GNUMakefile: revamp for parallel 1.8/1.9 runs
Add a install-test for doing a mock install with private http11
and bin/unicorn and appropriate PATH/RUBYLIB env.
Also add a normal install target so we can just type
"make install" and just be done with a regular
installation (and it'll revert files if using git).
I use the following to augment my GNUmakefile. It
allows me to run "make -j full-test" and run both 1.8 and 1.9
tests in parallel.
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DLEXT := so
rack_ver := 0.9.1
ifeq ($(r19),)
ruby := $(HOME)/bin/ruby
RUBYLIB := $(HOME)/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-$(rack_ver)/lib
export PATH := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/bin:$(PATH)
ruby := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/bin/ruby
RUBYLIB := $(HOME)/ruby-1.9/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rack-$(rack_ver)/lib
SHELL := /bin/bash -e -o pipefail
full-test: test-18 test-19
$(MAKE) test 2>&1 | sed -u -e 's!^!1.8 !'
$(MAKE) test r19=1 2>&1 | sed -u -e 's!^!1.9 !'
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