In WM_DRAWITEM, always calls the app with a valid current focus_item.
[wine.git] / tools / winapi_check /
1 package winapi_parser;
3 use strict;
5 sub parse_c_file {
6 my $options = shift;
7 my $output = shift;
8 my $file = shift;
9 my $function_found_callback = shift;
10 my $preprocessor_found_callback = shift;
12 my $documentation;
13 my $linkage;
14 my $return_type;
15 my $calling_convention;
16 my $function = "";
17 my $argument_types;
18 my $argument_names;
19 my $statements;
21 my $function_begin = sub {
22 $documentation = shift;
23 $linkage = shift;
24 $return_type= shift;
25 $calling_convention = shift;
26 $function = shift;
27 $argument_types = shift;
28 $argument_names = shift;
30 if($#$argument_names == -1) {
31 foreach my $n (0..$#$argument_types) {
32 push @$argument_names, "";
36 $statements = "";
38 my $function_end = sub {
39 &$function_found_callback($documentation,$linkage,$return_type,$calling_convention,
40 $function,$argument_types,$argument_names,$statements);
41 $function = "";
44 my %regs_entrypoints;
45 my @comments = ();
46 my $level = 0;
47 my $extern_c = 0;
48 my $again = 0;
49 my $lookahead = 0;
50 my $lookahead_count = 0;
52 print STDERR "Processing file '$file' ... " if $options->verbose;
53 open(IN, "< $file") || die "<internal>: $file: $!\n";
54 $/ = "\n";
55 while($again || defined(my $line = <IN>)) {
56 if(!$again) {
57 chomp $line;
59 if($lookahead) {
60 $lookahead = 0;
61 $_ .= "\n" . $line;
62 } else {
63 $_ = $line;
64 $lookahead_count = 0;
66 $lookahead_count++;
67 print " $level($lookahead_count): $line\n" if $options->debug >= 2;
68 print "*** $_\n" if $options->debug >= 3;
69 } else {
70 $lookahead_count = 0;
71 $again = 0;
74 # Merge conflicts in file?
75 if(/^(<<<<<<<|=======|>>>>>>>)/) {
76 $output->write("$file: merge conflicts in file\n");
77 last;
80 # remove C comments
81 if(s/^(.*?)(\/\*.*?\*\/)(.*)$/$1 $3/s) { push @comments, $2; $again = 1; next }
82 if(/^(.*?)\/\*/s) {
83 $lookahead = 1;
84 next;
87 # remove C++ comments
88 while(s/^(.*?)\/\/.*?$/$1\n/s) { $again = 1 }
89 if($again) { next; }
91 # remove empty rows
92 if(/^\s*$/) { next; }
94 # remove preprocessor directives
95 if(s/^\s*\#/\#/m) {
96 if(/^\\#.*?\\$/m) {
97 $lookahead = 1;
98 next;
99 } elsif(s/^\#\s*(.*?)(\s+(.*?))?\s*$//m) {
100 if(defined($3)) {
101 &$preprocessor_found_callback($1, $3);
102 } else {
103 &$preprocessor_found_callback($1, "");
105 next;
109 # Remove extern "C"
110 if(s/^\s*extern\s+"C"\s+\{//m) {
111 $extern_c = 1;
112 $again = 1;
113 next;
116 my $documentation;
118 my $n = $#comments;
119 while($n >= 0 && ($comments[$n] !~ /^\/\*\*/ || $comments[$n] =~ /^\/\*\*+\//)) { $n-- }
120 if(defined($comments[$n]) && $n >= 0) {
121 $documentation = $comments[$n];
122 } else {
123 $documentation = "";
127 if($level > 0)
129 my $line = "";
130 while(/^[^\{\}]/) {
131 s/^([^\{\}\'\"]*)//s;
132 $line .= $1;
133 if(s/^\'//) {
134 $line .= "\'";
135 while(/^./ && !s/^\'//) {
136 s/^([^\'\\]*)//s;
137 $line .= $1;
138 if(s/^\\//) {
139 $line .= "\\";
140 if(s/^(.)//s) {
141 $line .= $1;
142 if($1 eq "0") {
143 s/^(\d{0,3})//s;
144 $line .= $1;
149 $line .= "\'";
150 } elsif(s/^\"//) {
151 $line .= "\"";
152 while(/^./ && !s/^\"//) {
153 s/^([^\"\\]*)//s;
154 $line .= $1;
155 if(s/^\\//) {
156 $line .= "\\";
157 if(s/^(.)//s) {
158 $line .= $1;
159 if($1 eq "0") {
160 s/^(\d{0,3})//s;
161 $line .= $1;
166 $line .= "\"";
170 if(s/^\{//) {
171 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
172 $line .= "{";
173 print "+1: \{$_\n" if $options->debug >= 2;
174 $level++;
175 } elsif(s/^\}//) {
176 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
