dnscrypto-proxy: Update to release 1.3.0
[tomato.git] / release / src / router / dnscrypt / src / libevent-modified / include / event2 / event.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Niels Provos <provos@citi.umich.edu>
3 * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 * are met:
8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
13 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
14 * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
27 #ifndef _EVENT2_EVENT_H_
28 #define _EVENT2_EVENT_H_
30 /**
31 @mainpage
33 @section intro Introduction
35 Libevent is an event notification library for developing scalable network
36 servers. The Libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback
37 function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a
38 timeout has been reached. Furthermore, Libevent also support callbacks due
39 to signals or regular timeouts.
41 Libevent is meant to replace the event loop found in event driven network
42 servers. An application just needs to call event_dispatch() and then add or
43 remove events dynamically without having to change the event loop.
46 Currently, Libevent supports /dev/poll, kqueue(2), select(2), poll(2),
47 epoll(4), and evports. The internal event mechanism is completely
48 independent of the exposed event API, and a simple update of Libevent can
49 provide new functionality without having to redesign the applications. As a
50 result, Libevent allows for portable application development and provides
51 the most scalable event notification mechanism available on an operating
52 system. Libevent can also be used for multithreaded programs. Libevent
53 should compile on Linux, *BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris and, Windows.
55 @section usage Standard usage
57 Every program that uses Libevent must inclurde the <event2/event.h>
58 header, and pass the -levent flag to the linker. (You can instead link
59 -levent_core if you only want the main event and buffered IO-based code,
60 and don't want to link any protocol code.)
62 @section setup Library setup
64 Before you call any other Libevent functions, you need to set up the
65 library. If you're going to use Libevent from multiple threads in a
66 multithreaded application, you need to initialize thread support --
67 typically by using evthread_use_pthreads() or
68 evthread_use_windows_threads(). See <event2/thread.h> for more
69 information.
71 This is also the point where you can replace Libevent's memory
72 management functions with event_set_mem_functions, and enable debug mode
73 with event_enable_debug_mode().
75 @section base Creating an event base
77 Next, you need to create an event_base structure, using event_base_new()
78 or event_base_new_with_config(). The event_base is responsible for
79 keeping track of which events are "pending" (that is to say, being
80 watched to see if they become active) and which events are "active".
81 Every event is associated with a single event_base.
83 @section event Event notification
85 For each file descriptor that you wish to monitor, you must create an
86 event structure with event_new(). (You may also declare an event
87 structure and call event_assign() to initialize the members of the
88 structure.) To enable notification, you add the structure to the list
89 of monitored events by calling event_add(). The event structure must
90 remain allocated as long as it is active, so it should generally be
91 allocated on the heap.
93 @section loop Dispaching evets.
95 Finally, you call event_base_dispatch() to loop and dispatch events.
96 You can also use event_base_loop() for more fine-grained control.
98 Currently, only one thread can be dispatching a given event_base at a
99 time. If you want to run events in multiple threads at once, you can
100 either have a single event_base whose events add work to a work queue,
101 or you can create multiple event_base objects.
103 @section bufferevent I/O Buffers
105 Libevent provides a buffered I/O abstraction on top of the regular event
106 callbacks. This abstraction is called a bufferevent. A bufferevent
107 provides input and output buffers that get filled and drained
108 automatically. The user of a buffered event no longer deals directly
109 with the I/O, but instead is reading from input and writing to output
110 buffers.
112 Once initialized via bufferevent_socket_new(), the bufferevent structure
113 can be used repeatedly with bufferevent_enable() and
114 bufferevent_disable(). Instead of reading and writing directly to a
115 socket, you would call bufferevent_read() and bufferevent_write().
117 When read enabled the bufferevent will try to read from the file descriptor
118 and call the read callback. The write callback is executed whenever the
119 output buffer is drained below the write low watermark, which is 0 by
120 default.
122 See <event2/bufferevent*.h> for more information.
124 @section timers Timers
126 Libevent can also be used to create timers that invoke a callback after a
127 certain amount of time has expired. The evtimer_new() function returns
128 an event struct to use as a timer. To activate the timer, call
129 evtimer_add(). Timers can be deactivated by calling evtimer_del().
131 @section evdns Asynchronous DNS resolution
133 Libevent provides an asynchronous DNS resolver that should be used instead
134 of the standard DNS resolver functions. See the <event2/dns.h>
135 functions for more detail.
137 @section evhttp Event-driven HTTP servers
139 Libevent provides a very simple event-driven HTTP server that can be
140 embedded in your program and used to service HTTP requests.
142 To use this capability, you need to include the <event2/http.h> header in your
143 program. See that header for more information.
