Special Ops 2.50
[specialops2.git] / lib / User_Registered.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Class for a registered user, but not the one viewing the page.
5 * @author Ant P <p@cpi.merseine.nu>
6 * @license file://../COPYING
7 * @version 2.15
8 */
9 class User_Registered extends User_Anonymous
11 public $admin;
13 function __construct($userid)
15 $this->attrcache = SO2::$DB->q('SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?', $userid);
16 $this->attrcache['options'] = explode(',', $this->attrcache['options']);
17 $this->admin = ('admin' == $this->attrcache['level']);
20 function __get($v)
22 switch ( $v ) {
23 case 'reg_ip':
24 case 'last_ip':
25 case 'last_login_ip':
26 return SO2::$DB->q('SELECT INET_NTOA(?)', $this->attrcache[$v], SO2_PDO::QVALUE);
27 case 'password':
28 return SO2::$DB->q('SELECT AES_DECRYPT(?, ?)',
29 array($this->attrcache[$v], $this->attrcache['reg_ip']), SO2_PDO::QVALUE);
30 case 'posts':
31 return SO2::$DB->q('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE userid = ?',
32 $this->attrcache['userid'], SO2_PDO::QVALUE);
35 if ( array_key_exists($v, $this->attrcache) ) {
36 return $this->attrcache[$v];
39 throw new OutOfBoundsException('Invalid attribute name '.$v);
42 function __set($var, $value)
44 $column = '?';
46 switch ( $var ) {
47 case 'reg_ip':
48 case 'last_ip':
49 case 'last_login_ip':
50 if ( strpos($value, ':') !== false ) { // IPv6
51 $value = 'NULL';
52 break;
54 $column = 'INET_ATON(?)';
55 break;
56 case 'password':
57 $var = 'passwd';
58 $column = 'AES_ENCRYPT(?, reg_ip)';
59 break;
60 case 'points':
61 $this->attrcache['points'] = $value;
62 $tmp = sqrt($value);
64 $invites = SO2::$DB->q('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM things WHERE what = \'invite\' AND userid = ?',
65 $this->attrcache['userid'], SO2_PDO::QVALUE);
67 if ( floor($tmp) == $tmp
68 && $tmp > $this->attrcache['invites']
69 && $invites < 5 ) {
70 SO2::$DB->q('INSERT INTO things VALUES (NULL, ?, \'invite\', UUID())', $this->attrcache['userid']);
71 SO2::$DB->q('UPDATE users SET invites = (invites + 1) WHERE userid = ?', $this->attrcache['userid']);
73 break;
74 case 'options':
75 if ( is_array($value) ) {
76 $this->attrcache['options'] = $value;
77 $value = implode(',', $value);
79 break;
80 default:
81 $this->attrcache[$var] = $value;
83 SO2::$DB->q('UPDATE users SET '.$var.' = '.$column.' WHERE userid = ?', array($value, $this->attrcache['userid']));
86 function __toString()
88 return $this->attrcache['alias'];
91 /**
92 * Check whether the user's password in the DB is Null.
94 public function check_nullpass()
96 return SO2::$DB->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE userid = @userid AND passwd IS NULL')->fetchColumn(0);
99 /**
100 * Access control function
101 * @return mixed Value equivalent to true/false, actual value varies with implementation
103 public function has_access($feature, array $details = array())
105 if ( $this->admin )
106 return 5;
108 switch ( $feature ) {
109 // Board access
110 case 'posttopic':
111 if ( $this->points < 0 || 'none' == $this->level ) return false;
112 return $this->access_level($details['topic_lvl'], $details['points']);
113 case 'postmessage':
114 if ( 'none' == $this->level ) return false;
115 return $this->access_level($details['post_lvl'], $details['points']);
116 case 'viewboard':
117 return $this->access_level($details['view_lvl'], $details['points']);
119 // Misc stuff
120 case 'allhtml':
121 return ($this->attrcache['points'] >= 10000);
122 case 'moderate': // Return moderator level as integer
123 return ($this->attrcache['points'] > 0 ? strlen($this->attrcache['points']) - 1 : 0);
125 default:
126 return false;
130 private function access_level($lev, $pts)
132 switch ( $lev ) {
133 case 'none':
134 return true;
135 case 'login':
136 return ('none' != $this->level); // True for all but suspended userlevel
137 case 'points':
138 if ( $this->attrcache['points'] >= $pts ) return true;
139 // Don't return if false, check userlevel instead
140 case 'vip':
141 return ('vip' == $this->level);
142 case 'admin': // Admin is handled at start of has_access(), never calls this function
143 default:
144 return false;
148 public function getopt($name)
150 return in_array($name, $this->attrcache['options']);