.PV-CELL., use .PV. directly
[sbcl.git] / src / code / coerce.lisp
1 ;;;; COERCE and related code
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
14 (macrolet ((def (name result access src-type &optional typep)
15 `(defun ,name (object ,@(if typep '(type) ()))
16 (do* ((index 0 (1+ index))
17 (length (length (the ,(ecase src-type
18 (:list 'list)
19 (:vector 'vector)
20 (:sequence 'sequence))
21 object)))
22 (result ,result)
23 (in-object object))
24 ((= index length) result)
25 (declare (fixnum length index))
26 (setf (,access result index)
27 ,(ecase src-type
28 (:list '(pop in-object))
29 (:vector '(aref in-object index))
30 (:sequence '(elt in-object index))))))))
32 (def list-to-vector* (make-sequence type length)
33 aref :list t)
35 (def vector-to-vector* (make-sequence type length)
36 aref :vector t)
38 (def sequence-to-vector* (make-sequence type length)
39 aref :sequence t))
41 (defun vector-to-list* (object)
42 (let ((result (list nil))
43 (length (length object)))
44 (declare (fixnum length))
45 (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
46 (splice result (cdr splice)))
47 ((= index length) (cdr result))
48 (declare (fixnum index))
49 (rplacd splice (list (aref object index))))))
51 (defvar *offending-datum*); FIXME: Remove after debugging COERCE.
53 ;;; These are used both by the full DEFUN function and by various
54 ;;; optimization transforms in the constant-OUTPUT-TYPE-SPEC case.
55 ;;;
56 ;;; Most of them are INLINE so that they can be optimized when the
57 ;;; argument type is known. It might be better to do this with
58 ;;; DEFTRANSFORMs, though.
59 (declaim (inline coerce-to-list))
60 (declaim (inline coerce-to-vector))
61 (defun coerce-to-fun (object)
62 ;; (Unlike the other COERCE-TO-FOOs, this one isn't inline, because
63 ;; it's so big and because optimizing away the outer ETYPECASE
64 ;; doesn't seem to buy us that much anyway.)
65 (etypecase object
66 (symbol
67 ;; ANSI lets us return ordinary errors (non-TYPE-ERRORs) here.
68 (cond ((macro-function object)
69 (error "~S names a macro." object))
70 ((special-operator-p object)
71 (error "~S is a special operator." object))
72 (t (fdefinition object))))
73 (list
74 (case (first object)
75 ((setf)
76 (fdefinition object))
77 ((lambda)
78 ;; FIXME: If we go to a compiler-only implementation, this can
79 ;; become COMPILE instead of EVAL, which seems nicer to me.
80 (eval `(function ,object)))
81 ((instance-lambda)
82 (deprecation-warning 'instance-lambda 'lambda)
83 (eval `(function ,object)))
85 (error 'simple-type-error
86 :datum object
87 :expected-type '(or symbol
88 ;; KLUDGE: ANSI wants us to
89 ;; return a TYPE-ERROR here, and
90 ;; a TYPE-ERROR is supposed to
91 ;; describe the expected type,
92 ;; but it's not obvious how to
93 ;; describe the coerceable cons
94 ;; types, so we punt and just say
95 ;; CONS. -- WHN 20000503
96 cons)
97 :format-control "~S can't be coerced to a function."
98 :format-arguments (list object)))))))
100 (defun coerce-to-list (object)
101 (etypecase object
102 (vector (vector-to-list* object))))
104 (defun coerce-to-vector (object output-type-spec)
105 (etypecase object
106 (list (list-to-vector* object output-type-spec))
107 (vector (vector-to-vector* object output-type-spec))))
109 ;;; old working version
110 (defun coerce (object output-type-spec)
111 #!+sb-doc
112 "Coerce the Object to an object of type Output-Type-Spec."
113 (flet ((coerce-error ()
114 (/show0 "entering COERCE-ERROR")
115 (error 'simple-type-error
116 :format-control "~S can't be converted to type ~S."