145 @section evrpc A framework for RPC servers and clients
147 Libevent provides a framework for creating RPC servers and clients. It
148 takes care of marshaling and unmarshaling all data structures.
150 @section api API Reference
152 To browse the complete documentation of the libevent API, click on any of
153 the following links.
155 event2/event.h
156 The primary libevent header
158 event2/thread.h
159 Functions for use by multithreaded programs
161 event2/buffer.h and event2/bufferevent.h
162 Buffer management for network reading and writing
164 event2/util.h
165 Utility functions for portable nonblocking network code
167 event2/dns.h
168 Asynchronous DNS resolution
170 event2/http.h
171 An embedded libevent-based HTTP server
173 event2/rpc.h
174 A framework for creating RPC servers and clients
178 /** @file event2/event.h
180 Core functions for waiting for and receiving events, and using event bases.
183 #ifdef __cplusplus
184 extern "C" {
185 #endif
187 #include <event2/event-config.h>
189 #include <sys/types.h>
190 #endif
192 #include <sys/time.h>
193 #endif
195 #include <stdio.h>
197 /* For int types. */
198 #include <event2/util.h>
201 * Structure to hold information and state for a Libevent dispatch loop.
203 * The event_base lies at the center of Libevent; every application will
204 * have one. It keeps track of all pending and active events, and
205 * notifies your application of the active ones.
207 * This is an opaque structure; you can allocate one using
208 * event_base_new() or event_base_new_with_config().
210 * @see event_base_new(), event_base_free(), event_base_loop(),
211 * event_base_new_with_config()
213 struct event_base
214 #ifdef _EVENT_IN_DOXYGEN
215 {/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
216 #endif
220 * @struct event
222 * Structure to represent a single event.
224 * An event can have some underlying condition it represents: a socket
225 * becoming readable or writeable (or both), or a signal becoming raised.
226 * (An event that represents no underlying condition is still useful: you
227 * can use one to implement a timer, or to communicate between threads.)
229 * Generally, you can create events with event_new(), then make them
230 * pending with event_add(). As your event_base runs, it will run the
231 * callbacks of an events whose conditions are triggered. When you
232 * longer want the event, free it with event_free().
234 * In more depth:
236 * An event may be "pending" (one whose condition we are watching),
237 * "active" (one whose condition has triggered and whose callback is about
238 * to run), neither, or both. Events come into existence via
239 * event_assign() or event_new(), and are then neither active nor pending.
241 * To make an event pending, pass it to event_add(). When doing so, you
242 * can also set a timeout for the event.
244 * Events become active during an event_base_loop() call when either their
245 * condition has triggered, or when their timeout has elapsed. You can
246 * also activate an event manually using event_active(). The even_base
247 * loop will run the callbacks of active events; after it has done so, it
248 * marks them as no longer active.
250 * You can make an event non-pending by passing it to event_del(). This
251 * also makes the event non-active.
253 * Events can be "persistent" or "non-persistent". A non-persistent event
254 * becomes non-pending as soon as it is triggered: thus, it only runs at
255 * most once per call to event_add(). A persistent event remains pending
256 * even when it becomes active: you'll need to event_del() it manually in
257 * order to make it non-pending. When a persistent event with a timeout
258 * becomes active, its timeout is reset: this means you can use persistent
259 * events to implement periodic timeouts.
261 * This should be treated as an opaque structure; you should never read or
262 * write any of its fields directly. For backward compatibility with old
263 * code, it is defined in the event2/event_struct.h header; including this
264 * header may make your code incompatible with other versions of Libevent.
266 * @see event_new(), event_free(), event_assign(), event_get_assignment(),
267 * event_add(), event_del(), event_active(), event_pending(),
268 * event_get_fd(), event_get_base(), event_get_events(),
269 * event_get_callback(), event_get_callback_arg(),
270 * event_priority_set()
272 struct event
273 #ifdef _EVENT_IN_DOXYGEN
274 {/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
275 #endif
279 * Configuration for an event_base.
281 * There are many options that can be used to alter the behavior and
282 * implementation of an event_base. To avoid having to pass them all in a
283 * complex many-argument constructor, we provide an abstract data type
284 * wrhere you set up configation information before passing it to
285 * event_base_new_with_config().
287 * @see event_config_new(), event_config_free(), event_base_new_with_config(),
288 * event_config_avoid_method(), event_config_require_features(),
289 * event_config_set_flag(), event_config_set_num_cpus_hint()
291 struct event_config
292 #ifdef _EVENT_IN_DOXYGEN
293 {/*Empty body so that doxygen will generate documentation here.*/}
294 #endif
298 * Enable some relatively expensive debugging checks in Libevent that
299 * would normally be turned off. Generally, these checks cause code that
300 * would otherwise crash mysteriously to fail earlier with an assertion
301 * failure. Note that this method MUST be called before any events or
302 * event_bases have been created.
