Fix a docstring typo.
[sbcl.git] / tests / seq.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to sequences
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (in-package :cl-user)
16 ;;; As reported by Paul Dietz from his ansi-test suite for gcl, REMOVE
17 ;;; malfunctioned when given :START, :END and :FROM-END arguments.
18 ;;; Make sure it doesn't happen again.
19 (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
20 (x (copy-seq orig))
21 (y (remove 3 x :from-end t :start 1 :end 5))
22 (z (remove 2 x :from-end t :start 1 :end 5)))
23 (assert (equalp orig x))
24 (assert (equalp y '(1 2 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7)))
25 (assert (equalp z '(1 3 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))))
27 ;;; Similarly, NSUBSTITUTE and friends were getting things wrong with
28 ;;; :START, :END and :FROM-END:
29 (assert
30 (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
31 (loop for j from i to 10 always
32 (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
33 (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
34 (x (copy-seq orig))
35 (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
36 (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
37 (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
38 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c))
39 :initial-element 'a))))))))
41 (assert
42 (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
43 (loop for j from i to 10 always
44 (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
45 (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
46 (x (copy-seq orig))
47 (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (lambda (x) (eq x 'a)) x
48 :start i :end j
49 :count c :from-end t)))
50 (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
51 (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
52 (make-list (- 10 j)
53 :initial-element 'a))))))))
54 (assert
55 (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
56 (loop for j from i to 10 always
57 (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
58 (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
59 (x (copy-seq orig))
60 (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (lambda (x)
61 (not (eq x 'a))) x
62 :start i :end j
63 :count c :from-end t)))
64 (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
65 (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
66 (make-list (- 10 j)
67 :initial-element 'a))))))))
69 ;;; And equally similarly, REMOVE-DUPLICATES misbehaved when given
70 ;;; :START arguments:
72 (let ((orig (list 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2)))
73 (assert (equalp (remove-duplicates orig :start 3 :end 9) '(0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2)))
74 (assert (equalp (delete-duplicates orig :start 3 :end 9) '(0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2))))
76 ;;; tests of COUNT
77 (assert (= 1 (count 1 '(1 2 3))))
78 (assert (= 2 (count 'z #(z 1 2 3 z))))
79 (assert (= 0 (count 'y '(z 1 2 3 z))))
81 ;;; tests of COUNT-IF and COUNT-IF-NOT
82 (macrolet (;; the guts of CCI, abstracted over whether we're testing
84 (%cci (expected count-if test sequence-as-list &rest keys)
85 `(let* ((list ',sequence-as-list)
86 (simple-vector (coerce list 'simple-vector))
87 (length (length list))
88 (vector (make-array (* 2 length) :fill-pointer length)))
89 (replace vector list :end1 length)
90 (dolist (seq (list list simple-vector vector))
91 (assert (= ,expected (,count-if ,test seq ,@keys))))))
92 ;; "Check COUNT-IF"
93 (cci (expected test sequence-as-list &rest keys)
94 `(progn
95 (format t "~&SEQUENCE-AS-LIST=~S~%" ',sequence-as-list)
96 (%cci ,expected
97 count-if
98 ,test
99 ,sequence-as-list
100 ,@keys)
101 (%cci ,expected
102 count-if-not
103 (complement ,test)
104 ,sequence-as-list
105 ,@keys))))
106 (cci 1 #'consp (1 (12) 1))
107 (cci 3 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6))
