Merge branch 'vim' into feat/emb-common-lisp
[vim_extended.git] / runtime / if_ecl.lisp
1 ; vim:ts=8
3 (in-package :vim)
5 (shadow '(append funcall setq search map close))
7 (export
8 '(; These functions are implemented in if_ecl.c and probably use "internal"
9 ; data structures.
10 cmd expr
11 windows current-window window-width window-height window-column window-cursor window-buffer
12 buffers current-buffer buffer-line-count buffer-lines buffer-name
13 replace-lines append-line-to-buffer append-to-buffer
14 eval-range
16 ; Use or return "internal" data structures.
17 find-buffer get-line
19 ; Wrapped Vim functions
20 append argc argidx argv browse bufexists buflisted bufloaded bufname bufnr
21 bufwinnr num-buffers byte2line char2nr cindent col confirm
22 cursor
23 expand
24 getcwd
25 getline
26 getwinposx getwinposy
27 input
28 line
29 lispindent
30 maparg
31 search
32 setline
33 virtcol
34 winbufnr wincol winheight winline winnr
35 winwidth
36 tabpagebuflist tabpagenr
38 ; Other wrapped Vim functionality.
39 execute normal normal!
40 map map! unmap unmap!
41 wincmd
42 close close!
44 ; Utility functions
45 funcall setq var
46 change-to-buffer
47 open-buffer
48 get-pos goto-pos
49 kill
50 point bufnr-of line-of col-of virtcol-of winline-of
51 scroll-window position-window
52 append-text-to-buffer multi-line-map append-multi-line-string
53 num-windows
55 ; Macros
56 get-pos-after with-buffer with-options with-window with-window-of
59 (defun build-command (args)
60 (apply #'concatenate 'string
61 (mapcar (lambda (arg)
62 (etypecase arg
63 (null "")
64 (character (string arg))
65 (string arg)
66 (number (princ-to-string arg))))
67 args)))
69 (defun cmd (&rest args)
70 "Executes an ex command, e.g. \"w\" or \"help ecl\".
71 Accepts strings, characters, and NIL. All are concatenated into a single
72 string to pass to Vim. Characters are converted to strings, NIL is
73 converted to \"\".
74 NOTE: This is exactly the same as typing in the command at the Vim colon-prompt. If
75 you want \":exec ...\", use vim:execute. vim:cmd does NOT allow use of <>
76 notation, whereas vim:execute does."
77 ; (format t "cmd is ~S~%" (build-command args))
78 (execute-int (build-command args)))
80 (defun execute (&rest args)
81 (cmd "exec \"" (build-command args) "\""))
83 (defun expr (str)
84 "Evaluates a Vim expression; returns the result as a string, or NIL"
85 (check-type str string)
86 (expr-int str))
88 ; Really need to change this to a "deftype" or something and use "check-type".
89 (defun validate-window (w)
90 (unless (and w (eq (si:foreign-data-tag w) 'vim::window))
91 (error "~S is not a valid Vim window" w)))
93 (defun windows ()
94 "Returns a list of Vim's windows in the current tab."
95 (windows-int))
97 (defun current-window ()
98 "Returns the current window"
99 (current-window-int))
101 (defun window-width (&optional (window (current-window)))
102 "returns the width of a window (defaults to (current-window))"
103 (validate-window window)
104 (window-width-int window))
106 (defun window-height (&optional (window (current-window)))
107 "returns the height of a window (defaults to (current-window))"
108 (validate-window window)
109 (window-height-int window))
111 (defun window-column (&optional (window (current-window)))
112 "returns the leftmost column of the window on the screen"
113 (validate-window window)
114 (window-column-int window))
116 (defun window-cursor (&optional (window (current-window)))
117 "returns the cursor of a window (defaults to (current-window)) cursors
118 are (lnum . col) cons cells"
119 (validate-window window)
120 (window-cursor-int window))
122 (defun window-buffer (&optional (window (current-window)))
123 "returns the buffer of a window (defaults to (current-window))"
124 (validate-window window)
125 (window-buffer-int window))
127 (defun buffers ()
128 "returns a list of vim's buffers"
129 (buffers-int))
131 (defun current-buffer ()
132 "returns the current buffer"
133 (current-buffer-int))
135 ; Really need to change this to a "deftype" or something and use "check-type".
136 (defun validate-buffer (buffer)
137 (unless (and buffer
138 (eq (si:foreign-data-tag buffer) 'vim::buffer))
139 (error "~S is not a valid Vim buffer" buffer)))
141 (defun buffer-line-count (&optional (buffer (current-buffer)))
142 "returns the line count of a buffer (defaults to (current-buffer))"
143 (validate-buffer buffer)
144 (buffer-line-count-int buffer))
146 (defun validate-line-num (line-num buffer &optional (num-lines (vim:buffer-line-count buffer)))
147 "Valide that line-num < # lines in buffer.
