descriptionUnleashed OS - userland
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last changeWed, 18 Mar 2020 20:12:13 +0000 (18 22:12 +0200)
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This repository is used to package third-party software currently required by
Unleashed, but not shipped by Unleashed. Ultimately, the plan is for Unleashed
to ship all the necessary software to build itself, so this is a temporary

This repository is a fork of oi-userland
( so it contains build recipes for a
large amount of third-party software. However, we do not maintain or even
build-test the pieces of software we do not use.

The software components we ship "by default" in Unleashed are listed in, and can be built as follows:

    gmake setup && gmake publish

In many cases you can also build components from this repository for personal
use. Patches to components not shipped by Unleashed (eg. updating or making
them build on Unleashed) are accepted, but note that we do not maintain such
components and they may break at any time. Remember that this repository is a
temporary measure, not a ports tree.

You can also build the userland-extra package repository by running:

    rm -rf amd64 && \
    gmake setup PUBLISHER=userland-extra && \
    gmake publish
2020-03-18 Lauri Tirkkonengcc-6: use $(GNU_ARCH) in manifestmasterv1.4
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenremove swig
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenswig: 64-bit only
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenpcre: put 64-bit bins in usr/bin
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonengettext: 64-bit only
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonenillumos-gcc: change to new library paths
2019-11-04 Lauri Tirkkonengcc-6: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonengawk: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenfile: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonensudo: change to new lib paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenbash: update to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenpython27: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenpkgconf: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonennghttp2: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenlibxslt: change to new library paths
2019-11-03 Lauri Tirkkonenlibxml2: put 64-bit programs in /usr/bin
4 years ago v1.4 Unleashed v1.4
5 years ago v1.3 Unleashed v1.3
6 years ago v1.2.1 Unleashed v1.2.1
6 years ago v1.2 Unleashed v1.2
6 years ago v1.1 Unleashed v1.1
6 years ago v1.0 Unleashed v1.0
7 years ago v1.0-rc1 Unleashed v1.0-rc1
4 years ago master
6 years ago gcc-update
6 years ago os_specific_toolchain
7 years ago libtool-znodefs