Factored out action code in the Action class.
[tagua/yd.git] / src / tagua.h
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Paolo Capriotti <p.capriotti@sns.it>
3 (c) 2006 Maurizio Monge <maurizio.monge@kdemail.net>
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
9 */
11 #ifndef LOWLEVEL_H
12 #define LOWLEVEL_H
14 #include <map>
15 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
16 #include <QString>
17 #include <QStringList>
18 #include "point.h"
19 #include "usermove.h"
20 #include "index.h"
21 #include "option.h"
22 #include "decoratedmove.h"
23 #include "interactiontype.h"
24 #include "turnpolicy.h"
25 #include "fwd.h"
27 class GraphicalAPI;
28 class ICSAPI;
29 class ActionCollection;
31 /**
32 * @file tagua.h
33 * @brief Low level abstract classes used by the interface framework.
35 * This file includes definitions for abstract classes used from within
36 * the interface framework to access variant details using dynamic time
37 * polymorphism.
39 * One of the big problems with this approach is what I call 'lack of
40 * functional dependency support' for runtime polymorphism.
41 * What is missing is the ability to override a virtual member function
42 * in a derived class changing its signature. Or better, it is possible
43 * to only change its return type with a covariant type, while it would
44 * often be useful to change any of its argument types with covariant or
45 * even controvariant types.
46 * For controvariant types, I foresee no problems, and all type checking
47 * can be done statically (of course the method has to be dynamically
48 * bound) as they are now.
49 * When using covariant types, the compiler could insert appropriate
50 * dynamic cast's and type checks in the calling code, when there's no
51 * way to know the exact type of an argument at compile time.
53 * The file @ref tagua_wrapped.h tries to address this problem doing part
54 * of the compiler's work. One exception is that type checking code
55 * is inserted in a method wrapper, instead of the calling place, so
56 * even calling a method of a noncasted instance would cause some
57 * upcast / downcast overhead; this is negligible, though, because
58 * that scenario is rather unlikely, since wrapped classes are always
59 * kept in variables of abstract types.
63 /**
64 * @brief A superclass for all the piece classes.
66 class AbstractPiece {
67 public:
68 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractPiece> Ptr;
69 virtual ~AbstractPiece() { }
71 /**
72 * Piece equality. Return false if the second pointer
73 * is null.
75 virtual bool equals(const PiecePtr& other) const = 0;
77 /**
78 * Return a unique key for the piece.
79 * Used to store pixmaps.
81 virtual QString name() const = 0;
83 /**
84 * Create a deep copy of the piece.
86 virtual PiecePtr clone() const = 0;
90 /**
91 * @brief A superclass for all the move classes.
93 * An abstract move is simply something that can serialize
94 * itself either as SAN notation, or as coordinate notation.
96 class AbstractMove {
97 public:
98 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractMove> Ptr;
99 virtual ~AbstractMove() { }
102 * Return a compact SAN representation for the move.
104 virtual QString SAN(const PositionPtr& ref) const = 0;
107 * Return a decorated representation for the move.
109 virtual DecoratedMove toDecoratedMove(const PositionPtr& ref) const = 0;
112 * Return the move in coordinate notation.
114 virtual QString toString(const PositionPtr& ref) const = 0;
117 * Convert the move to a normal user move. Used to
118 * perform move highlighting.
120 virtual NormalUserMove toUserMove() const = 0;
123 * Checks if the two moves are equal.
125 virtual bool equals(const MovePtr& other) const = 0;
130 * @brief Superclass for pools
132 * A general interface for pools.
134 class AbstractPool {
135 public:
136 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractPool> Ptr;
137 virtual ~AbstractPool() {}
140 * \return the number of items in the pool
142 virtual int size() = 0;
145 * Inserts a piece in the pool, preferably at the position \a pref_index.
146 * But the pool can be unpredictable and the piece can be placed at an arbitrary position.
147 * \return the position at which the item was placed.
149 virtual int insert(int pref_index, const PiecePtr& piece) = 0;
152 * Gets the piece at the position \a index in the pool.
154 virtual PiecePtr get(int index) = 0;
157 * Removes the piece at the position \a index in the pool.
158 * \return the removed piece.
160 virtual PiecePtr take(int index) = 0;
166 * @brief A superclass for all the position classes.
168 * A general interface for positions. It is used from within
169 * the graphical framework to validate external input wrt
170 * the played variant.
172 class AbstractPosition {
173 public:
174 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractPosition> Ptr;
175 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractPool> PoolPtr;
176 virtual ~AbstractPosition() { }
179 * Return board size in logical units. This could be
180 * static if C++ permitted virtual static functions.
182 virtual Point size() const = 0;
185 * Returns the text to be used for the border surrounding this position in a board
187 virtual QStringList borderCoords() const = 0;
190 * Create the starting piece setup.
192 virtual void setup() = 0;
195 * Retrieve the piece on square @a p.
196 * Return a null pointer if that square is empty.
198 virtual PiecePtr get(const Point& p) const = 0;
201 * Set a piece on the board.
203 virtual void set(const Point& p, const PiecePtr& piece) = 0;
206 * \return an interface to modify the pool of the board relative to \a player
208 virtual PoolPtr pool(int player) = 0;
211 * Set a position pool, copying it from a given position.