148 Assumes that buffer is a valid Vim buffer.
149 If you supply num-lines it must equal (vim:buffer-line-count buffer)."
150 (unless (and line-num
151 (typep line-num 'fixnum)
152 (<= 0 line-num num-lines))
153 (error "~D is out of range; there are only ~D lines in ~S" line-num num-lines buffer)))
155 (defmacro validate-buffer-start-end (buffer start end)
156 `(progn
157 (validate-buffer ,buffer)
158 (validate-line-num ,start ,buffer)
159 (let ((num-lines (vim:buffer-line-count ,buffer)))
160 (if ,end
161 (validate-line-num ,end ,buffer num-lines)
162 (setf ,end num-lines)))))
164 (defun buffer-lines (&key (buffer (vim:current-buffer))
165 (start 0) end)
166 "returns the lines from :start to :end in :buffer
167 (defaults to (current-buffer))
168 :start and :end are in the range 0..(buffer-line-count)
169 :start is inclusive, :end is excluded
170 If (= start end), the return will be NIL
171 To print a single line :start n :end n+1"
172 (validate-buffer-start-end buffer start end)
173 (buffer-lines-int buffer start end))
175 (defun buffer-name (&key (buffer (vim:current-buffer)))
176 (validate-buffer buffer)
177 (buffer-name-int buffer))
179 (defun find-buffer (name)
180 (find-if
181 (lambda (b)
182 (let ((b-name (vim:buffer-name :buffer b)))
183 (if b-name
184 (string= name b-name)
185 (eql name nil))))
186 (vim:buffers)))
188 (defun replace-lines (lines &key (start 0) end (buffer (vim:current-buffer)))
189 "replaces the lines from :start to :end in :buffer with the given list of strings
190 :start and :end are in the range 0..(buffer-line-count)
191 :start is inclusive, :end is excluded
192 If :start == :end, then you insert a new line before :start
193 To insert a new line at the very beginning of a buffer, :start = :end = 0"
194 (validate-buffer-start-end buffer start end)
195 (replace-lines-int buffer lines start end
196 0 (length lines)))
198 (defun get-line (&optional (line (car (window-cursor)))
199 (buffer (vim:current-buffer)))
200 "gets a line from a buffer"
201 (first (vim:buffer-lines :buffer buffer :start line :end (1+ line))))
203 (defun append-line-to-buffer (string &key (buffer (vim:current-buffer)))
204 (validate-buffer buffer)
205 (let ((end-line (vim:buffer-line-count buffer)))
206 (replace-lines (list string) :buffer buffer :start end-line :end end-line)))
208 (defun append-to-buffer (string &key (buffer (vim:current-buffer)))
209 (validate-buffer buffer)
210 (let* ((end-line (1- (vim:buffer-line-count buffer)))
211 (existing (get-line end-line buffer)))
212 (replace-lines (list (concatenate 'string existing string)) :buffer buffer :start end-line :end (1+ end-line))))
214 (defun eval-range ()
215 "called when the :ecl command is issued without an argument"
216 (with-input-from-string (s (format nil
217 "~{~a~%~}"
218 (vim:buffer-lines :buffer (vim:current-buffer)
219 ;; ranges for Vim buffers start at 1,
220 ;; whereas buffer-lines expects 0..lines-in-buffer
221 :start (1- (car vim:range))
222 :end (cdr vim:range))))
223 (loop for form = (read s nil nil)
224 while form
225 do (eval form))))
227 (defparameter *returns-integer* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
228 "Stores the Vim functions that return integers, so vim:funcall can parse the
229 string returned from Vim, if appropriate.")
231 (defun returns-integer (f)
232 (setf (gethash f *returns-integer*) t))
234 (defun returns-integer-p (f)
235 (gethash f *returns-integer*))
237 (mapcar #'returns-integer
238 '("append" "argc" "argidx" "bufexists" "buflisted" "bufloaded" "bufnr"
239 "bufwinnr" "byte2line" "char2nr" "cindent" "col" "confirm"
240 "cscope_connection" "cursor" "delete" "did_filetype" "eventhandler"
241 "executable" "exists" "filereadable" "filewritable" "foldclosed"
242 "foldclosedend" "foldlevel" "foreground" "getchar" "getcharmod"
243 "getcmdpos" "getfsize" "getftime" "getwinposx" "getwinposy" "has"
244 "hasmapto" "histnr" "hlexists" "hlID" "indent" "inputrestore" "inputsave"
245 "isdirectory" "libcallnr" "line" "line2byte" "lispindent" "localtime"
246 "match" "matchend" "nextnonblank" "prevnonblank" "remote_foreground"
247 "remote_peek" "rename" "search" "searchpair" "server2client" "setcmdpos"
248 "setline" "setreg" "stridx" "strlen" "strridx" "synID" "synIDtrans" "type"
249 "virtcol" "winbufnr" "wincol" "winheight" "winline" "winnr" "winwidth"))
251 (defun build-vim-funcall (function-name args)
252 (with-output-to-string (s)
253 (princ function-name s)
254 (princ "(" s)
255 (loop for (arg . rest) on (remove nil args)
256 if arg do (prin1 arg s)
257 if rest do (princ "," s))
258 (princ ")" s)))
260 (defun vim:funcall (function-name &rest args)
261 (assert (typep function-name 'string)
262 (function-name)
263 "vim:funcall expects a string, not ~S"
264 function-name)
265 (let ((result (vim:expr (build-vim-funcall function-name args))))
266 (if (and (typep result 'string)
267 (gethash function-name *returns-integer*))
268 (parse-integer result)
269 result)))
271 ;;; ######################################################################
272 ;;; Vim FFI
273 ;;; ######################################################################
275 (defmacro def-vim-function (name args arg-xlate-functions result-xlat-function
276 &optional documentation)
277 (unless (and (typep args 'list)
278 (typep arg-xlate-functions 'list))
279 (error
280 "In def-vim-function of ~S, args and arg-xlate-functions must both be lists, not ~S and ~S."
