push(@result, $lang) if $#matches >= $LanguageLimit;
3925 return join(',', @result);
3928 sub GetCluster {
3929 $_ = shift;
3930 return '' unless $PageCluster;
3931 return $1 if ($WikiLinks && /^$LinkPattern\n/o)
3932 or ($FreeLinks && /^\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]\n/o);
3935 sub MergeRevisions { # merge change from file2 to file3 into file1
3936 my ($file1, $file2, $file3) = @_;
3937 my ($name1, $name2, $name3) = ("$TempDir/file1", "$TempDir/file2", "$TempDir/file3");
3938 CreateDir($TempDir);
3939 RequestLockDir('merge') or return T('Could not get a lock to merge!');
3940 WriteStringToFile($name1, $file1);
3941 WriteStringToFile($name2, $file2);
3942 WriteStringToFile($name3, $file3);
3943 my ($you,$ancestor,$other) = (T('you'), T('ancestor'), T('other'));
3944 my $output = `diff3 -m -L "$you" -L "$ancestor" -L "$other" $name1 $name2 $name3`;
3945 ReleaseLockDir('merge'); # don't unlink temp files--next merge will just overwrite.
3946 return $output;
3949 # Note: all diff and recent-list operations should be done within locks.
3950 sub WriteRcLog {
3951 my ($id, $summary, $minor, $revision, $username, $host, $languages, $cluster) = @_;
3952 my $rc_line = join($FS, $Now, $id, $minor, $summary, $host,
3953 $username, $revision, $languages, $cluster);
3954 AppendStringToFile($RcFile, $rc_line . "\n");
3957 sub UpdateDiffs { # this could be optimized, but isn't frequent enough
3958 my ($old, $new, $olddiff) = @_;
3959 $Page{'diff-minor'} = GetDiff($old, $new); # create new diff-minor
3960 # 1 is a special value for GetCacheDiff telling it to use diff-minor
3961 $Page{'diff-major'} = $Page{lastmajor} == $Page{revision} ? 1 : $olddiff;
3964 sub DoMaintain {
3965 print GetHeader('', T('Run Maintenance')), $q->start_div({-class=>'content maintain'});
3966 my $fname = "$DataDir/maintain";
3967 if (!UserIsAdmin()) {
3968 if ((-f $fname) && ((-M $fname) < 0.5)) {
3969 print $q->p(T('Maintenance not done.') . ' ' . T('(Maintenance can only be done once every 12 hours.)')
3970 . ' ', T('Remove the "maintain" file or wait.')), $q->end_div();
3971 PrintFooter();
3972 return;
3975 print '<p>', T('Expiring keep files and deleting pages marked for deletion');
3976 # Expire all keep files
3977 foreach my $name (AllPagesList()) {
3978 print $q->br(), GetPageLink($name);
3979 OpenPage($name);
3980 my $delete = PageDeletable();
3981 if ($delete) {
3982 my $status = DeletePage($OpenPageName);
3983 print ' ' . ($status ? T('not deleted: ') . $status : T('deleted'));
3984 } else {
3985 ExpireKeepFiles();
3988 print '</p>';
3989 RequestLockOrError();
3990 print $q->p(T('Main lock obtained.'));
3991 print $q->p(Ts('Moving part of the %s log file.', $RCName));
3992 # Determine the number of days to go back
3993 my $days = 0;
3994 foreach (@RcDays) {
3995 $days = $_ if $_ > $days;
3997 my $starttime = $Now - $days * 86400; # 24*60*60
3998 # Read the current file
3999 my ($status, $data) = ReadFile($RcFile);
4000 if (!$status) {
4001 print $q->p($q->strong(Ts('Could not open %s log file', $RCName) . ':') . ' '. $RcFile),
4002 $q->p(T('Error was') . ':'), $q->pre($!), $q->p(T('Note: This error is normal if no changes have been made.'));
4004 # Move the old stuff from rc to temp
4005 my @rc = split(/\n/, $data);
4006 my $i;
4007 for ($i = 0; $i < @rc ; $i++) {
4008 my ($ts) = split(/$FS/o, $rc[$i]);
4009 last if ($ts >= $starttime);
4011 print $q->p(Ts('Moving %s log entries.', $i));
4012 if ($i) {
4013 my @temp = splice(@rc, 0, $i);
4014 # Write new files, and backups
4015 AppendStringToFile($RcOldFile, join("\n",@temp) . "\n");
4016 WriteStringToFile($RcFile . '.old', $data);
4017 WriteStringToFile($RcFile, @rc ? join("\n",@rc) . "\n" : '');
4019 if (opendir(DIR, $RssDir)) { # cleanup if they should expire anyway
4020 foreach (readdir(DIR)) {
4021 unlink "$RssDir/$_" if $Now - (stat($_))[9] > $RssCacheHours * 3600;
4023 closedir DIR;
4025 foreach my $sub (@MyMaintenance) {
4026 &$sub;
4028 WriteStringToFile($fname, 'Maintenance done at ' . TimeToText($Now));
4029 ReleaseLock();
4030 print $q->p(T('Main lock released.')), $q->end_div();
4031 PrintFooter();
4034 sub PageDeletable {
4035 return unless $KeepDays;
4036 my $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 86400); # 24*60*60
4037 return 0 unless $Page{ts} < $expirets;
4038 return PageMarkedForDeletion();
4041 sub PageMarkedForDeletion {
4042 return 1 if $Page{text} =~ /^\s*$/; # only whitespace is also to be deleted
4043 return $DeletedPage && substr($Page{text}, 0, length($DeletedPage)) eq $DeletedPage; # no regexp!
