forgot to set isAligned flag in elastic layer alignment parameter
[trakem2.git] / TrakEM2_ / src / main / java / mpicbg / trakem2 / align /
1 /**
2 * License: GPL
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2
6 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
17 package mpicbg.trakem2.align;
20 import ij.IJ;
21 import ij.ImagePlus;
22 import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
23 import ij.process.FloatProcessor;
24 import ini.trakem2.Project;
25 import ini.trakem2.display.Layer;
26 import ini.trakem2.display.LayerSet;
27 import ini.trakem2.display.Patch;
28 import ini.trakem2.utils.Filter;
29 import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils;
31 import java.awt.Color;
32 import java.awt.Image;
33 import java.awt.Rectangle;
34 import;
35 import java.util.ArrayList;
36 import java.util.Collection;
37 import java.util.HashSet;
38 import java.util.Iterator;
39 import java.util.List;
40 import java.util.Set;
41 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
43 import mpicbg.ij.blockmatching.BlockMatching;
44 import mpicbg.imagefeatures.Feature;
45 import mpicbg.imagefeatures.FloatArray2DSIFT;
46 import mpicbg.models.AbstractModel;
47 import mpicbg.models.AffineModel2D;
48 import mpicbg.models.ErrorStatistic;
49 import mpicbg.models.HomographyModel2D;
50 import mpicbg.models.InvertibleCoordinateTransform;
51 import mpicbg.models.NotEnoughDataPointsException;
52 import mpicbg.models.Point;
53 import mpicbg.models.PointMatch;
54 import mpicbg.models.RigidModel2D;
55 import mpicbg.models.SimilarityModel2D;
56 import mpicbg.models.Spring;
57 import mpicbg.models.SpringMesh;
58 import mpicbg.models.Tile;
59 import mpicbg.models.TileConfiguration;
60 import mpicbg.models.Transforms;
61 import mpicbg.models.TranslationModel2D;
62 import mpicbg.models.Vertex;
63 import mpicbg.trakem2.transform.MovingLeastSquaresTransform2;
64 import mpicbg.trakem2.util.Triple;
66 /**
67 * @author Stephan Saalfeld <>
69 public class ElasticLayerAlignment
71 final static public class Param extends AbstractLayerAlignmentParam implements Serializable
73 private static final long serialVersionUID = 398966126705836033L;
75 public boolean isAligned = false;
77 public float layerScale = 0.1f;
78 public float minR = 0.6f;
79 public float maxCurvatureR = 10f;
80 public float rodR = 0.9f;
81 public int searchRadius = 200;
82 public int blockRadius = -1;
84 public boolean useLocalSmoothnessFilter = true;
85 public int localModelIndex = 1;
86 public float localRegionSigma = searchRadius;
87 public float maxLocalEpsilon = searchRadius / 2;
88 public float maxLocalTrust = 3;
90 public int resolutionSpringMesh = 16;
91 public float stiffnessSpringMesh = 0.1f;
92 public float dampSpringMesh = 0.6f;
93 public float maxStretchSpringMesh = 2000.0f;
94 public int maxIterationsSpringMesh = 1000;
95 public int maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh = 200;
97 public boolean setup( final Rectangle box )
99 /* Block Matching */
100 if ( blockRadius < 0 )
102 blockRadius = box.width / resolutionSpringMesh / 2;
104 final GenericDialog gdBlockMatching = new GenericDialog( "Elastically align layers: Block Matching parameters" );
106 gdBlockMatching.addMessage( "Block Matching:" );
107 /* TODO suggest isotropic resolution for this parameter */
108 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "layer_scale :", layerScale, 2 );
109 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "search_radius :", searchRadius, 0, 6, "px" );
110 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "block_radius :", blockRadius, 0, 6, "px" );
111 /* TODO suggest a resolution that matches searchRadius */
112 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "resolution :", resolutionSpringMesh, 0 );
114 gdBlockMatching.addMessage( "Correlation Filters:" );
115 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "minimal_PMCC_r :", minR, 2 );
116 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "maximal_curvature_ratio :", maxCurvatureR, 2 );
117 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "maximal_second_best_r/best_r :", rodR, 2 );
119 gdBlockMatching.addMessage( "Local Smoothness Filter:" );
120 gdBlockMatching.addCheckbox( "use_local_smoothness_filter", useLocalSmoothnessFilter );
121 gdBlockMatching.addChoice( "approximate_local_transformation :", Param.modelStrings, Param.modelStrings[ localModelIndex ] );
122 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "local_region_sigma:", localRegionSigma, 2, 6, "px" );
123 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "maximal_local_displacement (absolute):", maxLocalEpsilon, 2, 6, "px" );
124 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "maximal_local_displacement (relative):", maxLocalTrust, 2 );
126 gdBlockMatching.addMessage( "Miscellaneous:" );
127 gdBlockMatching.addCheckbox( "layers_are_pre-aligned", isAligned );
128 gdBlockMatching.addNumericField( "test_maximally :", maxNumNeighbors, 0, 6, "layers" );
130 gdBlockMatching.showDialog();
132 if ( gdBlockMatching.wasCanceled() )
133 return false;
135 layerScale = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