281 name args arg-xlate-functions))
282 (flet ((lambda-list-keyword-p (x) (and (atom x)
283 (eql #\& (char (string x) 0))))
284 (apply-xlat-function (f arg)
285 (when (listp arg) (setf arg (car arg)))
286 (if (eq f 't)
288 (if (atom f)
289 (list f arg)
290 f))))
291 (let* ((parsed-args
292 (loop for item in args
293 if (listp item) collect (car item)
294 else unless (lambda-list-keyword-p item) collect item))
295 (xlated-args (loop for f in arg-xlate-functions
296 for arg in parsed-args
297 if f collect (apply-xlat-function f arg)))
298 (funcall-expression `(vim:funcall ,name ,@xlated-args)))
299 `(defun ,(intern (string-upcase name) :vim) ,args
300 ,documentation
301 ,(if (eq 't result-xlat-function)
302 funcall-expression
303 (if (atom result-xlat-function)
304 `(,result-xlat-function ,funcall-expression)
305 `(let ((result ,funcall-expression))
306 ,result-xlat-function)))))))
308 (defun string-or-number (lnum)
309 (etypecase lnum
310 (string lnum)
311 (number (1+ lnum))))
313 (defun t-or-number (expr)
314 (if (eql expr t)
316 (1+ expr)))
318 (defun t-string-or-number (expr)
319 (if (eql expr t)
321 (string-or-number expr)))
323 (defun nil-or-number (expr)
324 (if expr (1+ expr) 0))
326 (defun result-number-or-nil (result)
327 (if (plusp result) (1- result) nil))
329 (defun result-nil-or-string (result)
330 (if (string= result "") nil result))
332 (defun join-with-newlines (list)
333 (apply #'concatenate 'string
334 (loop for (item . rest) on list
335 collect item
336 if rest collect (string #\Newline))))
338 (def-vim-function "append" (lnum string) (nil-or-number t) t)
339 (def-vim-function "argc" () () t)
340 (def-vim-function "argidx" () () t)
341 (def-vim-function "argv" (n) (t) t)
342 (def-vim-function "browse" (save title initdir default) ((if save 1 0) t t t) t)
343 (def-vim-function "bufexists" (expr) (t-string-or-number) plusp
344 "Use T to find out about the alternate file name.")
345 (def-vim-function "buflisted" (expr) (t-string-or-number) plusp
346 "Use T to find out about the alternate file name.")
347 (def-vim-function "bufloaded" (expr) (t-string-or-number) plusp
348 "Use T to find out about the alternate file name.")
349 (def-vim-function "bufname" (expr) (t-string-or-number) t
350 "Use T to find out about the alternate file name.")
352 (def-vim-function "bufnr" (&optional (expr ".")) (t-string-or-number) result-number-or-nil)
353 (defun num-buffers () (1+ (vim:bufnr "$")))
355 (def-vim-function "bufwinnr" (expr) (t-string-or-number) result-number-or-nil)
357 (def-vim-function "byte2line" (byte-count) (1+) 1-)
358 (def-vim-function "char2nr" (expr) (t) t)
359 (def-vim-function "cindent" (lnum) (string-or-number) 1-)
360 (def-vim-function "col" (expr) (t) 1-)
362 (def-vim-function "confirm" (msg &optional (choices "&Ok") (default 0) (type "Generic"))
363 (join-with-newlines
364 join-with-newlines
365 (if default (1+ default) 0)
366 nil)
367 result-number-or-nil
368 "For MSG and CHOICES, give lists of strings instead of single strings.")
370 (def-vim-function "cursor" (lnum col) (nil-or-number nil-or-number) 't
371 "position cursor at {lnum}, {col}; returns T")
373 ; delete( {fname}) Number delete file {fname}
374 ; did_filetype() Number TRUE if FileType autocommand event used
375 ; escape( {string}, {chars}) String escape {chars} in {string} with '\'
376 ; eventhandler( ) Number TRUE if inside an event handler
377 ; executable( {expr}) Number 1 if executable {expr} exists
378 ; exists( {expr}) Number TRUE if {expr} exists
380 (def-vim-function "expand" (expr &optional flag) (t (if flag 1 0)) t
381 "Use t/nil for the flag.")
