Move toolbar to the left and hide the menu bar by default
[trojita.git] / src / icons / go-jump.svg
1 <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
2 <defs id="defs3051">
3 <style type="text/css" id="current-color-scheme">
4 .ColorScheme-Text {
5 color:#4d4d4d;
7 </style>
8 </defs>
9 <a transform="translate(1,1)">
10 <path
11 style="fill:currentColor;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none"
12 d="M 5.7070312 3 L 5 3.7070312 L 11.125 9.8320312 L 12.292969 11 L 11.125 12.167969 L 5 18.292969 L 5.7070312 19 L 11.832031 12.875 L 13.707031 11 L 11.832031 9.125 L 5.7070312 3 z M 16 10 C 15.446 10 15 10.446 15 11 C 15 11.554 15.446 12 16 12 C 16.554 12 17 11.554 17 11 C 17 10.446 16.554 10 16 10 z "
13 class="ColorScheme-Text"
14 />
15 </a>
16 </svg>