304 * Debug mode can currently catch the following errors:
305 * An event is re-assigned while it is added
306 * Any function is called on a non-assigned event
308 * Note that debugging mode uses memory to track every event that has been
309 * initialized (via event_assign, event_set, or event_new) but not yet
310 * released (via event_free or event_debug_unassign). If you want to use
311 * debug mode, and you find yourself running out of memory, you will need
312 * to use event_debug_unassign to explicitly stop tracking events that
313 * are no longer considered set-up.
315 * @see event_debug_unassign()
317 void event_enable_debug_mode(void);
320 * When debugging mode is enabled, informs Libevent that an event should no
321 * longer be considered as assigned. When debugging mode is not enabled, does
322 * nothing.
324 * This function must only be called on a non-added event.
326 * @see event_enable_debug_mode()
328 void event_debug_unassign(struct event *);
331 * Create and return a new event_base to use with the rest of Libevent.
333 * @return a new event_base on success, or NULL on failure.
335 * @see event_base_free(), event_base_new_with_config()
337 struct event_base *event_base_new(void);
340 Reinitialize the event base after a fork
342 Some event mechanisms do not survive across fork. The event base needs
343 to be reinitialized with the event_reinit() function.
345 @param base the event base that needs to be re-initialized
346 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if some events could not be re-added.
347 @see event_base_new()
349 int event_reinit(struct event_base *base);
352 Event dispatching loop
354 This loop will run the event base until either there are no more added
355 events, or until something calls event_base_loopbreak() or
356 event_base_loopexit().
358 @param base the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() or
359 event_base_new_with_config()
360 @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred, or 1 if no events were
361 registered.
362 @see event_base_loop()
364 int event_base_dispatch(struct event_base *);
367 Get the kernel event notification mechanism used by Libevent.
369 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
370 @return a string identifying the kernel event mechanism (kqueue, epoll, etc.)
372 const char *event_base_get_method(const struct event_base *);
375 Gets all event notification mechanisms supported by Libevent.
377 This functions returns the event mechanism in order preferred by
378 Libevent. Note that this list will include all backends that
379 Libevent has compiled-in support for, and will not necessarily check
380 your OS to see whether it has the required resources.
382 @return an array with pointers to the names of support methods.
383 The end of the array is indicated by a NULL pointer. If an
384 error is encountered NULL is returned.
386 const char **event_get_supported_methods(void);
389 Allocates a new event configuration object.
391 The event configuration object can be used to change the behavior of
392 an event base.
394 @return an event_config object that can be used to store configuration, or
395 NULL if an error is encountered.
396 @see event_base_new_with_config(), event_config_free(), event_config
398 struct event_config *event_config_new(void);
401 Deallocates all memory associated with an event configuration object
403 @param cfg the event configuration object to be freed.
405 void event_config_free(struct event_config *cfg);
408 Enters an event method that should be avoided into the configuration.
410 This can be used to avoid event mechanisms that do not support certain
411 file descriptor types, or for debugging to avoid certain event
412 mechanisms. An application can make use of multiple event bases to
413 accommodate incompatible file descriptor types.
415 @param cfg the event configuration object
416 @param method the name of the event method to avoid
417 @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
419 int event_config_avoid_method(struct event_config *cfg, const char *method);
422 A flag used to describe which features an event_base (must) provide.
424 Because of OS limitations, not every Libevent backend supports every
425 possible feature. You can use this type with
426 event_config_require_features() to tell Libevent to only proceed if your
427 event_base implements a given feature, and you can receive this type from
428 event_base_get_features() to see which features are available.
430 enum event_method_feature {
431 /** Require an event method that allows edge-triggered events with EV_ET. */
432 EV_FEATURE_ET = 0x01,
433 /** Require an event method where having one event triggered among
434 * many is [approximately] an O(1) operation. This excludes (for
435 * example) select and poll, which are approximately O(N) for N
436 * equal to the total number of possible events. */
437 EV_FEATURE_O1 = 0x02,
438 /** Require an event method that allows file descriptors as well as
439 * sockets. */
440 EV_FEATURE_FDS = 0x04
444 A flag passed to event_config_set_flag().
446 These flags change the behavior of an allocated event_base.
448 @see event_config_set_flag(), event_base_new_with_config(),
449 event_method_feature
451 enum event_base_config_flag {
452 /** Do not allocate a lock for the event base, even if we have
453 locking set up. */
455 /** Do not check the EVENT_* environment variables when configuring
456 an event_base */
458 /** Windows only: enable the IOCP dispatcher at startup
460 If this flag is set then bufferevent_socket_new() and
461 evconn_listener_new() will use IOCP-backed implementations
462 instead of the usual select-based one on Windows.