383 ; filereadable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a readable file
384 ; filewritable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a writable file
385 ; fnamemodify( {fname}, {mods}) String modify file name
386 ; foldclosed( {lnum}) Number first line of fold at {lnum} if closed
387 ; foldclosedend( {lnum}) Number last line of fold at {lnum} if closed
388 ; foldlevel( {lnum}) Number fold level at {lnum}
389 ; foldtext( ) String line displayed for closed fold
390 ; foreground( ) Number bring the Vim window to the foreground
391 ; getchar( [expr]) Number get one character from the user
392 ; getcharmod( ) Number modifiers for the last typed character
393 ; getbufvar( {expr}, {varname}) variable {varname} in buffer {expr}
394 ; getcmdline() String return the current command-line
395 ; getcmdpos() Number return cursor position in command-line
397 (def-vim-function "getcwd" () () t)
399 ; getfsize( {fname}) Number size in bytes of file
400 ; getftime( {fname}) Number last modification time of file
402 (def-vim-function "getline" (lnum) (string-or-number) t
403 "line {lnum} from current buffer")
405 ; getreg( [{regname}]) String contents of register
406 ; getregtype( [{regname}]) String type of register
408 (def-vim-function "getwinposx" () () result-number-or-nil
409 "X coord in pixels of GUI Vim window")
410 (def-vim-function "getwinposy" () () result-number-or-nil
411 "Y coord in pixels of GUI Vim window")
413 ; getwinvar( {nr}, {varname}) variable {varname} in window {nr}
414 ; glob( {expr}) String expand file wildcards in {expr}
415 ; globpath( {path}, {expr}) String do glob({expr}) for all dirs in {path}
416 ; has( {feature}) Number TRUE if feature {feature} supported
417 ; hasmapto( {what} [, {mode}]) Number TRUE if mapping to {what} exists
418 ; histadd( {history},{item}) String add an item to a history
419 ; histdel( {history} [, {item}]) String remove an item from a history
420 ; histget( {history} [, {index}]) String get the item {index} from a history
421 ; histnr( {history}) Number highest index of a history
422 ; hlexists( {name}) Number TRUE if highlight group {name} exists
423 ; hlID( {name}) Number syntax ID of highlight group {name}
424 ; hostname() String name of the machine Vim is running on
425 ; iconv( {expr}, {from}, {to}) String convert encoding of {expr}
426 ; indent( {lnum}) Number indent of line {lnum}
428 (def-vim-function "input" (prompt &optional text completion) (t t t) t
429 "Get input from the user.")
431 ; inputdialog( {p} [, {t} [, {c}]]) String like input() but in a GUI dialog
433 ; inputrestore() Number restore typeahead
434 ; inputsave() Number save and clear typeahead
435 ; inputsecret( {prompt} [, {text}]) String like input() but hiding the text
436 ; isdirectory( {directory}) Number TRUE if {directory} is a directory
437 ; libcall( {lib}, {func}, {arg}) String call {func} in library {lib} with {arg}
438 ; libcallnr( {lib}, {func}, {arg}) Number idem, but return a Number
440 (def-vim-function "line" (expr) (t) result-number-or-nil
441 "line nr of cursor, last line, or mark")
442 (defun num-lines () (1+ (vim:line "$")))
444 ; line2byte( {lnum}) Number byte count of line {lnum}
446 (def-vim-function "lispindent" (lnum) (string-or-number) 1-
447 "Lisp indent for line {lnum}")
449 ; localtime() Number current time
451 (defparameter *map-modes*
452 (let ((h (make-hash-table))
453 (modes '((:normal "n")
454 (:visual-select "v")
455 (:visual "x")
456 (:select "s")
457 (:operator-pending "o")
458 (:insert "i")
459 (:command "c")
460 (:lang-arg "l"))))
461 (loop for (key val) in modes
462 do (setf (gethash key h) val))
464 "Map keywords to strings for map modes.")
466 ; TODO: maybe a "map-map-modes" function / macro, to make processing map modes easier?
