[sbcl.git] / src / code / cross-misc.lisp
1 ;;;; cross-compile-time-only replacements for miscellaneous unportable
2 ;;;; stuff
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
15 ;;; Forward declarations
17 (declaim (ftype (function (t &rest t) nil) sb!c::compiler-error)
18 (ftype (function (t &rest t) (values &optional))
19 sb!c::compiler-warn sb!c::compiler-style-warn)
20 (ftype function
21 bad-type
22 parse-body
23 sane-package
24 style-warn)
25 (ftype function
26 sb!fasl::allocate-struct
27 sb!fasl::target-push
28 sb!fasl::cold-cons
29 sb!fasl::cold-intern
30 sb!fasl::cold-svset
31 sb!fasl::cold-symbol-value
32 sb!fasl::write-slots))
34 ;;; In correct code, TRULY-THE has only a performance impact and can
35 ;;; be safely degraded to ordinary THE.
36 (defmacro truly-the (type expr)
37 `(the ,type ,expr))
39 (defmacro named-lambda (name args &body body)
40 (declare (ignore name))
41 `#'(lambda ,args ,@body))
43 ;;; Interrupt control isn't an issue in the cross-compiler: we don't
44 ;;; use address-dependent (and thus GC-dependent) hashes, and we only
45 ;;; have a single thread of control.
46 (defmacro without-interrupts (&rest forms)
47 `(macrolet ((allow-with-interrupts (&body body)
48 `(progn ,@body))
49 (with-local-interrupts (&body body)
50 `(progn ,@body)))
51 ,@forms))
53 (defmacro with-locked-hash-table ((table) &body body)
54 (declare (ignore table))
55 `(progn ,@body))
57 (defmacro with-locked-system-table ((table) &body body)
58 (declare (ignore table))
59 `(progn ,@body))
61 (defmacro defglobal (name value &rest doc)
62 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
63 (defparameter ,name
64 (if (boundp ',name)
65 (symbol-value ',name)
66 ,value)
67 ,@doc)))
69 ;;; The GENESIS function works with fasl code which would, in the
70 ;;; target SBCL, work on ANSI-STREAMs (streams which aren't extended
71 ;;; Gray streams). In ANSI Common Lisp, an ANSI-STREAM is just a
72 ;;; CL:STREAM.
73 (deftype ansi-stream () 'stream)
75 (deftype instance ()
76 '(or condition structure-object standard-object))
77 (deftype funcallable-instance ()
78 (error "not clear how to represent FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE type"))
80 ;;; In the target SBCL, the INSTANCE type refers to a base
81 ;;; implementation for compound types with lowtag
82 ;;; INSTANCE-POINTER-LOWTAG. There's no way to express exactly that
83 ;;; concept portably, but we can get essentially the same effect by
84 ;;; testing for any of the standard types which would, in the target
85 ;;; SBCL, be derived from INSTANCE:
86 (defun %instancep (x)
87 (typep x '(or condition structure-object standard-object)))
89 ;;; There aren't any FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCEs in the cross-compilation
90 ;;; host Common Lisp.
91 (defun funcallable-instance-p (x)
92 (if (typep x 'generic-function)
93 ;; In the target SBCL, FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCEs are used to implement
94 ;; generic functions, so any case which tests for this might in
95 ;; fact be trying to test for generic functions. My (WHN 19990313)
96 ;; expectation is that this case won't arise in the
97 ;; cross-compiler, but if it does, it deserves a little thought,
98 ;; rather than reflexively returning NIL.
99 (error "not clear how to handle GENERIC-FUNCTION")
100 nil))
102 ;;; This seems to be the portable Common Lisp type test which
103 ;;; corresponds to the effect of the target SBCL implementation test...
104 (defun array-header-p (x)
105 (and (typep x 'array)
106 (or (not (typep x 'simple-array))
107 (/= (array-rank x) 1))))
109 (defvar sb!xc:*gensym-counter* 0)
111 (defun sb!xc:gensym (&optional (thing "G"))
112 (declare (type string thing))
113 (let ((n sb!xc:*gensym-counter*))
114 (prog1
115 (make-symbol (concatenate 'string thing (write-to-string n :base 10 :radix nil :pretty nil)))
116 (incf sb!xc:*gensym-counter*))))
118 ;;; These functions are needed for constant-folding.
119 (defun simple-array-nil-p (object)
120 (when (typep object 'array)
121 (assert (not (eq (array-element-type object) nil))))
122 nil)
124 (defun %negate (number)
125 (- number))
127 (defun %single-float (number)
128 (coerce number 'single-float))
130 (defun %double-float (number)
131 (coerce number 'double-float))
133 (defun %ldb (size posn integer)
134 (ldb (byte size posn) integer))
136 (defun %dpb (newbyte size posn integer)
137 (dpb newbyte (byte size posn) integer))
139 (defun %with-array-data (array start end)
140 (assert (typep array '(simple-array * (*))))
141 (values array start end 0))
143 (defun %with-array-data/fp (array start end)
144 (assert (typep array '(simple-array * (*))))
145 (values array start end 0))
147 (defun signed-byte-32-p (number)
148 (typep number '(signed-byte 32)))
150 ;;; package locking nops for the cross-compiler
152 (defmacro without-package-locks (&body body)
153 `(progn ,@body))
155 (defmacro with-single-package-locked-error ((&optional kind thing &rest format)
156 &body body)
157 ;; FIXME: perhaps this should touch THING to make it used?
158 (declare (ignore kind thing format))
159 `(progn ,@body))
161 (defun program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked (context symbol control)
162 (declare (ignore context control))
163 symbol)
165 (defun assert-package-unlocked (package &optional format-control
166 &rest format-arguments)
167 (declare (ignore format-control format-arguments))
168 package)
170 (defun assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked (name &optional format-control
171 &rest format-arguments)
172 (declare (ignore format-control format-arguments))
173 name)
175 (declaim (declaration enable-package-locks disable-package-locks))
177 ;;; printing structures
179 (defun default-structure-print (structure stream depth)
180 (declare (ignore depth))
181 (write structure :stream stream :circle t))