descriptionUnleashed OS
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last changeWed, 18 Mar 2020 18:48:12 +0000 (18 14:48 -0400)
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How to build Unleashed

Install Unleashed

Building Unleashed requires Unleashed, so first, download and install the latest snapshot from

Get the source

Clone this repository:

$ git clone git://
$ cd unleashed


Objects generated during the build are stored in /usr/obj, so create it and allow the build user to write to it.

# zfs create -o mountpoint=/usr/obj rpool/obj && install -m 1777 -d /usr/obj

Afterward, you can use make normally.

$ make -j32 build            # adjust -j<num> as necessary for your hardware

make build installs the built artifacts into proto/root_i386, and generates packages into the packages/nightly/repo.redist repository.

NOTE: objects generated by the legacy build system dmake in the usr/src directories are stored directly inside the directories, so it is currently not enough to clear /usr/obj to get a clean workspace. Instead use:

$ make -j32 cleandir         # removes objects, proto/root_i386 and packages/i386/nightly/repo.redist

Single component build

To build a component that is using the new build system (e.g., cat(1)), change into the source directory and run make. For example:

$ cd bin/cat
$ make
# make install

The component will be linked against the running system and installed to /. To install to an alternate directory (eg. proto/root_i386), use make install DESTDIR=path.

To build a component under the legacy (dmake) build system, ie. things under usr/src, first complete a full build so that prerequisite objects for the component are made, and then:

$ ./tools/
$ cd usr/src/cmd/w
$ dmake install

The component will be built against the "proto area" in proto/root_i386 and installed there.

2020-03-18 Josef 'Jeff... Unleashed v1.4masterv1.4
2019-11-10 Lauri TirkkonenFEATURES: amd64 stuff in /lib
2019-11-07 Lauri Tirkkonenlib/fm/topo/module: build 64-bit
2019-11-07 Lauri Tirkkonenlibfmd_agent: make fmd_agent_cpu_* visible even on...
2019-11-06 Lauri Tirkkonenenable apic_kmdb_on_nmi by default
2019-11-06 Pavel ZakharovDLPX-63519 ATA reads timeout after Azure update
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenpkg: ship usr/lib/security/amd64/*.so links
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenfm: use LDFLAGS, not LDFLAGS64
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenfm cpumem_retire: check for amd64 instead of just i386
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenlibctf: fix path to 64/32-bit zlib
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenmove 32-bit libs to lib/i386 subdirs & 64-bit libs...
2019-10-11 Lauri Tirkkonenhald: fix 64-bit build
2019-09-21 Lauri Tirkkonenfm/modules/fabric-xlate: fix 64-bit compilation
2019-09-21 Lauri Tirkkonenfm/modules/ext-event-transport: fix 64-bit compilation
2019-09-21 Lauri Tirkkonenfm/modules/eversholt: fix 64-bit compilation
2019-09-21 Lauri Tirkkonenfm/ipmitopo: fix 64-bit compilation
4 years ago v1.4 Unleashed v1.4
5 years ago v1.3 Unleashed v1.3
6 years ago v1.2.1 Unleashed 1.2.1
6 years ago v1.2 Unleashed v1.2
6 years ago v1.1 Unleashed v1.1
6 years ago v1.0 Unleashed v1.0
7 years ago v1.0-rc1 Unleashed v1.0-rc1
4 years ago master
6 years ago gcc-update
Cached version (4180s old)
unleashed/lotheac.git 5 years ago
unleashed/xorhash.git fork for stuff 7 years ago
unleashed/tickless.git unleashed repo fork 7 years ago