descriptionPrototype Python code to acquire and process satellite fire detection data, including MODIS and VIIRS.
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last changeThu, 24 Sep 2020 23:35:29 +0000 (24 17:35 -0600)
last refreshFri, 17 May 2024 15:46:12 +0000 (17 17:46 +0200)
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    1) Install Anaconda 3:
            chmod +x

    2) Create anaconda environment named jpssdata:
            conda create -n jpssdata python=2.7 basemap netcdf4 scikit-learn scikit-image h5py pandas requests

    3) Download other necessary packages:
            conda install -c conda-forge pyhdf
            pip install python-cmr

Usage Support Vector Machine (SVM):

Run as:

    python wrfout start_time days


    python lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 start_time days

Generates the fire mesh, downloads all the granules in between the dates and intersecting with the fire mesh, reads all the important information inside them and saves everything in a binary file called 'data'. It creates as well a KML file with all the fire detections called 'fire_detections.kml'. After that, it runs a postprocessing of the data creating an intermediate binary file called 'result'. Finally, it estimates the fire arrival time using SVM machine learning technique, creating an output file 'svm.mat' with the results.

    The input variales from 'python coord start_time days' are:

    - coord: string:
                            1) link to the wrfout file of WRF-SFIRE simulation or
                            2) bounding box coordinates separated by commas
    - start_time - string, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where:
            - YYYY - year
            - MM - month
            - DD - day
            - HH - hour
            - MM - minute
            - SS - second
    - days: number, number of days of simulation (can be decimal).

For different configurations of the SVM run, create file called 'conf.json' using similar structure than in 'conf_example.json' file. In order to find out what are the flags, look into '' file.

For running SVM using different weights depending on the confidence levels, run inside JPSSdata repository:

    git clone

and set 'dyn_pen' flag in 'conf.json' to true.

There is also an bash script which needs to be run in Kinspeak or change the wrfout path to some existent wrfout file.

Usage L2 minimization:

  1. Run as:

    $ python wrfout start_time days
    Generates the fire mesh, downloads all the granules in between the dates and intersecting with the fire mesh, reads all the important information inside them and saves everything in a binary file called 'data'. It creates as well a csv file and a KML file with all the detections called 'fire_detections.csv' and 'fire_detections.kml'. It is also created a KML file with the ground detections called 'nofire.kml'. The input variales are:
    - wrfout:  string, link to the wrfout file of WRF-SFIRE simulation.
    - start_time - string, YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where:
            - YYYY - year
            - MM - month
            - DD - day
            - HH - hour
            - MM - minute
            - SS - second
    - days: integer, number of days of simulation.
  2. Run as:

    $ python
    Processes all the granules and creates the upper and lower bounds for the fire arrival time. It saves everything in a text file called 'result' and in a Matlab file called 'result.mat'.
  3. The Matlab file result.mat can be used to run the Multigrid method which are going to define a fire arrival time curve in between the upper and lower bounds as a rigid plate deformed by forces. In order to do that, the next steps are necessary.

  4. Link the Matlab file 'result.mat' into the private fire_interpolation repository in:

  5. Run in Matlab the script jpss_mg.m as:

    \>\> jpss_mg
    Generates the fire arrival time in a 2D array called 'a' using the Multigrid technique and saves everything in a Matlab file called 'mgout.mat'. It shows in different figures the different levels and how they are changing all the time.
  6. Link back the Matlab file 'mgout.mat' into the JPSSData repository and run as:

    $ python
    Generates a contour line representation of the results in a KML file called 'perimeters.kml'. It can be opened in Google Earth application as well with step 2) and it generates a movie of the interpolation with the fire detections. mirror:


Lauren Hearn, Jan Mandel, Angel Farguell, James Haley

University of Colorado Denver

*A subproject in the OpenWFM project with support from NASA NNX13AH59G and NSF 1664175

To do:


2020-09-24 Jan Mandeladding requests to conda install docsmaster
2020-08-28 Angel Farguell... modify defaults in conf_example.json
2020-08-28 Angel Farguell... deleting outline for Active Fires New KML product
2020-08-21 Angel Farguell... fixing a typo
2020-08-21 Angel Farguell... new infrared perimeters processing
2020-05-28 Angel Farguell... retrieving of perimeters from firename and year
2020-05-28 Angel Farguell... Merge branch 'angel' of
2020-05-28 Angel Farguell... new options to set hyperparameters on conf.json
2020-05-27 Angel Farguell... Merge branch 'angel' of
2020-05-27 Angel Farguell... creation of FRP data field and adding seconds to the...
2020-05-27 Angel Farguell... Merge branch 'angel' of
2020-05-27 Angel Farguell... minor changes to routines
2020-05-27 Angel Farguell... adding bounding box creation in fire detections KML...
2020-05-12 Angel Farguell... solving documentation and adding seconds...
2020-05-07 Angel Farguell... plotting process_data
2020-05-07 Angel Farguell... fixing a typo
2 years ago angel
3 years ago jmdata
3 years ago data
3 years ago jm2
3 years ago jm2tmp
3 years ago master
4 years ago bounds
4 years ago jm
4 years ago forecast
5 years ago article
5 years ago lauren
5 years ago cycling
5 years ago wget