465 /** Instead of checking the current time every time the event loop is
466 ready to run timeout callbacks, check after each timeout callback.
470 /** If we are using the epoll backend, this flag says that it is
471 safe to use Libevent's internal change-list code to batch up
472 adds and deletes in order to try to do as few syscalls as
473 possible. Setting this flag can make your code run faster, but
474 it may trigger a Linux bug: it is not safe to use this flag
475 if you have any fds cloned by dup() or its variants. Doing so
476 will produce strange and hard-to-diagnose bugs.
478 This flag can also be activated by settnig the
479 EVENT_EPOLL_USE_CHANGELIST environment variable.
481 This flag has no effect if you wind up using a backend other than
482 epoll.
488 Return a bitmask of the features implemented by an event base. This
489 will be a bitwise OR of one or more of the values of
490 event_method_feature
492 @see event_method_feature
494 int event_base_get_features(const struct event_base *base);
497 Enters a required event method feature that the application demands.
499 Note that not every feature or combination of features is supported
500 on every platform. Code that requests features should be prepared
501 to handle the case where event_base_new_with_config() returns NULL, as in:
502 <pre>
503 event_config_require_features(cfg, EV_FEATURE_ET);
504 base = event_base_new_with_config(cfg);
505 if (base == NULL) {
506 // We can't get edge-triggered behavior here.
507 event_config_require_features(cfg, 0);
508 base = event_base_new_with_config(cfg);
510 </pre>
512 @param cfg the event configuration object
513 @param feature a bitfield of one or more event_method_feature values.
514 Replaces values from previous calls to this function.
515 @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
516 @see event_method_feature, event_base_new_with_config()
518 int event_config_require_features(struct event_config *cfg, int feature);
521 * Sets one or more flags to configure what parts of the eventual event_base
522 * will be initialized, and how they'll work.
524 * @see event_base_config_flags, event_base_new_with_config()
526 int event_config_set_flag(struct event_config *cfg, int flag);
529 * Records a hint for the number of CPUs in the system. This is used for
530 * tuning thread pools, etc, for optimal performance. In Libevent 2.0,
531 * it is only on Windows, and only when IOCP is in use.
533 * @param cfg the event configuration object
534 * @param cpus the number of cpus
535 * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
537 int event_config_set_num_cpus_hint(struct event_config *cfg, int cpus);
540 Initialize the event API.
542 Use event_base_new_with_config() to initialize a new event base, taking
543 the specified configuration under consideration. The configuration object
544 can currently be used to avoid certain event notification mechanisms.
546 @param cfg the event configuration object
547 @return an initialized event_base that can be used to registering events,
548 or NULL if no event base can be created with the requested event_config.
549 @see event_base_new(), event_base_free(), event_init(), event_assign()
551 struct event_base *event_base_new_with_config(const struct event_config *);
554 Deallocate all memory associated with an event_base, and free the base.
556 Note that this function will not close any fds or free any memory passed
557 to event_new as the argument to callback.
559 @param eb an event_base to be freed
561 void event_base_free(struct event_base *);
563 /** @name Log severities
565 /**@{*/
566 #define EVENT_LOG_DEBUG 0
567 #define EVENT_LOG_MSG 1
568 #define EVENT_LOG_WARN 2
569 #define EVENT_LOG_ERR 3
570 /**@}*/
572 /* Obsolete names: these are deprecated, but older programs might use them.
573 * They violate the reserved-identifier namespace. */
580 A callback function used to intercept Libevent's log messages.
582 @see event_set_log_callback
584 typedef void (*event_log_cb)(int severity, const char *msg);
586 Redirect Libevent's log messages.
588 @param cb a function taking two arguments: an integer severity between
589 _EVENT_LOG_DEBUG and _EVENT_LOG_ERR, and a string. If cb is NULL,
590 then the default log is used.
592 NOTE: The function you provide *must not* call any other libevent
593 functionality. Doing so can produce undefined behavior.
595 void event_set_log_callback(event_log_cb cb);
598 A function to be called if Libevent encounters a fatal internal error.
600 @see event_set_fatal_callback
602 typedef void (*event_fatal_cb)(int err);
605 Override Libevent's behavior in the event of a fatal internal error.
607 By default, Libevent will call exit(1) if a programming error makes it
608 impossible to continue correct operation. This function allows you to supply
609 another callback instead. Note that if the function is ever invoked,
610 something is wrong with your program, or with Libevent: any subsequent calls
611 to Libevent may result in undefined behavior.