136 searchRadius = ( int )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
137 blockRadius = ( int )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
138 resolutionSpringMesh = ( int )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
139 minR = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
140 maxCurvatureR = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
141 rodR = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
142 useLocalSmoothnessFilter = gdBlockMatching.getNextBoolean();
143 localModelIndex = gdBlockMatching.getNextChoiceIndex();
144 localRegionSigma = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
145 maxLocalEpsilon = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
146 maxLocalTrust = ( float )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
147 isAligned = gdBlockMatching.getNextBoolean();
148 maxNumNeighbors = ( int )gdBlockMatching.getNextNumber();
151 if ( !isAligned )
153 if ( !setupSIFT( "Elastically align layers: " ) )
154 return false;
156 /* Geometric filters */
158 final GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog( "Elastically align layers: Geometric filters" );
160 gd.addNumericField( "maximal_alignment_error :", maxEpsilon, 2, 6, "px" );
161 gd.addNumericField( "minimal_inlier_ratio :", minInlierRatio, 2 );
162 gd.addNumericField( "minimal_number_of_inliers :", minNumInliers, 0 );
163 gd.addChoice( "approximate_transformation :", Param.modelStrings, Param.modelStrings[ expectedModelIndex ] );
164 gd.addCheckbox( "ignore constant background", rejectIdentity );
165 gd.addNumericField( "tolerance :", identityTolerance, 2, 6, "px" );
166 gd.addNumericField( "give_up_after :", maxNumFailures, 0, 6, "failures" );
168 gd.showDialog();
170 if ( gd.wasCanceled() )
171 return false;
173 maxEpsilon = ( float )gd.getNextNumber();
174 minInlierRatio = ( float )gd.getNextNumber();
175 minNumInliers = ( int )gd.getNextNumber();
176 expectedModelIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
177 rejectIdentity = gd.getNextBoolean();
178 identityTolerance = ( float )gd.getNextNumber();
179 maxNumFailures = ( int )gd.getNextNumber();
183 /* Optimization */
184 final GenericDialog gdOptimize = new GenericDialog( "Elastically align layers: Optimization" );
186 gdOptimize.addMessage( "Approximate Optimizer:" );
187 gdOptimize.addChoice( "approximate_transformation :", Param.modelStrings, Param.modelStrings[ desiredModelIndex ] );
188 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "maximal_iterations :", maxIterationsOptimize, 0 );
189 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "maximal_plateauwidth :", maxPlateauwidthOptimize, 0 );
191 gdOptimize.addMessage( "Spring Mesh:" );
192 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "stiffness :", stiffnessSpringMesh, 2 );
193 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "maximal_stretch :", maxStretchSpringMesh, 2, 6, "px" );
194 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "maximal_iterations :", maxIterationsSpringMesh, 0 );
195 gdOptimize.addNumericField( "maximal_plateauwidth :", maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh, 0 );
197 gdOptimize.showDialog();
199 if ( gdOptimize.wasCanceled() )
200 return false;
202 desiredModelIndex = gdOptimize.getNextChoiceIndex();
203 maxIterationsOptimize = ( int )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
204 maxPlateauwidthOptimize = ( int )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
206 stiffnessSpringMesh = ( float )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
207 maxStretchSpringMesh = ( float )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
208 maxIterationsSpringMesh = ( int )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
209 maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh = ( int )gdOptimize.getNextNumber();
211 return true;
214 public Param() {}
216 public Param(
217 final int SIFTfdBins,
218 final int SIFTfdSize,
219 final float SIFTinitialSigma,
220 final int SIFTmaxOctaveSize,
221 final int SIFTminOctaveSize,
222 final int SIFTsteps,
224 final boolean clearCache,
225 final int maxNumThreadsSift,
226 final float rod,
228 final int desiredModelIndex,
229 final int expectedModelIndex,
230 final float identityTolerance,
231 final boolean isAligned,
232 final float maxEpsilon,
233 final int maxIterationsOptimize,
234 final int maxNumFailures,
235 final int maxNumNeighbors,
236 final int maxNumThreads,
237 final int maxPlateauwidthOptimize,
238 final float minInlierRatio,
239 final int minNumInliers,
240 final boolean multipleHypotheses,
241 final boolean rejectIdentity,
242 final boolean visualize,
244 final int blockRadius,
245 final float dampSpringMesh,
246 final float layerScale,
247 final int localModelIndex,
248 final float localRegionSigma,
249 final float maxCurvatureR,
250 final int maxIterationsSpringMesh,
251 final float maxLocalEpsilon,
252 final float maxLocalTrust,
253 final int maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh,
254 final float maxStretchSpringMesh,
255 final float minR,
256 final int resolutionSpringMesh,
257 final float rodR,
258 final int searchRadius,