468 (defun check-map-mode (mode)
469 (let ((mode-string (gethash mode *map-modes*)))
470 (assert mode-string (mode) "Unknown vim:map mode: ~S; allowed values are ~S"
471 mode (sort (loop for key being the hash-keys of *map-modes*
472 collect key)
473 #'string<))
474 mode-string))
476 (defun vim:maparg (name &key mode abbr)
477 (result-nil-or-string
478 (vim:funcall "maparg"
479 name
480 (etypecase mode
481 (null "")
482 (string mode)
483 (symbol (check-map-mode mode)))
484 (if abbr 1 0))))
486 ; mapcheck( {name}[, {mode}]) String check for mappings matching {name}
487 ; match( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
488 ; Number position where {pat} matches in {expr}
489 ; matchend( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
490 ; Number position where {pat} ends in {expr}
491 ; matchstr( {expr}, {pat}[, {start}])
492 ; String match of {pat} in {expr}
493 ; mode() String current editing mode
494 ; nextnonblank( {lnum}) Number line nr of non-blank line >= {lnum}
495 ; nr2char( {expr}) String single char with ASCII value {expr}
496 ; prevnonblank( {lnum}) Number line nr of non-blank line <= {lnum}
497 ; remote_expr( {server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
498 ; String send expression
499 ; remote_foreground( {server}) Number bring Vim server to the foreground
500 ; remote_peek( {serverid} [, {retvar}])
501 ; Number check for reply string
502 ; remote_read( {serverid}) String read reply string
503 ; remote_send( {server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
504 ; String send key sequence
505 ; rename( {from}, {to}) Number rename (move) file from {from} to {to}
506 ; resolve( {filename}) String get filename a shortcut points to
508 (defun keywords-to-string (flags meanings)
509 (apply #'concatenate 'string
510 (loop for flag in flags
511 collect (cdr (assoc flag meanings)))))
513 (let* ((aliases '(("b" :backward :b)
514 ("c" :match-at-cursor :c)
515 ("e" :move-to-end :e)
516 ("" :move)
517 ("n" :do-not-move :n)
518 ("p" :count-submatches :p)
519 ("s" :set-tic :s)
520 ("w" :wrap :wl)
521 ("W" :no-wrap :wu)))
522 (meanings (loop for record in aliases
523 nconc (loop with string = (car record)
524 for keyword in (cdr record)
525 collect (cons keyword string)))))
526 (defun search (pattern &key flags (stopline nil stopline-p))
527 (let ((string-flags (keywords-to-string flags meanings)))
528 (result-number-or-nil
529 (vim:funcall "search" pattern string-flags (when stopline-p
530 (1+ stopline)))))))
532 ; searchpair( {start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip}]])
533 ; Number search for other end of start/end pair
534 ; server2client( {clientid}, {string})
535 ; Number send reply string
536 ; serverlist() String get a list of available servers
537 ; setbufvar( {expr}, {varname}, {val}) set {varname} in buffer {expr} to {val}
538 ; setcmdpos( {pos}) Number set cursor position in command-line
540 (def-vim-function "setline" (lnum line) (string-or-number t) zerop
541 "set line {lnum} to {line}")
543 ; setreg( {n}, {v}[, {opt}]) Number set register to value and type
544 ; setwinvar( {nr}, {varname}, {val}) set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
545 ; simplify( {filename}) String simplify filename as much as possible
546 ; strftime( {format}[, {time}]) String time in specified format
547 ; stridx( {haystack}, {needle}) Number first index of {needle} in {haystack}
548 ; strlen( {expr}) Number length of the String {expr}
549 ; strpart( {src}, {start}[, {len}])
550 ; String {len} characters of {src} at {start}
551 ; strridx( {haystack}, {needle}) Number last index of {needle} in {haystack}
552 ; strtrans( {expr}) String translate string to make it printable
553 ; submatch( {nr}) String specific match in ":substitute"
554 ; substitute( {expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})
555 ; String all {pat} in {expr} replaced with {sub}
556 ; synID( {line}, {col}, {trans}) Number syntax ID at {line} and {col}
557 ; synIDattr( {synID}, {what} [, {mode}])
558 ; String attribute {what} of syntax ID {synID}
559 ; synIDtrans( {synID}) Number translated syntax ID of {synID}
560 ; system( {expr}) String output of shell command {expr}
562 (defun tabpagenr (&optional arg)
563 "If no arg given, or NIL given, return the tab page number of the current tab.
564 If arg is given, it must string= \"$\", and we return the tab page number of
565 the last tab. (If it doesn't string= \"$\", it's silently ignored.)"
566 (1- (vim:funcall "tabpagenr"
567 (when (and arg (string= arg "$"))
568 "$"))))
570 (def-vim-function "tabpagebuflist" (&optional (arg (vim:tabpagenr)))
571 (nil-or-number)
572 (if (eql result 0)
573 (error "~S is not a valid tab page number" arg)
574 (mapcar #'1- result)))
576 ; tempname() String name for a temporary file
577 ; tolower( {expr}) String the String {expr} switched to lowercase
578 ; toupper( {expr}) String the String {expr} switched to uppercase
579 ; type( {name}) Number type of variable {name}
581 (def-vim-function "virtcol" (expr) (t) result-number-or-nil
582 "screen column of cursor or mark")
584 ; visualmode( [expr]) String last visual mode used
586 (def-vim-function "winbufnr" (nr) (nil-or-number) result-number-or-nil
587 "buffer number of window {nr}")
588 (def-vim-function "wincol" () () 1-
589 "window column of the cursor")
590 (def-vim-function "winheight" (nr) (nil-or-number) result-number-or-nil
591 "height of window {nr}")
592 (def-vim-function "winline" () () 1-
593 "window line of the cursor")
595 (def-vim-function "winnr" (&optional arg) (t) 1-
596 "number of current window, or (optionally) \"$\" or \"#\".")
