name *pcl-lock*
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / pcl / low.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains portable versions of low-level functions and macros
2 ;;;; which are ripe for implementation specific customization. None of the code
3 ;;;; in this file *has* to be customized for a particular Common Lisp
4 ;;;; implementation. Moreover, in some implementations it may not make any
5 ;;;; sense to customize some of this code.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; The original version was intended to support portable customization to
8 ;;;; lotso different Lisp implementations. This functionality is gone in the
9 ;;;; current version, and it now runs only under SBCL. (Now that ANSI Common
10 ;;;; Lisp has mixed CLOS into the insides of the system (e.g. error handling
11 ;;;; and printing) so deeply that it's not very meaningful to bootstrap Common
12 ;;;; Lisp without CLOS, the old functionality is of dubious use. -- WHN
13 ;;;; 19981108)
15 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for more
16 ;;;; information.
18 ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox
19 ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications
20 ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with
21 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more
22 ;;;; information.
24 ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources:
25 ;;;;
26 ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation.
27 ;;;; All rights reserved.
28 ;;;;
29 ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
30 ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
31 ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
32 ;;;; control laws.
33 ;;;;
34 ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
35 ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
36 ;;;; specification.
38 (in-package "SB-PCL")
40 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
41 (defvar *optimize-speed*
42 '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
43 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
45 (defmacro dotimes-fixnum ((var count &optional (result nil)) &body body)
46 `(dotimes (,var (the fixnum ,count) ,result)
47 (declare (fixnum ,var))
48 ,@body))
50 ;;;; early definition of WRAPPER
51 ;;;;
52 ;;;; Most WRAPPER stuff is defined later, but the DEFSTRUCT itself
53 ;;;; is here early so that things like (TYPEP .. 'WRAPPER) can be
54 ;;;; compiled efficiently.
56 ;;; Note that for SBCL, as for CMU CL, the WRAPPER of a built-in or
57 ;;; structure class will be some other kind of SB-KERNEL:LAYOUT, but
58 ;;; this shouldn't matter, since the only two slots that WRAPPER adds
59 ;;; are meaningless in those cases.
60 (defstruct (wrapper
61 (:include layout
62 ;; KLUDGE: In CMU CL, the initialization default
63 ;; for LAYOUT-INVALID was NIL. In SBCL, that has
64 ;; changed to :UNINITIALIZED, but PCL code might
65 ;; still expect NIL for the initialization
66 ;; default of WRAPPER-INVALID. Instead of trying
67 ;; to find out, I just overrode the LAYOUT
68 ;; default here. -- WHN 19991204
69 (invalid nil)
70 ;; This allows quick testing of wrapperness.
71 (for-std-class-p t))
72 (:constructor make-wrapper-internal)
73 (:copier nil))
74 (instance-slots-layout nil :type list)
75 (class-slots nil :type list))
76 #-sb-fluid (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type wrapper))
78 ;;;; PCL's view of funcallable instances
80 (!defstruct-with-alternate-metaclass standard-funcallable-instance
81 ;; KLUDGE: Note that neither of these slots is ever accessed by its
82 ;; accessor name as of sbcl-0.pre7.63. Presumably everything works
83 ;; by puns based on absolute locations. Fun fun fun.. -- WHN 2001-10-30
84 :slot-names (clos-slots name hash-code)
85 :boa-constructor %make-standard-funcallable-instance
86 :superclass-name function
87 :metaclass-name standard-classoid
88 :metaclass-constructor make-standard-classoid
89 :dd-type funcallable-structure
90 ;; Only internal implementation code will access these, and these
91 ;; accesses (slot readers in particular) could easily be a
92 ;; bottleneck, so it seems reasonable to suppress runtime type
93 ;; checks.
95 ;; (Except note KLUDGE above that these accessors aren't used at all
96 ;; (!) as of sbcl-0.pre7.63, so for now it's academic.)
97 :runtime-type-checks-p nil)
99 (import 'sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-p)
101 (defun set-funcallable-instance-function (fin new-value)
102 (declare (type function new-value))
103 (aver (funcallable-instance-p fin))
104 (setf (funcallable-instance-fun fin) new-value))
105 ;;; FIXME: these macros should just go away. It's not clear whether
106 ;;; the inline functions defined by
107 ;;; !DEFSTRUCT-WITH-ALTERNATE-METACLASS are as efficient as they could
108 ;;; be; ordinary defstruct accessors are defined as source transforms.
