Add logo
[pysize.git] / pysize / ui / gtk /
1 import os
2 import pygtk
3 pygtk.require('2.0')
4 import gtk
5 assert gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 8)
6 import gobject
7 import pango
8 import time
10 from pysize.ui.gtk.gazpacho_loader.loader import ObjectBuilder
12 from pysize.ui.gtk.pysize_widget import PysizeWidget
13 from pysize.ui.utils import human_unit, short_string, sanitize_string
14 from pysize.core.compute_size import size_observable
15 from pysize.core import history
17 def hover_changed(main_widget, hover_node, status_bar):
18 status_bar.pop(0)
19 node = hover_node or main_widget.tree.root
20 label = human_unit(node.size) + ' | ' + node.get_fullname()
21 status_bar.push(0, label)
23 def size_observer(progress_bar):
24 now = time.time()
25 if now - size_observer.last_pulse > 0.04:
26 size_observer.last_pulse = now
27 gobject.idle_add(lambda: progress_bar.pulse())
28 size_observer.last_pulse = time.time()
30 def hide_pbar(progress_bar, visible):
31 if visible:
33 else:
34 progress_bar.hide()
36 def update_action(zoom_fit_action, main_widget):
37 # Enable if the zoom is not already 'auto' and there is a tree
38 enable = main_widget.options.min_size != 'auto' and \
39 not not main_widget.tree.root.get_fullpaths()
40 zoom_fit_action.set_sensitive(enable)
42 def update_title(window, main_widget):
43 root = main_widget.tree.root
44 window.set_title('Pysize - %s | %s' %
45 (human_unit(root.size), sanitize_string(root.get_name())))
47 def update_back_action(back_action, next_insertion_index, history):
48 back_action.set_sensitive(next_insertion_index > 1)
50 def update_forward_action(forward_action, next_insertion_index, history):
51 forward_action.set_sensitive(next_insertion_index < len(history))
53 def update_hist_menu(main_widget, hist_menu, next_insertion_index, hist_list):
54 class activator(object):
55 def __init__(self, index):
56 self.index = index
58 def activate(self, unused_menu_item):
59 main_widget.set_paths(history.go_to_history(self.index))
61 for nr, item in enumerate(hist_menu):
62 if nr > 2: # Keep 'Back' and 'Forward'
63 hist_menu.remove(item)
64 item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
66 hist_menu.add(item)
67 for nr, (paths, name) in enumerate(hist_list):
68 item = gtk.CheckMenuItem(short_string(sanitize_string(name), 100))
69 if nr + 1 == next_insertion_index:
70 item.set_active(True)
71 item.connect('activate', activator(nr).activate)
72 item.set_draw_as_radio(True)
74 hist_menu.add(item)
76 class PysizeWindow(object):
77 def __init__(self, options, args):
78 create_widget = lambda **unused_kwargs: PysizeWidget(options, args)
79 glade_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
80 '')
81 builder = ObjectBuilder(glade_filename,
82 custom = {'pysize_widget': create_widget})
84 main_widget = builder.get_widget('main_widget')
85 status_bar = builder.get_widget('status_bar')
86 main_widget.connect('hover_changed', hover_changed, status_bar)
88 progress_bar = builder.get_widget('progress_bar')
89 size_observable.add_observer(lambda: size_observer(progress_bar))
90 pbar_hider = lambda w, building: hide_pbar(progress_bar, building)
91 main_widget.connect('building-tree-state-changed', pbar_hider)
93 max_depth = builder.get_widget('max_depth')
94 spin_init = lambda w: max_depth.set_value(main_widget.options.max_depth)
95 main_widget.connect('realize', spin_init)
97 ui_manager = builder.get_widget('uimanager')
98 zoom_fit_action = ui_manager.get_action('ui/toolbar/ZoomFit')
99 action_updater = lambda w, building: update_action(zoom_fit_action, w)
100 main_widget.connect('building-tree-state-changed', action_updater)
102 # Disable actions when the tree is empty: pysize launched with no arg
103 class disabler(object):
104 def __init__(self, action):
105 self.action = action
106 def disable(self, main_widget, building):
107 sensitive = not not main_widget.tree.root.get_fullpaths()
108 self.action.set_sensitive(sensitive)
109 for name in 'ParentDirectory', 'Refresh', 'ZoomIn', 'ZoomOut':
110 action = ui_manager.get_action('ui/toolbar/' + name)
111 action_disabler = disabler(action).disable
112 main_widget.connect('building-tree-state-changed', action_disabler)
114 back_action = ui_manager.get_action('ui/toolbar/Back')
115 back_action.set_sensitive(False)
116 update_back = lambda n, h: update_back_action(back_action, n, h)
117 history.history_observable.add_observer(update_back)
119 forward_action = ui_manager.get_action('ui/toolbar/Forward')
120 forward_action.set_sensitive(False)
121 update_forw = lambda n, h: update_forward_action(forward_action, n, h)
122 history.history_observable.add_observer(update_forw)
124 hist_menu_action = ui_manager.get_action('ui/menubar/HistoryMenu')
125 hist_menu = hist_menu_action.get_proxies()[0].get_submenu()
126 upd_hist = lambda n, h: update_hist_menu(main_widget, hist_menu, n, h)
127 history.history_observable.add_observer(upd_hist)
129 toolbar = builder.get_widget('toolbar')
130 toolbar_remaining = builder.get_widget('toolbar_remaining')
131 toolbar_remaining.unparent()
132 tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
133 tool_item.add(toolbar_remaining)
134 toolbar.insert(tool_item, -1)
136 logo_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'logo.svg')
137 gtk.window_set_default_icon_from_file(logo_filename)
139 callbacks = {
140 'quit_action': lambda w: gtk.main_quit(),
141 'refresh_tree_action': lambda w: main_widget.refresh_tree(),
142 'zoom_fit_action': lambda w: main_widget.zoom_fit(),
143 'zoom_in_action': lambda w: main_widget.zoom_in(),
144 'zoom_out_action': lambda w: main_widget.zoom_out(),
145 'parent_directory_action': lambda w: main_widget.parent_directory(),
146 'open_action': lambda w:,
147 'back_action': lambda w: main_widget.set_paths(history.back()),
148 'forw_action': lambda w: main_widget.set_paths(history.forward()),
149 'max_depth_changed': main_widget.max_depth_changed
151 builder.signal_autoconnect(callbacks)
153 window = builder.get_widget('main_window')
154 title_updater = lambda w, tree: update_title(window, main_widget)
155 main_widget.connect('building-tree-state-changed', title_updater)
156 window.show_all()