613 Libevent will (almost) always log an _EVENT_LOG_ERR message before calling
614 this function; look at the last log message to see why Libevent has died.
616 void event_set_fatal_callback(event_fatal_cb cb);
619 Associate a different event base with an event.
621 The event to be associated must not be currently active or pending.
623 @param eb the event base
624 @param ev the event
625 @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
627 int event_base_set(struct event_base *, struct event *);
629 /** @name Loop flags
631 These flags control the behavior of event_base_loop().
633 /**@{*/
634 /** Block until we have an active event, then exit once all active events
635 * have had their callbacks run. */
636 #define EVLOOP_ONCE 0x01
637 /** Do not block: see which events are ready now, run the callbacks
638 * of the highest-priority ones, then exit. */
639 #define EVLOOP_NONBLOCK 0x02
640 /**@}*/
643 Wait for events to become active, and run their callbacks.
645 This is a more flexible version of event_base_dispatch().
647 By default, this loop will run the event base until either there are no more
648 added events, or until something calls event_base_loopbreak() or
649 evenet_base_loopexit(). You can override this behavior with the 'flags'
650 argument.
652 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() or
653 event_base_new_with_config()
654 @param flags any combination of EVLOOP_ONCE | EVLOOP_NONBLOCK
655 @return 0 if successful, -1 if an error occurred, or 1 if no events were
656 registered.
657 @see event_base_loopexit(), event_base_dispatch(), EVLOOP_ONCE,
660 int event_base_loop(struct event_base *, int);
663 Exit the event loop after the specified time
665 The next event_base_loop() iteration after the given timer expires will
666 complete normally (handling all queued events) then exit without
667 blocking for events again.
669 Subsequent invocations of event_base_loop() will proceed normally.
671 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
672 @param tv the amount of time after which the loop should terminate,
673 or NULL to exit after running all currently active events.
674 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
675 @see event_base_loopbreak()
677 int event_base_loopexit(struct event_base *, const struct timeval *);
680 Abort the active event_base_loop() immediately.
682 event_base_loop() will abort the loop after the next event is completed;
683 event_base_loopbreak() is typically invoked from this event's callback.
684 This behavior is analogous to the "break;" statement.
686 Subsequent invocations of event_loop() will proceed normally.
688 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
689 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
690 @see event_base_loopexit()
692 int event_base_loopbreak(struct event_base *);
695 Checks if the event loop was told to exit by event_loopexit().
697 This function will return true for an event_base at every point after
698 event_loopexit() is called, until the event loop is next entered.
700 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
701 @return true if event_base_loopexit() was called on this event base,
702 or 0 otherwise
703 @see event_base_loopexit()
704 @see event_base_got_break()
706 int event_base_got_exit(struct event_base *);
709 Checks if the event loop was told to abort immediately by event_loopbreak().
711 This function will return true for an event_base at every point after
712 event_loopbreak() is called, until the event loop is next entered.
714 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_init()
715 @return true if event_base_loopbreak() was called on this event base,
716 or 0 otherwise
717 @see event_base_loopbreak()
718 @see event_base_got_exit()
720 int event_base_got_break(struct event_base *);
723 * @name event flags
725 * Flags to pass to event_new(), event_assign(), event_pending(), and
726 * anything else with an argument of the form "short events"
728 /**@{*/
729 /** Indicates that a timeout has occurred. It's not necessary to pass
730 * this flag to event_for new()/event_assign() to get a timeout. */
731 #define EV_TIMEOUT 0x01
732 /** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */
733 #define EV_READ 0x02
734 /** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */
735 #define EV_WRITE 0x04
736 /** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/
737 #define EV_SIGNAL 0x08
739 * Persistent event: won't get removed automatically when activated.
741 * When a persistent event with a timeout becomes activated, its timeout
742 * is reset to 0.
744 #define EV_PERSIST 0x10
745 /** Select edge-triggered behavior, if supported by the backend. */
746 #define EV_ET 0x20
747 /**@}*/
750 @name evtimer_* macros
752 Aliases for working with one-shot timer events */
753 /**@{*/
754 #define evtimer_assign(ev, b, cb, arg) \
755 event_assign((ev), (b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
756 #define evtimer_new(b, cb, arg) event_new((b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
757 #define evtimer_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
758 #define evtimer_del(ev) event_del(ev)
759 #define evtimer_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_TIMEOUT, (tv))
760 #define evtimer_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
761 /**@}*/
764 @name evsignal_* macros
766 Aliases for working with signal events
768 /**@{*/
769 #define evsignal_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
770 #define evsignal_assign(ev, b, x, cb, arg) \
771 event_assign((ev), (b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, cb, (arg))
772 #define evsignal_new(b, x, cb, arg) \
773 event_new((b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))
774 #define evsignal_del(ev) event_del(ev)
775 #define evsignal_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_SIGNAL, (tv))
776 #define evsignal_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
777 /**@}*/
780 A callback function for an event.
782 It receives three arguments:
784 @param fd An fd or signal
785 @param events One or more EV_* flags
786 @param arg A user-supplied argument.