177 $line .= "}" if $level > 1;
178 print "-1: \}$_\n" if $options->debug >= 2;
179 $level--;
180 if($level == -1 && $extern_c) {
181 $extern_c = 0;
182 $level = 0;
186 if($line !~ /^\s*$/) {
187 $statements .= "$line\n";
190 if($function && $level == 0) {
191 &$function_end;
193 next;
194 } elsif(/(extern\s+|static\s+)?((struct\s+|union\s+|enum\s+)?\w+((\s*\*)+\s*|\s+))
196 (\w+(\(\w+\))?)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)\s*(\{|\;)/sx)
198 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
200 if($11 eq "{") {
201 $level++;
204 my $linkage = $1;
205 my $return_type = $2;
206 my $calling_convention = $7;
207 my $name = $8;
208 my $arguments = $10;
210 if(!defined($linkage)) {
211 $linkage = "";
214 if(!defined($calling_convention)) {
215 $calling_convention = "";
218 $linkage =~ s/\s*$//;
220 $return_type =~ s/\s*$//;
221 $return_type =~ s/\s*\*\s*/*/g;
222 $return_type =~ s/(\*+)/ $1/g;
224 if($regs_entrypoints{$name}) {
225 $name = $regs_entrypoints{$name};
228 $arguments =~ y/\t\n/ /;
229 $arguments =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
230 if($arguments eq "") { $arguments = "void" }
232 my @argument_types;
233 my @argument_names;
234 my @arguments = split(/,/, $arguments);
235 foreach my $n (0..$#arguments) {
236 my $argument_type = "";
237 my $argument_name = "";
238 my $argument = $arguments[$n];
239 $argument =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
240 # print " " . ($n + 1) . ": '$argument'\n";
241 $argument =~ s/^(IN OUT(?=\s)|IN(?=\s)|OUT(?=\s)|\s*)\s*//;
242 $argument =~ s/^(const(?=\s)|CONST(?=\s)|\s*)\s*//;
243 if($argument =~ /^\.\.\.$/) {
244 $argument_type = "...";
245 $argument_name = "...";
246 } elsif($argument =~ /^((?:struct\s+|union\s+|enum\s+|(?:signed\s+|unsigned\s+)(?:short\s+(?=int)|long\s+(?=int))?)?\w+)\s*((?:const)?\s*(?:\*\s*?)*)\s*(?:WINE_UNUSED\s+)?(\w*)\s*(?:\[\]|\s+OPTIONAL)?/) {
247 $argument_type = "$1";
248 if($2 ne "") {
249 $argument_type .= " $2";
251 $argument_name = $3;
253 $argument_type =~ s/\s*const\s*/ /;
254 $argument_type =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
256 $argument_name =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
257 } else {
258 die "$file: $.: syntax error: '$argument'\n";
260 $argument_types[$n] = $argument_type;
261 $argument_names[$n] = $argument_name;
262 # print " " . ($n + 1) . ": '" . $argument_types[$n] . "', '" . $argument_names[$n] . "'\n";
264 if($#argument_types == 0 && $argument_types[0] =~ /^void$/i) {
265 $#argument_types = -1;
266 $#argument_names = -1;
269 if($options->debug) {
270 print "$file: $return_type $calling_convention $name(" . join(",", @arguments) . ")\n";
273 &$function_begin($documentation,$linkage,$return_type,$calling_convention,$name,\@argument_types,\@argument_names);
274 if($level == 0) {
275 &$function_end;
277 } elsif(/DC_(GET_X_Y|GET_VAL_16)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
278 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
279 my @arguments = ("HDC16");
280 &$function_begin($documentation, "", $2, "WINAPI", $3, \@arguments);
281 &$function_end;
282 } elsif(/DC_(GET_VAL)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,.*?\)/s) {
283 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
284 my $return16 = $3 . "16";
285 my $return32 = $3;
286 my $name16 = $2 . "16";
287 my $name32 = $2;
288 my @arguments16 = ("HDC16");
289 my @arguments32 = ("HDC");
291 if($name16 eq "COLORREF16") { $name16 = "COLORREF"; }
293 &$function_begin($documentation, "", $name16, "WINAPI", $return16, \@arguments16);
294 &$function_end;