259 final float stiffnessSpringMesh,
260 final boolean useLocalSmoothnessFilter )
262 super(
263 SIFTfdBins,
264 SIFTfdSize,
265 SIFTinitialSigma,
266 SIFTmaxOctaveSize,
267 SIFTminOctaveSize,
268 SIFTsteps,
269 clearCache,
270 maxNumThreadsSift,
271 rod,
272 desiredModelIndex,
273 expectedModelIndex,
274 identityTolerance,
275 maxEpsilon,
276 maxIterationsOptimize,
277 maxNumFailures,
278 maxNumNeighbors,
279 maxNumThreads,
280 maxPlateauwidthOptimize,
281 minInlierRatio,
282 minNumInliers,
283 multipleHypotheses,
284 rejectIdentity,
285 visualize );
287 this.isAligned = isAligned;
288 this.blockRadius = blockRadius;
289 this.dampSpringMesh = dampSpringMesh;
290 this.layerScale = layerScale;
291 this.localModelIndex = localModelIndex;
292 this.localRegionSigma = localRegionSigma;
293 this.maxCurvatureR = maxCurvatureR;
294 this.maxIterationsSpringMesh = maxIterationsSpringMesh;
295 this.maxLocalEpsilon = maxLocalEpsilon;
296 this.maxLocalTrust = maxLocalTrust;
297 this.maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh = maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh;
298 this.maxStretchSpringMesh = maxStretchSpringMesh;
299 this.minR = minR;
300 this.resolutionSpringMesh = resolutionSpringMesh;
301 this.rodR = rodR;
302 this.searchRadius = searchRadius;
303 this.stiffnessSpringMesh = stiffnessSpringMesh;
304 this.useLocalSmoothnessFilter = useLocalSmoothnessFilter;
307 @Override
308 public Param clone()
310 return new Param(
311 ppm.sift.fdBins,
312 ppm.sift.fdSize,
313 ppm.sift.initialSigma,
314 ppm.sift.maxOctaveSize,
315 ppm.sift.minOctaveSize,
316 ppm.sift.steps,
318 ppm.clearCache,
319 ppm.maxNumThreadsSift,
320 ppm.rod,
322 desiredModelIndex,
323 expectedModelIndex,
324 identityTolerance,
325 isAligned,
326 maxEpsilon,
327 maxIterationsOptimize,
328 maxNumFailures,
329 maxNumNeighbors,
330 maxNumThreads,
331 maxPlateauwidthOptimize,
332 minInlierRatio,
333 minNumInliers,
334 multipleHypotheses,
335 rejectIdentity,
336 visualize,
338 blockRadius,
339 dampSpringMesh,
340 layerScale,
341 localModelIndex,
342 localRegionSigma,
343 maxCurvatureR,
344 maxIterationsSpringMesh,
345 maxLocalEpsilon,
346 maxLocalTrust,
347 maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh,
348 maxStretchSpringMesh,
349 minR,
350 resolutionSpringMesh,
351 rodR,
352 searchRadius,
353 stiffnessSpringMesh,
354 useLocalSmoothnessFilter );
358 final static Param p = new Param();
361 final static private String layerName( final Layer layer )
363 return new StringBuffer( "layer z=" )
364 .append( String.format( "%.3f", layer.getZ() ) )
365 .append( " `" )
366 .append( layer.getTitle() )
367 .append( "'" )
368 .toString();
375 * @param param
376 * @param layerRange
377 * @param fixedLayers
378 * @param emptyLayers
379 * @param box
380 * @param propagateTransform
381 * @param fov
382 * @param filter
383 * @throws Exception
385 final public void exec(
386 final Param param,
387 final Project project,
388 final List< Layer > layerRange,
389 final Set< Layer > fixedLayers,
390 final Set< Layer > emptyLayers,
391 final Rectangle box,
392 final boolean propagateTransformBefore,
393 final boolean propagateTransformAfter,
394 final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws Exception
396 final double scale = Math.min( 1.0, Math.min( ( double )param.ppm.sift.maxOctaveSize / ( double )box.width, ( double )param.ppm.sift.maxOctaveSize / ( double )box.height ) );
399 /* create tiles and models for all layers */
400 final ArrayList< Tile< ? > > tiles = new ArrayList< Tile< ? > >();
401 for ( int i = 0; i < layerRange.size(); ++i )
403 switch ( param.desiredModelIndex )
405 case 0:
406 tiles.add( new Tile< TranslationModel2D >( new TranslationModel2D() ) );
407 break;
408 case 1:
409 tiles.add( new Tile< RigidModel2D >( new RigidModel2D() ) );
410 break;
411 case 2:
412 tiles.add( new Tile< SimilarityModel2D >( new SimilarityModel2D() ) );
413 break;
414 case 3:
415 tiles.add( new Tile< AffineModel2D >( new AffineModel2D() ) );
416 break;
417 case 4:
418 tiles.add( new Tile< HomographyModel2D >( new HomographyModel2D() ) );
419 break;
420 default:
421 return;
425 /* collect all pairs of slices for which a model could be found */
426 final ArrayList< Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > > pairs = new ArrayList< Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > >();
429 if ( !param.isAligned )
432 /* extract and save features, overwrite cached files if requested */
435 AlignmentUtils.extractAndSaveLayerFeatures( layerRange, box, scale, filter, param.ppm.sift, param.ppm.clearCache, param.ppm.maxNumThreadsSift );
437 catch ( final Exception e )
439 return;
442 /* match and filter feature correspondences */
443 int numFailures = 0;
445 final double pointMatchScale = param.layerScale / scale;
447 for ( int i = 0; i < layerRange.size(); ++i )
449 final ArrayList< Thread > threads = new ArrayList< Thread >( param.maxNumThreads );
451 final int sliceA = i;
452 final Layer layerA = layerRange.get( i );
453 final int range = Math.min( layerRange.size(), i + param.maxNumNeighbors + 1 );
455 final String layerNameA = layerName( layerA );
457 J: for ( int j = i + 1; j < range; )