109 (defmacro fsc-instance-p (fin)
110 `(funcallable-instance-p ,fin))
111 (defmacro fsc-instance-wrapper (fin)
112 `(%funcallable-instance-layout ,fin))
113 (defmacro fsc-instance-slots (fin)
114 `(%funcallable-instance-info ,fin 1))
115 (defmacro fsc-instance-hash (fin)
116 `(%funcallable-instance-info ,fin 3))
118 (declaim (inline clos-slots-ref (setf clos-slots-ref)))
119 (declaim (ftype (function (simple-vector index) t) clos-slots-ref))
120 (defun clos-slots-ref (slots index)
121 (svref slots index))
122 (declaim (ftype (function (t simple-vector index) t) (setf clos-slots-ref)))
123 (defun (setf clos-slots-ref) (new-value slots index)
124 (setf (svref slots index) new-value))
126 ;;; Note on implementation under CMU CL >=17 and SBCL: STD-INSTANCE-P
127 ;;; is only used to discriminate between functions (including FINs)
128 ;;; and normal instances, so we can return true on structures also. A
129 ;;; few uses of (OR STD-INSTANCE-P FSC-INSTANCE-P) are changed to
131 (defmacro std-instance-p (x)
132 `(%instancep ,x))
134 ;; a temporary definition used for debugging the bootstrap
135 #+sb-show
136 (defun print-std-instance (instance stream depth)
137 (declare (ignore depth))
138 (print-unreadable-object (instance stream :type t :identity t)
139 (let ((class (class-of instance)))
140 (when (or (eq class (find-class 'standard-class nil))
141 (eq class (find-class 'funcallable-standard-class nil))
142 (eq class (find-class 'built-in-class nil)))
143 (princ (early-class-name instance) stream)))))
145 ;;; This is the value that we stick into a slot to tell us that it is
146 ;;; unbound. It may seem gross, but for performance reasons, we make
147 ;;; this an interned symbol. That means that the fast check to see
148 ;;; whether a slot is unbound is to say (EQ <val> '..SLOT-UNBOUND..).
149 ;;; That is considerably faster than looking at the value of a special
150 ;;; variable. Be careful, there are places in the code which actually
151 ;;; use ..SLOT-UNBOUND.. rather than this variable. So much for
152 ;;; modularity..
154 ;;; FIXME: Now that we're tightly integrated into SBCL, we could use
155 ;;; the SBCL built-in unbound value token instead. Perhaps if we did
156 ;;; so it would be a good idea to define collections of CLOS slots as
157 ;;; a new type of heap object, instead of using bare SIMPLE-VECTOR, in
158 ;;; order to avoid problems (in the debugger if nowhere else) with
159 ;;; SIMPLE-VECTORs some of whose elements are unbound tokens.
160 (defconstant +slot-unbound+ '..slot-unbound..)
162 (defmacro %allocate-static-slot-storage--class (no-of-slots)
163 `(make-array ,no-of-slots :initial-element +slot-unbound+))
165 (defmacro std-instance-class (instance)
166 `(wrapper-class* (std-instance-wrapper ,instance)))
168 ;;; When given a funcallable instance, SET-FUN-NAME *must* side-effect
169 ;;; that FIN to give it the name. When given any other kind of
170 ;;; function SET-FUN-NAME is allowed to return a new function which is
171 ;;; "the same" except that it has the name.
173 ;;; In all cases, SET-FUN-NAME must return the new (or same)
174 ;;; function. (Unlike other functions to set stuff, it does not return
175 ;;; the new value.)
176 (defun set-fun-name (fun new-name)
177 #+sb-doc
178 "Set the name of a compiled function object. Return the function."
179 (declare (special *boot-state* *the-class-standard-generic-function*))
180 (when (valid-function-name-p fun)
181 (setq fun (fdefinition fun)))
182 (typecase fun
183 (%method-function (setf (%method-function-name fun) new-name))
184 #+sb-eval
185 (sb-eval:interpreted-function
186 (setf (sb-eval:interpreted-function-name fun) new-name))
187 (funcallable-instance ;; KLUDGE: probably a generic function...