108 (cci 3 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :from-end t)
109 (cci 2 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2)
110 (cci 0 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2 :end 3)
111 (cci 1 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 1 :end 3)
112 (cci 1 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 1 :end 2)
113 (cci 0 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2 :end 2)
114 (cci 2 #'zerop (0 10 0 11 12))
115 (cci 1 #'zerop (0 10 0 11 12) :start 1)
116 (cci 2 #'minusp (0 10 0 11 12) :key #'1-)
117 (cci 1 #'minusp (0 10 0 11 12) :key #'1- :end 2))
118 (multiple-value-bind (v e)
119 (ignore-errors (count-if #'zerop '(0 a 0 b c) :start 1))
120 (declare (ignore v))
121 (assert (eql (type-error-datum e) 'a)))
122 (multiple-value-bind (v e)
123 (ignore-errors (count-if #'zerop #(0 a 0 b c) :start 1 :from-end 11))
124 (declare (ignore v))
125 (assert (eql (type-error-datum e) 'c)))
127 ;;; :COUNT may be negative and BIGNUM
128 (assert (equal (remove 1 '(1 2 3 1) :count 1) '(2 3 1)))
129 (assert (equal (remove 1 '(1 2 3 1) :count (* 2 most-positive-fixnum)) '(2 3)))
130 (assert (equal (remove 1 '(1 2 3 1) :count (* -2 most-positive-fixnum)) '(1 2 3 1)))
132 ;;; bug reported by Wolfgang Jenkner on sbcl-devel 2003-01-04:
133 ;;; embedded calls of SORT do not work
134 (assert (equal (sort (list 0 0 0) (lambda (x y) (sort (list 0 0 0) #'<) nil))
135 '(0 0 0)))
136 (assert (equal (sort (list 0 0 0 0 0)
137 (lambda (x y)
138 (declare (ignore x y))
139 (block compare
140 (sort (make-list 11 :initial-element 1)
141 (let ((counter 7))
142 (lambda (x y)
143 (declare (ignore x y))
144 (when (= (decf counter) 0)
145 (return-from compare nil))
146 t))))))
147 '(0 0 0 0 0)))
149 ;;; miscellaneous sanity checks on stuff which could've been broken by
150 ;;; changes in MERGE-LIST* in sbcl-0.7.11.*
151 (assert (equal (merge 'list () () '<) ()))
152 (assert (equal (merge 'list () (list 1) #'< :key 'identity) '(1)))
153 (assert (equal (merge 'list (list 2) () '>) '(2)))
154 (assert (equal (merge 'list (list 1 2 4) (list 2 3 7) '<) '(1 2 2 3 4 7)))
155 (assert (equal (merge 'list (list 1 2 4) (list -2 3 7) #'<) '(-2 1 2 3 4 7)))
156 (assert (equal (merge 'list (list 1 2 4) (vector -2 3 7) '< :key 'abs)
157 '(1 2 -2 3 4 7)))
158 (assert (equal (merge 'list (list 1 -2 4) (list -2 3 7) '< :key #'abs)
159 '(1 -2 -2 3 4 7)))
160 (assert (equal (stable-sort (list 1 10 2 12 13 3) '<) '(1 2 3 10 12 13)))
161 (assert (equal (stable-sort (list 1 10 2 12 13 3) #'< :key '-)
162 '(13 12 10 3 2 1)))
163 (assert (equal (stable-sort (list 1 10 2 12 13 3) '> :key #'-)
164 '(1 2 3 10 12 13)))
165 (assert (equal (stable-sort (list 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1) '< :key 'abs)
166 '(1 -1 2 -2 3 -3)))
168 ;;; CSR broke FILL by not returning the sequence argument in a transform.
169 (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "abcde"))
170 (s2 (fill s1 #\z)))
171 (assert s2)
172 (assert (string= s2 "zzzzz")))
174 ;;; POSITION on displaced arrays with non-zero offset has been broken
175 ;;; for quite a while...
176 (let ((fn (compile nil '(lambda (x) (position x)))))
177 (let* ((x #(1 2 3))
178 (y (make-array 2 :displaced-to x :displaced-index-offset 1)))
179 (assert (= (position 2 y) 0))))
181 ;;; (SIMPLE-STRING) is a legal type specifier for creation functions
182 (let ((a (make-sequence '(simple-string) 5))
183 (b (concatenate '(simple-string) "a" "bdec"))
184 (c (map '(simple-string) 'identity "abcde"))
185 (d (merge '(simple-string) (copy-seq "acd") (copy-seq "be") 'char>))
186 (e (coerce '(#\a #\b #\c #\e #\d) '(simple-string))))
187 (assert (= (length a) 5))
188 (assert (string= b "abdec"))
189 (assert (string= c "abcde"))
190 (assert (string= d "beacd"))
191 (assert (string= e "abced")))
193 ;;; COPY-SEQ "should be prepared to signal an error if sequence is not
194 ;;; a proper sequence".