597 (defun num-windows ()
598 "Returns the number of open windows in the current tab."
599 (1+ (vim:winnr "$")))
601 ; winrestcmd() String returns command to restore window sizes
603 (def-vim-function "winwidth" (nr) (nil-or-number) result-number-or-nil
604 "width of window {nr}")
606 ;;; ######################################################################
607 ;;; Various utility functions
608 ;;; ######################################################################
609 (defmacro with-options (bindings &body body)
610 "Set new values to existing Vim options; restores old values at exit. Works
611 with Vim variables, too, as long as they already exist. If you only list a
612 Vim-var, instead of a (var val) pair, the var is set to \"\"."
613 (loop with var and val
614 for binding in bindings
615 for old-var = (gensym "old-var-")
616 do (multiple-value-setq (var val)
617 (if (typep binding 'list)
618 (values-list binding)
619 (values binding "")))
620 collect `(,old-var (vim:var ,var)) into let-bindings
621 collect `(vim:setq ,var ,val) into setup
622 collect `(vim:setq ,var ,old-var) into teardown
623 finally (return `(let ,let-bindings
624 ,@setup
625 (unwind-protect
626 (progn ,@body)
627 ,@teardown)))))
629 (defgeneric change-to-buffer (n)
630 (:documentation "Changes to the given buffer. Hides the current buffer."))
631 (defmethod change-to-buffer ((name string))
632 (change-to-buffer (vim:bufnr name)))
633 (defmethod change-to-buffer ((number number))
634 (vim:cmd "silent hide buffer " (1+ number)))
636 (defgeneric open-buffer (buffer)
637 (:documentation "Opens a window on the given buffer."))
638 (defmethod open-buffer ((number number))
639 (vim:cmd "silent vert sb " (1+ number)))
640 (defmethod open-buffer ((name string))
641 (open-buffer (vim:bufnr name)))
643 (defun vsplit-p ()
644 "True of the current tab is vertically split."
645 (find-if (lambda (w) (plusp (vim:window-column w)))
646 (vim:windows)))
648 (defmacro with-buffer (expr &body body)
649 `(vim:with-options (("&guioptions"
650 (if (vim::vsplit-p)
651 (vim:var "&guioptions")
652 (remove-if (lambda (o) (find o "LR"))
653 (vim:var "&guioptions")))))
654 (unwind-protect
655 (progn
656 (vim:open-buffer ,expr)
657 ,@body)
658 (vim:close))))
660 (defun setq (var val)
661 (check-type var string)
662 (unless (typep val '(or number string))
663 (setf val (prin1-to-string val)))
664 (vim:cmd (format nil "let ~A = ~S" var val))
665 val)
667 (defun var (var)
668 "Get the value of a Vim variable. If it's a string but looks like a number,
669 returned as a number."
670 (let ((val (vim:expr var)))
671 (if (typep val 'string)
672 (let ((length (length val)))
673 (multiple-value-bind (n-val pos) (parse-integer val :junk-allowed t)
674 (if (and n-val (= length pos))
675 n-val
676 val)))
677 val)))
679 (defclass point ()
680 ((bufnr :initarg :bufnr :accessor bufnr-of)
681 (line :initarg :line :accessor line-of)
682 (col :initarg :col :accessor col-of)
683 (virtcol :initarg :virtcol :accessor virtcol-of)
684 (winline :initarg :winline :accessor winline-of)))
686 (defun get-pos (&optional (where "."))
687 "Get the buffer & position of the cursor; returns a POINT class."
688 (if (vim:line where)
689 (make-instance 'point
690 :bufnr (vim:bufnr "%")
691 :line (vim:line where)
692 :col (vim:col where)
693 :virtcol (vim:virtcol where)
694 :winline (if (string= where ".") (vim:winline) nil))
695 nil))
697 (defmacro get-pos-after (&body body)
698 "Run some code; return the cursor position afterwards."
699 `(progn ,@body (get-pos)))
701 (defun scroll-window (n)
702 "Negative means scroll the window down, i.e. scroll the text up, using <c-e>.
703 Positive means scroll the window up, i.e. scroll the text down, using <c-y>."
704 ;; NOTE: use vim:execute, not vim:cmd, to get interpretation of the <c-e>, etc.
705 (cond ((< n 0) (vim:execute (format nil "normal ~D\\<c-e>" (- n))))
706 ((> n 0) (vim:execute (format nil "normal ~D\\<c-y>" n)))))
708 (defun position-window (want)
709 "Scroll the window such that the current line of text is at the given window line.
710 The top line is line 0. If WANT is NIL, positions the current line in the
711 middle of the screen."