213 virtual void copyPoolFrom(const PositionPtr& pos) = 0;
216 * \return 1 if the piece can be moved, -1 if could be moved in the future (premove), or else 0.
218 virtual InteractionType movable(const TurnPolicy::Collection& test, const Point& p) const = 0;
221 * \return 1 if this pool can be dropped, -1 if could be dropped in the future (premove), or else 0.
223 virtual InteractionType droppable(const TurnPolicy::Collection& test, int) const = 0;
226 * \return an id corresponding to the player
227 * who is in turn.
229 virtual int turn() const = 0;
232 * Sets the player on move
234 virtual void setTurn(int) = 0;
237 * \return the player that just moved
239 virtual int previousTurn() const = 0;
242 * Switch to the next player.
244 virtual void switchTurn() = 0;
247 * Check move legality. Set move fields as needed.
248 * Return whether the move is legal.
249 * This function should return immediately if \a m
250 * has already been tested.
252 virtual bool testMove(const MovePtr& m) const = 0;
255 * Execute move \a m. Assume that \a m is legal and tested.
257 virtual void move(const MovePtr& m) = 0;
260 * Create a deep copy of the position.
262 virtual PositionPtr clone() const = 0;
265 * Make the position equal to the given one.
267 virtual void copyFrom(const PositionPtr&) = 0;
270 * Tests if two positions are equal.
272 virtual bool equals(const PositionPtr& p) const = 0;
275 * Return a move from an algebraic notation, or a null pointer.
277 virtual MovePtr getMove(const QString&) const = 0;
280 * Return a string representing the current state of the position.
282 virtual QString state() const = 0;
285 * Return a FEN representation for the position, assuming
286 * @a halfmove as halfmove clock and @a fullmove as full move
287 * number.
289 virtual QString fen(int halfmove, int fullmove) const = 0;
292 * A piece somehow representing or related to the move
293 * which has to be drawn by the interface.
294 * Examples:
295 * * for one click moves, the piece that would
296 * appear on the square.
297 * * for promotions in chesslike variants, the promoted
298 * piece.
299 * @note Return a null pointer if the move has no valid
300 * piece hint defined.
302 virtual PiecePtr moveHint(const MovePtr&) const = 0;
305 * Variant introspection
307 virtual QString variant() const = 0;
310 * For debugging
312 virtual void dump() const = 0;
315 class AnimationGroup;
318 * @brief An abstract superclass for all animator classes.
320 * An animator is a class which is given a difference between
321 * a graphical and a logical position, and schedules an animation
322 * which graphically does an update.
323 * If the difference is due to a move, the animator tries to
324 * create a smooth animation which could possibly work for many
325 * chess-like variants, and then fills in the gaps with a direct
326 * update.
328 class AbstractAnimator {
329 public:
330 typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractAnimator> Ptr;
331 virtual ~AbstractAnimator() { }
334 * Sync the graphical position with the given position.
336 virtual AnimationPtr warp(const PositionPtr&) = 0;
339 * Animate forward syncing to the given position.
341 virtual AnimationPtr forward(const PositionPtr&, const MovePtr&) = 0;
344 * Animate back syncing to the given position.
346 virtual AnimationPtr back(const PositionPtr&, const MovePtr&) = 0;
350 class VariantInfo {
351 public:
352 virtual ~VariantInfo() { }
353 virtual PositionPtr createPosition() = 0;
354 virtual PositionPtr createCustomPosition(const OptList& l) = 0;
355 virtual PositionPtr createPositionFromFEN(const QString& fen) = 0;
356 virtual void forallPieces(class PieceFunction&) = 0;
357 virtual int moveListLayout() const = 0;
358 virtual AnimatorPtr createAnimator(GraphicalAPI* graphical_api) = 0;
359 virtual MovePtr createNormalMove(const NormalUserMove&) = 0;
360 virtual MovePtr createDropMove(const DropUserMove&) = 0;
361 virtual MovePtr getVerboseMove(int turn, const class VerboseNotation&) const = 0;
364 * \return if moves are done by just clicking
366 virtual bool simpleMoves() = 0;
369 * \return the name of the variant
371 virtual QString name() const = 0;
374 * \return the name of the theme proxy variant, ie the variant whose theme can be used
375 * for the current one (for instance crazyhouse can use chess themes).
377 virtual QString themeProxy() const = 0;
380 * \return the (subvariant) options that can be specified for position creation, such as board size, etc
382 virtual OptList positionOptions() const = 0;
385 * \return The ICS API for this variant, or a null pointer, if the variant does not support
386 * ICS (in that case a Dummy variant will be used).
388 virtual ICSAPIPtr icsAPI() const = 0;
391 * Setup a list of variant specific actions to be displayed on a game toolbar
392 * and menu.
394 virtual ActionCollection* actions() = 0;
397 * Add variant specific information (i.e. promotionType) to a move.
399 virtual void setupMove(NormalUserMove& m) const = 0;
403 class VariantFactory {
404 public:
405 virtual ~VariantFactory() { }
406 virtual VariantInfo* createVariant() const = 0;
410 #endif // LOWLEVEL_H