195 (locally (declare (optimize safety))
196 (multiple-value-bind (seq err) (ignore-errors (copy-seq '(1 2 3 . 4)))
197 (assert (not seq))
198 (assert (typep err 'type-error))))
200 ;;; UBX-BASH-COPY transform had an inconsistent return type
201 (let ((sb-c::*check-consistency* t))
202 (handler-bind ((warning #'error))
203 (compile nil
204 '(lambda (l)
205 (declare (type fixnum l))
206 (let* ((bsize 128)
207 (b1 (make-array bsize :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
208 (b2 (make-array l :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
209 (replace b1 b2 :start2 0 :end2 l))))))
211 (with-test (:name :bug-452008)
212 ;; FIND & POSITION on lists should check bounds and (in safe code) detect
213 ;; circular and dotted lists.
214 (dolist (policy '(((speed 3) (safety 2)) ; transformed and safe
215 ((speed 3) (safety 1)) ; transformed and unsafe
216 ((speed 0) (safety 0)))) ; untransformed - safe regardless
217 (flet ((test (type expr)
218 (let ((lambda `(lambda () (declare (optimize ,@policy)) ,expr)))
219 #+nil(let ((*print-circle* t)) (format t "~&test: ~S~%" lambda))
220 (let ((got (handler-case (funcall (compile nil lambda))
221 (error (e) (if (typep e type) :error :lose))
222 (:no-error (res) (list :no-error res)))))
223 (unless (eq :error got)
224 (error "wanted an error, got ~S~%" got))))))
225 (test 'sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error
226 '(find :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 1 :end 5 :from-end t))
227 (test 'sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error
228 '(position :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 1 :end 5 :from-end t))
229 (test 'sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error
230 '(find :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 3 :end 0 :from-end t))
231 (test 'sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error
232 '(position :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 3 :end 0 :from-end t))
233 (unless (equal policy '((speed 3) (safety 1)))
234 (test 'type-error
235 '(let ((list (list 1 2 3 :foo)))
236 (find :bar (nconc list list))))
237 (test 'type-error
238 '(let ((list (list 1 2 3 :foo)))
239 (position :bar (nconc list list))))))))
241 (with-test (:name :bug-554385)
242 ;; FIND-IF shouldn't look through the entire list.
243 (assert (= 2 (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :foo))))
244 ;; Even though the end bounds are incorrect, the
245 ;; element is found before that's an issue.
246 (assert (eq :foo (find :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 1 :end 5)))
247 (assert (= 3 (position :foo '(1 2 3 :foo) :start 1 :end 5))))
249 (with-test (:name (:search :empty-seq))
250 (assert (eql 0
251 (funcall (compile nil
252 `(lambda (x)
253 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
254 (search x #())))
255 #())))
256 (assert (eql 0
257 (funcall (compile nil
258 `(lambda (x)
259 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
260 (search x #(t t t))))
261 #())))
262 (assert (eql 0
263 (funcall (compile nil
264 `(lambda (x)
265 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
266 (search x #(t t t) :end1 0)))
267 #(t t t))))
268 (assert (eql 0
269 (funcall (compile nil
270 `(lambda (x)
271 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
272 (search x #(t t t) :key nil)))
273 #())))
274 (assert (eql 0
275 (funcall (compile nil
276 `(lambda (x k)
277 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
278 (search x #(t t t) :key k)))
279 #() nil)))
280 (assert (eq :ok
281 (handler-case
282 (funcall (compile nil
283 `(lambda (x)
284 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (simple-vector x))
285 (search x #(t t t) :start2 1 :end2 0 :end1 0)))
286 #(t t t))
287 (sb-kernel:bounding-indices-bad-error ()
288 :ok))))
289 (assert (eql 1
290 (funcall (lambda ()
291 (declare (optimize speed))
292 (search #() #(1 1) :start2 1 :end2 1)))))
293 (assert (eql 2
294 (funcall (lambda ()