459 final int numThreads = Math.min( param.maxNumThreads, range - j );
460 final ArrayList< Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > > models =
461 new ArrayList< Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > >( numThreads );
463 for ( int k = 0; k < numThreads; ++k )
464 models.add( null );
466 for ( int t = 0; t < numThreads && j < range; ++t, ++j )
468 final int ti = t;
469 final int sliceB = j;
470 final Layer layerB = layerRange.get( j );
472 final String layerNameB = layerName( layerB );
474 final Thread thread = new Thread()
476 @Override
477 public void run()
479 IJ.showProgress( sliceA, layerRange.size() - 1 );
481 Utils.log( "matching " + layerNameB + " -> " + layerNameA + "..." );
483 ArrayList< PointMatch > candidates = null;
484 if ( !param.ppm.clearCache )
485 candidates = mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.deserializePointMatches(
486 project, param.ppm, "layer", layerB.getId(), layerA.getId() );
488 if ( null == candidates )
490 final ArrayList< Feature > fs1 = mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.deserializeFeatures(
491 project, param.ppm.sift, "layer", layerA.getId() );
492 final ArrayList< Feature > fs2 = mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.deserializeFeatures(
493 project, param.ppm.sift, "layer", layerB.getId() );
494 candidates = new ArrayList< PointMatch >( FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches( fs2, fs1, param.ppm.rod ) );
496 /* scale the candidates */
497 for ( final PointMatch pm : candidates )
499 final Point p1 = pm.getP1();
500 final Point p2 = pm.getP2();
501 final float[] l1 = p1.getL();
502 final float[] w1 = p1.getW();
503 final float[] l2 = p2.getL();
504 final float[] w2 = p2.getW();
506 l1[ 0 ] *= pointMatchScale;
507 l1[ 1 ] *= pointMatchScale;
508 w1[ 0 ] *= pointMatchScale;
509 w1[ 1 ] *= pointMatchScale;
510 l2[ 0 ] *= pointMatchScale;
511 l2[ 1 ] *= pointMatchScale;
512 w2[ 0 ] *= pointMatchScale;
513 w2[ 1 ] *= pointMatchScale;
517 if ( !mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.serializePointMatches(
518 project, param.ppm, "layer", layerB.getId(), layerA.getId(), candidates ) )
519 Utils.log( "Could not store point match candidates for layers " + layerNameB + " and " + layerNameA + "." );
522 AbstractModel< ? > model;
523 switch ( param.expectedModelIndex )
525 case 0:
526 model = new TranslationModel2D();
527 break;
528 case 1:
529 model = new RigidModel2D();
530 break;
531 case 2:
532 model = new SimilarityModel2D();
533 break;
534 case 3:
535 model = new AffineModel2D();
536 break;
537 case 4:
538 model = new HomographyModel2D();
539 break;
540 default:
541 return;
544 final ArrayList< PointMatch > inliers = new ArrayList< PointMatch >();
546 boolean modelFound;
547 boolean again = false;
552 again = false;
553 modelFound = model.filterRansac(
554 candidates,
555 inliers,
556 1000,
557 param.maxEpsilon * param.layerScale,
558 param.minInlierRatio,
559 param.minNumInliers,
560 3 );
561 if ( modelFound && param.rejectIdentity )
563 final ArrayList< Point > points = new ArrayList< Point >();
564 PointMatch.sourcePoints( inliers, points );
565 if ( Transforms.isIdentity( model, points, param.identityTolerance * param.layerScale ) )
567 IJ.log( "Identity transform for " + inliers.size() + " matches rejected." );
568 candidates.removeAll( inliers );
569 inliers.clear();
570 again = true;
574 while ( again );
576 catch ( final NotEnoughDataPointsException e )
578 modelFound = false;
581 if ( modelFound )
583 Utils.log( layerNameB + " -> " + layerNameA + ": " + inliers.size() + " corresponding features with an average displacement of " + ( PointMatch.meanDistance( inliers ) / param.layerScale ) + "px identified." );
584 Utils.log( "Estimated transformation model: " + model );
585 models.set( ti, new Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > >( sliceA, sliceB, model ) );
587 else
589 Utils.log( layerNameB + " -> " + layerNameA + ": no correspondences found." );
590 return;
594 threads.add( thread );
595 thread.start();
600 for ( final Thread thread : threads )
601 thread.join();
603 catch ( final InterruptedException e )
605 Utils.log( "Establishing feature correspondences interrupted." );
606 for ( final Thread thread : threads )
607 thread.interrupt();
610 for ( final Thread thread : threads )
611 thread.join();
613 catch ( final InterruptedException f ) {}
614 return;
617 threads.clear();
619 /* collect successfully matches pairs and break the search on gaps */
620 for ( int t = 0; t < models.size(); ++t )
622 final Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > pair = models.get( t );
623 if ( pair == null )
625 if ( ++numFailures > param.maxNumFailures )
626 break J;
628 else
630 numFailures = 0;
631 pairs.add( pair );
637 else
639 for ( int i = 0; i < layerRange.size(); ++i )
641 final int range = Math.min( layerRange.size(), i + param.maxNumNeighbors + 1 );
643 for ( int j = i + 1; j < range; ++j )
645 pairs.add( new Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > >( i, j, new TranslationModel2D() ) );
650 /* Elastic alignment */
652 /* Initialization */