117 :format-arguments (list object output-type-spec)
118 :datum object
119 :expected-type output-type-spec)))
120 (let ((type (specifier-type output-type-spec)))
121 (cond
122 ((%typep object output-type-spec)
123 object)
124 ((eq type *empty-type*)
125 (coerce-error))
126 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'character))
127 (character object))
128 ((numberp object)
129 (cond
130 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'single-float))
131 (let ((res (%single-float object)))
132 (unless (typep res output-type-spec)
133 (coerce-error))
134 res))
135 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'double-float))
136 (let ((res (%double-float object)))
137 (unless (typep res output-type-spec)
138 (coerce-error))
139 res))
140 #!+long-float
141 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'long-float))
142 (let ((res (%long-float object)))
143 (unless (typep res output-type-spec)
144 (coerce-error))
145 res))
146 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'float))
147 (let ((res (%single-float object)))
148 (unless (typep res output-type-spec)
149 (coerce-error))
150 res))
152 (let ((res
153 (cond
154 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex single-float)))
155 (complex (%single-float (realpart object))
156 (%single-float (imagpart object))))
157 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex double-float)))
158 (complex (%double-float (realpart object))
159 (%double-float (imagpart object))))
160 #!+long-float
161 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex long-float)))
162 (complex (%long-float (realpart object))
163 (%long-float (imagpart object))))
164 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex float)))
165 (complex (%single-float (realpart object))
166 (%single-float (imagpart object))))
167 ((and (typep object 'rational)
168 (csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex float))))
169 ;; Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, ANSI specifies
170 ;; that (COERCE FOO 'FLOAT) is a SINGLE-FLOAT,
171 ;; not dispatching on
172 ;; *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT*. By analogy, we
173 ;; do the same for complex numbers. -- CSR,
174 ;; 2002-08-06
175 (complex (%single-float object)))
176 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'complex))
177 (complex object))
179 (coerce-error)))))
180 ;; If RES has the wrong type, that means that rule of
181 ;; canonical representation for complex rationals was
182 ;; invoked. According to the Hyperspec, (coerce 7/2
183 ;; 'complex) returns 7/2. Thus, if the object was a
184 ;; rational, there is no error here.
185 (unless (or (typep res output-type-spec)
186 (rationalp object))
187 (coerce-error))
188 res))))
189 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'list))
190 (if (vectorp object)
191 (cond
192 ((type= type (specifier-type 'list))
193 (vector-to-list* object))
194 ((type= type (specifier-type 'null))
195 (if (= (length object) 0)
196 'nil
197 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type
198 (length object))))
199 ((cons-type-p type)
200 (multiple-value-bind (min exactp)
201 (sb!kernel::cons-type-length-info type)
202 (let ((length (length object)))
203 (if exactp
204 (unless (= length min)
205 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type length))
206 (unless (>= length min)
207 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type length)))
208 (vector-to-list* object))))
209 (t (sequence-type-too-hairy (type-specifier type))))
210 (if (sequencep object)
211 (cond
212 ((type= type (specifier-type 'list))
213 (sb!sequence:make-sequence-like
214 nil (length object) :initial-contents object))
215 ((type= type (specifier-type 'null))
216 (if (= (length object) 0)
217 'nil
218 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type
219 (length object))))
220 ((cons-type-p type)
221 (multiple-value-bind (min exactp)
222 (sb!kernel::cons-type-length-info type)
223 (let ((length (length object)))
224 (if exactp
225 (unless (= length min)
226 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type length))
227 (unless (>= length min)
228 (sequence-type-length-mismatch-error type length)))
229 (sb!sequence:make-sequence-like
230 nil length :initial-contents object))))
231 (t (sequence-type-too-hairy (type-specifier type))))
232 (coerce-error))))
233 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'vector))
234 (typecase object
235 ;; FOO-TO-VECTOR* go through MAKE-SEQUENCE, so length
236 ;; errors are caught there. -- CSR, 2002-10-18
237 (list (list-to-vector* object output-type-spec))
238 (vector (vector-to-vector* object output-type-spec))
239 (sequence (sequence-to-vector* object output-type-spec))
241 (coerce-error))))
242 ((and (csubtypep type (specifier-type 'sequence))
243 (find-class output-type-spec nil))
244 (let ((class (find-class output-type-spec)))
245 (sb!sequence:make-sequence-like
246 (sb!mop:class-prototype class)
247 (length object) :initial-contents object)))
248 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'function))
249 (when (and (legal-fun-name-p object)
250 (not (fboundp object)))
251 (error 'simple-type-error
252 :datum object
253 ;; FIXME: SATISFIES FBOUNDP is a kinda bizarre broken
254 ;; type specifier, since the set of values it describes
255 ;; isn't in general constant in time. Maybe we could
256 ;; find a better way of expressing this error? (Maybe
257 ;; with the UNDEFINED-FUNCTION condition?)