295 (declare (optimize speed))
296 (search #(1) #(1 1) :start1 1 :start2 2)))))
297 (assert (eql 2
298 (funcall (lambda ()
299 (declare (optimize speed))
300 (search #() #(1 1) :from-end t))))))
302 (with-test (:name :sort-smoke-test)
303 (flet ((iota (n type &aux (i 0))
304 (map-into (make-sequence type n)
305 (lambda ()
306 (incf i))))
307 (shuffle (n type)
308 (let ((vector (let ((i 0))
309 (map-into (make-array n)
310 (lambda ()
311 (incf i))))))
312 (dotimes (i n (coerce vector type))
313 (let ((j (+ i (random (- n i)))))
314 (rotatef (aref vector i) (aref vector j))))))
315 (sortedp (x)
316 (let* ((nonce (list nil))
317 (prev nonce))
318 (every (lambda (x)
319 (prog1 (or (eql prev nonce)
320 (< prev x))
321 (setf prev x)))
322 x))))
323 (dolist (type '(simple-vector list))
324 (dolist (size '(7 8 9 13 1023 1024 1025 1536))
325 (loop for repeat below 5 do
326 (assert (sortedp
327 (sort (funcall (case repeat
328 (0 #'iota)
329 (1 (lambda (n type)
330 (reverse (iota n type))))
331 (t #'shuffle))
332 size type)
333 #'<))))))))
335 (with-test (:name :stable-sort-smoke-test)
336 (flet ((iota (n type &aux (i 0))
337 (map-into (make-sequence type n)
338 (lambda ()
339 (cons 0 (incf i)))))
340 (shuffle (n type)
341 (let ((max (truncate (expt n 1/4)))
342 (i 0))
343 (map-into (make-sequence type n)
344 (lambda ()
345 (cons (random max) (incf i))))))
346 (sortedp (x)
347 (let* ((nonce (list nil))
348 (prev nonce))
349 (every (lambda (x)
350 (prog1 (or (eql prev nonce)
351 (< (car prev) (car x))
352 (and (= (car prev) (car x))
353 (< (cdr prev) (cdr x))))
354 (setf prev x)))
355 x))))
356 (dolist (type '(simple-vector list))
357 (dolist (size '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
358 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
359 1023 1024 1025 1536))
360 (loop for repeat below 5 do
361 (assert
362 (sortedp
363 (stable-sort (funcall (case repeat
364 (0 #'iota)
365 (t #'shuffle))
366 size type)
367 #'< :key #'car))))))))
369 (with-test (:name :&more-elt-index-too-large)
370 (assert-error (funcall
371 (compile nil '(lambda (&rest args)
372 (declare (optimize safety))
373 (elt args 0))))
374 sb-kernel:index-too-large-error))
376 (with-test (:name :do-sequence-on-literals)
377 (assert (= (sequence:dosequence (e #(1 2 3)) (return e))
378 1)))
380 (with-test (:name :search-transform-notes)
381 (assert-no-signal
382 (compile nil `(lambda (s)
383 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
384 (type simple-string s))
385 (search "foo" s)))
386 sb-ext:compiler-note))
388 (with-test (:name :concatenate-two-constants)
389 (assert (equal (funcall
390 (lambda () (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
391 (concatenate 'string "a" "b")))
392 "ab")))
394 (with-test (:name :bug-330299-make-sequence-transform)
395 ;; test case from bug report.
396 ;; erroneous situation is caught by MAKE-ARRAY
397 (assert-signal
398 (compile nil
399 '(lambda (size)
400 (make-sequence 'bit-vector size :initial-element #\0))))
401 ;; This is transformed, but MAKE-ARRAY does *not* consider it a problem
402 ;; since #\x is in the upgraded array type. That's too bad, because
403 ;; it's still poor style.
404 #+nil
405 (assert-signal
406 (compile nil
407 '(lambda (size)
408 (make-sequence '(member #\a #\b) size :initial-element #\x))))
409 ;; additional tests where the transform gives up but warns
410 (assert-signal
411 (compile nil
412 '(lambda (n)
413 (make-sequence '(vector (integer 1 15) 5) n
414 :initial-element #\x))))
415 (assert-signal
416 (compile nil
417 '(lambda (n)
418 (make-sequence '(vector (integer 1 15) 5) n)))))
420 ;; Precisely type-check result of full call to MAP.
421 (with-test (:name :notinlined-map-maximally-safe)
422 (assert-error
423 (locally (declare (notinline map)) (map '(cons symbol) '+ '(1 2) '(3 4)))
424 type-error)
425 (assert-error
426 (locally (declare (notinline map))
427 (map '(cons t (cons t null)) '+ '(1 2 3) '(10 10 10)))
428 type-error))