653 final TileConfiguration initMeshes = new TileConfiguration();
655 final int meshWidth = ( int )Math.ceil( box.width * param.layerScale );
656 final int meshHeight = ( int )Math.ceil( box.height * param.layerScale );
658 final ArrayList< SpringMesh > meshes = new ArrayList< SpringMesh >( layerRange.size() );
659 for ( int i = 0; i < layerRange.size(); ++i )
660 meshes.add(
661 new SpringMesh(
662 param.resolutionSpringMesh,
663 meshWidth,
664 meshHeight,
665 param.stiffnessSpringMesh,
666 param.maxStretchSpringMesh * param.layerScale,
667 param.dampSpringMesh ) );
669 //final int blockRadius = Math.max( 32, meshWidth / p.resolutionSpringMesh / 2 );
670 final int blockRadius = Math.max( 16, mpicbg.util.Util.roundPos( param.layerScale * param.blockRadius ) );
672 Utils.log( "effective block radius = " + blockRadius );
674 /* scale pixel distances */
675 final int searchRadius = ( int )Math.round( param.layerScale * param.searchRadius );
676 final float localRegionSigma = param.layerScale * param.localRegionSigma;
677 final float maxLocalEpsilon = param.layerScale * param.maxLocalEpsilon;
679 final AbstractModel< ? > localSmoothnessFilterModel = Util.createModel( param.localModelIndex );
682 for ( final Triple< Integer, Integer, AbstractModel< ? > > pair : pairs )
684 /* free memory */
685 project.getLoader().releaseAll();
687 final SpringMesh m1 = meshes.get( pair.a );
688 final SpringMesh m2 = meshes.get( pair.b );
690 final ArrayList< PointMatch > pm12 = new ArrayList< PointMatch >();
691 final ArrayList< PointMatch > pm21 = new ArrayList< PointMatch >();
693 final Collection< Vertex > v1 = m1.getVertices();
694 final Collection< Vertex > v2 = m2.getVertices();
696 final Layer layer1 = layerRange.get( pair.a );
697 final Layer layer2 = layerRange.get( pair.b );
699 final boolean layer1Fixed = fixedLayers.contains( layer1 );
700 final boolean layer2Fixed = fixedLayers.contains( layer2 );
702 final Tile< ? > t1 = tiles.get( pair.a );
703 final Tile< ? > t2 = tiles.get( pair.b );
705 if ( !( layer1Fixed && layer2Fixed ) )
707 final Image img1 = project.getLoader().getFlatAWTImage(
708 layer1,
709 box,
710 param.layerScale,
711 0xffffffff,
712 ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB,
713 Patch.class,
714 AlignmentUtils.filterPatches( layer1, filter ),
715 true,
716 new Color( 0x00ffffff, true ) );
718 final Image img2 = project.getLoader().getFlatAWTImage(
719 layer2,
720 box,
721 param.layerScale,
722 0xffffffff,
723 ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB,
724 Patch.class,
725 AlignmentUtils.filterPatches( layer2, filter ),
726 true,
727 new Color( 0x00ffffff, true ) );
729 final int width = img1.getWidth( null );
730 final int height = img1.getHeight( null );
732 final FloatProcessor ip1 = new FloatProcessor( width, height );
733 final FloatProcessor ip2 = new FloatProcessor( width, height );
734 final FloatProcessor ip1Mask = new FloatProcessor( width, height );
735 final FloatProcessor ip2Mask = new FloatProcessor( width, height );
737 mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.imageToFloatAndMask( img1, ip1, ip1Mask );
738 mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.imageToFloatAndMask( img2, ip2, ip2Mask );
740 final float springConstant = 1.0f / ( pair.b - pair.a );
742 if ( layer1Fixed )
743 initMeshes.fixTile( t1 );
744 else
748 BlockMatching.matchByMaximalPMCC(
749 ip1,
750 ip2,
751 ip1Mask,
752 ip2Mask,
753 1.0f,
754 ( ( InvertibleCoordinateTransform )pair.c ).createInverse(),
755 blockRadius,
756 blockRadius,
757 searchRadius,
758 searchRadius,
759 param.minR,
760 param.rodR,
761 param.maxCurvatureR,
763 pm12,
764 new ErrorStatistic( 1 ) );
766 catch ( final InterruptedException e )
768 Utils.log( "Block matching interrupted." );
769 IJ.showProgress( 1.0 );
770 return;
772 if ( Thread.interrupted() )
774 Utils.log( "Block matching interrupted." );
775 IJ.showProgress( 1.0 );
776 return;
779 if ( param.useLocalSmoothnessFilter )
781 Utils.log( pair.a + " > " + pair.b + ": found " + pm12.size() + " correspondence candidates." );
782 localSmoothnessFilterModel.localSmoothnessFilter( pm12, pm12, localRegionSigma, maxLocalEpsilon, param.maxLocalTrust );
783 Utils.log( pair.a + " > " + pair.b + ": " + pm12.size() + " candidates passed local smoothness filter." );
785 else
787 Utils.log( pair.a + " > " + pair.b + ": found " + pm12.size() + " correspondences." );
790 /* <visualisation> */
791 // final List< Point > s1 = new ArrayList< Point >();
792 // PointMatch.sourcePoints( pm12, s1 );
793 // final ImagePlus imp1 = new ImagePlus( i + " >", ip1 );
794 //;
795 // imp1.setOverlay( BlockMatching.illustrateMatches( pm12 ), Color.yellow, null );
796 // imp1.setRoi( Util.pointsToPointRoi( s1 ) );
797 // imp1.updateAndDraw();
798 /* </visualisation> */
800 for ( final PointMatch pm : pm12 )
802 final Vertex p1 = ( Vertex )pm.getP1();
803 final Vertex p2 = new Vertex( pm.getP2() );
804 p1.addSpring( p2, new Spring( 0, springConstant ) );
805 m2.addPassiveVertex( p2 );
809 * adding Tiles to the initialing TileConfiguration, adding a Tile
810 * multiple times does not harm because the TileConfiguration is
811 * backed by a Set.