258 :expected-type '(satisfies fboundp)
259 :format-control "~S isn't fbound."
260 :format-arguments (list object)))
261 (when (and (symbolp object)
262 (sb!xc:macro-function object))
263 (error 'simple-type-error
264 :datum object
265 :expected-type '(not (satisfies sb!xc:macro-function))
266 :format-control "~S is a macro."
267 :format-arguments (list object)))
268 (when (and (symbolp object)
269 (special-operator-p object))
270 (error 'simple-type-error
271 :datum object
272 :expected-type '(not (satisfies special-operator-p))
273 :format-control "~S is a special operator."
274 :format-arguments (list object)))
275 (eval `#',object))
277 (coerce-error))))))
279 ;;; new version, which seems as though it should be better, but which
280 ;;; does not yet work
281 #+nil
282 (defun coerce (object output-type-spec)
283 #!+sb-doc
284 "Coerces the Object to an object of type Output-Type-Spec."
285 (flet ((coerce-error ()
286 (error 'simple-type-error
287 :format-control "~S can't be converted to type ~S."
288 :format-arguments (list object output-type-spec)))
289 (check-result (result)
290 #!+high-security (aver (typep result output-type-spec))
291 result))
292 (let ((type (specifier-type output-type-spec)))
293 (cond
294 ((%typep object output-type-spec)
295 object)
296 ((eq type *empty-type*)
297 (coerce-error))
298 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'character))
299 (character object))
300 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'function))
301 (coerce-to-fun object))
302 ((numberp object)
303 (let ((res
304 (cond
305 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'single-float))
306 (%single-float object))
307 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'double-float))
308 (%double-float object))
309 #!+long-float
310 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'long-float))
311 (%long-float object))
312 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'float))
313 (%single-float object))
314 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex single-float)))
315 (complex (%single-float (realpart object))
316 (%single-float (imagpart object))))
317 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex double-float)))
318 (complex (%double-float (realpart object))
319 (%double-float (imagpart object))))
320 #!+long-float
321 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type '(complex long-float)))
322 (complex (%long-float (realpart object))
323 (%long-float (imagpart object))))
324 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'complex))
325 (complex object))
327 (coerce-error)))))
328 ;; If RES has the wrong type, that means that rule of
329 ;; canonical representation for complex rationals was
330 ;; invoked. According to the ANSI spec, (COERCE 7/2
331 ;; 'COMPLEX) returns 7/2. Thus, if the object was a
332 ;; rational, there is no error here.
333 (unless (or (typep res output-type-spec) (rationalp object))
334 (coerce-error))
335 res))
336 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'list))
337 (coerce-to-list object))
338 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'string))
339 (check-result (coerce-to-simple-string object)))
340 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'bit-vector))
341 (check-result (coerce-to-bit-vector object)))
342 ((csubtypep type (specifier-type 'vector))
343 (check-result (coerce-to-vector object output-type-spec)))
345 (coerce-error))))))