Implemented DuplicateIcon().
[wine/gsoc_dplay.git] / dlls / oleaut32 / typelib.h
1 /*
2 * typelib.h internal wine data structures
3 * used to decode typelib's
5 * Copyright 1999 Rein KLazes
6 *
7 */
8 #ifndef _WINE_TYPELIB_H
9 #define _WINE_TYPELIB_H
12 #include "oleauto.h"
15 #define TLBMAGIC2 "MSFT"
16 #define TLBMAGIC1 "SLTG"
17 #define HELPDLLFLAG (0x0100)
18 #define DO_NOT_SEEK (-1)
20 #define HREFTYPE_INTHISFILE(href) (!((href) & 3))
21 #define HREFTYPE_INDEX(href) ((href) /sizeof(TLBTypeInfoBase))
23 /*-------------------------FILE STRUCTURES-----------------------------------*/
27 * structure of the typelib type2 header
28 * it is at the beginning of a type lib file
31 typedef struct tagTLB2Header {
32 /*0x00*/INT magic1; /* 0x5446534D "MSFT" */
33 INT magic2; /* 0x00010002 version nr? */
34 INT posguid; /* position of libid in guid table */
35 /* (should be, else -1) */
36 INT lcid; /* locale id */
37 /*0x10*/INT lcid2;
38 INT varflags; /* (largely) unknown flags ,seems to be always 41 */
39 /* becomes 0x51 with a helpfile defined */
40 /* if help dll defined its 0x151 */
41 /* update : the lower nibble is syskind */
42 INT version; /* set with SetVersion() */
43 INT flags; /* set with SetFlags() */
44 /*0x20*/INT nrtypeinfos; /* number of typeinfo's (till so far) */
45 INT helpstring; /* position of help string in stringtable */
46 INT helpstringcontext;
47 INT helpcontext;
48 /*0x30*/INT nametablecount; /* number of names in name table */
49 INT nametablechars; /* nr of characters in name table */
50 INT NameOffset; /* offset of name in name table */
51 INT helpfile; /* position of helpfile in stringtable */
52 /*0x40*/INT CustomDataOffset; /* if -1 no custom data, else it is offset */
53 /* in customer data/guid offset table */
54 INT res44; /* unknown always: 0x20 */
55 INT res48; /* unknown always: 0x80 */
56 INT dispatchpos; /* gets a value (1+n*0x0c) with Idispatch interfaces */
57 /*0x50*/INT res50; /* is zero becomes one when an interface is derived */
58 } TLB2Header;
60 /* segments in the type lib file have a structure like this: */
61 typedef struct _tptag {
62 INT offset; /* absolute offset in file */
63 INT length; /* length of segment */
64 INT res08; /* unknown always -1 */
65 INT res0c; /* unknown always 0x0f in the header */
66 /* 0x03 in the typeinfo_data */
67 } pSeg;
69 /* layout of the main segment directory */
70 typedef struct tagTLBSegDir {
71 /*1*/pSeg pTypeInfoTab; /* each type info get an entry of 0x64 bytes */
72 /* (25 ints) */
73 /*2*/pSeg pImpInfo; /* table with info for imported types */
74 /*3*/pSeg pImpFiles; /* import libaries */
75 /*4*/pSeg pRefTab; /* References table */
76 /*5*/pSeg pLibtab; /* always exists, alway same size (0x80) */
77 /* hash table w offsets to guid????? */
78 /*6*/pSeg pGuidTab; /* all guids are stored here together with */
79 /* offset in some table???? */
80 /*7*/pSeg res07; /* always created, alway same size (0x200) */
81 /* purpose largely unknown */
82 /*8*/pSeg pNametab; /* name tables */
83 /*9*/pSeg pStringtab; /*string table */
84 /*A*/pSeg pTypdescTab; /* table with type descriptors */
85 /*B*/pSeg pArrayDescriptions;
86 /*C*/pSeg pCustData; /* data table, used for custom data and default */
87 /* parameter values */
88 /*D*/pSeg pCDGuids; /* table with offsets for the guids and into the customer data table */
89 /*E*/pSeg res0e; /* unknown */
90 /*F*/pSeg res0f; /* unknown */
91 } TLBSegDir;
94 /* base type info data */
95 typedef struct tagTLBTypeInfoBase {
96 /*000*/ INT typekind; /* it is the TKIND_xxx */
97 /* some byte alignment stuf */
98 INT memoffset; /* points past the file, if no elements */
99 INT res2; /* zero if no element, N*0x40 */
100 INT res3; /* -1 if no lement, (N-1)*0x38 */
101 /*010*/ INT res4; /* always? 3 */
102 INT res5; /* always? zero */
103 INT cElement; /* counts elements, HI=cVars, LO=cFuncs */
104 INT res7; /* always? zero */
105 /*020*/ INT res8; /* always? zero */
106 INT res9; /* always? zero */
107 INT resA; /* always? zero */
108 INT posguid; /* position in guid table */
109 /*030*/ INT flags; /* Typeflags */
110 INT NameOffset; /* offset in name table */
111 INT version; /* element version */
112 INT docstringoffs; /* offset of docstring in string tab */
113 /*040*/ INT helpstringcontext; /* */
114 INT helpcontext; /* */
115 INT oCustData; /* offset in customer data table */