813 if ( pm12.size() > pair.c.getMinNumMatches() )
815 initMeshes.addTile( t1 );
816 initMeshes.addTile( t2 );
817 t1.connect( t2, pm12 );
821 if ( layer2Fixed )
822 initMeshes.fixTile( t2 );
823 else
827 BlockMatching.matchByMaximalPMCC(
828 ip2,
829 ip1,
830 ip2Mask,
831 ip1Mask,
832 1.0f,
833 pair.c,
834 blockRadius,
835 blockRadius,
836 searchRadius,
837 searchRadius,
838 param.minR,
839 param.rodR,
840 param.maxCurvatureR,
842 pm21,
843 new ErrorStatistic( 1 ) );
845 catch ( final InterruptedException e )
847 Utils.log( "Block matching interrupted." );
848 IJ.showProgress( 1.0 );
849 return;
851 if ( Thread.interrupted() )
853 Utils.log( "Block matching interrupted." );
854 IJ.showProgress( 1.0 );
855 return;
858 if ( param.useLocalSmoothnessFilter )
860 Utils.log( pair.a + " < " + pair.b + ": found " + pm21.size() + " correspondence candidates." );
861 localSmoothnessFilterModel.localSmoothnessFilter( pm21, pm21, localRegionSigma, maxLocalEpsilon, param.maxLocalTrust );
862 Utils.log( pair.a + " < " + pair.b + ": " + pm21.size() + " candidates passed local smoothness filter." );
864 else
866 Utils.log( pair.a + " < " + pair.b + ": found " + pm21.size() + " correspondences." );
869 /* <visualisation> */
870 // final List< Point > s2 = new ArrayList< Point >();
871 // PointMatch.sourcePoints( pm21, s2 );
872 // final ImagePlus imp2 = new ImagePlus( i + " <", ip2 );
873 //;
874 // imp2.setOverlay( BlockMatching.illustrateMatches( pm21 ), Color.yellow, null );
875 // imp2.setRoi( Util.pointsToPointRoi( s2 ) );
876 // imp2.updateAndDraw();
877 /* </visualisation> */
879 for ( final PointMatch pm : pm21 )
881 final Vertex p1 = ( Vertex )pm.getP1();
882 final Vertex p2 = new Vertex( pm.getP2() );
883 p1.addSpring( p2, new Spring( 0, springConstant ) );
884 m1.addPassiveVertex( p2 );
888 * adding Tiles to the initialing TileConfiguration, adding a Tile
889 * multiple times does not harm because the TileConfiguration is
890 * backed by a Set.