788 @see event_new()
790 typedef void (*event_callback_fn)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
793 Allocate and asssign a new event structure, ready to be added.
795 The function event_new() returns a new event that can be used in
796 future calls to event_add() and event_del(). The fd and events
797 arguments determine which conditions will trigger the event; the
798 callback and callback_arg arguments tell Libevent what to do when the
799 event becomes active.
801 If events contains one of EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_READ|EV_WRITE, then
802 fd is a file descriptor or socket that should get monitored for
803 readiness to read, readiness to write, or readiness for either operation
804 (respectively). If events contains EV_SIGNAL, then fd is a signal
805 number to wait for. If events contains none of those flags, then the
806 event can be triggered only by a timeout or by manual activation with
807 event_active(): In this case, fd must be -1.
809 The EV_PERSIST flag can also be passed in the events argument: it makes
810 event_add() persistent until event_del() is called.
812 The EV_ET flag is compatible with EV_READ and EV_WRITE, and supported
813 only by certain backends. It tells Libevent to use edge-triggered
814 events.
816 The EV_TIMEOUT flag has no effect here.
818 It is okay to have multiple events all listening on the same fds; but
819 they must either all be edge-triggered, or all not be edge triggerd.
821 When the event becomes active, the event loop will run the provided
822 callbuck function, with three arguments. The first will be the provided
823 fd value. The second will be a bitfield of the events that triggered:
824 EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_SIGNAL. Here the EV_TIMEOUT flag indicates
825 that a timeout occurred, and EV_ET indicates that an edge-triggered
826 event occurred. The third event will be the callback_arg pointer that
827 you provide.
829 @param base the event base to which the event should be attached.
830 @param fd the file descriptor or signal to be monitored, or -1.
831 @param events desired events to monitor: bitfield of EV_READ, EV_WRITE,
833 @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
834 @param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
836 @return a newly allocated struct event that must later be freed with
837 event_free().
838 @see event_free(), event_add(), event_del(), event_assign()
840 struct event *event_new(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *);
844 Prepare a new, already-allocated event structure to be added.
846 The function event_assign() prepares the event structure ev to be used
847 in future calls to event_add() and event_del(). Unlike event_new(), it
848 doesn't allocate memory itself: it requires that you have already
849 allocated a struct event, probably on the heap. Doing this will
850 typically make your code depend on the size of the event structure, and
851 thereby create incompatibility with future versions of Libevent.
853 The easiest way to avoid this problem is just to use event_new() and
854 event_free() instead.
856 A slightly harder way to future-proof your code is to use
857 event_get_struct_event_size() to determine the required size of an event
858 at runtime.
860 Note that it is NOT safe to call this function on an event that is
861 active or pending. Doing so WILL corrupt internal data structures in
862 Libevent, and lead to strange, hard-to-diagnose bugs. You _can_ use
863 event_assign to change an existing event, but only if it is not active
864 or pending!
866 The arguments for this function, and the behavior of the events that it
867 makes, are as for event_new().
869 @param ev an event struct to be modified
870 @param base the event base to which ev should be attached.
871 @param fd the file descriptor to be monitored
872 @param events desired events to monitor; can be EV_READ and/or EV_WRITE
873 @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
874 @param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
876 @return 0 if success, or -1 on invalid arguments.
878 @see event_new(), event_add(), event_del(), event_base_once(),
879 event_get_struct_event_size()
881 int event_assign(struct event *, struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *);
884 Deallocate a struct event * returned by event_new().
886 If the event is pending or active, first make it non-pending and
887 non-active.
889 void event_free(struct event *);
892 Schedule a one-time event
894 The function event_base_once() is similar to event_set(). However, it
895 schedules a callback to be called exactly once, and does not require the
896 caller to prepare an event structure.
898 Note that in Libevent 2.0 and earlier, if the event is never triggered,
899 the internal memory used to hold it will never be freed. This may be
900 fixed in a later version of Libevent.
902 @param base an event_base
903 @param fd a file descriptor to monitor, or -1 for no fd.
