Fix handling of non-square pixels, part 3.
[ttfautohint.git] / doc / ttfautohint-css.html
1 <style type="text/css">
2 /* use Droid fonts */
3 @import url("");
4 @import url("");
6 /* top-level appearance */
7 body {
8 width: 100%;
9 margin: 0;
10 padding: 0;
11 border: 0;
12 text-align: left;
13 font-size: large;
14 font-family: "Droid Serif", serif;
15 line-height: 130%; }
17 /* table of contents; */
18 /* width and offsets must be synchronized with col2 below */
19 #TOC {
20 position: fixed;
21 font-size: 115%;
22 left: 0em;
23 width: 13em; }
24 /* don't display list markers in TOC */
25 #TOC ul {
26 list-style: none; }
27 #TOC ul li {
28 /* negative indentation for the first line of a TOC entry */
29 text-indent: -1em;
30 /* leave some vertical space between TOC entries */
31 margin-bottom: 1ex; }
32 /* only display first-level TOC entries */
33 #TOC ul li ul {
34 display: none; }
35 /* no link color necessary for TOC entries */
36 #TOC a {
37 color: black; }
39 /* column container */
40 .colmask {
41 /* this fixes the IE7 overflow hidden bug */
42 /* and stops the layout jumping out of place */
43 position: relative;
44 clear: both;
45 float: left;
46 width: 100%;
47 /* this chops off any overhanging `div's */
48 overflow: hidden; }
49 /* two-column left menu settings (col1 is right, col2 is left) */
50 .leftmenu {
51 background: white; }
52 .leftmenu .colright {
53 float: left;
54 width: 200%;
55 position: relative;
56 left: 15em; /* pad2_l + wd2 + pad2_r */
57 background: white; }
58 .leftmenu .col1wrap {
59 float: right;
60 width: 50%;
61 position: relative;
62 right: 15em; /* pad2_l + wd2 + pad2_r */
63 padding-bottom: 1em; }
64 .leftmenu .col1 {
65 margin: 0 1em /* pad2_r */
66 0 15em; /* pad2_l + wd2 + pad2_r + pad1_l */
67 position: relative;
68 right: 100%;
69 width: 45em;
70 max-width: 66%;
71 /* overflow: hidden; */ }
72 .leftmenu .col2 {
73 float: left;
74 width: 13em; /* wd2 */
75 position: relative;
76 right: 14em; } /* wd2 + pad2_r */
78 blockquote {
79 font-style: italic;
82 code {
83 font-family: "Droid Sans Mono", monospace; }
84 /* no underline for links */
85 a {
86 text-decoration: none; }
88 h1 {
89 margin-top: 3.5ex; }
90 h2 {
91 margin-top: 3ex; }
92 h3 {
93 margin-top: 2.5ex; }
94 h4 { }
95 h5 { }
96 h6 { }
97 h1.title {
98 text-align: center; }
99 {
100 text-align: center; }
101 {
102 text-align: center; }
103 /* since we have a TOC at a fixed position, */
104 /* links in headers back to the TOC are unnecessary */
105 h1 a,
106 h2 a,
107 h3 a,
108 h4 a,
109 h5 a,
110 h6 a {
111 color: black; }
113 /* figures */
114 div.figure {
115 text-align: center;
116 margin-top: 5ex;
117 margin-bottom: 5ex; }
118 p.caption {
119 font-size: smaller; }
121 /* tables */
122 table {
123 border-collapse: collapse;
124 /* the next two lines center the table horizontally */
125 margin-left: auto;
126 margin-right: auto;
127 margin-top: 5ex;
128 margin-bottom: 5ex; }
129 td {
130 padding-left: 0.8em;
131 padding-right: 0.8em; }
132 thead {
133 /* a horizontal rule between table head and body */
134 border-bottom: solid thin; }
135 th {
136 font-weight: normal;
137 padding-left: 0.8em;
138 padding-right: 0.8em;
139 /* some vertical space before the horizontal rule */
140 padding-bottom: 1ex; }
141 tbody tr:first-child td {
142 /* some vertical space after the horizontal rule */
143 padding-top: 1ex; }
144 caption {
145 font-weight: bold;
146 padding-bottom: 2ex; }
148 /* if we have paragraphs in definition lists, */
149 /* suppress the very first vertical space */
150 dd > p:first-child {
151 margin-top: 0; }
153 /* source-code highlighting */
154 table.sourceCode,
155 tr.sourceCode,
156 td.lineNumbers,
157 td.sourceCode,
158 table.sourceCode pre {
159 margin: 0;
160 padding: 0;
161 border: 0;
162 vertical-align: baseline;
163 border: none; }
164 td.lineNumbers {
165 border-right: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
166 text-align: right;
167 color: #AAAAAA;
168 padding-right: 5px;
169 padding-left: 5px; }
170 td.sourceCode {
171 padding-left: 5px; }
173 pre.sourceCode {
174 margin-left: 2em; }
176 code.sourceCode {
177 color: #007020;
178 font-weight: bold; }
179 code.sourceCode span.dt {
180 color: #902000; }
181 code.sourceCode span.dv {
182 color: #40a070; }
183 code.sourceCode {
184 color: #40a070; }
185 code.sourceCode span.fl {
186 color: #40a070; }
187 code.sourceCode {
188 color: #4070a0; }
189 code.sourceCode {
190 color: #4070a0; }
191 code.sourceCode {
192 color: #60a0b0;
193 font-style: italic; }
194 code.sourceCode span.ot {
195 color: #007020; }
196 code.sourceCode {
197 color: red;
198 font-weight: bold; }
199 code.sourceCode span.fu {
200 color: #06287e; }
201 code.sourceCode { }
202 code.sourceCode {
203 color: red;
204 font-weight: bold; }
205 </style>