892 if ( pm21.size() > pair.c.getMinNumMatches() )
894 initMeshes.addTile( t1 );
895 initMeshes.addTile( t2 );
896 t2.connect( t1, pm21 );
900 Utils.log( pair.a + " <> " + pair.b + " spring constant = " + springConstant );
904 /* pre-align by optimizing a piecewise linear model */
905 initMeshes.optimize(
906 param.maxEpsilon * param.layerScale,
907 param.maxIterationsSpringMesh,
908 param.maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh );
909 for ( int i = 0; i < layerRange.size(); ++i )
910 meshes.get( i ).init( tiles.get( i ).getModel() );
912 /* optimize the meshes */
915 final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
916 Utils.log("Optimizing spring meshes...");
918 SpringMesh.optimizeMeshes(
919 meshes,
920 param.maxEpsilon * param.layerScale,
921 param.maxIterationsSpringMesh,
922 param.maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh,
923 param.visualize );
925 Utils.log("Done optimizing spring meshes. Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms");
928 catch ( final NotEnoughDataPointsException e )
930 Utils.log( "There were not enough data points to get the spring mesh optimizing." );
931 e.printStackTrace();
932 return;
935 /* translate relative to bounding box */
936 for ( final SpringMesh mesh : meshes )
938 for ( final PointMatch pm : mesh.getVA().keySet() )
940 final Point p1 = pm.getP1();
941 final Point p2 = pm.getP2();
942 final float[] l = p1.getL();
943 final float[] w = p2.getW();
944 l[ 0 ] = l[ 0 ] / param.layerScale + box.x;
945 l[ 1 ] = l[ 1 ] / param.layerScale + box.y;
946 w[ 0 ] = w[ 0 ] / param.layerScale + box.x;
947 w[ 1 ] = w[ 1 ] / param.layerScale + box.y;
951 /* free memory */
952 project.getLoader().releaseAll();
954 final Layer first = layerRange.get( 0 );
955 final List< Layer > layers = first.getParent().getLayers();
957 /* transfer layer transform into patch transforms and append to patches */
958 if ( propagateTransformBefore || propagateTransformAfter )
960 if ( propagateTransformBefore )
962 final MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 mlt = makeMLST2( meshes.get( 0 ).getVA().keySet() );
963 final int firstLayerIndex = first.getParent().getLayerIndex( first.getId() );
964 for ( int i = 0; i < firstLayerIndex; ++i )
965 applyTransformToLayer( layers.get( i ), mlt, filter );
967 if ( propagateTransformAfter )
969 final Layer last = layerRange.get( layerRange.size() - 1 );
970 final MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 mlt = makeMLST2( meshes.get( meshes.size() - 1 ).getVA().keySet() );
971 final int lastLayerIndex = last.getParent().getLayerIndex( last.getId() );
972 for ( int i = lastLayerIndex + 1; i < layers.size(); ++i )
973 applyTransformToLayer( layers.get( i ), mlt, filter );
976 for ( int l = 0; l < layerRange.size(); ++l )
978 IJ.showStatus( "Applying transformation to patches ..." );
979 IJ.showProgress( 0, layerRange.size() );
981 final Layer layer = layerRange.get( l );
983 final MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 mlt = new MovingLeastSquaresTransform2();
984 mlt.setModel( AffineModel2D.class );
985 mlt.setAlpha( 2.0f );
986 mlt.setMatches( meshes.get( l ).getVA().keySet() );
988 applyTransformToLayer( layer, mlt, filter );
990 if ( Thread.interrupted() )
992 Utils.log( "Interrupted during applying transformations to patches. No all patches have been updated. Re-generate mipmaps manually." );
995 IJ.showProgress( l + 1, layerRange.size() );
998 /* update patch mipmaps */
999 final int firstLayerIndex;
1000 final int lastLayerIndex;
1002 if ( propagateTransformBefore )
1003 firstLayerIndex = 0;
1004 else
1006 firstLayerIndex = first.getParent().getLayerIndex( first.getId() );
1008 if ( propagateTransformAfter )
1009 lastLayerIndex = layers.size() - 1;
1010 else
1012 final Layer last = layerRange.get( layerRange.size() - 1 );
1013 lastLayerIndex = last.getParent().getLayerIndex( last.getId() );
1016 for ( int i = firstLayerIndex; i <= lastLayerIndex; ++i )
1018 final Layer layer = layers.get( i );
1019 if ( !( emptyLayers.contains( layer ) || fixedLayers.contains( layer ) ) )
1021 for ( final Patch patch : AlignmentUtils.filterPatches( layer, filter ) )
1022 patch.updateMipMaps();
1026 Utils.log( "Done." );
1029 final static protected MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 makeMLST2( final Set< PointMatch > matches ) throws Exception
1031 final MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 mlt = new MovingLeastSquaresTransform2();
1032 mlt.setModel( AffineModel2D.class );
1033 mlt.setAlpha( 2.0f );
1034 mlt.setMatches( matches );
1035 return mlt;
1038 final static protected void applyTransformToLayer( final Layer layer, final MovingLeastSquaresTransform2 mlt, final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws InterruptedException
1041 * Setting a transformation to a patch can take some time because
1042 * the new bounding box needs to be estimated which requires the
1043 * TransformMesh to be generated and all vertices iterated.
1045 * Therefore multithreading.
1047 final List< Patch > patches = AlignmentUtils.filterPatches( layer, filter );
1049 final ArrayList< Thread > applyThreads = new ArrayList< Thread >( p.maxNumThreads );
1050 final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger( 0 );
1051 for ( int t = 0; t < p.maxNumThreads; ++t )
1053 final Thread thread = new Thread(
1054 new Runnable()
1056 @Override
1057 final public void run()
1061 for ( int i = ai.getAndIncrement(); i < patches.size() && !Thread.interrupted(); i = ai.getAndIncrement() )
1062 mpicbg.trakem2.align.Util.applyLayerTransformToPatch( patches.get( i ), mlt.copy() );
1064 catch ( final Exception e )
1066 e.printStackTrace();
1069 } );
1070 applyThreads.add( thread );
1071 thread.start();
1074 for ( final Thread thread : applyThreads )
1075 thread.join();
1080 * Stateful. Changing the parameters of this instance. Do not use in parallel.