188 (cond ((if (eq *boot-state* 'complete)
189 (typep fun 'generic-function)
190 (eq (class-of fun) *the-class-standard-generic-function*))
191 (setf (%funcallable-instance-info fun 2) new-name))
193 (bug "unanticipated function type")))))
194 ;; Fixup name-to-function mappings in cases where the function
195 ;; hasn't been defined by DEFUN. (FIXME: is this right? This logic
196 ;; comes from CMUCL). -- CSR, 2004-12-31
197 (when (and (consp new-name)
198 (member (car new-name) '(slow-method fast-method slot-accessor)))
199 (setf (fdefinition new-name) fun))
200 fun)
202 ;;; FIXME: probably no longer needed after init
203 (defmacro precompile-random-code-segments (&optional system)
204 `(progn
205 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
206 (update-dispatch-dfuns))
207 (precompile-function-generators ,system)
208 (precompile-dfun-constructors ,system)
209 (precompile-ctors)))
211 ;;; This definition is for interpreted code.
212 (defun pcl-instance-p (x)
213 (typep (layout-of x) 'wrapper))
215 ;;; CMU CL comment:
216 ;;; We define this as STANDARD-INSTANCE, since we're going to
217 ;;; clobber the layout with some standard-instance layout as soon as
218 ;;; we make it, and we want the accessor to still be type-correct.
220 (defstruct (standard-instance
221 (:predicate nil)
222 (:constructor %%allocate-instance--class ())
223 (:copier nil)
224 (:alternate-metaclass instance
225 cl:standard-class
226 make-standard-class))
227 (slots nil))
229 (!defstruct-with-alternate-metaclass standard-instance
230 :slot-names (slots hash-code)
231 :boa-constructor %make-standard-instance
232 :superclass-name t
233 :metaclass-name standard-classoid
234 :metaclass-constructor make-standard-classoid
235 :dd-type structure
236 :runtime-type-checks-p nil)
238 ;;; Both of these operations "work" on structures, which allows the above
239 ;;; weakening of STD-INSTANCE-P.
240 (defmacro std-instance-slots (x) `(%instance-ref ,x 1))
241 (defmacro std-instance-wrapper (x) `(%instance-layout ,x))
242 ;;; KLUDGE: This one doesn't "work" on structures. However, we
243 ;;; ensure, in SXHASH and friends, never to call it on structures.
244 (defmacro std-instance-hash (x) `(%instance-ref ,x 2))
246 ;;; FIXME: These functions are called every place we do a
247 ;;; CALL-NEXT-METHOD, and probably other places too. It's likely worth
248 ;;; selectively optimizing them with DEFTRANSFORMs and stuff, rather
249 ;;; than just indiscriminately expanding them inline everywhere.
250 (declaim (inline get-slots get-slots-or-nil))
251 (declaim (ftype (function (t) simple-vector) get-slots))
252 (declaim (ftype (function (t) (or simple-vector null)) get-slots-or-nil))
253 (defun get-slots (instance)
254 (if (std-instance-p instance)
255 (std-instance-slots instance)
256 (fsc-instance-slots instance)))
257 (defun get-slots-or-nil (instance)
258 ;; Suppress a code-deletion note. FIXME: doing the FIXME above,
259 ;; integrating PCL more with the compiler, would remove the need for
260 ;; this icky stuff.
261 (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
262 (when (pcl-instance-p instance)
263 (get-slots instance)))
265 (defmacro get-wrapper (inst)
266 (once-only ((wrapper `(wrapper-of ,inst)))
267 `(progn
268 (aver (typep ,wrapper 'wrapper))
269 ,wrapper)))
271 ;;; FIXME: could be an inline function or ordinary function (like many
272 ;;; other things around here)
273 (defmacro get-instance-wrapper-or-nil (inst)
274 (once-only ((wrapper `(wrapper-of ,inst)))
275 `(if (typep ,wrapper 'wrapper)
276 ,wrapper
277 nil)))
279 ;;;; support for useful hashing of PCL instances
281 (defvar *instance-hash-code-random-state* (make-random-state))
282 (defun get-instance-hash-code ()
283 ;; ANSI SXHASH wants us to make a good-faith effort to produce
284 ;; hash-codes that are well distributed within the range of
285 ;; non-negative fixnums, and this RANDOM operation does that, unlike
286 ;; the sbcl<=0.8.16 implementation of this operation as
287 ;; (INCF COUNTER).