116 INT16 cImplTypes; /* nr of implemented interfaces */
117 INT16 cbSizeVft; /* virtual table size, not including inherits */
118 /*050*/ INT size; /* size in bytes, at least for structures */
119 /* fixme: name of this field */
120 INT datatype1; /* position in type description table */
121 /* or in base intefaces */
122 /* if coclass: offset in reftable */
123 /* if interface: reference to inherited if */
124 INT datatype2; /* if 0x8000, entry above is valid */
125 /* actually dunno */
126 /* else it is zero? */
127 INT res18; /* always? 0 */
128 /*060*/ INT res19; /* always? -1 */
129 } TLBTypeInfoBase;
131 /* layout of an entry with information on imported types */
132 typedef struct tagTLBImpInfo {
133 INT res0; /* unknown */
134 INT oImpFile; /* offset inthe Import File table */
135 INT oGuid; /* offset in Guid table */
136 } TLBImpInfo;
138 /* function description data */
139 typedef struct {
140 /* INT recsize; record size including some xtra stuff */
141 INT DataType; /* data type of the memeber, eg return of function */
142 INT Flags; /* something to do with attribute flags (LOWORD) */
143 INT16 VtableOffset; /* offset in vtable */
144 INT16 res3; /* some offset into dunno what */
145 INT FKCCIC; /* bit string with the following */
146 /* meaning (bit 0 is the msb): */
147 /* bit 2 indicates that oEntry is numeric */
148 /* bit 3 that parameter has default values */
149 /* calling convention (bits 4-7 ) */
150 /* bit 8 indicates that custom data is present */
151 /* Invokation kind (bits 9-12 ) */
152 /* function kind (eg virtual), bits 13-15 */
153 INT16 nrargs; /* number of arguments (including optional ????) */
154 INT16 nroargs; /* nr of optional arguments */
155 /* optional attribute fields, the number of them is variable */
156 INT OptAttr[1];
158 0* INT helpcontext;
159 1* INT oHelpString;
160 2* INT oEntry; // either offset in string table or numeric as it is //
161 3* INT res9; // unknown (-1) //
162 4* INT resA; // unknown (-1) //
163 5* INT HelpStringContext;
164 // these are controlled by a bit set in the FKCCIC field //
165 6* INT oCustData; // custom data for function //
166 7* INT oArgCustData[1]; // custom data per argument //
168 } TLBFuncRecord;
170 /* after this may follow an array with default value pointers if the
171 * appropriate bit in the FKCCIC field has been set:
172 * INT oDefautlValue[nrargs];
175 /* Parameter info one per argument*/
176 typedef struct {
177 INT DataType;
178 INT oName;
179 INT Flags;
180 } TLBParameterInfo;
182 /* Variable description data */
183 typedef struct {
184 /* INT recsize; // record size including some xtra stuff */
185 INT DataType; /* data type of the variable */
186 INT Flags; /* VarFlags (LOWORD) */
187 INT16 VarKind; /* VarKind */
188 INT16 res3; /* some offset into dunno what */
189 INT OffsValue; /* value of the variable or the offset */
190 /* in the data structure */
191 /* optional attribute fields, the number of them is variable */
192 /* controlled by record length */
193 INT HelpContext;
194 INT oHelpString;
195 INT res9; /* unknown (-1) */
196 INT oCustData; /* custom data for variable */
197 INT HelpStringContext;
199 } TLBVarRecord;
201 /* Structure of the reference data */
202 typedef struct {
203 INT reftype; /* either offset in type info table, then its */
204 /* a multiple of 64 */
205 /* or offset in the external reference table */
206 /* with an offset of 1 */
207 INT flags;
208 INT oCustData; /* custom data */
209 INT onext; /* next offset, -1 if last */
210 } TLBRefRecord;
212 /* this is how a guid is stored */
213 typedef struct {
214 GUID guid;
215 INT unk10; /* differntiate with libid, classid etc? */
216 /* its -2 for a libary */
217 /* it's 0 for an interface */
218 INT unk14; /* always? -1 */
219 } TLBGuidEntry;
220 /* some data preceding entries in the name table */
221 typedef struct {
222 INT unk00; /* sometimes -1 (lib, parameter) ,
223 sometimes 0 (interface, func) */
224 INT unk10; /* sometimes -1 (lib) , sometimes 0 (interface, func),
225 sometime 0x10 (par) */
226 INT namelen; /* only lower 8 bits are valid */
227 } TLBNameIntro;
228 /* the custom data table directory has enties like this */
229 typedef struct {
230 INT GuidOffset;
231 INT DataOffset;
232 INT next; /* next offset in the table, -1 if its the last */
233 } TLBCDGuid;
237 /*---------------------------END--------------------------------------------*/
238 #endif