712 (if want
713 (scroll-window (- want (vim:winline)))
714 (position-window (truncate vim:winline 2))))
716 (defgeneric goto-pos (where))
717 (defmethod goto-pos (where) nil)
718 (defmethod goto-pos ((where point))
719 (with-slots (bufnr line col virtcol winline) where
720 (when (/= bufnr (vim:bufnr "%"))
721 (change-to-buffer bufnr))
722 (vim:cursor line virtcol)
723 (position-window winline)))
725 (defun append-text-to-buffer (line)
726 (vim:setline "$" (concatenate 'string (vim:getline "$") line)))
728 (defun multi-line-map (f text)
729 (loop for start = 0 then (1+ end)
730 for end = (position #\Newline text :start start)
731 for line = (subseq text start end)
732 do (cl:funcall f start end line)
733 while end))
735 (defun append-multi-line-string (text)
736 (vim:multi-line-map
737 (lambda (start end line)
738 (if (= start 0)
739 (vim:append-text-to-buffer line)
740 (vim:append (vim:line "$") line)))
741 text))
743 (defun normal (str &rest rest)
744 "Execute a normal-mode Vim command."
745 (apply #'vim:cmd "normal " str rest))
747 (defun normal! (str &rest rest)
748 "Execute a normal-mode Vim command w/out remapping."
749 (apply #'vim:cmd "normal! " str rest))
751 (defun resolve-mapleader (lhs)
752 "Find any mentions of <leader> in the lhs string and replace it with the
753 current value of g:mapleader. Searches case-insensitively."
754 (let* ((mapleader (vim:var "g:mapleader"))
755 (mapleader-string (if (stringp mapleader)
756 mapleader
757 (princ-to-string mapleader))))
758 (loop for p = (cl:search "<leader>" lhs :test #'char-equal)
759 while p
760 do (setf lhs (concatenate 'string
761 (subseq lhs 0 p)
762 mapleader-string
763 (subseq lhs (+ p 8))))
764 finally (return lhs))))
766 (defvar *map-functions* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
767 "Store references to Lisp functions to which we have Vim mappings.")
769 (defparameter *vim-map-special-flags*
770 (let ((h (make-hash-table))
771 (flags '((:buffer "<buffer>")
772 (:silent "<silent>")
773 (:special "<special>")
774 (:script "<script>")
775 (:unique "<unique>")
776 (:expr "<expr>"))))
777 (loop for (key val) in flags
778 do (setf (gethash key h) val))
781 (defun xlat-map-flags (flags)
782 "Translate a _list designator_ for Vim mapping flags (e.g. :buffer,
783 etc.) into a string with the flags in it (e.g. \"<buffer> \")."
784 (labels ((normalize-flags (flags)
785 (etypecase flags
786 (string (list flags))
787 (symbol (list (gethash flags *vim-map-special-flags*)))
788 (list (mapcan #'normalize-flags flags)))))
789 (apply #'concatenate 'string
790 (loop for (flag . rest) on (normalize-flags flags)
791 collect flag
792 if rest collect " "))))
794 (defun normalize-map-modes (modes)
795 (labels ((normalize-mode (mode)
796 (etypecase mode
797 (null (list ""))
798 (character (list (string mode)))
799 (string (if (> (length mode) 1)
800 (cl:map 'list #'string mode)
801 (list mode)))
802 (symbol (list (check-map-mode mode)))
803 (list (mapcan #'normalize-mode mode)))))
804 (loop for mode in (normalize-mode modes)
805 if (listp mode) nconc mode
806 else collect mode)))
808 (defun %call-map-function (lhs mode)
809 "Call the mapped Lisp function for the given lhs."
810 (cl:funcall (gethash (cons lhs mode) *map-functions*)))
812 (flet ((set-equals (s1 s2)
813 (loop with max-length = (length s2)
814 for item in s1
815 for item-num upfrom 0
816 always (and (< item-num max-length)
817 (member item s2 :test #'string=))
818 finally (return (= item-num (1- max-length))))))
820 (defun can-bang (modes)
821 (set-equals modes '("i" "c")))
823 (defun no-bang (modes)
824 (set-equals modes '("n" "v" "o"))))
826 (defun vim:map (lhs rhs &key mode noremap flags)
827 "Make a Vim mapping: lhs must be a string. rhs can be a string or a
828 function. Mode can be a string, a keyword, or a list of keywords. A string
829 stands for itself, a keyword is translated to strings using
830 vim::*map-modes*, and a list of keywords or strings is translated into a
831 mapping for each mode. No mode => "" => normal+visual-select+operator-
832 pending modes. For map!, use :mode '(:insert :command)."
833 (check-type lhs string)
834 (labels ((map-string (bang rhs mode flags)
835 (vim:cmd mode (when noremap "nore") "map" bang " " flags " " lhs " " rhs))
836 (map-function (bang mode flags)
837 (map-string
838 bang
839 (format nil ":ecl (vim::%call-map-function ~S ~S)<CR>" lhs mode)
840 mode flags)
841 (setf (gethash (cons lhs mode) *map-functions*) rhs)))
842 (let ((normalized-mode (normalize-map-modes mode))
843 bang)
844 (cond
845 ((can-bang normalized-mode) (setf bang "!"