904 @param events event(s) to monitor; can be any of EV_READ |
906 @param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
907 @param arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
908 @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event. NULL
909 makes an EV_READ/EV_WRITE event make forever; NULL makes an
910 EV_TIMEOUT event succees immediately.
911 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
913 int event_base_once(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *, const struct timeval *);
916 Add an event to the set of pending events.
918 The function event_add() schedules the execution of the ev event when the
919 event specified in event_assign()/event_new() occurs, or when the time
920 specified in timeout has elapesed. If atimeout is NULL, no timeout
921 occurs and the function will only be
922 called if a matching event occurs. The event in the
923 ev argument must be already initialized by event_assign() or event_new()
924 and may not be used
925 in calls to event_assign() until it is no longer pending.
927 If the event in the ev argument already has a scheduled timeout, calling
928 event_add() replaces the old timeout with the new one, or clears the old
929 timeout if the timeout argument is NULL.
931 @param ev an event struct initialized via event_set()
932 @param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event, or NULL
933 to wait forever
934 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
935 @see event_del(), event_assign(), event_new()
937 int event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *timeout);
940 Remove an event from the set of monitored events.
942 The function event_del() will cancel the event in the argument ev. If the
943 event has already executed or has never been added the call will have no
944 effect.
946 @param ev an event struct to be removed from the working set
947 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
948 @see event_add()
950 int event_del(struct event *);
954 Make an event active.
956 You can use this function on a pending or a non-pending event to make it
957 active, so that its callback will be run by event_base_dispatch() or
958 event_base_loop().
960 One common use in multithreaded programs is to wake the thread running
961 event_base_loop() from another thread.
963 @param ev an event to make active.
964 @param res a set of flags to pass to the event's callback.
965 @param ncalls an obsolete argument: this is ignored.
967 void event_active(struct event *ev, int res, short ncalls);
970 Checks if a specific event is pending or scheduled.
972 @param ev an event struct previously passed to event_add()
973 @param events the requested event type; any of EV_TIMEOUT|EV_READ|
975 @param tv if this field is not NULL, and the event has a timeout,
976 this field is set to hold the time at which the timeout will
977 expire.
979 @return true if the event is pending on any of the events in 'what', (that
980 is to say, it has been added), or 0 if the event is not added.
982 int event_pending(const struct event *ev, short events, struct timeval *tv);
986 Test if an event structure might be initialized.
988 The event_initialized() function can be used to check if an event has been
989 initialized.
991 Warning: This function is only useful for distinguishing a a zeroed-out
992 piece of memory from an initialized event, it can easily be confused by
993 uninitialized memory. Thus, it should ONLY be used to distinguish an
994 initialized event from zero.
996 @param ev an event structure to be tested
997 @return 1 if the structure might be initialized, or 0 if it has not been
998 initialized
1000 int event_initialized(const struct event *ev);
1003 Get the signal number assigned to a signal event
1005 #define event_get_signal(ev) ((int)event_get_fd(ev))
1008 Get the socket or signal assigned to an event, or -1 if the event has
1009 no socket.
1011 evutil_socket_t event_get_fd(const struct event *ev);
1014 Get the event_base associated with an event.
1016 struct event_base *event_get_base(const struct event *ev);
1019 Return the events (EV_READ, EV_WRITE, etc) assigned to an event.
1021 short event_get_events(const struct event *ev);
1024 Return the callback assigned to an event.
1026 event_callback_fn event_get_callback(const struct event *ev);
1029 Return the callback argument assigned to an event.
1031 void *event_get_callback_arg(const struct event *ev);
1034 Extract _all_ of arguments given to construct a given event. The
1035 event_base is copied into *base_out, the fd is copied into *fd_out, and so
1038 If any of the "_out" arguments is NULL, it will be ignored.
1040 void event_get_assignment(const struct event *event,
1041 struct event_base **base_out, evutil_socket_t *fd_out, short *events_out,
1042 event_callback_fn *callback_out, void **arg_out);
1045 Return the size of struct event that the Libevent library was compiled
1046 with.
1048 This will be NO GREATER than sizeof(struct event) if you're running with
1049 the same version of Libevent that your application was built with, but
1050 otherwise might not.
1052 Note that it might be SMALLER than sizeof(struct event) if some future
1053 version of Libevent adds extra padding to the end of struct event.
1054 We might do this to help ensure ABI-compatibility between different
1055 versions of Libevent.
1057 size_t event_get_struct_event_size(void);
1060 Get the Libevent version.
1062 Note that this will give you the version of the library that you're
1063 currently linked against, not the version of the headers that you've
1064 compiled against.
1066 @return a string containing the version number of Libevent
1068 const char *event_get_version(void);
1071 Return a numeric representation of Libevent's version.
1073 Note that this will give you the version of the library that you're
1074 currently linked against, not the version of the headers you've used to
1075 compile.