289 ;; Hopefully there was no virtue to the old counter implementation
290 ;; that I am insufficiently insightful to insee. -- WHN 2004-10-28
291 (random most-positive-fixnum
292 *instance-hash-code-random-state*))
294 (defun sb-impl::sxhash-instance (x)
295 (cond
296 ((std-instance-p x) (std-instance-hash x))
297 ((fsc-instance-p x) (fsc-instance-hash x))
298 (t (bug "SXHASH-INSTANCE called on some weird thing: ~S" x))))
300 ;;;; structure-instance stuff
301 ;;;;
302 ;;;; FIXME: Now that the code is SBCL-only, this extra layer of
303 ;;;; abstraction around our native structure representation doesn't
304 ;;;; seem to add anything useful, and could probably go away.
306 ;;; The definition of STRUCTURE-TYPE-P was moved to early-low.lisp.
308 (defun structure-type-included-type-name (type)
309 (let ((include (dd-include (find-defstruct-description type))))
310 (if (consp include)
311 (car include)
312 include)))
314 (defun structure-type-slot-description-list (type)
315 (nthcdr (length (let ((include (structure-type-included-type-name type)))
316 (and include
317 (dd-slots (find-defstruct-description include)))))
318 (dd-slots (find-defstruct-description type))))
320 (defun structure-slotd-name (slotd)
321 (dsd-name slotd))
323 (defun structure-slotd-accessor-symbol (slotd)
324 (dsd-accessor-name slotd))
326 (defun structure-slotd-reader-function (slotd)
327 (fdefinition (dsd-accessor-name slotd)))
329 (defun structure-slotd-writer-function (type slotd)
330 (if (dsd-read-only slotd)
331 (let ((dd (find-defstruct-description type)))
332 (coerce (slot-setter-lambda-form dd slotd) 'function))
333 (fdefinition `(setf ,(dsd-accessor-name slotd)))))
335 (defun structure-slotd-type (slotd)
336 (dsd-type slotd))
338 (defun structure-slotd-init-form (slotd)
339 (dsd-default slotd))
341 ;;; method function stuff.
343 ;;; PCL historically included a so-called method-fast-function, which
344 ;;; is essentially a method function but with (a) a precomputed
345 ;;; continuation for CALL-NEXT-METHOD and (b) a permutation vector for
346 ;;; slot access. [ FIXME: see if we can understand these two
347 ;;; optimizations before commit. ] However, the presence of the
348 ;;; fast-function meant that we violated AMOP and the effect of the
349 ;;; :FUNCTION initarg, and furthermore got to potentially confusing
350 ;;; situations where the function and the fast-function got out of
351 ;;; sync, so that calling (method-function method) with the defined
352 ;;; protocol would do different things from (call-method method) in
353 ;;; method combination.
355 ;;; So we define this internal method function structure, which we use
356 ;;; when we create a method function ourselves. This means that we
357 ;;; can hang the various bits of information that we want off the
358 ;;; method function itself, and also that if a user overrides method
359 ;;; function creation there is no danger of having the system get
360 ;;; confused.
361 (!defstruct-with-alternate-metaclass %method-function
362 :slot-names (fast-function name)
363 :boa-constructor %make-method-function
364 :superclass-name function
365 :metaclass-name static-classoid
366 :metaclass-constructor make-static-classoid
367 :dd-type funcallable-structure)
369 ;;; WITH-PCL-LOCK is used around some forms that were previously
370 ;;; protected by WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS, but in a threaded SBCL we don't
371 ;;; have a useful WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS. In an unthreaded SBCL I'm not
372 ;;; sure what the desired effect is anyway: should we be protecting
373 ;;; against the possibility of recursive calls into these functions
377 ;;; it's not all certain this is sufficent for threadsafety: do we
378 ;;; just have to protect against simultaneous calls to these mutators,
379 ;;; or actually to stop normal slot access etc at the same time as one
380 ;;; of them runs
382 #+sb-thread
383 (progn
384 (defvar *pcl-lock* (sb-thread::make-spinlock :name "PCL lock"))
386 (defmacro with-pcl-lock (&body body)
387 `(sb-thread::with-spinlock (*pcl-lock*)
388 ,@body)))
390 #-sb-thread
391 (defmacro with-pcl-lock (&body body)
392 `(progn ,@body))