4046 sub DeletePage { # Delete must be done inside locks.
4047 my $id = shift;
4048 ValidIdOrDie($id);
4049 foreach my $name (GetPageFile($id), GetKeepFiles($id), GetKeepDir($id), GetLockedPageFile($id), $IndexFile) {
4050 unlink $name if -f $name;
4051 rmdir $name if -d $name;
4053 ReInit($id);
4054 delete $IndexHash{$id};
4055 @IndexList = sort(keys %IndexHash);
4056 return ''; # no error
4059 sub DoEditLock {
4060 return unless UserIsAdminOrError();
4061 print GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove global edit lock'));
4062 my $fname = "$NoEditFile";
4063 if (GetParam("set", 1)) {
4064 WriteStringToFile($fname, 'editing locked.');
4065 } else {
4066 unlink($fname);
4068 utime time, time, $IndexFile; # touch index file
4069 print $q->p(-f $fname ? T('Edit lock created.') : T('Edit lock removed.'));
4070 PrintFooter();
4073 sub DoPageLock {
4074 return unless UserIsAdminOrError();
4075 print GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove page edit lock'));
4076 my $id = GetParam('id', '');
4077 my $fname = GetLockedPageFile($id) if ValidIdOrDie($id);
4078 if (GetParam('set', 1)) {
4079 WriteStringToFile($fname, 'editing locked.');
4080 } else {
4081 unlink($fname);
4083 utime time, time, $IndexFile; # touch index file
4084 print $q->p(-f $fname ? Ts('Lock for %s created.', GetPageLink($id))
4085 : Ts('Lock for %s removed.', GetPageLink($id)));
4086 PrintFooter();
4089 sub DoShowVersion {
4090 print GetHeader('', T('Displaying Wiki Version')), $q->start_div({-class=>'content version'});
4091 print $WikiDescription, $q->p($q->server_software()),
4092 $q->p(sprintf('Perl v%vd', $^V)),
4093 $q->p($ENV{MOD_PERL} ? $ENV{MOD_PERL} : "no mod_perl"), $q->p('CGI: ', $CGI::VERSION),
4094 $q->p('LWP::UserAgent ', eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require LWP::UserAgent; $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION; }),
4095 $q->p('XML::RSS: ', eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require XML::RSS; $XML::RSS::VERSION; }),
4096 $q->p('XML::Parser: ', eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $XML::Parser::VERSION; });
4097 print $q->p('diff: ' . (`diff --version` || $!)), $q->p('diff3: ' . (`diff3 --version` || $!)) if $UseDiff;
4098 print $q->p('grep: ' . (`grep --version` || $!)) if $UseGrep;
4099 print $q->end_div();
4100 PrintFooter();
4103 sub DoDebug {
4104 print GetHeader('', T('Debugging Information')),
4105 $q->start_div({-class=>'content debug'});
4106 foreach my $sub (@Debugging) { &$sub }
4107 print $q->end_div();
4108 PrintFooter();
4111 sub DoSurgeProtection {
4112 return unless $SurgeProtection;
4113 my $name = GetParam('username','');
4114 $name = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} if not $name and $SurgeProtection;
4115 return unless $name;
4116 ReadRecentVisitors();
4117 AddRecentVisitor($name);
4118 if (RequestLockDir('visitors')) { # not fatal
4119 WriteRecentVisitors();
4120 ReleaseLockDir('visitors');
4121 if (DelayRequired($name)) {
4122 ReportError(Ts('Too many connections by %s',$name)
4123 . ': ' . Tss('Please do not fetch more than %1 pages in %2 seconds.',
4124 $SurgeProtectionViews, $SurgeProtectionTime),
4127 } elsif (GetParam('action', '') ne 'unlock') {
4128 ReportError(Ts('Could not get %s lock', 'visitors') . ': ' . Ts('Check whether the web server can create the directory %s and whether it can create files in it.', $TempDir), '503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE');
4132 sub DelayRequired {
4133 my $name = shift;
4134 my @entries = @{$RecentVisitors{$name}};
4135 my $ts = $entries[$SurgeProtectionViews];
4136 return ($Now - $ts) < $SurgeProtectionTime;
4139 sub AddRecentVisitor {
4140 my $name = shift;
4141 my $value = $RecentVisitors{$name};
4142 my @entries = ($Now);
4143 push(@entries, @{$value}) if $value;
4144 $RecentVisitors{$name} = \@entries;
4147 sub ReadRecentVisitors {
4148 my ($status, $data) = ReadFile($VisitorFile);
4149 %RecentVisitors = ();
4150 return unless $status;
4151 foreach (split(/\n/,$data)) {
4152 my @entries = split /$FS/o;
4153 my $name = shift(@entries);
4154 $RecentVisitors{$name} = \@entries if $name;
4158 sub WriteRecentVisitors {
4159 my $data = '';
4160 my $limit = $Now - $SurgeProtectionTime;
4161 foreach my $name (keys %RecentVisitors) {
4162 my @entries = @{$RecentVisitors{$name}};
4163 if ($entries[0] >= $limit) { # if the most recent one is too old, do not keep
4164 $data .= join($FS, $name, @entries[0 .. $SurgeProtectionViews - 1]) . "\n";
4167 WriteStringToFile($VisitorFile, $data);
4170 sub TextIsFile { $_[0] =~ /^#FILE (\S+) ?(\S+)?\n/ }
4172 DoWikiRequest() if $RunCGI and not exists $ENV{MOD_PERL}; # Do everything.
4173 1; # In case we are loaded from elsewhere