1077 The format uses one byte each for the major, minor, and patchlevel parts of
1078 the version number. The low-order byte is unused. For example, version
1079 2.0.1-alpha has a numeric representation of 0x02000100
1081 ev_uint32_t event_get_version_number(void);
1083 /** As event_get_version, but gives the version of Libevent's headers. */
1085 /** As event_get_version_number, but gives the version number of Libevent's
1086 * headers. */
1089 /** Largest number of priorities that Libevent can support. */
1090 #define EVENT_MAX_PRIORITIES 256
1092 Set the number of different event priorities
1094 By default Libevent schedules all active events with the same priority.
1095 However, some time it is desirable to process some events with a higher
1096 priority than others. For that reason, Libevent supports strict priority
1097 queues. Active events with a lower priority are always processed before
1098 events with a higher priority.
1100 The number of different priorities can be set initially with the
1101 event_base_priority_init() function. This function should be called
1102 before the first call to event_base_dispatch(). The
1103 event_priority_set() function can be used to assign a priority to an
1104 event. By default, Libevent assigns the middle priority to all events
1105 unless their priority is explicitly set.
1107 Note that urgent-priority events can starve less-urgent events: after
1108 running all urgent-priority callbacks, Libevent checks for more urgent
1109 events again, before running less-urgent events. Less-urgent events
1110 will not have their callbacks run until there are no events more urgent
1111 than them that want to be active.
1113 @param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new()
1114 @param npriorities the maximum number of priorities
1115 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
1116 @see event_priority_set()
1118 int event_base_priority_init(struct event_base *, int);
1121 Assign a priority to an event.
1123 @param ev an event struct
1124 @param priority the new priority to be assigned
1125 @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
1126 @see event_priority_init()
1128 int event_priority_set(struct event *, int);
1131 Prepare an event_base to use a large number of timeouts with the same
1132 duration.
1134 Libevent's default scheduling algorithm is optimized for having a large
1135 number of timeouts with their durations more or less randomly
1136 distributed. But if you have a large number of timeouts that all have
1137 the same duration (for example, if you have a large number of
1138 connections that all have a 10-second timeout), then you can improve
1139 Libevent's performance by telling Libevent about it.
1141 To do this, call this function with the common duration. It will return a
1142 pointer to a different, opaque timeout value. (Don't depend on its actual
1143 contents!) When you use this timeout value in event_add(), Libevent will
1144 schedule the event more efficiently.
1146 (This optimization probably will not be worthwhile until you have thousands
1147 or tens of thousands of events with the same timeout.)
1149 const struct timeval *event_base_init_common_timeout(struct event_base *base,
1150 const struct timeval *duration);
1152 #if !defined(_EVENT_DISABLE_MM_REPLACEMENT) || defined(_EVENT_IN_DOXYGEN)
1154 Override the functions that Libevent uses for memory management.
1156 Usually, Libevent uses the standard libc functions malloc, realloc, and
1157 free to allocate memory. Passing replacements for those functions to
1158 event_set_mem_functions() overrides this behavior.
1160 Note that all memory returned from Libevent will be allocated by the
1161 replacement functions rather than by malloc() and realloc(). Thus, if you
1162 have replaced those functions, it will not be appropriate to free() memory
1163 that you get from Libevent. Instead, you must use the free_fn replacement
1164 that you provided.
1166 Note also that if you are going to call this function, you should do so
1167 before any call to any Libevent function that does allocation.
1168 Otherwise, those funtions will allocate their memory using malloc(), but
1169 then later free it using your provided free_fn.
1171 @param malloc_fn A replacement for malloc.
1172 @param realloc_fn A replacement for realloc
1173 @param free_fn A replacement for free.
1175 void event_set_mem_functions(
1176 void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t sz),
1177 void *(*realloc_fn)(void *ptr, size_t sz),
1178 void (*free_fn)(void *ptr));
1179 /** This definition is present if Libevent was built with support for
1180 event_set_mem_functions() */
1182 #endif
1184 void event_base_dump_events(struct event_base *, FILE *);
1186 /** Sets 'tv' to the current time (as returned by gettimeofday()),
1187 looking at the cached value in 'base' if possible, and calling
1188 gettimeofday() or clock_gettime() as appropriate if there is no
1189 cached time.
1191 Generally, this value will only be cached while actually
1192 processing event callbacks, and may be very inaccuate if your
1193 callbacks take a long time to execute.
1195 Returns 0 on success, negative on failure.
1197 int event_base_gettimeofday_cached(struct event_base *base,
1198 struct timeval *tv);
1200 #ifdef __cplusplus
1202 #endif
1204 #endif /* _EVENT2_EVENT_H_ */