846 normalized-mode '("")))
847 ((no-bang normalized-mode) (setf normalized-mode '(""))))
848 (loop with flags = (xlat-map-flags flags)
849 for mode in normalized-mode
850 if (functionp rhs)
851 do (map-function bang mode flags)
852 else do (map-string bang rhs mode flags)))))
854 (defun vim:map! (lhs rhs &key noremap flags)
855 "Convenience function: calls vim:map with modes :insert & :command."
856 (vim:map lhs rhs :mode '("i" "c") :noremap noremap :flags flags))
858 (defun vim:unmap (lhs &key mode flags)
859 "Unmap a string. For unmap!, use :mode '(:insert :command)."
860 (values-list
861 (let ((normalized-mode (normalize-map-modes mode)))
862 (when (equal normalized-mode '(""))
863 (setf normalized-mode '("n" "v" "o")))
864 (loop with flags = (xlat-map-flags flags)
865 for mode in normalized-mode
866 collect (let ((previous-mapping (vim:maparg lhs :mode mode)))
867 (when previous-mapping
868 (if (string= mode "")
869 (loop for mode in '("n" "v" "o" "")
870 do (remhash (cons lhs mode) *map-functions*))
871 (remhash (cons lhs mode) *map-functions*))
872 (vim:cmd mode "unmap " (xlat-map-flags flags) lhs)
873 previous-mapping))))))
875 (defun vim:unmap! (lhs &key flags)
876 "Convenience function: calls vim:unmap with modes :insert & :command."
877 (vim:unmap lhs :mode '("i" "c") :flags flags))
879 (let ((signals '((:SIGHUP . 1)
880 (:SIGINT . 2)
881 (:SIGQUIT . 3)
882 (:SIGILL . 4)
883 (:SIGTRAP . 5)
884 (:SIGABRT . 6)
885 (:SIGFPE . 8)
886 (:SIGKILL . 9)
887 (:SIGBUS . 10)
888 (:SIGSEGV . 11)
889 (:SIGSYS . 12)
890 (:SIGPIPE . 13)
891 (:SIGALRM . 14)
892 (:SIGTERM . 15)
893 (:SIGURG . 16)
894 (:SIGSTOP . 17)
895 (:SIGTSTP . 18)
896 (:SIGCONT . 19)
897 (:SIGCHLD . 20)
898 (:SIGTTIN . 21)
899 (:SIGTTOU . 22)
900 (:SIGIO . 23)
901 (:SIGXCPU . 24)
902 (:SIGXFSZ . 25)
903 (:SIGVTALRM . 26)
904 (:SIGPROF . 27)
905 (:SIGWINCH . 28)
906 (:SIGINFO . 29)
907 (:SIGUSR1 . 30)
908 (:SIGUSR2 . 31))))
909 (defun vim:kill (pid sig)
910 (assert (typep pid 'number))
911 (assert (typep sig 'symbol))
912 (let ((sig-num (cdr (assoc sig signals))))
913 (when sig-num
914 (kill-int pid sig-num)))))
916 (defun vim:wincmd (the-cmd &optional (n 0))
917 (vim:cmd (1+ n) "wincmd " the-cmd))
919 (defun vim:close (&key bang)
920 (if (cdr (vim:tabpagebuflist))
921 (vim:cmd "close" (when bang "!"))
922 (error "Can't vim:close: only one open window.")))
924 (defun vim:close! ()
925 (vim:close :bang t))
927 (defmacro with-window (winnr &body body)
928 "Run BODY in the context of the given window number.
929 Signals an error if the given value is NIL or the number is out of range."
930 (let ((winnr-once (gensym "winnr"))
931 (cur-win (gensym "cur-win-")))
932 `(let ((,winnr-once ,winnr))
933 (if (and (numberp ,winnr-once)
934 (<= 0 ,winnr-once (vim:winnr "$")))
935 (let ((,cur-win (vim:winnr)))
936 (vim:with-options (("&winwidth" 1))
937 (vim:wincmd "w" ,winnr-once)
938 (unwind-protect
939 (progn ,@body)
940 (vim:wincmd "w" ,cur-win))))
941 (error "Invalid window number ~A in with-window" ,winnr-once)))))
943 (defmacro with-window-of (buffer &body body)
944 (let ((buffer-once (gensym "buffer-once-"))
945 (body-func (gensym "body-func-"))
946 (winnr (gensym "winnr")))
947 `(flet ((,body-func () ,@body))
948 (let* ((,buffer-once ,buffer)
949 (,winnr (vim:bufwinnr ,buffer-once)))
950 (if ,winnr
951 (with-window ,winnr (,body-func))
952 (with-buffer ,buffer-once (,body-func)))))))