1082 * @param layerRange
1083 * @param fixedLayers
1084 * @param propagateTransformBefore
1085 * @param propagateTransformAfter
1086 * @param fov
1087 * @param filter
1088 * @throws Exception
1090 final public void exec(
1091 final Project project,
1092 final List< Layer > layerRange,
1093 final Set< Layer > fixedLayers,
1094 final boolean propagateTransformBefore,
1095 final boolean propagateTransformAfter,
1096 final Rectangle fov,
1097 final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws Exception
1099 Rectangle box = null;
1100 final HashSet< Layer > emptyLayers = new HashSet< Layer >();
1101 for ( final Iterator< Layer > it = layerRange.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
1103 /* remove empty layers */
1104 final Layer la =;
1105 if ( !la.contains( Patch.class, true ) )
1107 emptyLayers.add( la );
1108 // it.remove();
1110 else
1112 /* accumulate boxes */
1113 if ( null == box ) // The first layer:
1114 box = la.getMinimalBoundingBox( Patch.class, true );
1115 else
1116 box = box.union( la.getMinimalBoundingBox( Patch.class, true ) );
1120 if ( box == null )
1121 box = new Rectangle();
1123 if ( fov != null )
1124 box = box.intersection( fov );
1126 if ( box.width <= 0 || box.height <= 0 )
1128 Utils.log( "Bounding box empty." );
1129 return;
1132 if ( layerRange.size() == emptyLayers.size() )
1134 Utils.log( "All layers in range are empty!" );
1135 return;
1138 /* do not work if there is only one layer selected */
1139 if ( layerRange.size() - emptyLayers.size() < 2 )
1141 Utils.log( "All except one layer in range are empty!" );
1142 return;
1145 if ( !p.setup( box ) ) return;
1147 exec( p.clone(), project, layerRange, fixedLayers, emptyLayers, box, propagateTransformBefore, propagateTransformAfter, filter );
1152 * Stateful. Changing the parameters of this instance. Do not use in parallel.
1154 * @param layerSet
1155 * @param firstIn
1156 * @param lastIn
1157 * @param propagateTransformBefore
1158 * @param propagateTransformAfter
1159 * @param fov
1160 * @param filter
1162 final public void exec(
1163 final LayerSet layerSet,
1164 final int firstIn,
1165 final int lastIn,
1166 final int ref,
1167 final boolean propagateTransformBefore,
1168 final boolean propagateTransformAfter,
1169 final Rectangle fov,
1170 final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws Exception
1172 final int first = Math.min( firstIn, lastIn );
1173 final int last = Math.max( firstIn, lastIn );
1175 /* always first index first despite the method would return inverse order if last > first */
1176 final List< Layer > layerRange = layerSet.getLayers( first, last );
1177 final HashSet< Layer > fixedLayers = new HashSet< Layer >();
1179 if ( ref - firstIn >= 0 )
1180 fixedLayers.add( layerRange.get( ref - firstIn ) );
1182 Utils.log( layerRange.size() + "" );
1184 exec( layerSet.getProject(), layerRange, fixedLayers, propagateTransformBefore, propagateTransformAfter, fov, filter );
1189 * Stateful. Changing the parameters of this instance. Do not use in parallel.
1191 * @param layerSet
1192 * @param firstIn
1193 * @param lastIn
1194 * @param ref
1195 * @param propagateTransform
1196 * @param fov
1197 * @param filter
1199 final public void exec(
1200 final LayerSet layerSet,
1201 final int firstIn,
1202 final int lastIn,
1203 final int ref,
1204 final boolean propagateTransform,
1205 final Rectangle fov,
1206 final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws Exception
1208 if ( firstIn < lastIn )
1209 exec( layerSet, firstIn, lastIn, ref, false, propagateTransform, fov, filter );
1210 else
1211 exec( layerSet, firstIn, lastIn, ref, propagateTransform, false, fov, filter );
1215 * Stateful. Changing the parameters of this instance. Do not use in parallel.
1217 * @param layerSet
1218 * @param firstIn
1219 * @param lastIn
1220 * @param ref1
1221 * @param ref2
1222 * @param propagateTransformAfter
1223 * @param fov
1224 * @param filter
1226 final public void exec(
1227 final LayerSet layerSet,
1228 final int firstIn,
1229 final int lastIn,
1230 final int ref1,
1231 final int ref2,
1232 final boolean propagateTransformBefore,
1233 final boolean propagateTransformAfter,
1234 final Rectangle fov,
1235 final Filter< Patch > filter ) throws Exception
1237 final int first = Math.min( firstIn, lastIn );
1238 final int last = Math.max( firstIn, lastIn );
1240 /* always first index first despite the method would return inverse order if last > first */
1241 final List< Layer > layerRange = layerSet.getLayers( first, last );
1242 final HashSet< Layer > fixedLayers = new HashSet< Layer >();
1244 if ( ref1 - first >= 0 )
1245 fixedLayers.add( layerRange.get( ref1 - first ) );
1246 if ( ref2 - first >= 0 )
1247 fixedLayers.add( layerRange.get( ref2 - first ) );
1249 Utils.log( layerRange.size() + "" );
1251 exec( layerSet.getProject(), layerRange, fixedLayers, propagateTransformBefore, propagateTransformAfter, fov, filter );