295 &$function_begin($documentation, "", $name32, "WINAPI", $return32, \@arguments32);
296 &$function_end;
297 } elsif(/DC_(GET_VAL_EX)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
298 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
299 my @arguments16 = ("HDC16", "LP" . $5 . "16");
300 my @arguments32 = ("HDC", "LP" . $5);
301 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "BOOL16", "WINAPI", $2 . "16", \@arguments16);
302 &$function_end;
303 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "BOOL", "WINAPI", $2, \@arguments32);
304 &$function_end;
305 } elsif(/DC_(SET_MODE)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
306 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
307 my @arguments16 = ("HDC16", "INT16");
308 my @arguments32 = ("HDC", "INT");
309 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "INT16", "WINAPI", $2 . "16", \@arguments16);
310 &$function_end;
311 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "INT", "WINAPI", $2, \@arguments32);
312 &$function_end;
313 } elsif(/WAVEIN_SHORTCUT_0\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
314 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
315 my @arguments16 = ("HWAVEIN16");
316 my @arguments32 = ("HWAVEIN");
317 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT16", "WINAPI", "waveIn" . $1 . "16", \@arguments16);
318 &$function_end;
319 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT", "WINAPI", "waveIn" . $1, \@arguments32);
320 &$function_end;
321 } elsif(/WAVEOUT_SHORTCUT_0\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
322 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
323 my @arguments16 = ("HWAVEOUT16");
324 my @arguments32 = ("HWAVEOUT");
325 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT16", "WINAPI", "waveOut" . $1 . "16", \@arguments16);
326 &$function_end;
327 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT", "WINAPI", "waveOut" . $1, \@arguments32);
328 &$function_end;
329 } elsif(/WAVEOUT_SHORTCUT_(1|2)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*(.*?)\s*\)/s) {
330 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
331 if($1 eq "1") {
332 my @arguments16 = ("HWAVEOUT16", $4);
333 my @arguments32 = ("HWAVEOUT", $4);
334 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT16", "WINAPI", "waveOut" . $2 . "16", \@arguments16);
335 &$function_end;
336 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT", "WINAPI", "waveOut" . $2, \@arguments32);
337 &$function_end;
338 } elsif($1 eq 2) {
339 my @arguments16 = ("UINT16", $4);
340 my @arguments32 = ("UINT", $4);
341 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT16", "WINAPI", "waveOut". $2 . "16", \@arguments16);
342 &$function_end;
343 &$function_begin($documentation, "", "UINT", "WINAPI", "waveOut" . $2, \@arguments32);
344 &$function_end;
346 } elsif(/DEFINE_REGS_ENTRYPOINT_\d+\(\s*(\S*)\s*,\s*([^\s,\)]*).*?\)/s) {
347 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
348 $regs_entrypoints{$2} = $1;
349 } elsif(/\'[^\']*\'/s) {
350 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
351 } elsif(/\"[^\"]*\"/s) {
352 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
353 } elsif(/;/s) {
354 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
355 } elsif(/extern\s+"C"\s+{/s) {
356 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
357 } elsif(/\{/s) {
358 $_ = $'; $again = 1;
359 print "+1: $_\n" if $options->debug >= 2;
360 $level++;
361 } else {
362 $lookahead = 1;
365 close(IN);
366 print STDERR "done\n" if $options->verbose;
367 $output->write("$file: not at toplevel at end of file\n") unless $level == 0;